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> " * "V ■
b, Google
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
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Carefully Revised
by the former
L O N j
Piiold IS» 7. iiid i>. JSio
Jl. Limit, C.mitb, J. Bri
b, Google
.,..'','' ■ FROM T HE .
SHIS Edition is' exadly copied fi-om that
I Utety printed in ^^rto at Oxford \ but the
Editor of that not having thot^ht proper
to point out ^ Alterations he hat made from
the iwmer Copies, we were advifed to mark thoie
Pa&ges in the Text thus, ' ^ and place the discarded
Readings at the bottom of the Page, as alio to
pcHnt out die Emendations made by Nfr. Tbeobaldy
Mr. fFarburton^ and Dr. TUrlbj, in Nfr. 'Theobald'^
Edition, which are ufed by this Editor. The
charges in the difpc^tion of the Lines for the
Regulation of the Metre are too numerous to
be taken particular notice of. As to the other
Emendations and Notes of Mr. Warburtm^ which
are for the moil part marked Ukewife in this Edi-
tion, we are only commi^n'd to fay thus much ;
** ^bat be d^es the PubUck wouU fuJpenJ their
** O^mon of bis Cot^eBures 'tiU they fee bevf they
** can be ft^orted: For be botds it as ridiculous to
A 3 " aiUr
c,q,z.<ib, Google
" alter the 7ext of an Author without Reafons af-
'' Jignedf as it was dijhonourahk to publijh thofe
*' Alterations without leave obtained. When he
" asks this Indulgence for himfelf if the PubHck
*' ivill give it too to the Honourable Editor^ he will
*' not complain-, as having no oljeBion why bis
■ *' too Jhould not occupy the Place tbey have ufurped,
" until tbey be Jhewn to be arbitrary, groarjdleJSy
*' mijlaken, and violating not only the Senfe of the
*• Author, but all the Rules and Canons of true
" Criticifm: Not that the Violation of ibefe Ruks
" ought to be any more ol^eEted to the Editor, than
** the Violation of the Rules of Poetry to his Au"
*' thor^ as both prof ejfedly wrote without any .'^
L, z__t,,Goog[c
T O T H E .
7^7* the Publick ii here to expeSl is a
true and correSi Edition of Shakefpear'j
'mrks cleared from the corruptions with
which tbey'have hitherto abouTtded. One
of the great jidmirers of this incomparable Author
hath made it the amufement of bis leifure hours for
marrf years pafi to look over his writings with a care-
fid eye J to note the obfcurities and abjitrdities intro-
duced into the text, and according to the beji of his
ju4^ment to refiore the genuine finfe and purity of it.
bi this he pr^xfed nothing to bimfelf but bis private
JktisfaSion in makir^ his onvn copy as perfcB as be
cmiU: but as the emendations multiplied upon his
bands t other Gentkmeti equally fond of the Author de-
_^rfi/ to fee them, and Jome "were fo kind as to give
their ajiftance by communicating their objervations
ad ce?^e&ures upon difficult pafages "which had oc-
cunxd to than. Thus by degrees the work growing
a 3 mort
vi The p. R E F A C E.
m»re cottJiderabU than ivas atjirfi expeBedy tbey viBo
had the opportunity of looking into it, too partial per-
haps in their judgment , thought it worth being made
publick; and he, who hath with difficulty yielded to
their perfuoajioniy is far from defiring to refeSl upon
the late Editors for the omiffions and defers wSicb
tbey left to befuppUed by others who Jhouldfolhw them
in the fame province. On the contrary, be thinks the
•world mifch obliged to them for the progrefs they made
in weeding out Co great a number of blunders and
mfiakes as they have done, and probably be who hatb
carried on the work might never have thought efjitcb
an undertaking if he bad not found a con/Jdera^ Part
fo done to bis bands.
From what caufes it proceeded that the works of
ibis Author in the frfi publication of them were mere
irpta-ed and abufed than perhaps any that ever pafid
the Frefsy hath been ft^cientty explained in the Pre'
face to Mr. Pope'j Edition •a>bich is here Jitbjoinedy
and there needs no more to be faid upon that JubjeB^
This onfy the Reader is dejired to bear in mind, that
as the corrt^tions are more numerous and of agroffer
kind than can well be conceived but by thoje who have
looked nearly into them ; fo in the correBing them this
rule bath been mojljrihfy obferved, n$t to give a hofe
to fancy, or indulge a licentious ^irit of criticifin, as
if it were fit for any one to trefume tt judge vihai
Shakelpear ought to have written, infiead §f endea-
vouring to difcover truly and retrieve what he did
write: and fo great caution hatb been ufed in tbu
r^£i, that no alterations have been made but what
tbefenfe neceffarily required, what the meafure fftbe
verje 9ft en helped to p^nt out, and what thefimUr
b, Google
The PREFACE. vij
tuJe^voerds in the falfe reoiUng and in the true^ gt~
mraUy ^eaking^ appeared very well to juftify.
Mojt of tbofe pajfages are here thrown to the hot'
torn ^ the page and rejeSed as JpuriouSi which were
fiigmatiTxi as fucb in Mr. Pope'j Edition i ami it
were to be wified that more bad then undergone the
fame Jenteme. Tie promoter of the prefent Edition
bath ventured to dijiard hut few more upon his e-wn
judgmmty the mc/i conjiderahk of which is that wretck-
ed piece of ribaldry in King Henry V. put into the
mouths of the French Princefs and an old Gentlewo-
man, impn^er enough as it is all in French and not'
iHteSigihle to an Ei^Ufli audience, and yet that per-
haps is the beft thing that can be faid of it. 'There
can he no douht hut a great deal more of that lowjiuff
which dijgraces the works of this great jhttbor, was
fufied in hy the Players after his death, to pkafe the
vulgar auMoKetby winch they fyhf^edi ■ and thiugi
fane of the poor •mtticijm ajidcwceits attf/i he fajp'
pt&d to have fallen frtm his pen, yet as be bath pii
them generaUy into the mouths of low and ignorant
P^tpk, fo it is to he remember' d that he Wrote for tie
Stage, rude and unpelijhed as it then .was % and the vi*
cioui tafie of the age muft fiand condemned for them,
fince be bath left i^n record afipialprotf how much
he de^fed them. In bis Play of The Merchant of
Venice a ckwn is introduced quibhUng in a nufer-
ahk manner, upon which one woo bears the chara&er
•fa man offtitfe makes thefolkwit^ refle&ion; How
crery ibol can play upon a word t I think the btft
pace <}£ wit will (hcvtly turn into fiknoe, aiui dif'
coarie ^w commendable in none but parrots. He
auld hardfy have found Jrongtr words to e)tprefs ins
« 4 indignation
viii The PREFACE:
indignation at thofefalfe pretences to wit then in vogue ;
and therefore though Jucb trajh is frequently inter-
fperfed in bis writings^ it would be unjuji to caji it as
an imputation upon bis tajie and judgment and cha-
raBer'as a Writer.
There being many words in Shakefpear wbicb are
grown out ofufe and ebfokte, and mar^ borrowed from
ether la/^uages which are not enough naturalised or
known among us^ a Ghjfary is added at the end of the
work, for the explanation cf all thole terms wbicb
have hitherto heenfo mar^ ftumbling-blocks to the ge-
nerality of Readers; and where there is aty obfcurity
in the text not arijingfrom the words but from a re-
ference to fome antiquated cujioms now forgotten, or
other caufes of that kind, a note is put at the bottom
of the page tc clear up the difficulty.
With thefe feveral helps if that rich veittoffenfe
wbicb runs through the works of this Author can be
retrieved in every part and brought to appear in its.
true light, and tf it may be hoped without prefumption
that this is here effeSted ; they who love and admire
him will receive a new pleafure^ and all probabfy wiU
be more rea^ to join in doing him jufHce^ who does
great honour to his country as a rare and perhaps
afingular Genius : one who bath attained an high de-
gree ofperfeElion in tbofetwo great branches of Poetry ^
Tragedy and Comedy, different as they are in their
natures from each other ; and who may befaid with-
out partiality to have equalled, if not excelled, in both
kindSf the heft writers of any age or country who have
thought it gkry enough to dijlinguijh themfehes in either.
' Since therefore other nations have taken care to dig-
nify the works of their mojl celebrated poets with the
b, Google
fairefi tmprejjiombeautijied'witbtbe omamenti offculp-
turtj well may . our Shiakefpear be thought to aeferve
no lefs conjidiratfott : and as a frejh acknowkdgment
bath lately been paid to bis merit, and a high regard
to bis name and memory^ by ereBing bis Statue at a
publick ei^ence ; Jo it is iejired tbat this new Edition
of bis works, •which hath cojijome attention and care,
may be looked upon as another fmail monument dejigned
aim dedicated to bis honour.
Mr. P 0 P E's
3 T is not my defign to enter into a Criti-
g cifm upon this Author } tho' to do it ef-
C fe^ally and not fupwrficially, would be
I the beil occaiion that any juft Writer
could take, to form the judgment and
tafle of our nation. For of all EngUfi Poets Sbake-
j^ear mull be confefled to be the ^lireft and fuUcft
fubjeft for Criticiim, and to afford the moft nume-
rous, as well as moA conlpicuous inftances, both of
Beauties and Faults of all ibrts. But this &r ex-
ceeds the bounds of a Pre£tce, the buiineis of which
is only to give an account of the &te of his Works,
and the di&dvantages under which they, have been
tranfmitted to us. We fliall hereby extenuate many
faults which are his, and dear him from the impu-
tation of many which are not : A defign, wmch
iho' it can be no guide to iiiture Criticks to do him
juftice in one way, will at leaft be fiiffident to pre-
vent thdr doing bun an injuflice in the other.
I cannot
b, Google
Afr. POP£*s PREFACE. xi
I cannot however but mentkm fbme of his prin-
dpal and charaaeriftic Excellencies, for which (not-
wuhiUnding his defe&) he is juftly and univerfelly
derated above all other Dramatick Writers. Not
that this is the proper place of praiiing him, but be-
caufe I would not omit any occafion of doing it.
If ever any Author deferred the name pf an Ori-
ginaly it was Sbakefpear,. Homer himfelf drew not
his ait fb immediately from the fountains of Nature,
it proceeded thro' Motion ftrainers and channels,
and came to him not without fome tincture of the
learning, or Ibme cail of the models, of thole be-
fore him. The Poetry of Sbaiejpear was Infpira-
tixm indeed : he is not fo much an Imitator, as an
loftrumcnt, of Nature ; and 'tis not fo juft to &y
that he ipeaks fixun her, as that fhe fpeaks thro*
His CharaBen are ib much Nature her j(elf, that
'tis a Ibrt of injury to call them by fo dtflant a name
as Copies of her. Thofe of other Poets h*vc a ccmi-
ihuit refemblance, which fhews that they recav'd
them from me another, and were but multiplyeis
of the £une image : each pi^re like a mock-rain-
bow is but the reflexion of a reflexion. But every
fiogle chara^r in Sbaieffvar is as much an Indivih
dual, as thofe in Li& it &lf ; it is as impoflible to
find any two alike -, and fuch as from their rdaticHi
or affinity in any refpeA a}^)ear moft to be Tmns,
will upon comparilba be found remarkably diAinA.
To this life and variety of Charader, we muft add
the wonderful Preiervation of it; which is fuch
duot^^Mmt his Pla^, that had all the Speeches been
Iinat<^ without the very naoses of the Perfi»u, 1 be-
b, Google
lievc one might have appljr'd them with certainty to
every fpeaker.
The Power over our Papons was never poffefe'd
in a more eminent degree, or difplay'd in fo diffe-
rent inftances. Yet all along, there is feen no la-
bour, no pains to raifc them -, no preparation to
guide our guefe to the effe<3;, or be percciv'd to lead
toward it : But the heart fwclls, and the tears burft
out, juft at the proper places : We are furpriz'd,
the moment we weep; and yet upon refleftion find
the paffion fo juft, that wc fhou'd be furpriz'd
if we had not wept, and wept at that very mo-
How aftonifhing is it again, that the Paflions di-
TtGAy oppofite to thefe. Laughter and Spleen, are
no lefs at his command! that he is not more a
mafter of the Greats than of the Ridiculous in hu-
man nature } of our noWcft tenderncfles, than of
our vaincft foibles ; of our ftrongeft emotions, than
of our idleft fenlations !
' Nor does he only excel in the Paflions ; In the
coolncis of Refleftion and Reafoning he is fiill as
admirable. His Sentiments are not only in general
the moft pertinent and judicious upon every fubjeftj
but by a talent very peculiar, fomething between
Penetration and Felicity, he hits upcm that particular
point on which the bent of each argument turns, or
the force of each motive depends. This is pcrfeifHy
amazing, from a Man of no education or experience
in thofe great and publick icenes of life which are
ufiially the fubje(% of his thoughts : So that hefeemis
to have known the world by Intuition, to have
look'd thro' human nature at one glance, and to be
the only Author that, gives ground for a very new
opinion. That the PhUofopher and even the Man of
the world, may be Bom^ as well as the Poet.
It muft be own'd .that with all thefe great excel-
lencies, he has almoil as great defet^s; and that as
he has certainly written better, fo he has perhaps
written worfe, than any other. But I think I can
in Ibme meafure account for thefe defe(3;s, from fe-
veral caufes and accidents y without which it is hard
to imagine that fo large and fo enlighten'd a qiind
could ever have been fufceptible of them. That all
thefe Contingencies fliould unite to his difkdvant^e.
ieems to me almoO: as fingukdy unlucky, as that fo
many various (nay contrary) Talents ftiould meet in
one man, was happy and extraordinary.
It mu/t be allowed that Stage-Poetry of all other,
is more particularly levell'd to pleafe the Populace^
and its fgccefs more immediately depending upon the
Cwimon Suffrage. One cannot therefore wonder,
if Sbak^ear having at his firft appearance no other
aim in his writings than to procure a fubfillence,
direfled his endeavours folely to hit the tafte and hu-
mour that then prevailed. The Audience was ge-
nerally comppfed of the oieaner fort of peojHe;
and therefore the Images of Life were to be drawn
from diofe of their own rank i accordingly we iind,
that not our Author's only but almofl all the old
Comedies have their Scene among Traiejmen and
Mecbanicki: And even their Hiilorical Plays itriftly
feUow the common OH Stones or Vu^ar Tradi-
tieas of that kind of people, hi Tragedy, nothing
was &> fiire to Surprize and caufe Admraiiorj, as
^ toa^ ftrange, unexpedled, and coofequently
b, Google
xiv Mr. /'OP£*s PREFACE.
moft unnatural. Events and Incidents ; the moft ex-
aggerated Thoughts; the moft verbofe and bombaft
Expreflton ; the moft pompous Rhymes; and thun-
dering Verfifkation. In Comedy, nothing was fo
fure to PUafe^ as mean bufFoonry, vUe ribaldry,
and unmannerly jefts of fools and clowns. Yet even
in thefe, our Author's Wit buoys up, and is bom
above his fuli^eft : his Genius in thofe low parts is
like fome Prince of a Romance in the difguife of a
Shepherd or Pealant ; a certain Greatneis and Spirit
now and then break out, which manife^ his higher
extraftion and qualities.
It may be added, that not only the common Au-
dience had no notion of the rules of writing, bat
few even of the better fort piqu'd themfelves upon
any great degree of icnowledge or nicety that way;
'till Ben yobnfin getting poffeflicm of the Stage,
brought critical learning into vogue ; And that mis
was not done without diiHculty, may appear from
thofe irequent leftcMis (and indeed almoft Declama-
tions) which he was forced to prefix to his 6rft
plays, and put into the mouth of his A£t<»'s, the
Grtx^ Chorus, &c. to remove the prejudices, and
inform the judgment of his hearers. 'Till then,
our Authors had no thoughts of writing on the mo^
del of the Ancients: their Tragedies were only Hi-
fhsries in Dialogue; and their Comedies followed
fhe thread of any Novel as they found it, no Ids im*
plicitly than if it had been true Hiftffly.
To judge therefore of SbaAf/bear by j/irifiotk'%
rules, is iilu: trying a man by the laws ot one Coon-
try, who aded under thofe of another. He writ to
^e People i and writ at firfl without patronage finn
b, Google
the better ioat. and therdore" widvnit aims of
j]JeaGng them:, without ai!iAance or advice &dm
the Learned^ as withoat the advantage of edoca-
l3oa or acquaintance anioag them : vrithout that
knowle^ of the beft models, the Ancients, to in-
Ipire him with an emulation of them ; in a word,
vrithout any views of Rcputati(X), and of what
Poets are pleas'd to call Immortaliiy : Smie or all
of which have encourag'd .the vanity, or animated
the amtntion, of other writers.
Yet it muft be ohfwv'd, that when his perfor-
mances had merited the prqtedion of his Prince,
and when the encouragement of the Court had fuc-
ceedod to that of the Town ; the works of his
riper years are manif^ly r^ied above thofb of his
former. The Dates of \ub plays fufHciently evidence
that his prpdut^UonS improved, in proportion to the
Tdpei^ he had for his auditors. And I make ho
doubt Uiis obiervation Would be found true in every
inftance, were but Editions extant from which we
might learn the exaft time when every piece was
compofed, and whether writ for the Town, or' the
Another Caufe (and no lels Arong than the for-
mer) may be deduced from our Author's being a
Player, and foraiing himfclf firft upon the judg-
ments of that body of men whereof he was a
member. - They have ever had a Standard to them-
felves, upon other principles than thofe of Arijiotle.
As they live by the Majority, they know no rule
but that of plealing the prefent humour, and com-
|dying with the wit in &fiiioni a confideration
which brings all their judgment, to a ihort point
c,q,z.<ib, Google
PLrfBtt aic juft fnc^ judges of friux is tight, is
Taylon ore t^ vfamt is grucfful. And in tUs view
k will be but &k to allow, tliM noft of dw Au-
.dtor's Atihs are Ie& to be aicribed to his -wtoog
Judg^nenc u a Poet, Oua to his right }udgmo&t
By theie men k ^ma thou£)tt a pndfe tb Shakt'
j^>9ttr, that he iotfce ever iibttea ^ Afw. Tlus
they induftrioaifly propagited, w ^1^5^ ^^^^ ^^
we are told by Ben Jew^ k his Dj/t^vm^s^ -uid
from the pre&ce « &mi^ and UM^A!ti/ to the
£rft folio Sdidon. But k reality (hdWttver it hAs
pretailed) there tiswt was a nM« igrouadlela re-
port, or to the cootntry of which tbere are more
undeniable endenoes. At, the Comedy of the
Mtrry M^vti of Windfir, whidi he entirely new
writ; the Hifif^ df Heary the 6/ift> which w&s
firft publiflied under the title of the OmtentidH 6/
Yotk and Lanodltr ; and that «f Henry the tth,
extteaxnty umrovfed) that c^ HamUt enWged ta
almoft OS mucb a^in as at firft, afid many others.
I believe the commMk o{Htuon of hie w»it of
Learning proceeded from no better ground. This
too m^ht be diou^ a Pfftiie fa^ fome, and to this
his Errors have as injudidoufly been aicribed by
others. Tot 'tis certun, were it tme, it could con-
cern bat a Imall part of them ; die mofl are fudh
as are not properiy Defefb, bbt Superfcetations :
and arile not nom wwt of learning or reading,
but from want of thinking or judging: or radier
(to be more juft to our Author) from a compliance
to didfe wants in others. As to a wrong choice
of the fabjeftj a wra^ condo^fc of the incidents,
■ felfe
b, Google
Mr. pope's PREFACE, xvii
fiUe Aott^ts, fcifc'd dcprdHonSj S^c. if tfade are
not to be afcrib'd ta the fordakl accident reaibns,
tiicf muft be diarg'd upon the Poet himfdf, and
there is no help for it/ But I think the two Di&d-
Tanti^es which I have mcotion'd (to be obliged to.
pleaie the lowcft of people, and to keep the wocil
of CMBpany] if the cop^decatioD be extended as fiir
as it reaibnably may, will appear fuffident to nu£*
lead and depre6 the grcateft Genius i^ion earth.
N» the more modefly with whkh fnch a One is
cnfflied» the more he is in danger of fabmittii^ and
amfonniBg to othns^ againll his own bttter judg-
Bat as to lus f^ant of Learmng^ It may be ne-
oeflary to fey fomething more ; There is - certainly .
a raft di&rence between Learmng and Lof^uages,
"Haw &r he was ignorant pf the latter^ 1 cannot de-
tenninej but 'tis plain he had. mndi Reading at
leaA, if they will not call it Learning. Nor is it
any great mattu*) if a man has Knowledge, whe-
ther he has it from one language or from another.
Nothii^ is more evident than that he had a ta{te of
natural Philofophy^ Mechanicke, ancient and mo-
dem Hiftory^ Poetical learning ^ Mythology:
We find- him very knowing in the cuftc»ns, rites,
ttd manners of Antiquity. In Coriolanus and Julius
OffttTy not only the Spirit, but Manners, of the
Umaiu are exadtly drawn ; and ftill a nicer diftinc-
dcm is ffaown, between the oianners of the Romans
m the time of the former, and of the latter. His
reading in the ancient Hiflorians is no Ids confpi-
cnoBS, in many references to particular paH^es:
aod the fpeeches oopy'A from Fbttarcb in Ortoiaraa
a may,
xriil I*, pope's PREFACE.
majt I tlunk, as- well be made an inAance of his
learning^ M thofe copy'd fioai Geero in Catib'tt*t
of Ben j«brtJon's. The m^tn&ers i>f other nations in
general, the Eg^ffttenSy Venetians^ Frinchj 8cc. art'
diivra with equal propriety. Whatever objed: of
rature, or branch of Icienoe, he tkha* ipeaks of or'
defcribcs; it is always with competent; if tiot c& .
tenfire knowledge : his defcriptioDG are itiU exad }
;dl }us metaphws appropriated, and reniarkably
drawn from the true nature and inherent qualities of
each Cubje^t. When he treats of Ethic or P<^itic,
we nsay conflintty obferve a wonderfol juftneis of
diAindtion^ as well as extent of compreheniion. Ntv
one is hiore-i mafter of the Poetical ft<»3r, or has
more-ireqaentalkifions-to the various psirts of it:
Mr. Walhi* (who has been celebrated 6x this laft
particillary has not fhewn more learning this way
than Shakejpear. We have Tranflations from Ovtd
publifhcid in his name, among thofe Pbems which
pa6 for- his, and for fbme of ^^ch we have lu^
doobted authority, (being puMiOied by himfi^, and
dedicated to his noble Patron the Earl Of Soutbamp'
ton : ) He appears alfb to have been CQnverlant m-
FlaitttUy fitnn whom he has taken the plot of on»
of his plays : he follows the Greek Authors, ancf
particularly Dares Pbrygim^ in another: (^tbo* I-
will not pretend to lay in what language he react
Acm.) The modern Italian writers of Novds hd
was manifeftly acquainted widi ; and we ntay con-^
dude him to be no leis convertant with the Ancients^
of his own country, from the ufe he has made of
Qtaucer in Treiha and Creffiday and In the ?W
N(^ Wnfmen^ If that Play be Us, as there goes w
Mr, pope's PREFACE. xii_
Tradidoa it was, (and indeed it has little refem-
bUnce of Ftetcber, and more of our Aathor
iban fome of tbofe which have been rcfvtved as
I am inclined to think, this Q(»nion procteded
originally fi-om the zeal of die Pactizuis oS'.aat-.
Author and Ben yohnftm.-y aa*' they endoayoorcd to,
exalt' the one at the exp^noe of the othdr. It 19-,
ever the nature of Parties to be in ektrcmos; and.
nothing is fo probable, as Aat becaolie Ben J^mfiH
had mudi l3)e more learning, it was iaid on theonti.
band' that ^bakeffnar had none at aU; and becaufit}
Sbakejptar had much the mc^ wit and.&acj, it-
was retorted 6n the other, that yolmfun wahtedt
both. Bccaofe Sh'akefpear borrowed nodbiqg^ }(
tras &id that Ben jJmfm bcx*owed e«ry uung.:
decaule yobnfon did not write extempore, ' be it»»
feproached with bong a year about evray piece;
and becaufe SbakejPedr wrote with ' eafe and rapi-r
dity, they cry'd, he never once mado a blot/ Nay
die fpirit of oj^ofition ran fo highy that wbatever
ifaole of the one fide objefted to the other, was ta-^
ken at dK rebound, and turned into Praifes ; as tn-
jwUckmfly, as dieir antagonifts before bad made
(hem Objections.
Poets are always z(ttcA of Envy j but fare the/-
have as mudi reafon to be afraid of Admiratifxi.
Thry are the Scylla and Charybdit of Authors; liiofo
who eicapc one, often fall by the other. Pe^munt.
gnus inimicwum Laudantes^ fays Tacstus .* and Fit"
gH defircs to wear a charm againft thoic who pruft
aPoet without rule or reafon.
a 2 *""■' jJ'
Si uiira placitumJaadantt baccare frontem
Gngite, ne Vati mceat -f--
But bowerer this contention might be carried on by
the Partizans on either fide, I cannot help thinking
, thefe two great Poets were good iriends, and lived
on amicable terms, and in offices of fociety with
each other. It is an acknowledged &d, that Ben
yobnfon was introduced upon the Stage, and his £rlt
worlcs encouraged* by. SbakeJPear, And after his
death, that Audior writes To the memory of bis be-
/k;^<^ iWr. William. Shakefp^, which fhows as if
the fi-iendfbip bad continued thro' life. I caiiDot
for my own part find any thing Imidious or Sparing
in thofe veifes, hut wonder Mr. Dryden was of
chat ofnnion. He exalts hitn not only above all his
Contemporaries, but above Qsaucer and Spenfer,
whom he vrill not allow to be great enough to be
rank'd with him ; and challenges the names of So'
pbocksy Euripideiy and Mfch^uSy nay all Greece and
Rome at once, to equal him i and (which is very
particular) exprelly vindicates him from the impu-
tation of wanting ^/, not enduring that all his eX'
cellencies fiiou'd be attributed to Nature. It is re-
markable too, that the praife he gives him in his
Difcoveries feems to proceed from a perfinal land-
nefs ; he tells us that he lov'd the man, as well as
honoured his memory; celelwates the honefly, open-
ness, and franknefs of his temper ; and. only diiHo>
guides, as he reafon^bly ought, between the real
merit of the Author, and the Hlly and derogatory
applaufcs of the Players. Ben Jobnfon might in-
Mr, pope's preface, xxi
deed be fpsuing in his Commendations (tho* certain-
Ij he is not fo in this inftance) partly from his own"
nature, and partly from judgment. For men of
judgment think they do any man more lervice in
pnuiSne him juftly, than lavifhly. I iky, I would
Bin bd^eve they were Friends, Uio' the violence and'
fll-breeding of their Followers and Flatterors were
enough to gjve rife to the contrary report. I would
hope that it noay be with Parties^ both in Wit and
State, as mth thofc Monfters defcribed by the Poets i
and that ^ii Heads at leail may have fomething hu-
man, ^' their Bodtfs and Tails are wild beafts and
As I bdieve tfaat~what I have mentioned gave rife
to the opinion of SbakeJ^ar'% vrant of learning; fo
what has continued it down to us may have been the
many blunders and illiteracies of the firil Publiihers
of lus works. In thefe Editions dicir ignorance
&ines in almoft every page ; nothing is more com-
mon dian ji3us tertia. Exit omnei. Enter three
Witches Jihis. Their i-'rmf/r is as bad as their Latin ^
both in conftrndtion and Ipelling : Their very Weljh
]$ &lie. Nothing is more. Ukely than that thofe pal-
pable blunders of He^or's quoting Arijlotle^ with
others of that grofi kind, rprime from the (zrae
root: it not being at all credible tnat thefe could be
the errors of any Aian who had the leaft timfture
of a School, or the leail converiation with luch as
had. Btn Johnfon (whom they will not think
partial to hmi) allows him at lead to have had
,^me Latin j which is utterly inconliAent with mif-
takes like thefe. N^y the .conftant blunders in pro-
per names of perfons and places, arp fuch as muft
a 3 have
have proceeded from a man, who lad not fo mudi
as read any hiAory, in any language : lb could not be
I ^11 now lay before the reader (ome of thofe aU
moft innumerable Errors, which have riicn from one
fource, the Ignorance of the Players, both as his ac-
tors, and as his Editors. When the nature and kinds
of thcfe are enumerated and confidered, I dare to lay
that not Shakefpear only, but Arifiotie or Gcero,
had their works undergone the &me fate, might have
3ppcar'd to want ftnfc as wdl as learning.
It is not certain that any one of his Plays was pub-
lifhcd by himfelf. During the time of his employ-
ment in the Theatre, fcveral of his pieces were printed
fcparately in Quarto. What makes me think that
moft of theft were not publifh'd by him, is the er-.
ceffive carelefsnefs of the prcfs : every page is fo fcan-
daloufly fclfe fpellcd, and almoft all tlw learned or
unuTual words fo intolerably mangled, that it's plain
there cither was no Corrector to the prcfs at all, or
one totally illiterate. If any were fupcrvifisd by him-
felf, t fhciuld fancy the two parts of Hemy the 4/i^
and Midfummer-Nigbt's Dream might have been fo ;
becaufe I find no other printed with any exaCtneis \
and (contrary to the reft) there is very little varia-
tion in all the fubfequent editions of them. There
are extant two Prefeces, to the firft quarto edition of
fTroiks and Creffida in 1 609, and to that of OtMh j
by which it appears, that the firfl: was pubUfhed ■
without his knowledge or confent, and even befiM« it
was a<Aed, lb kte as feven or eight years before ho
died : and that die latter was not printed 'till after
hjs death, ■ The whole number of genuine pliy$
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Mr. />0/»5V PREFACE xxiu
whkh we hsK been able to £ni priated in his iife-
time, amounts but to eleven. Andof fbmfeaftheie,
wc meet with two or mora editions by different
priiden, each of wfaidi iias whole hezps of trafli
diderent from the other : which I ihoold .&aacy wat
occafion'd by thdr being taken fitNndifieicnt copies,
belonging to di^ent Pkjr-hooib.
The felio edition (in which all the plays we now
receive as his, were firfl colledsd) was publifhed by
two Players, Sirminges and' OffuUHj in 1623, feven
years aiter his deceaic. They dodare, that aU the
odier editions were Aolen and furrepdciaas, andofiinn
theirs to be purged from the eiTors of - the fiumer.
This is tnie as to the literal enpon, and no other j for
maUre^>e&eUeitis &r wor& than the Quarto's.
Fir^, becaulctfaeadditionsoftrifiingaadhoaibaA
^oA^ are in this edition fiur more aumeroos. For
whaterer had beea added, fiaoe thoie Qmrto's, by
dw aiEtoKy or had ftden from dieir mouths into the
wiitten paits, were from thence conveyed into the
^inted text, and all ftand chained upon the Aitfbor.
Ke hknidf comdaioed of this ulage in HamUt^ where
be wilhes that tbo/e who flay the Qoivm -wmid jpeak
m mort then ufit down for tbem. (A£t 3. Sc. 4.)
But as a proof that he could not e&34^ it, mtfaec^
editimis of Romeo and yuUet there is no hint of a
j;reat number of the mean conceits and ribaldries now
to be Ibuad there. |n others, the b w foenes of Mobs, ,
Plebeians and Clowns, are vaflly Qiorter than at pre-
ieat: And I have icen one in particular (which feems
to have bdoi^ed to the play-houfe, by having the
paits divided widi lines, and the A£tors names in
the mar^) where leveral of thofe very pailages
a 4 were
c,q,z.<ib, Google
xxiv Mr. POPE-a PREFACE.
were added in a written hand, which are iince to be
^nnd in the folio.
In the next place, a number of beauti&I pailages
which are extant in the firft fingle editions, are omit-
ted in ttis: as it £eems, without any other reafbn,
^lan their wilHngncfs to Ihorten ibme fcenes : Thefe
men (as it was £tid of Procruflei) either lopping, or
ftretcmng an Aodior, to make him juft fit for their
This edidon is iiud to be printed from the Ongt->
nal Copies ; I believe they meant thoie which bad
lain ever fincc the Author's days in the playrboufe,
and had from time to time been cut, or added to, ar-
bitrarily. It appears that this edition, as well as the
Quarto's, was printed (at leaft partiy) Brom no better
copies than the Prra^/fr's Booiy or Piecemeal Parts
written out for the ujfe of the a&ors: For in Ibme
places their very *■ names are thro' carelefsnc^ fet down
inilead of the Perfona Dramatis: And in others th^
notes of direction to the Property'tnen for their
Moveables^ and to the Players fyc their Entries^ t,n
in&rted into the Text, tiiro' the ignorance of the
The Pl^ not having been before fo much as
diftinKoiih'd hjABs and Scenes^ they aie in this edi-
tion divided according as they played thcQi j often
where there is no paufc in the adion, or where they
thought fit to make a breach in it, &r tiie fake of
Mufick, Malques, orMonfters,
(a) Much tdo alxNtt nothing. Aa. z. Enttr Print* LeflMto^
ler, Miij Kjoap, ttnfitauh tbn' m vibtU Stn*.
b, Google
m. pope's preface. XXV
Sometimes the fcenes are tran^fed and ibaBed
1»ackwani ^nd forward; a thing which could no
<>thcrwi& happen, but by their being taken fidm
ipparate and piece-meal-written part«.
Many verfes ^re omitted entirely, and others
tiwrpofed; £tom whence inviqdble obfcnnties have
ari&n, pall the gueis of any Conunentator to clear.
up! ^^ P^ whcr« the appdentid glympfe of an old.
^dUioQ en%htcns an.
Scxne Cbaraders were con&imded and nux'd, qc
two put intp one, fi)r want of a competent num-
|>er oi adcxs. Thus in the Quarto edition of
Midfimmer-Nigbfs X^eatfit AG 5. Sbakejpear ia.'
troduces a luiid of Mailer of ti^e Revels called
Pl»bftrate : all whofe part is ^ven to pother do-
ra£ta (that of Egmt) in the fubiequent editions :
So alfb in HatttUt and King Lear, This too makes
it probable that the Prompter's Books wore what
they call'd the Ori^nal Copies. ,
From liberties of this kind, many fpeeches alio
were put ipto the mouths of wrong perTcais, where
the Atuhcv now fecms diargeable vrith making
them fpeak out of chaza^dler ; Or fometimes per-
il^ iar no better reafon, than difit a governing
^yer, to have the moudiing of f«ne &vourite
fi>eech himfdft would fiuttch it &om the unwortl^
lfp« of an Underling.
Frofe from verfe thnr di4 pot know, and they
yoordingly printed one for tlu other throughout the
Having been forced to lay £3 much of the play*
OS, I thmk I ought in jultice to remark, that the
Jaijgiifnt, as wul at Conditiooi of d)ac clals of
c,q,z.<ib, Google
xxvi Ml. POPE'S prefa.ce:
people vfas then fer inferior to what it is in our
days. As then the beft Playhoufes wene tnm and
Taverns (the Gioie, the I^e^ the Red BuU^ the
Fortune^ &c,) fo the top of the pro^Iion were then
«ieer Players, not Gentlemoi (rf the ftagc : They
were led into the Buttery by the Steward, not
pkc'd at the Lord's table, <x Lady's ftulette: and
osnfequently were intirely depriv'd of thofe advan-
t^es they now enjoy, in the £uniliar conver£ttioa
of our Nobility, and an intimacy (not ^ £iy dear-
Iie&) with peo[^e of the iirft condition.
From what has been laid, there can be no queilicm
but had Sbakejpear pubUfticd his works himfelf (ei^
pedally in his latter time, and after his retreat fitHn
die ftage) we fhould not <HiIy be certain whidi are
genuine ; but Ihoutd find in thofe that are, the er-
rors leflbned 1^ fome thou&nds. If I may judge
{rom all the diftingaifliing marics of his fb^e, and
his manner of thinking and writing, 1 make no
doubt to declare that thofe wretched plays Pericles,
JLocriney Sir Jobn OUcafiU^ Tori/hire 'Tregeify, Lord
Ovrawellt The Puritan, and Lendan Pritligal, can-
not be admitted as bJE. And I fhould conjeAurC of
Ksmc of the <JtherB, (particularly Love's Labow't
Loft, The Winter's Tale, and Titus Adromcm)
that'<)nly finne diara&ers, fingle fccnes, or pertiaps .
a few particular paflages, were of hifi hand. It it
Hbry prob^le -vhsA 6cctfion'd Ibmc Plays to be fup-
pofol Sbakefpeat'i was cmly this; that thi^ wert
piepes produced by unknown authors, or fitted up
for the TheatK w^3e it was under lUs adnoiniftra-
.tion : and no owner daiming them, thcjr were ad-
judged to falm^ ■'Os tiiey ^ve 6tntys tadie L<»d of
b, Google
Mr. />0P£'8 PREFACE, xxvii
the M^Dor : A miftake, vrfaicb (one may alio ob-
ikrve) it was not for the interefl of the Houfe-'to
remove. Yet the Players themfelves, Heminges and
Condeily afterwards dM Sbakejpear the juftice to re-
ysGt thofe eight pUys in their edition; tho* they
were then printed in his name, in every body's
hands, and a£ted with fome arailauie ; (as we learn
from what B^n Joimfon lays of Pcn'tr^j in his Ode
on the New Im.) That ^tus jindronicus is one of
this clals I im the rather induced to believe, by finding
the £ime Author openly expreis his contempt of it
in the InduSisn to Barthofomevs-Fair^ in the year
j6i4^ when Sbaiejhear was yet living. And there
b no better tuithonty for thefe latter {ort, than for
the ibnner, which were equally puUifhed in his
If we give into this opinon, how many low and
Tidoos parts and paili^es might no kx^r refle(3:
upon this great Genius, but appear unworthily
charged upon him P And even in thofe which are
really his, how mwiy faults may have been unjufUy
laid to his account from arbitrary Additions, £x-
pundions, Tranfpofitions of fceqes and lines, con-
fiiiion of Chanufters and Pedbns, wrong application
of Speeches, cormpticHis of innumerable Paflages
by the Ignwance, and wrong Conw^ions of 'em
a^in by the Impertinence, of his firft Editors?
From one or other of thelc confiderations, I am
verily perfwaded, that the greateft and the grolTeft
part of what are thought his errors would vanifh,
and leave his charaifter in a light very different from
that difadvantagcous one, in which it now appears
to us,
I will
xiviii Mr. POPE's PREFACE.
I will conclude by faying of Sbake^ar,. that
widi all his &ultSj and with all the irregularity of
his Drama, one may look upon his works, in com-
parifon of thofe that are more iinifh'd and regular,
as upon an andcnt majeftick piece of Gothick Ae-
chite^ure, compar'd with a heat Modern building:
The latter is more elegant and glaring, but the for-
mer is more ftrong and more folemn. It muft
be allow'd, that in one of thefe there are materials
enough tt) make many of the other. It has much
the greater variety, and much the nobler apart-
ments; tho* we are often conducted to them by
dark, odd, and uncouth pallages. Nor does tha
Whole. feU to ftrike us with greater reverence, tho'
many of the Parts are cfaildiHi, iU-plac'd, and un-
equal to its grandeur.
K,U tbat mtfaragrafA tf thU pnfatt it VMimi mt tMlminlng
piaturt ftrtiiutur » Mr. Pop?'/ Edititm, 9n4 which wt •majt
rtlalM IM Thi±. <
AccovNT of the VtFM9 if c.
Written hy Mr. R O W E.
^T rami to be a kind of rcfpc^ due to the memory
E of exceUcnt men, erpeclally of thofe whom their
2 wit and learning have made femous, to deliver fome
ll accouDt of thcmfelves, as well as their works, to
k Follerity. For this reafon, how fond do we fee
* fome people of difcovering any little peHbnal tixsrr
of the great men of Antiquity ! didr families, the common acci-
dents of their livo, and even their fhape, make, and ieatures have
been the {ahje£t of critical enquiries. How trifling focver this
Curiofih' nuy Jeem to be, it is certainly very natural j and we are
hardly latisfy'd with an account of any remarkable peifon, tin we
have heard him dcfcrib'd even to the very cloaths he wears. At
fc>r what relates to men of letters, the knowledge of an Author
mav fometimes cuiduce to the better undcrflanding his book : And
th(/ the Wwka of M{. Sbekijptar may fcem to many not to
want a c«nmcnt, vet I &ncy Tome Tittle account of the man
himUf may not be tnou^t improper to go along with tbem.
He was the fen of Mr. Jttn Sbahjinar, and vras bom at Strat-
fwi upon JhtH, is Warwidjbtrt, in April t ^ 64. His fiunily, as
amean by the Re^fter and puhlick Writings relating to that
Town, were erf" good figure and Etfliion there, and are m«nti(Ki'd
XXX Some ^eimnt of the Ufe,.Uc'.
as mndemen. His father, who was a confidenble dealer m wsot,
Jiad fo large.a family, ten children in' all, that tho* he was his
eldeft foOt he could mvc him no better education than his own
em^ytnent. He hul bred fatm, 'tis true, for ibme time at a Frec-
fcbool, where *tif profa^le be acqiured what Latin he wu oiafler
of: But the nanownds of hit cireumflmces, and the want of his
aSIfauice at home, forc'd his lather to withdraw him from thence,
and unhappily prevented his further pro&ciency in that laneu;^.
It is without controverfv, that in bis works we fcaice find any
traces of any thing that looks like an imitation of the Ancients.
The delicacy of his tafte, and the natural bent of his own great
Genitu {equal, if sot fuperior to fomc{»f the befiof tbeiis) vitu[d
certaimy «a« fed him to read and ftudy *em with fe much pfea-
fure, that fome of their fine images would naturally have infmuated
themfdves into, and been mix d with his own writings ; fi> that
his not copying at Icall fomcthine from them, may be an argument
erf' his never luving read 'em. Whether his ignorance of Uie An-
cioits wwe a difkwantagp to hin or do, may admit of » difpute:
For ^' the knowledge of 'cm -might havejmade him morecor-'
red, yet it is not improbable but that the regularity and deference
for them, which would have attended t|^t corre&iefs, m^ht have
rcflrain'd fbme of that fire, impetuofi^, and even beautiful ex-
travagance which we admire in Sbakejyair: And I believe we arc
better pleas'd with thofe thoughts, altogether new and uncommon,
which his own imagination fuppty'd him lb abundantly with^
than if he had given us the mon beautiful pallages out of the
Cretk and Latin poets, and that in the mon a^eoble namier
ttut it was poffible fot a mafler of the £n;/yft Unguage to de-
liver *«m.
Upon his leaving fchool, he /cems to havegifeti entirely into
that way tS living which h'ls &ther propos'd to Riin; and in order
to fettle \a the world after a bmaj manner, he tbou^t fit to
inarry while he was yet very young. His wife was the Xiau^tei
of cne HathaviOf, laid to lave Been a fabfbntial yeoman in
the neighbourhood of Stratfvrd. In this kind of fiitilemcnt h«
coatinu d far fome time, 'till an extravagance diat he was guilty
of iorc'd him both out of hbcountrr and that way of livine whicri
he had taken up; and tbo' it ^txm'a at firft to be a blemuh upon
Ibis eood manners, and a uiislbrtune to him, yet it afrcrwards hap-
pily prov'd the occaHon of exerting one of the great^ Gentui't
tbat ever was known in dtamadck Poetry. He had, by a jnit-
ioitunc common enough to young fi:Bows, £allen into ni company ;
an4 amongQ tbem. Icnte tiat nude a frequent prance of Deer-
flealimf engaf d him with Chen more than once in robbing s
Fark iaat bdong'd to Sir Thmat Lucy of CitrUtetf near Strand.
0^ilir. Willi AM Shakespear. xxii
Far tlu» be was proletsited by that gpitlemim, as he Uioif^,
fooaewhat too Icrcrdy ; and in ocacr to levcng^ that ill ui^, hs
nade a IxiUad upon mm. Ami tha' thla,. probably the hmt&y.
a£ hii Poeuvy be lofl. yet it is laid to have been lb very bitter^ tiuc
it redciuUea the Profecution aeunft ^him to that d^ree, tl^t ba
wu oUig**! to leave his jUiiinds and! £unUy in U^anuidtJlHrtt tor
ibiti* timc^ and (belter faimielf in Laadm.
It is at this tiaic> and upon this accident, -that he is laid to baw
nade hie fiift acquaintance in the Flay-houfe.' \ic waB.i«cttvU
taxo ttw conpanj' then iji bein^ at £ift in a very nHHn nak ; ,b«Q
\m iy*"""M^ wit, md the natural tum of ;.it. to the flage, 1^^
diftiiwuifhM him, if not as an extraordinary A&ty, yet as at)
cxownt Writer. His name is printed, as the cunom was in thoTe
tinKS, amoDgft thole of the other Flayers, b9fbn.rome old Plays,
but without any particular account cf what ibrt of parts he us'd
to ^y, and too' I hafe oiquir'dj I could never meet with any
further, account of hiin this way, tjian that the top of his Pcr-
Cbrmaoce was the dioA in Jiis own flandtt. I fhould have bwn.'
mufh mcve pleas' a, to havC learn'd iCDai foise certain authority*
which wa» U»c firft Play he wrote • j it would be without douot
a pkafure to any man, curious in things of this kind, to fee and
luutr what was the Erit ellay of a &ncy like Shaie&ear's. Perr
baps we afe not to look 'for his b^innin^ like tWc of other
authon, among their lead perfeA writings; art had fo little, and,
natiue ib large a Ihare in what he did, that, for ought I know^
tfae performances of h's youth, as they were the nioft vlgoroua,
anlbad the moft fire and ftrength of imagination in 'em, were,
the befl. 1 would not be thought by this to mean, that his fancf
T» lb loofe and extravagant, as to be independent on tlK rule
and gpvcmment of juc^menl; but that what he thought, wa»
ctuiuQcxily lb great, fojuflly and rightly concetv'd in it MS, tint
it wiDtcd little fyt no corre^ion, and was immediately appiov'd
by aa impartjaf iuifement at the firft %ht. But tbo' Inc bidder ^
time ia whidi the icveral pieces were written be g^erally uncer-
taia, yet there are p^Ha^ in fome' few of them which fecm to
fix tbeir data. So the Cbonii at the end of the fourth A8l of
Anf7 V. by a.compIiment verv haiidfomely turn'd to the £v1 of
BJTeXy flicws the Play to have been written when that Lord waji'
Goianl for the C^een in Jrthnd: And his Elpgy opon Q^xa.
EBvabftit and her fucceObr King yatntSj in the latter end n hi*
Aary VJUl. 13 a proof of that Flag's bems written after dia ab-
ceffioQ of the latter of tha^ two Pnnces to the OQwn t^^mlatuL
If97f m^tM tit Aii»r larni 3J jtart eU; m»J Richard the a^, ««^
%jf, hliiMtxtjtar, Tiz. tbt.i^k^ bit «gt.
xxkii ■ Seme Account of the Lifii &C.'
Whatever the particular times of his writing were, the peO[lle of'
bis age, who bcran to grow wonderfully fend of divcrfloia <h dna
Jtind, Gould not fiut be highly, pleai'd to fee a Gmus arife amdngfl-
*tm of fo pleafurable, lb rich a vein, and fo plentifully capd^ of
foriJlhii^ their bvourite entertainments. Befidcs the advantages
(tf hit wit, he wis in himfelf a good-natur*d man, of great fwcetnelx
in his manncTf , and a moft agreeable' compahion i vs that it is no
fronder if with fo manj good qualities he made himfdf acouainted
widi the beft ccmverfations of thole times, (^leen Eltzavtth had
flrcral'Of his Playi aAed before her, and without doubt gave tum .
many gracious diarki of her' bvour : It is that maiden Prince^
plMiuy, whom he intmds by
. A fait Vtfialt tbmed tftht tFifi.
Miajummer Nighfi Dream.
Attd that whole paf&ge is a compliment very properly btbught inf,
and very handfomdy aj^vM to h^r. She was fo well pleas d with^
that admirable charafter df Fal/Iaff', in the twt) parts of Htftry thtf
fcurth, that Ibe conrimanded him to continue it for one PUy more,
and to Ihew hiiti in love. This is laid to be the dccafiOti of hif ;
■Crating Tbt Merry ff^ivts ef Windlbr. How Well fhe WaS obey'd,'
the Flay it felf is an admirable proc^. Upon'thit octefititi it Hiaj^'
not be impnmcr to obferve, that this part of Fajftt^ is (aid to
have been written originally under the name of • Olacajlli; fbme
of that &mily being then remaining, the Queen was pleas'd to
command htm to alter it; upon which be made ufe (A Falfl/^f
The prefiuit oflence was indeed avoided ; but 1 don't know wbtM
dier the Author may not have been fomewhat to blame ifi his
fiKond chcnce, fioce it is certain that Sir 'fahn Fdlflaf, who war
^ Knight of the garter, and a Lieutenant-general, was A name <X
diflmguifli'd m«nt in the. wars in France in Hairy the fifth's and
Htnry the lixth's times. What grace focver the Queen confer'd^
tipon him, it was not to her only he ow'd the fortune which ^ic
rqutation cf his wit made. He had the honour to mriet' with
many great and Uncommon marks of &vour and friendflup frocn
the Earl of Saitbamfitny funaaa in the hifiories of that tune for
lus friendfbip to the unf^tunate Earl of EJ^ex. It was to that
dLoUe L<»^ that be dedicated his Poem of Ftnut and Admit. There'
It one inflance fo finguhr hi the magnificence of thb Patron of
Shaiejj^\ that if 1 had not been afTui'd that the ftor? was
handed down hj Sir ICiSiam ly Avitiantf who was probably very
wdl acquainted with his afiirs, I fhould not have ventur'd to
havB tnfcitad, that my Land Saatlnut^tm at one titae gave him a
(a) Set tht BtHtpi H Henry ^tt.
^it^{ William Shakespear. xzxui
tiioufiuu) pounds, to mible hitn to m through with a purchafe
whidi he heard he had a miild to. A Gounty very great, and very
nut at any time, and'atmoft equal to that profUfe generofity th^
preJent age has lhe«n to French Dancers and Italian Singers.
What particukT habitude or friendDnps he contrafted with
priTate men, I have not been able to learn, mote than that every
OQc who had a true taflc of merit, and could diftingajfti men,
had generally a juA value and efteem for him. His exceeding
candor and good-nature muft certainly have incli'n'd all the gentler
fttR of the world to loVe him, as the power of his wit cblig'd the
men of the mofi delicate knowledge and polite learning to admire
His acquaintande with Sen Joknfan began with a remarkable
piece of humanity and good-nature^ Mr. Jahnfea^ who was aC
that time att^etaer unknown to the world, had offcr'd one of hia-
FUys to the nayers, in order to hzve it aSed ; xnd the perlbns
into whofe hanm it was put, after having turn'd it carelefty and
foperdlioully over, were juft upon returning it to him with an ill-
natur'd anfwcT, rtiac it would be of no fervice to their Company i
when Sbaiejpeer luckily caft his eye upon it, and fisund fomethtng
to wdl in It as to cngafe him firft to read it through, and after-
wards to Fecotnmend Mr, Jehitfin 3.nd his writings to the publick.
J^/m was <7Ttainly a very .good fcholar, and in that had the
advantage t£ Sbakejptar ; tho* at the fame time I believe k muft
be alknrd, that what Nature gave the latter, was more than a
fcaUnoc for what Bopki had ^ven the former ; and the judgment
of a grot man upon this occafion was, I think, very jult and
proper. In a converlation between Sir John Sueiling, Sit H^ilUam
lyAvtnantj Enifmon Parttr, Mr. Halts of Eaton, and Be»
Jalmfm; Sir 'John Suckling, who was a profefs'd admirer cXShakt-
fftar, had undertaken his defehce againfl Ben Jfhtfin with Tome
warmth ; Mr. Hales, who had fat ftill for fome time, told 'em,
Tbat if Mr. Sbakcfpear bad nat read the Ancienti, be bad iikewife
««f /l^en any thing fram 'em % and thai if be wculd prtduce any
mt Tifick Snefy treated by any ef them, he vimld Mndertake t»
Jkew fmetbtng upm the fame fubjeil at leajl as well written bf
The kuter part of his life was fpent, as all men oT good fenle
wfll wifll thein may be, in oafe, retirement, and the converfadon
of hb firiendt. He had the good fortune to gather an eltate equal to
his ooea&Hij and, in that, to his wifh ; and is faid to have fpent
fame yeats before hit death at his nativo Stratftrdi His [Mafu-
taUc int, aOd good-nature, engag'd him in the aeqtstntance, and
entitled him to the friendAiip « the gentlemen (£ the neigMiour-
iaoA. Amongft them, it is a flory almoft lUl xtsmaJotx'd in that
Vot. I. b country,
xixiv .Some Account of the Life^ &c,
country, that be bad a particular intimacy with Mr. Cimley an
old ^ntleman noted thereabouts ibr his weaJth and t^ury : It hap-
pen'd that in a piearant converiation amongll their common fiienos,
Mr. Contbi told Shaktfyior in a Lauehing manner, that he fimcy'd
he intended to write hu Epitaph, if hcliappen'd to out-live him ;
and fince he could not know what might dc laid of him when he
was dead, he deftr'd it m^t be done immediately : Upon whidi
Shakejptar gave him thele tour veifes.
Ten in ibt hundrtd fyei here tngrav dy
"Tit a hundred te ten hisfaul is natfav'd:
Ifony man ask, Wbf Ijet In thit tmii ?
Oh! ha! quBtb the dfuil, ^tit iigf Jotok^-Coabe.
But the flurpnefs of the Satire-is Taid to have ftung the man Ca le-
verely, that he never fo^ve it.
He dy*d in the 5 3d year of hi) age, and wai buiy'd on the north
fide of the chancel, !n the great Church at .Sfr<j(f»-i^ wherearaor
nument, as engrav'd in the plate, is plac'd m tb« wall. On hit
Cjrave-flone underneath isj
Gold friend, for }tX\t^ fake farbear
Ta dig the dujl inclefiabtre.
BUJi be the man that /pares thtfeJJmtS^
And (ttrji be he that msves irtf bmes.
He had three dauehtcrs, of which twoliv'd tobemarry'd;^Wiri,,
tbeclder, t» ontM.r.Thamai ^inqiy by wbomlbe had ttueeSoas^'
who all died without children; and Sufannah, who was his fa-
vourite, to Dr. John Hall, a phyfician of good rcpuUtion in that
country. She left one child only, a daughter, who was marry'd
firft to Thomas Nafh, Efq; and afterwards to Sir Jubn Bernard of
Jbhingten, but dy'd likewifc without iJTue.
This is what 1 could learn (A any note, either relating to him-
felf or fiunily: The character oi. the man is bed feen in his writ-
ii^ But upce Batjahnfin has made a fort of an eiEiy tomird*
it'in his DifiavtriiSt 1 will give it in his words.
** I reinetaber the Players have oftoi mention'd it as an honour
*' to Sbakefpeary that in writing {whatfoever he penn'dl he never-
** blotted out a line. My anfwer hath been, IViuld be bad iiatted
*' a tbeufand I which they thought a malevolent fpeech. I Iwi not
*' vii pollerity this, but for their ignorance, who chofe ttwt dr-
*t cumftance to commend their friend by, wherein he moll Suited s
«( and tojuftiiie mine ofwn candour, tot I lov'd the man, and do
** hnwur bis owmry^* pn this fide idcdatry, « much uaoy.) Hs
" was.
of iSr, WjltlAH ShaKESPEAR. 30QCV
** WIS, indeed, honeft* tnd of an vgea and free luture, had an ex-
** cdcnt bacfy brave nadom, and gentle cxpreflions ; wherein
** fae ftnr'd with that bcilitj, duu fimetimQ it was necelTary he
** Atndd be flopp'd : SuffbamiantJia tratt as Aumflut fajd of //n-
** teriat. Hia wit was la hii own poweft would the rule of it had
■* bent <b too. Many tiiiMB be feU kHo tbofe thingi which oould
■* not efcape laughter} wwbtn be bid in the perlbn of Cr/flr, one
** Sfo^LOf, W bunj
*• Qdar thn daft mt wttig.
« Hi leply'd:
M Ckfar JiJ ntvrr wnHfy bta VHtbjufl caufi,
** and fadi Hke, which were ridiculoua. But he redeem'd hia
** TKCswidiliU virtues: Than ma ever noie in him tobepcais'd
*■ OoA to be (■(dao'd.
Aa far the pfiifit which be nenuoiu out of Shaiijptar, there
ia fbowwfcat tik* it in Julita Cifart but without the abfurdity ;
aior Ad I ever nml mth it in ilny edition that i have ^ea, asquo-
ced bf Mt,yA»fim. fieTidet bis pbyi in this edltn^, there are
nio or three aJoib'd to bin- bjr Mr. Ifi^kaith which I have nevtc
ftea, and lowv nottni^ of. He wht l^fcewiS; ymm and jft/mit,
utd Tar^M and Lmrrtct, ill flanza's, which have been printed in
a laie caWdion of Poema. As to the chaiafler given <h him hj
Bm ythi^Mty tfaei« is a -gpod deal tne in it: But 1 believe 'v. siajr
te aa well exnrefi'd by what Haratt bja of the firft Rfimant, who
wrote TragBOy upon the Grtfi- modds, (or indeed ttaallated 'em)
in hb epifUa to^figw^.
Natm-M JwUmh (^ actr.
Nam f^M Trogiewn fatis & fiSeiUr AvStty
Std frftm fvtat in Chartii Mttuitqut Litiirem.
As I hK*(B not propoa'd to By fdf to enter into a br^ and com-
rieac cdledion upon ShaktAtmr's Works, fo 1 will only take the
neity, with all due fubmiffion to the judgments of others, to ob-
fave faoH of thalt thii^ I have been pleu'd with in looking him
His Rays are properly to be diflineailh'd only into Comedies and
Tragntiat. Tlinfe whtdi nc CRU'dHiftones, ufi even fotne of his
CoMdieSf aac nally Tragedies, with a ran or Buxniie oi Comedy
pmOBgft 'em. That way ai Tragi-ounedy was the common mi&
trite of duapy and is indeed become fii i^reeabtc to the EfgUA
b I taltei
c,q,z.<ib, Google
3ocxvi Seme Account '-of the Life^ &c.
tafte, that tho' the feverer Critics amcoie; us cannot bear it, yet the
generality of nur- audiences feem to be oetter deai'd with it than
with an exad Tragedj'. The Mirry Wvots *^ Wtndfor, theCniw^
6f Errnrs, and the Taming tftht Shrew, are all pure CoTnedyj die
reft, however thev are callM, have fomething of both Icinda. 'Tii
not veiy eafy to determine which way of writing he .va> moft ex-
cellent in. - There is certainly -a great deal of cntedainment in bis
comical humours ; and tho' they did not then flrilae at all rania
of people, as the Satire of the prefent age has taken the liberty to
do, yet there is a pleafing and a well-dimngui&'d variety in thoTe
characters which he thought fit to meddle with. Falftt^Yi al-
low'd by every body to be a mailer-piece ; the Charader is alwayi
well-fuftain'd, tho' drawn out into the length of three Plays; and
even the account of his dttuh,' ehtn by his oU bndbdy Mrs.
^kkhf, in the firft aft of HrnrjV, tho it be extremely natural,
is yet as diverting a£ any partof his life. If there be anjr fiuult ui
the dfaugh't he has made of this lewd old feUow, it if, tfatt tbo' he
has made him a thief, lying, cowardly, vain-glotimB, and inflioit
every way vtctoue, yet he hat given him To much wit as to nafce
him almoll too agreeable; anal don't know whether loaie people
have not, in rcmembrance-oftbediveriion he had formerly afi^d*
cd 'em, been forry to fee his friend Hat ufe him fi> ieuiyily,.wbea
be comes to the crown in the end of the lecond part gf Hmrf dw
fourth. Amwigft other extravagancies, in the Mmj Wivu tf
Windfor, he has made him a Decr>itealer, that be might at the '
fame time remember Ynsff^anuieiJUre profecutori under the nama
of Juftice ShalUv) ; he has ^vai him very near the fiune coat of
arms which DagdoU, in his antiquitiEs of that county, dcTcrihci
fora family there, and mafcea ttao if^tljb patfoa ddcAit very [riea-
fantly upon *em. That whole play is admirable; the humoursare
various and well oppos'd ; the main dcfign, which is to cure Ftrd
of his unreafonabje jealoiify, is extremely well conduced. In
Tvjtlfih-Night there is (bmething jingularly ridiculous and plcafsnt
in the fantaftical fteward MaJvfiit. The parafhe and the vain-
glorious in ParsUes, in AlPs WtU that Endi well, is as good as
any thing ofthat lund in PJautta oe Temct. Pttruciiu, in f%e
Taming jf tbt Skrao, is an unanumm piece of humour. , The
converfation oiBuudick and Btoinct, in Miuh ait ahnaHoOnt^y
and of RafaHnd in As you Hie it, have much wit and fpnghtliti^
9II along. His clowns, without which cbara^er there was hardly
any fjay writ in that time, are all very entertaining: And, I be-
lieve, TberfitM in Trulut and Cr^tda^ and Aptmawtus in Tmmw**
will be allow'd to be mafler-meces of ill-nature, and bianaX
friarling. To thefe i might and, that incAmparable cbara^er of
Shfletk the JeWi in the ISMrtbM «f VeoK i but tbo' we have f<en
5^ jWr. WiiliamShakespear. xxxvir
that j^r receiv'd and i&td as a comedy, and the part of ttic ynv
pcrfennd bv an excdtent Comedian, yet 1 cannot but think it
wudriigned tragically by th« Author. Tbcreappears in itadead-
Ij Spirit of revenue, fuch a favage fiercenefs and fellnefs, and fuch
a bloodjr ddtgnacion of cruelty and mifchicf, as cannot Wee either
with tM fiyle or characters erf Comedj, The play it felf, take it
altogether, Icems to me to be one of- the moll flnilh'd of any of
SbaktJ^ter'%. The tale indeed, in that put relating to the caskets,
andtbeextraTsigantand unufual kind of bond given by Antttii'c, is
too much remov'd from the rules of prcdnbility : But taking tlie
H& for granted, vre muft allow it to be very beaiitifidly written.
There is Ibmethtng in the /HeiHllhi[> ai /Intenio to Baffama very
great, generous ano tender. The whole fourth afl ^uppofing, as
I &id, the J3<fl to be probable) is ottremdy fine. But there are
two pa&ges that deterve a parficulu- notice. The fiffl is, what
Ptrtiaixp in praife of mercy, and the other on the power of mu-
fick. The melancholy of ja^n, in As yeu like it, is ^ fmguUr
■od odd as it b tUvetting. And if, what Horace fays,
D0dU efi preprii ctmmmua dieertt
'twin be a hard task for any one to go beyond him in the defcrip-
tion tit the feveral degrees and i^es of man's life, tbo' (he thought
be <dd) and comjnon enough.
—"All the wtrld it a Stirfif
AkdaUtbt menandvmntnmetrh^aytn;
Tbej have their Exiti and their Rorancej^
And one man in bis time playi many Partly
His Am being /even ages. Rrji the Infant
ihtaSng and pitiing inibi mirf/s arms:
And then, the whining Schoel-iiy with hisfatehel^
And finning morning-face, creeping Hie fnail
VtKffiUinffy ttfchad. And then the Lever
Sighing Ste fiirnaee, with a itiefld tallad
Idade tt his Mi^refi' eye-brsw. Then a Stl£er
Full tfftrangt ealhs, and haarded like the Bard,
Jealaui in hinour^ JUdden and quid in quarrely
SeeJHitg the iuiUe Reputatien
Ev'n in thetannetfs meuib. Andihtn ibijiifiiu
f^foir rtund iilfy, with gitd MM Unfd, ■ ■ ■
With eytsfeverty and beard tffmnal cut,
FkU ^ mfi faxus and m»d»n injiances %
And fi he flays bis fart. . Tift fixf/i age Jbifis .
iMttbtkaiittndfi^ptr'd-pdnutla^tty- ■
b 3 mtb
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
xxxviii Some Account of the Ufa &c, ^
JVtth }pe£lacUt at luft^ and ptticb m fiJ* ;
Hii youthful btftf well/ev'dt a wtrli tte viid*
For hit fin-unk ^atUrs ; and hit hie maw^ vaiett
Turning agafH tov'rd cblidijh treblt, ptptt
And ivhijLt in bis fouMd. Utfi Scvtt ^ aU^
Thai enai thisfirangt evtntfid Hiftery,
hjtcond childijhn^s and nttfr 9i>iiviMf
Arnt UHb, fatu tftf^ fam tafit^ jam tvaj thing.
Vol. «. p. jcj.
His Images zre indeed nrery where fo lively, that t!tx thing b«
would reprerent fiands fiill Mfbrc youj and you poflefs cv<ry ^tt
of it. I will vmtifre to pcint out one amc, which is, I think, K
ftrong and as uncommon as any thing I ever &Wi 'tis an image of
Patience. Speaking of a maid in love, he &f s,
'-—-Sbt nntr told her Ime,
But-Ut eenttalmenty Hie 4 tverm t* th' hud^
Fted en her damaii cktek : She pitti jn thought.
And fat likt I^tiencf tm a muMiaetit, •
Soiiling at Orief.
What an Ima« is here given! and what > tatk would it h«ve beca
for the greatcfl maflen of Greeee and Rfnu to Jiave exprda'd tbe
pailkuis deliga'd by this sketch of Sutuary I The ftyle of his 0>-
medy is, in geneial, natvirtd to the chan^Eten, yad caTy in it felf}
and the wit moA comtnonly Ipriebtly and plealii^ axcqit in thole
places where he rvna into'doggrirrhymcs, as in^^Cswv^^fr-
rtrs, and fome odier playg. As for his jii^Uqs (cunctitties, and
playine upon words, it was the common vice of 9k age he liv'd in ;
Aai if we find it in tbepu)pjt, oiade i^ of as aa ornvne^t to the
Sermons of foaae of the graveft Diyinn of tho(c ^ma j perhap* it
ouy not be thought tOo^^ lor tlie Stagp.
But certainly Um greainels of this Agtlwi's gopiut do'* no where
fb much appear, u wbete be ^vcf bis ima^^tion an eoive looTe,
and raifes his &ncy to a fli^tabanreaiankindand theltnitsofthe
vifible world. Sucb are his uteouCx in ^Jt Temptft^ i£dfummrr~
Night's Dream„ Afaciiab, uadHamlet. Of tbcfe, T^ffniiAf^,
however it comes to be plac'd the fiift by the Publiftten of his
worb, can never hsve faced the firtt written ^y km : U fcems to
measperft^initikind, atflmaftany thin^ffehawofhu. One
may oUerve, that the Unities ai« Jupt here, with w exafincfs un<
common to thelibettiea cf his writifig: tho' th«t VM wliat, Ifup>
pole, he valu'dhim&lfleaA ufaon, finoe his ffitctlkncjeiwvre all of
another kind. I am very SaaMt dtw hr io't, ui tbii ^y, depart
c,q,z.<ib, Google
g/'Afr. WiLiiAM Shaicespear. xxxix
too much from that lilccne& to trutli which ought to be obrerv'd in
thefe fcrt of writings j yet he do's it fo very £ncty, that one is e»-
fiydnnirn in to have nxirc feith for his falce, than mlbn does well
allow of. His Miigick has fomething in it very folcmn and very
poettca] : And that cxtravi^nt chanifier of Ca/iian is mighty
wdl fufiain'd, (hews a wonderful invention in the Author, who
could flrike out fuch a particular wild im^, and is certainly one
at the fined and moft uncommon Grotefquet that was ever feen.
The obfcrvation, which I have been inferm'd • three very great
men concurr'd in making upon this part, was extremely juft ; That
Shskefpear bad nat mfy fautid out a ntw CbttraSlir in his Caliban,
hut bed a^9 dtfoi^d and cdapttd a new mamur */ Languegf for
ibai Cbara£ftr.
It is the &me ni^;ick that railes the Fairies in Mtdfummer Night's
Dream, the Witches in Mechtth, and the Ghoft in Hamlet, with
thoi^ts and laneuage fo proper to the parts they fuftain, and fo pe-
culiar to the t^t (^ (hTs Writer. But of the two laft of thefe
Plays 1 1ball have occafion to take notice, amon? the Traecdies of
Mr. ^iefpear. If one undertook to examine the greateft patt of
thefe br wfc rules which arc cftaUiOi'd by ArijiotU^ and taken
from tne model of the Grteian Stage, it would be no very hard
• ttd: to £nd a ^;reat many faults : But as Shaiefpeaf liv'd under a
Icind of mere light of nature, and had never been made acquainted
with the r^larity of thdc written precepts, fo it would be hard
to judge him by a law he knew nothing of. We are to confider him
as a man that lir'd in a flate of almc^ univerial licenle and igno-
rance: there was no eftablifh'd judge, but every «k took the liboty -
to write according to the diflates of his own fancy. Whm one
confidcTS, that there is not one play btfbre him of a reputation good
enough to entitle it to an appearance on the prefent Stage, k can-
not but be a matter of great wonder that he mould advance dram a-
tkk Poetry (b far at he did. The Fable is what is generally plac'd
the firft, among thofe that are reckon'd the conflitucnt parts of a
Tra^dc or Heroick Poem ; not, perhaps, as it is the moft di/li.
cuh or beautiful, but as it is the firfl properly to be thought of in
the contrirancc and courfc of the whole j and with the Fable ought
to be confider'd, the fit Difpofition, Order and Conduf) of its (t-
▼eral part^ As it is not in this province of the Drama that the
ftra^th and maftery of Shake/tear lay, fo 1 (hall not underlabe
the tedious and ill-natur'd trouble to point out the feveral faults he
was guiltr of in it. His Talcs were feldom invented, but rather
tden fltner from true Hilfary, or Novels and Romances : And
he commonly made ufe of 'cm in thtit order, with thoTe [iicidcnt$,
and dut extent of time in which he found 'em in the Authers
b f from
(a) jU^FilUaod, £«riC.7. Vanghan, »»i Mr. Selden.
b, Google
?kI ■ Sme Account tf the Ufe, &C,
from whence he borrow'd them. Almoin all bij-biAofkal Plays
comprehend s great length of time, and very diilcfentand diflin^
{daces: And in his Anttnj and Clta^tra., the Scene travels over
thi ereateft part of the Raman Empire. But in recompence for his
carelefsners in this point, when he comes to ^mother part of the
Drama^ Tbe Manneri ff his Chareiitrs, in aSiing tr fpeaking
what ii proper fur tbem^ end fit to b'Jhmvn by (bt Potty be may be
generally jufttfy'd, and in very many places grcttly commended.
For thole Plays which he has taken from the Englijb at Romax
hiflory, let any man compare 'em, and he will find the charafl^
as exa^ in the Poet as the Hiftorian. He feems indeed fo far from
ptopofing to himfclf any one .adiion for a Sul^efl, that the Title
very often telis you, 'tis The Life of ■ King John, King Richard,
f^c. What can be more agreeable to the idea our hifbrians give
oi Henry the fixth, than the pi^urc Sbakefpear has drawn of
^im ! His Manners are everjr where exafily the &me with the
Aory ; one finds him ftill defcrib'd with 'fimphcity, pallive (anility,
want of courage, weakncls of mind, anil eafie fuooiiffion to the
governance (>f an imperious Wife, or prevailing Faflion; Thtj' at
the (ame time the Poet does juflice to his good qualities, and moves
the pity of his audience for him, by Qiewing him mous, difuiterell-
,ed, a contemiwr oF the things of this world, and vs'holly refien'd,
to the feverjsAdifpenfationsca^God'j providence. Thcicisa£ort
Scene in the fecond pirt of Henry VI. which I cannot but thiiik
^mirablc in its kind. Cardinal Beaufbrtj who had murdcr'd the
Duke of Gltiitefler^ is flicwn in the laft ^gonies.on his death-b«I,
with the good King praying over him. There is fo much terror
in one, fo much tendernels and moving piety in the other, fs mull
touch any one who is capable either pf fear or pity. In bis Hen-
ry VIII, that Prince is drawn with that gt;eame& of mind, and all
thofe good qualities whidi are attributed to him in any account
cf his reign. If his faults are not Ihewn in an equal (leeree, and
ihc ihades in this picture do not bear a jurt proportion to the lights,
ft is not that the Artifl wanted either colouis or skill ifi the difpo-
fition of 'cm ; but the truth, I believe, might be, that tip forbore
doing it out of regard tp Queen Elizabub, lincc it could travc been
no very great refpcfl to the memory of his Miftreft, to have ex-
po>'dfomecertainpartsof her father's lifeupon the lUgc. He has
dealt much more freely with the Minifter.of that great King, ^
certainly nothing was ever more jufUy written, than the character
of Cardinal Wolfey. He has Ihewn him iniblent in his profperity j
and yet, by a wonderfiil addrels, he m^es his fall and ruin the
fubieiEl of general compaffion. The whole man, with his vices
:ind virtues, is finely and exactly defcrib'd in the fecond fccne of
tl!C fourth aft. The diftrcfles likewifc of Queen Catharine, in this
, ,, Play,
b, Google
g/'M-. William Shakespbar. xU
play, are rery mcmi^y touch'd ( and tho' the art of the Poet has
fcrccn'd King Henry Trom any grofs impuUtion of injuftice, yet
«>ne is incUn'a to wilh, the Qixea had met with a fortune more
wonhy of her birth and virtue, Nm are the Manners, proper to
the perfons reprefented, lefs juftly obferv'd, in thofe characters taken
jirom the Reman Hifiory j and of this, the fiercenefs and impatience
of Cerielatiui, his courage and difdain of the common people, the
virtue and phitoTot^ical temper of Brutus^ and the irregular great-
ne& of mind in M. JntetPf, are beautiful proo& For trie two laft
efpedally, you find 'em cxaflly as they arc dcfcrib'd by Plutarch,
from whom certainly Shaktjptar copy'd 'cm. He has indeed fol-
low'd his original pietiy cbrc, acd taken in feveral little incidoits
that might Mve been (par'd in a Play. But, as I hinted bdore,
his defign fecms mod commonly rather to defcribe thofe givat mea
in the Icvcral fortunes and accidents of their lives, than to Uke any
tingle ereat a£lion, and form his work limply upon that. How-
CTer, there are fomcof his pieces, where the Fable is founded up-
on one a£lion only. Such are more efpecially, Remea and "JuRtt.,
Hamlet, and Othtllt. The defign in Rcmco and Juliet^ is plainly
the punifiiment of their two families, for the unreafonable ftuds
and animosities that had been fo long kept up between 'cm, and
cccaiion'd the eSitfion of fo much blood. In the management of
this Hory, he has fliewn fomcthing wonderfiilly tender and pa^o-
natc in the love-part, and very pitifiil in the diflrefs. Hamlet is
founded on much the fame Tale with the EUifra of Sephaelet.
In each of 'cm a young Prince is engaged to revenge the death of
his &tbcr, their mothers are equally guilty, are both concerned in
the murder of their husbands, and are afterwards married to the
murderers. There is in the firft part of thcCrw^Tragcdy, fbme-
tbing very moving in the grief of Sltilra ; hut as Mi.D'jfcier has
obferv'd, there is fomething very unnatural and fhocking in the
Manners he has riven that Princefs and Ortjtet in the latter part.
OrrfUt embrues his bands in the blood of hisown mother; and
that barbarous afiion is perfbrm'd, tho' not immediately updn the
fbgc, yet fo near, that the audienCe hear Cfyiemnffira .crying out
to JE^fibus for help, and to her fon for mercy : While Eti£h-a
her daughter, and a Princefs (both'of them charaifters that ought
to have appear'd with more decency) ftands upon the tlage and
—^ her brother in the i^rticide. What horror does 5is not
raitc! C^/fm»{/7r(i wa^ a wicked woman, andhaddeferv'd todte;
nay, in the truth of the Ibry, Ihe was kill'd by her own Ton ; but
to reprefent an ai^on of this kind on the Aage, is certainly an ot-
fence againfl thofe rules of manners proper to the peifons,
ou|U to be obferv'd there. On the contrary, let us only look a
litoc on the conduft of Sbakejptar. Hamlet a reprefented with il.':
b, Google
xlu Smu Acccuta ef the Lift, &c.
fame ^etr towards his £uhcr, and rdblution to revenge hi* death, as
Ortftet; ne luu tbe &me abborrence for his mother's euilt, which,
to provoke him the more, is beighten'd by inceft : ^ut '-tis with
wooderfitl ait and juflnefs of judgment, that the Poet reftrains him
fiom doing violence to bis mother. To prevent any thing of that
kind, be makes bis Other's Gbofi fiubid that part of his vengeance.
But hewfievtr thaipitrfu^S ihit jlt^
Taint tut tfrf mind, ner ut thy foul contrivi
Aroinfi thy mather gugbt j have btr Is heai/H,
And ta tbifi tbtrns that in btr btfem hdgi^
T« prick andJUng btr.
This is to diftinguifl) righdy between Herrar and Tirrat. The
latter is a proper piffion « Tragedy, but the former oueht always
to be carefully avcnded. And certainly no dnunadck Writer ever
fuccceded better in raifineTirrrdr in the minds of an audience than
Sbai^tar has done. The whole Tn^Mly c^ Macheib, but more
eTpeciaOy the fcenc where the Kii% is murder'd, in the fccond a£t,
as wdl as this Piay, is a noble proof of that manly fpirit widi
wlucb be writ; arid both ibcw how powerful he was, m giving
the ftrongpft motions to our fouli that they are capable of. I cao-
jiot leave Hamlet, without taking notice of the advantage widi
which we have feen this Mafter-picce of Sbaktfpear diflinguilh it
fdf upon the ib^, by Mr. Bttttrtn'i fine performance of that
part. A man, who tho' he had no other good qualities, as be has
a eieat many, muft have made his way into the cfleem of all men
(H letters, by this only excellency. No man is better acquainted
with Sbakthear's manner of exprelEon, and indeed he has ftudy'd
him lb weU, aod is lb much a maOer ai him, that whatever part
of bis he perfbrms, he docs it as if it had been written on puiixilc
for him, and that the Author had exa£lly conceiv'd it as he plays
it. I muft own a particular obligation to him, for the moft con-
Jidefable part of the parages relatmg to this life, which I have bene
Han&nitted to the [ubli^k i his veneration for the memory of f^Jf^-
^tar having engaged him to make a journey into WaranciflArt^
on purpoTe Xa gather up what remains be could, of a name for
which he had fo gicat a veneration.
b, Google
Si* fiJkmng Jnfirummt vat tranfinitted to us by
}dttt\ Anftis, JE/jj Garter Kw^ at Jrms: It is
mariCdy G. 13. p. 349.
^iere is dlfo a Manufeript in tht Heralds Offict^ marktd
W. z. p. 276 i v^tere notkt is taken ef this Ca0, mi
that tie Perfon to whom it tool groMttdy bad bom Ma»
fj^acy dt Stratford «po» Avon.]
TO all and fii^ular N<^ aoi Gendemca of *11 Eibtes uul
Dearees, beariog Arms, to whom tbefe PreCma fliall come:
WiUuim DetMdt Garter Princ^ King of AfButrf'fi^llaWiUKl
WiUivm Cemdaiy aim Ci'rmnMix, Kingof Afivfor the Souicti,
Eaft, and Weft Puti cf this Realm, fend Graetu^ Know y%
that in all Nations and Kingdoms the Record and Remembrance
ci dK valiant Fadi and virtuous Difpofidons of wenhT Men have
been made known and divulged by certain iifaields of Arms and
Tokens of Chivalrie ; tlie Grant or Teftimony wliereof apper-
tdnctb unto w, by nrtuc ef tm oSa? from the Queen's mod
Excellent Mmjc^, and her Highnefs's moft noble and vjfiorious
Progeniton: Whtrefore being ^icitedi end by prpdiblc Report
infermed, that J'f"' Shaiejpere, now of Stratfird upon Awt in
the County <^ U^^nuici, Gen^em«n« whofe Great Grandfather
(at his MtMd and M>povvd Service to the late isoft prfKleat
Prince, King Hairy v\l. of famous Memory, was advanced and
rewarded witn-Lanas aof Tenements^ {jive* tohim in thofe Parts
of H^anuickftart,' where they have continued by fome Dercents
in good Reputation and Credit ; And tor that the Taid Jthn Shait-
Jftrt having married dw Oau^nr and wp <>f *^ U<^^ ^ JRtiert
JrdtH of WtHtHtatt in the^ ^^^^""'J!- "'^'^ produced this
h^ancient Coat of Arms, baetofore angpad to tiin whilll he
was her Majefty's Officer and Bailifaf that Towju In confl-
deration of the PmniwR. and lor the EooBunKiiMm of his Po-
fterity, unto wham fifcii Ssoon of ArsH anaAcchwrements of
Inheritance &Ma tbeii fajd Mother, by tiie ancteot Cuftom and
I4SWS of AUBi, our bwfiilly defeeod ; We thie Hud Gsrter and
CloTtiuitulx have au^ned, gianted, end confirined, and hy thefe
Pidcntt exeaplified unto vne bid JAn Shai^irt, and to his
foAerity, that Sbidd and Coat of Arms, vi*. h a Fitide/Gtld
^m 0 Btnd Sakitt « ^tar »f tbt firfi^ tin Pust ttjHvtrd^ htadtd
jhtat J and fcr hit Crefl or CocniJitsce, A Ftdcmt, Or, -with hit
mn(p i^tajU^ 0M£wg m a Wrathi tf iii Ctlturi^ fiff^ning
m Sfmr armtd itadfd, tr.fUtd SUvtr, find upn an Helmet
with Maatl«8 aa4 Ta&ls, v- »•» ptalt^y may apfcar deified
in this Margent ; And m hive likewife impaled the &me vith
the ancient Anns of the faid /trdn of fvellingcttti fignifjii^
fbeieby, that it 11127 and flull be lawful for tht: laid John Sbakt-
^rrtt Gent, to bear and uTe the fiune Shield of Arms, fmg^ or
impaled, ai aforef^d, during; his natural Life; and that it Ihall
be lawful fin his Children, iSix, and Podcriur, lawfully b^otten,
to bear, ufe, and quarter, and ihcw forth tne fame, with their
due Di&icnces in all lawful warlike Feats and civil Ufe or Ex-
crdlcs, accoidiog to the Ixvn of Arms, and Cu(bia thstf to
Gentlemen bcloneeth, without Let or Interruption of anj Perfim
or Perfrau, for ufe or bearlne the fame- In Witncfc aiid Tefti-
mony whereof we have, fubicribed our Names, and &flned the
Sells of our Offices. Given at the Office' of Arms, L<md$ity
the ^Z**^ '" ^^ Forty fecond Year of the Reign of
our motl Gracious Sovereign Lady ESzahetb, by the Grace of
God, Queen of EKgland, Franct, and Ireland^ Defender of the
Faith, wf. 1599.
Memory of. my beloved the Author,
And what he hath left us. '
TO draw n* mv/ (Shakdpear) m thy Name,
Am lihus-an^lt la thy BoA^ eM FUnc: -
WbiU I cmftft thy writings U ht fiub^ •
As-tuithfT Imn, lur Mufe atn praiA ttt roach.
'Tis trut^ end ail mens fi^agt. Batthtfiweya
WtrtiMtthtpaAs I mtant untotbf'^hSk'.
Ftrfedufi Ignorance n> tbtfi maj light,
IVhtcb, when itJimnJt at he/1, hat eccbods right } - '
Or blind Afle£tionf which doth ttirt ftetvanu >
7<^ truth, hagrapeSy and urgeth'alHy chanui
Or era/t<f Ma\Kc migbi frettnd ihit fraifi, '■
Jnd think tt mini, where itfteniJ U raife.
Thtfe art-, at feme tt^amous Baiiiif er Where, — ■ ■
ShuOd /n-ai/t a Mztma. ff^at cuddhurt hirmtnf' ''
But than art praef agmMfi them, endiadetd- ■ •■ .' "
jOme tl^ iU-tottuiBt cf tbaty BF tbeatei.
I titr^tre
c,q,z.<ib, Google
/ thereftri vuH bt^n. Soul aflhe Aget
TbtMlaufi! d*bgbt! tht vmdtr ^mr St^!
Mj Sbakdpaur r^e\ I wiil not lodge thet ty
Chaucer, tr Spenfer, «r h'd Beaiunont lyt
A Ikilt fiiribtrt to wait tbtt a nam :
7hm art a Momiment vntbnit a Tomb^
Jni art alnuftiU, udiiU tbj Book detb Uve,
Aid we have wits tt rtady andpraife to give.
Tbal Itutrnx tbtifi, m^ hrain excises %
I mean with great, "hit di^aptrtion'd Mufe :
/ir if I tbmgbt mfjudgmmt wtre ofytars,
IfooMJd tmtmt tbeefiirtfy tuith thrfPtea,
Jnd foSf bow far tbrn Jtdft our Lilv oat-Jhine,
Or A«rtnv Kid, «r Manow'i mighty Lint.
Aadlbii^bibmbadfifmalJlMua and U/s Greek,
From tAenct to honour tbei, I would aetyiei
For noHff } iut caUfortb tbaxd'ringA.fchyluSj
£uri{Hdes, awd SopncxJes to vs,
Pacuvius, AcdiM, him ^Cordova dead^
To live again^ to bear ilrf Buskin troad,
Jhd fiiakt a^a^\ Or, when iby Socks were en,
Ltave thee alone for the comparijon
OfaB, that tn/ount Greece, er hauebty Rome
Stmt forth, or^ci did from their bJoos come.
Tritai^, m Britain, thou baji one tojhow.
To worn aU Smws of Europe homage owe.
He was iM if en age, hut fir ell time I
And all the MuTes, fiill were in their prime.
When like Apdio he came forth to warm
Our tart, or like a Mercury to charm !
Nature her fflf tUfis proud of hit ddiznes,
And jofd'to wear the dreffing of hit Lines !
miicb wen fo richly fpun, end woven fo fit,
Ai, fmce^ fie will vmuhfafe m ether wit.
The merry Greek, tert Ariftophanes,
Neat Terence, witty Ptautus, aw net fleafei
But emitted, and deferted (fe.
At they were net ofNatuie*! famify.
Tot waifi I tut give Nature all: thy Art,
Mr gentle Shakefpcar, mufi enjoy a part.
For though the Poet'i matter Nature bt^
His Art doth give the Fafliion. And^ thai bt
fyho eafts to write a living line, muflfweat,
(Such as thine are) andfirikt thejicond heat
upon the Mufes Anvite; turn thefanu,
(And hsmfrlf with it) that he ihintt U framii
bvGoog[c — !
Or for the Lowril, fii mej gam a fttm.
Far 0 gsed Poet's made, m w*B ai born.
Jnd fiieb toirt ibeu. Leek hoiu tkt Fatbfr*s fait
Liv*s in hit Ijjiit, tvtnfe the ratt
Of Shaketpeiu^j tmnd and mamurs hrigbtlf fimut
In his xutll tarnid, end tne filed ibui :
In each 4 whieh b* ferns taficki a Lmnte,
. Ai hrandijb'd at the tjes tf Ignorance.
Sweet Swan »f Avon ! what a f^bt it toeri
To fin thee in our water jet appear,
Jfnd make thtfe fOrbts afm the Banks «f Thameif
That Jo did take Eliza, and our J;iinal
But flay, I fit tbu in the Hcmifpharc
jfdvanc'd, and made a OmfldUcIon. /in-« /
Shine ferth, thou Sttrrc tf Poea, and mti rage.
Or infittenee, ehide^ ~- -'■ — -"- -' — '-— '^'--
Jad dejpairs dey^
chide^ 9r cbear the drooping SUoe,
thffiightfrem btnce, bath mttaWd Hi$ night,
^y* out for thy Voluitw*! light.
Ben. Johhsoh.
Printed ti» J. aiti P. Knaftm, S. Birt, T. leift/un,
H. LtMttl^ C. Kubt J. BrinMif, J.KadR. Trnfm and
8.DrafirtR.toiS.ff^eaii^un, £.Ntw, tsAB.Dtd,
PLAYS cmtain'd in this Volume.
The fEMPESr.
T E M P iE S T.
A LO N S O, Xflif ef Naples.
Sebaftian, Int Brother.
Profpero, the right Dakeof MUan.
AnthoniOi his Braiha-i the ufurping Duke ef Milan.
Ferdinand, Son to the King of Naples.
G(»izalo, an betuft oldCounfeller to the King of Naples.
Adrian, ufn/ Frandfco, Ler^,
Caliban, a Salvage^ and d^enned Slave.
Trinculo, afejter.
Stephano, a drunken Butkr.
Mafier of a Shify Beatfwainy and Mariner's.
Miranda, Daughter to Prol^icro.-
AHd, an aitfy Spiriti
Juno, > Spiiitf in tht Ma/pa,
Other Spirits attendiiig en Prdpero.
SCENE, OH wunhabUtd Jpud.
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On a Sbif at Sea.
jf tmp^ous tunfe of tbunJer tmd li^tning beard:
Enter a Sbip^nafieTt and a SoOtJwain.
Bfiotf HcKmaSxx: whatduer?
Mafi. Good, ^leak to ch* manners :. fall
to't, yaidy, or we ruo ourielv«» a'^wid i
bdtir, beftir.
Exur Mariners.
Btat/.-Hey my hearts, dieerly my hcartsj yare, yart;
take in the top-fail ; tend to th' matter's whifeft j - ■■
blow *ttU thou buift thy wind, if room enough.
En/er Altmfo, Sd»ftian, Anthonio, Ferdinand* Goazalo*
w4S!». Goad boAfwain have care r what's thcmaftcr?
play the taen,
B a Soatf.
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
4 " Tie TEMPEST." ;
SoalJ. I pray now keep bclow^
j^ttt. Where is the maner, boacfwain ?
Boat/. Do you not hear him? you mar our labour;
keq) your cabins ; yoU aBift the ftorm.
Conz. Nay, good be patient.
Boat/. When the fea is. Hence. What care thcfc
Roarers for the name of King? tocatuni filence; trou-
ble us not.
Gens. Good : yet remember whom thou haft aboard.
Boat/ None that I love more than myfelf. You are a
ccunfeilor ; if you can command thcfe elements to filenoc,
and work the peace of the prefcTir, we will not hand a
"rope more ; nfe your amhority. If ybu cannot, g^vc
thanks you have liv'd fo long, and make your felf ready
in your c^in for the mifchance of the hour, if i^ fo hap.
Cheerly good hearts : out of our way, I lay. ' . [Exit.
Gonz. I have great comfort from this fellow ; methinks .
he hath no drcwning mark upon him ; hi? complexion is
perfe<fl; gallows. Stand faft, good fate, to his hang^g ;
make the rope of his deftiny our cable, for pur own doth
little advant^: if he be n6t bom to be hang'd, our cafe
is mifo^e. [£»/.
Re-aiter Baatfioaat. . ,
Boat/ Doxivn inth the top-maft: yaK, lower, lower i
\xmg Ikt to try with mun-cotu^. A plague upon this
howlii^. >
.J erj mtlnn. Enter Sebaftian, Anthonjo and Gonzalo.
they are louder than the weather, or our office. Yet
i^un ? what .do jwju here ? (hall we ^e o*er and drtiwn?
have you a iiupd to fink i
Stb. A pox o* your throat, you bawling, blalphe*
mous, uncluiitable dc^
Boat/ Work you then.
j*tf. Hang cur, hang, you whorefiin infolent noifc-
naker} we are Ids afnid to be drown'd than thou ait.
Ojvz. rit warrant him for drownings thou^ the S3up
Tht T E M P E S T. s
were no ftrtuKcr than a aut-ihell, and as leaky, as an un-
ftandi'd wendi. ■
Boat/. Lay her a hold,- a hold j ftt fwr twp.cpprib off
to lea again, lay her off.
■Enter Marimri wet.
Mar, All loft \ to prayers, to- prayers ! all Ipft I' ,
Boatf. What, muft our mouths be cold ? \
Gonz. The King and Prince at pray'rs ? let us aflift 'cmi
For our cale is as theirs.
Set. Tm out of padence.
jfyt. We're merely cheated of our lives by drunkards.
This wide-diopt rafcal — would thou might'ft lie drowning
The waftung of ten tides !
GoHZ. He'll be hang*d yet,
Though every dr<^ of water fwear againft it.
And gape ac wid'ft to glut him. . '
Sei. Mercy wi us ! [J canfitfed neifc ivithm.
We ifJit, we Jlplit ! ferewel my wife and children, ,
Brother &rewd: wefplit, wefplit, wcl^it! ' . '
jfKt. Let's all link with the King,
Seb. Let's take leave of him. [Exit.
Goax. Now would I give a thouland furl6ng;5 of Tea
for an acre of bonen ground : ' 'ling, heath, brooni, lurze,
any thing \ ■ ■ ■ - die wills above be done, but I i*ou!d
^ die a dry death. . {Exit.
Tbt Incbanted JJland.
Enter Profpero md Miranda.
Mra.^ F by your art (my dearcfl: father) you have
■!■ Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them :
The sky it leenu would pour down ftinking pitch,
B 3 But
I loag Iwitk, brawn fiine, ao j thbg i
6 flfeTElUPESt.
But tint Hit lea, mountiRg to th' w^un's dteek,
Paflies the Ere out. . O !, I have fuffer'd
With thoft that I lawfiifftr: a.bravc vcflcl
CWho had, no doubt, feme noble creatures in licr)
Dalh'd all to pieces, Oh ! the cry did knoc)c
Againft my rery heart : poor fouls, they pcnfti'd : .
HM I been ai^ God of pow'r, I would
Hare fimk the fea within the earth or e'er
It fliould the good fhip fo have fwallow'd, and
The fraighted fouls within her.
Pro. Be. collcdedi
No more amazement ; tell your piteous heart.
There's no harm done.
JMira. O wo the day !
Pro. No harm.
I have done nothing but in care of thee
(Of thee my dear one, thee my daughter) who
Art Ignorant of what thou art, nought knowing
Of wicnce I am, nor that Trt) more, or better
Tlian ProjperOy mafter of a full poor cell.
And thy no greater father,
Mra. Molt to know
t^ oerer meddle 'mth my fhoughtJ.
Pro. 'Tistime
\ fhould Infonn thee &ther. Lend thy hand.
And phick my mag^ garment from me : fo 1
\_Lafs iffwn his mtmtU.
Lye there my Art. Wipe (hou thine eyes, hare comfwt.
Tm dircfial^wftade of thf wreck, which touch'd
The very virtue of compafliai in thee,
I have with fuch * 'proviijoo' in mine ait
So &fely order*d, that there's no foul Idle \
No not fi> much perditioa as an hatr
Boid to any ataturc in the vdiel .
Vnudi tliou heard'ft cry, whicb thou law'fl: fuik : fk down.
Foe 'thou muft now know &ther.
fdifa> You' hare often
3 coapffioB ,,.»U t4ii. 7tai. imni,
B^un to tell me what I am, but ftopt*
And left me to the boMlds inqUifi^n;
Condtufing, Ste^^ not yet.
Pt9^ TtK hour's now come.
The vay minute t»ds thee ope tiiine ear.
Obey, and be attentire. Canfl: rcmeniber
A nmc before we tame unto this eel! ?
I do not think' t&ou c»ft, for then thou waft: not
Out three years old.
Afir^. Certainly, Sa, I can.
Pro. By what? by any other houfe, orp*rfon? ■ ■
Of any thing the inuge, tell me, that
Hath kept in thy remembrance?
Mra. *Tis &r off i
And rather^ce a dream, Aan an afTumno!
That my Tcmembrance warrants. Had I hOt
Four or five women once that tended me ?
Pro. Thouhadft, and mwe, Miranda: but how U it
That tfaia -liws in thy mind? what feaftdiou elfe
In the dark badc-imd and abyfnie of time?
If thou remetlittjer'ft ought ere diou cam'ft h«^
How thou dm'ft'here mou may'ft.
Mra. But that I do nw. [fiace
Pro. "Ha t«dTe yevs fimtt, ^Sr«>tlia'i twdvc yean
Thy &ther was die Dake of JUBJM, mA
A Prince <tf Fo^'r.
Afira. Sr, are not you my fatbtr ?
Pro. Thy mother was a piece of l4ltoe, and
She f^ thou waft my dau^tcr i and >thy fethe* "
Was Duke of Afi^, ' 'thou his only heir'
A Frinceis, no worie ifls'd.
Mra. Otheheav'na!
What foul play had we that we camcltiwn Afticc?
Or Ueffed was't we did ?
Pro. Both, both, my »ri :
By foul play (as thou fey^) were we hewMrficncci
But Ucfledk hcfe'd hither.
84 ^*'»-
) and hit oitty hA
» 3«ir T E M P E S T.
Mira. My heart bleeds , , -'
To .think o'th* teenc that I have turo'd you to.
Which is from my remembrance. . Plcafe you, fotber. ■
Pre. My brother ajid thy uncle, call'd -^/(6w|^ff — —
1 pray thee mark me, (that a brother ftiould
Be fo perfidious I j he whom next thy iHf :.
Of all the world I lov'd, and to him put
The maoage of my ftate j as at that time
Througji all the Clones it was the firtt
And Pro^ere the prime Didte, being fo rqvted
In dignityt' and for ihe liberal arts
Without a. parallel i rfiofe being all my ftudy :
The government I call upon .qiy brother.
And to my ftate grew ftranger, being tranjjxirtcd
And rapt in fecrct ftudies. Thy &Ue uudc — —
(Doft thou attend me? )
Mh-a. Sir, nw^ heedfuUy.
Fro. Being once perftfted how to grant ftutx^
Howtodenythnn; whom t'advance, and whom
* To plafli' fi>r over-to[;jMng.i new created
The cre^we? that w^qx. iBine* I lay or c|i^;]g'4 'em
Or elfe new form'd 'cm % having both the key i
Of officer and office, fet all hearts
To what tune pleas'd his liar i thatnowhevas '
The" ivy which had hid my ptiocety tninkr
And fuckt my verdure out on't. — Thou attend'ft oot
ASra. Good Sir, Ida. . '
Pro. I pray thee mark me then.
I thus n^efting worldly ends, all dedicMai
To defends, and the bettering of my mind
With that which, but by being fo retired,
0'er-priz*d all popular rate, in my fklie brother
Awak'd an evil nature ^ andmytruft,-
like a good parent, did beget rf him .. -j
A faWhood, in hs coMrary as great
As my truft -vtas i which had indeed no Jimi^
A cdnidence Jans bound. He beir^ thus loidcd,
■■ "- Not
4 To tndh . . . tlJtdii, Warh. mt»i.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Not only irith what my rcvome yielded,
But uriiat my power nugbtetie ezad:; like one
* 'A^ho bnng an untruth, and telling't oft*!'
* Twlakes' Tuch a fmner of his memoTy
To credit his own lie •, he did believe
He was indeed the Duke, from ful^tution
And executing th* outward face of nqratty
With all prerogative. Hence lus amUdon growing-—
7 'Doft thou hear, child?'
A£ra. Your tale,- Sir, would cure dca&efi.'
Pro. To have no Icreen between tins pan he plaid.
And htm he .plaid it for, he needs will be
AUblute Milan. Me, poor man [ -— my library
Was Dukedom large enough ; of temporal royaldes
He thinks me now incapable : confederates
(So d^ he was for fway) wi' th* Kii^ of Ni^
To give him annual ti^xite, do him hotnage, .
Subjcifi his coronet to his crown, and bend
The Dukedom yet unbow'd (aha poor M^/ )
To much ignoble (toqpng.
Mira. O the hcav'ns ! .■:.•'.
Pro. Mark ' 'the' condtttoo, and: di' ennt, then tdj me
If this might be a Brother? ,
Mira. flhould fin, -
To think not nobly of my graad^mother, [didon :'
Pro. ' 'Good wombs have bom bod fonj. Nov the coiv-
This King of Naples being an enemy
To me inveterate, hears my" lwothCT*3 fuit j
Which was, that he in lieu o' th' pi^mifes.
Of homage, and I know not how much Qiblice,
Should prdentlv extirpate me and mine
Out of the Dukedom, and confer fair MUgH,
With idl the luHioun, tm my bro^icr. 'Wlunon
A treacheiDus army kvy'd, chk mid-n^^
J Wbo hsTi'Dg into tmcii, bjr lelliDg tf it,' 6 Maio
7 Doft thou liesr t 8 hit .
9 Mir. Good womb) have bora bad {bni.
fit. Now the condition ; i:fc. . . '. tU tiit. Thni. tMmJ*
b, Google
to TS« T E M P E S T.
Tated to th'purppfe, (iid Aabmo i^>en
Thegatnof MkKi ami i* di' dexd (^ dariaie& -
The minifters for th' putpofe hiury'd thence.
Me and thy cr^ng fcE
Mira. Alack £r pity!
I not remcmbniig:how I cry'd cat tfaoni
Willay it o'er Again-, it is a tunc
That wrings mine eyes to't.
Pro. Hear a little furdier.
And dicn I'll brn^theeto Ait ptefcnt bufinOb
Which noVs upen's; iritfaout die which diis fteiy
Were moft impettincnt..
ISra. Why did ^!e|.wie
That.hour deftroy us ?
Pro. Well demanded^ wench ;
My tale provokes that queftion. ■ 'Th^ darft not,'
So dear the love my people bore tne, iet.
A mark fo bloody oolheiiu/inds ; but
With coloua fairer foimad their ^I ends.
In few, they hurty'd us aboard a bark.
Bore us ibme leagues to fea, wheit diey pr^ar*d
A lOtten canafrAf dlUaXi-inot r^d,
Nortackle, nor Ikil, normafti thevoryrats ■ '■'■■
InftinSively had quit it : there they iieiil: us
Toarytoth'fca-thiwiuiUtaHS-; to^
Tp winds, liffiote pi^ ifi^n^ bade afff^
Did us but loving iwmg.
Mira. Aladtl whitoiioi^
Was I then to 700 ?
Pre. Ol-aJcbehiUm
Thou waft that did-piderve me: Thou <&Ift fiiulc
bftried with a fertitHde frcnn beav'n ;
(When I fane "farack'd' the icft with dnm ^ Cdt,
Under my burtfacir;gtD8n'd) wladi n^a id mc
An undergoing ftomach, to bear up
Agsunft what ihould «^.
Mira, Howcamewea-fluve?
I Dou-, ^ darft not, x dc«k*d
b, Google
The t n UPUsr. II
Prv. By prondcnce Svint.
Some food we had, AAd Ibme fi-elh w^ter, that
Ji noble NeopoUtfln GetaaU,
Out of lus chanty (being then appointed
Matter of this (fcfign) did gpr us, wkh
Rkh garments, Bnnkls, Ibi^, and neceffaties
"Whidi fina have flreeded mudi. So of his gcntfcnefe.
Knowing 1 tov'd my books, he fimrifh'dmc
From mv own library, with volumes that
I prize wove iny Dukedbm. *
JWiTtf. Would I might
But em fee that man !
Pro, Now I arifc :
Sit flilU and bear the HI Af our lea-lbrrow.
Here in dds ifland we aniv*d, and hen:
Have I,, thy fchool-mafter, made thee more profit
Than other Prinas can, (hat have more time
For vainer hours, and tutors ndt lb careful.
A£ra. Heav'ns thank you for't ! And now I pray
you, Sr,
^or ftiU 'tis beating in tny nufid) your I'ea^
For raiiing this fea-Itorhi ?
Pre. Know thus far forth j
By accident moft llrange bountiiul fortune
(Now my dear lady) hath tnine enemies
BnH«ht to this ihore : and by my prefdence
I find my Zenilb doth^q>ead upon
A moft aufpidous Aar, whofe infiuence
If now I court not> but omit, my fortubes
Will ever after droop. — Here ceafe mote queftioM,
Thou art indin'd to fleep. 'Tis a good diincfi.
And ghre it way ; I know thou carrft. not chute.
Come away, fervant, come j I'm ready now :
Approach, my Ariel. Come.
iz 7** T E M P E S T.
Ettter Ariel. ■ .
An. All hail, gjeat matter! grave Sir, hail! I come
To aniwer thy beft pleafure. Be't to fly ;
To fwim i to dive into the 6re i to ride
Qi the curl'd douds : to tliy ftrong bidding task
Ariel and all his qualities.
Pre. Haft thou, ftMrit,'
Perfbfin'd to point the tempefl: that I bad thee ? . ■
Ai. To every article.
I boardai the King's (hip : now on the beak.
Now in the wajtte, the deck, in every cabin,
I flam'd amazement. Sometimes Td divide, ,
And bum in many places'; on the top-maft
The yards and bdr-fprit would" I flame diftinftly.
Then meet and join, yove's lightnings, the precurfers
Of dtcadfiil thunder-claps, more momentary '
And fight out-running were not -, ■ the fire and cracks "
Of fulphurcus roaring the nioft mi^ty Neptune
Scan'd to befiege, and make his bold waves trcmbic.
Yea, his dread trident fhake.
Pre, ' 'That's my brave' fpirit !' .
Who was fo firm, Jo conftant, that this coyl
Would not infedt lus reafon ?
-^'. Not a foul
But felt a feaver'of the mind, and pl^d ^
Some tricks of delpcration : all but mariners
Plung'd in the foaming brine, and quit the vefiel.
Then all a-fire with me : the King s fon Ferdinand
With hair up-ftaring (then liki reeds, not h^)
Was the firit Man that leap'd; cry*d hell is eropey>
And all the devils are here.
Pro. Why that's my ijurit!
But was not ttus lug^ Ihore?
Art, Qofeby, mymafter.
I My bfiT^ bcMv/^t!
Tro. But are they, Jrkl^ Me i
Art. Not 3 hair pcrifliM :
On thdr fufhuiung gaiments not a Uemilb,
But fredio- than before. And as thou badfl me.
In troops' I have difpen'd' them 'bout the Ifle :
The King's fon hare I landed by himfelf,
'Whom I left cooling of the air with fight
In an odd an^ of the Ifle, and fitting,
His arms in this lad knot. '
Pr*. Of the King's Ihip
The mariners, fay ^w thou haft diliws'd.
And all the reft o'th' fleet?
Art. Safely in haibour
Is the King^a fliip ; in the deep nook, where once
Thou call'dft me up at midnight, to- fetch dew
From t^ ftiU-TCXt Bmneotbes ", there fhe's hkl :
The maiinen all under hatches ftow*d,
* 'Whom' with a cfiarm join'd to their fuffered labour,
I've left afleep ; ax»d for the reft o'th* fleet
(Which I difpers'd) they, all have met again*
And are uixm the Miditerraiuan flote,
Bo\md ladly home for N^s,
Sujmofing that they &w thelCii^'s fhi^ meck'd,
And his great periim perilh.
Pn, jtrielj thy cha^
ExaSly is pcrform'd ■, but there's more woric :
Vi^faat is the time o'th' day ?
An, Paft the nud feafon.
Pro. At leaft two glalTes : the time *tirixt fix and now.
Muft by us both be-^>ent imrfl preciouQy.
Art. Is there mnc t<»l? fmce thou ddl g^ve me pains*
(t) 7bit ii tit SfM^ tnnnneUliv */ Benqsdv: tl- metmul *f
^Bhitl Ifnd in pMTtbai'i Pi^rimati it, tbut ii <wmt taWJ the IIIumI
«f Penl* and the incbaRted IJIand, thde nama bdi^ nveii it frem
the nonftroii) icinpdU which there have bun often fuSiinM. -^d
mtMim JftMiiitg tf tht nx^tt thftir if Ifiemit mtb m/iiri ih* gt*mt
mt* h /Mrrmndtd, b* faith, The Ifluid* leein rent with tempeUi of
dimkr, l^htaing aaH nia, which thteatca in time to deroiu thea;
•U. 4 Who
14 »« T E M P E S T.
I^ tne remember thee what thou haft pnnnb*'d.
Which is not yet perform*d me.
Fro. How^)»? moody?
What is'c thaa caoft desiaod ?
An. MyWjcFtf.
Pro. Before the tinK be out? no more,
jiri. I pr'ythce
Remember I have done dne wocthy fennce,
Tdd thee no hes, made no miftakings, icrv'd
Without or grudge or gran^Iingsi tbou <Mt promiic
To bate me a iul year.
Tro. Doft thou forget
From what a tonnent I did free thise \
An. No.
Fro. Thou doft \ and think'il it nnich to treadthc ooze
Of the.late deo) \
To run uptsi tne £baip vtaod of the North,
To do me bufinefs in the vdna o'th' earth.
When it is bak'd with froft.
Art. I dp not. Sir.
Fre. Thou ly'ft, nu%)aiit thing: haft: thoU'fiji|goc
The foul witch Sycerax^ who with age and eifry
,Was grown iitto a hoop? haft thou fixgot her ?
Jri, No, Sir. [RCy ikj*
Pre. T1m)U haft: where was ftie bom? fyeuti ''tdl
Ari. Sr, ToxArptr.
Pro. CMi, was me fo ? I muft
Once in a month recount what thou haft been,
Which duni fisgeeft. This daom'd wiech Sjaraitt
For milUiie^ mamfbld, ^ 'fetcetka too terrilw'
To enter haman bearing, from jtgitr
thfsa know*ft was bonifti'd : ion one tlung ihe did
Th^ would not take Iwr fife. Isdusootmic?
Ai. Ay, Sr.
Pro. This blue-ey*d hag was luther bttiught with diild.
And here was kit by th* £ula« » thou my Oave,
5 nfl me, 6 akd lbr«r!ei terriblt
Tfc r E M PES T; 15
As thou repoct'ft thy ieif, waA tben;heriaTant:
And, Ibr thou waft a fpirit too delicate ^
To a& ber earthly and abhorr'd commands,
Refulii^ her grand helh, flie did confine dice,
By help of her more potent minifters
And in her moft imoui^able nige,;
Into a cloven i»ne ; within wtuch lift ■
ImprifcHi'd, thou didft painfi% remain
A dozen years, within which fpace fbe dy'd, * '
And Irft thee there : where thou didft vmt diy groMis
As fall as mSlrwbcels ftrikc. Then was this Hhnd ■
(Save for the ion tt»c flie did litter here,
A freckl'd vh«lp,.bagitem) HOC hcpitoui:*d widi
A human (hape.
,jiri. Yes -, CaUhtm her Ion.
Prv. Dxdl dang, I&7 fo : he, tkatCaii^M
Whom now I keep in fervice. Thou beft know'ft
What tonnent I did find thee in ; thy groans
Did make wolres howl, and penntase che Intfti
Of ever-angry bears i it was a torment
To ^ upon the damn,'d, which: ^flrdK
CouUnocagnn imdo: it vnu mine art.
When I agy'd and hoad ijbflc> that made gye
The pne, and let thee out.
./^. I thank thee, aiafter.
Pre. If thou more munnur*ft, I will tend an oak
And peg thee in his knotty entndls^ 'oil
Thou'ft howl'd away twelve winters.
An. nraon, nuner.
Iirillbe oom^xnEkRCto oHniiund,
And do my ^tin^ gontfy.
Pro. Do fo: and after two days I'H dktharge dice.
.M. Ok\ Tlat'ri my nol:^ mafert
WhatilMllIdo? lay what? what IhsQ I^doF
Pre. G» mikc<hyftlf fike to a nymt^ o* i^* Ica^
Befut^edco nofi^bat mine: invifiUe
To every ey«-baU elfe. Go take this fli^.
And hither come in't : ^ Txikc' mh dil^Aice. (AR^Anel.
7 GohoM Awake
b, Google
l6 tie r E M P E. S t.
Awake, dear iieartawakc, thou haSt flept #cll.
A£ra. The ftrangcnds of youf ftoiy put
Hcavinefs in me.
Prfii Shake h off: come on.
We'll vifit CaUhan my ilave, who never
Yieldi us kind anTwcr.
Mra. *Tis a villain. Sir,
I do not love to look on -^
Pn. But as 'tis
We cannot mils him : he does make our 6re,
Fetch in our wood, and ferves in odices
That profit us. What hoal Have! CaUbait!
Thou earth thou I &eak.
Cal. (vatbin.) There's wood enough within.
Pre, Come forth, I &y, there's other bulinels for chee.
Enter Arid lite a fVater-NyB^h,
Fine iqiparhiont my quunt Aiel^
Haric in thine ear.
Jri. My lord, it fhall be done- - , [Beit.
Pre, Thou poifoDOus flave, got by the devil -hiiirfelf
Upon thy wiclud dam ; come fonh, thou t<wtoire.
S C EN E ' IV. / . ■
- Enter Caliban.
Cal. As wicked dew as e'er niy mother bnifh,*d . .
Widi raven's feather fix)m unwholibme fav . .■
Drop on you both ! a fouth-wcft blow on ye^ : ^
AncT WUter you all o'er!
Pre. For this, be fure, to^iight thou ihalc have crttnps,
^e-fiitches that Ihali poi thy breath up) urchins
^lall, for that vaft of ni^ that tbey may work*
AU ^KTciie on thee : thou fhalt be [HncK'd
As ^dc as honey-combs, each [WKh more ftii^^
Thanben tlat made 'cm.
. CeU.
na T E M P E St. 17
Cai. I Aiuft eat my dinner.
This IDan^ s mine by Sycerax my mother.
Which thou tak'dit from me. When thou cameft firft
Thou ftroak'dit me and mad'ft much of me ; would'ft
Water wtth berries in't ; and teach me how [give me
To name the bigger lig^t, and how the kfi,
That bum by day and night : and then I lov*d thee.
And flicw'd thee all the qualities o* th* Ifle,
The freih Iprings, brine-pits ; barren place and fertile,
Curs'd be I that I did fo ! ail the charms
Of SycoroKt toads, beedes, bats, light on you \
For I am ail the ful^ei^ that you have.
Who firft was mine own King : and here you fty me
In this hard rode, wtules you do keep from me
The reft of th' IQand.
Pro. Thou moft lying flavei
Whom ftripes may move, not kindnefs ; I haVe us'd rficc
(pilth ad thou tat) '''with human care, and lodg'd thee
fa mine own ceU,^ 'till thou didft feck to isolate
"Hie honour of my duld.
Co/. Oh ho, oh ho, I wou'd it had been done !
Thbu didft prevent me» I had peopled elA
TIus Ifle with CaUhans.
Pro. ''AbhoiredOaVcj^
Who any print of goodnels will not take.
Bang capable of all ill! I tSty'd thee.
Took pains to make thee fpeak, tau^t thee each hour
One dung or other. ' 'When thou could'ft not, fivi^.
Shew thine own meaning, but didft gabble like*^
A thii^ moft brutiih, 1 endow'd thy purpofes
yrt^ words that made them known. But thy lole race
Vol. 1. C (Tho*
8 wMk hunuB care, and lodg'd
In mine owa cell,
9 Mini. Abhorred flavci Thii ^tech laUn frim Mifanda ani
givta /• Profpero Jrl^c^U.
■ •— When' thou did'ft oot, &vM;e,
Know thine own meaning, but wouIdlT gabble like ..,*Id idU.
Thii amindmtttt Mr. Warbiirton frafts'din hii J^lciml* afaniiithn
if till ntltr, frntlifitd in ibt Gtmral DiBhiterj,
b, Google
i8 The r B U f E ST.
(Tho* thou didft leam ) had that in't, which good natUKS
Could not atude to be wabi therefore waft thou
Defenrcdly confin'd into this rock.
Col. You tau^t me language, and my profit «i*t
Is, I know how to curie : the red-plague rid you
For learning me your language !
Pro. H«-fced, hence!
Fetch us in Tewel, and be quick (thou *wert b^)
To anfwer other bufincfc. SHrug'ft diou, malice?
If thou n^eft'ft, or doft unwillingly
What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps.
Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar.
That beafts fliall tremt^ at thy dm.
Cal. No, pray thee.
I muft obey, his art is of fuch pow*r
It would controul my dam's god Sttthos^
And make a vaflal oS him.
Pro. So, flive, hence ! [^tit CaUtMiu
Enter Ferdinand, and AM imifibk, fUr^ oHdjSngit^:
Ccae unto tbefe yeBew faadsj
Aid then take bands:
Cufffied wbenjou have and iifii
The wild waves wbijt ;
Feat itfeatfy here and theriy
Aid jweet Writes the iurt&es hear.
[Burthen difpcriedly.
Harky karky hoi^b-wawgb: tie watch-dt^i barky
An. Harky barky Ihear
^befircUh of firutting cbaukUrt,
Cry Cock-a-deodk-ao.
b, Google
J*< T E M PE S T. 19
Fer. Where ihould thisMuftck be? mnr, or earth?
Ic kunds no more , and lure tc waits upon '
Seme God o' th' Ifland, Sittii^ on a baiJc,
WeejAig a^nft the King my father's medc,
This mefx^ ocpt by me mxn the wxtas
Alk^ing both their fury and my paffioo.
With it's fwcet mr : tlwnce I have follow*d it.
Or it haib drawn me raiher— but 'tis gois.
No, k b^ins agab.
Fm& fathom five thy father fyesf
Of bis bones are coral made :
noje are pearls that -were his eyes,
Netbing 0/ l»m that detb fade.
But detb^fir afia-^bmiget
Laefometi^ rich and^a^e.
Sea-irfo^bs bsurly ring bis kndL
Hark, am litar tbm, mi^-depg belt,
[Burthen; ding, done.
Fer. The ditty does rcmembef my drown'd fethcrj ■
Tlus is no mortal buGnels, nor no feund
That the earth owns: I hear it now above me.
Pro. The fiinged curtains of tluoe eye adnnce.
And lay what thou feeft ymd.
^ra. Whatis't, aijwit?
Ijaii6, how it looks about I believe roe, Sir,
It carries a brave fbnn. Bitf 'tis a ^nrit.
Pro, No, wendi, it eats, and 0eq>3, and hidi liidi fenfea
As we have, &di. This gidlant which thou ieeft
Was in the wreck : and , but he's fomething fhin'd
With grief (that's beauty's caaker) diou m^t*ft call him
A goodly perfbo. He hath loft his feUows,
And Arays about to find 'em.
C 2 Aftw.'
20 The r E U P E S T.
Mra. I might call him
A thing divine, for nothing natural
I ever few fo jwhie.
Pre. It goes on, IJ^de.
I fee, as my foul prompts it. '"Spirit, I'll free thee^
Within two days for tms,
Fer. Moft fure the godde&
On whom thefc ayres attend ! vouchfale my pray'r
May know if you remain upon this inand.
And that you will fome good inftruSion ^vc
How I may bear me here : my prime rcqueft
(Which I do laft pronounce) is, O you wonder!
If you be made or no ?
Mtra. No wonder, Sr,
But certainly a m^d.
Fer. My language I heav'ns !
I am the beil of. them that ipeak this Ipeech,
Were I but where 'tis iboken.
Pro, How? thebeft?
What wert thou if the King of Naples heard thee ?
Fer. A fuigle thing, as I am now, that wonders
To hear thee fpeak of Naples. He does hear me ;
And that he does, I weep : my felf am Nt^Us^
Who, with mine eyes, (ne'er fince at ebb) beheld
The King my fether wreck'd.
Mira. Alack, for mercy !
Fer. Yes faith, and all his lords ; the Duke of ASlan
And his braye f(»i, bong twain.
Pro. The Duke of Milan
And his more braver daughter could controll thee.
If now 'twere fit to do't :— At the firft fight
They have chang'd eyes: (delicate./^/,
I'll fet thee free for this.) A word, good Sir,
I fear you've done yourielf fome wrong : a wctfd.
ilfirtf. Why Ipcaks my Father fo ungently ? diis
Is the tlurd man that e'er I faw ; the firil '■
That e'er I Cgh'd for. Pity move my fether
3 S[ar!t, fine fpirit, 1*11 free due
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7i« TEMPEST. 21
To be inclin'd my way !
Fer. O, if a Vir^,
And your affedion not gone forth, I'll make you
The Queen of Nt^les.
Pre. Soft Sir, one word more. «
They're both in cither's power : but this fmft bufinefs
I mull uneafie make, left too light winning
Midce the prize light. Sir, one word more ; / charge thee
{To Ariel.
That tbett attend nu, rhou doll here ufurp
The name thou ow'ft not, and haft put thylelf
Upon this Ifland, as a Ipy, to vrin ic
From me, the lord an't.
Fer. No, as I'm a man.
Mira. There's nottuns ill can dwell in fucH a temple.
If the ill ffniit have So aji an houle.
Good things will ftrive to dwell with't.
Fr0. Follow me.
Speak you not for him : he's a traitor. Come,
I II manacle thy neck, and feet tc^ether -,
Sea-water flialt thou drink, thy food ihall be
The frefli-tnook mulcles, wither'd roots, and husks
Wherein the acorn cradled. Fdlow.
Fir. No,
I will refift fuch entertainmoit, 'till
Mine eoony has more power.
[He drawit md it charmed from moving.
Mira. O dear father,
Make not too ralh a tryal of him ; for
He's gentle, ' 'tho'^ not fcarfu!.
Pro, What I lay.
My foot my tutor? put thy fword up, tnuKir,
Woo makMl a Ihew, but dar*ft not ftnke •, thy amicience
Is * 'all^ pofieft with gialt : come fit)m thy w«d.
For I can here dilarm thee with this ftick.
And make thy weapon drop.
Mira. Befiiech you, £ither.
C 3 ■ P«.
3 aDd 4 la
Fro. Hence : hang not on my garment.
Mira. Sir, have pity \
ril be hb furety.
Pre. Silence ; one word more
Shall make me chide thee, if not hate thee. What,
An advocate for an Impoftor ? hufh !
Thou think'ft there are no more fijch fliapes as he,
(Having feen but him and CaUhm) fooUlh wench.
To th* moft of men this is a Cdihm^
And they to him are angels.
Mira. My afiedions
Are thai moft humble : I b^ve no ambiuon
To fee a goodlier man.
Pro. Come on, obey :
Thy nerves are in dieir infancy again.
And have no vigour in them.
Per. So they are;
My &irits, as in a dream, are all bound up.
My rather's lofi, the weakncis which I feet
The wreck of aU my fiiends, and this man's threats
To whom I am fubdu'd, are but light to me.
Might I but through my pnlba c»ice a day
Behold this maid : all corners dfe o* th' earth.
Let liberty makeufe of; ^sace enough
Have I, in fuch a prilbn.
Pro. It works : come <ki.
Thou haft done well, fine Jrid: follow me.
Hark what thou elfe fhalt do me,
Mira. Be of comlbrt.
My father's of a better nature, Sir,
Than he appears l^ ipeedi : this is unwcaited
Which now came ftom him.
Pro. Thou fhalt be as free [?*« Aiiel.
As mountiun winds ; but then exa^Uy do
All points of my command.
M. To th' fyllable.
fr9. Come ft^ow i ^>eak cot for tugit \fi»mia, ,
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uiaotbir Part of the .
Enter Alonlb, Scbaftian, Jbithonio, Gonzalo, Adrian,
Frandfco, and others,
G O K Z A L O.
BESEECH you Sir, be merrY: you have caufe
(So have we all) of joy ; for our elcape
Is much beyraid our lois ; our hint of woe
Is common; ever; day, fome tailor's wife.
The mafters of fome merchant, and the merchant
Have }uQ: our theam of woe : but for the. mirade»
(I mean our prclervadon] few in millions
Can ^eak like us : then wifely, good Sir, wdgh
Our uHTow with our comfort.
Aim. Pr'ythee peatx.
Seh. He recdves comfort Eke cold porridge,
Alt, * The adwfer^ will not g^ o'er fo.
S^. Look, he's mndiog up the watch of lus wk, by
and by it will ftrike.
Con. Sir.
S^. On : tell.
Cm. When every grief is entenaun'd diat*» o^r'd 1
comes to the entertainer—
Seb. A doUor.
Gen. Dolour comes to lum indeed, you have Ipoken
truer than he proposed.
S^. You have taken it wiielier than I meant you Ihould.
Cm. Therefore, my lord.
jbtt. Fie, what a fpend-thrift he is of his ton^ ?
Jbn. I pr'ythee Aiare.
C 4 Con,
S Tkc 'ri£tor .. .tld tdil. Wmrt. nund.
24 7»p T E M P E S T.
GoH. Well, I have done : but yet^
■Sek He will be talking.
^t; Which of them, he, or j^driatt, for a good wager,
firft bcjg^ns to crow ?
Sei. The old cock.
Ant. The cockreD.
Seh. Done; the wager?
Ant. A laughter.
Sek. Amatdi.
A^. Though this Ifland feem to be ddart
Se^. Ha, ha. ha.
Ant. So : you're pad.
^^. Unijjhatritable, and aUnoft inaaeflible—
Sei. Yet.
Mr. Yet,
■Ant. He could not mifi't.
Adr. It muft needs be of fubde, tender, and delicate
Ant. ^mperance was a delicate wench.
Se^. Ay, and a fubtlc, as he moft learnedly dcliver'd.
A^. The Mr breathes upon us here moft tweedy.
Seh. A3 if it had lungs, and rotten ones.
Ant. Or, as 'twere perfiim'd by a fen.
Gm. Here is every thing advantageous to life.
Ant. True, fave means to live.
Sek. Of that there's none or little.
Gen. How luHi and luOy the grais looks ? how green ?
Ant. The ground indeed is tawny.
Se^. With an eye of green in't.
Ant. He mifles not much.
Sel^ No ; he does but miflakc the truth totally.
Gen. But the rarity of it is, which is indeed almoft
beyond aedit
Sei. As many voucht rarities are.
Gen. That our garments being (as they were) drendiM
in the fea, hold noiwithftanding their freftinefs and glofles,
being rather new dy*d thah itain'd with fait water,
Ant. If but one of his pockets could fpcak, would it
not lay he lies ? Sel>-
71i< T E M P E S T. 2S
Seb. Ay, or very falfely pocket up his report.
Geft. Methinks our garments are bow as . ftefe as wh«i
we put them on Brit in jlfrick^ at tV marriage of the
King's fair daughter Qartbel to the King of Tunis.
Seb. 'Twas a fw«t marriage, and we i^tilpcr wefl m
our return.
AA'. TiOHj was never graced before with fuch a paragon
to thrir Queen.
Gm. Not fincc widow Hido's dme.
Aat. Widow ? a pox o' that : how came that mdow
HI? vniovDido!
Sei. What if he had laid mdowex jEneas too? Good
lord, how you take it!
jfiir. Widow Diiky iaid you ? you make me ftudy of
that : fhc was of Carlbagty not of Tunis.
Gen. This Tunis, &r, was Cartbt^e.
Mr. Qfftbage?
Gon. I afliire you Carthage.
/fyt. His word is more tiian the miracdous h^.
Seh. He hath rus'd the wall, and houfcs too.
Ant, What impofliblc matter will he make eafie not?
Seb. I think he will carry this Ifland home in his pocket,
and g^ve it his fon for an ^^e.
Mt. And fowing the kemels of it in the &3, bring ftvth
Gen. Ay.
Ant. Why in good dme.
Gvn. Sir, we were talking that our garments feem now
as frefh as when wtf were at Tumi at the maniage of
your daughter, who is now Queen.
Ant. And the rareft that e'er came there.
Seb, Bate, I befeech you, widow T>i4o.
Ant. O, widow iXdfi/ ay, widow Z)fti»/
Gm. Is not my doublet. Sir, as frelh as the fiift day
I mm it? I mean in a lore.
Aa. That fort was well fiih'd for.
Gm. When I wore it at your daughter's marri^.
^hn. You cram ^efe wotds into mine ears ag^fl
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»6 Tife T E M P E S T.
TIr ftomachof my fcnfe Would I had never
Married my dat^ter there ! for coming thence
My fern is loft, and, in my rate, flie too,
"Who is £) far from Itafy remov'd,
I ne'er again fliall fee licr: O thou mine her
Of N(^ks and of Asiatic what Ihange filh
Hath oiade his meal on thee ?
Bran, Sir, he tray Jive.
I law him beat the lurges under him.
And ride upon diar badu ; he trod die water,
Whofe enmity he flung afide ; and breafted
The &rge moft fwoll'n that met him : hb bold head
*BoTe the contentious waves he kept, and cm'd
HimJielf with bis good arms in lufty ftrokes
To th' ftore ; that o'er his wave-worn bafis bow*d
As Hooping to reUeve him : I not doubt
He cune ^ve to land.
jBoh. No, no, he's gone.
Seb. Sir, you may trank yourleif for this great lofs.
That woukl not Wds our Eitr<^ with your dau^ter.
But rather lofc her to an Jfrican ;
Where fhe, at leaft, is baniih'd from your eye>
Who hath caufe to wet the ^f on*t.
jAis. Pr'ythee peace.
5th. You were Icneel'd to, and importun*d odierwfe
By all of us : and the fair foul her feff
Weigh'd between loathnefs and obedience, at
Whidi end the beam ihould bow. We've loft your loi
I fear for ever : I^an and Ni^Us have
More widows in them of this bufinds' making.
That) we bring men to comfort them : the fault's
Your own.
AloK. So is the deucft of the lofi.
^ Con. My lord Sebafti4at^
The truth you fpeak doth lack fome gentlene&
And th' time you fjpoik It in : jrou rub ^ fate
When you fhould brii^ the plaifter.
Seb. Very well.
Tie T E M P E S T. 37
>ftf. And moft durutgemly.
GoM. It is foul weather in us all, good Sir,
When you arc cloudy.
Set. Foul weather?
Jat. Very foul.
Gm. Had I the "^ ^i}lanting'^ of thii Ifle, my loid-^
At. He'd finr't with netu&-feed.
S^. Or docks, <x- mallows.
GoH. And were the King ' 'of it,^ what wouM I do?
Sii, Sc^ie baag drunk, for want of wine.
Gm. r ui' oomnKMiwtalth I would by conimies
Execute all thii^ : for no kind of traffidc
WaM I adnut -, no name of inagjlftrate ;
Letters fhould not be known ; wealth, poverty.
And ufe of Icrvice, Qooe; craitraA, fnrfyffjnf^
Bocae, bound of bnd, tilth, * 'vineyard, (^cs, none -^
No ufc of metal, com, or wine, or oyl;
No occupadon, all men idle, all.
And women too; but innocnt and pure:
No Soy^Kigptj.
Se^. And fO. he would be King on'c,
At. The latter end of his commonwealth fotgins the
G<m. All thii^ in common nature fhould produce
Without fweat or endeavour. Treaibn, lelony,
SwtHd, pike, knife, gun, or need v^ any eng^
Woukl I not hare ; but nature Ihould l»ing fotch.
Of its own kind, aU ft>yzon, all abundance
To fted my innocent people.
Se^. No marring 'moim hia lutyei^ ?
Au. None, raani all idlei whcra and knavo.
Got. I would widi &ch perfedion govern, Sic^
T* e»iell the golden age.
Sa, Save his N^dty !
jhti hoof^JxnGtmzak!
Cm. And do you mark me, Sr?
Mi Ffytheenonxire} thoudofttalkaoddDgtoine.
^ fboMttkB 7 obX 8 Tinqriid, aooei
28 7*<r T E M P E S T.
Gm. I do well believe your HighneTs, and did it to
minifter occafion to thefc gendcmen, who are of fuch fen-
f^le and nimble lungs, that they always ufe to lau^ at
^nt. *Twas you we laugh'd at.
Gm. Who, in this kindof merry fooling, am nothing
to you : fo you may continue, and laugh at nodiing flill.
yim/. What a blow was there given ?
' Sei. An it had not &llen flat-long.
Gon: You are gentlemen of brave metal ; you would
lift the moon out of her fphere, if fhe would continue in
it five weeks without duuiging.
[^Jtfw Ariel plofm/elm/t mafiek.
Sei. We would fo, and then go a ba£-fawlii^.
yfyt. Nay, good my lord be not angry.
Gat. No I wairant you, I will not adventure my dif-
credon {o weakly : wiU you laugh me adeep, ibr I am
very heavy?
jfnt. Go fleepi and hear us.
jiUrt. What aU fo foon adeep ? I wifli mine eyes
"Would with themfelves fliut up my thoughts: I find
Th^ are inclin'd to do fo.
SeS. Pleafcyou, Sir,
Do not omit the heavy offer of it :
It feldom vifits Ibrrow ; when it doth.
It is a comforter.
jint. We two, my lord.
Will guard your peifon, while you take your reft.
And watch your Afety.
./Son. Thank you: wond'rous heavy.
\AUpep hut Seb. atd Ant.
Seh. What a flrange drowfinelk pofleflb them ?
j^. It is the quality o' th' climate.
Seb. Why
Doth it not then our eye-lids fink ? I find not
Myfelf di^>os'd to fle^.
Afit. lior I, my IHrits are nimble :
They fell t(^;cxher all as t^conient,
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Wtf T E M P E S T. 29
They dropt as by a thunder-ftroke. What mi^t?
WcHwy Stbaftian — O, what might ? — no more.
And yet mediinks I fee it in thy face.
What thou fliould*ft be : di' occafion ^ks thee, and
My ftrong imagjnarion fees a crown
During uptMi thy head.
Seb. wlut, art thou waking?
Mt. Do you not hear me ^ak ?
S^. I do } and furely
It is a lleepy language, and thou Ipeak'fl
Out of thy fleep : -mat is it thou didft fay ?
This is a ftiai^ repofc, to be aflcep
"With eyes wide open : ftanding, fpeaking, mpiTng ;
And yet fo faft ^cep-
Atu. Noble Stbafiian^
Thou Ict'ft thy fortune fleep, die rather 1 irink*ft
'Whilit tbou art waking.
Seb. Thou doft ihore (Effin<aiy i
There's meaning in thy fiiores.
yba. I am more fcrious tlian my cuftom. You
Muft be fo, If you heed me ; which to do,
» 'TrouWes thee not.''
S^. Wdl : I am ftanding water.
Alt. 1*11 teach you how to flow.
Stb. Dofo: to ebb
Hcreditaiy floth inftruAs me.
Au. Oh!
If you but knew how you the purpofe cherifli,
Whilft thus you mock it ; how in ftripping it
You more invcft it ! ebbing men, indeed,
M<A often do {o near the bottom run.
By their own fear or doth.
Stb. Pr'ythee lay on,
The fctring of thine eye and cheek proclaim
A matter from thee ; and a birth, indeed,
YHuch throes thee much to yield.
jSta. I 'Why then thus Sr : ^
9 Tntblei Uue o'er.
Althou^ this lord of weak remembnuce ; thu
"Who fliall be of as little memory
When he is eaith'd, hath here almoft perfuaded
(For he's a fpirit of perfualicxi, only
FrofeHes to perfuade) the King his fon's divc}
'Tis as impolllble that he's undrown'd.
As he that fieeps here, fwims.
Seh. I have no hc^
That he*s undrown'd.
Ant. O, out of chat no hope,
"V^iat great hope have you ? no hope that my, a
Another way £3 high an hope, that even
Ambition cannot pierce a wink beyond.
But *'drops^ difcovery there. Will you grant, mth aw»
That Ferdinand is diown'd ?
Seb. He's gone.
jbft. Then tell me
Who's the next heir oiTf^ki?
Seb. Oaribel.
Axt. She that is Queen of TWr; ihe that dncUi
Ten leagues beyond man's life { fhe that innn iia$U$
Can have no * Note unlefs the fun were poft,
(The man i'th* moon's too flow) 'till new-bom diim
Be rough and razorable ; fhe ' ^from^ whom
We were fea-fwallow'd ; tho' fome, caft agaia.
May by that deftiny peribrm an a&
Whereof what's p^ is prologue, what to come
Is yours and my difchatge — ■-■—
Seb. What ixiS is this ? how iay you ?
*Tis true, my brother's daughter's Queen of Tiuk/,
So is fhe hdr of Naples, 'twixt which re^OM
There is fbme fpace.
Ant. A (pacxi whde cv'xj cubit
Seems to cry out, * ^how fhalt thou, Claribtlt
Meafure it bock^ to N^tt ? Keep in tmt.
(a) No aimUei bt Itlur. z i
3 for . . ■ tUeJit. Thtai. tmiitd.
4 liow dull chat Clmribilf
McaAiK SI back
b, Google
And let Sda/Haa wake. Say, dus were death
That now hath fiiz'd them, why they were no worfe
Than now they are : there be that can rule N^s
As well as he that flecps ; lords that can prate
As amply, and unnccei£nily.
As this Genzaio ; I myfelf could make
A Chough of as deep chat. 0> that you bore
The mind that I do ; what a fleqp were this
For your advancement I do you undcrftand me ?
Stb. Mcduoks I do.
Alt. And how does your conient
Tender your own good Amane i
M. I remember
Tou did fupplant your brocher Prejf'ro,
Mt. True:
And look how well my garmenCs fit iqran me.
Much feater than before. My brotho^s fenrants
yfjtxt dien my ^aim^ now they are my mea.
Seb. But ibr your confdence.
Aa. Ay, Sir; where lyes that ?
If 'twereakyfae, 'twould put me to my (l^^M- :
Bit I feel not this ddty in my bofom.
Ten ooofcieaces that * '9tao^ 'twin me and AJ^Enr,
* 'Candy'd were they, wou'd mek ere tiiey.moleflcd,^
Here lyes your teother
No better th«n the earth he lyes upon,
ff he were that wludinow he's like, that's dead ;
Whom I mth this obedient fteel, three inches of it.
Can lay to bed for ever ; you, doing thus.
To the perpetual wink for ay. nnght put
This andent Moriel, this Sir ftiidmoe, irfio
SiDuld not upbraid our cout&. For all the refl^
Thry*!! take iiiggefticm, as acati^ milk;
They'll tell the dock to any bufinefi that
Seb. Thy cafe, dearfifcnd.
Sail be nvf precedent : asthougot'ftAfiiW,
5 find 6 Cud^'d be 'Caxj, ind meltr om i^ej molefif
32 T^tf T E M P E S T.
I'll come by Naples. Draw thy ftrcwd, one ftroke
Shall free thee from the tribute which thou pay'ft.
And I the King (hall love thee.
Ant. Draw together :
And when I rear my hand, do you the like
To &11 it on Conzale.
Seb. But one word.
Enter Ariel with Mufick and Song,
An. My mafter through His art fbrelees the danger
That you, his friend, are ID} and feids me forth
(For dfe his projeft dies) to keep ' 'you^ Jiving.
\Sings in GonzaloV Ear,
While you here dofnosring fye^
Open-rf'd confpiracy
His time doth take :
If of life you keep a caret
Shake offfiumher^ and bewan
Atpoke ! awake!
Mt. Then let us both be fiiddcn.
Gm. Now> good angek f^eferve the King I
jSon. Why how now ho? awake ! wl^ are you drawn I
Wherefore this ghaftly looking ?
Gen. What's the matter ?
Seh. WHle we ftood here fccuring your repofe,
Ev'n now we heard a hollow burit of bellowing
like bulls, or rather.lions ; did't not wake you ?
It ftrook mine ear moft terribly.
Alon. I heard nothing.
j^. O, 'twas a din to fright a monger's ear »
To make an earthquake : fure it was the roar
Of a whole herd orlkms.
Alen. Heard you this?
Gon. Upon mine honour, ?ir, I heard a hummuig,
And that a ftrange one too, which did awake me.
I Ihak'd you. Sky and cry'd ; as mine eyes open*df
I £nr
I &w didr wieqxMis dra\ni : there was a noife.
Tint's Verity. 'Tis beft we ftand on guard j
Or that we ouit dus place; let's draw our weapons.
jSim. Lead off this ground, and let's make further feardti
For my poor fon.
Gas. Hcav'ns keep him bma thde bcafts .'
For he's fure i' th* IQand.
j&m. Lead away. ,
Art. Profp'ro my lord ihall know what I have dona.
So» Kii^ go fkfdy oa to &ek thy iba. [Exetmt,
Q>anges to another part of the ijiand.
Enter CalH)an with a burden of weed; a noife of
thunder heM-d.
Cai. A LL tJK infe^ons that the fun fucks up [lum
'*^ From Ix^, fens, flats, on Pre^ Mi, and make
By udi-meal a ma&, ! lus fpirits hear me.
And yet I needs muft curie. But they'll not pinch.
Flight me widi urchin fhews, pirch me i'th' mire,
Nw kad me, like a fire-brand, in the dark
Out of my w»f, unk6 he bid 'em ; but
Fin* every trifle are they let upcm me.
Sometime like apes, that moe and chatter at me.
And after Ute me ; then like hedge-hogs, which
Lye tumUii^ io my bare-foot-way, and mount
Thar [Hicka at my foot-^ j fometime am I
All wound with adders, who with doren t(»igues
Do ln& me into madnefs. Lo I now ! lo I
Enter Trinculo,
Here onnes a fp'rit of his now to torment me,
^at brii^^ng wood in Vioniy. I'll &11 flat,
PoduoLe be will oot mind me.
Vot. I. D TrUi,
b, Google
34 7*tf T E M P E S T^
7W«. ^eK'snnther fatA oor ihrub to bear off any
weather at all, and anotter' florm blowing v ' i hear it
fing i'ch* unod: yond iamc black doud, y<]hd'hugeone,>
looks tike a. ibul bombard that would ihed his hquor.
If it Ihould thunder as it did before, I know not where
to hide my head : yoodfame-cloud cannot duife but ^1
by pailfiJs-^^What have wc .here, a- man or a fifh ?-
dead ot alive ? a filh ; he fmells like a filh : a voy an-
denc and ^4ikc fiiidl. A kind of^ not of the neweft,
PonrjfobH: a fhange fUh ! Were linSt^laafl now, as
once I was, and had but this filh p^ted, not an holyday-
fool there bnt would give apiece of filver. There would
this monfter make a man; any Ilrange bcait there makes
a man : when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame
bt^gar* they .will lay out ten to fee a dead Ittdiait. Legg'd.
like a man I and his fins like arms ! warm o* my troth !
I do now let loofe my opinion, hold it no longer ; this is
no filh, but an IHander that hath lately fufier'd by a
thunder-bolt. Alas ! the ftorm is come agiun. My bcft
way is to crcqi tinder lus gabardine: tlu^ is no pthef
fbelter hereabout y rmCay acquaints a man with ftrai^
bed-fellows: I will here ihrowd 'till the dfegs of i£e
ftorm be paft,
Enter Stephano Jmptt^.
Ste. Ifl>eU m more to fta^ to fia^ btrefitall I4h a^/bat^
This is a very fcurvy tune to fuig at a man's funeral c
wcU, here's my comfort. iDrit^.
Kngs. 3l>e tnafter, thefisabber, the hoatjkoain and /,
The gunner, and his mate,
Lev'd MaQf Meg, Martian ^ 'Maijgaf, .
But imt t>f mcat^d /or KaGCj
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Tfe T E M P E S T. 35
Per fin had t Tmpu with a ta^y
Weuid cry to afatleTj go bang:
Shi U^d mot the fteimir of tarnoref ^tch,
Tet a tajior mgbt firatcb her Vfbere-e'arfix did itch.
fhen to Jea, hcjs^ and iet bv go bang.
Tlus is 3 fcurr; tune too : but here's my cotnfcHT.
Col. Do not tcmnenc me : oh !
Ste. What's the matter ? have we dewls here? do you
put tricks upon's \ritb Ikh'^ges, and men of Inde? na ?'
I have not 'Icap'd drowning (o be ilraid now of your
tur legs ; for it hath been iaid, as proper a man as ever
nt on four 1^ cannot make him g^ve ground ; and
it ihall be fiud fo again, whiJe Stepbano breatlis at his
■ Doftrils.
CaL The fpirit torments me: oh!'
Ste, This a ibme monfler of the IQe inth four legs ;
who has got, as I take it, an ague : where the devil
Ihould hcieani our language? I milg^ve himfome relief
if it be but for dut : if I can recover him, and keep him
tame, and get to Naples with him> he*s a prelect for any
Eimxior that ever trod on neats-leacher.
Cal. Do noc tonricnt me, pr'ythee j I'll bru^ my wood
Ste. He*s in a fit now-, and does not talk after the
wifcft: he fhall tafte of my bottle. If he have never
drunk wine afbce, it will go near to remove his fit: if I
can recover htm, and keep him tame, * ^I cannot ask toQ
much for himO he Ihall pay for him, th«t hath Iiim,
and that foundly.
Cal. Thou doft me yet but litde hurt ; thoq wilt anon i
I know it 1:7 Q^ tren^ilira;: now Prober woHts upoo
* 'me.^
Sie. Come on tout wj^s ^ open your mouth ; here
ii diat which will give lan^^iage to a Cat 1 open your
mouth J this mil Ihakc your Ihditing, I can ttJl you> md
D z (hot
S I will noc lake too mack fer him 1 9 A«r.
36 7** T E M P E S T.
that foundly : you aumot tell who's your fiiend ; open
your chaps agiun.
•Trin. 1 fliouki know that v(ricc : k fliould be — but
he i& drown'd ■, and theie are devils ; O ! defend me.
Su. Four I^s and two voices ; a molt dcUcate mon-
fter ! his forward voice now is to fpeak of his friend ; hia
backward voice is to utter foul ^ieechcs, and to detraft.
If all the wine in my bottle wll recover him, I will help
his ague: cornel Jmtn! I Mill pour fome in thy other
Trin. Stephana!
Ste. Doth thy other mouth call me ? mercy ! mercy !
this is a devil, and no monfter: I vnSX leave him^ I hav^
no long fpoon.
Trin Slephano ! If thou becft Stephana, touch me, and
fjxrak to mc ; for I am Trmcule ^ be not a&aid, thy good
nitT.d Trineuk.
Ste. If thou bceft Trinaik, come forth, 1*11 pull thee
by the leffer legs: if any be ynwof/fl's legs, thefc arc they.
Thou art very Tri/icttla indeed : how cam'ft: thou to be
the fiege of thjs moon-calf? can he yznt Trincula's ?
Trin. I took hxm to be kill'd mth a thunder-ftroke :
but art thou not drownM, Stepbano ? I hope now thou art
not drown'd : is the ftorni over-blown ? I hid me under
the deaS moon-calf's gabardine, for fcar of the ftorm :
and art thou livkig, Stepbano ? O Stepbano, tnro Ntt^o-
iitans 'fcap'd !
Ste. Pr'ythee do not turn me about, my flomach is not
Cal. Thcfe be fine thin^, an if they be not fprights :
that's a brave god, and bears celeftial liquor: I ^nll kned
to him.
" Ste. How didft thou *fc^? how cam'ft thou hither ?
fwear by this bottle how thou cam'ft hither : I cjcap*d
upon a butt of fade, wluch the failors heav'd o'er-boxrdt
by diifi bottle I which I made of the baik of a tree, with
mine own hands, fince I was caft a-lhore.
Cai. I'll fwear, upon that bottle, to be diy true ful;^^
for the liquor is not caithly. Ste.
3*f T E M P E S T. 37
Ste. Here: fwearthcn: how dcap'dft thou ?
Trin. Sworn a-ffaore, man, like a duck; I can fwim
like a duck, 1*11 be fwom.
Ste. Here, kifs the book. Though thou canft fwim
like a dock, thou ut made like a gooie.
Trm. O Sttpbano, haft any more' of this?
Ste. The whole butt, man j my cellar is in a rock by
th' fearfidc, where my wine is hid. How now, moon-
calf, how does thine ague !
Cai. Haft thou not dropt from heav'n ?
S{t. Out o'th' moon, I do aflure thee. I was the man
in th' moon i^en^me was.
Cd. I have feen dice in her i and I do adore thee-: my
miftre^ fhew'd me tbec, and thy dog and thy bufh.
Ste. Come fwear to that ; kifs the book: I will fiimifh
it antxi with new contents : fwear.
Trin. fiy this gpod light, this is a very Ihallow monfter :
I afraid of him ? avcryftiallow monfter: themani'th*
mooai a moft poor credulous monfter: well diawn,
monfter, in gpod footh.
Cal. m ftiew thee every fertile inch o'th* Ifle, and I
will kifi thy foot : I pr'ythee be my god.
Trin. By this light, a moft perfidious and drunkoi
monfter ? when his god's afleep, he'll rob his bottle,
Cd.- I'M kifc thy foot- . I'll fwear myfcif thy fubjeft.
Stt. Come on then -, down, and fwear. , " •
Trnr. I Ihall laugh myfelf to death at this puppy-headed
niGnfter: a moft fcurvy monfter! I could find in my heart
to beat him
Ste. Come, ki&.
7W». — But that the poor monfter's in drink : an abo-
minable monfter !
Cal. I'll fhew thee ttiebeft^Kings; Til phick thee berries,
I'll fifli for thee, and get thee wood enou^.
A jdague upon the tyrant that I ferve !
1*11 bear him no more fticks, but follow thoe,
Thou wond'rous man.
7n». A moft ridiculous mcHifter, to make a wonder oF
a poor drunkard. D 3 Cat.
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
38 7t« TEMPEST.
Cd. I pr*ythee let me bring .thri wbeie crrfjs groff,
Aik) I with my long n^ will dig thee pig-nuts ',
Shew thee a. jay's neft, and inftnift thee how
To fiiare the nimble marmazetj I'll bring thee
To cluft'ring filbcrds, and ibnaetimcs I'll get thee .
Young ' 'fea-malls'' from the rock. Wilt thou go with me?
Sti. I prithee now lead the way' without any more
talkmg. 'Trinculo^ the King and all our company eUe beirig
drown'-d, we will inherit here. Here, bear vof bottle j
fellow "Triftculo^ we'll fill him by and by ag^
Cal. [Sings dru»kenly.^ Farewelym^er i^fartwthfarewel
*rrin. A howling monftcr j a drunken mooftcrl
CaL No more dams PUfiiakeforj^,
Nor fetch ts firii^ at requtrif^.
Nor /crape trencher, nor wt^ difi,
Ban^, Ban', Cacafyian
Has a near mafier, get a new man.
Freedom, hey-day, hey-day, freedom, freedom, hey-day,
Ste. O brsn monfier, lead thi: way. [ExeuBt.
Profpero's Qvoe.
Bfiter Ferdinand, hearing a hg.
THERE be Jbme fports are panfiil, but thor l^ur
Del^ in them fets off: fome junds of bafenefi
Are nobly undergone, and moft pocff matters
Point to rich ends. This my mean tadi wou*d be
As heavy to me, as 'ris odious, but
I fcameli «r thamois
The milh:e& whidi I ferre quickens what's dead,
Aiui makes my labours [dealurcs : O, (he is
Ten times mMe gentle than her father's crabbed :
And he's compos'd of hiarOinds. I muft move
Some thou&nds of thefe k)gs, and pile them upi,
Upon a fore iiyunflion. My fwcet miftreft
Weeps when Ihe fees nie "noric, and lays, luch baienefs
Had never like exeaitor ; I fo^et,
' 'Nay/ thefc fwcet though do ev'n rcfrelh ihy labour,
L^ bufie leben I do it.
EMar Miranda, 4mi Prolpero at a difiance wifoeB.
Mra. Alas ! now, pray you.
Work not fo hard ; I would the lightning had
Burnt up thofc logs that ' 'you're^ enjoin'd to pile :
Pray, fct it down, and reft you ; when this bums,
*Twill weep for having weary'd you ; my fatljer
Is hard dc ftudy, pray now, reft yourfelf,
He's lafe for tbde three hours.
Fer. O moft dear miftrefe.
The fun will iet before 1 Jhall ^char^
What I nnrft ftrive to do.
Mira. If you'll fit down,
ril bear your k^ the while. Pray, gjvc me that,
I'll carry't to the irile.
Fer. No, predous creature.
Pad rather cnick my fuiews, break my back.
Than you ffiould fttch difbonour undergo.
While I fit lazy by.
Affra. It would beoMTie me
As well as it does you j and I ffiould do it.
With much more eafe j for my gpod will is to it,
Ai^ yours it is ag^nft.
Pro. poor worm ! thou art
InfeSed, * 'and this wfitarion^ ffiews it.
iWfrfl. You look wearily.
Fer. No, noble mifirefi, 'tis &elh meaning with me,
D 4 When
z Bot, 3 thoa'rt 4 thit viGtation
I z__iv,Goog[c
40 2)&f T E M P E ST.
When you are by « nkht I do befeech you,
(Chiefly that I might tet ic in my prayers)
What is your name?
A^a. Miratida. Q my &tHer,
Tvetsoke your h^ to lay fo.
Ftr. Adnur*dA£r<W(i».'
Indeed the top of admiration, worth
What's dcareft to the world ;, full many a lady
Tvc ey'd with beft r^ard, and many a time
Th* harmony of their tongues hath into bondage
Brought my too diligent ear ; for fev'ral virtues
Have I lik'd fcv'rd^ women, never any
With fo full foul, but fome defeft in her
Did quarrel with the nobleft grace fhe ow'd.
And put it to the foil. But you, O you.
So perfect, and fo peerlels, are created
Of every creature's bed.
Mira. I do not know
One (rf my fcx ; no woman's face remember.
Save from my g^ofs mine own ; nor have I ^n
More that I may call men, than you, good fiiend,
And my dear father > how features are dvoad
I'm skuiefs of; but, by my modefty,
(The jewel in my dower) t would not wifli
Any ctHnpanion in the world but you j
Nor can imaginatifHi form a fhape,
Bcfides yourielf, to like of. But I prattle
Something too wildly, and my father's fncepu
I do fwgct.
Fer. I am, in my condition,
A Prince, Miranda ; I do tliiok, a King \
(I would not fo !) and would no more endure
This wooden flavery, than I would fufier
The fieOi-fly blow my moudi. Hear my foul Qxak %
The very iralant that I law you, did
My heart fly to your fervicc, thm; refides
To make me Have to it, and &r your iake
Am I tlus patient k^-man.
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7*« T E M P E S T. 41
Mira. Do you love me ?
jRt. O heav'n, O earth, bear witnds to tbi) fbund.
And crown what I profela with kind event.
If I fpeak true j if noUowly, invert
What beft is beaded me, to mifchief ! I,
Beyond all limit of ^ ''au^t^ elfc i'ch* world.
Do love, prize, honour you,
Mka. I am a fool
To weep at YibaX. I'm g^ of.
Pro. F«r encountCT
Of two mc&. rare affedions ! heav'ns rain grace
On that which breeds between 'em !
Fer, Wherefore weep you ?
Mra. At tmne umrotthine^, that dare not o^
"What I defire to g^vc, and much lefi take
'What I (hall die to want : but this is trifling ;
iVnd all the m<nc it fecks to hide itfeif.
The bi^er bulk it Ihews. Hence, b^ful cunning;
And jirompt me, plain and holy innocence.
I am your wife, if you will marry me ;
If not, I'U die your m^d : to be your felkiw
You may deny me ; but I'll be your fcrvant.
Whether you will or no.
Firr. My miftrds, dearefl.
And I thus humble ever.
Mra. My husband then?
Fer. Ay, with a heart fi> willing
As bcxidage e'er of freedom ; here's my hand.
Mira. And mine, with my heart in'tj andnow£ucwcl
'Till half an hour hence,
Fer. Athouland, thou&nd. [Exeunt.
Pre. So glad of this as tbey, I cannot be,
Who are fbrpriz'd with all *, tnjt my rejcudng
At nodiing can be more. I'll to my bodct
For yet ere fiipper-time muft I pcrfomi
Much bolinels nipertaining, [£»>.
S wbu
4^ 2Ti^ T E M P E S T.
Another part of the JJland,
Enter CalSjan, Stephanb and Trinculo.'
5/f.'T^ELL not mci when the butt is out, we will
A drink water, not a drop before \ therefore bear
up, and board- *eni J fervanfrnwiftcr, drink to mc.
Trin. Servant monger ! the foUy of this Ifland I tbejr
fejr there's but five upon this lile i we are three of dtem,
if the odier two be br^M like w, the ftate totters.
Ste. Drink, fcrvant aionfter, whoi I lad thee; thy
eyes aie almoA: fet in thy head.-
frin. Where fhould they be fct elfe? he were a brave
monfter indeed if they were fee in his tail.
Ste. My man-monfter hath drown'd his toneuc in ladi ;
for my part, the fea cannot drown me. I wma., ere i
could recover the fliore, five and thirty leagues, off ;and
on ; by this li^ thou fiialt be my lieutenant, monfter,
or my ftandara.
Trin. Your lieutenant, if |ou lift -, he's no ftandard.
Sle. We'll not run, monfievr monfter.
*rrin. Nor go neither j but you'U lye like dogs, and
yet fay nothing neither.
Ste. Moon-calf, Ipeak once in thy life, if thou boeft a
good moon-calf.
Cd, How does thy honour ? let me lidc thy flioc i I'll
not &rve him, he is not valiant.
Trin. Thou htSi^ moft ignofant mofifter, I «m in cafe
to juftle a conftaUe; «^y, thou debofh'd fiih thou, was
there ever man a coward that hajth drunk ib much fiick as
I to-day ? wilt thov tell me a nwnftious lie^ bdi^ but
half a fi(h and half a monfter?
Col. Lo, how he mocks me : wilt thou let him, my
n-bk Lord, 9^th he) that « RMaOcr Oiovdd faa fiich
anatuiat !
Ca/. Lo, K ig«n; faice fakn » darth, I nr^ythee,
^^4. Triacub^ keep a good tongue in your bod ; if yov
prove a mutuna, the next tree die poor moniWi
my AibjcA^ and he Ihati oOt GiSv iodignity.
Cai. 1 thank my noble lord. Wilt thou be pfai*d t»
hearken once agun to .the ftiit I made to thee i
Sie.Mirry will I; kneel and repeat it ; I will fand.
nd fb^ TrmuU. ^^
Enter Ariel imijihb.
C^. As I told thte befive^ I am fubjeA to a tyranc,
a ibrcerer, that by his cuoim^ hath choaKd mc of 1^
Jri. Thoulicft.
CcJL Tlioulieft^ thou jefting monkey, thoui
I would my valiant mailer would deftroy thee ;
I do not lie.
Ste, Traiculot if you trouble him any more io'a tdd, hf
dbjs hand I will fupplaocfome of- your teeth.
TtiM. "Vihft 1 lud notMt^.
Ar. Muni then, and no mcre<, isooood.
(mI. I Jay, by forcery he got tlus Iflei,
Frtun me be get it If tiiy gteatnrfi wiU
Revenge it en lum, for I kjunr thou dar'ft.
But this thine ' 'darcs^ not i
Ste. Thats moft ccrtaio.
Cal. Thou Ifaaft be krd of It, and rU fern lite.
Ste. How ftiall tUs be compMl? azi& diou tti^ me
tothepany ?'
Cal. Yea, yea, my krd, I'll yield Urn thee aflriep,
Where thou may'ft knock a nui into Ui tiMd.
j&i. Thou heft, diOu canft not.
Gi/. What a py'd ninny's this? dnu icurry patch)
I do beleech thy groafflels, give )un bbm.
And take his botde from lun i when that's oobc.
6 dart
4+ W-f T E M P E S T.
He fball drink noug^ but brine, for I'l] not fltew him
Where the quick frefhes are.
Sie. Trincub, run into no fiuther danger: interrupt the
nonfter one word further, and by this hand I'll tum my
mCFCy out o* doors, and make a ftock-fifh of thee.
Trin. Why, what did I ? I did nothing } I'll go fup-
Act oflF. '
Ste. Didft thou not fay he ly'd ?
A^. Thou lieft. .
Ste. Do I fo ? take thou that. {Sf^^ fn^^
As you like this, g^re me the lie another time.
*trin, I c^d not give thee the lie ; out o' your wits and
hearing too? A pox o'your bottle 1 this can lack and
drin^g do: a murr^ on your monfter, and the devil
take your fingers !
Cal. Ha, ha, ha.
Ste. Now forward mth your tale ; p*ythee ftand fur-
ther off.
' OU. Beat him enough ^ after a little time
ni beat him too.
Ste. Stand fiirAer. Come, proceed.
Cal. Why, as I told thee, 'tis a cuftom with him -
I* th* afternoon to flfeep \ there tfiou may*ft biain hinv
Ha^nng firft foz'd his boc^i : or with a log
Batter nis skull, or paunch him with a Aakc,
Or cut his wezand with thy knife. Remember
Ftrft to poflcis his books ; for withoiK them
He*s but a fot, as I am ; and hath not
One fprit to command. They all do hate him
As rootedly as I. Bum but his books ;
He has brave utcnfils, for fo he calls them.
Which, when he has an- houfc, he'll dedc'c ^thal.
And that moft deeply to confider, is
The beauty of his daug^er ; he himfelf
Calls her a non-pareil : I ne'er law wimati
But <uily Sycorax my dam, and \ 'her ^^
But fhe aa &r fiirpifles Sjcvrue '
. As
7 llwi
Ai ffcaSxA. does the Icaft.
Ste. Is it &> teave a lafs ?
Col. Ay, lord -, {he will become thy bed, I varram.
And bring thcc forth faraye brood,.
Ste. Monfter, I will kill this man : his daughter and I
irifl be King aed C^een, lave our Graces : and ^rincuh
and thy felf fhall be Vice-Roys. Boft thou like thej^t,
Trar. Excdlent.
Su. Grrc me thy hand -, I am forry I beat thee: but
iriule diou liv*ft, keep a good tongue in thy hbad.
CtU. Within ttus half hour will he be afle^ i
VTik thou defiroy him then?
Ste. Ay, CHI my honour.
Jri. lius will I ten my mafter.
Cs/. Thou mal^ft me meny ; I am fiiU ef j^eafure $
Let us be jocund. Will you troul the catch
You taugm me but vhilc-ere ?
Ste. At thy requeft, monfter, I mil do reaf(»), any
teafoa : come on, Trituulo, let us fing. \.Singt.
Fbut *tm, and tkout 'em -, m4 tktut *em, mid fiout
*em i thought is free.
CaL That's nM die tune.
[Ariel flofs the tune on a Tai^ and Ptpei
Ste. What is this^&OK ?
Trim. This is the*tune of our catch, phud by the [»&ure
of no-body.
Ste. If thou be^ft a man, Ihew thy felf in tjiy likenefi j
if dun bc'ft a devil, takc't as thou h&.
Trin. O hrffrc me my fins !
Ste. He that dies pays all debts : I defie thee. Mercy
Cs/. Aitdioua&aid?
Ste. No, mcxiftcr, not I.
CW. fie not afraid i the ifle is ftill of noifcs.
Sounds, and fweet airs^ that give delight, and hurt not.
SoRKtuncs a thoufand twanging inftruments
Will hum about mine can -, and Ibmetimes voices.
b, Google
46 Ihe T E MP E S t.
That if I then had wak'd after long fleqi, '
■Will make me fleep again j and then in dreaming,
Th« douds mcthought would open, and Ihew riches
Ready to drop upon mc j when I wak'd,
I cry d to dream again.
Sre. This ■HJH prove s brave kingdom to me, vibtac I
fli^ have my munck for nothing.
Cd. When Prefpere is deftroy'd.
Ste. That Jhall be byandiay: I remember the ftory.
jrw. The found is going away i let's follow it, and
after do our wcrk.
Ste, Lead, monfterj we'll ft^w. I would I could
fee this taborer. He lays it on.
Trin. Wilt come? I'll follow, Siepbatio. lExtunt,
s c *E N E nr.
Charges again.
Mater Aloi^ Stbsftvw, AfidioniOk GopzeiQ^ Ad^an, '
FranctfcOj &£.
G«(. "DY'Rlakin, I can go no fimher, Sr, -
■D My (Ad bwies ake ; here's a aiazc trod indeed
Through fbrth-rights and meanders : Jjy your patience,
I necdi muft reft me.
j&iH. Old lord, I cannot blame thee.
Who am my fiif attad»*d with wearinm
To th' dulling of my ft«rits : Gt doim and r^,
Ev*n here I will put off my hope, and keep it
No longer fiw my flatt'rer : he is drown'd.
Whom thus we ftray to find, and the fca mocks
Our fiuftrate fearch on land. Weil, kt rfm go.
j&t. 1 am right glad that he^s (ooMaf mpc.
Do not, for one repulie, for^ the purpofe
That you rcfdv^d t'efieft.
Stk. Tlw next advantage
b, Google
ne r EUP KSlX 47
Will we take throughlf.
jht. Let it be to-night %
For, now they are (^jn^s'd with e-ard, ^unr
A¥iU not, nor cannot, ule fuch Vigilance
As when they're frefti.
Sei. I lay to-night : no more.
Sehmn andjtra/^e Mufick^ and Pro^ro on the top iteoi'
fi>U, . Enter feveralftra^gt Jbafti^ irinpttg in a km'
queti andiance about it with gentle aaiotts .of falutt-
tfoHt and iitvitittg the King,. SiC. to'eatf they defart.
jSoH. Wbat harmoap ti this? my good fiiendB, harki
Gon. MatTcilous fweet mufick !
JUn, Give us kind koqiers, honreft! what are rf»efc ?
S^. A Irring dhjlfcry. Now I will beliere
That there ire uuBonM } thit in Jiraiia
iWe is one tree the phcenix* throne, one j^ioenix -
At this hour reigning there.
jbt. I'll beJicTe both;
And what does elfe want credit, come tp ipc.
And m be fwom 'tis trucTriTelich ' 'ne'er ficd,*
ThoBgh fools at home coRdemn *ein.
Gen. If in Napks
1 Ihould report this now* would they b^eve me ?
If I fhoula iky I ikw iuch iiland«n ;
(For certes thde are people of tbe iflatid)
Whotho* they afc of oionllrou* il^kpe, yec note
Thdr maoiieis ace mon gientle, kipd« thm. of
Oar human generadon you Ihall fii^
Many ; nay, aim<A any.
Pr». Honeftlopd>
Thou haft faid well ; for fome of you there preftnt
Are worfe than devils.
^n. I cannot too much mufe.
Such flnpa, liich geftutc, and fuch found, espreflijig
^Although dicy want the ufe of tongue) i kind
Of excellent dumb dilcourfe. • •
8 ne'er did lie, ■ ■ •
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48 Tttf T E M P E S T.
Pre. Prnfe in depamng.
Fran. They vaium'd ftrat^y.
Seb. » "Tis no matter,^ fince
They've left their viands behind \ for we have ftomadis,
"Will't plcafe you tafte of what is here ?
■ '^^.^ Not I.
Gon. Faith, Sir, you need not fear. When we were boys.
Who would behevc that there were mountaineers,
Dew-lapt like bulls, whofe throats had hanging at 'em
Wallets of flclh ? or that there were.fuch men,,
Whofe heads ftood in thdr breafts ? which now we find*
Each a putter out * 'on^ five for one will brii^ us-
Good wairant of.
jilon, I will ftand to, and feed.
Although my laltj no matttr, fioce I fed
The bcft is paft. Biother, my brd the Duke,
Stand to, and do as we.
^holder and Ugbtwii^. EtUer Ariel Ske a barfly eiaps '
bis fmgt v^ the table^ and vntb a fueint dnite
tbe banquet vtm^es.
jlri. You arc three men of fin, whom deftiny
(That hath to infimment this lower world.
And what is in*t) die never-furfcited fea
Hath caufed to > 'belch up ;^ and on this Ifland,
Where man doth not inh^t, you 'mongft men
{») b VMj « eajam hirtttfart fwr pt»plt uftn thiir g»i»g ftrfi .t»
Irmttl U p*t tut fumi af mtMt^ i^« cantraBt » rteeive tkt Jkmi
tmtk villi imcrtm/t iMh tbtir rttmm: vibick inertaft hart m fnfar-
titw t» tbi iiMgib and iangtr »f ibt verfagei tbtf undtrltoi j auj Mm
tbtft •u/bieb VMrt vtrj kwg and v*ry baxarAai it famttiwui r*^ M
Stt Ben. Johalbn. Swiy mmm *Kf »f hu btmimt. Jg, x. St. j.
St* eljk Morir<m*i Itinirmrf. Pari I. >. 198.
«P«r Jvr/M ind fbir,ify.
9 No matter, 1 JJn.
X of . . . Mtiii. Tbfi. tmaU.
3 fadckjwiBpi ... tUtdit. nai.mnd.
7t« T I M P E S t. 49
Bong moft unfit to live : I have made you.tatiii
And ev'n witK iiich like valour tnen.iung and drown
Their pK^KT Itilves. You fools, I and piyieticnrs.
. \Xbey.Jraw.timr fiaerof.
Arq fnini^ert «f fate ; the dements
Of * 'which' yo«r iwords are tcmpcr'd, may as well
Wound the loud 'winds, (X-whii.betnodiLt-3C,{(at» ..
Kill the ftiil-dofii^ Watast as diminilh ..
One down that's- in niy pliwne : my fellow-miniflcrs ,
Are like invulnerafele. If you could hurt, - ; ■
Your fword? are now too irfafiic for your ftrengthji
And will not be up-Uficd. But rodiember,. - , . . ;
(For that's .iHybwineis tO'ypu) that yogchree
From JV^/on did fuppIancgoodiVvj^ffv :
Exposed unto the fea, (which hath reqmt it) . •. ; ,
Him and his innocent child : for. which foul deed ' .
The powers delaying, not Ibrgett^, have i ' >
Incens'd.the fe^ ana Iho^es, yea, all die creatuitSi
Againil your.powe: thee of; thy foo, ^<fn^, . ....
.They have bereft ; and <&>; pronounce by me*
Ling'ring perdi^n, wode than, any death
Can be at once,' ihelLib^ by f^ attend .. ^
You and your ways ; wnofe vrcaxh^ to guatd you fiXMni
Which here in diistnoftdefolatelfle die fall . ,.
-Upon your beads, > ^there's'^ notlung but heart's forrow.
And a dear life cxifuii^
HevoKifiusiHtimtder: then, to foft Hwfitk, Enter the
fit^i t^atUy and daace -with moeks end mouiest and tar-
rying out the tahU.
Pro. Bravdy the figine of this haipy haft thou
Perftnm'd, my jlrUli a grace it had devouring i
Of my inflniaion haft thou nothing 'bated
In what thou hadft to Ciyt. fo mthgood life.
And obfcrratiOD ftrange, my ipeaner minifters
Thdr feveral kinds have done ; my high chamu worjc,
Aixl dK&, mine oiemieSi are all knit up
Vol. 1. E In
In th«r diftnfiions : th^ ^te in m^ power;
And in ihde fits I lesve them, whillt I vifit
Youh^ FerJiMMd, ' 'who,^ che^ilippqle, ^^drQwn'd^
And hi^ and my lov'd darling.
Gen. V ch' name of fbmethitig holy. Sir, why ftmd you
In this'AiQiigc ftare ?
^H. O, it is monftrous I monftrous !
Methought the billows Ipoke, and told me of ic ;
The winds did fing it to Ine, and the thunder.
That deep and drcadfiil or^m-inpc pronounc'd
The name <^ Pr&jttr: it did baie my trefpols.
Therefore my fon i* th' ooze is bedded ;_ and
I'll feck turn decner than e'erplummet foinded.
And with him there lye mudded. \E%U.
Seh. But one fiend at a time,
I'll fight their legions o'er.
Ant. ■ I'll be thy fecond. [flxnlfltf .
Gfiff. All three of there ate ddp'rate t their great guilt.
Like p(ulbn ^v'n to work a ^vat time after.
Now 'gins ta bite the Ijwits. I
That are of fuppter jokits, follow them fwiftly*
And hinder them fivm what this ocflalie
May now provf^e them Co.
Air. Follow, I pray you.
AC t
b, Google
The r n liTP E S T.-
Enter Froipero, .Fnxlin^ilv mJ Miranda. '
Prosper. 0.
IF I havcKJp wfteretjrpu9i(h*4you,
Your cotnpenfacion nmes amends; ior I
Have g?v'n you Jicrd ^ 'a thrwd''* of n^ne own-Kfe*
Or that for wiuch I live i whom, once a^;»n
I tender to tiij hand: aH thy vezatiOQS
Were but my ayals of thy Iovc» 'and thou
Haft Ibangdy flood the teO:. Heiir afore hcav'ii
I ratifie this m^ ridi gift : * ''Ferdinand,'^ ,
Do not linile at me that I b6a& her off; .
For dwu flialt 6nd Ihe wiE outftrip aU praif^
And make it hale belund h^;
Fer. I bdieVc it ■
Againft w\ oracle.
Pn. Then as my g^ and tfabw ami ocquUitfon'
Worthily puic^'d^ take my dai^ter : buc.
If thou doft ixeak her ^^ir^knot before
All finflimoirious oeremonics "may
With ftiU and holy rite be mint&er'd.
No fwect aiperficffi fhdl the hcav'ns let fall
To make this cootraQ grow : but barren haK,
Sour-cy'd dHilain, and difcord ihall beftrew
The union of your bed with weeds fo loathly,
Thar you fh^ hate k both : dierefora take beedy
As Iffmai*^ lamps ihaH lighc y9U.
Fa-. As I hOT>c
^ ■ E 2 ■ ■ , ■ F
' 7 a dunl ...tld tdit. fink. rnni. « <^ Siifd^m4,
52 Tfft T: E M F E S T.
For quiet days, fur i0ue, and long Bfe,
>yilh ^h love as 'tis now : the murki^ den.
The moft c^^rtune place, the ftrCM)g*ft fu^eftion-
Our worfer Gentus can, fhall never melt.
Mine lionolv into luflri t<S"laktaw8y ' '. ';' ,',*
The edge of that day's celebration, ' '
When I fhall diink wPbabu:? Aceds are f()under*d.
Or tught kept chiun*d below.
Pro. '.'Moft farly fookc/
Sitthen, and talk with ner, fiie is thinrown.
What, j^li my indaftxious fervant, A-iel.
S C E N E 11. ■ ,
•'Eater Ariel :, •
j^. Whatwould my potent mifter? ^here'l am. ■ ^
Pro. Thou and thy meaner fellows your Tart fcrvice ' ' '
Did worthily perform ;■ and I muft ufe ybii ■ " -
In fuch anoorer rtick> gp bring th^ rabble, " " ' [ ' ■ '
0'cr*homIg«^cchee|)Qwer, here to'AispIacc'i '
Indte them to quick mtJtioh, fijrf muft" . ." '
Beftow upon The cyesof this young couple "" - ' "
Some vanity of mine art J it is m)rprDmifrv
And they exped it from me. - .
jtU Prelently? , . , -
Pro. Ay, with a ra-^nlc.' ' * ■ '
Art. Before you can fay, Gbmerandgp,^ ' ' '
And breathe twice j" and cfj;^ Ib^ fo; ' ■
E^ch one, tripping on his toe, '
Will be here with mofand mow. ,
Doyou love ipe, manei'? no? -^ ' '
Pro. Dearly, my delicate ^/>/; dofloc aijroadi'
'Till thou doft hear mc caH. * '. , -
yfri. Well, I foficrtve.' ' ■■■..;■ [£)(>/J
Pro. Look thoii be truei'db not give dalliance
* Too much the rein ; the ftrongeft oaths are fttaw
To th' fire i' th' blood : be more abftemibus.
9 tairlyfpoke. • - •
TU T E M P E ST. 53
Or elfc good-n^t your vow.
Fer. I warraijt you, Sir,
The white, (xdd vitgin<Ciow upon my heait
Abates the ardour of my liver.
Pro. Well. . '
Now come, my Jriel, Iwing a corollary.
Rather than want a fpirit, appear, and pertly.
No tongue i all eyca ; be filenr. \Soft mijkk.
S <: E N E III.
A MASQUE. Enter Im.
Iris. Ceres, moft bounteous lady, thy rich leas
Of wheat, rye, barley, fctdies, oats, arid pcafe j
Thy turfy mountains, where live niblihg flie^-
And flat meads, ' 'with thatch' d'' ftover, them to kcq) j
Thy banks with poned, and tulip'd brims, . .
Whkh ipungy v^// at thy heft betrims, [groves,^
To make cold nymphs .chafte crowns ; and thy ' "lirown
AVhofe Ihadow the difmiffed batchelor loves,
Bdig lafe-bm; thy "pale-dipt^ vineyard.
And thy fca-maige ftcril, and rodty-hard.
Where thou- thy felf do'lt air j the Queen o' th' sky, '
Whofe wat'ry arch and mcflenger am I,
Bids thee leave thefc, and with her Sov*reign Grace,
Here ot this graft-plot, in this very place XJuno de/cendf,
■fo come and iport j her peacocks fly amain ;
Approach, rich Cerfs, her to entertain.
Enier Ceres.
Cer. H^ many-colour'd mcflenger, chat ne'er
Do'ft difobcy the w& of TiyxVff-:
Who, with thy.faffron wings, upon my flowers
Difliiiieft honey dn^, rcfrefliing fhowers ;
And with each end of thy Hue bow do'ft crown
My bosky acres, and my unfhrub'd down.
E 3 Rich
.( ihatch'dwtth 2 broom-gruTCs, .
3 pok-clipt ... »U tin. iVarh. imini.
5* »*« TEMPEST.
I^hfcarf to my proud cMth i why hatKthyQueen
SumiTKHi'd me hither, to this Ihort-grafs green i
Iris. A concrsA of true love to cekbiate^
And feme donation freely to eftatc
On the blefs'd lovers.
Cer. Tell me, heav'nly bow.
If Venus or her fon, &s diou do'ft know.
Do now attend the Qiieen ? fince they did plot
The means, that duiky Dis my dai^ter got j
Her and her blind boy's fcandai*d company
1 have forfwom.
* Iris. Of herfocirty
Be not afraid : I met her deity
Cutting the clouds towards Paphes^ and her fon
Dove-drawn with her ; here diought they to have done
Some wanton chann upon this man and maid,
(Whofe vows are, that no bed-right lluU be paid
'Till hymen's torch be fitted) but in vain;
Mars\h.QX nunion is retwii'd agvn %■
Her wafpifh-headcd ion has brqke his anows.
Swears he will fhoot no more, but pUy with ifvtovz.
And be a boy right-out.
Cer, H^ Queen of ftate.
Great June comes, I know her by her gate.
Jun. How does nay bounteous fifter ? gawith me
To blefs this twMi, that they may profp'rous be.
And honour'd in their ifiiie. [Tlrfy j6p.
Jun. Heneur, riches, marriage bleffmg.
Long centinuoHee md etKreafing,-
Hetirbf jays befiiU upon you,
Juno^wfj her biegings onyou.
*'Ccr.^Earti's iiureafe, and feyfen^tentj.
Barns and gamers never empty^
Vifiesy "imtif clu/inng intnchts grarvii^t ■•
PlantSy with goodly hrtben bowing :
4 All fonnCT editiciu very unpiopcrl}- p\-e this wk<de fonnottu
Juno. . . . 'Tknbald,
7J« T t M PEST. 55
SpriMg eeme to wb at tbefarth^^ '>
Ik the vtry end »f barvefi t
Scarcity laid matU-fiidlfiiunymt
Ceres* hU£ittgfo is en you.
Fer. This is a moft majcltidc \ifion, and
Hannonious charming lay ; may I be bold
To chink tbde ^Hiits?
Pro. Spirits wluch by mine art
I have frwn all thdr confines cail'd, t' enaft
My prcfatt fancies.
Fer, htx. mc fire here ever $
So rare a wonder'd father, and a irife.
Make tlus place paradile.
Pro. * 'Now filetlce, fweet !
There's fixncthmg cUe to do j^ hulfa, and be mute.
Or elie our fpdH is man'd.
Juno ^ Ceres wbijpar^ mid fend Iris 09 mplejmeKt.
Iris. Tou nymphs callM Ndyadi of the tdndng brodu^
With your £N»*d cnnms, and ever-hannlefi looksj
Leave your cmp dunneU, and on this green-land
Anfwcr your fummons, Jmho doei command :
Come, temperate nymj^Si and hdp to celdxite
A Goatraft 1^ true love ; be Aot coo late.
Enter ctrtmM Njn^bs,
Tou fiat-bttm*d iidclemen, of Ai^ft ^iiiy.
Come hither from the furrow, and be merry j
Make holy-day j your rye-ftraW hats put on.
And theft frefti nymjJis encounter tvcry one
In country footing. ".
; S«Mt now, filence:
TiMfciniJ Ctru ifkiferr fcrioiififi
Tbac's fomethii^ clw to io;
56 The" TX:M:P B ST.
Euler certain reapers, pre^fy habited •, they jotwrnitb the
lymphs in a graceful dance -, towards lie end whereof
Profpero fiarfs fuddenfy^ andfpiaks ; after whtcbj t» a
Jtrange, hoSow and confufed notfe, they vanifi.
Pro. I had forgot xhax foul conftMiacy
Of the beafl: CaUban^ and his confed'rates,
Againft my lifci the minute of thdr plot
Is ^moft come. Well done, avoid 4 no moir. {paflton
Ferd. * 'This is moft ftrange j^ your father's in ftwne
That works him ftroiigly.
Mira. Never 'till this day
Saw I hitn touch'd with anger, fo diftemper*d.
Pro. ' 'Why, yoij do lo(3c,^ my fon, m 3 mov'd fortj
As if you were dilmay'd j be chcarful, Sir :
Pur revels now arc^ ended: thefe our adors,
■ A's I foretold you, 'were all fpirits, and - '
, Are melted intq. air, into thin air j
And» like thebaicleisfabrick.of their wfiOT»
The doyd-tapt towers, tjip gQrgepus palaraiSj,
The folemn temples, the grcM globe it fclf.
Yea, all wHch it inherit, fhall diflblye.
And, like this infubllai^ pageant faded, .
Leave not a * 'track behind,'^ We are fuch fliuff"
As' dreams are made on, and dur little life
Is rounded with a fleep. Sir, lamvcxt;.
Bear wth my wciknels, my old briun is troubled ;
Be not difiiirb'd with my infirmity ; ' . ■
If ' 'you^ be pkas'd, retire info my cell.
And there repofe ; a turn ot two I'll walk
To ftill my beating mind.
hW. Mira. We wilh you peace. [Exeifnl,
Pre. Come with a thou^t j I thjink thee, -^id'- come,
6| This is flrangc \ 7 You look,- 8 rack
<) th«^
b, Google
7t* T E M P ES T.
Enter Ariel.
^'. Thy thoughts I cleave to-, what's thy pleaTurc?
Pro. Spirit!
We muft prepare to meet with Caiiban.
Art. Ay, my commander \ when 2 prefcsted Certs'^
I thought to have told riiee of it, but 1 fear'd
Left I might anger thee. [varlets ?
P«. ' 'But, vpf i^ax\^ whete didft thou leave thefc
^t. I told you, Sr,. they were red hot with drinking %
So fiill of valour, that they fmote the Mr ' ■
For breathing in their faces ; beat the ground
For kifling oT their feet ; yet always bending
Towards their pffojed:. Then I beat my tabcw.
At wluch like unlxtckt colts th^ pridct their ears',
Advanc'd thdr eye-lids,- fifted up their nofes.
As they fmclt muficki fo I chairn'd their ears,
■ That, calf-like, they my lowing foUow'd through
Tooth'd briars, Iharp fyrzes, pricking gofs and thorns.
Which enter'd their frail ihins : at laft I left thedi
r th* filthy mantled pool beyond your ccUj
There dandng up to- ch* diins, that the ^>ul lake
O'er-fhmk thor feet.
Pro'. This was well d<Bie, my Iwd j
Thy fhape invifible retain thou fiill ; .
Tbe trumpery in my houfe, go brii^ ic hither.
For ftale to cMcb thefc thieves.
M. I go, 1 go. > . - . [^W/.
Pro. A devil, a bom devilj on whole nature '
Nurture can never ftick ; on whom my pons.
Humanely taken ; *■ 'are all It^^ quite loft }
And, as with age his body uglier grows.
So his mind cankers ;' I wUl plague them ^
Even to roaring : come, hang thetA on diis Hne.
1 Say ashln, 2 all, >UIoS..
b, Google
58 ^^ TEMPEST.
S C E N E V.
Sitttr Atiel Ua^ with gUJttHiig appartly tcc. Emtr
Caliban, Stephano, and Thnculo, <M wet.
Col. Pray you, trtai ft^l^, due the \iimd mole may not
Hear a foot fall t we nour mt near his cell.
Sti. Monfter, your Fairy, which you fty is a harmlds
Fairy, has d(Mie liftlc better than j^'d the Jack vlth us.
TWiv. Monftei', 2 do ftnell ail hcne-fnls, at ^hich my
noie is in great iiid^;natian.
Ste. So it mine : do ydu beir, monfter ? if I fhould
take a difpleaTure againft' you i locAc you— »
Trin. Thou wert but a loft monfter.
Col. } 'Good, good mf lord,'' gjve me thy fortwr ftill:
Be patient, for the prize I'll t^ng thee to
Shall hood-wink this mifchanccj dicrcfOTC fpeak ftrftlyi
All's huftit as midnight yet.
ffWff. Ay, but to tofc our htJtdes in rfw pod—
Ste. There is not only di%racB and dtlbonour in that,
monfter, but an infinite kA.
Trin. That's more to me than my wetting: yet this is
your harmlefs Fairy, monfter,
Ste. I will fetch off my bottle, thougji I be * 'o'er head
and ears^ fcH* my labour.
Cal. EVythce, mr King;, be quiet: feeft thou here.
This is the mouth o th' cell ; no nmfc, and enter j
Do thaF good mifchief whicit may make this Ifland
Thine own for ever j and I, thy CaBhan,
For ay thy foot-ticker,
Ste. Give xcvt thy hand » I do b^^ to have bloody
Trin. O King Stepbam! O Peer! O wwthy Stepbtmsi
X^ook wiut a wardrobe here is for thee !
Cal. Ijst it alone, thou fool, it is but trafh.
9>T». Oh, oh, monfter ; we know what bckmgs to a
fiippery, O King Stepbane,
3 Goed my lord, 4 o*ct ears
The t E M P E S T. 59 s
Ste. Put off that gown, 'Trincuk % hf this hnd I^ have
7W». Thy Grace ihall h«vc it.
Cei. The dn^fie drown diis fool! ,vhtt d« you mean
To doat thus on fuch iugg^ ? ict it aloae.
And do the murder firft: if he «wake.
From toe to crown he'll fill our skins widi fonchcs ;
Make lu ftrai^e ftuff.
Ste. Be you quiet, mtrnfter. Miftrcfs line, is not this
my jeikin ? now is the jerkin under the line : now, jo-kin,
you are like to Ide your hair, and prove a bald jerkin.
TriK. Do, do ; we fteal by line and level, and*t like
your Grace.
Ste. I thank thee for that jeft. here's a ^ment for'c :
wit fhall not go unrewarded while I am King of this
cotmtry -. fieal ^ Unt and level, is an excellent pais of pate ;
there's another garment ft^t.
frnv. Monfter, oome put fonle lime i^ion your fingen,
and away with the reft.
Ci^. I win have none on't ; we fhaM lofe o« time.
And all be tum'd to baimdest or apes.
With fordieads nllainous low.
Ste. MonAer, lay v> your bigers i help to bear tlus away
where my hoglhead ol wine is» w I'll turn you cut of Ay
kingdom ; go to, carry this.
Trai. Anddus.
Ste. Ay, dnd t)u9.
A noife «f banters hetvd. Enter Svtrs Jpiritt ift fiiafeef
bowidft knnta^ them aiaitt \ Pro^re ani Aski/ethtg
them OH.
Pro. Hey, MoitxtMMt hey !
Art. SthxTi thcwkgoes, Siherf
Pro. Fioj, Bify \ chwe, ?>■«*, thwe » hark, haik t
Go, charge my midkii thai they g^ind Aayxtx
With dry cormrifions, fhorttn up thftr finew
With ag^ cramps, and mote ^^sASpooaei nriac-ifaem
Than pard, or cat o' mouncdn.
l:,.;,-z .iv,G00g[c
.6o The- T E fcf PI ST.
. ^ri. Hatk, diey roar.
Pro. Let them be hunted ibundly. At this hofif -, •
Lye at my mercy all mine enemies :
Shortly Ihall all vn% labours end, and thoil '
■ Shalt have the air at freedom ; fbr a little'
Follow, and do me fervice. [Exeuni..
■ ^nter Prolpero in ins tnagick reks, and Ariel.
NOW does my projcft gather to a head j
My charms cradc not ; my f^ts c^sey, and time
Goes upright with his carriage : how's the day ?
j^ On the iixth hour, at which time, my.ktd,
you 1^ our work fhquld cealc.
Pre. I did fey fo»
When fiift I rau'd the tempelt ; &y, my ^drit.
How Dues the JKing and's followers?
j^. Confin'd
In the lame &fhion as you gavcin charge,
Juft as you left them, all your prifwiers. Sir,
, In the- ZJme-Grove which weather-fends your cell.
Theycannot budge *till your releafe. The King,
■ His brother, and yours, aWde all- three d&a£ted j
And the remainder mourning over them.
Brim-full of forrow and diftnay j, but chiefly
I 'He'' that you temi'd the good cM. lord Gonzah,
Hiis tears run down.hjs beards Jil^e winter drops.
From eaves of reads ; your charm lb ftrongly wtu'ks *eiH,
That if you now beheld them^ your affeSions
WooldfcecoiBe. wider.. .
5 Him
Tit TEMPEST. 6i.
Pro. Do'ft tbou t^k lb, fj^ric? ^ . - . ;
>^. Mine would, Sir» were I hutmo.
Pro. And mine fliall.
Haft thou, which wt but air, a touch,, afcding - -. . ,
Of their affi^bons, and fliall not myfdf -
One ^ didr kind, that fdifh all as ihaiply, . -
Paflion'd as they, bekindlier mov'd ttundioM art?
The* with thdrliigh wnrngs I am ftnick to th' q^^ck.
Yet, with my noUcr rcaEsn, 'cainfi my>fiiry
Do I take part ; the. rarer amon Is
InTimid tlun in vengeance J they bnngpoiittnc, .-. '- .-.
The Ible diift of my puqx)^ doth exupd. .
Not a frown fiirther : go rcleafe them, Aieli
Mychanps rUbteal^. their fenles I'll idjt^rc,. -
Andthty fti^ be dwrnfelves., ; -n ;\ . . ;
Jri. 1*11 fetch them. Sir. {Exit.
■ s c E N E II. ;,
Pro. Yeelves of hills, brooks Aindmg lak^ and ^ves>,
And ye that 1X1 the lands with pimcte&Jbot ' : -
I>3 ciWe the c££a^ itfi^iQy:, and do flylnn. - r - '
When he auncs backy you demy-puppes that
By moon-fliine do tlK gfeen lour linnets nu^
Whereof the ewe not bites v md- you wftole pa^ne
Is to make midnight muihroonis-,''tbxt -vgdce *
To hear the lolenui curfew I '
(Weak ' 'minifters^ tho' ye be) I have be-dimm*d
The noon-tide iun, call'd. forth the mutinous winds,: .
And 'twixitfae green fea and the.azur*ii'VauIt ' ....
Set roaring war } t6 the dread ratlit^-diuiider .
Have I gjv'n fire, end rifted- 3^ras's:ftotit oak.
Withhisowiibolt : -the.ftrong-bu'd .pninaxnHy "
Have I made Hukc, and byithe^ura {ilockt Up : ■
The {ane- and cedar : gaves at my command
Have wak'd thdc fleqpciis*, cp'd^ and let 'em-forth
By my fii potent art. ; But this. roug^nn^dc
....■..-.. . 1 here
6 mftcn
62 Tfc T E M P E S t:
I here at^uici and when I have required
Some heay'niy mufidc, whidi cr'n now I do,
?!'o wcM^ mine end itpoa then fenfes rh«c
tus auy dunn b for) 1*11 brttk my ftaff,
Bunr it certain fadoms in the earth,
And deeper than did ever piummet feund
I'll drovn my bddf. [Stlepm mufiek.
s c E N E m.
Here enters Ariel ifefore ; then A3aoSo with a frifttHct
gefiitre, attended iy GonEalo. SAaf&ai Mid Anthonio m
like matmeTy attended by Adrian mtd Franci&o. ^hrf
ati enter the eirck lebicb Prolpero hadaadey and ibire
ft and charmed \ which FraQiero thfarmg^ ^f^' .
A folcmn air, and the beft comforter
To an unfenlcd &ncy, cure thy hnii&
Nowdelefs, boil'd within thy simll! There Aand,
For yauae§iett-ftopt.-H—
Holy GonzaUt hooouahle man,
Mine eyes, er'nibdablfrto t^'Ibeir of ttunev
Fall fellow-dropfc ■the chann dilS^rcs apuUt
And as.tbe motning Atals- upon tho rig^
Melting.the dartcncti, fo thnr hfing ftn&a
Begin to chafe du ^'rant fumes that inantle
Their dearer r^£xL O my good Co/oiaig,
My true prcfiTver, and a loyal Sir
To him tinau Maw's: ; I wUl pay thy graot
Home both in word and dacd. — -Mi^ cnietly
Didll thou, jSei^, u& me and tof dau^xter: .
Thy brother was aiiirthBret in tbea&i
Thou'rt pincli*d &r't now, Sekafiitm. >^Belh and blood.
You, broifaer min^ that eotcrtain'd agitwlion,
£xpcll*d remac& nd nature i who with Sdi^hsn
(Whole inward imtchcs dnefore are moft ftroag]
Would here hOTekiU*dyour Kif^; I do Saimwe tifee.
Unnatural though thou art. Thnr underftaadtt^
The TEMP ES.T. 63
Be^narafw^ and the afrotMching ckle
Will fhortly fill the reafanable Ihore,
That DOW lyes fiml and muddy. Not cne of thcci .
That yet iooiu oil me, op would know mti,-<^jtitl,
Fadi me the hat and ofkr in my cell ;
I vUl dif-cale me, and myielf prefmt.
As 1 was liHnctiine ]\^Im: quickly. Sprit;
Thou flialt ere Icx^ be &es.
Atiel fingSy and helps to Mirt him .
JVbert the hu^b, there 'ba-k^ li ' .
In acewfiip's hell 1 iye:
^here 1 couch when ovils do try^
On the iafs haei Ida fij .
j^er • 'fun-fet'* mernh.
Merri\ft mtrrifyt fiaU J Uve auur, .
Under ^ H^m thet bid^t m tU.iaiih*
Pro. Why. that's my dairtty ^iel\ t IhaJI ijiifi thwi -
But yet thou flialt have freedom. So, fb, fqi.
To the Kir^s flup, invifible as thou art j" ' '
Hiere flialt diou find the mariners alleep
Under the tuc:he3 i the matler and the boatfwain.
Bdng awake, enforce them fo this place; " '
And prcicntly, I pr'ythcc,
j&i. 1 drink the air before me, aiid return
Or e'er your pulfe twice beat. ■■■■-■ [£»/t
Gm. All torment, trouble, wonder and amazement
Inhabits here i feme heav*nly |>C)W<r guide utf .
Out of this fearful country !
Pro. Iji, Sir Kihg, ' '
The wronged Dske. of Afiiwf, Pro^eroi
For more alUiratm that a. h'ving Prince.
Does nowtpeak to thee, I embrace thy body,
And to thee and thy company I tnd
A inarty wdcranc.
^ ^ Jlon.
Jlbck ...•Id t£l. Thtob. mini.
fimuBcr , . . tUtdii. fbnb, »mtnj
64- 2V..T E M FES T.
Or finne inchantcd tiific, to abulc iac
As late I have 'beec, I not know; tbcf. pulfe
BratsjH of fiefk and blood, and iiocc-J Eiw tbce
Tb'affli&Mi of n^mtnd ameuls^ vidtvindi
I fear a madnds held me ; this inuft crave
(An if this be at.aB) a moil Ihange ftotji.
Thy Dukedom I rcfign, and do intreat
Thou pardon mc my wrongs ; but how Jhould Proven
Be living, and bo here ?
Pro. Firft, dc^jIc friend.
Let me embrace thine a^^ whofe honour cannot
Be meafur*d or confin'd.
Gfia. Whether thb be,
Or be not, I'll not fwear.
Pre. You do yet tafte-
Some fubdldes o* th' Hie, that viH notitt you
Believe things certain : welcome, my -friends -afl.
Que you, my brace of lords, were I fo mintkd, .
Iliere could jduck his Highnefs' frown tipon you.
And juftifie yoti tmcors; at this time
1*11 teU no tales.'
Sei. Tke devil Ipeaks in him.
Pro. * 'For you,^ moft wdcfcal Sir, Wh6m todsH brother
iTo Antfaomo.
WoiUd even iofeA my moudi, I do forgave.
Thy r^nkeft l^ults ; aU of* them i aild require
My Dukedom of thee, which perforce I know.
Thou muft reftore. . ,
yBoH. If thou beeft Pre/per^, ■ '
Give us particulars of thy prefervation, '
How thou haft met us here, who three hours Sivx
Were wrecked upon this Ihore ; whoe I have loft
(How Iharp the point of this remembrance is! )
My dear fan Ferdinatti.
Pn. I'm wo for'c, .Sr.
9 No,—
For you.
Tfe T e;m pest. 65
/&>. Irrq>arab]e is the lofs, and ^stienoe
Says, it is put her cuie.
. Pre. I rather think
You lw« not ibt^t her help, d* whole fitfr grace;
For the like lo^ I have her fiir'rc^ ud>
And reft my felf conunt.
jUm. You die like lols ?
Pro. As grcst to me, as late -, and, infupportable
To make the dear loja, have I means much weaker
Than you may call to comfort you } for I
Have loft ' 'my only daughter.^
jSm. ' 'Only daughter^?
0 heav'hs ! that they were %vxd% both in Napkin .
l^e King and Queen there ; that they were, I wiftl -
My felf were mudded in that oozy bed
Where my fon lyes. When did you lofe your daughter?.
Pro. In this laft tempeft. I percdve thefc liirds
Ac this OKounter do fo much admire.
That they devour their reafon, and fcarce think
Thdrcyesdo offices of truth, their words '.',""
Are natural breatfi : but howfoe'er you have
Been juftled from your fenics, know for certwn '
That I am Prtf^Vff, and that very Duke
Which was thruft fonh of Mihny who moft ftrangely
UpoD this Ihore,. where you wcTe wieck'd, was landed
To be the lord on't. No more yet of this \
For 'tis a chronicle of day hj day.
Not a rdation Ux a breakM^, nor
Bcfittinff this firit meeting. Wekome, Sir ;
This cflfi's my court \. here have I few attendann.
And futneds none Abroad ; pray you, look in i ' -
My DiJcedom fmce you've given me again,
1 mil requite you with as good a thing,
At kaft hrmg forth a wonder to concent ye»
As nuidi as me my Dukedom,
1 xaj dingbier. 1 A dmghter I
Yofc.I. . F SCENE
b, Google
66" The T E M P E S T.
/ArfJ*rofpero di/f overs Ferdinand md. MkmiU -.■ _'
pitting at chefi^ . ,
Mira. Sweet lord, you play me falfa
Fer, No, my dear ]ove,_
I would' hot for the world.
Mira. Yes, foraicore of kingdoms you Ihould wrai^c.
And I wouM call it fair play.
Jlon. If this prove
A vifion "of the IHandf cue dear Ion
Shall I twice lofe.
Seh'. A moft high miracle !
! F&. Though the feas threaten, they are merdful :
I've curs'd them wthout caufe.
Jlen. Now all the bleflings ■ ■ .
Of a glad iather compafs thee about !
, Aiife, and fay how thou cam'ft here.
^Sra. O! wonder!
How ftiany goodly creatures are there here ?
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new World,
That has fuch people in't!
Pre. 'Tis new to thee.
Jlon.V^hs.t is this maid, with whom dtou uraftatpfay?
Your eld'ft acquaintance cannot be three hours :
Is (he -the goddels that hath fever'd us,
And brought us thus together?
Fer. Sir, fhe's mortal j
But by immortal providence ihe's mine ; '
I choft hei" when I could not ask my rather
For his advice 1 nor thought I had one: Ihe
Is daughter to this Smous Duke of Affiiar,
Of whom fo often I' have heard renbwn.
But never Jaw before i of whom r have ■-.■.-
Keceiv'd a fecond &&» and lecond father
This lady nukes him to me.
*-■--■-■- 3 ■ i -ciSlw.
'.*&». I-«h lun;
But oh! how odly will it Ibuod, that I
Muft ask' my child fijrgpraiefi f ' >. . : '
Pre. There, Sir, flop j
Let us not binthcn our retneadknoce with
An faeafinefi that's gtuic.
Gm. Vre itUy wdpt.
Or fhould htve ipoke ere this. taiSk dom, you Gods,
And on this couple drop a Hefftd crcnm!
For it is you riiat have dia&'dibrth the -vncf
Whidi brought us hither.
jSm. I Sky ■'^fif GMzab.
Gm. Was <Afi/«f thnill-6om hSloHy that hb ifllie
Siould become K^igs of Ha^s! O n^^ce
Beyond a comfnen ]oy, and let k down
In kM. on hfing p^rs! ui «k voyage
tHd CIiriM her husband find tt'?W/t
And FerdaiMd her tnodier found a wife,
Where he hjcoielf was loft ; Proj^e fais Didaednn
In a poor Ifle ; and all of us, our fekes,
When no man was lus own,
jSm. Gtrc me yoiR- hands : [?V Ferd. 4m/ Mnmda.
Let grief and fotrow fti& embrace his heart;
"Hiat doth not wilh yn joy!
Gen. Be't ib, Anenf
s e E N E V.
Enier Aiicl, vith tin Mtfitr and BMtJmain anuztify
* * f^tm^.
0 look, 9r, look* Sir, hmt are mc»e of us!
1 pio[dicfy*d, if a gallows were on land
This feUow could nat drown. Now, Ual^emy!
That Iwar'ft grace o'er-board, not an oath wi ftore f
Haft thou no mouth by land? what B the news (
Boatf. The bcft news is, that we hcve iaftly iwid
Our Kii^ and company \ the next, our Ihip,
Which, hit three ^dles fihce we gave out Q^,
F z I»
c,q,z.<ib, Google
68 71k. T B M P. E S Ti
Is d^ and yare, and . braveljr ri^d, atf wlicn
We firft put out Jq ^..: -_,„,-
Art. Sir, all this fervioe,. ;.....
Have I done fince I went. ,■.,.;
Pro. My tridtfey; QMriC I . . '■
JloH. Thefe are not natural events ^ they ftrepgtben
From ftran^e to ftranger. Say, how came you l:Sherf
i^sa{fx li I did think. Sir, I were well awake,
I'd ftrivc to tellypu. We weie dead a-Qcep,
And, how v? kiiow not, all plapt under hatches.
Where but cv'n now with ftrange antj Jev'ral nt^fcs /
Of roanng, fhrieking, how{irig« gangling ch«n^. ■.
And ffipije div(tfity':bf founds, aU hornbje, ...
y<c were awak'd 5 ftxa^htway at liberty : . ,
Where we in all ' 'her'' trim fteflily beheld
Our royal good and gallant ihip^ our maftcr ,
Cap'rii^ to eye her,-, on ■ trice, fo jJeafc you,
Ev*n in a dream, were we divided from th^, . ■
And weit brought moping hither.
Jri. Was't well4one?
Pro. Bravely, iny diligence j thou.fli^t be^ftw..
yifeft. This is as ftrange a maze as e'er- men trod.
And there is in this bufineS. more th«i nature '
Was ever conduft of; fome pracls
Muft reftific our knowledge, ' " .-.::...
Pro. Sir, my Li^e,
Do not infeft your mind with beadi^ on '
The ftrangenefs of this bufinefi j at pickt Idfure
(Wluch fhall be fliortly) fingle Tit rdblve you.
Which to you ftiall fcem probedije, of every.
Thefe happen'4 accidents % 'till when be chearfu];.
And thiiuc of each thing well. Come hither, ^irit 1
SetCaUban and his companions free:'
Untie the fpdl. How tires my gradous Sal
Thctc are yet mifling of your company
SomcLicv odd lads, that you remember not.
3 OBf . . . tldtiit. thtA. tmni.
b, Google
2& t;e:nkp:e s r- 69
EKter Andt ^w«^»» Caliban, '.Stq)hano,''imf Tnnculo,
iniheir ftekit dpf^4. *.. ' .' • ' . ■
Ste. Every man ffiift for all the reft, ind^fet' no nian,
take care for himfclf ; fw all is but ionanti'CoragiOf bully-
SHU. If thefe b<^ true ffnes which 1 weaf bi my hcjld,
here's a goodly fight. . r.. ,-: .. .. i
Col. O Stsebes, thefe be bravi! fpirits kideecl ! ' . -
How fine rnv'mafter is ! I am afraid - '
He will dultife me. • ' -
Seb. Ha, ha \ what things ate thefe, my lord Anthmio f
■WiltmoncybOT 'cm? ."''.'-
jilt. VCTy like j one of riiem , .■■
Is a plain fiJh, and no doubt mat^etable. '
Pre. Mark but the badges of thefe men;' my. lords.
Then fay if they be truer this: jnif-fhap'dTfl^e, '
His mother was a mtch, and one fo llrong.
That could controul the moon, make flarw9 and (Jbbs,
And deal in her command without htr power:
Thefe three have robb'd mc, and this deray-dewl
(For he's a balUrd CTie) had plotted with them
To take my'Iife j two.of thefe frifows you .
Muft know and own, this 'thing of datkncfi i- ■
Adcnowledge mine.
Gj/. I fhallbepinchtto death. '■.■■■■ '
jlkn. Is not cus 5/<yi63w, my dnmkbn butler?
Stb. He b drunk now : ♦ 'b»it how ? where had he
■ wine?;' ,_
j€on. And TrhcnU \s reclir»-ripe \ where fhduld thq^
Find this grand »"Bxir'' that hath ^ed 'cm? -
How cam'ft thou in thisiridjc? ^
Trin. I have been ■'•■■'
In fuch a {ndde fince I law you Uft,
F 3 That,
4 where had he wine ^
5 liquor . . . ^tU tiil. Wafh. tMtii.
70 jSe ^r.Eimpusr.
That, I fear me, mil ne'er out (rf" my bon^:
I flull not fear Ay^blowing.' ■
$eh. Why, how now, 5/ffpiaao,?
Ste. O, toiTCli me not :
. I am not Stephana, but acramp.
Pro. You'd be
King o'th'Kk, Srrah?
S$e, I Ihould have been a fore one.
Jim, ^ 'This is a ffcrapge thing as I ever {qc^'d 06.^ '
Pr0. He is as di^roportion'd in his mEuiners
As in his fltapei go, Sinah, to my cell,
Take with you your companions j as you look
To have my pardon, trim it hai^omly.
Cd. Ay*, tnat I ^ ; and I'll be wife hereafter.
And feek for grtce. What a thrice double a&
Was I to take this drunkard for a god ?
And woifh^ this dull fool?
Pro, Gc^xoj-axayl
JloH. ,HeQce, and bediow your lu^agc where you
found it;' .
5;*. Of iloteit rather. '
Pro. Sir, 1 invite your Highncfi and your tram
To myjjodr cell; where you Ihall t^e vour reft
For this one light, which (part of it) I'll wafe
With fuch difcourfc, as I not doubt Ihall make it
Go quick away ; the ftory of ray life.
And the particular accidents gone by
Since I came to this IQe : and ia the mom
I'll bring you, to youflhipi and foto Naples.
Where I have hc^ to fee ithe nu^ials .
Of thefe our dear-beloved folemraz'd j
And thence retire me to my ASloKt where ■
Every tlurd thought flwll be my gcavc.
JUh. I long
To hear the ftory of your Efcj which muft
Take the car ftrangely.
6 *71* a Arsngje tluDg, ai e'er I lookM on.
Ti&tf T E M P E S T. 7,
And promife you calm Teas, aufpidous gales, . '
And lail fo expeditious ' 'it'' Ihall catch
Your royal fleet far off: My Ariel^ ciick.
That is thy charge ; Then to the elements
Be free, and faiz thou well ! Pleafe you, draw near.
{Exeunt omnes.
E P I L O G U E.
Spoken by P r o s p e h o.
J^ O^ mj charms are aU o'er-tbrtnm,
■"-^ ''^wbat Jhmgth I have's miw own i
IVbicb is mft fattU : andnow 'tis true
I mtfi he here eot^'d hyyau^
Orfent to Naples. Letmiiet/
Sinee I haw ^ Dukedom go/^
Atdpardat'dthedeceivtrii^bett, v •
In this hare ifiand ly^^eSy
But rekafe me fiiom n& hands,
fPith the he^ of jMcr gohd hands.- . '■
Gentle hr^h 9f yours m; fails
^^ 0yerelfeiirf$r^S f^^
iFbieb vias to flufe. For novo I mmt
Sprits t' enforce, art to enchant i
^ flvy en£ng is defpair^
Unitfs The relief d iy profer j
Which pierces fi, that it affaalts
A^cyitfelf, and frees all f^s.
As you from crimes would pardof^d be^
Let your indu^eiue fet me free.
b, Google
D R E A M.
THESEUS, DK*«tf/ Athens. ,
E^eus, att Athenian Lord.
Lyiander, in love with Heniita.
<^tece,'/ie Caiyenter:
Sjiug> the yoirur. .
BotUHHj the Weaver.
flute, the Bellews'tiunder .
Snowt, the Tinier.
Starveling the Taylor,
PhikAntte, A2^w of the ' 'Revels"' t6 Thefcus.
Hqjpofita, Princefs of the Anuzorw, betrothed to Thefcus.
Hctmiq, J)aiighitv^o Egpug, i\ Igve. with I^laodcr. ' /■
Hdeni; Ar &*<! *rf6 1)emetriuS. "* " ' " ' -"-
Oberon, King ef the Fairies,
Tkaiiai ^een ^tbe Faipts- '■'i ' *
Puck, or Robin-goodfelbw, a Fairy.
Cobweb, It...
Moth, f^""""-
Muftardfted,3 -'
Other Fairies attending on the King and ^een.
SCENE Athens, and a Wood not far from it.
■ " • -■ A
D R E A M.
ACT I. 8 C E N E I.
Enter Thefeus, Hi|>poHca, i^uloftrate, vtitb attendaits',-
Th e ? ii; b.
tow, feir H^poBtOt our nupdal hour '■
Draws on apace ; four happy days bring in
Another moon: but oh, mcthinks, how flo*
Tias cAd moon wanes ! flic lingers my deCrcs
JJkc to a ftepKlame, or a dowager,
Lmg withcfii^ out a young man'i revenue.
Mp. Four days wiB quiddy flrq) tbeoiTelves in raghts.
Four lu^ts will, quickly dream away the fitne :
And then the moon, like to a filver bow
New bent in heaven, ihall behold the nighc
Of our lolenuuties.
The. Go, PbUofhaUy
Sdr up th' Jlbemaji jniuth to memmots.
Awake the pert and nin^ ^iiit of surth:
Turn melancholy forth to fimerals.
The pale compairion is hot for our pomp. . {Exit^haX.
BippoUta, I woo*d thee with my fword.
And won thy love, doitig thocinjuries : .. \.
But I will wed, thee in another key, ; ' -■ -"
With ponipr trith nimnph, and' with, revelling. . '
Enter Egeus, Hermia, Lviander, and Demetiius.
Ege. Happy be, T^efeus^ our renowned Duke !
' Ti?.Thadcsigp6di;^«j(ri-.wlB«'sKhcn?wB.ifpththte?
Ege. full of vexation, come I with complaint
Againft my child, jtny daughter Herma. .
Stand forth., DeniAiius. MyjiohJc lotd.
This man hath my confent to many her.
Stand fortbi Lyfcftder. And» my gradous Duke, - '
This hath bewitch'd the bofom of my child :
Thou, thoU) h^knder, thou I^ gjv*n her d$mg^
And interchang'd love-tcdtcns with my child ;
Thou haft by moonrlig^ at her window fung,
"With fdgniM voice, veffcs qf * 'fogned^ love,
Andftol'n th'imprefliqn orherfantaCe
"With iM^acelets of thy h^r, rihgs, gawdS, conceitsj -
Knacks, trifles, nofcgay^,-fweet-mqrts, (meflengers •
Of ftrong prcv^ment in unhar(^en'd youth).
With cunning haft thou filch'd my dau^te^i heart,
Tum'd her obedience, which iS diie to me, " ■ ■
To ftubbom harihnefs. And;■■^my' gradous Duke,
Be*t fo ftie will not here beft^e ybiir Grace
Confent to marry with Demetrius, ' '
I beg the andent privilege of AthenSy "
As ihe is mine, 1 may difoofc of ' her :
Which Ihall be either to tms gendeman.
Or to her death, according' to. our law.
Immediately provided in that cafe. ■
^Ix. What fay you, Herma? be advis*d, f^r mjfid.
To you your father ftiould be. as a -God j
One that compGs'd your bcauries -, yea, and one
To whom you are but as a form in wax
2 feigning
By him imprinted ;. and iritUn his povKr-
To leave the figure, or disfigure it :
Demetrius is a worthy gentleman.
Her. So is Lyfamer.
?jbe. In himfclf he is 1 .
But in this kind, wanong your Cher's voce^
The other moft be held the worthier.
Her, I would my father look'd but with my cyp.
^The, Rather your eyes muft with his judgpient look.
Her. I do increat your Grace to pardon me : '
1 know not by whatpow'r I am made botd.
Nor how it may conam my modefby
In fuch a pre&nce htte t& ^ead my thoughts :
But I befecch your Grvx, that I may know
The woril that mey b^ tm in this cafe, '
If I Tchife to wed Dwwirnw.
The. Kther to die the death, or to allure
For ever the fodcty of men.
Therefore, fiur Henrna, quefticm your defires.
Know of your youth, examine well your bknd.
Whether, not ^ your father's choice.
You can endure the livery of a nun ; . v
For aye to be in fliady doUter mew'd, .
To live a barren lifter alJ your life,
Chano^ &int hymns to the cold truidefs moon.
Thrice Uelled they that mafter fo their blood.
To undergo fuch maiden pilgrimage !
&]t earthlier hanjy is the rofe dtlHU'd,
Than that, which, mtheripg on the virgin thorn.
Grows, lives, uiddies, in fingle bkfledncis.
Her. So will I grow, fo live, fo die, my lord.
Ere I will yield my virgin patent up
Unto his loidfhjp, to wbofe unwifh'd yoak
My (bul confehts not tog^ve Sov'reignty. ,,
T%e. Take time to paufe, and by the next, new mocHi,
(The lealitur dw betwixt my love and mtf, . ;
Fot cveriamng iwnd of fellowfliip) , > ,
Upon that day either prepare to die, '■
^8 J/i MidJiimK^Ni^'i Vwam.
For dilbbcdiencc «» your Tatar's wffl ;
Or elfe to wed Demetrits^ as he would ( .
Or on Diiwm's altar to pKXcfl:
For aye auftcrity and fingle life. . . ■
Dm. Relent, {vreci Hermia, and, i^wrftf", yidd
Thy crazed tide to niy OMiain right.
Lyf. You have her fethtrttove, .ZJfljiif/rrw i "
Im. me haw Hermia's -, do you mairy lum.
£^ ScortAi LyfeiiJer ! tryx, he hathmylv^;
And what is mine, my ioTC fhall rutder tarn. ■
And £he is mine, and all my right of her
I do eftate ' 'upon^ pemetrau.
Lyf. I am, my lord» as well dern''d «s he.
As well poCdft: my love is more tiian his:
My ftwtunes ev*ry way" as fcrly ruik'd.
If not with vantage, as Demetriu/ :
And, wluch is toon than oil thtfc bo^ tan be,
I am belov'd of beauteous Herma.
Why fliould not I then profecute im right ? •
Demetrius {VW ftyoudi it to his head)
Made love to Ned»^& daughter, Helma^
And won her foul ; and ihe, fweet lady, doats.
Devoutly doats, doats in idolatry.
Upon ttus IpotKd and inconftant man.
The. I rhuft confefs diat I hare heard k much.
And with Demetrius thought t' haw Ipt^e diereof i
But being over-full of'felf-aflfeffs,
My mind did lofe it. But, DemetiiuSj come>
And come, Egeus; you (hall- go with me ;
1 have fomc priv^e fchooling for you bMh.
For you, fm Hfnma, look you arm your felf
To fit your fancies to your father*3 will ;
Or elfc the law rf jftbm yidds you up .
(Which by no nvwis we may esttenuate)
To death, i»- to a vow of fing^ Hfe.
Come, toy Hifpi^a; what cheer, tny lovtf
Demetrius^ and Egeusy go idong ;
I muft
I muften^Ioy you ii Ibine bufincfi
Againft our nuptials, 4nd coi^ with you .
Of Ibmething nearly that aoncems your felvcs.
Ege. With duty and defire we ibUow you. [Exeuatt
Ma»nt Lyfuder aid Hermia.
Lyf. How now» my love? why b jrour check Sa p«ie?
How diaoce the rofes there do fiule £> faft ? , . ;
tf<r. Bdike for want of run, whichlcot^ti^
Scteem them from the tempeft of mine eyes.
Lyf. Hermay fsr«bght tb« ever I could read.
Could ever hear by tale or hUocy,
Thecourfe rf true love ntwer did run linoocb, i
But dtheritwadiflvrcnt iiiUood-^- , .
Her. O at36! ttio higd)* to be en^nU'd tol<iTeI
Lyf. Or el& mi%n0ed, in rdpcA of years ~~
Her. O ip^t 1 100 old, to be engaged to young!.
Lyf. OrdteitftDed iwon-thtchoioeDf iiioids ••?«»- i
/fer. OheU! todiutblovcbyanocbcr'seyel
Lyf. Ot if there were a lympwiy in cfaoioe.
War, deadi, or fickntfi (£d Uy fiege to ic(
Making it momentary as a found.
Swift as a fiudlEfVt fnort as ahy difam.
Brief as dK ligJinA^ in the cdlied night.
That Qn a fpken) ui^iUs both hear'n and earth }
And ere a man hath power to &y'. Behold !
T^ jaws of darknefs do devour it i^ •
So qukk bright things come to axifimoD.
Her, U then true lovers have been ever croft.
It Hands as an ediSt in deftiny :
Then let us teach our tryal padence »
Bocaule it is a cuftomary crofs.
As due to knre, as thoughts and dreams and Rg^,
Willies and tears, foot fancy's followers !.
I^ Agoodpetfiiafioni therefore hear me, Hermia:
I hsTc a widow-aunt, a dowager'
So A MUfumsr-tii^t'it Vream.
Of great rerenue, and flie hath no chikl ;
From jitbens is Iwr houfc remov'd feven leagues,
And Ihe rdpcfts me as her only fon.
There, gentle /ftnwV/, may I marry thee.
And to diat place the fharp Jtbenian law
Cannot puriiic ug^ If thou lov'ft me then,
Steal forth thy father's houfe tp-morrow raghf j
And in the wood, a le^ue without the town,-
Where I did meet thee onCe with Helena
To do obferrance to the m<M7i of Mofy
There will I ftay for thee.
Her. My good Lyfattder^
1 fwcar to thee by Qtpi^& fttongeft bow^
By lus beft arrow with the fiplden held,' " . . ..J
By the fimplicity of fnwr doves, .:.:: . .. :
By that wluch knitteth ibuls, and pro&ert loves, :;
And by that Bre wlvdi bum'd the Carthage Queen,
"When Ac falfe Tr^an under fail was feen t
By all the vows that ever men have broke.
In number more than ever wom?n tpc^t t \
In that lame place thou haft appc^med me.
To-morrow truly unit I meet with thee. '
Ljf, Keep protnili^ love. Look, hcre-cqinn^/^W.
s c E N E ni.
Enter Helena.
Her. God fpced fair flififwa/. whhhcraww? •
Hel. Call youme&h-? thatfairagainuniay, ',
D«iwm'«J loves you, feiri O happy &rl
Your eyes are load-ftars, and your tongue's fweet air
More tuiKable than laik to Ihcpherd's ear.
When wheat is green, when haw-thom biidsi^Jpcar.'
Sicknels is catching : oh, werefovourfo, ' ^
♦'Tour's would fcatch,^ fiaHenma, crclgo;
My ear fhould catch your voice, my eye youreye, ;■
My tongue Ihouhl catch your tongue's fweet melody.
.... .... \^j^
' 4 Your wanb I'd catch,
A Midfummer-Ni^'s Dream, 8i
Were the wra-ld mine, Demetrius being bated.
The reft I'd g?ve to be to you tranflated.
O teach me how yoti look, and with what arc
You fway the nioti<Hi of Dtmetrius' heart.
Her. I frown upon lum, yet he loves me ftUI.' [skill!
Hel. Oh that your frowns would teach my liniles fuch
Her. I gjve him curies, yet he g?ves me love.
Hel, Oh that my pray'rs could luch affetfticm move !
/2er. The more I liate, the more he frillows me.
Hd. The more I love, Ae more he hateth me.
Her. ' 'His &ult, oh Helenoy is none of mine.^
Hel. None but your beauty, would that ^ult were mine !
Her, Take ootnfbrt ; he no more Ihall ice my Ekc,
Lyfauder and my fdf will 6y this place.
tUdott the time I did Lyfmder lee,
Seem'd Athens like a Paradile to me.
O then, what graces in my love do dwell.
Tint he hath tum'd a heaven ' 'into hellf^
tiff. Heleti, to you our minds we will unfold }
To-morrow night, when Pi^ir^ doth behoU
Her fiiver ^£ige in the wat'ry glals.
Decking fridi Uquid fKarl the Uaded grafi,
(A dme that lovers fii^ts doth ftill conceal)
Throi^ Atbrn^ gate have we devis*d to fteal.
Hir, And in the wood, where often you and I
Upon faint primn^ Ixds woe wcmt to lye.
Emptying our bcrfbms of their counsels ^'iweeCi^
Thoc, my Zv/^ndkr and my lelf fhallmeet.
And dicnce from Atbem turn away our eyes.
To fcdc new friends and ftranger • 'companies.^
Farewel, fweet pky-fellow \ pray thou for us.
And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius I
Keep wad, Zj^jander, we muft ftarve our ^t
From lovers* food, 'tUl morrow deep midnight. [£». Her.
Vol. I. G Lyf,
Hn fd&f, Otbma, u no &iilt of o
7 fwdl<dt . :.»UtdH. Tbith. mtni.
' --■ ■ .,tUtMt, tht^.tM**i,
$2 A Muifinmer'Night's Vreank
Ljff. I mO, my Hermia. Hekna^ adieu \
As you on him, Demetrius doac on you ! {^Exit Lyfandrr.
Hel. How happy fomc, o'er other fome, can be!
Through Athens 1 am thuughc as fair as fhe.
But what of that ? Dmetrius thinks not fo :
He will not know, what all but he do know.
And as he em, doatir^ on Hemia's eyes.
So Jj admiring of his quiUkies.
Things baTe and vile, holding no quantify.
Love can tran^fe to form and dignity :
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.
And therefore is mngM Citpid piunted Uind : >■
Nor hath kive's mind of any judgment tafte i
"Wings and no eyes figure unhecdy hafte.
And therefore is love faid to be a child,
Becaufe in choice he often is beguil'd.
As wa^fli boys themfelvcs in game fOTfwear, '
So the boy Love is perjur'd every where. ■
For ere Demetrius look'd cm Hermia's eyne.
He haii'd down oaths that he was only Bluie %
And when this hail fome heat from Hertnia felt.
So he difToIv'd, and fhowers of oaths did melt.
I wiU go tell him of ixT Hermia'i Sight :
Then to the wood will he to-morrow night
Purfue her i and for this intelligence
If I have thanks, it is a dcir expencei '
But herein mean I to enrich my paio.
To have his fig^t thither, sid t»ck again. [Enit,
■ •£»/»■ Qjance, Snug, Bottom, Flute, Snowr,«rrfStarvefirtg.
^otH. T S all our company here ?
■■■ Bot. You were bcft to call them gcnCTally,
man by man, according to the ftrip. ' .
^1. Here is the ioowl of every maa'q nami^ wiuch
A Midfimmer-Nighfs Dream. 83
b thought fit, through all y^bens, to play in our cnter-
ludc bcMTc the Duke and the Dutchefi, on his wedding-
day at inght.
Bet. Firft, good Peter ^ince, fay what the play treat*
on -, then read the names of the adtors -, and ib grow on
CO a point.
^t»/i. Marry, our play is the moft lamentaUe comedy
and moft cruei death of Pyramas and Tbisly.
Bot. A very good piece of work' I aflure you, and a
merry. Now, good Peter ^mce, call fiirth your A(ftor«
by the Icrowl. Mafters, Ipread your fclves.
^H. Anfwcr as I call you. Nick Botttm the weaver.
Bat. Ready : name what part I am for, and proceed.
^in. You; Nick Bottom^ are fet down for Pyramus.
Bet. What is Pyremus, a lover, or a tyrant?
* ^in. A lover that kills himfelf moft gallandyfor love,'
Bet. That will ask fome tears in the true performing of
it J if I do it, let the aiidience look to their eyeS; I
^oB move florms ; I wilf condole in fome meafure. To
the reft: — yet my chief humour is for a tyrant; I could
play Ercles rarely, or a part ta tear a cat in. To make
aUJplit the ragif^ reckSy and jhivering Jhocks JhaU break the
leeks of prijim-gates and Phibbus iarf Jhall fliine from
farymdmakf and mar the fosUfi fates * — This was lofty.
Now name the reft of the players. . This is Ercles* van,
a ts'rant's vrin ; a lover is more condoling.
^n. Fratcis Bute the bellows-mender,
Fk. Here, Peter ^ince.
^in. You muft take Tbisby on you,
Fh. What is Ti«i^, a wandring Knight?
Sgin. It 15 the lady that Pjramus muft love.
Fh. Nay ^di tet not tat play a woman, I have a
beard coming.
.^Knr. That's all (ni£, you ihall play it in a mask, and
yoainay Ipeafc as Imall as you ^.
Bet. An I may hide my face, let me play ^shy tooj
G 2 ru
JmtfmUft fUy iwwx at tbal limt. . . . fjhiiaU.
$4 ^ Midjitmmer-Night's Dream.
rU fpcak in a monftrous little vtutx, ' 'Tbisirfy Tbishy \^ ah,
Pyramus, my lovtr dear, thy ^itjirf dear, and lady dear.
^in. No, no, you muft play Pyrauuui and, I^t,
you, ^bisly.
Set. WeD, proceed.
^(«. JfflAwi StaroeUng the taylor.
5/«-. Here, Prfer ^«f«.
^js. Rjihin Staroelingy you mull play Tbislr/^3 mother.
Tom Snewt the tinker.
Snoivt. Here, Peter ^nee.
^uin. You, Pyrjmu?s fathcri my felf, Thisi/s fa-
ther-, 5»i(f the joiner, you, the lion's part i I hope there
is a play fitted.
Snug. Have you the lion's part wntten ? |xay you, if
it be, pve it me, for I am flow rf ftudy.
^n. YcAi may do it extempore, for it is nodiing but
Bet. Let me pUy the Gem coo, I ^nll roar, that I inll
do any man's heart good to hear mc. I will roar, that 1
vill m:^ the Duke iay, let him roar again, let him roar
§^n. If you fliould do it too tcniWy, you would fright
the Dutdtcu and the ladies, that they would Ihiiek, and
that were enough to hang us all. ' f
JS. That would hang us every modier's fw.
Bot. I grant you, fnends, if you Ihould fii^t the la-
dies out of thdr wits, they would have no more difcretion
but to hang us ; but I wlU a^ravate m? vcnce fo, dut I
will roar you as gently as any fucking dove \ I will roar
you an 'twere any lughcingale.
Qmn. You can play no part but PynamSy for Pyramus
is afweet-fac'd man, a proper man as one Ihall fee in a
iiiinmet*s day ; a moll lovely g^deman-like man: there-
fore you muft needs play Pyramis.
' Bot. Wen, I wiH undertake it. What beard were I beft
to play it in ?
Sw». Why, what you will.
9 9U>«, mjkti
A Midfummer-Ni^t's Vream. B^
Bet. I will difchargc it in dther your ftraw-colour beard,
your orange-tawny beard, your putple-in-grain beard, or
your Froifi-crown-colour'd beard, your perfeft yellow.
^n. Some of your Frencb-acewm have no hair at all,
and then you will play bare-fec*d. But, matters, here are
your parts, and I am to intreat you, requeft you, and de-
firc you to con them by to-morrow night j and meet me
in the palace-wood, a mile witfiout the town, 1^ mOon-
J^t, there we will rehearie ; for if we meet in the city,
we fhall be dog*d with company, and our devices known.
In the mean time I mil draw a bill of properties, fuch as
cur play wants. I pray you, f^ me not.
Bet. We will meet, and there we may rehearfc more
obC^idy and courageoirily. Take pains, be pcrfoa,
^uia. At the Duke's oak we meet.
^t. Enough, hold or cut bowftrings. " [Exeunt.
The W O O D.
EiatraFairyetene deoTt and Puck {or R(^-goodfeIIow)
at anetber,
HOW now, ipirit, wluther wander you?
Fat. Over hill, over dale.
Through bu{h, through Iviar,
Over park, over pale.
Through flood, uirough fire,
I do wwder every whoe.
Swifter than the moon's ^)here i
G 3 And
(t) AtnmtrUslfhnfifiiuifyimgt withoat fiul, «■, In ill new.
S6 A Midfttntmr'Nighft VtWHf,
And I fervc the F^ry Queen,
To dew' her orbs upon the green i
The cov/flips tail her penlioners be.
In their gold coats ipotsi you fee,
Tholc be rubies, Fajiy-favours,
In tbofe freckles live thdr favours :
J mult go feek fome ' Mew-drops here and there,^
And hang a pearl in every cowflip's ear.
t^arewel, thou lob of Ipiiits, I'll be gone.
Our Queen and all her elves conie here anoD.
Pttct. The King doth keep his revels here to-nght.
Take heed the Queen come not within his iigjit.
'For Oberm b pauing fell and wrath,
Becaufe that me, as her attendant, hsth
A lovely boy ftol'n from an Indian King :
She never had fo fweet a chsngejing ; '
And ieak>u5 Oberon would have the child
Knight of his train, to trace the fbrefts wild ;
But Ihe per-force with-holds the loved boy,
Crownfthim with Aow'rs, and makes him iiX her joy.
And now they never meet in grove, or green.
By fount^ d^i or foaoglea ftarrlight fbeen, .'.
But they do fquare, that all thrir elves for fear
Creep into acorn cups, and hide them there.
Fat. Or I miftake your (hape and making quite.
Or elle you are that Arewd and knavifh ^fciz
Gall'd Robm-goedfellow. Are you not he.
That fright me maidens of the villagery.
Skim milk, and Sometimes labour in the quem.
And bootlds make the breathlefs hufwife chum i
And fomerime make the drink to bear no barme,
Mif-lead night-wand'rcM, laugjiing at their harm ?
TI:ofc that Hibgehlitt call you, and fweet Pwi,
You do their work, and aiey ihajl hart good iucfc.
Are not you he ?
Puck. • 'The lame, thou ipeak*ft arighfi^
J am that merry wand'rer of the i^t :
1 jeft
1 jciv-dropt We, 3 ThoB fptik'A arigliti
A Midfitiimtr-Hight's Xhream, %j
I jeft to Obermy and make liini finilc
Wlien J a &c md bean-ied hatSt beginle,
Neigiung in likenefs of a filly foal : '
AndTomctimn lutk I in a goHip's bovl.
In voy likenefs of a roafted ■ crab.
And when ihe drinks, ag^fr her lips I bob.
And cm herw^Kf'd dewlap pour the ale.
The wifeft aunt, telling thf bddeft tale.
Sometime for three-foot ftod miftakoh me j
Thai n^ I from her bum, down titles (fac*
* 'And tails or oies,'^ and iails into a cough.
And thett the whole quire hold their h^ andbGfe*
And waxen in their nutth, and neeze, anid fwcv .
A merrier hour *as nevenraftcd there.
But make room, fairy, here coinei Oberm.
Fair. And hese my nuftreis : woakl,thathe wtreiooel
Eaftr Oberm lUngef Fairiei i# one dosr with his ?rartr,
and, $b0 ^fOH at Mother witbhtri' ..
Ob. lU tiict by moon-fight, proud 'Tttmia.
^ten. What, jealous -O^CT-wi ? furies, ricip-henc*.
I have forfwom bis bed and company. ■ .
Ob. Tanr, rafii wanton, am not I thy lord ?
^een. Then I muft be thy lady i but I know .
When thou haft ftd'n away from &ry land, ■■
And in the (hape of Corin fate all day.
Playing on pipes of com, and rcrfing love
To am'rous PbiUida. Why aft thou here.
Come from the fertheft fteep of IrtMaf
But that forfooth the bounang Amazon^
Your boskin'd miftrefs Mid your warrior Love,
To Tbefeus muft be wedded \ and you come
To give thrir bed jot and prirfberity'.
Oh. How can'ft thou thus for ifhame, fitrntls.
Glance at my credit with tSppeiita^ ,
G 4 Knowng
(t] Crab ipplc. 3 And tailor ena,
^ A Midfummer-Kighfs Vream.
Knowjr^ 1 know thy Love to TbefeuSf.
Didft thou not Ic^d him through the ^nmoing nig^
From * 'PtrtQtu^ whom he ravifiied,
And make him with fair MgU break his- faith.
With Ariadne and jhiiiopal
Siueen. Thefc arc the forgeries of j^oufie:
Aiw never fince ? 'that^ middle fummer's 4>ring
Met we on hill, in dale, foreft, or mead.
By pared fountain, or by rulhy brook.
Or on the beached mai^oit of the fea.
To dance our ringlets to the whilUing wind.
But with thy brawls thou haft diftuA'd our Ijiort.
Therefore Uie winds inpii^ to us in vain.
As in revenge have fuw'd up from the fea
Contagious fogs ; which idling in the land.
Have every peldng river made fopioud.
That they have over-bom their condnents.
The oz hath therefore ftretch'd his yoak in vain.
The Plou^unan loft his fweat, and the green com
Hath rotted, ere its youth attun'd a bnid.
The fold ftands emp^ in the drowned field.
And crows ire btted with the murriui flock {
The,nine-mens morris is fill'd up with mud.
And the queint mazes in the wanton green
For lack of tread are undiftinguilhable.
The human mortals want thdr winter * 'cheer,^
Ko roght is now with hyinn or carol blefti
Thcrwjre the moon, the govemefi of floods,
Pale in her anger, wafties all the air;
That rheumatick difeafes do abp^nd.
And thorough this diftcmperature, we fee
The feaf(His alter \ hoary-headcd iixtfts
Fall in the fi-efh lap of the crimibn rofe ;
And on old Hyemi chin and icy crown
An sd'rous chaplet cS iweet fummer buds
Is as in mockoy fet. I'he Ipring, the fununer.
5 tho
A Midfammer'Ni^'s Dream, 89
The duding autimm, aogty wmtcr, chat^
Their wonted fivaies ; and th' anu^ad world
Bf d»eir ' 'invcrfc'^ now jknows doe which is wluch j
And diis £unc pragen^ of eril comes
From our debate, mm our diflentioa.
We arc chdr foreius and ori^nal.
0^. Do you amend it th^ it If es in you.
Why fhouid fiiama cn& her Oberaif
I do tmt btx a littJe chaDgding bc^.
To be my henchman.
^geen. Set your hart at reft.
The £ury-land bufs not dia diild x^ me.
Hb Mother was a Totttfs of my oider,^
And in the ftaced bidim Air by night
Full often me hath goffipt by my fidet
And &t ^nth me os\ Niptun^s yellow £nds, *
Marking th' embaiked Oaders of difr flood.
When we have laug^ bj 6e the &ilfl conceire.
And grow big-hellied with the wanton wind :
Which fhe with pretty and inth fwimming gate
* ^ci&nD^ (her wranb then rich vridi my young Iquitv)
Would imitate, and Jinl upon the land.
To fttch me tiifics, and return again
As firxn a voyage, ridi with merdiandize.
But Ihe, being mortal^ of diat boy did die.
And ix her ^e I do rear up her boy.
And for her £tk? I will not part with him.
Ob. How kn^ within this wood intend you flay.'
^leai. Perchance till after Tbefms* wedding-day, .
If you will patiendy dance tn our round,
Aiid fee our moon-light revels, go Vith us?
If not, ihuR me, and I will i^iare your haunts.
Ob. Gire me that boy, and I will go with thee. - '
^aien. Not for thy fury kingdom. Elves awayf -
We Ihall chide downright, if I loiter ftay. . (-£««»/.
Ob. Wdl, go thy way \ thou ihalt not fiwn this grove,
*TiD I torment thee for this injury —
My .
7 iaCRa& BFollowilt . . . tUtdit. Warb. tmtni.
^0 /I MifuemetrVigys XkeMai, .
My gentle Pttfit, comeliitficrs thou Tetacmber'ft
Since once I &t up{m a ptomtaiaxyi
And heard a M^imoid on a Oolphbi's bade
Uttering fuch dulcet and kannoiuDus breath.
That the rude fca grew civil at her ftmg, ....
And certain ftars Ihot madily inmi'tlieir spheres.
To hear the iisB»mud's mulidC' '. '
Puck. I remembcf. , . -
Oi. That very tiiv* I fiwry but Aou' oauld'ft not.
Flying between the cold moon and the entfa,
Q^J all ann'd; acertaianm.hetDok
At a feir a Vcftai, thrcHied by thenftft^
And loos'd his love'dBaft ixaxdy &oa¥ bis bow.
As it Ihould pierce, a hundred thou&ndhcaitst
But I m^t fee yoting Ct^fuTs fiery fluift
Quench'd in tbcdufte bevns of the wat'ry nuMn,
And the Imperial VotR& pafied «n.
In maiden tncdicztion^ &acy &eev '
Yet mark'd I where tbe bok of Ciifid fell.
It fell upon A little weftenLfloWer.; .
Be^ nitlk<-int»tr,.now.piiq}le:.witb fame's woimd, -
And maidens call it -Lo^in id^e&. '
Fetch me that flow'r^ t^ heib i (hcv^d dtee once ;
The juice of it, on fleepmg eye-lietslaid, '
Will make w man or woman -madly doaD
Upon the next live cceatuit that it fees.
Fetch me this hert>, and be thou hoe again
l£jK the Leviathaa caa iwim » \ta^a£.
Puck. I'll put a girdle round about the earth ■
In forty minutes., " '[EicU.
Ob. Having raice this juke,
I'll watch Titama iriien fbe is afleep.
And drop the.liquor of it ' 'on'' hej em: • . "■
The next thing which Ihe irakirm looKS upon,
(Betconhonj bear, n-wolf, or^bull.
. {«) jf itmflimeHi to ^gten Elizabeth : «/ it fitmt fnhahlt thttt
Mary ^ttn nf Scou •utaifiintii m Im ibe frteUlMg ^nt if Obe-
ron. Warbiinan. 9 In
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
A MidJmmer'Night's Drtam, Qt
Or medling maikey, or on bufie ape)
She Ihall pui£ie it with the foul of lore :
And ere I take this cfaaim off from her fight,
(As I can take it with another hcib)
I'll make her render up her page to me.
But who comes here? I am invifible.
And I will over-hear their conference.
Ettter Demetrius, Helem foU9wmg biwt.
Bern. I love thee not, therefbre purfuc me not.
Where is LyfaadeTy and ^ Hermia ?
The one I'U ' 'Jltg, the other Jkyeth me.^
Thou told'ft mc they were ftol'n into tUs wood ;
And here am I, and wode ^chin tbis.wpod,
Becaufotl cannot meet my Herma.
Hence, get thee gone, and follow me no more.
Hel. You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant.
But yec you draw not iron ; for my heart
Is true as Iteel. Leave you your powV to draw, ,
And I fhall have no pow*r to follow you.
Dem. Do I endce.youf do I^)eakyou£dr? ..
Or rather do I not in pL^iejGt truth . .
Tell yon I de-not and I cannot love you ? '"
Hel. And even for that do I lore thee the 'amt\
I am your fpaniel, aod, DemtrutSt r ,.
The more you beat me I will fawn on you: . . •
Ufe me but as your Ipaniel, fpurn me, fbiks me.
Neglect me, lote me^ only g^e me leave.
Unworthy as I am, to follow jrcu.
"What worfer place can I hee in your love,
(And yet a place of high r^ied witli tne)
Than to be ufed aa you ufe your dog?
Dm. Tempt not too mudi the hatred of my fpirit, .
Fot I am Ikk when I do took on thd:.
■ Hd.
I Jl^, the other JImjtti . . , •U tdit. Tiiri. tmtnd.
93 ^ MUfinmur'Nighff Dream,
Hel. And I am Hck when I look not on you.
Dem. You do impezch your modcfty too much,'
To leave die dty and commit your ielf
Into the hands of one that loves you not.
To truft the opportunity of night.
And the ill counfel of a delarc place,
With the rich worth of your vir^ty.
HeL Your virtue is my privilege ; for that
It is not night when I do ice your Bice,
Therefore I think I am not m the night.
Nor doth dus wood lack worlds of company.
For you in my reiped: arc all the worid.
Then how can it be laid I am alone.
When all the worid is here to look onme ?.
T>em. m run from thee and hide me in the t»akes.
And leave thee to the mercy of wild beafts.
Hel. The wHdeft hadi nor fuch a heart as youj
Run when you will, the ftory fhall be chang'd;
ulpolh fiies, and Daphne holds the chalei
The dove purfues the griffin, the mild Wnd
Makes fpeed to catch the tyger. Bootleg Ipeed !
When cowardife purfues, and valour flies.
Dem. I will not ftay diy quelBons j let me gp:
Or if you foUow me, do not b^eve
But I ihall do thee milHiicf in the wood.
Hel. Ay, in the temple, in the town • 'and^ fidd ■
You do mc uufcluef. Re, Hemetrim^
Your wrongs do fet a Icandal on my &t*
We cannot fight for love, as men rnvf do ;
We Ihou'd be woo'd, and were not made to woo.
I foikiw thee, and make a heav'n of heO,
To die upon the hand I bve fo well. [Etitimt.
Oh. Fare diee well, nym^^'i ere he do leave this grove
Thou fhalt By him, and lu Ihall feek thy love.
Haft thou the Bow'r dierc ? wekome* wanderer.
A Midfummer-Kight's Dream, 93
Enter Puck.
Puck. Aft there it "is.
Ob. I pray thee, give it mc ;
I know a hink whereon the wild thyme blows.
Where oxflr and the nodding violet grows,
* 'Quite over-canopied'' with lulaous woodlrine,
"WUt fweet musk-role^ and widi Eglantine. ,
There fleeps Tttama, lome time of the night,
Lull'd in thefe flow'rs, * 'from'' dances and dcBght;
And there the (hake throws her cnammel'd skin.
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in :
-• 'Thcre^ with the juice of this I'll ftreak her eyes.
And niake her Ml of hateful fantafies.
Take thou fome of it, and feck through this grove}
A fwect Atbeman lady is in love
With a (Mlunful youth; anoint his eyes.
But do it when the next thing he elpies
May be the lady. Thou Ihalt know the maq
By the Jtheman garments he hach on.
Effeft it with fome care, that he may prove
More f«id of her, than Ihe upon * 'his^ love i
And look you meet mc ere the' 6rfl: cock crow.
Pack. Fear not, my lord, your fervant Ihalt do S3.
S C E N E V.
Enter ^eat ef fames, with ber Train.
^een. Come, now a roundel, and ii Fairy long:
Then, ' '*fore^ the third part of a minute, hence;
Some to kill cankers in the musk-rofe buds.
Some war with rear-mk:e for their leathmi wings.
To make my finall elves coats: and fome keep bade
The damorous owl, that nightly hoots, and wonders
. At
3 o'er-onopy'il, 4 with $ And 6 \m
7 bt ., . tU tiit, Thttk. mini.
94 ^ MUfurnmr-N^hfs Dream.
. • 'At our queinc fyons. Come, fmg'' me now afletp.
Then to your offices, and let me reft. .
Fairies fing.
Tou Jpotted Jkakes with double tmgue^
Tbenr^ hedgehogs, be net feen,
Nevti end blind worms, do no wroi^^
Come not near ewfiary ^een.
Philomel, with melotfy.
Sing in your Jweet luUaiy,
Lm, hUa, luUaiy, biUa, btUa, htilafy:
Never, ha^, nor ^eH nor charm^
Come our levefy lady ^h.
So good, night with lu&iy.
2 Fairy.
H^eaw^ fpiderSj conte not berti
Hence, you lor^-leg^dfpinners, henc^:
Beetles Blaek, approach net near.
Warn nor fnail, & no offence.
Philomel, vnth tndoiy, &c
I' Fairy.
Hence, away \ now all is weS: •
One aieof fiand Centinel. [Exeunt Farics.
Enter Oberon, and anoints her' eye-Uds.
Oh. What thou feeft when thou doft wake.
Do it for thy true love take,
Ix>ve and languifli ibr his iake t
Be it aoBix, os cat, or bear, ,
Pard, or b(^ with biilUcd hair.
In thy eve what ihall afq>ear.
When tnou w^'ft, it is thy dear;
Wake when £»xie vile thing is near. [Exit Oberon.
8 At o«r futint Tpiiit*. Sing
S C E N E. . VIw
Enter Lyfandcr <mJ Hcmna;
Lyf. Fur love, you f^t wit^waqdiir^ in the wood ; '
And, to rpcak troth, I have forgot i^ir way :
We'll reft us, /foTw'fl, if.ypu-think it good, ■
And tarry for the coin%t of the day.
Her. Be't fo, Lyfander j fiini yev <m. a bed.
For 1 upcMi this bank will reft i»y head. v
Lyf. One turf Ihall lerve as piUow fo^ us both> »
One heart, one bed, two bolbps, ^wdoio troth.
Her. Nay, good Lyfander, iwc my iakft,- Ay dear.
Lye further on yet, do not Jye fa near..
Lyf. O take the &nle, fwoet, of off, innocence ^
Lx>ve takes the meaning in kire'j conference \
I mean that my heart unto, yours is knit.
So that but one heart can you make of it :
Two boftwns interchained vrith anoal^i ; ■. . . .
So then two bofoms, and a fii^e troth:
Then by your fide no bed-room me depy y
F(h: lyii^ Jo, Hermia, 1 dp not lye.
Her. Lyfanier riddica veiy piwtByt
Now much be&rcw my maonas, md my'^ride, '
If Hmma tncint to figr, I^fat^ ly'd !
But, gcAtb friend; fat lote-and cowtcfie . .
Lye further olF, in human jmodefty, }
Such jqitfdtiDn as may well be ^d
Becomes « vktuoiu faMchelorand a nuud ;
So &r be diitaot, am^good aigte,. fyvecc friend^
TIw love ne'er alpa- |£iH thy iwet life-eodl ■
Lyf. Amen, amenjto that im, prayer, iay^I*
And then .end £fe nflwn' I cod k^wty :
Here is my bed;; flecp.pvc thc» aU Im. reft !
Her. With half that wifli the wilher'* eyes be preft 1
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96 A Midfimmer-Ni^f s Dnam,
Enter Puck.
Puck. Throi^ the foreft have I gone.
But Athenian fiod I none.
On whofe eves 1 might approve
This flowers force in (Hmng love :
^ight and filence ! who is here ?
Weeds of Athens he doth we«r j
This is he, my mafter ^d, ' «
£)efpifed the AtheniM mnd : - .
Ana here the maiden nee|Ht^ Ibond
On the dank and dirty ground.
Pretty foul ! Ihe darft noc lye
' 'Near to tWs Idll-courtcfie.^
Churl, upon thy eyes I throw
AH the pow'r this charm doth owe :
When thou wak'ft, let love fcrfrid
Steep his feat on tl^ eye-Hd;
So awake when I am gone.
For I muft now to Oiercn. lExit.
Enter Demetrius and Helena nptnii^.
ffel. Stay, tho* thou kUl me, fweet DemttriMt I
Dem. 1 charge thee, hence, and do noc hawtt me thas.
Hel. O, wilt thou daridii^ leave me? do not fo.
Dem. Stay on thy peril, I aliwe will go.
[Eidt DmuxnoM.
Hel O, I am out of breiuii in this find duce 1
The mwe my prayer, the le0er is my grace.
Happy is HermOy where&e'er flie lyes }
Fc»- (he hath Uefled and attradire eyes.
How came her eyes fo fat^jht ; not wtehialt tears j
If io my eyes are oftner wafli'd than heis :
No, DO, I am as ugiy as a bear 1
FcR- bei^ that meet me run away for fear,
9 Not to dta bck-loTC, thit kUl-coiirtefie.
. . . «V edit, nni, tmrnd.
A Mtdfimmer-'Ni^t's Dream. gy
Therefore no marteJ, tbo* Dmeirius
D6 (^ a monfter) Ry my prefoice thUs,
What wicked and (Memblii^ glals of mine
Made me convpiire with Herma'% fjrficry eync ?
But who is here ? Lyfandtr on the groiHid :
Dead or aflecp ? I fee no blood, no wound :
Ljfojtdery if you live, good S^, awake,
1^. And run dtfo* fire I "snll for thy fwcec fekc.
Traniparent HeUn^ ntfute here (hews ait,
That thfou^ thy bofom makes me' fee rfiy heart.
Where is Dmetrins? Oh, how fit a word
Is that vile name, to poilh on my fwnxl ?
Hel. Do nM (ay fo, Lyfander, fay not fo »
What tho' he love your Htrma f lord, vtat tho' ?
Yet Hermia ftiU loves you j thtn be content, T
Lyf. Omtent with Hermia? no: I do repent K
The tedious minutes I with her have fpent ; J
Not Herm'a, but Helena I love :
Who will not diange a raven for a dove i
The will of man is by his reaibn fway'dj
And reafon fays you are the worthier maid.
Tfui^ growing are not ripe unol their feafon*
So t being young 'till now not ripe to rcalbn,
And touching now the point of human skill,
Reafon becomes the marfhal to my will.
And leads me to your eyes, where I o'erlook
Love's ftories, written in love's richeft book.
Hel. Wherefore was I to this keen mock'ry bom?
When at your hands did I dcfcrve this fcom ?
Is't not enough, ia't not enough, young man,
That I did never, no, nor never caA
Defcrve a fweet look from Demetrius' eye.
But you mufl flout my infuffidency ?
Good troth you do me wrong, good footh you do.
In fudi difdainful manner me to woo :
But fare you well. Perforce I muft confefs,
I thought you lord of more true gentlencfe :
Vol. I. HC Oh,
98 A Midfurnmr-Kigbt's Vreaa.
Oh, that a lady of one nicin refiis'da
Shniid of another thcrefixc be abus'd I [£>//.
Lyf. She fees not Henma ; Htrma^ deep thou tnere*
And never ihay'll thou come LyfanJir new ^
For as a furfeie of the fweetcft ttungs
The deepell lolling to a fiomach bnogs j - -
Or as the berefies t£aC men do leave
Are hated moft of thofe they did deceive;
So thou, my furfrit and my hsrefie.
Of all be hated, but die me& of me!
And, all my pow'rs, addrefa your love and m^it
*ro honour HeltHy and to be her Knight ! [Emt.
Her. Help me, l^fmder, help me, do thy brft
To ^uck thj5 craiding fopent fiom my breaft :
Ay me, for pity, what a dreim was here ?
Ly fonder y look, bow do I quake mdi fear?
Me-thought a ferpcnt eat my heart away.
And yon fat finiling at his cruel prey :
■ LyfanJer! what, remov'd? Lyfrndery lord!
What, out of hearing, gone ? no found, no wovd ?
Alack, where are you ? ^ak, and if you hear.
Speak, of all loves -, I fwoon almoft mtb fear.
No, then I well perceive you are not ni^
Or death or you I'll find imoiediately. H^^*
A Midfummer-K^hfs Dream. 99
The WOO l>.
Enkr Qyiaoe, Snug, Bottom, Fliite, Soowt and
T*A# ^WM p/ Parits ^ i^fletp.
ARE we all met?
^wf. Pat, pat J and here's a marvellous conve-
riem: {dace fa- our rehcarfel; TTiiagreen plot /hall
be our ft^, this hauthom-brake our tyring houfc, and
we will do iein aftion, as we will do it before die Duke.
Sot. Peter Snnct!
^MtH. What ftjr'ft thou, bully Bmm?
Bet. There are dm^ in this comedy of fy'atmis and
ffii^, that will never pleafe. Blrft, Pyramts muft dravif
4 rword to kil himftff, whidi the ladies cannot alride.
How aniwer you that i
Snovit. By'rlakep, a parlous fear!
Star. 1 bcBeve -we muft leave the killir^ out, when all
is done.
Bat. Not a whir, I have a device to make all wellj
write me a prologue, and let the prologuff fecm to fay,
we wiU do no harm with our fworas, and that Pyratmis
is not kiird indeed •, and for more better aflurance tell
them, that I Pyraims am nof Pyratrnts but Bottom the
weaver j this v^ put them out of fear.
^in. Well, we will have fqch a prologue, and it fliall
be written in eight and fix.
Bot. No, jjiak? it two more ^ let it be written in eight,
and etgjit.
H 2 Stwwt.
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100 A Midfummer-Night't Dream,
Snowt. Will not the ladies be afraid of the lion ?
Star. I fear it,' I promifc you.
' Bot. Mafters, you ought to confider with your felves i
to tning in, God fliield us, a lion among ladies, is a moft
dreadful tiling i for there is not a more fearful Wild-fowl
than your lion living j and we ought to look to it.
Snovot. Therefore another prok^e muft tcU he is not
a lion.
Bet. Nay, you muft name his name, and h^ his face
muft be fecn through die. lion's neck, and he himftlf
muft fpeak through, faying thus or to the iamc defed %
ladies, or fur ladies> I would wifh you, <x I would re-
queft you, or I would intrcat you, not to fear, not to
tremble ; my life for yours ■, if you think I come hither
as a lion, it were pity of my life i no« I am no/uch tiling,
I am a man as cxhcr men are ; and there indeed let fami
name his name, and tell them plainly he is Sm^ the
^H. Well, it Ihall be fo ; but there is two hard diiogs,
that is, to bring the moon-light into a chamber j for you
know Pyramus and Tbisiy meet by moon-li^t.
Snug. Doth the mooa fhine that night we play our
Bot. A kalendar, a kalendart look in the s
find out moon-fhine, find out moon-fhine.
^in. Yes, it doth Ihine that night.
Bet. Why then may you leave a cafemcnt of the great
chamber window, where we play, open, and the OUKU
may ftiine in at the cafcment.
^m. Ay, or clfe one muft come in with a bufli of
thorns and a lanthorn, and lay he comes to disfigure or to
prefeni the pcrfon of Moon-Ihine. Then there is anMher
thing, we muft have a wall in the great chamber, for
Pyramus and Tlmiy (iays the Itoiy) did talk through the
chink of a wall.
Snug. You can never bring in a wall. What fey you.
Bottom ?
Bot, Some man or other muft prefent Wall, and let
A Midjitnmer-Night's Dream. loi
Wm have fome plafter, or fome lomc, or feme rough-caft
about hinit to fignify wall : Or let him hold his fingers
thus; and dirough ihc cranny iliall Pyramm and Tbisby
^in. If that may be, then all is well. Come, fit
down every mother's fon, and rehcarfc your parts, Pyra-
mus, you bc^; when you have fpc^en your fpeecht
enter into that brake, and fo every one according to his
Enter Puck.
Puck. "What hempen home-fpuns have we fwa^^eiing
So near the cradle of the fairy Queen ? [here.
What, a play tow'rd ? I'll be an auditor ;
An a£tor too perhaps, if I fee caufe.
^tn. Spcalc, Pyramus ; ^bisly, ftand forth.
Pyr. Tbiibyy the flower of odious favoun fwect.
^fov. Odours, odours.
Pyr. Odours &vours fweet.
So doth thy breath, my deareft Tfniby dear:
But hark, a voice! flay thou but hoe • 'a whit,^
And fay and by I mil to thee appear. {Exit Pyr.
Puck. A (hanger Pyramus than e er plaid here ! {^ifiJe.
Tbif. Muft 1 5>cak now ?
^m. Ay marry muft you j for you mufl undcrftand
lie goes but to fee a noifc that he l^eard, and is to come
Tbif. Moft radiant Pyramus^ moft lilly-white of hue.
Of colour Uke the red rofc on triumphant bryer,
Moft * 'briskly^ yvuenile^ and eke moft lovely Jfw,
As true as truefl horfe, that yet would never tire,
m meet thee, Pyramus^ at Nitmy'i tomb.
^in. Niiuu' tomb, man? why, you tnuft not fpeak
that yet-, that you anfwer to Pyramu; you fpe^ all
your part at once, cues and all. Pyranuu, enter, your
cue is paft ; it is never tire. '•
- H3 Ttif.
I ftwhile, ...»U tdit. fhttb. immd. 2 briikjr
I03 A Midfummer-'Ni^f s Vrtfitif:
Tbif. O, as true as truefl: horfe, that yet would pcvo*
Re-mier Bottom with an jifs's heai^
Pyr. If I were feif , 'Tbiihy^ I were only thine. '
^in. O monftrous! O ftrangc! we are' hauntedj
pray, maftcre, fly, maftcrs, help. \The Qo^em exeunt.
Puck. I'll foUow you, ril lead you about a. round.
Through tx^, tlrough buHi, mrough t»akc, through
Sometimes a horfe I'll be, fometimes a hound, [bryer i
A hog, a headlels bear, ibmetime a fire.
And neigji, and bark, and grimt, and roar, and bum,
like horfe, hound, hc^, bear, fire, at every turn. [Exit,
Bet. Why do they run away ? diis is a knavery of them
to make me afeard.
Enter Snowt.
Stawt. O BMem, thou art chang'd; what do I fee
on thee?
Bet. What do you fee ? you fee an afe-head of your "
own, do you ? .
Eiiter Qiunce.
^mn. Blefi thee, Bottom^ blej^ due, thou art tranflated.
Bet. 1 fee their knavery, this is to make an afs of me,
to fr^t me if they could; but I will not ftir from this
place, do what they can ■, I will walk up and down here,
and I will Ung, that they ftiall hear I am not afraid. [Siwf.
The Oufel cock, fo black of hue,
With oraige-tawny bill,
The throftle with his note fo true.
The wren with litde quill.
^eof. What 3"gel wakes me from my flow'ry bed ?
Bet. The finch, the Jparrow, and the lark, [Sii^s,
The plmn-fong cuckow gray,
Whofe note iull many a man doth mark,
And dares not anfwcr nay.
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^ Mi^ammer-Nigit's Drum. 103
pQc bdeed, who wooU. &t ha wit to fit fo(£lh a Urd?
«^ would g^tf e a bird die lic^ cho* he ay cufkav never
^lutH. I frxf thee, gentle motal, flng agxn.
Mine ear is much cnanioar'd of thy note.
So is tiuiK ejre enduatted to dtf flupc.
And diy Eht virtue's force (jperfonoe) doth tnorc »k»
On the firft new n>^%, 10 mear, I love tbee.
Sot. Methinks, miltrels, you flioidd hivie litde icafon
lor that : and yet, to lay the truth, reaibn and love keep
Utde company together now-a-days. The more the pity,
that &)ibc honeft neighbours wiU fiot make riietn 6iends.
Nay, I can gleek upcn occalion.
^en. Thou art as wife as thou art beautifl^.
Bot. Noc &) iKdiier: btic if I had wit enough to get
oatoi dnswood, I ^lurve enou^ vo fervc mine own mm.
^ffetM. Oitt of this wood do noc defire to go.
Thou Ihalt reomi here whether diou wilt or no.
I am a ^iiit of no coinman rale i
The foaaner.flffl doth Kod opon mjE ftate.
And I do lore thse ^ iherefciK go with me,
ril 0ve thee Fairies co attend on due ;
ADOtbey fhall fetch thee jewels from the deep.
And fing, while thou cm prcfled Howen doft flecp :
And I wUI puige thy mcutal gmflhdft So,
That tbou llu^ like an airy ^»it go. *
Peaftbl^tmi Ctbwei! Math! tad Ma^ardfeed !
Enier /our Fairies.
1 Fur. Ready.
2 Fat. And I.
3 Fai. And I.
4 Fa. And I, v4iere (hall we go ?
^tften. Be kind and courteous to this gentleman.
Hop in his walks, and gambole in his eyes.
Feed him mth aptkodts and dewberries,
H 4 Witli
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IQ4 ^ Midfimner'Nighfs Driam.
Wich purple gr^ies, green figs and mnlbenjcs.
The h(sicy-bagE ft^ from, the.humbie bees.
And for night-tapers aop thdr waxen th^hs.
And light them at the fiery glow-worm's eyes.
To have my love to bed, and to arift :
And pluck the wii^ from painted butterflies, '
To fan the moon-beams from his (leeping eyes.
Nod to him, elves, and do him ctnirtcfits.
I Fat. H«i], mortal, hail !
2iw. Hail!
3 iv». Hail!
pet. 1 cry your worlhip's mercy heardly, I bdeech
your worfhip's name.
Ceb. Cobweb.
Bet. I Ihal] defire of you. more acquaintance, good
vax&sx Cobweb i if I cut my fioger, I fliall oaks bold with
you. Your name, honei^ gentleman f
Peafe. Peafebloffm.
Bot. I pray you, commend me to miftrefi S^u^ your
mother, and to mgjlcr Peafcode your father. Good mafter
Peafeblojfom, I fhaU defire of you rnore acquaintance too.
Your name, I befeech you, Sir?
Muf. Mufiardfeed.
Bet. Good mafter Muftardfeed^ I know your ' 'paren-
tage^ well: that lame cowardly gjant-like Ox-beef hath
devout^d many a gentleman of your boule. I promife
you, your kindred hath made my eyes water ere now. I
defirc more of your acquaintance, good mafter Miftardn
Sueen. Come, w^t upon him, lead him to my bower.
The moon, methinks, looks with a watry eye,
^nd when fhe weeps, ♦ 'weeps'^ every little flower
Lamenting fome enforced chaftity.
Tie up my love's tongue, bring him filendy. [Ex^mt,
b, Google
A Midfimmer-Ki^fs Vream 105
Enter King ef Fatries foius.
Oi.T Wonder if fitama be awakM ;
■*-Th«n, what it was that next came in ho- eye,
Wluch Ike muft do^ on in extremity.
Enter Puck.
Here comes my mcflcnger: how now, mad ^tef
What lught-nile now about this hatinted grove?
Puck. My suftrefe with a monfter is in love.
Near to her dofc and conlecrated bower.
While fhe was in her dull axid fleeping hour,
A cicw of patches, rude mechanicals
That woik for brnd upon Atbman ftalls.
Were met together to rehearle a day.
Intended for great "Tbefeus' nuptial day.
The Ihallow-ft > 'thick-skull^ of that banen fort.
Who Pyramus prefented, in thdr ^mrt
Forifx^ bis icene, and cnter'd in a bnke i
When I did him at this advantage take.
An Afs's nole I fixed rai his head ;
Anon his Tbiihy muft be anfwered.
And forth my ' 'mimick^ comes : When they him ipy.
As wild geele that the creeping fowler eye.
Or ruflet-pated chou^, many in fort.
Riling and cawing at the gun's report.
Sever themfclves and madly fweep the sky ;
So at his figjit away his fellows fly,
And at our ftamp here o'er and o'er one &)ls ;
He murder cries, and help from J^bens calls.
Their fenfe thus weak, foft with thdr fean thus ftroi%,
^ade foi&kis dui^ b^in to do rhem wrong.
{ thick-ikin 6 mJnnock
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H>6 ^ MidJamiKr-Night'^t Dream.
For brvas and thorns at thdr apparel (hatch.
Some lleeves, (bme bate % &om yiddera ail thh^ cateh^
I led them on in this diftra£ted fear.
And left fweet Pyramus tranflatxd there :
When in that moment (fq it came to pafs)
Tttania wak'd, and ftraitway lor'd an A&.
Ob. This feUs out better than I could devifc.
But haft thou yet lochM the Atbman*^ eyes
With the love-juioe, as I did tnd thee do i
Puck. 1 took, him (leepng ; that is fii^'d too;
And the jlihenian woman b^ his fide.
That} when he wakes, of force ftie muft be cy*d.
S C E N E V.
Efittf Demetnus and ricrmn.
Oh. Stand dofe, this is die lame AtbutUm.
Puck. This h tlie woman, but not this the mm.
Dem. O, why rebate you lum that loves you fo ?
Lay bre^ fo bitter on your tntttr fee.
Her. Now I but chide, but I Jball ufe thee mrfei
For thou, I fesT, hifi ^'n me caule to cur& :
If thou haft flain Lyjander in his fiecp.
Being o'er Ihoes in bkxxi, phmge in the deqi.
And kill me too.
The fun was not fo true unto the day.
As he to me. Would he have ilol'n away
From flcqang Herma ? I'll bdicve as foon
This whole earth may be bar'd, and that the moon
May through the center creep, juid fo ^ Mifeafc^
Her brother's nooit-tide with th' jlxtipoies.
It cannot be but thou haft murther'd him,
So (hould a murtherer look, fo dread, fo g^m.
Dan. So ihoold the murther'd look, and fo fliould I,
Fierc'd through ti»e heart mth your ftcm cruelty :
Yet you tlie munbera- look as bright and dear
As yonder Vemu m bcr gbmra'TiiK fohere.
7 difplofe
c,q,z.<ib, Google
A Mulfummir-liigbt's 'Dreant. toy
Her. What'stlus to my Lyfandtr ? what is he?
Ah, good Demetrius, wilt thou ^e him met'
hem. I'ad rather give his carcals to my hounds.
,Her. Out, dog! out, cur! thou driv'ftmepaftthebounds
OF mien's patience. Halt thou flun him then ?
Henceforth be never number*d among rnenl
Oh ! oDce tdl true, and even ibr my Jake,
Duiit thou have look'd upon liim, being awake ?
An baft thou kill'd him fleeping? O brave touch ?
Could not a worm, an adder do fo much?
An adder did it, for with douUcr tongue
Than thine, thou ferpent, never adder ftung.
Dem. You fpend your paffion on a mifptis'd mood i
1 am not guilty of Lyfattder'& blood.
Nor is he dead ifx ought that I can tell.
Her. I pray thee, tell me then that he b well.
Dem. And if I could, what (hould I ffx theicfbra P
Her. A piivil^ never to fee me moR \
And from thy h^ed prefence part I fo \
See me no mwe, whether he's dead or no. {Emt,
Dtm. There is no (bltcnnng her in this fierce vnn.
Here therefore for a while I w31 remain :
So ibtTDw's hcavinc!& doth heavier grow
For ddit, that bankrupt fleqi doth Ibrrow owe.
Which now in fixne flight meafure it will pay.
If for his Tender here I make Some ftay. [Lyes iown.
O^. What haft thou done ? thou haft mlftaken quite.
And laid thy love-juice on ibme true love's fight :
Of diy mi^nifion muft perforce enfue
* 'Some true love tum'd falfe, not a falfe tum'd true.^
Tmck. Then £ue o'er-rules ; > ^for^ one man holding truth
A milhon fail, confounding oath on oath,
Ob. About the wood go fwiftcr than the innd.
And Helena of Mbens fee thou find.
8 Some true love tont'd, and not ■ &Ife toniM true. 9 that
; .iv,Goog[c
io8 A Midfummer-Ni^t's Dream.
All fency-fidc flie is, and pale of cheer.
With fighs of love that coll the frcfh blood dear;
By fome illufion fee thou bring her here.;
I'll charm -his eyes againft fhe doth appear.
Pack. I go, I goj ' 'look, mafter, how Igo,^
Smfter than arrow from the Tartar's bow, [Exit.
Oi.Fk)*crofihispurjJcdye, [.^WwjDemctriusVfrfJ.
Kt with Clod's anJiery,
Sink in xppkd has eye!
When his love he doth e^.
Let her fhine as g^rioufly
As the yetau of the sky.
When thou wak'ft, if Ihe be by,
B^ of her for remedy.
Enter Puck. _ ^
Pack. Captun of our fury band,
Helena is hen; dt hand.
And the youth miftook by mc
Pleading for a lover's fee.
Shall we their i<Hid pageant fee ?
Lord, what fools thefe mortals be !
O*. Stand afide : the ncafc they make
Will caufc Dmeiritts to walte.
Puek. Then will two at once woo one ;
That muil needs be fport al<»ie.
And thofe things do beft pleafc me,
Thatbefiii prepoft'roully. ,
Enter Lyfandcr and Helena.
liff. "Vfhj fliould you think -that I fliouldwooin fcom ?
Scorn and DerificMi never come in tears.
Lock, when I vow, I weepj and, vows fo bom.
In their natinty all truth appears :
, , , , How
J low, bow I go,
c,q,z.<ib, Google
4 MUfitmmer-Nighfs Dreatn, 109
How can dide dui^ in me leem Sxm to you ?
Bearii^ the badge of faith to prove them true.
Hel. Y9U do advance vour cunning more and more.
When truth kills truth, O devililh holy fi-ay! .
Thefc vows are Hernia's: will you give her o'er?
Weigh oath with o^hj and you will nothing we^ i
Your vows to ho* and me, put in two fcaks.
Will even wdgh, and both as light as talcs.
Ly/. t had no judgment when to her I fwofv.
Hel. Nor npne in my mind now you give her o'er.
Lyf. Demetrius loves her, and he loves not ydu.
Dtm. l^oaking.} O Helen^ goddefi, nymph, petjeft.
To what, my love, fliall I compare thine eyne ? fdiwnc,
Cryftd is muddy ; O how ripe in /how
Thy lips, thofe kifllng cherries, ten^nii^grow!
Ttut purp congealed white, h^ Taurus' fiiow
Fann'd with the eaflem wind turns to a crow
When thou hold'ft up thy hand. O let me kifi
' 'This purenefi'* of pure white, this feal of blifi.
tfir/. O ffHght, O hell ! 1 fee you all are bent
To fet agunft me fat your merriment :
}f you were dvil, vid kiicw courtc£e,
You would not do me thus much injury.
Can you not hate me, is I know you do.
But you muft join in' 'flouts^ to mock me too?
If you ♦ 'woe*' men, as men you arc in Hiow,
You would Dot ufe a gendel^y fo:
To vow and fwear, and fuper-praife my parts.
When I am furs' you hate me with your hearts.
You both are rivals, and love Herma,
And now both riv^ to mock Hekna.
A trim exploit, a manly enterprize,
To conjure tears up in a poor maid's eyes
Wkh your derifion ! nixie qf noble Jbrt -.
Wouki fo-offend a virgin, and extort (
A poor.lbul's patience, all to make you fport. )
aTUtpnncfft. 3 fouli 4 vf
I ro A Mklfimmr^Nighfs Vrgam.
Lyf. You ue unkind, D«mttfius\ be not fb.
For you love Uerma \ this you know I kno>w.
And here inth ail good mil, with all tny heart.
In Hermd^ love I yield you up my part }
And yours of Helena to me bojueani,
'Wihom I do kwe, and yriSX do to my death. ?
Hel. Never did mockers wafte more idle In-eath- 3
Dem. Lyfander, keep thy Herma^ I inU none t '
If e'er I lov'd her, all that love is gone.
■ My heart to her but as gucft-wift foiown*d.
And now to Helen it ie home retum'd.
There ever to rcroan. ,
I^. It is not lb.
iSm. Difparage notthe &ith thou doft not luuw.
Left to thy peril thoa alHde it dear.
Look where thy kve comes, yonder is diy dear.
Ester ncmiia.
Her. Dark night, that from the e^ his fimffiiCRi Cakes,
The ear more qukk of ^^irehenfion makei.
Wheron it doth impair the fteing fenfe.
It pays the hearing double recompence.
Thou art not by mine eye, l^fiotder^ fbtsid.
Mine ear^ I thank it, brougttf me to thy found.
But why unkindly didft thou leave me «> ?
Lyf. Why Ihould he ftay, whom love dodi prefi to go?
Her. What love cxmld prds Lyfmdet from my fide?
lyf. hy fonder* ^ love, that would not let him ladc}
Fur Helena^ who more engtlds the n^ht
Than all yon fiery O's and eyes erf li^t.
Why fcek'ft thou mt\ could not tMs make tluc know.
The hate I bear thee made me leave theefo? ■
Her. You fbeak not as you think : it cannot be.
Hel. Lo, ine is me of this confed'racy^
Now I perceive they have cwjoh'd all ttute.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
A Midfunm&'Night's Dream, m
To &lhkin tlus'&lfe fport m ffught of mc.
Injurious Herma, moft im^atdul maid.
Have you con^Mr'd, have you with thefc contrir'd
To baa me with this foul dcrlTion i
Is all the counlel that we two have Oiar*d,
The fiftcrs vows, the' hours that we have fpent>
"When we have chid the hafty-footed time
For parting US; O! and u all forgot?
All fchooI-daysincDdihip, childhood 'innocence?
"We, Hermia, like two artiScial gods.
Created with our needles both erne Bower,
Bodienone lampler, fitting (mi one cufhion t
Both warUing of cHie long, both in' one key i
As if our hands, our Sdes, voices, ind minds
Had been inccHp'race. So we grew tc^edier,
like to a double ciierry, icemiag parted.
But yet an union in partition,
Two lovely berries molded on <me ftem j
* 'Or^ with two feeming bodies, but one heart.
Two of the firft s like coats in heraldry,
Due buK to one, md. crowned vrith ohe creft.
And witt jaa raid ourandcot love afunder.
To join -<fnxti men in fcoming your poor friend ?
It u not friendly, *tii not miudenly ;
Our fex as well aft I may chide you for it,
Thoi^ I alone do fixl the injury.
Her. HtitM, I am unazed at your words:
I firom you not ; it feems that you feom me.
H4. Have you not fet Lyfander, as in fcom.
To follow me, and pr^e my eyes-and fece ?
And made your other love, Demeirius
(Who even but now did ^um me with his foot)
To call me goddels, nymph, divine, and rare,
PredoDS, cddlial? wherefore fpeaks he this
Toherhehates? and wherefore doth Lx^Mt/rr
Daqr your love, ia rich within his foul.
{a) ^ Mrm mfii in bUKtnifg, •uihtn tiuo Ctati »f Armi 4irr fwtr-
(rrV fgtibrr, and ibi fitand h tit f*mt mi tbtjirji. j ib
Li, : .Iv.GoOgtc
112 A Mtdfttmair-tGgbt's Dream^
And tender me, {<x6x>th, afie£lion ;
But by your fctting on, by your confcnt?
What though I be not fo in grace as you.
So hung upon mth love, fo fortunate ;
But mifcrable moft, to love unlov*d?
This you Ihould pity rather than defpife.
ffer. I underftand not what you mean by this.
fiel. Ay, do, pcrfevcr, counterfeit fad lodes.
Make mouths upon me when I cum my back.
Wink each at other, hold the fweet jeft up :
This fport well carri^ Ihall be chronicled.
If you have any pity, grace, or manners.
You would not make mc fuch an argument:
But Btre yc well, *ds partly mine own &ult,
Wluch deadi or abfeoce foon Ihall renKdy.
Lyf. Stay, gentle Htlena, hear my czcufe }
My love, myUfe, my foul, bk Helena.
Hel. O excellent!
Her. Sweet, do not Icom her fo.
Hem. If Ihe cannot entreat, I can compeL
Lyf. Thou aai&. compel no more than ihe entreat
Thy threats have no more ftrengch ^ao her weak '^'pny^ia.^
Heien, I love thee, by my life I do ^
I fwcar by that which I will lofe for thee.
To prove him falfe that lays I love thee not.
Dem, I lay, I love thee mote than he can do.
Lyf. If thou lay &>, -mthdraw and prove it too. .
Hem. Quick, come.
Her. Lyfandir^ whereto tends aU this ?
Lyf. Away, you Eibt^f
Detn. No, no, he'll ieem
To break aw^, take on as he would follow.
But yet come not-, you are a tame man, go.
fyf. Hang off, thou cat, thou burr % vile thing, let loofe.
Or I mil fliiute thee from me like a fcipent.
Her. Why are you grown fo rude ? what change b this ?
Sweet love !
6 praife. . . , aUtdil. ^hith. imtid.
b, Google
A JiiJfimmer-Nf^t's Dream; ttt
Lyf. Thy love? vtat, tawny-SV/ar, oiiti
Out, loathed medidne ; hated pcnibn, hence f
Jier. Doyounotjeft?
Be/. Yes, fooths and fo do yoo.
Lyf. Bmttriusy I will keep my word with th«.'
Dem. I would I had your bcmd -, for I percdw
A weak bond holds you j TD not tnift your word,
Ljf. What, fliould I hurt her, ftrike her, kill her dead? .
Almougt I hate her, I'll not harm her fo.
Htr. "What grater harm can you do me than hate ?^
Hate met yAttsaoK^ Qms\ what news, my love?
Am not I fiermaf are not you Lyjander?
t »n as finr aow a»I wju oe-wfule. ^
Since lu^t you lor'd me ; yetfincenightyoulefcme:
Why then you Ictt tnt- — (O the gods forlnd !}
i>/: Ayi by my Jiftj
AjM never did defire toleediei trSJtt.
ThercfijTC be out of hope, of queffion, doubt j
Be certain, nothing trueri 'tis no jeft.
That I do hate thee and love Hetaut. '
Her, O me, you jdgjer» trfii you canker-Wo'lfcrti,
T(tti thief of iover wltti^ haVe you come by mght>
And ftol'n jsff lore's heart froiA hini ?
Hel. Fine, i'feith!
Have you no modefty, no maiden Ihame,
No trach of baflkftdneis ? wKat, w^ you tear
Impatient anfwenilrom my gentle tongue?
Fi^ fie, you wunteritat, you puppet, you^ ' .
Htr. Puppet I why fo ? ay, thi way goes Ac game.
Now I perceive diat fhe htth made compare
Bttween our flatures; fliei hath urg^d her height.
And with her perfonage, her taU petfonage,
Her height, forfooth, fhe hath prevaiTd with hiOL'
And are you nvwn fo h^ inhisefteeiii,
Becaufi; I am C> dwn-fiih and & kiw ?
How kw am L thou painted maypc^ ? fpeak,
7 frbUi can 70U do jDc greater birm, than bate r
1 14 ^ MidftnmtrrHi^'f Jki^m^
How knr aio J ? 1 am not yet iQ lour.
But that my nails can reach iinto thin? VfSi.. . ' <
Hel I pray you, though you inock.«i«, geiidemen.
Let her not hurt me : I was never cyril j .
I have DO ^St at aU in fhrewilhnefs %
I am a rig^c maid for my c^nnrdife :
Let hernot ftiike me. Vow pethaps m4)r thkdi,
Becaufe ihe's fomcthing Jower thvi roy ieif, . .
That I can match her.
.i&r.Lower! harkagan.
Hd. Good Hermia, donot befo Uuv .vtihlar}
I evermore did bve youj Wrma,
IHd ever keep your cowifeis« mrq- wnngfd pAm:
Save that, in love unto Dfwetrifis^
I told him of your Health into the wood : - .
He foUow'd you, for love I folloVd ^n.
But he hath chid mc hence, and ^litaten'd me
To ftrike me, fpum me, nay, k> ItiU nw toot'
And now, ,fo yoil will let me quiet «,, . ■
To Atbens' will I bear my folly b^ut,-
And follow yoa no ftutbcf. L*t nw gck
You fee jhow- Umple and -how fond I fum.
Her. Why, gecyougcKi^i wfaoiB*t(ll0t&tnde^yl»^
Hei: A foohlh heart t^ I kvn hatt fafhmL
Her. What, vi± Ly/artiler ?
Hel. With Demtrm.
Lyf. Be not air^d, (he will /iQt harm t&ee, Hdmsi
Bern. No, Sir, fhe ftizU npt, thov^ you tdie hermit.
Htl, O, when Ihe's ai^y, Ihe is keen and ihrcwd » -
She was a viren when flie went %q fchool j
And though fhc be but little, ibe is fierce, .
- Her. little again? nothing t»}t jowuul litdc?
Why mil you fuffer faer Do Bout ise thus f
Let me come to her.
Lyf. Get you grae, you. dwarf, .
You • 'Mimpiy you"* of hifld'fing koDt-gni£ made.
You bead, you acorn.
Dem. You are too
8 Minimum, , . . tl4tdil, 7l/i»Kimtnd.
Nar, go.c
A MiJfummet'Kight's Vream. 1 1 5
fin her bdulf that^xms ^our fervKCSt
Let her alone, ^e^ not ctf fieUnat
Take not her part : for ii thou doSi ioficad
Never fo little Ihew of Jwc to lier.
Thou flialt lisy'v;-
Lff. Now Qie hdds me not.
Now follow if dwu dar'ft, to try whofe t^Jit
<^ diaKori»ineis.&X)ft inHMEnu.
Dot. FoUowf Mf, rU^vithtJbfie cheek 17 joiri.
{f^AT. Lyfander wn/ Pemetiua.
Her. You, mn&c&i aU ttas coyl is long of jnOu:
will not tnift you» I,
Nor kx^p- ftaf ID TOur curft poiiipaiijr.
Tour hands than nine are qidcker for a fray, 1
My legi are kngFT thoi^ to nui away. >
/iir.lam«BMU*d,aBdkiwiWiK}twhatto]ay. [£xawl.)
Enter Ohaon and Puck.
O^. This is tl^ negj&geoce: ftUl thou miftak'ft.
Or eUe coniinitt*n thy knaveries irillingty.
PmcJc. Belize mc. King of Ihadows, I miftook.
Did not you tell me I ihould know the man.
By the /Mnmii garments he hjul on ?
And fb far blam^& proves my eoteipnzc,
That I have 'niHnted an Jti>aiua$'& eyes;
And fo far am I glad it did ib fc»t.
As tlus thdr jim^ing I eileem a Ibort.
Ot. Thou ieeft tbefe lovers feek a place to^htj
Hie therc&re, RoiiHt overcaft the night.
The ftuiy welkin cover thou anon
Widi drqwaOB f<% ^ black as Acheron^
And lead Ouno teSy livals i:i aftray.
As one come not within another's way.
Xikc to LyJoMder fometime frame thy tongue.
Then ftu- Dmarnu up with bitter wrong ;
la And
1 1. 6 A Midfn»imer- Sight's preatu^
And fomctimc rail thou Wtc Demetrius s "*
And from each other look thou lead them thns^"
'Till o'er their IwGWs death-counterfeiting fltep ■
"W'ith leaden le^ and batty wings doth creep ;
Then cnilh this herb into Lyfander's eye,
■Whole liquor hath 'this virtuous property.
To take inAn thence- Alt cFrof with its knight, ' -
And make his eye-balls »wl wirii-wotittd fighc . '
AVhen tb*y next wake, aHtJiis-derifiort ...'.^.. . .
ShaUSi feem a dr^am and iHutlelk vifion ;
And!A«!r*fl»U the fowra "wend ; ■■■■•''
With league, whofe date 'dll death fhall never end.
"Whiles 1 in tWs affair do thtt imploy,
I'll to my Queen, and beg het* htdtanboyi
And then I will her chamwd eye Kleafe
From monfter's thcw, and aUifiings fli^ beipeact
' Pack.' My 1^ lord, this mull be done with hafte.
For night's fwift dragons cut the clouds fiill faft,
And yonder fhincs Aurera't JiarbingW',
At whole approach ghofts wandringhere and diere
Troop horpc to church- yards i dairincd feints all.
That in crofe-ways and floods have buriar, " -
Ah^ady to their wormy beds are gone.
For fear left day fhould look their (hames upon.
They wilftjlly wdle themfclves from light,
And muft for aye conforr with black-brow'd n^ltt.
Oh. But we arc foirits of another fort ;
I with the momkig-light have oft made fporf.
And like a forcfter the groves may tread,
Ev'n 'till the caftem gate all fiery red.
Opening «n Neptuvt with ' 'fer-bleffing^ beams.
Turns into yellow gold his falt-grcen ftreams.
But notwiihftanding, hafte, make no delay,
Wc may effeft this bufincfs yet ere day. {ExU Oberon.
PKck. ' 'Up and down then, up aiiid down,^
I will lead them up and down:
* i.UpanddoHm, op and down^ „
A Midfittkaur-Kight's Dr^am, 117
I am feir'd in field aod town.
CfiUiKt lead'thcm iq> and down.
Here comes one.
fo/ff" Lyfander.
laf. "Where art tBou, ^Toa^Dmetrius? [ocsk thou now. '
Fuck. "Here, ^^llaih, drawn and ready. Where art thou?
Ljf. I wiU be wirfi thR ftraig^t.
Puck. Follow me then -
To plainer ground. " , ...
> Enter Denie^us,
Dm. Lyfandtr^ fpeak again ; ■ ■-
Thou ruiMway, thou coward, at tliou fled ?
Speak in fome bu(h, where ' 'thou doft^ hide thy hea:*.
Bmck. Thou cowwd, art thou bragging to the ftare.
Telling (he bulhes that thou look'ft for wars.
And wilt not come ? cbtile, retreantj come, thou Child,
Vll whip thee with a rod, he is defil'd
That draws a Iword on thee.
" Dem. Yea, art thou t^e?
P«r*. Follow myv«ce,wc'lltiyiiomanhoodhere. [Ext.
Lyf. He goes before me, and IHU liaics me on ;
"When I come where he calls me, then he's gone.
The »iHain is mudi Iffihter-hcerd than I :
I folk>w»d &ft, but fifter he did fly;
That feU'n am I in dark uneven way.
And here wiD reft me. Come, thou gcndc day: \Lyts dozan.
For if but once thou fljew me thy gray light,
I'll find Demetrius J and revenge' this Ip^t,
Enter Puck (md Demeoius. ,
Pu€i. Ho, bo, ho, coward *'why then com'lt thounotf*
Dem. Alwleme, ifthoudar'ft: for well I wot
Thou runn'ft before me, fhifting every place.
And dar'ft vox. fl^nd nor look me in the fa^,
Where art thou ?
I J Pu,k.
tdofithov 3 wbjr com'fttluniicitf
1 1 8 A Midfimmer-Night^s Vream,
Pack. Come thou hither, I am here.
D^ff. Nay then thou mock'ft me; thou fhalt buy this dear,'
If ever I thy face by day-Urftt fee.
Now gp thy way : faintnd^ conftr^ieth me
To mcafure out my length cm this coU bed.
9y djty^B ^iproach look to be vifitcd. {Lyet jloum*
Enter Helena.
ffel. O weary lug^, O long and tedbus nig^t.
Abate thy hgurs; flilne comfbtts from the Ealt,
That I may fcadc to Jitbau by dfly-li^it.
From thefc that my poor company dctcftj
'Aad Deep, that fbtnetimes fliuts up forrow's eye.
Steal me a while from mine owb compaiqr I \Sbeps.
Puck. ♦ 'Yet but three here? cooie* one tOfxCt
Two <rf both kinds make up four.
Here Ihe * 'cometh,^ curft and iad: ^
Cupid is a knavilh lad, f
Thus to make poor females raeA. ^
Enter Hennia.'
Her. Never fo weary, never lb in woe.
Bedabbled with the dew, and torn -vrith brian,'
I can no fiuther crawl, no firther go;
My legs can keep no pace wim my de&res:
Here will! reft me 'oU the break of day.
Heav'ns Ihield Lyfatider^ if they mean a fray ! [Lyes down'.
Puck. On the ground, ' 'fleep thou found,^
I'll apply to your eye, gentle lover, remedy.
, . . [Squeezing tbejuiee en Lyfander*j eye.
"When thou ' 'wakeft next, thou takeft^
True delight, in the fight, of thy former lady's eye.
And the country proverb known, . 'i
That cvery'man mould take Ws own, >
In your waking ihall be Ihown. )
4 Yet bat three ? come % comci,
t> flerp found 7 wak'A, chou uk''fl
A Jl^fmiimer-'Nighi's Jh-eam. \ 1 9
e well.
[£«/ Puck.
?' ade OialThstve yiB^ nought ftiaH go HI.
'he man fluH I»ve fas mare again,' and a^ be well.
■[£«/ Puck,
A C T rv. SCENE I.
the WO O D.
Enter Quetit of FtUptt, Botbxn, Fairia attemUng-, ani_
tie Kii^ hebmi tim.
COME, fit A* down upon this flowery be^ * ■ -
While I thy aniable cheeks do coy.
And ftjck murfc-rolrs irf thy ncek-finoorh*d hvad.
And Idfe thy !^ lai^ ears, my gentle joy.
Sot. VfhXK'A Pet^ait^ ?
Peafe. Ready.
Bet. Scnedi my head, Peafebloffum. Where's monficur
Cob. Ready.
Bot. MonfieurGiiawJigoodnionfieur, get your weapons
vt your haid, and kill me a red-liipt humble-bee on the
top of a thiftle, and, good monficur, bring me the honey-
fa^. Do not fret your felf too much in the a£Hon, mon-
fieur; and, good mwifieur, have a care the honey-bag
break not ; I would be loth to have you overflown with
a honey-bag, fignior. Where's monfieur Muftardfeed?
Muf. Ready.
Bot. Give me thy ncafc, monficur Mujiardfeed: pray
you, leare your curtefic, good monficur.
JMa/ What's your -vrill?
Bot. Nothong, good monficur, but to help Carakft
Cfiveb to fcratch. I muftto the barber's, monficur, for
I 4 nic-
1 20 A Midfifmmn-lU^'s pr9am,_ \
methinks I am niarvcUous hairy iibouc the ^ce. And-I
am fudi a tender a^ if my hair doth but tickle me, I
^em. What, wih thou hear finne mufidt, my fweet
Set. IhaveareafonabIegQodeaiinmuSd[,ktiialisft
the tongs and the bones.
Mufick. Tpi^Sj rurai mjtdk.
^eett. Or, &y fwecc love, what .thou defir'ft to tfX.
Bet. Truly a peck of provender ; I could munch your
good dry oats. Methinks I have a great defite tQ a boQie
of bay : ^x)d hay, fweet hay hatll ho feUow.
^n. I have a. ventunua E^iiry that Audi feek
The rqiurrel's luard, and ' 'fetch thee thence new nuts.^
Bet. I had rather iuve a handful or two of dried peale.
But, I pray you, let none of your people ftir me, I ba^
an czpcfition of deep come upon me.
_Quetn. Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my )^m5 j
Fairies, be gone, »nd be "a whilp^ away :
So doth the woodbine, the fweet hony-fuckle, ■ ^ .
Gently entwill, the fepiak ivy fo
JEnrii^ the barky fir«crs of the elp.
O, how I tovc thee! how I doat on thee!
Enter Puck.
• Ob. Welcome, good Robin j Sceft thou diis fwce? fig^
Her doti^ now 1 do begin to pity ;
For meeting her of late behind the wood.
Seeking fweet favours for this (lacefiil fool,
I did upbrud her, and fall out with her ;
For fhf: his h^ry temples then bad rounded
With coronet of frefti and fr^ant flowers,
And that fame dew which fometime on the budt
Was wont to fwell like roun4 and orient pearls,
Stood now within the pretty flourieu cjres,
XJisfi tears tl^t did their own di%race bewul.
8 fetch thee new nots, 9 nl' W'7* <^ ilway^
4 Midfuttmer^Ni^y THtani^ isi
V/hen I had ^t fl3^ I^eaimstaurtcbd her,
And Ihe in miTd terms bcgg'd rtiy. patience,
I then did xsk of hv h^ changdii^ .duld.
Which ftwc flje g»ve ine» andher JFary fcnt
To bear him xa mf bower jui Fairy land.
And, now I have the boy, I will undo-
This hatcflil impoft £Hon of her c^es : • ' .
And, gentle Piuk^ take this tramrarmod icalp
From off the head of tlue Jtheiom imm-.
That be awaking when the otiher$ do,
tAxf all to Mhm back ag;un repair.
And think no more of this nine's "fTKimf?^'
But 4S the fierpe vezatioq of a dream.
But firft Iwill releafc the Fairy. Q^oeo.
Et as tbou wafi wont te be\
See as' thou w^/jf vet^ to 'fie:
Pian'j bttdf ' 'o^er^ Cupid*j fiowtr,
f/afb fitcb force and buffed powfr.
Now, my Titamay wake you, my iWeet Quccn.
^een. My Obenm! vfikt vifionj have iTeen! ',
Methoi^t { was enamour'd of an afi.
Ob. There lyes your love.
^eea. How came thde things to pafs?
Oh, how mine eyes do loath this vi&ge nowf
Ob. Klence, a while ; Robin, take off his head,
TiioKo, mufidt call, and ftrike more dead
Than common fleep of all thefc * 'five'' the fenfe.
^gteif. Muftck, ho I mufick ; luch as charmeth lleep.
Still mujick-
pH(k. thou awak'ft, with thine own fool's eyes
peep, [me,
O^. Sound, muHck ■, come, my Queen, take hand with
And rock the ground whereon thcfe ficc|)crs be.
Now tho& and I are new in amity ;
And wffi to-morrow midnight fblemnly
}Of ,..tU tdit. Tiirl. mni. 9 $ne . . , tU tdU. thirl, ^mfai.
ISA A AGifmimer'}iight'i Vr^am,
Ehnce in Duke n^ei^ hiOtiCe triam{>hflntiy'.
And bids it to all > 'far^ poftoify :
There Diall thde pun (^ ftaihfiA love^ t>6
Wedded «th fU/ms all in jollity.
Puck. Fairy Kir^ jutend and mark, '
I do hear the morttaig lark.
Ok Then, my QHoia m (Uence lad
Trip, we after Ae 1)^*8 fltade»
We the ^obe can coi^Mfs foon»
Swifter than the vand'tirw moon.
^een. Come, my lord, and ki our ffight
Tdl me how it came this nig^t,
That I fieepang here was fbtind, {Skefen fyejUff.
y^itb thcfc mmtals aa the groimd. {Exemif,
\Wind barns.
Enter Thefem, Egeus^ H^^foa, and aU his train.
The. Go one of you, find tnjt the fbrcfkr, ,
For now our obfenration • is perforra'd ; .
And finCe we nave the vaward <rf" the day,
My love Ihall heaz the muTidc of my founds. ^
Uncouple in the wcltcm valley, go,
Difpatch, I &y, and find the forefler.
We will, fair Queen, up to the mountan*s tc^
And mark the mufical confiifion
Of hounds and echo in conjunftion.
Hip. I was mth Hercules aDdCaJmas once,
When in a wood of Crete they iay'd the * 'boar^
With hounds of Sparta-, never did I hear
Such gallant chiding.. For befides the groves.
The skies, the fountains, ev'ry region near
Seem'd all one mutual cry. I never heard
So mufical a dilcord, fuch fweet thunder.
yjf . My hounds are bred out of the Sptsrtam kind.
So fiew'd, fo lauded, and their heads are hme
(a) Mtmiimg tit oifirvante efiht tlnfl frtfirilti for thiir wtftiaii-
3 Air . . . tldtdit, Wta-b, tmtnd. 4 bar
\9idi eafS dut fweep rrm cfac morrmig cfew ;
Crook-knee'd, and dew-Up'd^ Hke '^fakitn buBs,
Sk>w in pUTfak, but tnatoi'd in niou^ like bds.
Each, under eadi. A cry more mne^e
W» ne"rer hoHow'd to, nor diecr'd wiA horn.
In Cre/f, 'in Sparta, nor in Theffa^ :
Judge when you hear. But foft , what nymphs «re duft?
Ege. My lord, dijs fe my daugjiter here afleej^
And this Lyfander, dii» Danetrhaj
This HeletM, old Nedar^a Helena j
I wonder at th«r being here tt^cdier.
The. No doubt, thff^ rofc up early » ofcfttw
The Rite of Ma;, and, hearing om 'meat.
Came here in giacc of our fdcmnity.
But fpeak, Egeta, is not tins the day
That Herma (hould give anfwer of her Aoicef
Ege. It is, my lord.
The. Go, bid the huntfinen wake them with Adr horM.
'Horns, and4bcf wake. Sbmt within, tbey aUfiart uf,
ne. Good morrow, fiiends ; Snit Falenliu '» paft : .
^egn wood-lwds but to xouple bow t
Lyf. Pankm, my kird.
Tbe. I pray you all, Haad up :
I know you two are lirai enemies.
How comes this gcntk concord in the wiM^
That hatred is ib ftr from jeakMiTie,
To fleep by hate, and fear no enmk/?
Lyf. My lord, I fliall reply anuzedly.
Half fleep, half waking. But as yet 1 iwear
I cannot truly £ty how I came here:
But as I think, (for <nity would I fpeak,)
And now I do methiok me, lb it is :
I caipe mth Hirmia hkher. Our intent
Was to be gone from Jtbtm,. where we mig^
Be without * 'peril'' of th* /itbenian law.
Ege. Enou^ enough, my lord, you have enough'i
J b^ the law, the law upon his head :
*^ .They
% the peril
ff4- AiSd/ammer-Ni^'s Drtam,
They would hare fbi'n away, they would, HemttrUu^ •
Thcrcty to have defeued you and me,.
You of your wife, and me of my confcnt;
Of my confcnt chat fhe ihould be your wife.
Dtm. My lord, fur Helen told me of thdr fteallh.
Of this thor purpofe hither to this wood i
'And Lta &ry hither foUow'd them«
fxa Helena in fancy fbllow'd me :
But, my good lord, 1 wot not by what power.
But by fomc power it is, my love to Hermia
Is melted as the Ipow^ fe«iis to me now
As the remembrance of an idle gaude-
Which in my childhood I did doat upon ;
And all the' ^th, the iTrme of my heart.
The objed: and the plcafure of mine eye.
Is OTily Helena. To her, my lord.
Was I betrothed ere I Hermia faw ;
But like a BckneJs did I loath this food ;
* 'Yet^ as. in health come to my natural tafte.
Now do I wi{h it, love it, long for it.
And w4il for evermore be true to it.
The. Fair lovers, you are fortunately met -,
Of this difcourfe we Ihall hear more vwn.
£gettSj I will over-bear your' will, ' . .'
For in the temple, by and by wkhus, ■ ,
Thefe coudI^ Ihall eternally be knit -, ■
And, for the morning now is fomething wan,"
Our purpos*d hunting Ihall be fet afide.
Away with us to jitbens, three and three.
We'll hold"-a feaft in great folemnity.
Come, my Hippolita. [Exeunt Duke and bnb.
Dem. Thefe things leem fmall and tmdiftinguilhaUe,-.
like far-off mountains turned imo clouds.
Her. Methinks I fee diefe thii^ with parted eye.
When every thing fecnw douWc.
Hel. So methinks ;
And I have found Vmetrm^ ' 'a jcwd,^
^ But 7 like X jcwdf
Jt Midfurhmn-Ni^t's dra^, jA^
Mine owii, and not mine own.
Bern. It fecms to mc,
That yet we fleep, we dream. Do not yoo think
The duke was here, and lad xis follow him ?
Htr. Yea, and my fathtt. •,
Htl And HippoUta.
Lyf. And he bid us to follow to the temple.
Dfflr. Why then, we are awake ; let's Mam him, '
And by the way kt us recount our dreams. [&ittmt.
I [Bottom Qw^M. ;
Bat. When my cue comes, call me, and I will anfwer*
My next is, Moft faa Pyraanu — hey ho, Peter Sl^c!
fZtfe the. bellows-mender! Stiomt the tinker! SlarveStig!
god's ray Bfe! ftol'n hence, and left me afleep. I have
had a moft rare vifion. ' I had a dream paft the wit of
man K lay what dream it was : man is -but an a& if he go
about to ej^und this dream. Methought I was, thae
is no man can tell what. Methought I. was, and me-
dioi^t I had*^— But man is but a patcVd fool, if he
will offer to lay what methought I had. The eye rfman
bath not heard, the ear of man hath not Teen ; manes'
hand is not able to taftcj his tongue to conceive, nor his
heart to repwt what my dream was. I mllgetPe/ir^ttffftf
to write a ballad of iMs dream ; it ftiaU be call'd Bottom'^
Dreamt becaufe it hath no bottom •, and' J will fin'g it in
?he latter end of the play before the Duke: peradven-
ture to make it the more ^acious, I Ihall fing it I 'after^.
Eater Quince, flute, Snowt, and Starveling.
§tfim. Have you lent to Bettm'% houfe? is he come
$ atba ...Mt/it.ntti.tmfwJ. ■
%X$ 4 A^fimmgr-N^k't Dream.,
Star. He cannot be hood of. Out of doubc he ii
fhft. Uhtfoeait net, ^im die fia-yk mao^d. It gcxf
not ft)rward,-.(teA #.? : ;
^um. It is not poflibte -, you have not a man. ia aQ
Athens able to diichar^ Pyramus but he.
Flute. No; he haeh fin^y the \x&. wit of any handy-
craft jnan in Jifkois.
. S^n. Yea, and the beA per&a too ; and he is a voy
paramour for. a fwcet voice.
Fkte. 'You muft Iky, paragon j a paramour is (God
Uels us} 3 thing of ^ ''nwght.'^ ! .
Emitr Smig.
Snt^. Maftcrs, the Duke is coming from the temple,
and there is two or three lords and ladies more married ;
if our fp(»t had gone forward, we had all bc«i made
Fhtte. O fweet bully Bottom t rfius harii he loft fix-
pcnce a-day during his hfe ; he could not have 'fcapM
fix-pence a-day ; an the Duke had not ^vcn him Jbt-pcncc
a-day for pla^ng Pyramus^ I'll be hang'd: he would
have deferv'd it. Six-pence a-day in Pyramusy or nodiing.
Enter Bottom.
Sot. Where arc thefe lads^ where arc riiefc hearts?
.^«. Bottom! Omoft courageous day I Omoftha^:^
. Bot. Maflrrs, I am to diicourfe wonders j but.ask me
not what i for iJf I tell you^ I am no true Jtbei^. I
will tell you every ^lingas it fell out.
^mn. Let us near, ftrect Bottom.
Bet. Not a word of me; all I WUI tell you is that the
Duke hath dined. Get your apparel together, good fhings
to your beards, new ribbons to your pumps, meet pre-
lendy at die palace, every man look o'er his pait ; for
the inort and the long is, our play is preferred: in aor
9 nonj^t. . . .«/(/ t^lit. Thtsi, tmnd.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
4 l&^fiffiiiKfir^JJi^'/ DfeaHL ' i2j
cafe let ^^fiy hove dean Mty/n \ and kt not Um tbac
plays the U(« jwp bis mils, for tbcf fliail liang out fiir tli6
uon*5 daws \ and, mpft dear adasl cat no onions nor.
gaiiidc, for Tc arc coutterfweet bnatfat ud I do not
doubt to hear th<m infa k is a f«Kt AMoedjr. No-more
wwds ; away, go away. [Exetpa,
.£«/er Tbe&us, Hi|]poIita, E^xa, «kd J^ Lords.
' : HlPPOlJTA,
'/-pis ftrange, oiyne^^ wfaac thcile lovtrs ^Kafc of.
X 72«. More firange tlun true. I never mqr believo
Thefe anticfciaUes, nor tfae£ Fatty toys }
Lorers and madmen have ludi fecthing brams, - -
Sudi {hapm^ fantafies, that apprehend i
More than cool reafoh eyier comprehends.
The lunaddc, tl>e lover, and the poet,
Aip of imagination ail compaft :
One ices moK devils than vaft hell can hold ;
The madman. While the lover, all as (raotidc.
Sees Htin^s beauty in a brow of Egypt.
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rowUng^
Dodi glance from heav'n to earth, from eardi to hcay*n i .
And, as imagination, bodies foi^ :
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to Ihape, and gives to very nottung
A local hatntation and a name.
Such tricks hath ftrong imagin^tni,
That if ' 'it^ would but apprehend feme joy.
It comjaehcnds fomc bringcr of that joy :
* 'So'' m the n^^ imagining fome feu*.
How eafy is a buih fuppos'u a bear?
I he 1 Or
Li, : .Iv.GoOgLc
129 A MidfuilAuf^Night's DfAiwf,-
; H^. But all the ftory of tht night told over^
Andallthdr minds. transfigured fotogedter.
More witncfTeth- than fiuKys itnagM, 1
And grovs to fonxthiilig of great coiiflancy ;
^ ^Be't^iiovlbcra-ftrai^-and!adiiuriibl6.
Enter Lyiander, Demetrius, Hermia, and liekiu.'
Tht, Here oime the loversj fiiU of joy an4 ii^rth.
Joy, gentle 6iends, joy and (rdh days (U lore
Accompany your hems !. ' :< "
Lyf. More than td us,' ' - ' - .
Vfmt on your royal walks, your boanl, your bed I
?**?. Come now, irfiatmaats, wJiatdancfts flidlwchive
To wear away this long age of three hours, '
Between our after-liipper and bed-tinie?
" our ufbol manager of mirih.' '
What tcvels are in faandf is there no pUy
Toeafethcar%uiih.(^ a torturing hour?
CaU Pbihfirat*. .
Enter PJuloftrate.
Phil Here, mi^ty Th^eusy here, * :
The. Say, -w^t at«idgment have you for ^sevenii^?
What mask? whatmufick? how flullweix^ile
The lazy time, if not with fome del^ht?
Phil. There is a brief how many i^rts are ripe :
Make choice of which your Highnefs will fee firft,
The. 7be battel with the Centatirs, tt be fung [Rcadt.
By an Athenian eunucb to the harp.
We'll none of that. That have I told my love.
In glory of my kiniman Hercuki.
Tbe riot of tbt ttffy Bacchanals, [Reads;
bearing the Thracian/i^«- in thHr rage.
That is an old device, and it' was plaid
When I irom Thebes came laft a conqueror.
irbe thrice three Mu/es mourning for the death [Reads.
Of Learmttg, late dectas'd in beggary.
b, Google
A MUfumrntt-N'tght's Vreau, 129
That is Ibme fiuyr keen and critical, .
Not Ibrting with a nup;ial cormony,
AtUMaus brief fiene ef yeu^ Pyramus, [Reads;
jhd its kroe Thisbc ; very tragical mirtb.
Merry and tragjcal? tedious and brief?
Thar is hot ice, and wond'fous ♦ 'fcorching'* fiiow;
-How Oiall we find the concord ojF thisdifcord ?
Phil. A play * 'it is,^ my lord, fomc ten words long,
Which is as brief as I have known a play ;
But by ten words, my lord, it is too loi^,
Wtuch makes it tedious : for in aU the play
There is not one word apt, one jdayer fitted.
And tra^cal, my noble lord, it is :
For Pyramus therein doth kill himfelfj
Which, when I ' 'law't rehears' d,^ I mult ccofds
Made mine eyes water; but more merry tears
The paffion of loud laughter never (hed.
The. What are they mat do play it ?
Phil. Hard-handed men xhut work in Athens here,
Whidi never labour'd in their minds till now ;
And now have twi'd their unl^ieafh'd memori^
Wrdi this &me play ag^ft your nuptials.
3T>e. And we will hear it,
Phil. No, my noble loH,
It is not for you. I have heard it over.
And it is nothing, nothkig in the worid,
Uolcfi you can find Iport in their intents.
Extremely ftretch'd and conn*d with cruel pain.
To do you fervice.
The. I will hear that play ;'
For never any thing can be amils.
When fimplcncis and duty tender it.
Go, bring them b; and take your places, ladies.
[Exit PhiJ,
H^. I love not to fee wretchednefs o*erdiarg*d.
And duty in his fervice pcrifliing.
The. Why, gentle fwecl, you Ihall fee no fudi tWrig.
.Vol. I. k hp;
4 Offfi S Aoeii, 6 (i«r't,
Li, : .1V,G00^[C'
130 A AiUftmmer-Ki^s Drtam.
Hip. He lays, they can do hotfung in dus kind.
7he. The lundcr we, to g?ve them thanks for nothing.
Our fp^rt fhall be, tot^ke what they m^bkc; •
And what ' 'poor wiling duty'' cannot do,
Noble refpefl: takes it in miglrt, not merit. .
Where I have come, great cterks have purpofed
To greet me with prcm^itated welcomes ;
' 'When'^ I have fecn them fhjver and look pale.
Make periods in the midft of Icntences,
Throtue their praftis'd accent in thdr fean.
And in concluuon dumbly have htoke off.
Not paying me a welcome. Tnift me, fweet.
Out of thi£ filcnce yet 1 pick'd a welcome :
And in the modefly of fearful duty
I read as much, as from the rattling toi^e
Of fawcy and audacious eloquence.
Love therefore, ■ and tongue-ty*d fimpBdty
In leaft fpcak moft, to my capadty.
Enter Phikiftratt.
PbiL So pleafe yourGrace, the pKdagje it ad^aft.
S'he. Let him ^^noadi. Wf-, frm.
S C E N" E n. .
Enter Quince for 4ht prolegm.
Pro. If we offend, it is wiih our good will.
That you Ihould think we come not to offend.
But with good will. To fhew pur fimdc skill.
That is the true beginning of our end.
Confider then, we come but in defpight. •
We do not come as minding to content you.
Our true intent is : all for your del^t.
We are not here : that pu fliould here repent ypu,
Tlic aftors are at hand « — and by their (How,
You ihaU knpw all, that you are like to know.
The. This fellow doth not ftand upon points.
7 poordvtf, . . .tUtJit. Tini. tmtni: % Whwt
J^/. He Juth nd ^^ prologue, Uce « rough <xki he
knows not the ftop. A good moral, my lord. It is oot
eiKM^ tt> fpetk, but do y>eak true,
^r^. Ind«ed h« hath p lay'd on his prcjogjuc, like a
child on the recorder t a &und, but not in goremmest.
?',&«. His rpeech was blie a cangkd cliatn -, nodang im-
pair*d, but oU dcCordec'd. Who is the next?
Enter Pyramus. aj^ ThMw, WaB, Mowi-flune,
W Lion, iff diaih jhow.
Pre. Gentles, pcrchana you wonder at this Aow,
Btit wonder on, 'till tmdi make all things plain.
This niaii is Pjramui, if you would know ^
This beauteous lady^ Tbishy is certain. '
This man, with Dme and rough-caft, doth prefcnt
Wall, the vile w^ which did thele lovers fimder:
And through wall's chink, poor fouls, they are content
To whiter. At the which, let no man wonder.
This man, witblanthom, dog, and bulh of riuun,
Prefented) Moon-fhine : For, if you will know, ■
1^ moon-Qiine did theie lovers think no Icom .
To meet at Ntma' tomb, tliere, there to wop.
This grizly bcaft, which Lien highc by name^
The truAy 3'Ku^, coming firtl by lu^,
Ud Icare away, or radier did affright :
And as Ihe fled, her mantle Ihe let fall )
Wluch Liat vile with bloody mouth did ft^.
Anon comes Pyramus^ fwcct youth and tall« ,
And finds hotru^ 'Tbitiy'^ mantle (lain t
AVbcreat, imh Uade, with bloody blameful blade,
He bravely broach'd his boiling bloody breaft.
And Tbisiy, tarrying In the mulberry fhade,
His dagger dFctr, and died. For all the reft,
Xec Ziottr MoofhfliiM*, PJ^aU^ and lovers twain,
Jkx luoc diicgurw, while here thqr do remain.
Tie. I wonder if the Liim be to ftieak.
K 2 f>m.
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132 A MiJfammer-Nigh^t Dream.
Dem. Ko vonder, my kndt one Lim may, iri^n
many aSes do.
ff^all. In this lame interiiide it doth bdal.
That 1, ontSHowt by name, prefoit a Wall:
And fuch a wall, as I would' nave you think,
Tb^t had in it a cranmed hde or chink}
Throt^h wluch the lovers, Pyranaa and ^Ind^i
Did whifper often very fea«Iy.
This lomc, this rough-cad, aixl this ftone doth Ihew,
That I am that iiime wall j the truth is fo.
And this the cranny is, right and finifter.
Through wtuch the fi:arfui lovers are to wlufpcr.
^ie. Would you defire lime and h^ to ^peak better?
Dm. It is the witoeft pattitxn that ever I heard dif-
courie, my lord.
Tl>e. Ijramtu draws near the wall : fitence !
Enter Pyramus.
PjT. O grim-look'd night I O ni^t vnth hue fo Uadc !
0 n^t; which ever art when day is not !
O night, O nighr, alack, alack, alack,
1 fear my 'tbishy'% promifc is forgot.
And thou, O wall, O fwcct and lovely waD, ^
That Hands between her fether's g^und and mm^
Thou wall, O wall, O fweec and lovely wall.
Shew me thy chiiJc, to blink through mth mine eyne.
Thanks, courteous wall ; ^^''^''^cf'^f^^^^'**'^''"^--
But what fee I ? no Tbish do I lee. * .
O mcked wall, through whom I fee no bfifi,
Curft be thy ftones for thus deceiving me !
7be, The wall, methinks, bring fenfible, fliould cin^
Pyr. No, mtnith, Sir, hefliouldnot. Decehii^wif^
is Thisiy's cue; Ihe is to enter, and I am to fpy her
throu^ the wall. You ftall fee it will-faU pat a* I told
yon. Yonder flic comes.
-» >- - Eater
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A MidptmiKr-Hight's Dream. 135
Ejittr Thisbc.
. Tbif. O wall, full <rftm ball thou heard my moans.
For parting my feir Pjramus and mc.
My cfaeny lips bave .often kifi'd thy fljoocs ;
Thy francs \nth lime and hair'knit up in thoe.
Pjr. I fee a voce j now wU I to the chink.
To fpy an I can hear my Tbisby's iaitx.
Slttf. My love ! thou art my knfc, I think.
iV , Ttunk whit thou wilt, I am thy lover's gnce,
And fike Umanier am I tr^l^ Sc^.
m/. And I fike HeltMy 'oM the ^tes me kill
Pjrr. Not Sbafaka to Proems was To true.
^hif. As Sbt^aius to Precrus^ I to you-
Pjr, Oi kilft me through the hole c» this vile wsU.
nif. I kils the wall's bole, not your tips at alL
Pyr. Wilt thou at NiMfi tomb meet me ftraightway?
^f, Ude £6, tkle death, 1 come without doay.
WalL Thus have I fVatt my pan difcharged fot
And being done, ^}^ ffaff xtizf doth go. \£xit.
The. "Ncm is the > 'mure all^ do^n between the two.
m. No remedy, my lead, vtbcn walls are iii triUid'
to ' 'rear^, ^tbout wamine.
Bip. This is the fiUkft ftu£F tbac e*er I heard; .
fbe. The bell in this kind are Imt fhadowsi aed dw:
worft are no wmie, '•£ «iia9nici6«i aincDd them*
ISp. It muft be your imagjnatkm then, andnoc thdnu.
?ib(; If we in)ag^n6wodecf them thin they tifthem-
fehrcs, they may pals fat excdlem vien. Here come tvio
nc^ beafts in, * 'a motxi'^ and a Bon.
Etaer Lj<Hi W Moon-ihine.
Lmh. You, ladie^ you, whole gentle hearts do fear
The finall^ moi^rous moufe oiat creqis on floor,
M«y now perchance both quake and tremble here.
When LJon rough in wUdell rage doth roar.
K 3 Then
9 &nnl I hctr, . , »U tdii, iTttrb. tmtmd,
2 t Btn ,. .M tin. Yiiti. fmtnd.
134' ^ Midjumrner-Night'r Vreant.
Then know that I, one Situg the joiner, am
No iJoa fell, nor elle' no Laon's dam :
For if I (hould as IJofi tx>me in ftrife
Into this place, 'twew jwty of ttty life. ■ ■. -.
Tiie. A vEiy gentle htaR, and of a good conCJence.
Dem. The very beft at a bcafty ray lord; that e'er I
iaw, ■ ;
Lyf. This Lion is a vciy fox for his valour.
The. True, and a gooft for his difcretion:
Dem, Notfoi my lord ; for his valour c&nnot carry lus
difcretion, and the fox catties the g«rfe; '
Ti>e. His dllcrction, I vti fate, amnot carry Us valour i
for the gooft carries not the fox. < It is wetf : leave it to
his difcretion, and let Us3iearkoi to thti moon.
Mmu- this lanthom doth the homed iiioori prelent.
Dem. He'fii«uld'-bav£ worn the horns * ^agovk' his
hiaft.,- ■.;..■■,.-.
Tba: He is no crefcent, tmd his hoRM art invlfiUe
within the drcumference. . ' ' ■ ■■--■ - ■- . '
■Mec!>!. This lanthoni doth the hom«d tMOnprt^ti ■'■
My ft'lf the man i'rh' moon doth fccrt]»;b«."-' ...
The. This is the greateft wror of all the reft (the man
fhoiild be put into the lantbom : how. ts ittlfe thfe nten
i'lh' moon? . :.,.■■.
Dm. He dares nofcame 'there fi» ttw i^ndle; for yeu
A^, it i» already in fiiufi'.
Hip. I am weary <^ Ais.mdon;. would he wwdei
change! . , ' '
Tbf. It sppeaxB by this.fimll %ht of i^Ucvetien^ that he
is^h the wan&i but-yesiaoourtefie, in-all reiribn^we mti&
ftay the time. ;:,-,,-,' :
Lyf. Proceed, Meen.
Afoflfl. All tlut I haye to /ay, is tottll jou^ tti4t -.the
lanthojD is. the jnoohr I, the man in, the' mow.^ ^his
thorh-bufh, my thorn-6uIh •, and this do^ my dog. " ;
Dm. WJiy, aUthefeibouldbeihthelanthdrni ior Aey
are in the moon. But filence i here comes ^jie.
A MidfiamiKr-Ni^'s Dream. 135
Enter Tliisbe.
'tbif. TWs is dd Nimtj^i tomb j where is my lore ?
Lion. Oh. Ho. Ho. — —
[7i6f Lion nartf Tlusbe nnn 0^
Dm. Well rcw*d, Zi«».
• The. Well rup, yiwif.
^. Weltflione, Mmn.
Trtily the A&*» fliincs with a good grace.
The. Well mouth'd, Z^e».
iTflW. And thetl cahie Pyranms.
Lyf. And fo the U(hi vanifh'd.
Enter Pynmus.
Pyr. Sweet Moon, I thank thee for thy funny beams ;
I thank thee, MomI, fw fhiniflg now fo bright ;
For by thy gratuJuc, goldon, glittering ftreanns,
I tTuft to tj^ (tf aiieft tbis^'i fight.
But ftay : O fpight !
But mark, poor Kn^tr
' What dreadful dole is here?
Eyes, do you fee !
How can it be I
O dainty duck ! O deer!
Thy mantle good %
What, ftain'd with blood I
Approach, you filrics fell:
O fiites ! come, come :
Cut thread and thrum,
Quail, crulh, conclude, aid qudl.
Tht. This pafTion, and the death of 3 dnv fiiond
Would go near to make a man look UA.
Hip. Belhrew my heart, but I pity the man.
Pyr. O, wherefore, nature, didft thou Ijotk iramc ?
Since Lion vile hath here dcHour'd my deu* :
Which u — no, no which was the faireft darae.
That liv'd, chat lov'd, that tik'd, that look'd with diesr.
K 4 Come
136 A.MiJfummer'Nighis Vrtam.
Come tears, confound : out fword, and wound
The pap of Pyramus.
Ay, that left pap, where heart doth. h(^ : >
Thus die I, thus, thus, thus.
Now am I dead, now am I fled, my ibul is ia the sky.
Tongue, lofe thy light, moon take thy flight,
Now die, die, die, die, die,
Dem. No die, but an ace for him -, for he is but one.
Lyf. Lefs than an ace, man» for he is dead; he is
the. With the help of a furgeon he mig^ yet rocorcr,
and prove an als..
Ify. How chaice the Mooen-fl>int is gMie, befoie tb^e
CPincs back and finds her lover ?
EiUer Thisbc.
tbt. She will find him by ftar-lighc.
Here fbe cxmes •, and her paflk)ii ends du j^y.
Hip. Methinks fhe Iliould not ule % long one for fuch
a Pyramus : I hope flie will be tnief.
Dot. a moth will turn the ballance, whidi Pjrmmes
which Tbiibe is the better.
Lyf. She hath fpied him already wth thofe fweet eyes,
Dem. And thus Jhe * 'moans,'' videlicet,
Tbif. Afleep, my love ?
What dead, my dove ?
O PyrmnuSy anfe :
Speak, fpeak. Quite dumb ?
Dead, dead ? a tomb
Muft cover thy fweet eyes.
Thefe lilly lips, this cherry noft,
Thefe yellow cowflip checks
Are gone, arc gone:
Lovers make moan !
His eyes were green as leeks.
O lifters three.
Come, come to me,
Widi hands a* pale as milk ;
4 meuh . . .tld liiu ^ini. tmtnd.
Lay them in gore.
Sines jrou have ibore
With Ihcers tJua thread of fiJk.
Tongue, not z word :
Come, tmfty fword i -
Come, blade, my breaft imbrue:
And Crewel, friends.
Thus Thij^ ends j
Adieu, adieu, adieu.
The. MooH-^ine and Xioi are left to bury the dead.
Dan. Ay, and {Fail too.
Bet. No, I aflure -TOJ, the wall is down that parted
their fadiers. Will it pScafc you to fee the ejalpgue, w to ,
hear a bergomask dance, - between rwo of our company ?
The. No epilogue, I jway you -, for your play needs
no excufc. Never cxcufc \ for *rficn the players are aH
dead, there need none to be blam'd. Marry, if he that
writ it had play'd Pyramus., and hui^ himfelf in Tbisbe*^
garter, it "would have been a fine tragedy : and ib k b
truly, and very notably difch^cj. But come, your ber-
gomask i let your epilogue alone. {Here a da»ce of devm.
The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve.
Lovers, to bed -, 'tis almoll Fairy time.
I fear we fhall out-deep the coming morri.
As much as we this night have ovcr-watdi'd. ' '
This palpd)le grofs play hath well begiiil'd
The heavy gate of n^ht. Sweet friends, to bed.
A fortnight hold we this folemnity.
In nighdy revel and new jollity^ {Exeant.
Enter Puck.
Piwi.'^'O W the hungry libn roarSj
-i-^ And the wolf ' 'be-howls^ the moon-:
Whilft the heavy ploughman fiioars.
All with weary task ^pre-done.
S behold* . . . 4U lilt. Warh. immi
138 A Midfimier-N^h't Dream.
*HSovr the wafted brands do glow,
Whilft the fcritch-ow], foitching ioud.
Puts the wretch that lyes in woe
In remembrance of a fhnnid.
Now it is the time of n^t,
That the graves, all g^nng wide.
Every one lets forth his ipright,
In the church-way paths w glide j
And we Fairits, that do run
By the triple Hecate*s team, .
From the prcfence of the fun, .
Fc^owing darknels hke a dream.
Now are irolick » not a mouTe
Sh^ difturt> this hallowed hou(r.
I am fent with broom befcve,
To fweep the duft behind the door.
Enter King and ^m «/ Faiiies, mthtbeir train.
Oh. Through the houfe g^ve glimmering light.
By the dead and drowfie fire.
Every elf and fairy Ipritc,
Hop as light as Inrd from brier.
And this dit^y after me
Singk and dance it xrtppin^y.
^eeit. Firft rehearfc this fong by roat.
To each word a warbling note.
Hand in hand, widi fairy grace.
Will we fing and bids tlus place.
The S O N G.
Now until the break of d^.
Through this houfe each Fiiajftrirf.
To the hefi bride-bed wiS vfty
fm^b bj usfiiaU bUjftd ht :
ytnd the iffue there treate^
Ever fi>^ be fortiatatt i ^
A MidfummerSigys Dream. 139
So Pail all tie couples three
Ever true in loving he:
And the. hlats ef nature's band
Shall net in their ipieftand\
Never mole, hare-hf, nor/car^'
Ner mark prodigious, Jucb as are
Dejjnfed in nativity.
Shall upon their children^ be.
ffith this field-dew CGnfecrate\ ■
Every Fairy take bis gate.
And each feverd chamber blefs,
through this palace, with fweet peace.
Ever Jhall it fafely refi.
And the owner oft be bleft.
Trip away then, make no Jiay j
Afcf* me all by break ef day.
Puck. If we Iliadows have offended.
Think but this, and all is mended ;
That you have but flumber'd here.
While thefe viliona did appear.
And this weak and idle -iheam.
No more yielding but a dream,
Gtntlcs, do not reprehend ;
If you pardon, we will mend.
AikI as I am honeft Pmk,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'Icapc the ferpent's tcM^ue,
We will make amends ere long :
Elfe the Puck a liar call.
So, good night unto you all [
Give me your hands, iTwe be fiiends,
And Rebin ihall reftore amends, [J^unt emnes.
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VVKEt/maa, fiuitrtimnt.
Valentine, >
PMheu., §""«"G«*«»-
Anthoiuo, Father to Protheus.
Thurio, afoeUfii Rival to Valentine.
E^mOTc» Agtnt ftr S&m in ter EJi^.
Hoft, where Julia ledges..
Out-laws with Valentine.
.Speed, a cloiomfii Servant to Valeutine. .
ZjHince, the Uu to PrachcBB. >
Panthion, Servaat to Anthonio.
Julia, beloved ef Fiotheiu.
Silvia, heloved ef VaiaaiDe.
Lucetta, fVatttng-wman to JuCa.
?1< S C E N E fcmttims la VeroroL^/ometims in
Milan» aad towards the latter end on the
Frontiers ef Mantua,
F E R 0 N A.
V Z KQ 1S( A.
Enter Vslentine end ProAeiM.
AEafe to pcrfuadc, my loving Prothms;
I Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits v
i "Wcr't not affeftion chains ;hy tender days
i To the fweet glances of thy honoured love,
H I rather would intreat diy company.
To lee the wonders of the world abroad.
Than (living dully flugranliz'd at home)
Wear out my youth with Ihapclefs idlcnefs.
But fince thou lav'ft, lore {hO» and thrive ther^t
Ev'n as I would when I to lore be^ ! .
(a) b may viry •wtll it itithttd •whtther Shakefpeir had ar^ other
l>a*4 in toil flay than iht tniiviMitig it viitb fomt /fttcbtt and liifs
/hrvwm in btrt and thtri, wbitb »ri lefilj di^iiptififd, »' b'i'S '/
m diffirtKt ftiit»t frtn tbt rift.
144 ^ ^'^ G**?^"*" '<f Verona.
Pro. Wilt thou be gone? fwect Falextine, adieu;
TWnk on thy Protbeus, when thou haply feefl: •
Some rare note-worthy objeft in thy travel :
"Wifh me partaker in thy hajroincfs,
Whoi thou dolt meet good hap ; and in thy danger.
If ever danger do environ thee,
COmmeftd thy grievance to my holy prayers j
For I inll be thy bead's-man VaUntine.
VaL And on a lovc-book pray for my fuccds?
Pro. UpOT feme book I love I'll pray for thee. ■
Vol. To be in love where (com is oou^t with groans.
Coy looks, with heart-fore f^^ i ' 'one moment's mirth,^
With twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights ;
If haply won, perhaps an haplcfs gun %
If lou:, why then a grrcvous kbour won j
However, but a folly bought with wit,
Orelfe a wit by folly vanquifhed,—
Pre. So by your circumftance you call me fool.
Vtd. So by your drcumftance I fear you'll povc. "
Pro. *n& love you cxrX at ^ I am not love.
AW. Love is your mafterj forhe,mafters you.
Arid he that is fo yoaked by a fod,
Methit^ Ihould not be chmiicled for wiie.
Pro. Yet writers lay, as in the fwecteft bud
The eating canker dwells ; fo c^ng love .
Inhatnts in the lineft wits of all.
Vol. And writers fay, as the moft forward bud
Is eaon by the canker ere it blow ;
(b) ril piay fcf thee.
Vml. That'a 00 lonie ftallow ftory of deep love.
How yonng Ltandtr crofi'd the HtUtJ^t.
Pn. Thit'iadeeplkiTyofadeepeT lovet
For be wa» more thao over flioes in lovd.
Fal. 'Til true, for jrou art o»er hoot* m Io*e,
Aad yetron never fwom the UtlUfiamL
Prp, Over the boots ? cay, give me not the booti.
y«U. No, I will not ; fbi it boot) thee not.
Prt. What?
Vol. To be in Im-e. W^.
I one ftditig moment's mirth,
b, Google
"ihe Tv» Gentkmpt of Yaorxdi, 145
Even fo by love the young and tender wit
Is tum'd to folly, blaftiDg in the bud,
Lofit^ his verdure even in the ujime.
And all the ^ cffeds of Aiture hopes.'
But 'wherefore wa{te I tinje to counfel thee,
That art a votary to fond delire i
Odcc mCHC adieu : my 6ither at the road
lExpe&A my coming, there to lee me fhipp'd.
Frt. And thither will I bring thee, Vakntine.
Vol. Sweet Pretbeus, no : now let us take our leave."
At Milan let me hear from thee by letters
Of thy fucceis in love ; and what news eUe
Betidtth here in ab&oce of thy JHend :
And I likewise will vi&t thee with mine.
Pro. AUhappnefi bechance to thee in MHoh!
fWL As much to you at home; andlb&ewel. [£x/V.'
Pre. He after IxMiour hunts, I after love;
He leaves his Iriends to dignifie them more }
I leave my lelf, my friends, and all /or love.
Thou, yiiliaj thou haft metamofpnos'd me; ' '
Made me n^eA my ftudies, lofe my time,
'War with good counfel, fet the world at nought;
Made wit with mufing weak, heart lick mth thmig^.
Eattr Speed.
Speed. Sir Pretbeus, fave you -, * 'few you. Sir, my ttwfter ?^
Prff. But now he parted hence t'embarfc for Milm.
Sfeed. Twenty to one then he is fliipp'd already.
And I have j^/d the £heq) in lolii^ him.
Pro. Indeed a Iheep doth very often ftray.
An if the fhepherd be a while away.
Speed. Yog conclude that my mafter is a Ihepherd then,'
and I a fheep ? .
Pro. I do.
Vol. I. L Sfeed.
1 (m yon my aafiw i '
146 The Two GentUmen of Verona.
Speed. Why then my homs are his homs, i^^iether I
wake or fleqi.
Pre. A filly anfwer, and fitting well a ffieep.
Speed. This proves me ffin a Iheep.
Pre. True j and thy mafter a ihepherd.
Speed. Nay, that I can deny by a circumftance.
Pre. It IhaBgo hard but I'l! prove it by another.
Speed. The ftiephcrd fcdcs the iheep, and not the Iheep
the ihepherd -, but I feck my ma^, and my mafter feeks
not me ; therefore I am no flieep.
" Pro. The Ihccp for fodder foUows the Ihepherd, the
ihepherd ior food follows not the iheep j thou for wage*
followcft thy mafter, thy mailer for wages follows not
thee 1 rficrcfore thou art a iheep.
Speed. Such another proof wiQ make me cry BaS.
Pro. But doit thou hear ? gavcft thou my letter lo Juka ?
Speed. Ay, Sir j I, a loft-mutttm, gave your letter to
her, a lac'd-mutton ■ j and fhe, a lac'd-motton, gave me,
a loft-mutton, nothing for my hdxjur.
Pre. HeTe'stoofmaTlapaihircforiuchftoreof mutfonsj
Speed. If the ground be over-durg*d, you wcrebeft fUck
Pre. Nay, in that you aw ■ 'a ftray'' 'twere beft pound
Speed. Nay, Sk-, kls than a pound JDiaO ieire me for
carrying your letter.
Pre. You miftakc; I mean the pound, a pin-fold.
Speed. From a poimd to a jan ? fold it over and over,
*Tis threefold too hide for cmying a letter to your lover.
Pre. But what iiid fhe ?
Speed. She nodded and fad, I.
Pre. Nod-I? why, rfiat's noddy.
Speed. You miftook, Sir ; I fiud, fhe did nod:
Andyou askmeifihedidnod; andll^d, ay.
Pre. And that let together, is noddy. ■
(a) Lac'd-mnttOB ij m fbrafi antitmtfj njtiftr a lady ofplnrupe.
I aSnjr . .. t »li tdil. Tlirl. imtni.
7bt Thud GentUmm 9/ Verona. 147
S^fd. Now you have taken the pains to let it together,
take it for your pains.
Pro. Not no, you fliall iurreit for bearing the letter.
Sfged. Wdl, I perceive I muft be fain to bear with you.
Pro. Whfk Sir, how do you bear mth mp I
Speed, Many, Sir, the letter very orderly,
Havii^ nothing but the word nod^ icx my puns.'
Pre. Bdhrew me but you have a quick m.
SptU. And yet it cannot overtake your flow poric.'
Pro. Comie, awne, open the oiatter in fcoief i what laid tbs ?
Speed. Open your pirle, that the money and the matter
taxy be boui deliver'd.
Pro. Well, Sir, bene is for your i^ns i what laid flie?
Speed, Truly, Sir, I think you'll hardly win her.
Pro, Why? couid'ft thoupcrceivefomuchfromhcr?
^ud, Sr, I could percdve nothii^ at all from her i
No, not ib much as a ducket for delivering your letter.
Ami being ib hand to me that brought your mind,
I fear flie'Jl prove as hard to you in tellwg her mind.
Givp ka no token but Hones ^ for Ihe's as hard as Q.^.
Prv. What, laid ihe nothing?
Speed. No, not ib much as take tlus for thy puns:
TPEeftifyvour bounty, I thank you,you have ^'^efter'd me :^
In rpquku wha«of, boiceforth carry your letter your Telf :
and £>, Sir, Til commend you to my malter.
Pro. Go,^ go, be gone, to lave your flup&pmvn^>
Wludi cannot pcrij}i, havii^ thee aboatd.
Being deftin'd tp a drier death on ihore.
I muft go fend fome better meHenger:
I fear, my JiUia woiUd not deign my lines,
Rcceivii^ them &pm fijch a wprthlw po^ l^nema.
S teficra'iln*:
148 ^« T^o QetaUmen of Verona;
S C E N E III, '
Changes to Jiilia'/ thornier,
£«m- Julia and Lucatk.
U T fey, Lucetta, now wc arc alone,
■Wouldft thou then counfel me to fall in love ?
Imc. Ay, Madam, fo you ftumWe not unhcedJuDy.
Jul. Of all die fair refort of gentlemen
That eY*ry day with parle encoijnter me, '-
In thy ojrinioh which is wortlyeft love ? ■
Luc. Pkafe you repeat thdr nanies, I'll fhew my nund.
According to my fhallow fimple skill.
Jul. What think'ft thou of the fair Sir Eglmcurf
Luc. As of a Knight well fpoken, neat and 6ne i
But .were I you, hr never lliould be mine,
Jul. What tWnk'ft thou of the rich Merci^hf
Luc. "Well of his wealth ; but of himfelf, fo, fa,
Jul. What think'ft thou of the gentle Protbeusf
Luc. Lord, lord! to fccwhatfoUy rri^isinus!
Jul, How now? what means this palCon ac his name ?
Luc. Pardon, dear madam ; 'ds a pafling fhame
That I, unworthy body as I am.
Should cenfure ♦'pafs'^ on lovdy gendemeft.
Jul. Why not on Protbeus as ' 'on^ all the rdl ?
Luc. Then thus ; of many good, I think him beft.
5^. Yourrcafon?
Lju. I have no other but a woman's teafwi ;
I think him fb, becaufe I think him fb.
5W. And would'ft thou have me call my love on him?
Luc. Ay, if you tho\^ht your love not cdl iWay.
Jul. Why, he of all the reft hath never mov'd me,
Luc. Yet he of all the reft, I think, beft loves ye.
Jul. His little fpeaking fhews his love but ftnall.
Luc. The fire tnat's clofefi kept bums moft of all.
4 thu .5 ef
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
The Two GentltmiH_ of Verona. 149
Jul. They do not love that do not Ihew thdr love.
Imc. Oh, they love leaft that let mqi know their love.
yul. I would I knew his mind. .
Imc. Perufc this paper. Madam.
Jul. To Julia i lay from whom ?
Imc. That the contents will fliew,
Jul. Say, fay; who gave it thcc ?
Luc. SiiyalenttH^s page ; and lent, I think, from Protheus.
He would have giv'n it you, but I being by
£^ in your name receive it ; pardon me.
Jul. Now, byraymodefty, a goodly broker !
Dare you prdiime to harbour wanton Imes ?
To whifpcr and confpire againft my youth ?
Now, truft me, 'tis an office of great worth.
And you an officer fit for the place;
There, tuke Ac ^xgec •, fee it be returned.
Or elfe return no more into tny fight.
Luc. To plead for love dcfcrves more fee than hate.
Jul. WiUycbegone?
Imc. That you may ruminate. [4fi^-^ \_Eiiit,
Jul. And yet I would I had o'cr-look'd the letter.
It were a Ihame to call her back again.
And pray her to a fault, for whidi I chid her,
What fool is Ihe that knows I am a mud.
And would not force thefcttn- to my view?
Since maids in modefty lay no to that
"Whidx they would have the proff'rcr conftnK ay.
Re, fie 1 how wayward is this foolilh love.
That, like a tefty bs^, will fcratdi the nurie.
And prefently all humbled kils the rod!
How churiilhly I chid Lueetta hence.
When willingly I would have had her here !
How angcrly I taught my brow to frown.
When inwandjoy enforc'd my heart to Jhiilcl
My penance is to call Lueetta back.
And ask remiflion for my folly paft.
^hatho! Lacetta!
L 3 Re-enter
j^o The Two Gentltmen of Verona,
Re-enter Lucett^.
Luc, "What would your ladyflup ?
^ul. Is it near dinner-time r
Lmc._ I would it were.
That you might kill your ftomach on your meat^
And not upon your maid,
Jul. wW is't that you
Todk. up fo gingciJyf
Lmc. Nodung,
Jul. Why didft thou ftoop then ?
Luc. To take a paper up that 1 kc fall.
Jul. And is * 'that nothing?^
Luc. Nothing conceniing qic,
Jul, Then let it lye iov thofe that it concetns,'
Luc, Madam, it will not lye where it coocons*
Unlels it have a falfe inteipreter.
Jul. Some love of yours hath writ to you in rhime,
Imc. That I might ling it. Madam, to a tune i
Give me a note ; your ladylhip can let.
Jul. As litde by fuch toys as may be p(d£blei
Beft fing it to the tune of Idgbt O (evt.
Ijuc. It is too heavy fen- lo light a tune.
Jul, Heavy ? belike it hath fome burthen then.
Lu(. Ay \ and melodious were it, would you fiog it.
[ Jul. And why not you ?
Luc. I cannot reach lb high,
Jvl^ Let's fee ypur fong ; — ' 'why, how now, mimon ?^
[CnvJ btr ahoxon the ear,
Luc. Keep t^ne there ftill, h you will fing it out :
And yet methinks I do not lUce the tune.
Jul. You db not?
Luc. No, Madani, it is too Iharp.
Jul. "Yduaretoofawry.*'
Luc. Nay, now you arc too flat.
And mar the concord with too harAi a defcant i
There wanteth but a piean to fill your fong.
6 that pi^ notbinf ? 7 How now, minuxif
8 Ypn puflion, are too bwcy,
7f^ Too Gentlemen 0/ Verona, 151
Jul. The mean is drownM with your unruly bale.
Z«tf. Indeed I Ud the Uie for Pretbetts,
Jtd. This babble flialJ not henceforth trouble me.
Here is a coil wih proteftation! ITetas it.
^Oi get you gone \ and let the papers lye:
You would be fingiing thas to anger me.
Imc. She makes \x. ifa-ange, but Ihe wtnild be beft pkas'd
To be fo anger'd with another letter. [Exit.
Jul. Nay, would I were fo anger'd with the feme!
Oh hateful hands, to tear fuch loving words!
Injurious waips, to feed on Juch fweet honey.
And kill the bees that yield it with your (lings!
I'll kiis each feveral p^wr for amends :
Look, here is writ, kirtd Julia ; unkjnd JuSa !
As in revenge of thy ing^aritudc,
I throw thy name againll the bruiiing (tones.
Trampling contempcuoufly cm thy diiB^.
Look, here is wiit, Love-woanded Frotheus.
Poor wounded name ! my bofom, as a bed,
Stall lodge thee 'till thy wound be throughly healM ;
And thus I feardi it with a fov'rd^ ki&.
But twice or thrice was Pretbeus written down:
Be calm, good wind, blow not a word away,
'Till I luve found e^ letter in the letter.
Except mine own name : That fomc whirl-wind bear
Unto a ragged, fearhiK hang^ rock.
And throw it thence mto the rag^g (ea !
Lo, here in one Hne is his name twitr writ :
Pocf forlorn Protheus, f donate Protheus,
5fl tbeftveei Julia: that I'll tear away i
And yet 1 wUl not, fith fo prettily
He couples it to lu^ complmning names:
Thus will I fold them one upon another i
Now kiis, embrace, contend, do what you vill.
Enter Lucetta.
Imc. Madun,
IMnner is ready, ^d your &ther ftays.
7^2 The Two Gentiemtn of Verona.
Jul. WeH, let us go.
Iju. "Wlm, fhall thefc papers lye Uke tell-tales here?
Jul. If diou relpcft them, beft to take them up.
Luc. Nay, I was taken up for laying tbem down :
Yet here thgr Ihall not lye for catching cold.
Jul. ' 'I fee you have a mohrfi's mind to them, miium!^
Luc. Ay, Madam, you may lay what fights you fee :
I fee tlui^ too, although you judge I mnk.
Jul, Come, come, will'tpleafcyougo? [£«flHi/,
Enter Anthomo artd Panthkui.
".<*)/. T^ELL me, Panthitm, what fad talk was tha
J- Whefewith my brother held you in the dwfter ?
Pant. *Twas of his nephew Pretheus, your Ion.
yhit. Why, what of hun.>
Pant. He wonder'd that your lordfliip
Would fuffcr him to fpcnd his youth at home,
While other men of (lender reputation
Put forth thtir fons to feek preferment out:
Some to the wars to try their fortune there i
Some to difcover illands hi away ;
Some to the ftudious univerfities. '
For any, or lor all thefe exercifes.
He fad, that Protheui your fon was meet (
And did requeft me to importune you
To let Will fpend his time no more at home t
Which would be great impeachment to his age,
In having known no travel in his youth.
Ant. Nor need'ft thou much importune me to that
Whereon this month I have been hammering.
I have confider'd well his bfs of time ;
And how he cannot be a perfcfl man.
Not being try'd, ijpr tutor'd in the world;
^ \&», yoa hare a mouli'i mind to diem.
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The Ttoo Geuthmm of Verona. 1 5 3
BxpericDce is by induftiy atdiiev'd.
And pc^fted by the fwift courie «f time i
Then tell me, whither were I bed to fend him ?
Pant. I dunk your lonlfhip is not igmn'^t.
How his companion, youthml FaleMhUy
Attoida the Emperor in his royal court.
Ant. I know it well. [thither ;
Pant. 'Twere good, I think, your Indihip foit him
There fhall he pra^e tilts and tumameno.
Hear fweet difcourfc, converfe mth noblcm«n»
And be in eye of every exercife
Worthy his youth and noblenefs <^binib.
Aft. I like thy counfel j well haft thou advisM ;
And that thou may'ft percrive how well I like it.
The execution of it Ihall make known i
Ev'n with the foeedieft expedition
I -will difpatch him to the Emperor's court.
Pant. To-morrow, may it pleafe you, ZJ*li ^^JfAwye,
Wkh other gendemen of eood efteem.
Are journeying to lalute the Emperor,
Aad to commend thdr ferricc ta his will
Jnt. Good oxnpany : mth them AtaO Protbtus go.
And, in good time, now will we break \nch him.
Enter Protheus.
Pre. Sweet love, fweet lines, fweet life!
Here is her hand, the agent of her heart;
Here is her oath for love, her honour's pawn.
O that our fathers would applaud our loves.
To ical our hap[»ne& with their confemsl
Oh heav'nly JitUa!
jba. How now ? what letter are you reading there ?
Pro. May't pleafe your lordfliip, 'tis a word «■ two
Of commendation fent from Vaimtitie\
Deliver'd by a fHend that came from him.
Attt. Lend me the letter \ let me lee what news.
Pre. There- is no news, my lord, but that he writes
How happily he Ijres, how well belov'd.
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154- ^ r-o/ff Gentkmn of Verona.
And d^ly graced by the Emperor;
'Wilhing me with hiiu, partner of Jus fertune.
Jnt. And how feiid you affefted to his wilh?
Pro. As CMK relying on yourlordihip's will.
And not depending on his liiendjy wifh.
Jut. My will is fomething ftwted with his wiih {
Mufe not uiat I thus fuddenly proceed^
For what I will, I willi and there's an end.
I am refolv*d that thou Ihalt fpend ibme time
Vf'x^ValentiHO.'m the Emp'ror's court:
What maintenance he from his friends recaves^
Like exhitntion tl^v. |halc have &om mc :
To-morrow be iO'DU^)"^^ Co go*
Excufe it not, for I am peremptory.
Pro. My lord, (cannot be ia foon providedt
Pleafc you, deliberate a day or two.
Jnt. Lx>ok, what thou want'fl: ihall be ^t after thee :
No more §f ftay : to-morrow thou muft go.
Come on, PofUhiem you flial! be imploy'd
To haften on his eroedition. [Exe. Ant. and Pant,
Pro. Thus hayit I Ihunn'd the fire for fear of budungj
And drench'd mc io the fca, where I am drown'd ;
I fcar'd to fliew mjufather Jutia's letter.
Left he Ihould take cxcxptions to my love j
And with the vantage of mine own excufc
Hath he excepted moft againft my "love.
Oh, how this fpring of love refembleth veil
Th' uncertain glory of an ^ri/ day,
Wluch now fhews aU the beauty'of the fun.
And by and t^ a doud takes all away !
£»/«■ Panthion.
Pant. Sa Pretbeus, your father calls for you j"
He is in hafte, therefore I pray you, go.-
Pro. Why, this it is ! my neart accwds (hereto,
Apd ye^ a tJioulafid bmes it apfwers na [Ejount.
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The Too Qentimm of Verona. 1 55
SCENE changes to Milan.
E»tfr Vakutine and Speed.
SIR, yourgbve.
fat. Not minei my f^e» are on.
Speid. Why then this may be yours, for this k
but one.
Vol. Ha ? let me fee : >y, mve it me, it's mine :
Sweet ornament diat dcdu a tfutig divine I
Ah Sihia^ Sihia !
Sfted. Madam j'jAm. Madam S&vUii
Vol. How now, Simih?
Speed. She is not Within hearing. Sir.
Vd. Why, Sh-, who bad you caU her?
Speed. Your worfhm, Sir, or elfe I nuftook.
Vol. WeU, you'll Ml be too forward.
$petd. And yet I was lalt chidden for beii^ too flow.
Vol. Go to, ^i tell me, do you kww Madam
SfiU. She that your woHh^ loreaP
Vd, Why, how know you that I am in lore?
Speed. Many, by thefe fpedal marks : iiiit, you hare
kam'd, like Sit PrvtbaUy to wreadi your arms like a
male-content, to relifh a love-foiv like a Robin-rtd-hret^,
to walk alone hkc one that had (he peftilence, to fig^ like
8 Jbhod-boy that had h^ his j/ £ C, to weep like a
young wench that had loft her grandam, to fait like one
that takes diet, to watch like one dutt fears robbing, to
ipeak pulii^ like a beggar at HtUtaimafj. You were
wont, whffl you laugh'd, to crow like a CQck; when you
^ walk'd,
156 Thg Two Gentlemen 0^ Verona.'
walk'd, to walk like one of the lions ; 'wrfien you faftcd,
it was prefently after dbmer j when you Ibok'd ladly, it
was for want of mony : and now you are metamorphos'd
with a miftrds, that when I look on you I (lan hardly'
think you ray mafter. •
Val. Are all thefc thii^ percav'd in me?
Spetd. They are all perceiv'd without ye.
Pal. Without me ? they cannot.
Speed. Without you ? nay, that*s CcrtMn ; for without
you were fo fimple, none clfe would^; But you are ib
wthout thefc follies, that thefe foUics are within you, and
fhine through you like the water in an urinal ; that not an
eye that fees you, but is a phyfidan to comment on your
Vai. But tell me, doft thou know my lady Sihia?
Speed. She that you ga^ On fo as Ale fits at fuppcr?
Vol. Haft thou oWcrv*d that ? ev*n flie I mean.
Speed. Why, Sir, I know her not.
Fal. Doft thou know her by my'g^rang on her,* and yet
know'ft her not ?
Speed. Is fhe not haid-favour*d, Siif
Vd. Not fo'fair, boy, as weD-fevour'd.
Speed, ^r, I know that well enough. '
Val. What dtrft thou know ?
Speed. That ihe is not fo f^, as of you wdl fiiVDUr*d.
Vd. I mean that her beauty is exquiiitc.
But her favour mfinite.
Speed. That's becaufe' the arx is p^ted, anddie other
out of all count.
Val. How panted ? and how out of count?
Speed. Many, ^, ib painted to make her ^, that no
plan counts of her beauty.
Vd. How efteem'ft thou me ? I account of her beauty.
Speed. You nerer faw her fince (he was deftinn'd.
Val. How Ving hath Ihe been deform'd?
Speed. Ever fince you lov'd her. ■
Val. I have lov'd her ever fince I faw her.
And ftill I fee her beaud&l.
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The Two Gtntlemen of Veronal 157
Speed. If you love hcr» you cannot fee her.
yd. Why? - '■ ■
Spe^. Becaufe love is Uind. O that you had mine
eyes, OT your own eyes had the lights they were wont
to have, when you chid at Sir Protbeus for going uif-
gaiter'd !
Pal. "What fliould I fee then ?
Speed. Your own prefent folly, and her pafTu^ de-
formity : For he, being in love, could- not fee to garter
his hofc 1 and you, beirtg in love, cannot fee to put on
your hQ&.
Vol. Belike, boy, then you are in love ; for laft mom-
ir^ you could not fee to wipe my (hoes.
Speed. True, Sff, I was in love with my bed ; I thank
you, you fwuig'd me for my love, which makes me the
bolder to dude you for yours. .
Val. In condufion, 1 Hand affeded to her.
Speed. I would you were let, io your affedUon wouH
Vol. Laft lught file enjoin'd me to wiite ibme lines to
one ihe bvcs.
Speed. And have you ?
Vol. I have.
Spud. Aie they not lamely writ ?
Vd. No, bc^, but as well as I qan do them :
Peace, here flie comes.
Enter Silvia.
Speed. Oh excellcnc modon ! oh exceeding puppet !
Now will he interpret to her.
Vid. Madam and miilrds, a thoufand good-morrows.
^etd. Oh! g^ve ye good ev'nj here's a miUion of
Sit. Sir Vaientine and fcrvant, to you two thoufand.
Speed. He Ihould ^ve her inteielt} uid Ihe ^ves it
Vol. As you injwn'd me, 1 have writ your letter.
Unto the fecret namelefe friend of yours ;
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1^8 Tits Two GetuUmen of Verona.
Whkh I was mudi unwilling to proceed in»
But for my duty to your ladylhip.
Sil. I thank you, gentle fiarant ; 'tis very clerkly done.
Vol. Now truft mc. Madam, ic came hardly off:
For being; i^orant to whom it goes,
J writ at random, very doubtfiilly.
Sil. Perchance you think too much of fb mudi pubs ?
Val. No, Madam, ib it fteed you, I will write,
Fleafe you command, a thou&nd times as much.
And yet -
Sil. A pretty period •, well, I guefs the fequd t
And yec I will not name it ; yeclcarenbt}
And yet take this again, and yet I thaidc you }'
Meaning henceforth to trouble you no maic.
Speed. And yet you willi and yec, another yet. [j^ik*
Vol. What means your ladylhip? do you not like it?
Sii. Yes, yes ; the lines are very quaintly writ j
But Gnce unwillingly, take them again t
Nay, take them.
Val. Madam, they are for you;
SU. Ay, ay; you writ them. Sir, atmynqoeftt
But I will none of them t they are for you :
I would have had them writ more mo^^ig^.
VoL Fleafe you, Ftl write your ladylhip another.
Sil. And when it*8 writ, for my fidce read it over j
And if it pkafe you, fo ; if not, why So.
Val. If it pleafe me. Madam, what then ?
Sil Why, if it pleafe you, take it for your labour ;
And lb good-morrow, fervant. [Exit.
Sped. Oh jeft unfeen, infcnit^le, bvifil:^, as a nafc
on a man's fea, or a weathercock on a fteeple !
My mafter fucs to her, and fhe hadi taught her fuitor.
He being her pupil, to become her tutor :
Oh exc^ent device ! was there ever heard a better ?
That my mafter, bdng the ioibe, to himfdf fhoidd write
the letter?
Val. How now, Sr ? what are you reafoning wkh your
The Thiio Gemltmen of Veroba. 159
Speid. Nay, I was rhinungj *ris you that have:thc
Vol. To do what?
Speed. To be a fpokes-man &om Madam Sihia.
Vol. To whom?
Sfetd. To your ftlf ; why, (he wooes you by a figure.
Vol. What figure ?
Sfetd. By a letter, I fhould lay.
Vol. Why, ihe hath not writ toaici
Speed. What need fhe.
When (he faadi made you write to your ielf ?
Why, do you not perceive the jcft ?
Vol, No, believe. me.
Spud. No bdicvii^ you indeed. Sir : but (£d you per-
cdve her eamcft?
Vd. ShegxTc me none, eircepc an angiy wotd.
Speed. Way, fhe hath ^vcn you a letter.
Vol. That's the ktter I writ to her fhend.
Speed. And diat letter hath flie d^ver'd, and there's
an end.
yd. I would k were no worfe.
Speed. I'll warrant you, 'tis as well :
For often have you writ to her, and fhe in modefty.
Or eUe lin* want of idle time, ooxild not again reply ;
Or fearii^ eUe fome mellenger that mi^ her mind dif-
covcr, [lover.
Her fcif hath, taught her love himfclf to write unto her
All this I fpe^ in priot ; for in print I foiind it.
Why mufc you, Sir ? 'tis dinner-time.
Vol. I have din*d.
Speed. Ay, but hearken, Sr -, tho* th« Camekm love
can feed on die oar, I am one that am nourilh'd by my
viAuals i and would ftin have meat ; oh, be not hke your
miifa'ds i be moved, be moved. \_Exeunt.
1 60 7he Two Qentkmen of Verona. '
Changes to Verona.
Enter Protheus and. Julia.'
yra.TTAVE patience, gentle Jidia.
^*- Jul. 1 mult, where is no remedy.'
Pro. When poflibly I can, I will return.
Jul. If ybutum.not, you will return the ibooerr^
Keep this remembrance for thy JiiUa'i Jake.
\GiviHg a ring.
/Vo. Why di£nwe*ll make exchange; here, take you this.
Jid. And feal the bargain mtM 3 holy ki&
Pro. Here 13 my hand fijr my true coofiancy:
And when that hour o'erflips me in the day.
Wherein I figh not, yuUd^ for thy lake.
The next enfuing hour fome foul milchance
Torment me, for my love's forgetfialnels!'
My father Itays my coming; aoTwer not :
The tide is now ; nay, not thy tide of tears j
That tide will fbiy me kinger than t ftiould : [£nf Julia.'
Julia, ferewd. What! gone mthout a word?
Ay, fo true lore fhould £> -, it cannot fpeak j
For tnidi hath better deeds than words to g^ace k.
Enter Panthion.
Pant. Six Protbeusy you are ftaid for.
Pro, Go J I come.
Alas ! this parting ftrikes poor lovers dunJj. [Eitemt.
S C E N E m.
Enter Launce, v}itb his dog Crab.
Zfl««. Nay, 'twill be this hour ere I have done w«p-
ingi all the kind of t\is.- Launcts have this very &ult: I
have receiv'd my proportion, like the prodigious fon, and
b, Google
am goii^ wth Sir Prethaia tp thclmpeiial't'coutt.- I
dunk Orob my dog be the bwici-mnic'd dgg (hap lira :
lof ,n»6thej weeping, my father wailing, my fiftcr cryiogj.:
«W; maid howling, our cat whining tier hoodit and oU^
9i)r boufc in a, great pcrplewy^; yet did, not tb^.eruel-^
hearted cur flied one tear! he ii a ftonc, a very pcbblfrv.
ftone, and has no mctfc [Sty ia lam than a d<^: a 7fw
would have wept to have iccn oarpBfting ; why, my gr^n-
dam having no eyes, look you, wept hct fclf b^nd at my
paning. Nay, I'll (how you the manner of it ; tlus flioe
u ay father} ao, thU Wi flioe is my father i no,no, tlua
left flioe is my mother j nay, tha; caooot be fo neither, i
yes, it is ib, it:is jbj it hath the wmcfcr fdoi thisfiioe,
with the hole in: it is my mother, and this my hAcr ; a
ymgeancc on't, there 'tii: now. Sir, thisftafFismy filteti
for, look you, {he is as white as a Ely, and as finaU as a
wand ; this hat is A'as our maid i I am the d<^j no, tfee
dog is Imn&lf, ' ''and I am me: ay, the dog is thp dcg,
and I am my fdf j^ ay, fo, fo j now come I to my fethcr ;
fitthcr, your Heffingi -now fliould not the (hoe fi)«4 f
word fcH- weeping I now Aould I kils my feher j well, he
weeps on: now come I to my mother; oh that * 'the
fhoe coukl fpeak^ qow like an ouU witmanl well, I h&
herj why, there 'ds ; here's my mother's bratth upland
down: jiow come I to my fiftcr ^ marie the mora fhe
makes: now the dc^ all this while flieds not « te«-^ ^nr
i^icaksL a word i but ice, how IlaythcduftD^IHjtean. '
Enttr Panthion.
Pant. tMUKij away, away, aboard; thy tu^'ii
IbippM and thou art to poft after with oars: what's tl^e
matter? why weep'ft^ thou, maa? away, al^ you wiU
lofe the tide if you tarry any loogfrr.
Latm. It u no matter if the tide were Jof^ ftr k k dte
unkindcft tide that ever any man ^'d.
Pant. What's the unkindcft ode ?
Vot.I. M ttm,
M sBdlBmtbedif I ob, thedoguflu^ wilui mybilt
a Ok coitU ^ak
c,q,z.<ib, Google
f6^ Th* 'J^GfUtktnn- 4f-y ittdtau
Ttmt. Tot, nuR, I mem Aou'lc iofb the Sood } Ad
in IsBng ^ Hood, tofe thy TOjrage-^ and in lofuig -tkf
vb]rage,lofe ^y mi^er; and in lofing-^y nraflsr, tcA d^
icTvice J «hd in lolii^ rfty -fcrvice,*-r-wliy doft'thoa fS>^
my moadi ?
Lam. For {ear thou l)iODld*A lofe ^^ hihgue. -
J^M/. Vniere ihould I ]()& my tO(^ ? .
' Z>aw. &i thn tale.
i»«»/. In *'myttA1^
Loan. Lofe the flood, And^Voysge, snddieinaAer,
aad the ftmce, and the ndc ; n^, man, if die river were-
dry» I im able to fiH it with my tolrs^. If the wind weitt
dtnin, I cooM drive tite boat with my* fighs.
■ PMt. Come, -come sway, man } I was &m td caB thee.
iMm. Sir, aS ne wli&t tixn-dar'ft.
^Mt. Wac thoQ ea ?
. tmm. Wcfl, I «arso. [EvAMf.
S '-C E N B IV,
Cbsr/geitf Mihm.
: £tfer VaUuioe, Silm, Tfawio aad Spied.
■ -^S '■■ »W. l»fiftrc!6.
Sfetd. Mafter, Sir T^^itrw fi-owns-oa you.
yal. Ay, boy, it'sTor love.
• ■Spftii^'^K of you.
; Vcd. Of my mifttt^ then. ■
■ ^led. "Fwcmgoodybu 'knodct Km.-
Sil. SerTant, you are-fed;
->W. indeed, Madain, I feem fo.
7^. Seem you that van are not? -
yai. Haply I dp. ■-'
Tht. So do coiintcrfeits.
■ 3 tliy tiul ?
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The. "Swa Qmtimtn tf Voona. {63
0ti. So do you.
TJfrfT. What iecm I that I am not?
FaL Wife.
Tin. What inftance of the contraty ?
Fal. Your foUy. - .
S'£i(. And bow quote ]rau ray &i}lji
Vd. I quote it in ytjur jerkp.
^bu. My jerkin is a doublet.
Yd. Well then, rH doubj? jrottt fojly. '
?^. Howf
SU. WhUf «^> SrTlww^ do yw J^hiVlEc Colour ?
Vd. Give liiicn k«r«» .Madam ^ be is « kM of C>-
Thu. That hath tnwe mind to feed on yoUr Uood^ thad
^ve in your air.
yd. You have iaid* Sir.
7j&«. Ay, Sir, and done too* for ^ ttoe-
/W. I know it well, Sir^ you always end ere you
'^fl A Sot ToIly of words, geoclcmeo, ttd <piickly
fliot off,
yd. 'Tis indeed. Madam ; vn dunk the ffver.
Sit. Who is that, ferraot ?
yd. Your felf, fwoet lady, for you Mve the fire : Sir
^Thna bwrows his wit frpoi your ladySiip's looks, and
ipendi, what he bonowa, kindly in youc compeoy.
7%>, Sir, if you fpcnd word f<x w^ with OKt I fbaH
make your wit baoknipc.
yd. I know ic weiC Siri you have an exchequer ^f
words, and, I think, no other txeafiuc to ffn your fbl-
lowen: ftH- it 4|ipean, bf their bare liFcrie^ ntat tboy
five I7 your bwe words.
Sii. JKojcDQte, MKknKn, ^ meict Here cotnes 1^
c,q,z.<ib, Google
) 64 "^ ^^ OtfOkmrntf Verona.
S C :E._N E Y,
Dukt. Now, daughter Sihia, you areiluini bdit.
Sir Valentine^ your tathct^s in ^Md Ixaldi:-
What ^ you to a ktter ftom your friends - -
Of much good news ?
Val My lord, I will be tha;&ful '
To SOT meOcnga- froin thence.
iWr. Know you Dctt AiitbomOy your countryman i
Vol. Ay, fw good lord, I know the gendcman'
To be of worth, and worthy eftimadon.
And not wiAout dcfcft io weU 'reputed.
Duie. Hath he not a fon f ' ' -
yal. Ay, my good li)rd, a foh tfiat wdl defcrva
The honour and regard of ftcfi a father.
Duie. Vou -know him. wcH?- ■
Vol. \ ♦ 'know'^ him ai rny ielf i for from our in&ncy
We have iroiwetft aixi ^ent our hoiin togecher:
And tho' my fclf haye been an idle truant.
Omitting tla: fwcet benefit of rime,
To clothe mine age with angcl-like perft£don t
"Yet hath Sur' pKtbeus, forthat's his name, . ■
'Made Ufe and fur adv'sntage of his days;
.His years but young, but his ei^eriencc tddj '
"^it head-'uhmeUow d,- but Ins judgment ripe ; '
,Aiid in ^ word, (for far behind his worth
-Come all^B^ praiies that I now beflow).
'Heis compleaf Jn-fcature and in.-niind, ■
"With aS good grace to grace a-gmdciritn.- '
Duke. Befhrew me. Sir, but if he- m^e this good,
"'Hcis as-wbrrfiy forah Emprcff-kive, ■■'-
As meet to be an Emperor's oounfdlor : :. .
Well, Sir, this gentleman is come to mc.
With commendation from great potcntaKs ;
. y^nd here he means to fpend hjs time a while.
• - - • - * -- I
4 knew
c,q,z.<ib, Google
T^tf ThitoGentle^nn &/- Verona. 165
J dunk 'tis no unwelcome new« to yqu. : ■■■ ,■"■' '
yigl. Should I hare wiA'd a. tiling, i( h»4 i^S^ Jk^.
Duie. Welcome him then according to'his worth ;'
SiM*, I (peak, to you ; and you. Sir ^biirio y
Star #4*w««r,' I need notiidte him to it ; '. "
1*0 fend him hither CO' you ^loitfy. -" :{£m/ Duke.
FaL This, li the gantlenon J told your htdylhip
Had OHiK along with me,- but'that hisifdO^S
I^ ht^ jm nes.lotkc bi her cryftol Joctu; : .
SiL Bdiipe tW now jfte hath en&uxi^'d tlUra- -
Upon Amie other jia|i*n for fealty.
f^at. Nay fure Ithink flje.holdi them pns'ners ftilL
Sii^ Kay t^etrhe fbouldbe blind i -and being Uind,
tKovQOu^heief hia-wfy to.&ekout y!»i\
^»C/Wly^'la(^, Iqy-e; hath, twenty paif of fyes. ■,
, S'hfL They lay mac'Iovefsi^. net an eyesatall.-.
fal Toieefuch loven,:iri&»r»V;a3your fdf;:
ypODahofl^ olgeajti^'.^. Wink..,:
• ■■'•■■_ £«/#•' P^othcus.
Sii. Hsre done, Jiavc done % hwcomei the gsotlenian.
yd. Welcwnei dear Prothnu: na&Kk, I fadeech you,
Con&-m this-velcraucLvnth. Ibme i^JCcWjavoor.
SU, His worth is wana^ ftn- hii «ekx»ne hidHT*
ir this be he ^ oft E^v&wifh'd to hair from.
Vsl. M^b^, it is: Sweet lady, entertain him
1*0 be my fellow-fervant tci your ladylhip. ■ - ;
SU. Too bw a nHftreis tor &> high a ierv^Mt. .
Pro. Notfo, fweet lady; biit 190 mean a ieryant
To have a lookoffuch.a worthy milbds. * ~ .
Vol. Leave off* diicouHe of diiabiUiy '■.■■:,
Sweet lady, . entertain him . ^ your iervant.
Fro. My duty will I boaii oT, nothing elle,.
SU. AdQ duty.jiever yet did want his meed :
Servant, you're welcome to a.worthkfe miftrefs.
' JPro. I'll die on him chat iaya fo but your felC
^ M 3 Sik
L, . f, Google
i6'6 fhcTvo Omtfemen tf Verona.
5r/. That you are Sfdcamc?
/W. That jnti ate wQftMefi.
Enttr Servant.
Ser. Madam, my lord yoar£uln- would ^Cik«tt yon.
£^. I wait upon Usjdca&ret cqsBe, ^fbi&^
Go with me. Once inote, n^ nev icrraBt,wdctW :
I'll leare you ^ confer of faome-tffiua-.
When you k^ idonef ve lock m bear from yoth
Pr«, W;*£lbp^at«^)iMpyfliirladrflaa. . .
6 C E N E VJL . .
fal. Now td! me, how do 0 from lAcnce yoa eamef
Pro, Toin- fiicnds are weB, af^ haw tbeqi much com-
^(lil And how da yours? £nictided.
Pro. 1 left thein all in health.
Fal. Hpw does your lady ? *8id how ^ycn yoor tore?
Pro. My tales of Iotc vox wont TO weary you ;
I know you jby not in a Ipvc-di^urfe,
Fal. Ay, Pretheajf but tbtt lifcis altered now i
I have done penance for cxmtemrang love,
Whofe h^ imperious tfeoOghts hwe piinlhM iac
With Iritter lafta, with pemtwttial groans.
With ni^wly tcirs and dafly heart-*re figjis, ,'
For in reverse of my contempt <*■ lore.
Love hath chac'd flecp from my cndiraficd eyes,*
And made them watdicrs-of fnine'own heartVfcrrpw,
O gcnfle Pretbeus, low's a mi^tty Iwd,
Am hath lb humbled me, as I corned
There is no wo to Iris vomSixja j
Nor to his fcrvkc, * 'any joy^ on raalh.
Now no difcourfe, dtccpt it 'be rf k/te-i
Now can I break my faft, date, Jbp and fleep
tJpon (he very naked name of love.
Pro. Enough : I read your fbrtiinein your eye.
Was tMs the idol that you worihip fe?
5 tMfiidijoj
A'Thv^ ^tntlmat of VJetooa. ^-617
'Pre. No;, but file ia «d canU|r nn^Oft - •'
Vol. CaU ha drvioe.
Pro. I wiH.BQl fiaiiEi: her. ,:.ia
Vol. O, flatter' nic} fiar love deliglm in pcsi^.
Pro. Whcal-Bta Gdc, you.gayo me hkttx piis,, . >
And I muft mkiiAer tlie like co.yqu. £
Vol. Then. ^c^ the ttuth by: tier: i£tiot dmnq,, ; '
Yet let her be a pnM^nlic^ \ i
Sov'mgn to aU du contntia on Ihr mnh,
Pro. Except mr/inifl^S..
*W. Sweet, excqpt not my, .
■Except thou wilt except ag^ft my love.
Pro. HaTelqbtiaronDtdpKfiBriDine ownS . r
Vai. Aqd i -vM iiiip dice tcf prefei her tog :
She fhall be digmh^d with tlus hi^ hoDOtw, .
To bear my lady's ttaiR, loft cfae baie earth
^ouldfrom hdr^rffa^cHaocetofteajAki&i -, .
And, of fa gteata.&n)urBxnring>n(Hid« .
Difilain to root die Simma-Swzilaa^ SomkT}
And make roug^ Motei estrbflii^lT.
Pro. Vihjy i^Mlatim^ wint bia^iCnUdiU? -..
Vol. VaidooTix^ Praikacs i aft I can is BOth^g
To her, whofe wonh makes other wwthm nojhi^ i.
She is alone.
Pro. « 'Why dun fax hor akw.^ .
Vai. Not for dx vorld: ^iif^ midiihe isimneovnt
And I as rich in having fbch a jowd.
As twenty feas, if all tlu^ iand were pead.
The water ncAar, and the rocks pure gold.
Forgave me that I do doc dnsun osi thce^
Becaufe thou feeft me doat vpon niy )an.
My fooUlh rival, that her buter likis
Only for his pofleffions are to huge,
Is gone with Mr along, ^nd I muA aStv i
For lore, thou know*ft, is full (^ jnlsufie.
Pro. But ihe loves you ?
M4 ^-t
6 "ntcn kt ha alone.
>6e JitKoittntbrnewr^Vetona.
•WithalldttcuisimgcinrayTof ourfligjit "™»''
Ptte^mM of 1 how I muft climb her window, .':
The Wdcr imde of cords, and aU the mcuis
Plotted «nd 'greed on for my happinefi,
p"") ™*«". go with mo to my chamber
In thefe affaire to aid me with diy comiH
/>r». Go on before i I a«n enqidn: wu fcith
I muftuntodieroad, todifembSt
Some nccefliries that 1 Ktdi muft nfc-
And then I'll pttlsitlr attend unon ywi.
W. Will you make haflif
iV.. I will ■ . ra,^v^
Ev'n as one heat another heat apels,
Orasonenail byftreMthdiiy»iw«BtliT, l'!
So die remembrance or my foinier Iwe
)! by a newer objeft quitt foigottm. : ; ,
' Is it mine eyne, ot^ yaJaaiiu'M-pruSei ■ • ■ ' . -
Her true perfeakxi or ny fitffe liaii&iBiRaL,
That makes me realonlcM lib reafi)»^irt^
She's fair ; and fo is ^ufa that liotc - i. .■
T'5' ;!!'' '»'*• fornowmylore.i.'ijBw'ds ■"' "
Whicli, hke a wajKn jiiagc. "Minft a fire
Bears no jnpreflion of tht diing it was. . '
Mediinfcs my zeal to falmliM is cold.
And that I love him not as I wji wont- " ■
O! tut I lore his lady too,- taamuchv'
^diatadierealOTlIorehimfii Sttle. ' "
How ftaD Idoar on her with more adnce.
That thus withOTt adriot begin to Iofc her?
•Tis tat her paure. I haw yet beheld; •
And diat hadi<iailed fo my irafon". fcif
But when I look on her iwfeftions,-
There is no reafon but f ihall be hHnd.
If I can check my ening love, I will J
If not, (ocoropdi Iter I'll ufe my skill. f^aj.
.. 7!''«mi«tihm,m...,u,i,.ir„,,„,j
'scene vm. ^
: \£iittr speed «W Xaunce.
Sfeed. Jjomtey by nunc Iioric%,' welcome to ASilim,
■ JLeim, ForfWw.Wt.thy fclf, fweet youthi fcxlam
not i^ekome: I reckoit this always, that a nun is nbver
.'qodone 'ctll he be hing'di nor never welcome tb a plaoe
'*tin iptne isinsja fliot be jpaid, and the boftdi fity wd-
Come. ■.'..■■,
Speed. XoTfic. op, you madH^apj Til to the afc-houfc
with yew prefendy, where, "for 6itirfliot of fire-pence,
thou uialt have five thoufadd Wdcotnea. But, Simdi,
|u»w did tl^ maAer part with Madam JvUaf .
• Ltm, Mai^<, jdtcr th^ i^lpi^'d in.^at^i thejr puttd
veryfcriy'Jnjeft, . '. "■;';
^^. But ihdl &£ AaHyhim?
LaM. No.
^ted. Homi^i {haHhe mury her?
Loan. NA| Mrithcr. '' '- >I D ..
Sfted. What, are they brc^en?
LoKH. No, thcyr.'ufTboclKaaiiiliabasafiih.
^jwii. Why tiun hov ft{uid& thp matter iniJi.diem?
iMm. Mah;, thus I ^hcn it ftatids mU wuh faun, k
ftands well irith hec. ■ ' ,' " '
Sfiid. But tell DM trne; wffl*t'beainatdi?
Lain. AAmydog': ifheiayay, itwillt ^heftym^
it will; if he ihake his tail, arid £iy nothing, hwill.
Sfod: The'cxsiduiiaB is then, that it wiD.
^) — k fuiJt wtD wkk her. .
Spid. WlMt an ab wt tfaoa f I aMttHaid'tkct dM^
i«w. WW aUocIcart*t>]; iWikwctnftvwt
£aM. Wi^T AB«d-iM4ir, AM vn4ertand. b all OBft.
;tfu4, Biut^'fflc tnir, vt,"
hatm. Thoufhftkneva-getfudiaiecKtfioinme, but
by a parable.
Sftei. 'Tts well that I get it fo: but, iMoct^ bow
iay'll thou that any maftar is becanc a'aatable lover ?
Ijrm, \ never knew him oiherwife.
Sptfi Than how ?
. iam- A notable lubber, as thou reportcft him to be.
. ^«(t "Why," thoii whorefon aSi. thou mjftak'ft nie.
Z<ia».. Why, fool, I meant not rficci I meant thy matter.
5pff^." 1 tdf thee, iriy' mafter is become a hot fover.
Lajim. Why»Iteiltlice,lcarenottho'hebuin himfclflb
love : If thou wilt go ^th m^ to the ale-houfc, fo j if not^
thou art zsiUeiircsj^ a J<rw, and not worth d^ name of a
&w*i. Why? - : ■ ■-
Lam. Becaufe thou haft not lb fnudi c^aritf {n tbec
as to go to tlu ^e-houfc ^th a C^r^ht^ : '. wiJU aioti go ?
' Speed. At thy fendcc. .... ^^^^^
S C E N E.tJX/.^:' "■
. Pr*. To kave my jWw, fliall It* ^ri^<»™ :
" To love feir Silvia, Ihall I be ftafwom ;
To wrong my friend, I ihaJU be mu?h,forfwpi^:
And cv'r\ that pow'r which gave me firfl Hjy (»th,
' Provokw ffie to tlus. thrcefcOd ppriuiy. ' ;
Love bad me fwear, and bve bids me forfwear;
.O f<^et fuggelting love,' if dibu haftfinnM,
Teach me, thy tempted fubjeft, to cxcufc it.
At fiiit I did adoie a tvrinkUng ftar, [ '
But now I worfliip s cckftial fun.
Unheedfiil vows may heedfully .be brofccn ; ■
AMhctwants wit tut wanes refolved will.
To i^n his wit t*exchange the bad for bet^.
Fie, fie, unrcverendttmgue, t» call her bad,
Whofc ibv'rcianty fo oft thoa haft preftrr'd
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Jit Thai Ontkmn ^ Viiaia. 171
"With twtnty thouftad<»I"-eodfimi*d oriM.'-
I cannot kave to lo«, Md Ttc I do i
But ihetc I iMVe to*w*«lHK I lljould loYei
Iflkeepthim, I Iwi* ««« tofe ffljr «f : '
If 1 lofc them, this Snd I bjr that loii.
For VakMine, my fitf, fcr >to, Slhit:
I to mf iilf am d«rer Ain a fnend ;
For love is ftiH moft pfedom in it &lf :
And Siivia, (wimcfe heav*n, that made her to 1)
Shews Tnfo But > fwstthy Ellmfc.
I will ioiget tha«->&ii! aliW,
Rcmemlmng that my IdWh to her isdeod :
And yaltum I'U hold an enemy, -
Aiming at SiMd as a (weettr Iticnd,
I cannot now prove corfbnt td my felf.
Without fome treachery U3*d to ValentiHe;
Tbixliight he meaneth with a <»rded ladder
To dimb celeffial aWa"! chamber-window.
My felf in^counfti his competitor.
Now5)rce»tly ra fj« her eaker notice
Of thdr di%tBfilig, Md pretended flight :
Who, ■llenag'd, will 6aniAi ^nJntftM .'
For Tbkriii, he intends, fliall wed hb daughter.
But, y^enlm belne gone, Vt quidily en*.
By fome fly trick, blunt litrh'i dull prooee*g.
Love, lend me wings, to mak* my |H]iy«fcfwiIt, '_
As thou haft lent me wit to plot this drift! [Eitl-
y E RO IT A.
Entir Julia md Lucetta.
7W./~Ounia, LmtlUi gentle gH, affift me,
^— ' And even in kilid tove I do conjure dKe,
Who art the table wherein aB my thou^tts
t^t jffif na» ^tmla/nt if Vetoba.
To kflbn me, and t«U am fiocgwd maai
How with a^^cnxc I iinqi undemlce
AyiurKrtomjionigevfimti ". ■
Zjir. AIu, the wagr u marilMte ml kau,
jW. AmedciroudpiteimiBincweaiy
To DieaioR kjnadonia wiEh his ie<^ fteps.
Much Ids fliall Ibe,- thu hath love's vioff to Qr;
And when the flight js nude to one fi> dc*.
Of fudi dic^pmeaion as SvJV-MiKi.
Luc. Better foibear 'till Prethau niake return*
>/. Oh, know'ft thou not his looks are my fowl's fiipd?
Pity the dearth that I have pined in,
By longing for that Ibod k long a time.
ESdft thou but know thr inly touch of low.
Thou would' ft aS icon go kindle fire with foow.
As fcek to quench the fire of love with-wofds, .
L»(, 1 do not feek to quench, yqw lore's h^t fire,
ButqualifielJKSrc'seiamnKftaac ;
Left it Ihould bum above tiie ixMVMb of mfim.
7«;. The more liou dnom^ft it Iflfj the oion it buBui :
The cunentthn with gemle, murmur jjid«),. ,
Thou know'ft, Jicing£i|ip^ll, iiin|ientlrdt>lh lagCi
But wheo^ fiiircoutfit ia jipt: Iw^^nd,
He makes limretttHllkkwjcfa ^h'.eaatnel'd ftwe^ - '
Giving* gcndoiiiift v> eveiy ttigf
Heovntaltetliiahis,|iilgiimBe:.. ,
An^fobynjaajrwiiittogaookifceftiaTi,. . . :'
With willing fport, to oe wild ocxan.
Thenletmego, andhiK]n'i»ciii7coiit6s — •
I'll be as patient as a giiidvftnam.
And make a paftime of e»:h weaiy ft«p,
'Till the laft ftcp hivc-bii^|tit nl^fo my lov« ;
And there I'll reft, as, after mu^ tumHiL
A blefled foubfath in 2^^. r
Luc, B«f(,iiit«l}at hdiit will you go ^lois?
Ttl, N|H like a woman! for I would pieyent
The loole encounm^ la^vious men :
L, . t, Google
GmkXMM^ficincwijdifiiAvcadt «' ■ "^ ;
Tail No. gict;rUkiifcicopiailllaaB«ii^' > ,. '%
VTkh nrotfy odd^oaoened tniolavekMa t :: > <> ■■*
Tobc&nta&ick tiST^faecoiaeaTciiKfa : . 1 >.
Ofgmtertiinc thani.fliBlli}ie«tobe. '. - ;: : ' •.
Ijir. What faOiKMit M«him flalLI Hukefourfanecbcii
?«/. Thatfiauvell^ asidUliiM^ gQodit^loKl,- < -
What Gon^ wiU yaamas.yom ieniAasiast ■■' . :
yfbf,tsrm what fafliion tfaoainftUc^, IjutttK '■ I
Zjv.Ybumuft needs have them withaood-^ece^IMbdua,
Jul. Out, out, IjKtttt,-tbat wUl be !ll:;fiHViir'd. ^
Liu. a rovuid hctfc. Madam, ii6w*s net worthaiAi,
Uolds you hzve a cod-piece to ftick pins on.
Ja/i iMCftta, as tjiou loT*it mc, let mtf^havd
What thou think'ft; meet, and is moll mannoly :
But tell me, wencb; Jw nU ^ ini& repute me
For undcttaking fo urftaid a joumer ? „ _
I fear me it »ill make itie featediBz'a. ■ - ^
Iju. Ifyouthinkfo, thenfta]r.athonK,andgDiiot.
Jmi. Kay, that I will liot. -
Liu, Thai never dream on infaay, but go. ' '^
If PrafiHtf like your JDumqr'whenyoucomo, > - *
No matttr who's^di^eas'd when you are gone :
J fe«ri&ebewiU4c^cebpplaiG'4 widul.
Jul. That is the Icaft, iMa/ta, of m^ £em-
A duufmd oaidi^ an ocean of his txar% ■
And inflmccs as in&ute of love,
Wananc me welcome tomy Pratbmi.
Lmc. ah thefe are fervants K>.deijmM mea.
yul. 'Ba&mmAetvlkAemXD^tobtk^EaBtl ...
But trucribn did aoveni-.^)a^Jwf! birth ; -: ^
ffii words arc bonn, his oadtt are wadea, : > ■ ',
His love fincere, his diougbts ImmacnlMt*
Hii tears pure meflengns tetat from his hearty , . '
His heart a^ fir from fraud as hexv*!! from, eardi.
Lue, Fray hear'jjLhe.pipve fit. wtei you iMBe*ibtan.lI
c,q,z.<ib, Google
974 ^"Bi]^ S0UiiMmB of Vei^aa;'
>{. Now^ «s t^ lov'ft me; do iiiiiDK cbtt'iBnaE.
TobewalMrdcianiaiiaftetradi^ ^^
O^ ^Wlftr^'iiiyinyc by Jora^ Jjto,
AAopR^^i^Lgo maJi axiomf dimbcr* ''
T6~ talie a vriMtt LibndiniiGai 0^
To ftiinfh iM up<M iny kogJBgiaomEy:
Afl that IS mme I locreKt tlqr oi^Ki^
My'8<W^ nyiiodi, a^ npantka,
Only 19 iisU tteaaf di^acchsw JHwx.
Coine^ aoTwcraai^ bottoitmtSai^i-
£i>ttr Dukfb Thwo ,iiii/ FrodwuH. ,
SIR ?1farri«, ffve n lam^ i orqr, siriiilet .
We have faane Iflcna tocanfer afaauc. [SMflliurio.
Nowttttrae, /Vwciau; ivbat'sTQttrwiUwitbnef
Prtf. Mjfp^jousIoRltdHtwfaickl trautddifiwnr-
The law of iiiciidihip bpdt me to coaccal ;
But when I call tQ mbd foar gtadoiis £noan
Done to me, undefernng m I am,
Mtr duty pricks me on to nttv tint,
'WiiicheUcaoirailt%gDod&flndd dnv firomme.
Know^ . iaitAj JPtince, Sr Vdtatm mf fiimd
TlUs n^ kitmdi n> fteal aw^r your daughtsr:
My ieu am ooQ made privy 1» tfae pipe
I louw you hvnccleanDUi'd to befiow har
On tWm, ,«iani yonr grade ^^iff**** hata :.
And fboiMifte dut be flofti amy ftom yoi^
It iMdi ibeauicfa -na«a to nur 10.
b, Google
Unas, for mf duty's £dce, I lacher chofe
To orob mj fiicna ta his iDMaded dttft, -
.Than by oooooiling it heap on your head
A pack of fonom, wfakdi-imiild ]^ you dom,
i}«iU. JVotfaiu, I thaokthec ^ thioe hfpieft ciV^
Vflach to rtqukcy qatamutd ipc while! Ihne.
This Ion of thdrs my felf hav&^^teii Inn,
Haidy when they have judg*4 AC ftft fOeep I
And oftentiiiicff Jww^ pMCpee^ CO IbrtiM
arf^<f^fMhv^»q9pfi^«idfl^<ouit: -
And fo unwotthily di^OMs (te.muiy
(A raOuK^i^iat I wm yet )^T« flunn
I nvcluingpBtleioqki^ tbeiAynSfid
That whid^fby lelf hathww-difiteiM tt» ac .■
And ths^wj!W*ft pvcovc «|y finrof dui,
I nightly lodge fior in i0 tijppv tovnb
The key whereof lay fttf' oai^ «trgr loq^l
And theoce fhe cannot be CPQrffir'd vtnf,
Pm. Know, wjMc kid, tbrylmnc devts'4 Amaa
How he her dumboMiiMDW will deend.
And with a corded ladder &adii hit Aowa^
For wludi the youthfiil'ienr umis ^on^
And dus way fiems he wkh & ptcAn^: .
V^here, .^ ttrpkale jmu^ yottos^ iBHttt^ hiat.
But, gpod-«^ Iflfd, doitJowna^l^
That my-dlaivlttrfae Bot Aimed 8t|.
Forknreofyou, not hMe hmd loy iUod^ . .
Hath made me pHbtther rf cbis ptBicaea.
Dnh. Upoa«MfaaM», he^haU nsvurlamr
That I had any fight £«m thee of dw.
Avb AdiAiffafload. SirAMflMiiw iacMBMg; (JSx.Stol
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I7& 3fc Mi^^ttbmm *f^V«bMiV
sBw^f'Vafcntioei.''/'" .."".':!" -,.'*_
^df. Thi& kyoat Gnce^ diert is^ inc^nga- - ■-
That ftays to-bear my letters tx> my frieods,' ■ - ' ♦■ :
And I am going tof deliver them. ■ . j: .
Z)**?. Be th^ofmuchimportf
Fel. ThttatoaTK^&an dodi bat B^^
My health, and lupt^fbeft^ at yooroborr:
X am to break inxh duet^ibmeUnirt .
That tow:h me Dear I ttAoein thou 'ma|l be leave
*Ttt not unknown to ttee, chat IJiave rougjie <
To matdi my^ fiiend ^ TWi^ t& my dai^i^
Were tidi and bonoun^^ I befides, Ac gentleman
Is full (^ virtue, bouitty, worth, and qualities
Bdcemii^ fuch a mfe at you- fiurdsu^ter.
Caimot your Grace wbi her to ftncy him f
Date. No, tmftme, fljeUtxenfli, iuflen, IroWrdj
Froud, difobedknt, ftubbom^ ladcing du^; ' . '■.
Ndthcr regardii^ that ftie is my diild.
Nor fetfing me as if I were her firther :
And * 'I may fay^ to dte^; diis pride <rf' hers, .
Upon adnc^ mth drawn my lo^ fic&nhtf;'-
And where I thotqht the mnoant «f mine agfc
Should have been cbeafli'd by hor d)Ud^ft^mt»,
I now am fuU nfehr*d totake a Wife,
And turn her ouc'tfr who will tdtt her h t
Thenleeterbaamjrboherwcddbig-dttttfyi; : t -
Fm Die and my poflbffioBS Am eftKms not. t-
Val. Wlttt««ulifMr9«cv^Ttt^ii«%)ido4atUsf
DidU. There is a lady. Sir, in A^itm here
VHuMn I aSe& ; but Ihe ii nice and coy,
And 001)^ efteani my aseddoquoNe:
XKe !Rvo Gemkmen ef VercMU. 177
Now therefore would I have thn to my tutor;.
(For long agpnti 1 haw forg« to court j
Befidcv the fdhion of the time u dtai)g*d,)
How and which way I nuy beftow my.fdf.
To be regarded IN her fuo^brigbt eye.
yal. Win her with ^fts, if flicre^jcaanttwoidat
Dumb jewels often in thrir filent kind.
More dtan quick word3> do more a wonuti's mind.
Duke. But ihe did icom a tsdcnt that I Son ho:.
FoL AwomaoibmctimcsiCDnuwhatbeitc^Dtemsher;
Send her another i never pvehcr o'er;
For fcom at firil makes after-love the more.
If fhe do frown, 'tis not in hate of you»
But rather to btgn more love in yoa ;
If ihe do chide, 'tis not to have you gone t
-For why, the foolt aremad if ]e^ alone.
Take no repuhe, whattver ihe doth lay }
For, get you gp^, ihe doth not mean away:
FhtKx, and praile, commend, estoi their ffnact'i
Tho' ne'er fo black, iay they h^ve angeU (aces.
Thar man that hath a tongue, 1 %, is no man.
If with his toi^e he cannot win a woman.
Dili/. But me I mean, is promis'd by her iriehds
Unto a youthfiil gentleman of worth.
And kept fevercly from refort of men.
That 00 man hatn ^ccefs by day to her.
Fal. 'Why then I would refort to her Iwnijght. '
Duke. Ay, but the doors be Jockt, and keys kept 1^
That no man hath recouric to her by night.
yd. "What letsbutcine may enter at ho-windowf
Diiti. Ptitii^^nber.K aJptt'&r.ftotn t^ gnHtnd*
And built lb Sa^iavS> tfaac-.oae canpt dimti it-
Without appai^ ha»rd «f:his life.
Vol. Why theo^lAida'quBbtfyliiadeofoDsdv .
To call; up, with.Apiir of anchbrii^ hooks
Would fiavc to {calttanot'ier Hero'» tcvor,
Duke. Now, JBifaouait»efiiriarPiarfbl«rfii .
■Vol. I. N Advil*
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178 The Two Genilmm of Veroni.
KAvik me where I may have fuch a ladder. .
Vai. When would you ufc it? pray, Sr, tell mc that
Duke. This very night; for love is like a child.
That longs for ev*ry thing that he can come by. -
Vol. By feven a clock I'll get you fuch a ladder.
Duke. Butharkthee: I mllgo toha-aloae;
How fhall I beft convey the ladder thither ?
Vali It 'will be light,- myJoid, that youmay bear it
Under a.cloek that is of any length.
. Duke. A.doak as Icng as thine iriUfirve die turn?
Val. Ay, my good hid.
Duke. Then let me fee thy doak }
I'll get me one of fuch another la^;th.
Val. Why, any doak will fervc the turn, my btd.
Duke. How fhalll ^fhionmetowear adoak?
I pray thee, let me fed thy doak iqxm me. [Pi(£f 0^^ £Jmi(.
What letter is this feme? ^rfiat's here^ ToSikiaf
And here an d^nefit for my mxxedingf
rH be ib-bold to break die fed for once. [Duke riadf.
Mf thoughts do barbour vxth my Sil^a nigbtfy,
Andfiirves they are to me that fend them fying :
Ohf could their master come and go as ligbtfy^
Himfelf would' lodge where fenjelefi they are fying:
Mf herald thoughts in thy pure bofom refi tbemy
While I, their King], that thither them in^tune.
Do curfi the grace that •witbfucb grace bath blefi them,
- ■ Secau/e tn^/el/do wattt my fervants fortutu :
Icurfe myfelf, for they arefent by jw,
not they JbouU harbour where tbeir lord would be.
What's here? Sihna^ tbii mghtmSIa^aaH^ttbu:
'Tis fo ; and here's the iadda for the puipofe.
Why, Pbaetottt for thou art Mtraps* ftm.
Wilt tbou ^fpare to guide 1^ hoav*nly car.
And with thy daring folly bum die woiid?
Wilt thou rodi ftars, becaufe diey ftiine on:the« ?
Go» bafe intruder I over-weenq^ flav«t
Bcfto^iibyfiiwiui^iBuleaoB CG^Riatet,-' ./.
"-"-" ■. X . „ /And
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Tie'Tkoo iSentlmen of Verona, 1 79
And diudt my {Adencc, more dnn thy ddcn,
Is privily kx thy deputure hence :
Thank me for thu, more than for all the favoun
Which, aU coo nlucb, I have beftow'd oa tbecr
But if thou lioger in my tenicories,
' Longo* than fwif^ft expedition
Will g^ thee time to leave our royal onirt.
By b^n, my math ihall far exceed the love
I ever b(»c my daughter or thy ietf:
Be gCHK> I will not hear diy vno ezcufe.
But as thou lov'ft thy hfe, make ^leed {run hence. {Emt.
Vol. And why not death, radier than living torment?
To die, i> to be banifh'd from my felf.
And Silvia is my-lelf ; -banifli'd-mHti her -
' Is ielf fiom fclf : a deadly banilhaJent !
What l^t is light, if Sihia be not feen?^
What joy is joy, if Snte/d be, not by?
Unlefi it be to chink that flie is by.
And feed upon the ftadpw of ve^e£6sxt. •
' Excepc'I be by Sihna in che nig^
There is no muiick in the nightingale: '
Unlda I look on SiMa in che day,
Thoe ii no day for me to look upon :
^ is my eflcBCe, and I leave to be
If I be not by her fur influence
Ftrfler'd, iQumin'd, dwrifliM, k:q>t a&vt.
I fly not death to fly his deadly doom •»
Tany I hov, I but atcoid on deaths
But fly I hcTKc, Ifly awayfitMn life.
Enter Prothcus aad Launce. ' '
Pro. Run, boy, nin, run, and fkk him ouL
Urn, So-bo! IcKhol —
Pro. What leeft thou?
Z«w. Him we BO to find:
N a. • Th«*«
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z So The Two Gentkum cf VerotKL
There's no£ wi faair oa's haul but 'tis a FelaHiu.
Pro. VaUntine!
Vai No,
Pro. Who then; hisffurit?
Val. Neither. . .
Pre. What then?
Val. Nothk^. . , , .
Laun. C»D.n<xhii^rp»k? mafter, jhall I ftiilier
Pro. WhomwouWftjchwftrike?
Laun. Nothing.
Pro^ .Vilfain, forbear. .
Lautr. Why, Sir, I'D ftrikc nodiingj I jyay you,—
Pre. I fay, forbear: friend /^«S»i/»w, a worn.
Val. My ears are ftopt, and cannot hear good news.
So much (^ bad already hath poiKA them.
Pro. Then in dumb filence will 1 bury mine i
For they are harib, untuneable, and bod.
Val. Is5("fc(«dcad?
Pro. No, Valentine.
Val, Jio Valentine,.iiydotd^ for&cretli'*A»irf;.
Hath Ihe forfwom me?
Pro. No, Valentm.
Vol. No VaUntine t '4Sihi» havefbrfwom me:
"What is your news ?
Lam. Sir, there's a pnxJamatiai you arc vsnilh'd.
Pre. That thou art bauiih'd i di, that is ttic news
From hence, from Sihta, and from me thy frieod.
VaL Oh, I have fed upon this woe already;
And ocxw exce& of it wiUmake me furfeit.
Doth Sihia know diat I am baniihed ?
Pre. Ay, ay ; and. ihe hath ofiered to the doom.
Which unrevers'd ftands in effectual force, ■ ■
A fea of melting pearl, which fome call tears :
Thofe at her fetter's diuTlifh feet fhe tender'd.
With tlkm, won her knees, her humUe ielf ;. . .
Wrin^i^ her hands, whofe ^^tenefs k became them.
As if out now they waxed pale for wo.
But ndther bended knees, pure hands hdd u^i^ .
4. . .. • .. Sad
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7k 3)m QtiakmAof Verona. 1 8i
Swl^^ deqi^iaBiu, nor JilRcr-flicriding tears,
Coaid penMnup wruiia)iiifa(Sona|f fite ^r
But fabtim, if he be t^en, mtifl: die,
Bcfidcs, heFmtaceinpn eluf'tl hiovti).
When Ifae fisr thy repeal -was. ^pHant,
Tlict toxkfe pnfan he csinmandcd her.
With martf t»tter tjueacs of hiding'thac.
VaL No marc, imlefi the. jam word that thou fpeak'ft
Have fiune maGgDVit pover i^xm iny hfe :
lffi>i Ipraydiee, boaithe it ia mine ear.
As endjng aatbcm of my endlefidolour.
Pro. Cea& to laBKnt for that thou catift doc help.
And ftudy help for that which thou lament'ft.
Time is mc nurfe and breeder of all good :
^fX9 if thou ^fy ihoM eanft not fee thjr love i
Befides, thy ftaying wll abridge thy life. a layer's ftaiF, walk hence with that.
And nunage it ^ilnft defpvrtDg thoughts.
Thy letters may be here, tho' oipu art benoBf . .
Whic^, bof^'wfit to me, IbaU be deliver'd
Ev'n in the milk-white bofom of t^y.kive.
The time now fcrves not to expc^hilace i
Come, 1*11 convey thee throu^ the ctty-gatc.
Aid, ^ I piart mth thoe, ccofer at large
Of «11 that may concern thy love-affeirs : .
A» difu kiv'ft Sihia^ ti»' ndt fiar thy fdf, r
R^ard thy danger, and along with me.
Vol. I yrw thee, Ijmme, and if thou feeft tny boy, -
Bid him mafee hafte, and meet mc at the north-gate.
Pro. G9, Stmh, find him out: come, Vahiiiiu.
Vol, O myd«Br5iVwa/ hajjeft Valtntmel (Excuat.
LauH. 1 atn [lilt a fod. look )»ii, and ye£ I luve the
wit to think my matter is a kind of a knave : but rfiat's
all one, if he be but » 'one kind of Imavc,'' He lives tioc
N 3 now
9 one kntTC. . . , M tilt. K'ark mtni.
I Sa Tie T*u)o Gmtkmm tf VeronaT-
nowthatknowsme tobekiloTC, Tttlfininlove; but a
team of horfc Ihall not pludc that fiom. me* nor who 'ds
] love, and yet 'tis a woman ; but wfatt wonua I wiQ not
tell my felf ; and yet 'tis a mi&>inaid ; yet 'tis DOC a maad^
for flie hath had goflips -, yet 'tis a maid, for fhe is licr
mailer's mud and ferrcs for wages : Ihe hath more qua&>
des than a waKr-fparoel, which is mudi in a barediriuian^
Here is the cat-log [PidSi^ out a ptper] of hcroHidiiionsi
tmprims, (be can fetch and carrji why, a horie can do no
more, nay, a h(»fe cannot fetch, but only cany t there-
fcHC fhe is better than ajade. Item, flic can miUc i Uxk
you, a fwea virtue in a m^d with dean hands.
Enttr Speed.
Speid. How now, figtaor Lawicef what news witfi yow
malterihip ?
Lam. With my ' 'mafter's ffiip?^ wl^, it is' at fea.
Speed. Well, your old vice mil ; miflake the word :
what news then in yoiir paper?
Lmn. The blackell news that ever thou heard*ft.
Speed. Why, man, how black ?
taim. Why, as black as ink.
Speed. Let me read them.
Lmn. Fie on dice, jolthead, thou can'ft not read.
Speed. Thou lieft, I can.
Zam. I will try thee^ teQmetlus, whob^octhee?
Speed. Many, the fon of my grand-fidher.
LtatH. O illiterate biterer, it was the fon of diy grand-
mocher ; this proves that thou canft not rcad.-
Speed. Come, fool, come, try mc in thy p:q>er.
LauH. There, and St. Nkkoks be thy fpeed !
Speed. In^ms, fhe can nulk.
Lam. Ay, that fhe can. ' '
Speed. Item, Ihe brews good ale.
Laun. And thereof comes the proverb, Bl^b^ tfytur
betrt, you brew good tde.
Speed. Itm^ fhe can fowe.
I maflcrlhip ? . . . tUtdii. fUit. tmtnd,
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
7W Two Qtmbmen of Veronal 183
' Jjotn. That's as much as to £17, cMfiefi f
Speed. Item, flic can kiiit. ■
iMPf. What needamancaie for-a ftock'V^awench,
•ficn fhe can kiut him a ftock ! :.■....
• Speed. Item-, ihe can w^ and feour.
l^atn.- A fpedal ^nrtu^- i(x then jhe need hoc to be
wafli'd and fcour*d. ■ ■ ' .1
Speed. Itettty (he can ftan. ■
iflim. Then may I iec the world on wheels, whenihe
can Iph for her living. ■
■ Speed, Item, Pie hath many nunele& inrnws. ,
Lam. That's as much as to lay Bafiard Virttm^ thai
indeed know not their fadicrs,' and therefim liave n9
Speed. Hcfe fidlow her Tices.
Laiin. Clofe at the heels of heir nrtues, . . ,■
Speed, iirfflr, Ak isnottobe-ldft&ftingy
her breath.
Lam. Well) thae^ult may te^mended with abrcakftft :
read on.
- Sfted. ttmi flie hadi a fmict- mouth.
' iMm. iThat tA^es amends Ibr her lour breath.
Speed. ItetHf fhe doth talk in her fleep.
■ .Lam. It^snomatttf fctftthat, fo Ihe fleqi not 'mhsr
Speed. Item, Ibe is (low in wends.
Lam. (ytirAxa\\ that letdown among her vkes I to
beOow in words is a woman's only virtue :J{ciy thee* out
widi't, and place it Ah- her chief virtue,
' Speed, /ifm, (he is {Rxnid.
Lam. Out with tluc too': it was Efo^i legacy, and
cannot be ta'ai ftom ho-.
Speed. Item^ (he hath no teeth.
' Lam. I care not for that nnther, becaufe I love crulb.
Speed. Ittm^ ftie is asft.
Lmh. Well ; the belt is, (he hath no teeth to Ixte,.
Speed. Item, (he will often praifp her liquor.
N 4 L^n.
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1 84 3fc Kuo G«ftf/M*v ef V«roaa.
Laun. Ifhu-tt^uorbeCoodtHieflwlliifitewiUnoCiI
vnll, for good things ihoiild be prwled.
Sptti. JUm, Oie is n>6 U)er^.
f^auH. Of her t<»igue Ihc catnoC, for Chat^s writ dom
fhe is flow of; of btf ta^ ^ ihftll notfior that I'll
keq>lhM; now of aaoUia- thu^ fliemay, and dwt can-
not I help. Well, proceed.
Speed. Item, fhe hath mor? h^ than wit, andinoR
&UUS than hatrs, aod Jiwie weakh than £uilts.
Xiiiut. Stoptherci I'll have her; fiicwas oanev i>i^
not mine, twice: or dbrioe, in that arade. £«hcar& dut
lincc iFore. , '
■ Sftid. iu»f ibeha^mpiebajr^ibanmt. ,
Laun. More hair than wit ; it may be I'll prove it: thq
cover of the lalthides thel^'andchec^jlie'kJsinMedian
the lalt i the hair that esvtr* the ■^ i« more than liw irit t
for the:gK«cririacs.tiiele6. . WWa next?..
Sfeed. And more faults than hain.
-■Ijum.Thm^i tnonftimu: «h thattlvCjweiKeutt
Speed. And more wealth than faults.
Lau/i. Why, that word makes tbbfaultt gradDUB:.fgeII,
I'll have Jkt}. and ifitbeainaEdi,aaDochngisinq}pifiblc —
Speed. What then?
Imn. Why liien wH Itdl-tfatt; 1^ tby.^OafleriJbys
for thee at the north-gate.
Speed. Forme? ■ ■:.-] ,
■ Lmk: Fortheci ay.; diou?. tie htch ftaid.for ■
■ betterman than thee.-
Speed. And muft Lgo to.lWB ? .•,..-
Letm. Thou muft run to.hiflji for (jipu \ta& ftaid fo
long that g*ii^ mil fcarce.ferve the turn. ; ■ ;,, .
Speed. Why didft not tell me iboner? .pason your love-
letters ! '.,,'■.
' £.9Un. Ncm-willhebeftqng'd ferreadiiigmy letter: an
unmannerly Have, that wtU tluvft hiodelf into fecKts. I'll
al'tw, Co rejoice in the iJoy's cwrcfliOT. lEKemt.
b, Google
The 7iD# 0imkmtittf VfitDOfl.* f%
,s -A E N ,E y.' ■ *■''
£»rw Duke and Thurjo-.
Duke. Sir T^if, &ar not, but Oat jhc miU- Jove juu.
Now ValMitu a baaifli'd frcna licr:iig;bt:-
T^. Sio^ his aaic fhe hith dc^d-me UK&t .
Forfwora my company, and rul'd at me.
That I am defpo^e of t^xaining her. :
. Duit. Titus wenkinipre&of iiyre:iB«sft£^ite -
Trenched in ice, vhadt iQtfa m.boiat*s hctt . .. i
IMblves to water, and doth&ifeibisifonni . ^
A little time will melt kxitDKezi-tfaGi^xts^.
AfKlvcftU^KiiraAfarfhsUbc&itBac-. .
Enter' ErothcuS, .' ,
How now. Sir Pr4itiau? k fovu ccmXryntm,
According to-our prodanu^n* gene ?
SiiJu. My dai^)^ fdces his going heavily.
Pro. A litde taact tof iotdt will tpU cbac fiptieC
1)11^. So I boUeves ^ ?'.Jr»W ;hink> Mt io. .
PrvtbeuSy the good iswFdt I iiold ,«(; tfeet*. : . • '■_
(FtX' thw halt Q»^m:ff>me HgR o/^qq^ 4(:ftrc) . i.
Makes me the beOK to ««tter wj4h ciLQc.
Pnr. Lmigcr tiian I ^iWf loy^j IB yf»ir^x«r.
Let me not live toJook-,)j|)«i ywt.<irgfi€,
Duke. Thou biow'ft&iw m^inglir I-wwU flfffA
The match bcaimeB. Sir ffSifrw W ^y dwgb(«-.
i'fff. I do, my lord. ,
Difitf. And aUb { do ttunk .ch»u nt pot igiKtaf .
How fhe cppoki hor «gsuiA fi^ jwll
Pro. Shcdid^ mylovd, vthfin iCaitntiiif '"^ ^utc,
Duke. Ay, aadiperveffeljr Ae p^vecsJb.
What might we dOiGo nufae ibc.^l.fiMigiet
The love of Vaimtmt^ aod .l«re Sir ?M«^
i*n. The b^-uray vno^ae^Viikfttinfi
WithblfhooA, wwondife and pofrildouK 1
rSiS- JU Twa Getabmim ef Verona.
Three tlungs that women hidiljr hold b hate.
Xhike. Ay,but ftc'Il dunk that it is fp<^ in faate.
Pre. Ay, if hi> enemy dcHvcr it :
Thercftne it muft with droimftancc be fookcn
BfJonie vboni ihe eflenneth as his fnond.
Didee. Then fOa muft undertake » flander hkn.
Pre. And that, my Iwd, I (hall be loth to do ;
*Tis an ill office ibt a gentleman,
'ESpcdaHy againft his Teiy friend,
Dtih. Where your good word cannot advantage him.
Your flander nercr can- endamage tun i . ..'
ThCTefore the ofiice^is indiffcrenti ■ ' '■■
Bringintreated to it by -your friend, - . .
Pre. You have ptenil'd, my lotd : if I can do k.
By ought that I can fpeak in lus diforaife.
She flidl not long continue lore tohim.
But % this Wean her teve fi^m ^afertfe.
It follows not that Ox will love Sr Tjhvnp.
^Tbu. Therefore as you unwind ■her' love from him, ■
Left it.fhould ravel, and be good to ■none, '
You mvA preyide-to bottom it rai me: ' -
Which mint be done, by prafing me as mudi ' ■ ■-
As you in worth difpraife Sir Valetaine.
Duke. Andy Pretheusj we dare trtifl: you in lUs kind,
Becaule we know, <m VaUntiK^ itpitMt,
You are aheady love's iinn'voCafy, ' . -
And cannot foon revolt and duHge -your mind.
Upon this warrant fliall you have actels,
Where you with ^«Am mayconferdC large:
For Ihe is lumpifh, heavy, ipelancholy.
And, for your friend's lake, mil be g^ of you^
Where you may temper her, bf yovtr peifualun, '
To hate joang yidlentiiKt and love my' 6Aead.
Pro. As much as I can do, I wUl tSt&.
But you. Sir T&im, are not fliarp cnouf^t
You muft lay lime, to tai^ her defutft
By wulfiil tbnttets, wbofe oompofed tiumes
ShouU be liiU fraug^ with fervicei^ vows.
Jhe "Fwd Gentkmtn «f Verona. 1 87
Jiaki, Much b the fixce rf heav'n-tMrd poefie.
' yn. S^, thaf upon die sdtar of her beauty
You Gwiifice your ttais, your fighs, your heat :
Write *dll your ink be diy, <nd Wb your tears
Mo^ it again, and frame fome feeling line
Thai may difcover fuch integrity :
For Orfbeus' lutt was ftrui^ with poets linem,
Whofe goklen touch could foften flxd and ftones,
M^ tygers tame, and huge Leviathans
Foriake unfounded de^ and dance m lands.
After your dire-Iamentn^ ele^es,
Vifit by n^t your lady's chMnber-window
With ntne fweet aKx:ot: ta that ioftrnments - :.
Tune a dqJoring dump ; the night's dead Sknaa ■
Will well bec«nc fodilWcet con^lairm^ grierance.
This, or clfc nothing, . will inherit her.
Duke. This difd^ne ihews thou haft been in love. . ..
STiu. And thy advice this night Pll put in praftice ( -
Therefore, fwctt Prctbnu, my dirc^tion^ver.
Let us into the dty prefcntly .
To fort finoe gjendenieii well skili'd in mufick t
I have a fbnnet that will ferre the turn
To g?ve the onfct to thy good advvx.
Duke. About it, gentknoen.
Pre. We'll wait upon your Grace 'tiU after fi^iper.
And aftenrards determine our proceedings.
Z>tttf. Ev'nnowabputit. IinUfRrdonyou. {Exaat.
r88 The Thiji dentimm 6f- Verona,'
Entfr certain OHt-laws.
I OuT-tAWi
FELLOWS, ft»d£ift: I fee a paQengv.
2 Oitf. If dcre be tea, flndc not, but down iritfa
fattr Valentine mi Speed.
3 Ok^ Stand, Sir^ and throw tu what you harc about
you > if not, we'll make jrou, Sr, and rifle you.
Spetd. SiTj we are undone } thcie are the Tiliains ditf
all the travellers ftar fo much.
VaL Myftiends, ■ r
J Ottt. That's not fo, Sirj wc arc yow eftemies.
2 Out. Pttce i we'fl hear him.
3 0«/. Ay, by my beaid, wiU we; for he is a proper
rd. Then know diat I haw Hole • 'fcft^ to fofc:
A map I am, crolsM with advcriity j
My riches are thefe poor haUfiments,
Of which if you Ihould here disfiinulh me.
You uke the fum and fubllance that I have.
2 OtU. Whither aavel you ?
Vol. To Verena.
I Out. Whence came you ?
Vol. From MUan.
g Out. Have you k»^ Toj^rnM there ?
AW. Some fixtecn mmths, and longer mig^t have ftaid,
J£ crooked fortune had not thwaited me.
I Out. What, were you banilh'd thence ?
X wolch
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Thg T<w> Qewtlaum sf VetoiU. 169
VmI. Ivaa.
2 Out. For what oficnpe?
Vol. For that wMch now tomtenis.Ae tonkmkh'
I IdU'd a mstk itlwfe 4«ath I much repcne i
But yet I flew fum nttj^HHr in fight,
Without fiUie inantnge or bafe treachciy^
I On/. \VhT, ne'ci; rdpcm it« if it wm done So, ■ 1
But weit 70U bsaii&t'd for fo finaU a &ult?
^«/. I was, and haid ttie glad of Sach z doom.
1 Oa;. Hare vwth« vitmics?
Vol. My youthful travel tbcrdn made mcb/ippft
Or ellc I «tcn had beea mifereble,
^Out. BychebAcfcalpi^i^iMi/fMifsfittfiijir,
This HLow were a King for o«r wild &i9ioD.
J Out. We'U have lum. Ska. a wad.
f/«ij. Mafttr, be one (^ chqn: it's an hoaomabfe
kind of thievery.
^«f. Feaoe, vitlan.
a C^. Tell U3 thist have you any tbii% to taketo?
yal. Nothing but my fortune.
3 Out. Know tlien that fome of us are gcndemen,
&ich as the fiiry of ungovem'd youth
Thruft fitun the company of anniil men :
My felf was from yeroiut baniftied.
For pra&iling to ftakt away a lady.
An har, ud ■ 'ntar^ aiyd uuo die Duke.
2 Out. And I ftom Mtmtua, for a gmdcnaii
Whom in my mood I ftabb'd unto -du heart.
1 Out. And I fb: fuch like petty oimo as thefe.
But to the purpofe ; for we dte our fauhiL
That they ma^ hold cxcus'd our hmfefi nveit .
And, partly, feeing you are beauofyd .
With goodly Au^, and by your own rtport
A linguifl:, aad a man of fuchperfadiaa . .
As we do in our quality mum want.
2 Out. Indeed, beouile you am a bomfli'dinao,
ThcrefiKcabovetfasroft we parley to you) ,
$ anoe ..,M tjit. 'Tint. tmmi.
b, Google
Alt TOO canreac m be our epcnl ?
To make a nrtae of neoeffiUT,
Anf five « ite do in the wildoncfif
sOxt. Wbarfiiy'ftdiouP wUtdxMilieofourcoafaRf
Si3r ay, and be the c^itain of w dl :
We'll do thee homage, and be nil'd bf thee.
Love dice as our oonvnuider and our King.
1 Oia. But if dwu &om our o6uitdie, thou dftt.
2 Oitf . Thou Ihak not live to fatag wfait we have offir*d.
Vol, I take your oSkt, and willlm with you.
Provided that you do no outnges
On filly woinen or poor paflengen.
3 Out. No, vedeceft fiichvik bale {ndices.
Ctnoe, gp with w, we'll bring thee to our crcwi.
And Ihew dice all die treafiire we have got }
Whkfa, with our &lves,fliall left at thy di^ofe. {Exewit.
S C E N E n.
Cba^t to Milan.
Fro. A Lnady Ve been fid& to Ftlai/mi
'A- And now I muft be as wyuft to Thurit.
Under dK coknir of oonuncnding hrni,
I have accefi my own bve to pr^ :
But Sihu is too fidr, U)0 true, too hpty.
To be cc»nqieed with my wortfalefi g^
When I pcoceft true loyalty to hcc.
She twits me with my nUbood to my Send :
When to her faeaunr 1 commend my tows.
She bids me thinic how I have been forfwom
In breakit^ fiuth with yMka vriiom ! lov*d;
And nocwitfaflanding aQ her fijdden qufis.
The leaft whereof would quell ak>viff*s iwpe,
Yet| I^Mi^-lik^ the more Ihe l^mnn my wve,
b, Google
The Two Qewfkmm fif VcTOO*. iqi
Tlie more it pom and &wncch on ho' ftill.
But hcxctxfttve&Tkuru: now muft we to her viodow*
Aod ffn fi»ne evenii^ otuiikJc to her at.
Enter Thurio m^ Mtfituou. ■ -
?^. How now. Sir ProtbitUy arc you crept bef(»t vai
Pro. Ay, gentle Thurio \ ibr you k^ow toatloTC
'WiU creep ia lemce where it cannot go..
tim. Ay, but I hopc^ Sir, that yqu We not here.
Pro. Sir, butl-do^ a* die I woidd be hsnop.
rim. Whom, Sihfial
Pro. Ay, Silvia, for your fikc.
?^. I thank you, for your own : now* goidanei).
Let's tune, and to it. luftily awhile. ... . . .,
SCENE m. ,
^tr H0, md Juha in ky's eloatbi^
H^. Now, my young goeft, methbks you're mdan-'
dwly: Ipay, +'whati>it?^
Jul. Marty, mine hoft, bccaule I cannot be meny.'
H<^. Come, we'll hare you menri I'll facing you
i^Kre you fh^ hear mufick, and (ee Uie gentleman that
you ask'd for.
Jul. But ftialll hear him fpeak?
H<^. Ay, that you Oiall.
Jul. That will be muGdc
ih^. Hatk, faa^.
Jul. Is heamongthde? i
H^. Ay; but peace, let's hear- 'an.
fFhoitSSm»i wbatisfiift
That ^eitrJmBHscommaidhirf '
Heif, fair and wife itjbe, '■ ■
The bewtfnfucb grace did'lend her,
.That fi)».w^bt tdmifti he.
■■'■ ^ 4 wh/ititf
c,q,z.<ib, Google
'tg2 t^ 1^0 Gtmkmm 4f Verona.
Js ^ kind Mibe is fair?
Fer ii*uty ioej witi kinditefi:
Lffoe dotb to her eyts reftitt
Tt help bim of ins iliiuhefi :
JM heiag belp*d inhabUt there,
Then to Sim kt ms Jh^^
Thai Sbu is exteBit^ ;
She excds each morttU tba^
Upon the- dull earth Jwelkif :
To her let uf garlands hring.
Hfft, How now? are yoa &idcr than you were before?
how do you, man ? the miilidc fikes you noc
Jui. You miiUke ; the mulidan likes me not,
N^. Why, my pretty youdi i
Jul. He idays falfc, father.
/fo^. How, out of tune on the Aiit^?
^. Noc £ai,ta yet lb bik* tfaac he gpeva my veiy
A#. You Am a qakkear.
ywL Ay, I would I were detf » it maka me hnre a
Bow hast.
Hofi. I percdre you dcli^ not in mu&ck.
Jul. Not a whit when it jars lb.
Hofi. Hark what fine change is in the mufidc.
Jid, Ay \ that diangc is the Ijiighc.
Hf^. You would have them atwi^ {ibiy hue one
jid. I would always have one pfa^ but one thing.
But, hoft, dodt this Sir Protbeus, that we talk or.
Often relbrt unto this gentlewMnan i
Hofi. I tell you wh^ ZjMut bis auotold we, he lov*!!
her out of alliiidc.
Jul. y/herth LaunceF
H^. Gooe Co Jack his dw, whuih ta^nmrow, by hia
tnafter'a comhiandp. fw myft caa%63f « prefcnt to his
b, Google
Jfc THv0 Gentkmen of Vcrona. 193
Jid. Peace, Hand afide, the company parts.
Prp. Sa Tbfffioy fear not i I will ib pleadj
That you Ihall £iy my cunning drift excels.
nu. Where meet we?
Pro. At Saint Gregerfs well. ■ *
' ThK. Farewd. [fx^ Thu. and A^k.
Enter Silvia aieve.
Pro. Madam, good cren to your ladylhip,
Sil. I thank you ibr your mufidc, gendemeh :
Who is that diat Ip^e ?
Pro. One, lady, if you knew his pure heart's truth.
You'd mucMy learn to know him by nis VCMce.
Sil. sir Pretheui^ as I take it.
Pro. Sr Pratbeujj gentle lady, and your faVant.
SiL Vfhat is your will ?
Pro. 'That I may CMUftafi yours.
Sii. Youliave yourwilh; my will is evef this, ■
That prelendy yt^ hie you home to bed;
Thou JUbtle, peijur'd, falfe, difloyal man !
Think'ft thou I am ib Ihallow, ib conceidefi.
To be (educed by thy flattery, ■
That haft decdv d fo many with thy tows f
Return, rctum, and make thy love amends.
For me, by thia pale Queen of night I fweaf,
I am io far from granting thy requefl,
That I defpife thee for thy wrwigful fiiit ;
And by and by intend to chide my felf,
Ev'n ior this time I fpend. in talking «> the«.
Pre. I g?Mt, fwcct love, that I did love a lady.
But fhe is d^.
5W. [4/iJe.-} 'Twcre fidfe if I fhould fpeak it i
For I am fure fhe is not buried.
Sil. Say that Che be j yet yakntine thy friend
Survives, to whom, * 'even thy felf art witnefc,^
Vol. I. O I am
S thyfclf an witncfi,
t^ The Two GefUkmm tff Verbnx
I am bctiothH: and arc thou notaflum'd
To wrong liitn with thy impMtUBa^?
Pro, I Ukcwdb hear that ysbntiitt is dead.
Sil. And fo fuppofe am I ^ for « his gnm,
Affure thy Iclf, (hy !ove is buried.
Pn. Sanet lady, let me rake it from tlieearth.
Sil. Go to thy lady's graVfe and call her thence, .
Or, at the leaft, h hers.iepukhre tixine.
Jul. [4fide.'] He heard not that.
Pre. Madam, if yow heart be Jb
Obdurate, oh! voutWafe me yet your * 'raduK,*
The pi£hi;e that is hanging in your cbamoer:
To that I'll fpeak, to that I'll (^ ^ weqt :
For Cnce the fuhftaaqe of your perftft fclf
Is elfe devoted, I am but a fttadon^
And to your Jhadow will I make true Ifprc; .[cove it,
Jul [ji/Sde-l If 'twere a fub&wce yott would Ane dc-
And m^e it but a.lhadow as I am.
Sil. Tm very loth to be VQUC idol, Siri
But fince your ^Uhood ihrii t^eebno you wdT
To worfhip fliadowsand adoTc iaUc fltWQ,
Send to me in the momine and m fiw it :
And fo, good reit.
Pre. As wretches have o'er n^t, ■ ■
That Wait for exeeutioa in the mam. [E:». £ka. aiS^
Jul. Hoft^ wiil you gfl ?
Hejl. By my hailJdom^ Iwtaht^kep.
Jul. Pray you, where ^cs Sr Protbeus ? [moft 4afi
Heji. Marry, at my hoifc: traft me, I think *tis ^
Jul. Not lb ; but it hath been the loi^yrft aig^
That e'er I watched, and tht moft haeifm^ (£K«nM.
6 piAuTC for my Ictc,
lU 7h»o GmknUif of Veronft^ 195
Egl. TIm is the hour that Madam ^//zif a
Entrwjted me to Call and know her mind :
There's fome great matter ihc*d en^loy me iA.
' 'MadjunP
Bfittr SMa aiimt,
Ji/. Who calls?
Bgl. Your fcrvanf ind y'our feehd j
One that attends your ladylhip's command.
Sil. Sir Egiaamry a thou&id times good-mottov!,
E^l. As many, worthy lady» to your felf :
AccorcUi^ to your ladylhip's tmpofe,
I am thus early come, to know what IS^rice
It is your pleamre to command me in.
Sit Oh^^mniTa thou art a geiidemaii,
(Think not I flatter, for I fwear fdo not,)
T^Aane and mfc; remorieful, well accomp&fhM \
Thou ait not ignorant what dear good will
fbear unto the banilH'd Valentitte\
Nor how my fether would enforce me marry
Vain Thurioy whom my very foul * 'abhors,^
Thy felf haft lov'd i aod I have heard thee lay,
No grief did coliie fo near unto thy heartj
A<-wtoi:^]Ady Kid Eh^' true lo^e'^M ;
Upawwhiore ^ws thoa v«iw*dft (>"« dufthrf . ;
air E^momf I «duld ' to Vaiemine
Ttf Mamu, lAere, I hear, he makes !*»de :
AnilV ^ wtvw^ «w dbhgeftjUi tapB&j
1 4a dt^ dttr W(}rth<r <^<unp^y 3
Upon irt»^ feith and honour I repofe.
IwgtfAoeaiffeAier's anger, J?fiwBi*rj -
Sttt dikik upon my grie^ a lady's grief,
O 2 And
7 Madam, Madam t ' t aBBoft'd.
196 7h Two Gentlemn df Viefons.
And on the juftice of my flying hence.
To keep me from a moft unholy matoi.
Which neav'n and fortune ftiUreward with plagues.
I do defire thee, even from a heart
As full of forrows as the fea of &nds.
To bear mc company, and go mth me :
If hot, to hide what I have iaid to thee, "
That I may venture to depart alcme.
Egl. Madam, I pity much your grievances j
"WliKh finer I know they virtuoufly are plac'd, '
I ^ve conTent to go along vnth you.
Recking as little what betideth me.
As much I wifh allgood befortune you.
■When will you go ?
Sil. This evening coming.
Egl. When:
Shall I meet you ?
Sii. AtfiiarPfl/rifi'scell;
Where I intend holy confeflion.
£^/. ' a will not fail :^
Good-morrow, gentle lady.
Sil. Good-morrow, kind Sir Eglamoar, {^Exeuttt.
Enter Launce, nitb bis dt^.
Laun.'VJLT H £ N a man's Jervant fliall play the cur with
* ' him, look you, it goes hard: one that I
brought up of a puppy, imi that I iav*d from drowning,
when three or four of his blind txt)thers and fifters went
to it! I have taught him, evoi as one wouM &y preciiciy,
thus I would teach a dog. ■ ' '1 went^ to deliver him as a
prefent to miltrefs SihiOf from my m^er; and I oune 00
looner into the dimng-chambo', but he fteps mc to her
9 [ will not &il yonr ladyShip : • •
J I wu feiit . . . «U *dit. Tbtah. imtHi.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
The Tw0 Genttmen of Verona. 1 97
trencher, and feab her capon's leg. O, 'tis a foul thii^,
when a air cannot keep himfelf in all companies! I wouM
have, as one fhpuld iay, one that takes upon him to be
a dc^ indeed, to be, as it were, a dog at all things. If
I had not had more wit than he, to take a fault upon me
that he did, I think vciiV he had been hang'd for't j fure
as I live he had fufier'd for't ; you Jhall judjp. He thrufts
me himfidf into the company of three or four gentleman-
like dogs, under the Duke's table •, he had not been there
(Uefs the mark) a fnfling while, but all the chamber tmelt
turn. Out with the d<^, fays one ; what cur is that ?
lays another; whip him out, * 'lays a third }'' hang him
up. Jays the Duke. I having been acquainted with the
fincll before, knew it was Cra^, and goes me to the iel-
low that whips the dc^;' Friend, quoth I, you mean to-
whip the dog ? Ay marry do I, quoth he. You do him-
the nmre wrong, quoth I ; 'twas I did the thing you wot
of. He makes no more ado, but whips me out of the
chamber. How many mafters would do this for their
fcrvant ? nay, I'll be fwom I have iat in .the ftocks for
puddings he hath ftol'n, otherwife he had been executed ;
I have flood on the (allory for geefe he hath kili'd, other-
wife he had fuffer'd tor't. Thou think'ft not of this now.
Nay, I remember the trick you ierv'd me when I took my
leave of Nfadam Sihia ; did not I bid thee ftill mark me,
and do as 1 do ?. when didl): thou fee me heave up my leg,
and make water a^infl a gendewoman's &rthingalc ? didlt
thou ever fee me do fuch a trick .'
Enter Prothcus and Julia.
Pro. Sebafiian is thy name? I like thee well.
And will employ thee in fome fervicc prefendy.
Jul. In what you pleafe : I'll do. Sir, what I can.
Pre. I hope thou wilt. — ^— How now, you ?rfiore-fon
Where have you been thefe two days ItMicrii^? [peafant,
O 3 Laun.
z ftf t the chini i
• L,,-z__iv,Goog[c
198 Thf Two Qffitltmin tf Verona.
Laun, Mwry, Sir, J carry'd suftrefi Sihti» Uk dog
you bad me.
Pro. And what lays flut t& my little jinnl ?
Z,4«ff. Marry, flie l«ys> your dsg was a pjr, wid ttik
you, currish thanks is g^wd eoougk icv&cfo a pnefiiic.
Pre. But ihe receiv'd my dog ?
Laun. No indeed ihe did oot : here hare I brought hin
back again.
Pro. What, didft thou offer ha this from m??
Laun. Ay, Sir; the other, Squirrel^ was ftd'n fiom
me by the hangman's boy in the markct-plaoe ; and thfli £
ofi^d her mine own, who is a dog as t^ as ten of youts,
and therefore the giit the ^'eater.
Pro. Go, get thee hence, and &iid my dog again.
Or ne'er return agan into my fig^;
Away, I fay i ftay'ft thou to vex me here ?
A flare, that cv'ry day turns me Co fliame. [Bitit Litun.
Seb^Han^ I have entertained thee.
Partly that I have need of fuch a youd;*
That can with fome ^credon do my bufind^ i
(For 'tis no irufting to yon fooJifli bwt :)
But chiefly &)r thy £ice and thy behaviour.
Which, if my augury decrivc me not,
Witneli good brinpng up, fmtune and tnitii :
Therefore know "thou, for this I eiUettain thte^
Go prefenriy, and take this ring with thee i
Deliver it to Madam Siiuia.
She lov'd me well, deliver'd it to me.
Jul. It feems ygu lov'd not her, to leave her t<Jtcn:
She's dead belSce.
Pro. Not fo! I think Ihe lives.
Jul Alas!
Pro. Why do'ft thou cry a^s ?
Jul. I cannot chule
But pity her.
Pro. * 'Wlw^ Ihouklft ?hou pity her ?
Jid. Bccaule ipeUunk? ♦ 'if &c tey«'' JW ap 'fcB
3 Whereforo 4 Utat Ibe Un'i
7h I%u0 Gemkmen of Verona, 199
As you do love your lady Sihia %
She dreaau on Idm riut has for^ her tore ;
You doat on her that cares not (or your love :
'Tis pity love fliould be fo contrary ;
And thinking on it makes me ay alas !
Pro, Well, give her that rihg, aitd g^ve therewithal
This letters that's her chancer: tell my bdy,
I claim the promUe for her hcav'rfy (waure.
Your Rieffige done, hye hcnne unto my dian^xt*.
Where thou flialc find me ^ and fblitaiy. [Exit Pro.
Jul. How many wooien ivoidd do fudi a mefiage?
AUs, poor PretbaUf thou haft. entert^'d
A fox to be the Oieijierd of thy lambs :
Alas, poor fool, why do I pty him
That wM bis Very heart d^alcth me?
Becaulc he loves her, he de^ileth tnc;
Becaufe I love him, I muft my him.
This rng I fftrc him when he parted fhmi me,
To bind htm to remember my good will.
And now I am, unhappy m^^er.
To plead for that which I would not obtain }
To carry that which I would have reflis'd ;
To prMfc his feith, which I would have d^jras'd.
I am my mafter's true confirmed love.
But cannot be true frrvanc tamy mailer,
Unlefs I prove hik traiior to my felf.
Yer mil I woo for him, but yet fo coldly.
As, heav'n tc kivnn, I would not have him Ipeed.
Eni€r Silvia,
Lady, good day; 1 pr^you, be my mean
To bring me where to ^le^ik with Madam Sihis.
Sil. What would you with her, if that I be fhe ?
Jnl. If you be fhe, Ido kKrcatyouFpatioKs
To hear me fceA the me^Etee 1 am ftnc on.
O 4 ^^'•
Li, : .Iv.GoOqIc
200 T^e Two Gentkmen of Vetona. .
5(7. From whom?
Jul. From my mailer ^ir Protbtus^ Madam.'
Sil. Oh ! he fends you for a pifture ?
Jul Ay, Madam.
5/7. Urfitla, bring my pidhlrc there."
Go, g?ve your matter this j tdl him from me.
One JuUoy that his chang^ thoughts foigct,
Womd better fit his chamber than this fliadow.
Jul. Madam, may't pleaTe you to perufe this letter.
FardcMi me, Madam^ I have unadvis'd
Pdiver*d you a paper that I fhould not j
This is the letter to your ladyftiip.
5/7. I praythee, let me look on that again.
Jul, It may not be ; good Madam, pwdon inc..
Sil There, hold;
I will not look upon your maker's lines,
J know they're Aufit with proteftations.
And full of new-ibund oatns, which he wiU break
As ealily as I do tear his paper.
Jul. Madam, he fends your ladylhip tlus ting.
5/7. The more Ihamc for him that he fends it mc i
For I have heard him fay a thoufand times.
His JuUa gave it him at his departure :
The' his falfe finger have prophan'd the ring.
Mine fhall not do his JuUa fo much wron^.
Jul. She thanks you.
5;7. What fay'ft thou?
Jul. Ith^nkyou, Madam, that you tcndftr her j
Poor gentlewoman, my mafter wrongs her much.
5/7. Doft thou know her ?
Jul Almoft as well as I do know my.fclf.
Td think upon her woes, I do proteft
That I have wept an hundred fevcral times:
Sil Belike Ihe diinks that Protbeui hath Ibrfook her.
Jul I think Ihe doth; and that's her caufc of forrow.
Sil Is the not palling fiur?
Jul She hath been fiurer, Madam, than Ihe is :
When Ihe did think my mafter lov'd her well,
L;,q,-z.= bvGoOglt'
TU Tao Gentlemen of Verona. 20 1
She, in my judgment, was as bar as jrou.
But fince me did neglcfb her Icxiking^lals,
And threw her fun-expelling mask away.
The air hath ftarv'd the rofcs in her checks.
And pinch'd the lilly-imaure of her face.
That now Ihe i& become as black as I.
Sil. How tall was ffae ?
Jul. About my ftature : fiar at PaUmJi,
When all our pageants of delight were pl^,
Gur youth got me to play the woman's part.
And I was trim'd in M4dam Julia'% gown,
Whkh fcnred me as fit, by aU mens judgments.
As if the garment had beoi made for me •,
Therefore I know ffae is about my hdght.
And at that dme I made herweep a^od.
For 1 did fday a lamentable part.
Madam, 'twas ^'«iy^paflionihg
For The/ens' perjury anq unjuft flight -,
Which I fo lively i^cd with my tears,
Thsx. my poor miftrcfs, moved therewithal.
Wept bitterly j and would i might be dead.
If I in thou^t felt not her very forrow!
SiL She is beholden to thee, gentle youth,
Alas, poor lady! defolate and left !
I weep my felf to think upon thy words.
Here, youth, there is a purie ; I give thee this
For thy fweet miftrefs' Cute, becaufc thou lov'ft her.
[Exit Silvia.
5W. And (he fhall thank you for't, if c*er you know her.
A vinuous gentlewoman, mitd and beautiful.
I hope my ifiafter's fuit will be but cold.
Since (he refocfts * 'his^ miftrcls' love fo much.
Alas ! how love can trifle with it fclf !
, Here is her pifture \ let me fee ■, I think,
If I had fuch a tire, this face of mine
Were full as lovely as is this of hers.
And yet the painter flatter'd her a little,
Unlcfi I flatter with my felf .too much.
; jay Her
C —
202 7h Two Qtnthmm of Verona.
Her H^ is aiibum, mine is peift£t yelkm.
If thatbe all the diff'rencein tulovt;, ;
I'll get me fuch a oolour'd perriwig.
Her eyes are grey as glifc, and fo ara mmei
Ay, but her forehead's low, and mine is hi^.
What thould it be that be rvfyeSU in her.
But I can make rdpeftive in my felf.
If this fond love wece not a tended god?
Come, fhadow, come, and t^e this Ihadow up)
For 'tis thy riyal. O thou fctifelcls foAn,
Thou fhalt be worfhip'd, kifs'd, lov'd and ador'd \
And were there fenfe in his idolatry.
My fubftance ihould be ' 'l^nCed^ in thy ftead.
m ufe thee kindly for thy miftFe&* &ke.
That us*d me £3 \ or clfe, by yev€ I-vow,
I fhould have fcratdiM out thy unfedng ^es.
To make my mafter.out of love with thee. [Exit.
SCiENE continues in Milan.
Enter E^temour.
TH E Sun begns to ^ the weftem dcy.
And now it is about the veiy hour
SihiOi at Friar Patriek's cell, Ihould meet n»e.
She vrill not fail } for lovers break not hours,
Unlefi it be to come before thdr time :
So much they fpur their expedition.
Sbe where ibc tomes. Iddy, a happy evening I
6 flitae
tfii Two Qfmlmtn 0/ Veuisa. 203
Enter Silvia.
Sil. Aiieiiy Jmen! Go ea, good S^mMr,
Out at tKe poftem by the abt^-wialii
I fear I am attended by fqmc fpics,
Egl Fear not; the forcftis not three leaguesofF;
Ifvcrrcover^ ffe*r« Jin <npugli. [Uxtua.
Enter Tfaurio, Produiu and JulU-
^bu. £^ ProtheuSj what lays S^hia tg my fgitf
Pro. Oh, ^tr, I find her ipil<kr tiavi ihe wa$.
And yet Ihe takes exceptioBs at your p«rbn.
fbu. What, th^ my Iftt is too Jpngf
Pro. No i that it is tooltnle.
?i«. I'll wear a boot to make it fomewhat rounder.
Pro. But love will opt be fpijrr'd tq wtut it is0(Us,
Tbu. What lays Ihe to my face?
Pro. Ste %«, it i* 4 fair ope.
Tbit. Nay, then the wonton Uesi my face is black.
Pre. But pewls ve fiwr ; apd the oJ4 laying is.
Black men are pwl« m bein*»eu» ]9^xa eyes.
Jul. "Tb true, fuch powk w put ^m ladi« eycsj
Forlhadnttherwiokilwilookwithcin. [4WiU
fbn. How lik«« ihe my difix^w&f
Pro. Ill, wh«i you talk of Fft».
Sl&a. ButweUwh«iIda"courfcof low^wdpcftCe?
JhL But betw indeed when yoM hd4 ywr pc^W.
7jfo«. What lays ftie to my wloui ?
Pro. C^ &, (he m»ke» no doubt (rf" thjt.
3^/. She nee^ not, when ilje kinjws it ?Qwardi(e.
yiw. What feyp flw tp my Unh ?
jPrff. That ypw are well deriv'd.
Jul. True; from a gentleman to a fool.
irhtt, Confiders fhe my pofleflions?
Pro. Oh, ay, and pities them.
204 31&* 3^ Gentlemen o/" Verona.
rhu. "Wherefore?
Jul. That fuch an afi fhould own them.
Pre. That they are out by Icafc,
Jul. Here comes the Duke. '
Enter Duke.
Dukt. How now. Sir Prof Aeus? how now> Tburw?
Which of you (aw Sir Eglamcur of late?''
rbu. Not I.
Pro. 5Jor I.
Duke. Saw you my deaughter ?
Pro. Nrither.
Duke. Why then
She's fled unto the peafant ^0iSntff«f;
And Eglamour i» in her company.
'Tis truej for Friar Laurence met them both.
As he in penance wander'd through the foreft:
Him he knew well, and guefi'd 3iat it was Ac ;
But, being mask'd, he was not fiire of it.
Befidcs, flie did intend confeflion
At Patricks cell this ev'n, and there (he was not:
Thcfe likelihoods confirm her flight from hence.
Therefore I pray you, ftand not to (M:ourie,
But mount you prefently, and meet with me
Upon the riimg of the mountain-foot
That leads tow'rds Mmrtua^ whither they are fled.
Difpatch, iweet gentlemen, and follow me. \Exit Duke.
Thu. Why, this it is to be a peevi(h gjrl.
That flies her fortune where it follows her:
1*11 alter, more to be reveng'd of Eglmuur^
Than for the love of recklels Sihna.
Pro. And I will ibllow, more for Silvia's Jove,
Than hate of Eglamour that goes with her.
Jul. And I will follow, more to crofs that love.
Than hate* for Sihiaj that is gone for love. [Exeunt,
I;, Google
Thi Too (Smtlemm of VetotUL. 205
7j&* Forest.
' Eater Silvia and Out-laws.
I 0«/./*X)ine, comcj be patient; wc muft brii^ you to
^-^ our captan.
Sil. A thoufend mwe mifchanccs than this one
Have Icam'd me how to brook this patiently.
2 Out. Come, bring her away.
I ChU. Where is the gentlanan that was with her?
3 Out. Bang nimble-Jboted, lie hath out-run us i
But Mtrffes and Vaierivs follow turn.
Go thou widi her to th* weft end of the wood.
There is bur captun : follow him that's fled.
The thicket is befct. he cannot *fcxpc.
I Oitt. Come, I muft bring you to our captain's care^
Fear not I ' be bean an honoui^Ie mind,
And will not ufe a woman lawlefly.
Sil. OVaUntituf thisloidurc Ibrthee. [Exeunt.
■S C E N E IV.
Enter Valentine.
Vol. Hovf ufe doth breed a habit in a man !
Tlus fludowy delkrt, unfrequented woods,
I better teooK than flouriihing peopled towns.
Here I can fit alone, unfeen of any.
And to the nig^irihgale's complaiiung notes
Tune my diftrcfles, and record my woes.
O thou that doft inhabit in my breaft.
Leave not the manfion fo long tenandels.
Left, growing ruinous, the building fall.
And leave no memory of what it was.
Rep»r me with thy pretence, Sihia j
3o6 Tffe "FiD^Omthm^ of Vemnit
Thou gende nynii^. cheriih thy forlorn fwain.
What hollowing and what ftir is tlus to day?.
Thefe are my mates^ that itiktf thtftr Wills their law.
Have fome unhappy paffengcr in chafe.
They love me well,, yet I haffC mixh to do
To iccq) them from uncivil outrages.
"Withdraw thee, Vdkntine: wht/s this (tomes here?
£»/#• Prftthrtis, Slvfa ani Jufit
Pro. Madam, Ubg itsvict have I done ^ ymi^
(Tho' you K^c£t not pugbc yotur fcrvant doth)
To hazard Ufif , and felcue you &<»» him
That would have ferc'd yoi» honour and y«iir Ignv.
Vouchfafc,me for my raced b«t one &ir Icxdt:
A finallcr boon than this I cannot beg*
And lefs than this I'm iuic yo« cannot g^
Ved. How like a dream it thls' t fse and hav!
Love, lend me patience le forbear ai whitfe
^;7. O miierable unhap^ thai I am ^
Vro. Unhappy were you^ Madai% tint J ottiv y ,
But by my coming I have mad« ysu h^^y.
. Sil. By thy acproodi th«M mBk'ft me nMft sitfiai^.
5'a/! And me wnen he approachech to yourprdence. [.^dt.
Sil. Had I ben feized by a hmgry li(^ .
I would have been a.breakfaft to the beaft.
Rather than have falie Fr^bms sefcoe me.
Oh heav'n, be judge how I love VahttiiUf
"Whofe life's as tender tb mc as my fcttl ;
And full as much, for more there cannot be^
1 do deleft felfc perjur'd Profbgus:
Therefore be gone, fofllcit me nO more.
Pre. What dang^cws a6ion, ftood it next W (fcath.
Would I not undergo for one odffl IcXik ?
Oh, 'tis the curfe in kive, for ever prov'd,
When women cannot love- where they're belov'd.
Sil. When Pratbeus cannot love- where he's bdo»*(t
Read over ^/t«*s heart, thy firft beft love.
For whofe dear lake thou dien tiidft rend thy fMth
b, Google
Tht Ttoo GiuHemen «f Verona, 2C37
Into a thoi^nd oaths \ and ilA thofe oada
E>efccnded into perjury to decdre me.
Thou haft no nith feft now, unlds dioa'dft two.
And that's iar fnxA than none : better hare none
Tliui plural faith, which is too nHxfa bjr one. .
Thou counterfeit to thy true fiaendt
Pro. In lore.
Who refpe£b friend ?
SU. AU men but Pretbeus.
Pr». Najr, if the geode ijwit of moving words-
Can no way change you to a milder form ;
ril move you like a foldikr, at wms end.
And love you 'gainft the nature of love > Satce ye.'
Sil. Ohheav'n!
Pre. I'll force thee yield to my defire.
Vol. Rnffian, let go that rude ondvil touch.
Thou fiiend of an ill falhion I
Pm, PVtatku!
Val. Thou common friend, that's without fiuth orlove-t
For fuch is a friend now : thou treach'roua man!
Thou halt beguil'd my bc^ % nav^ but trmt eye
Could have perfuaded me. I dare not &y,
I have oM finend attre ; thou wool^ di^wove me.
Who fhould be tnfted now, when the ri^t hand
Is p^ur^d t« th« bc^Dm ? Protbtus,
I'm iorry I muft never tnift thee more.
But count the world i ftranger for thy &ke.
The private wound is deepeft. ''Ohtimeaccurft!^
''Moflgft all foes, that a fnend (hould be the worfti *
Pro. My fhame and ^ik ctinfound me :
Vca^ere me, Vak*tlni s if hearty forrow
Bit a liifllifeient ran^m for ofi^ce, .
1 tftndei*t here, I do as truly fiifln»'.
As e'er I did commit.
yal. Then I am p<ud :
And once again I do receive thee hcaicfV.
Who by repentance is not ladsfy'd,
7 Oh time, molt iccnrll I
20 8 Thf Two. Gentkmen of Verona.
Is HOT of heav'n nor eaitii, for thefe arc pleas'd;
By penitence th* Eternid's wrath's appcas'd.
And that my love may appear jJan and free.
All that was nunc in 5ifo/a I give thee. ■
Jul. Oh me tmh^py ! \Swoms.
Pro: Look to the boy. :
Val, Why, boy ? how now ? what's the matter ? look
up; ft>eak.
jut. O good Sir, my matter charg*d me to dclirer a
ring to Madam ^^0, which out of my n^e£t, was
never done.
Pro. Where is that rii^ boy?
Jul. Here 'tis: it.
Pro. How ? let me fee :
This is the ring I g^ve to JtiSa. '
JkI. Oh, cry you mercy. Sir, I have mifcwk,;
This is the ring you feni to Sihia.
Pre. How cam'ft thou by this ring ? at my depart
I gave this unco JuUa. '
Jul. And JuSa her felf did ^ve it me.
And yuSa her felf hath brought it hither.
Pro. How, JuSa? .
Jul. Behold her chat gave aim to all thy oatha.
And entert^'d 'em deeply in her heart:
How oft haft thou with perjury * 'cleft the root ca't?^
Oh Protbeusy let this haUt ra^e (hee bluih-: . .
Be tnou afham'd that I have toc^ upon me
Such an immodeft raiment, if Ihatpe hve
In Ali%uile of lore^
It is the leffer blot modefty finds.
Women to change thdr ihapes, than men thdr minds.
Pro. Than men their minds? 'tis true i oh heav'n! w«e
But conttant, he were perfect ; that one errcM- [man
(a) 7hh Uiffage cUhir bath hitn much fifhifiietiltJ- «r it But fffal
frttf that till main pafU »f tbit Slty Si nat preeiiJ fram Shateipeaj- :
for it it ia^JJihlt Hi tould mail Valcotinc aS ttiiJ J^eai fa mitth aiU
af theraatTi sr give t« Silvia fa armataral a hthavitur a{ It tait
HI natict cf thiifirange declaration if it had bitn made.
« deft the root i
7$e Two QemUmen of Vetoni. ~ 209
Fills him with fniks, makes him nui through all iins:
Inoonftancy falls off ere it begbs.
VThat is in Sihi^i fvx. but I may i^
More ireOi in JuUa'i mth a conftattt eye f
Vd. Come, come, a hand from either :
Let me be bleft to make this happy cloie ;
Twere mty two fuch fricods fhould tong be foes.
Pr«. Bear wimefs, hcav*n, I hove my wifb for erer<
JuL And I mme.
S C E N E V.
Enter Duke, Thurk\ and Out-laws.
Ont. A prize, a prize, a prizef
Vol. Fortjrar, forbear, it is my lofd the Duktr
Your Grace is welcome ito a rtian di%rac*d.
The banifh'd Vdentme.
Duke. Sir yaienthie ?
Tin. YfmdcT h Sihi^: tatd Sihufs nuae. "'
Vol. Tbiffio, g^re bade ; or die embrace thy death :
Come not wttl^ the meafiire oT'my wrath.
Do not name Siivia thine ; — » 'but once agabi, '
And Milan fhaH not hold thee.^ Here Ihe fbuids.
Take but pofTeflkMi of her with a toudi i ■ >
I dare thee but to breathe upon my lOve.
TbM. Sir Vakntiney 1 care not for her, I.
I hold him but a fool that wilt endai^er
His body fbr a ffii that loveq him not :
I claim her not; and therefore Sie is dune.
Duke. The lilore 4^;cnerate and bafe art thoii,
To make fudi means for her as thou haft dcme, ->
And leave her on fuch fl^t conditions.
Now, by the honour of my ancdhy,
I do mfiaai thy iprit, Valentint,
And tmnk thee worthy of an Emp^* love^
Knpw then, I here forget all foRner gtiefs,
Vot. I. P Caned
a —V if, oncf iguD,^—
Jld^ fluUnot tcksld thee
010 3te Two Otmkmm BfVttom.
Canoe) all gru^e, repeal <hce home ^nn,
Plead a new iUte in tny uonval'd meiit^
To which I thus fubfc^x r Sir FakntitUt
Thou art a gehtlemaa, and well daiv'd.
Take thou thy Sikiih fer tkiu haft ddar'd her.
f'li/. Ithankyoui'Grve; the gift hsth made me hrajv^
I now befeedi you, for your dai^ter's fake.
To grant one booa thtt.I Ihall uk of you.
Duke. I grant It for thine own, wbate'cr it be.
yai. Thcfe bamlh'd men that I hare kept withal.
Are men endu'd with wordi^ qualities : '
Formvc them what they have committed here,
And let them bt recalled iron their exile. .
They arc refonned, dril, fiill of good.
And fit foe g/xat cmpk^tnoit, wcathy lord.
Duke. Tnoa haft prev^'d, I pardon them and fhw i
Difpofe of them as tJiou know*ft their de&ts.
Come, let us go : we mil ' 'conclude^ aQ jars
With triumphs, mirth, and all fcjemmty.
Vai And as we walk aloo^ I dare be bold
"With our difcouric to make your Grace to ihiile.
What thinjc you of this page* my lord i
Duh. I tMr^ the boy hath grace in him, he blufiies. .
yitd. I wairant you, my lord, mcKC grace than boy.
Duke. Wh^t inean you by that laying ?
Vol. Fleaie you, I^ tell you as we pais akn^
That you will wonder what hath fortuned.
Come, Protbeusy 'tis your penance but tp bear
The ftory of your * 'love^ difcovered :
That done, our day i^ maniagic Ihall be yowf*
Onefeaft, we 1mni», one mutual happinels.
I inclwl* .X lovet
SIR John Falftaff.
Fenton, a younrgentlemM ef ^laUFsrtmUy m Uvt witb
Mr^ Anne Page.
Shallow, a Country "Juft'm.
Slender, C«i^ /« ShaUow, ofoelifiiCoiaUrfSpire.
Jl^.Pagc, }
Ford \ '^^ GCT/ilfwwf, dauUiJ^ at VTmdSan
Sir Hug^ Evans, a Weldi Par/m.
Dr. Cuus, tf French Deffor.
Hoft c^ the Gaiter, « nwrr^ talksjig FeUow.
Bardd^.'.l ^ '. . . *
I^ol, f Sharpen ottendi^mFaiSbtF.
Nym, J
Robin, P'^'tfFalftaff'.
William Page, aBijt SohU ABr.Va^.
Smple, Servant to Slender.
tlu#)y* Servaat ft Dr. Ouus.
JWrj.JE^igc, Wife t^ Mr. Page.
jifrj. Fold, ff^i/* A6-. Ford.
Mri, AnnePagp. Datfgbter /« Afr.Page. «r J^ ««/>
Ji^s. (^idtty. Servant to Dr. Caius,
Servanti to Pag/^ Ford, &f .
b, Google
M£RR7 Wives of Wtndfor,
^f S C £ N £ before Page's Boufe in Windfor.
Enter Ji^ct Shallow, Staider> and Sir Hugh Enos.
il R ^»%hy periwade me not v I will make a
Star-tbamber matter of it : if he were twenty
Sir John Fa^i^j^ he fhall not abufe Rehtrt
SitM, In the ooitnty of GImuefterj Juftke
of peace, and Coram.
Sbal. Ay, coulin Slender, and Qifialenm.
Skn. Ay, and Rato-lonim too i and a gentleman bom,
mafter paribn, who writes, himfelf jlrm^era in any bill,
warrant, quittance, or oblittHSon -, Jn^rra.
F 3 Shd.
(a) Ihii Plof vmi vorilttn n iti Jmtbtr'i hifi and riftfiji»TS,
mfitr Henry thg Fwli, fy ihi ummmnd »f fjtrra Hinbcth. 7b*rt is
M tra^tUm that it viat tm^i at « ftrtni^'i ^umruing, Smt tiaf
mifi ht m*«»t tiiif rf tb* firfi imf*rf*a littcb *f thit Ctm*A, vihicb
itjtt ixtant im «« ^d.Siu(u-H liititn, frtntti in 1619. nii f-tld'
w# itr* bMvf, loat ttlttr'd ami imfrro'i bj tbi Ambtr almtjk in mrry
fpttch. P(^,
214 *** JtfwTf ^^^* 4 Windforl
Sbd. Ay, thit I do, and have dmc any time tbde three
hundfcd years.
Skit. All his fiioceffon, gone before hitn, have don't;
and all his anceftors that come after him niay \ they nuy
^vc the dozen wfiite luces in their coat.
Sbal. It is ah c^d coat.
Eva. The dozen wfute lowfes do become an old coit
well i it agrees well pafTant; it il a ^miliar beaft to nuuit
and figni£es love.
Sbak The luce ii the freflL-fiAv the falt-fifb u aa ^
Ska. I may quarter, coz.
Stist.' Yon may, by uiaiiyns.
Eva. It is mailing indeed, u he quarter k.
Sbal. Itfbt a'Whit. ' ' .
Eva. Yes, per-lady, if he has a quarter of your coat,
there is bvt.tbrce dcirts fov your lelf, in ray funple cofr
jefturcs \ but that u all one : if Sr Jolm Falfiaff hare
committed diiparagements upon you, I am of the chuidi,
and win be ^ad to do my oencrolence, to sialce atoM-
ments and compromifes between you.
Shai. The council ihall hear it ; it is a-riot.
Eva. kisnoc mett the coundl hear of a riot; these
is no fear of Got in a fbt : ^ esuocil, took you, fhaU
defile to hear the fear of Oct, and ao( t» hour a tiot i
take you viza-ments in that.
;. Shi^. Hat o' my life, if I were ^eungagui, thefword
fltould end it.
Eva. It is KtMr tktt itanda ia die fimd diat cod it;
jnd there is attb another denec in my frain, -vrinch perad-
TCittureprii^gooddiibttionswidiit: there is AnuP^t
itdiich is daughter to tnafta ' 'Gsngv'' /'4|F«, vfaidi it {iKtqr
Skit. Miftrcfi Jnai Pugtf fhe has brown hair, and
^Kaks bkca woman.
Eva. It b that feny peifcn for all die orid, as juft ai
you win deGrci and leroi hundred pounds of nxmieS)
\ Titmo ...tUtdit.fht^.nund,
b, Google
y$if Merry tfih/es of Wiodfbr. 215
and g(4d and filrcr, is her grand-&c upon his deachVbed
(Got deliver to a joyfiil refurrcftions) give when (he is «We
to overtake leventeen yeare old : it were a good marion, if
_^we leave our pilbbles and prabWra, and defire a maniage
becwoen mafler Abraham and troAKbAmiePtm.
Slen. Did her grand-fire leave her fevcn hundred pound?
Eva. Ay, anaher fiufaer is make her a petter penny.
Sien. I luiow the young gentlewoman •, Ihe has good gifts.
Eva. Seven humJrcd pounds, and pt^biKty, is goot^fts.
Sbal. WcMi letusleeh(»eftMr./'«fr.- aFamaf^at}
Eva. Shall I tell you a lie? I do &fj^ a Bar as I do
-deQiife <ne that b falle ; or as I dxfp&t <uk that is not
true. The Kni^c &■?(»*» is there J and I bcfesch you,
be nded by your weil-wilhers. I wiU peat the door
[Kju)cks.'\ for nufter P^e. What, hoa? Got Uefi your
S C £ N E II.
Enter Mr. Page.
PagL Vnn's there?
Eva. Here is Got'i ^eflSi^ and your ftiend, and
. Jufticc£Mb«); and herea yout^ nufter SU*der\ that
pcradventures Ihall tell you anodier tale, if matters gro?
to your likingk
Pi^e. I am dad to lee your worihips weQ. I diank
you for my veotfaii, maftcr Shailow.
Sbal. Mafter P^f, I am glad to fee you ) much gcxid
do h your good hcut: I mfli'd your vera^ better; it
mi m kiU'd. How dodi good milfaefi Page I and I
thank you always with my heart, la ; with my heart.
Pa^. Sir, I diaidc you.
Sbai. Sr, I thank you -, by yea and no, I do.
P^e. I am a^ad to fee you, good mafter Simkr.
Skti. How do's your fallow greyhound. Sir ? I heard
fiqr, he was oat-run on Cot/ak.
Page. It could not be judgM, Sir.
SUn. You'll not confei^, you'll not ooofds.
P4 Sigl.
2i6 Tie Merry Wvoes of Windfof.
SM. Thathemlliwt; 'dsyour&ult^ *iis your fauk (
'di a gocxl dog.
Page. A cur, Sr. .
SM. Sir* he's a good dog, and a fur dog; can there
be more liud ? he is good and £ur. Is Sr "^thn Fa0^
Page, ^i he is \nthio ; and I would I could do a good
office between you.
Eva. It is Tpoke as a chiiftians ought to fpeak.
Sbal. He hath wrong'd me, maftcr Page.
Page. Sir, . he doth in fome fort confcfs it.
Sbk. If it be confefs'd, it is not redrefs'd \ is not that'
fo, maftcr Page? he hath wrong'd me j indeed he hath ;
at a word he hath ; believe me, Robert Sbailavi Elquire
iath, he is wrong'd.
P^e. Here comes Sir yobn.
Enter Sir John Falftaff, Bardolph, Nym mud Piftel.
Fal. Now, mafter Shalhwt you'U complain of me to
the king ?
•Sbal. Kmght, you have beaten my men, killM my deer,
and broke open my lodge.
F(d. But not kiisM your keeper's daughter.
Sbal. Tut, a pin; this Ihall be anfwer'd.
Fd. I mil anlwer it ftrait : I have done all this. Thu
is now anfwer'd.
Sbal. The council ihall know this.
Fal. 'Twerc belter for you if 'twere not known in coun-
cil i you'll be laugh'd at.
Eva. Pauca verba^ Sir John, good worts,
Fal. Good worts? good c^jbage. Skn^^ I broke
your head : what matter have you againft me?
Sltn. MUrry, Sir, I have matter in my head againft
Jou, and a^unft your cony-catcbb^ ndadt, B^aalfbt
lypt and Pifiol.
Bar, You B^itry diccft !
b, Google
The Merry U^is of WindJor. 217
Sltn. Ay, it is no matter.
Pifi. How now, M^boftephiks i
Shi. Ajt it is no matter.
Nym. SMXy I fay, paiuay pauca: flicc, that's my hu- ■
SUn. Where's ^Mit^JSf my man ? cai you tell, coufin?
Eva. Peace: I pray you: now let us underftand ; there
is three umpires in this matter, as I underftand ; that is,
mailer Page, jidiUcet maftcr P^e ; and there is my feWi
fdeUtet my felf ; and the third party is, laftly and finally,-
mine hoft of tiK ^rter.
Page, We three to hear it, and end it between them.
Eva. FcTTf goot J I will make a prief of it in my note-
book, and we will aiterwards ork upon die caufe with as
great difcretions as we can.
Fal. Pifiol!
Pifi. He hears with ears.
Eva. The teviland his tarn! what phrafe is this, he
hears with ear } why, it b affectations.
Fal. Pifiol, did you pick mafter5j!f»<i!r*spurie?
Slen. Ay, by thefe ^oves, did he, or I would I might
never come in mine own great chamber again clfe, of fevcn
groats in mill-fixpences, and two Edward Ihovel-boards,
Uiat coft me two fhilling and two pence a-piece, of Tead
A£Heri by thefe gloves.
Pal. Is this true, Pifielf
Eva. No i it is lalfe, if it is a pick-purle. {mine,
Pifi. Ha, thou mountain-foreigner ! Sr7»i», and nwfter
I combat challenge of this latten tulboe :
Word of denial in thy Labras here -,
Word of denials frodi and fcum, tfiou licft.
Slen. By diefe gloves, then 'twas he.
Nym. Be advis'd. Sir, and pafs good humours: I mil
Jay marry trap irith you, if you run the * nuthooks-hu-
jnour on me ; that is the very note of it.
{■) Nuthook Uhti a vmtJ tf rtprtaeh im ti* vv^^r m^f mmj im tit
C^nl firaiu. In tbt /tend Part tfHtXt. 4. Dol T^Oieec /aft i» the
BtaJlt, Nnihook, Nuthook ! you lie, Prthablf it •umi « mawugivn
*» m Bt0liff «r Csttifalf, vtry tdin* t» lit tamm* f*^.
S 1 8 7^ Merty fPiws ef WlmUbr.
Sim. By this ha^ then he in ^ icd htx had it; for
dio' I cannot remember what I did when you made me
drunk, yet I am not altc^^her an aft.
F»t. What fay you, Scarkt and John ?
Bard. Why, &r, for my part, I fay, the gentleman
had drunk himfelf out of his five fentcnces,
Eva. It is his five fcnfes ; fie, whac the Ignorance b \
Bard. And being &p, Sir, was, as they uy, cafbier*d;
and fo conclulions paft the car-<ircs.
SUn. Ay, youfpakeinZ><i/»f thentoo; but 'tis no mat-
ter; I'll never be dnink whiUl I hve again, but in honeft,
citil, godly company, for this tridc: if I be dnaik, I^ be
drunk with thofe that have the fear of God, and not with
dninken knaves. '
Eva. So Got udg me, that is a wtuoas nwid.
Fal. You hear all thefc matters deny'd, gentlemen j you
hear it.
Enter AiSfirefs Anne Page, wilb xotne.
Pagt. Nay,, daughter, carry the wine in ; we'll drmk.
within. [Exit Anne Page.
. Sim. Oh heav'n ! this is miftrels jSmu Pagt.
Enter ^^firejs Ford and ISfireJi P^.
Pi«e. How now, miftiefi Ford!
Fd. Miftreis Fordy fcy my troth you are very wdl
.met; by your leave, good m^lrels. [Ki^^ben
Page. Wife, bid thefe gentlemen welcome: come, we
have a hot venifon p^fiy to (Hnner \ come, gmtlemen, I
hope we Ihall drink down all unkindnefs.
\Exe. FaUUff; Page, fSe.
Marient S^iaUow, Evans and Slender.
Slett. I had rather than forty fhilUi^ I had my hook of
fti^ and fiHineu here.
Utf Mmy Wvun of Windfor.,' 9.19
Entitr Simple.
How now, Sin^Uy where lave you been ? I mv&. wait on
my fclf, muft I ? yo" ^"'tc "ot ''ic l*^'^ of riddles about
you, have you f
Simp. Book of riddles! why did not you lend it toAUc^
ShtrtcaJu VC"^ jSifiSoumu laft, a fortnight afore * ^il^ir-
^M. Come> coz, come* coz ; wp ftay for you : a won)
with you, ooz : many, tt^ coz ; there is, as 'twere, f
under, » kind of teQder> c(Hde a£u- off by Sirifi(S^6 hen :
do you understand mc ?
£/««. Ay, Sir, you fliaU iind me reaibnable : if it be It^
] fhalldo thu is rcalbn.
Sbal. Nay, but undcrftand mc.
SltM. So I do, Sir.
Eva. Give ear to his moticms, Mr. Slender: I will de-
fcripdcm the matter to you, if you be capacity of it.
Slen. iJzfy I windoasmya>ufin5i»fl/fc(ei^: Ipray
you, pardon me: he'sa Juftice of peace in ha country,
fimplc thb' I ftand here.
Eva. But that is not the quefti(»; the queftion is con-
cemir^your mania^
Sbal. Ay, there's the pcrint, Sir.
Eva. Marry is it j the very pwnt of it, to Mrs. j&tte
Slen. Why, if it be fo, I will marry her vtpon any ret-
fbnable demuvk.
Eva. Butcanyouaffeaionthe*om«i? letuscommand
to know that of your mouth, or of your Bp« % fordivm
.-ptukifophers hold, that the lips is pimrf of the nund:
dicR^ predfcly, cm you marry your good will to the
Shdl. Coufin Abrabm Siendert can you love her?
Sten. I hope, Sri I will do as it flwll become one ditt
would do reibn.
Eva. Kay, Got'skmUaodbiiUdics, youmuftfpeak
i Uichulmuf . . . tU «((>'■ n^> tmt»4.
220 Tif Merry ff^ttves of WincUbr.
poflitaUe, if you can cany her your deCres Covatds
Shal. That you muft: will you, upon good dowryj
many her?
Sleii. I will do a greater tluog than that Upon your re-
queft, couTin, in any reafbn.
Shal. Nay, conceive mc, OMKOTe me, fwcet coz(
what I do is to pleafure you, coz : can you love die m^?
Sltn. I will marry her. Sir, atyourrequcft: but if there
be no great love in the b^jnning, yet heav'n may drcreafc
ic upon better acquaintance, when we are many'd, and
have more occafion to know one another \ I hope upon
familiarity will grow more » 'contempt :^ but if you fey,
marry ha-, I wtU marry her, iha I am freely diilblved,
ToA diflblutely.
Eva. It is a ferry difcretion anfwer, iave (he fiwP is in
di* ort Mffohtefy : the ort is, accordii^ to our meaning,
refokttfy i his meaning is + 'gpot,^
Sbal. Ay, I think my coufin meant well,
Skn. Ay, orelfe Iwould.Imig^tbchang'd, la.
EMter Miftrefs Anne Page,
Shot. Here comes iah- mAit&Ame: would I wete
young ior your fake, naftrefi Ame.
jittne. The dinner is on the table ; my &ther dc^ns
your worfhip's Company.
SbaL I will wait on him, liur nuftrefs jhne.
Eva. Od't i^efled will, I will not be abfenceat the Grace.
[£». Shallow and Evans.
Abu. Will't [deafe your worlhip to come in. Sir?
Sim. No, I thank you fbrfboth heartily & I am very
Aou. The dinner attends you. Sir.
SliM, I am not a-hui^ry, I thank yoo fbrfiioth. Go,
iVMUmx: -.. 9Uidit. fhfi.mtnd. 4 good.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Tie Merry Wroes of Windfor. . 221
Smh, fiv aU.youare mf man, go wait upon my coufin
SbaSow : a Juftke of peace fometime may be beholden
CO lus fiiend for a man. I keep but three men and a boy
' yet} 'nil my mother be dead ; but what though, yet I
bve a poor gentleman bom.
. Apk. I may not go in without jrour worfliip ; they ynH
not fit 'nil you come.
SUn. I'raith I'll eat nothing % I thank you as much iU
plough I did.
jime. I pn^ you. Sir, walk in.
Situ. I had rather w^ here, I thank you.: I bniis'd
my (bin th* other day mtb. playing at fword and da^er
Wi a matter of fenc^ three vcneys ft>r a difli of ftew'd
pnKies-, and, by my troth, I cannot abide the fmeil of hot
meat iince. Why do your dogs hwk. fo i be there bean
jfytie. I think there are, Sr; I heard them talk'd of.
Slen. i love the (port well, but I Jhail as foon quarrel
at it as any man in England, You are afraid if you &c
die bear loofe, are you not?
/hme. Ay indeed, Sr.
SUn. Tnaf s meat and ^ink to me now ; I have Um
Sackerfon loole twenty times, and have taken him by the
duun ; but, 1 warrant you, die women have fo cry'a and
fliriekt at it, that it paft ■ : but women indeed cannot aUde
'em, riicy are very ill-favour*d rough things.
Enter M: Page.
Page. Come, gentle lAi. Slender, come; weftayfbr
Slai. ' 'I chufe to eat nothing,'' I thank you. Sir.
(») It P«ft. ««^ Thil Jp^« tumi a luaj tf leaking tufitmatj htrf
Hfira n A"C? '*' «tc™ •'■ mnatStojj (fegree n/a'iy '*'«£• *"*»
AmttMet t»wifli*l*J •wmU it. It paft >r This paiTea a!l exfrdoo, er
ttrhmfi (MttrMng tt a 'u«har pbrafijill in mfi) It pstt W TMl
Waall'dungi, u beyood all thinp. Ths farfUipit tfthi/amtvtri
ujlill t*> »«tw> nfi and in tbt Jitmt ftifi: (>affii>B WcU, paffiBs
ftnng^ tf '• Wuburnm.
f rU cat nothioBt
t33 Ttt Mtny jynet ^ Windfbr;
tt^i, Bfcodcondpye, you fluU not cfaulc,%; come;
Sim. N«y, pr»y y«i, lodthe wjy.
Ftp. Conic on. Sir.
Sla. Miflrdi /Aw. your leirilHll go lift.
. Mm. Not I, Sir J pwy you, keep on.
Sla. Truly I will not go fiift, tnily-U: 1 4ril not d*
feu that wrong.
Amu. I my yoo. Sir.
SliH. I'll rather be unnunneriy than trolAldbmet you
do your felf wrong, indeed-ia. \1iJtnM.
JiMiinr Erani «u( Sini{de.
£iMf. Go your ways, and ask of do&or Gntr' hoa&
yftsl&i is the wayi and there dwells one miflrels ^wifyt
which is in the manner of his nutfe, or bis .dry ninle, or
Us cook, or his laundry, hijWalKer, andhis'^rii^cr.^
Swf. Well, Sr.
Eva. Nay, it is petter yet ; ^ve her this letter ., for
St b a *oman that altogeuiers acquaintance with tnUtrefi
Ann Pt^ti and the letter is to defire and require her ID
jbllidt your mailer's delires to miftrds Amu P^e :' 1
'-pray you, be gone ; 1 will make an end of my wnoet {
there's pippins and chede to come. lB*aM.
Cbagtt U tit Gatur-im.
Stir Falftiff, Hoft, Ban^ph, Nym, FSfiolMifKaUk
iW.1\/riNE hoft oTthe galterl
"'■ 0|». What lays my faullrnxk?fiicikiyiet
bih, wlwiUy. ^^
Tit Merty ffkta if Windfor. C2 j
Fd, Tndf , mte haft, I muft turn awa^ fboie of my
2^>. Difisvd, bully IkreOu^ CKlhier j kc diem w^i
trot, trot.
f «/. I iit « MD pounds a iredc
//^. Thou'rt an Emperor, Orftr^KtiJkr «ndt PbeaauF^
I win encertsin Bardtfyh, he mQ drav, he will tap i £ud
i veil, buU/ Heaorf
Fal. Do fo^ good mine hcXt.
Ha^> I havte fyoktty kt Mm iblkw ; let me fee thoe
&och, and Iitc: I ub « a word t fcJloir. [£af Hoft.
Fal. Barde^by follow him ; a tapfter is a good trade i
anokldoalimafceaanewjcikiat a withcr'd Kcring-man,
• 'fiefli tuAer ', ao^ adieu.
BirdTii is a Ife tfaat I hsvc dsfii'd: I wiU thrive. .
[fwf Bard.
P{^. O bale Hw^arioM wight, wilt d»u tlie Q»gB^
i^. He was gocut in drink, is not dw kumoiir axb-
jCBtCed r
Fd. I *m .gM I am fb qmc of diis dnderiMXi hia
Acfts vere too open, IdsSdung vas Uu an unakiiful
Jffrn. The good faumoitr is to ftcal at a aifaiute*s reft.
Pi^. Convey, tiie wife it call: ttaif fohi a ficofiv
Ai Well, Sin, I am ahnoft out at beds.
Fifi. Why tba let kibes cnfoe.
Fai. There is no scoiedy : I fiwft fxviy catch, I nuil
Pf/t. Yoiag rarcm muft have food.
Fai. Whkh of you know F»rd <d tUs tonm F
Pt/t. I ken the «i|^ he is (^ fuUfanft gootl-
■ Ai AfjT honeft lads, I mil kII you what I am about.
Pi/t. Two ^aidi nd more,
Fti. No ipnps now, Pi^ei: indeed I am in the wafte
r«o yaniswautt but I amAOW ^lout bo wtfte, I iun
4boDt thrift. Briefly, I do mean to make love to Fora't
... wife:
a '24 "^ Merry U^vit ef Wind&r."
wife: Ilpy mteitttnmentinherv Ihc^ftourfes, lliecvra;
flie g?vcs the leer of iiivitarion ; I can conftruc the aflioB
of her tifiuliar ftile, and the hwdeft vtnce of her beha-
viour, to be eng^'d right* h, I am Sir Ji^ Fatftaff'j.
Fiji. He haBi ftud^'d her wdt, and tranflated ' 'her
out of^ hcMieftjr into Ei^lh.
J^ym. The anchor b deep ; wUi dut humour pafi ?
Fal. Now the report goes, Ihe has all the rule of her
husband's purie : Ihe hath a k^on of angels.
Pift. As many derits entertain ; and to her, boy, % I.
- ^fyH. The humour riles ; it is good ; humour me die
■ Fal. I have writ me here a letter to her; and here ano-
ther toP^fi wife, who even now gave me good eyes
coo, cXamin'd my parts widi moft judidous (»elUdes;
£)metimes the beam of her inew g^ed my foot, fometimcs
my pwtly belly.
Fifi. Then did the fun on dung -hill Ihine.
' Nym. I diank thee for that humour,
Fal, O, flie did fo courfe o'er my eneriors with fijdi a
grc<rfy intention, that the appttite of her eye did ft«n to
fcorch me up liSce a buming-g^. Here's another letter
to her; fhe bears the purle too ; ihe is a Tc^gan in Guiau,
aU gold uid bounty. I ^rill be * '^cheator^ to them both,
and they fhall be Extbepert to me; they Ihall be my Et^
and Wefi-JnMtSy and I will trade to them both. Go, bear
thou this letter to milfaels Page ; and thou this to miftrefi
Ford: we will thrive, I«ls, we Wl thrive.
P^, Shall I Sr PaMdanu of 7rey become.
And t;^ my iide wear fteel ? then, Lucifer take all !
HjM. I will runno bafe humMir : here take ^ humour-
letter, i will keep the haviour of reputadoa.
Fd. H(^, %Tah, bear you thde fetters rightly,
[T» Rstin;
S^ like my fnimaoe to thele ndden Ibotcs.
Rogues, hence, avauntl vaniGh like hail-ftoaes, go I
Trudge, ^od away o'lli* hoof, ieek Iheker, padc'
; ndl { Mt of ■ .' . «J^ 'A'- ^<u-A- "w*^. t Chraict
7t» Merry Whts of Windlbr. 225
Fai^aff will learn the humour of the age,
Fraub thitft, you n^ues, my fclf and skirted Page.
{Extimt Falftaff md Bo^:
P^. Let vultures gripe thy gutsi for gourd and
» 'Fuihams"- bold.
And hi^ and low ' ^beguilc^ the rich and poor.
Tdtq||ffl have in pouch when thou fhalt lack>
Bafe PmygioH Turk.
Nym. I have operations in my head, which be humours
of revei^.
P5*. Wik thou revenge ?
Nym. By welkin and her ftar.
Pijt. With wit, or fteel ? .
Nym. With bcAh the humours, I :
I will dilclofe the humour of this love to Ford.
Pip. And I to Page (hall dte.unfoki
How Falfiaff, varict vile,
I£s dove will prove, his gold will hold.
And his loft couch defile.
Nym. My humour fliall not cool i X will incenle F^urf
to deal with poifon, I will pofleJs him mth jealoufies, for
this revolt of mine is dangerous : that is my true humour.
Pift. Thou an the Mars of male-contoits : I fecond
thee; tnMp on. [Exeuati
Changes to Dr. Caius'j beuje.
Enter mifirejs Quickly, Smple, Md John Rag^.
^ac.\I/H AT, JobH Rj^iy! I pray thee, go to the
» » cafement, and fte if you cui fee my mafter,
jsafter Dodor Gu'af, coming, if hq do, i'£uth, and find
Vot. I. Q^ any
fAAIni t bcjnila
226 Tlie Merry if^tws af Windior.
any body in the houle, here will be old abuGng of God*i
paricQCe, and the King's EngUlb,
Bug. 2*11 go watch. [Exit Ru^.
^mt. Go, and we'll have a poflet for't ibcm at night,
in faidi, at the latter end of a iea-coal fire. An honeft»
villing, kind fellow, as ever ferrant fliall come in houfe
qrith^ and I wairant you no tell-tale, nor no brced4iaces
his worft fault is that he is g^ven to pray*r> he is fonnc-
thing peevifh that way \ but no body but has his fault {
but Kt that pa&. Ptter Single you iay your name is.
Simp. Ay, for fault of a better.
^t. And mafter Slaidefi JKSVIX Tos&a}
Simp. Ay, forfooth.
^uic. Docs he not wear a great round beanl, like a
glOTcr's paring-kiufe ?
Simp. No, foribotb i he hath but a little wee-&ce, irith
a little yellow beard, a cane-colour*d beard.
Qmc. A Ibftly-ftnie^ted man, is he not ?
fuMp. Ay, forlooth ; but he i^ as till a man of lus
bands, as any is between this and his head: hchaxhfbug^
with a warrener. <
^«. How iay you? oh, I Aould remember lum;
docs he not hold up his head, as it were ? and ftruc in hi«
Sin^. Yes indeed does he.
^uic. Well, hcar'n ftnd jimte Page no worfe Untune!
Tell nviScsi parlbn Evans, I mil do what I can for your
Qiafto;: >^« is a good g^l, andjwifli^—
Entsr Rugty.
Ri^l Out, alas! here oomes my mafter.
^u£. We Ihall all be fhent; run in here, ^>od young
man.; gp into this do&t; [fimtt Simple a* the defit.}
He wilTnot ftzy long. What, JobH Rugby ! John! what,
yi^ I ftyi go, Joht, g9 enquire toT my mafteri I
doubt he be not mil, that he comes not home: anddovm,
dlmm, a-ilawiha^ &c. [Sii^t^.
TU Mtfry Wvues of Windibr. 227
EMrr T>68or Cairn.
Odiu. Vat u you ling? I do not like des toys ; way
you, go and vetch me in myclolet un boititr verd% a. box,
a: grecn-a box ■, do intend vat I ^)eak ? a green-a box.
Siuic. Ay, fbriboth, I'll fetch it you.
I am g^ he went not in himfelfi if he had found the
young man, he would have been hom-mad. [Jfide.
Cww. Pe^ fcy fe, /<?, ito fei il fait fort cbtatdy je nCen
vms a la Ccitr la grande jiffairh
^. Is it this. Sir?
Caius. Oiey, mtte le au mon podcet, De^tb quckly :
ttx is dat knave Rughy ?
S!uie. What, JebnRugiyl John!
Xt^. Here, Sir.
Caius. You are John Rugly, and you are Jack Rugly ;
CotnCf take^ y^ rapier, and come after my heel to die
BMg. 'Tis ready. Sir, here in the porch.
Qaus. By my trot, I tarry too long : odd's me ! ^«
trfje oubUe ? dere b fome fimples in my clofet, dat I vill
not for the rarld I Ihall leave behind.
^fc. Ay-me, he'll find the young man there, and be
Quus. O Diahkf Biabk! vat is in my dofet? villaine,
LarroH ! Rugby^ my rapier.
^ic. Good mafter, be content.
Caitu. Vaforc Ihould I be content-a ?
^ic. The young man is an honeft man.
Caius. ' 'Vat^ Ihall de honeft man do in my clofet ?
dere is no honeft man dat fhall come in my clofet.
^a/V. I befeech you, be not fo flegmatick j hear the
truth of it. He came of an errand to me from paribn
Quiu. VeO.
2 Whit
228 The Merry Wwes of Windfor.
Simp. Ay, foriboth, to defirc her to ■
^ic. Peace, I pray you.
Caius, Peacc-a your tongue, (peak-a your tab.
Simp. To dcfirc this honeft gentlcwomah, your maid,
to fpeak a good word to miftrefe /Inne Page for my mafter
in the way of marriage,
^ic. This is all iiSeed-Iai but I'll ne'er put my finger
in the fire, ' 'indeed not I.^
Caitts. Sir Hugh fend-a-you ? Rjighy^ * 'hmUez^ me fome
|Mpcr ; tarry you a littlc-a-while. .
■ ^ic. I am glad he is fo quiet ; if he had been throug^y
moved, you Ihould have heard him fo loud, and fo me-
lancholy: but notwithftanding, man, I'll do ft>r your
matter what good I can j and the very yea and the' no is,
the French Doftor my mafter, (I may call him mymaflrr,
look you, fw I keep his houle, and I wafli, wring, Imcw,
bake, fcour, drels meat and drink, make the beds, and
do all my fclf.)
Simp. *Tis a great chaise to ccmfe under one body's
^c. Are you a-vis*d o' that f you ftiall find it a great
charge ? and to be up early and down late. But notwidi-
Handing, to tell you in your ear, I would have no words
of it, my mafter himfelf is in love mdi miftrefs Atme Pt^e j
bxK notwithftanding that, I know Jtme'^ mind, tft^'g
neither here nor there.
Caius. You jack'nape ; g?ve-a dis letter to Sir Hueb^
by gar it is-a Ihallenge : I vill cut his troat in de parke,
and J vill teach a fcurry jack-a-nape pricft to meddle or
make — you may be gone, it is not good you tarry here ;
by gar I vill cut all his two ftones, by gar he mall not
have a ftone to trow at his dog. [Exit Simple.
S^ic. Alas, he Ipeaks but for his friend.
Caius. It is no matter'a for dat ; do not you tell-a-me
dat I ITiall have Anne Page for my felf ? by gar I vill kill
the jack prieft ; and I nave appointed mine hoft of 4t
Jartere to mcafure our weapon ; by gar I vill my felf have
Atme Page. ^e.
3 Bad need not. 4 ialhw . . . tUtiit. Tint. ta*md.
Tif Merry Whes of Windfor. 2 29
^V. Sir, the m^d Iotcs you, and all Ihall be well :
We muft g?ve folks leave to prate ; what the goujeres !
Caius. JiJigly, come to the court vith me ; by gar, if I
have not j^ne Page, I fhall turn your head out of my
doOT} follow my heels, Rugby.
[ExeuBl Caius and Rug^y.
^ic. You fliall have ^ fools-head of your own. No,
I know Antu^% mind for that; never a woman in f^tndfor
knows more of j1im^% mind than I do, nor tan do more
dian I I 'can^ with her, I thank heav'n.
Feta, {ff^tbin.] Who's wthin there, hoa?
^fk. Who's there, I trow? come near the houfe, I
pray you.
Enter M; Fetitm.
Fettt. How now, good woman, how doft thou ?
^uic. The better that it pleafes your good worlhip to ask.
Fent. What news? how docs pretty miftrefs .4fw?
^tfc. In truth. Sir, and fhe is pretty, and honeft, and
genw, and chk that is your friend, I can tell you tint by
Sie way, I praife heav'n for it.
Fent. Siali 1 do any good, think'ft thou ? Ihall I not
lole my fuit?
^c. Troth, Sr, all is- in his hands above -, but not-
irim^anding, mafter Fenton, I'll be fwom on a book fhe
kives you : iuve not your worlhip awart above your eye ?
Fent. Yes marry hiavc I j and what of ihat?-
^c. Well, thereby hangs a tale; good iaith it is fuch
another Nan } but, I detefl, an htmeft maid as ever broke
bread ; we had an hour's talk of that wart: I Ihall never
laugh but in that maid's company^ but indeed fhe is given
too much to allidiolly and mufing ; but for you — Well — ■
Fent. Well, I Jhall fee her to-day i hold, there's mony
ibr thee : let me, have thy voice in my behalf-, if thou
fceft her before me, commend me —
0.3 ^«f.
( do
cqiziKib. Google
230 3^ Merry Wrvet tf Wiadfon
^c. Wai I ? ay fath that " T will : and I will tell
your worihip more of the wart the next time we have aya~
fidence, and of other wooers.
Fent, Well, farewel, I am in great hafte now. {Exit.
' §ui£. Farewel to your worihip. Truly an honeft gcn-
. tleman, but jitme loves him not ; I know /bine's mind
a£ well as another does. Out upon't, what have I forgot?
A C T n. S C E N E I.
Before I^^'j Hot^.
Enter Mifirefs Page with a Utter.
Mrs, Pace.
H AT, have I 'fcap'd love-lettera in tfie holy-dw-
time of my beauty, and am I now 9 fubjeiSt for
them ? let me fee :
vf/i we M rtafen mfrf J love you ; for thfi* iovt a/e rea-
fonfor bis pretifiany hi admits him not for kit (tnatfeUer:
you are netyeitH£, no more am I i go to then, (here's Jm-
fatby: yeu are nurrj^fo am J; ha! h«l then there's mor§
ffn^atbf : you Iwve fatki andfodely vouid you itfre itti
ter ^o^athy? let it fi^e thee^ mftrefs Page, at the ka0
if the leve of afeldter canfuffice^ thai I two thee. I fpiU
not fay, pity me, 'tis not a foiditr-Hkt $brafi\ iut I fajt,
love me:
By me, thine own true Knight^ hy ittftr mgbt.
Or a>ry kind of l^ht, with all its mght,
Fortbtetef^bl. John FaUtafif.
What a Herod of 5^ is dm! O ^ncked, wkkedwcM^!
One that is well n^ worn to pieces with age, to feow
( we
b, Google
7h Merry Whits of Windfor. 231
}um&lf a young eallamf whac unw^i'd behaviour bath'
this FUmfi) drunkard pckt, i' th' devil'a name, out of
my conralatioii, that he darn in tUs manner a^y me?
why, he hath not been thrice in my CMnpaoy: what
Jboidd I Jay to him i I was then fri^ of my nurth 1
hear'n kirmre me, why, I'll exhibit a bill in the par^
raenc Jbr the puctii^ down of ' 'Mum * :^ how Ihall I be
reveng'd on lum ? ror reveng'd I will be, as fure as bia
^s are made of puddings.
Enter Mrs. Foni.
Mrs. Fori. AfiArds P^e^ truft me, I was going to
Nfrs. Pitfv. And truft m«, I was comity to you \ you-
look very u.
Mrs. Fard. Nay, 1*11 ne'er believe that : I have to Siew
to die oootrary.
f4K. Page, 'Faith you do, in my mind.
Mn. Fori. V?ell, I do then -, yet I fey, I a>i£d Jhe*
you to Ac contrary: O m^reu Pagf, ©ve me fome
Mrs, Pi^e. What's die matter, woman F
Mrs. Fori. G woman ! if it were not for one triffing
Tcfoeft, I could come to ftxrh honour.
Mrs. Page. Hang the ttifle, woman, take the honour;
-whet is it ? di^enfe wkh trifles i what is it ?
Mrs. Ford. If I wtMild but go to hell for an eternal
moment, or fo, I could be knighted.
Mrs. Page. What, thou lieft! Sir AUce Ford! thefc
0^4 Knights
(a) A fanning ti^mr mutb !■ nft amtmg tie PlemiDBi, «j ^ bmi
ttdCi hiM M Jlcailh Dnmkard x /rw timu h*fire : ^4 it ii t»ht«b-
ftr^d that aitat tit timt tubtn thii Pin laai luritttm thin •wert M
/Ml Jrotral btltt im P»rHamtut far riirminimg th* nf* ^ ftrttg It'
fan, fiippr'ffimg ibt muititaJt »f msitjltri, ami tht piat hrioiiini
*f ftrang hitr, tmi rtgnUtigg I"", 7mvirwt, m*d Jithmfii.
f %l men : . . . tU tiit. Wark tmiui.
a^2 The Metrj Wives of Windfor.
Kni^ts win hack, and fb thou fhouldft not alter die ard-
_de of thy goitrjr.
Mrs. Ford. We bum day-figjic ; here read, read; pcr-
mvc how I might be knighted: I ftall think the worfe
t£ fet men as long as I have an eye to make difference of
men's liking 5 and yet he would not fwear ; prais'd wo-
men's modefty \ and gave fuch orderly and well-behaved
reproot" to all uncomelinefs, that I would have Iwom his
dilpofition would have gone to the truth of his words 1
but they do no more adhere, and keep place tc^ethcr,
than the hundredth pifdm to xknttaas.QX Green Sleeves,
"What tempeft, I trow, threw this whale, with fo many
tun of oil in his belly, a'fhore at Wtndfor ? how (hall I be
revcng'd on him ? I think the beft way were to cntertmn
Mm with hope, 'till the wicked fire of luft have melted him
in his ownigrcafe. Did you ever hear the like ?
Mrs. Page. Letter for letter, but that the name of
Page and Ford differs. To thy great comfort in this
myftery of ill opinions, here's the twin-brother of thy let-
ter i but let thine inherit firft, for I proteft mine never
Ihall. I warrant he hath a thouiand of tbde letters, writ
with blank-fpace for diffaent names i nay, mc»e ; and
thefe are of the fecond edition : he will print them out of
doubt, for he cares not what he puts into the pids, when
he would put us two. I had rather be a g^ante^ and lye
under mount Pelim. Well, I will find you twenty lafi?-
vious turtles, ere one chafte man.
Mrs. Ford. Why, this is the veiy iame, the voy haod»
the very words 1 what doth he think of us ? .
Mrs. Page. Nay, I know not j it makes me almoft
ready to wrangle with mine own hc»iefty. I'll enteitaiD
my felf like one that I am not acquainted withal i Rm-
fure, unlcfs he knew fome ttsan in me, that I know
not my felf, he would never have boarded me in this
Mrs. Ford. Boarding, call it you? I'll be Sin to keep
him above deck.
The Merry Wives of Windfor. 233
Mrs, P»ge. So will I ; if he come under my hatches,
1*11 never to fca again. Let's be rcveng'd on him j let's
appcnnt him a meeting, pve him a fhow of com^brt iti his
fuit, and lead him on ■vnth a fine baited delay, 'tUl he hath"
pawn'd his hories to mine hoft of the garter.
Mn. Fori. Nay, I will confent to aft any villainy againft'
him tlui may not fully the channels of our honefty : oh
diat my husband law this letter! it would give eremal food
to his jeatouiie.
Mrs. Pt^e. Why, look where he comes, and my
good man too; he's as far from jealoufie as 1 am from
giving him caufe ■, and that, I hope, is an unmeafurable'
Mn. Ftrd. You are the happier woman.
Mrs. Pttsi. Let's confult together agmnft this greaf e
Kra^t. Come hither.
Enter Ford with Hftol, P;^ mtb Nym.
Ford. Well, I hope it be not lb.
Pifi. Hope is a cgr-tail-dog in fome affairs.
Sa John aflSais thy wife.
Fori. Why, Sir, my wife is not young..
Pifi. He wooes both 1^ and low, both rich and poor.
Both young and old, one with aoother, . Ford ',
He loves thy gafly-mawfry, Fordj perpend.
Ford, Love my wfe ?
Pifi. Wirfi liver burning hot : wcvent, or go thou, like
Sir ^eon, with Ring-wood at thy heels O, odious
is the name.
Ford. What name. Sir ?
Pifi. The hom, I fey : Crewel. '
Take heed, have (^>eti eye ; for riueves do foot by night.
Take heed ere fummcr comes, or cuckoo-l»rds do fing.
Awayi -Sir corporal Nym
Betkreit, P^, he %:aks lenfe. {Exi: Fi&ol.
Ford. I will be patient i 1 will find out this.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
234- "^f Mtrry Wvoes of Windfoi".
JS^. And this is true : I like not the hu-1
roour of lying; he hath wrong**! me in fomc [
humours : I fliuuld have bom the humour'd 1
letter to h£rt but I have a fword, and it fhallr
bite upon my necefHty. He loves your wife \ ySpeaHi^
dKpe's the ftiort and the long. My name is ; tc P^,
Corporal Nyttti I Ijxiak, and I avouch; 'tis j
true i my name is Aym, and Falfiaf loves your |
wife. Adieu ; I love not the humour of bread 1
and checfe : adieu. [Exit Nym. J
Page. The 'humour of it, (juoib 'a? here's a feDow
Rights humour out of its wits.
Ford. I will feck out Fa^af.
Pawe. I never heard fuch a drawling, * 'affeded roguc^
Ford. If I rfo find it well!
Page. 1 will not believe fuch a CatatMy tho* .the prieft
e* th* town commended him for a true nian,
Fcrd. 'Twas a good fenfible fellow : well !
Pi^e. How now, Mig?
I Page taid Ford mteting tbar wivis,
Mrs. Page. Whither go you, George ? hu-k you.
fAn. Ford. How now, fwect FroJ, why art thwi me-
Fori. 1 melancholy! I ana nctt melandioly. Get you
home, go.
Mrs. Ford. Faith thou haft ibme crotehcts in thy head
DOW. Will you go, miftrefi Pi^e?
Mrs. Page. Have with you. You'll come to dinner,
Georgef Look who comes ywidcTi flw Ihall be our rocf-
(aiger to this paultry Knight.
Enter Mifirefs Quidcly.
Mrs. Ford. Truft me, I though on her, ihe'Il 6t k.
Mn. P^t. You are come to tte my dai^ter jtxau f
Tie Mmy Whet of Windlbr. 1135
^V. Ay, ibdboth ; aod, I pi^y, how does good mif-
Mrs. Page. Go in with us, and fee ; we have an hour**
talk with you.
{Exeunt Mrs. Page, Mrs. Ford, atidMs. Qvac.
Pt^. How now, mafter For J?
Ford. You heard what thb knave told mc, did you
P^^e. Yes ; and you heard vhat the other told me ?
Ford. Do you chink there is truth in them t
Patt. Hang 'em, flaves; J do not think the Knight
would ofFw iti but thcfe that accufe him in his intent to-
wards our wives are a yoak of his difcarded men, very
rogues now they be out of fcrvicc.
Ford. Were .they his men ?
Pagi, Marry were they.
Ford, I like it never the better for that. Does he lye
at the Garitr ?
Page. Ay many does he. If he fliould intend his voy-
age towards my vnfe, I would turn her loofe to him ; and
what he gets more of her than fliarp words, let it lye tm
my head.
Ford. I do not nii£ioubt my wife, but I would be loth
to turn them tc^ethet \ a man may be too confident ; I
would have nothing lye cm my head ; I cannot be thus
Page. Look where my ranting hoft of the garter comes ;
there is dther liquor in his pate, or mony in his purfe,
when he looks fo menily. How now, mine hoft ?
Evter UtSt and Shallow.
Hofi. Ucm now, buDy Rsdt? thou'rt a gendcman 1
, cavaliero-iuftice, I fiy.
b, Google
236 7*^ ^^y ^'^'^ 4 Windfor.
jfiiJl Ifollow, mine hi% I follow. Good even, and
twenty, good maftcr Page. Matter Pt^e^ will you go
,rith us? wc have Jportin hand.
^^. Tell him, cavaliero-jufticei tell him, bully
Sbd. Sir, there is a fray to be fought between ^isHi^b
the Welch Prieft, and Gaa/ the French Doftor.
fgrd. Good mine hoft o' th' garter, a wcwd with you.
llop. What la/ft thou, bully Rxk?
Sbd. Will you go with us to behold it ? my meiry
hoft hath had the nKafuring of thdr weapcms, and, I
think, hath appcuntcd them contrary places ; for, believe
me, I hear the parfon is no jefter. Haric, I will tdl you
what our'fport rftall be.
Hcfi. Hatt thou, no fuic againtt my Knight, my gueft-
Ford. None, I proteft \ but TU gjve you a potdc of
burnt iack to ^e me recourfe to him, and tefl him my
name is Brook ; only for a jeft.
Hcfi. My hand, bully 1 thou fhalt have epefi and re-
greis \ iaid I well ? and thy name fhall be Brook. It is a
merry Knight. Will you go, » 'myn-heers?^
Sbd. Have with you, mine hoft.
Page. I have heard the Frenchman hath good skill in
hb rapier.
Sbal. Tut, Sir, I could have tdd you motzi in riiefc
times you ftand on dittance, your pafles, ftoccado's, and
I know not what : 'tis the heart, matter Page -, 'tis here,
'tis here. I have feen the time, with my long fword, I
would have made you four tall follows skip like rats.
Hoft. Here, boys, here, here: fliallwewag?
Page. Have mth you ; I had rather ' 'havc^ them fcold
than fidit. [Exeunt Hott, Shallow and P^e.
Ford. Tho' Page be a fecurc fool, and ttand fo firmly
on his wife's * 'feSty,^ yet I cannot put off my opinion (0
eafily. She was in his company at Page's houfe, and what
9 an-heirsi .. ■ aid eMl.^bttb. tme^d.
1 heir 3 iixAtf, . ■ ■ »ld *4it. Tilth, tmtnd.
Th£ Merry Whes of Windfor. 237
'/made them there^ I know not. Well, I will lorfc fur-
ther into't ; and I have a di^uife to found Fdlfiaff: if I
find her honeft, I lolenocmy UbouT; jf ihe be othenriie,
*Qs labour well bcftow*d. ' [£»/.
T&tf Gartcr-Inn.
£(tfw FalftalF «i^ Piftol.
F<»/.T WILL not lend thee a penny.
■»■ Pip. Why then the wwld's mme oyfter, whkh
I with fword will open. ■«
Fd. Not a penny. I have been content, Sir, you fliould
lay my countenance to pawn ; 1 have grated upon my
good mends ibr three reprieves for you, and your couch-
rUow Nym \ or elfe you had look'd through the grate,
like a geminy of baboons. I am damn'd in hdl for
fwcaring to gendemen, my fiiends, you were good ibl-
dieis, and taU fellows. Ajid when miftre^ Bridget loft
the handle of her fan, I cook't upon mine honour thou
hadft it not.
Pifi. Didft thou qot fhare? hadft thou not fifteen
Fd. Reafon, you rt^oe, rcafon : think'fl thou I'll en-
danger my foul p^ii ? At a word, hang no more about
me, I am no ^bet for you : go, a Ihort knife, and a
thcN^ to your manor of Pickt-batcb ■ ; go, you'll not
bear a letter for me, you rogue ; you fbuid upon your
honour? why, thou unconflnable t^Tcnefs, it is as much
as I can do to keep the term of my honour predfe. I
my felf fbmetimes, leaving the fcar of heaven on the left
hand, uid hiding mine honour in my necelTity, am faiai
to Ihufile, to hedge^ and Co lurch; and yet you rogue
ffi] A m»tti barber fir thifoit mnJ ficifttkttt. Tbeotnld.
3 thejr nide tliera
b, Google
23 ff ^ Merry Wi-ves of Windfor.
i*ai cnfibnfc your rags, your cac-a-mountan looks, your
red-lectice phrafcs, and your ♦ 'bull'-baiting^ oaths, under
dieflieltcTof your h<Miour! youmBnotdok, you!
Pip, I do relent ; what wouldft thoa more of man ?
Enter Rotrih.
Rab. S3r, here's a woman would Q>eak with you.
Fal. Let her approach.
Enter Mi^tfs Quickly.
^c. Give your worihip gpod-mottow.
Fal. Good-mcat)w, mkw wife.
^uk. Not lb, an't dfeafe your w<^rfiijp.
Fd. Good midd, tncn.
,^«fe, rU be ftfom, as my moihtfr was the firft hour t
Fd. I do believe the fwcarcr: iriiatwithmc?
^1^. Shall I rouchlafe your worihip a word or two ?
Fd. Two dioufand, &ir woman, and m Touddkfe dice
die hearing.
^uic. There is wie miftrefs Ford, Sir: I pray, come a
Btde nearer this w'ays: I my felf dmtSi mch Mr. Dodor
Fd. Well, on : miftrefi Ford^ you fay.
Qfic. Your worfliip lays very true: I pray your"
iKMil^, come a little nearer this ways.
Fd. I warrant thee no body bears : mine own people,
nunc own pcOT)le.
^c. Are mey lb? heaven ):^ them, and make diem
his fcrrantsl
Fd. Well: miftrefi FerJ, i«*atof her?
Side. Why, ^, fhe's a good creature. Lord, lord,
your worfliip s a wanton j wdl, heav'n forghre you, add
all of us, I pray — — ■■
4 bold beatji^
Tffe Merry Whes of Windlbr. 239
*Fa/. Miftrefs iVi/, come, miflrefs i^W —
^uk. Marry, tius is the Ihort and the long of it; you
have brougjit her mto fuch a canaries as ^tis wonderful : th«
beft courtier of them ail, when the court ky at IVindfor
could never have brought her to fuch a. canary. Yet theri
lU9 been knights, and lords, and gentlemen, with their
coaches 1 I warrant you, coach after coach, letter aftef
fetter, gift after gift, fmelling fo fwectly; all musk, and
fo ruisling, I warrant you, in fdk and gdd, and in fuch
alligant terms, * 'and fudi'' wine and fugaf of the beft, and
the ^reft, that would have won any womin's heart j and,
I warrant you, they could never get an eye-wink of her. |
had my fetf twenty angels given me tins morning 1 but I
defie rfl angds, in any fuch fort as they Jay, but in die
*ay of horicfty j and I warrant you, they could never get
her fo much as fip on a cup with the pfoudeft of thqm
t&i aid yet there has been Earls, nay, whrch is more,
Ptnftonerv; but, I warrant yoo, aU is one wfth her.
Fal. Butwfiatfaysflierome? beWef, mygoodlluj-
^c. Marry, ftie hath receiv'd your letter, fa- thewfeicK
flie thanks you a thoufand times ; and Ihe gifres you to no-
tifie that her hosband will be abfence from Ws houfc be*
twecn ten and eleven.
Fal. Ten and eleven. " '
^c. Ay, forfooth ; and then yoa may come and fe^
riiepifture, (he feys, that you wot of : mafterivr^ he^
hos&and, will be from homt. Alas! the fweet womaii
leads an ill life with him, he's a very jealoufie-man i fhe
leads a very frampold life with him, good heart.
Fal. Ten and eleven : woman, commend me to her, t
inll not fail her.
^rw. Why, you fay well : But I have another meffen-
gcr to your worihip y miftrefs Page has her Hearty com^
meridadons to you too ; and let me tell you in your ear,
file's as fartuous a dvil modeft wife, arid one (I tell you)
Aat ■fliU not mils you morning and evening prayer, as any
24© The Merry H^rvet of Wind/br.
is in ff^Hd/pTy whoe'er be the other j and (he bad me tdl
your worihip that her husband 'a ieldom Iram home, but
Uie hopes there mil come a time. I never knew a woman
fo doat upon a man ; furcty I think you have charms, k^
yes in truth.
Fal. NotI, lafluretheci fetting the attntdion of my
^>od parts afide, I have no other charms.
^ic. Blefling on your heatt ibr't !
Fal. But I pray thee, teU me this ; has Fork's wife
and Page'ivnfe accpiainted each other bow they love me?
^ic. That were a jeft indeed; they have not fo little
BzcCy I hope ; that were a trick indeed ! but miftrdi
Page would defire you to fend her your little page, of all
loves : her husband has a marvellous infei^ioi to liie little
page ; and tmly mailer P^e is an honeft man. Never a
vrm in fVindfor leads a better life than fhe does ; do wh^c
Ihe will, fay what Ihe will, take all, pay all, go to bed
iriien Ihe lift, rile when fhe lift, all is as fhe will ; apd tru-
ly fliedefervcs it; for if there be a kind woman in H^ijid-
for^ truly fhe is one. You muft fend her your page j no
Fd. Why, IwilL
^uie. Nay, but do fo then ^ and look you, he may
tome and go between you both, and in any cafe have a
nay-word, that you may know one another's mind ; and
the boy never need to underlland any thing ; for 'tis not
good tnat children fhould know any wickednels : old folks,
you know, have difcredon, as they &y, and know the
Fd. Fare thee well; commend me to them both:
cKere's my purfe, I am yet thy debtor. Boy, go along
with dus woman. This news difbads me.
[Exeunt C^kkly aad Rdun.
Fiji, This punk is one of Cupid's earners :
Clap on more fails j purfuej up with ' 'yond* frigat ;^
Gm fire i Ihe u my prize, or ocean whelm them all !
[Exit Piftol.
i jronr igbit . . . •Utdit. Warh. *mnd^
Ifef Merry Whes of Windfcr. ' 241
Fal Say'ft diou fo, dd Jack? go thy ways; I'll
make more of thy old body th^ I have done j mil th^
yet look after thee ? wilt thou, after the expcnce of fo
nracbmoOT, be nowa^ner? good body, I thank thee;
let them lay 'tis grolly done, fo it be ^ly done, no
£«/«■ Bardolph.
Bdrd. SitJobHt there's one mafter Brook below would
lain fpeakwidi you, and be acquainttd with you \ and hadi
ffilt your worihip a morning's drai^ht of lack.
, F*i. Brwk isoisnamef
Bard. Ay, Sir.
Fai. Call him in \ fuch « Brooks are' welcome to m*J
t)iat o'erflow with fuch liqwv. Ah ! ah! miftreis Ford
ukL miArds Pt^e^ have I coicotii^als'd you ? go to^ vie!
Enter Ford dif^lfed.'
Ford. 'Bids you. Sir!
Fa!. And you, Sirj would you foeak with me?
, Ford. InaEc twld to ptets wiin Q> little preparation
tfioayou. ,
F^. You*ce.wdoomei what Vyour will? g^ us leave,'
drawer. . . [Exit^axA,
Ford. Sir, I am a gentleman that have fpent uwchj
my liame is Br»^.
FaL Good maftcr Br«A, I ddiic moie acquMMancc of
^dt/ Good Sir 7«^ Kuefbryoun; nottodnrge
youi for I muftlet you uDderftand, I think my Iclf in
better pli|^t for a lender than you are, the winch hath
fbmerhmg cmbc4dcn'd me to thisunfealbn'dintrulioaifw.
they £iy, if mOny go before, all ways do lye open.
Vol. I. R Faf.
(a) E^t. »fi6\^ h alt tit fiutttdiwg ntitim thii pam tf
Bnnfc it tJfr'd u Broom : v/htjmt it h muMififi fnm thit t§mt*it
a^ tbt Mmt, that ii^taUbt Aek. Pope.
242 TS* Merry If^yvtt of WinJforJ ■
fal. Many is a, good fiddler. Sir, and wiU Qti.
Ford. Trorti, a«l I have a bag of mony hen: troubles.,
me ; if you will help to. bear it. Sir Jobn^ t^ke :^l» ' or
half, for eafing me of the carnage,
Fd. Sir, I Icnow not how I may deferve to be your
porter. ' ' . ..
Ford. I will tell you. Sir, if you will give me' the
Fd. Speak, good maftcr Break, I ihall be glad to be
Ford. Sir, I hear you are a fcholar, I will be brief mth
you, and you have been a rXoR long knOwn to me, tho*
1 had never fo good means « deJire » make my-iyf ac-
quainted with you ^ I Ihail diicovff a thid^ to "^u whordii
I muft very much lay open mine own impcrfcftiortSi bat,
good Sir John, as you have one eve upon my folfcs, as
you hear diem unfcWed, turn »iotlier mto the r^ift«r-of
your own, that I may jk^ with a rqwoof the eafier, Gfii
you your fdf know, how caTie it is to be fuch an eSk^a. ■
Fd. Very well: Sir, procqed.
Ford. There is a gcMlewoman in this town, her hus-
band's name is Ford.
Fd. WeU, Sir.
Ford. I have tong lov*d "her, and, t prodtft ca you,
beftow'd much on her, follow'd her with a doatiatt oUcT'
Vance, ingrc^'d oppcMttimuefr to miet hei>,'feeM evoy
IH^ occaficn that could but tusgardly g^ve me lig^t w
herj not only bou^ rtiany pFttK^ 10 ^q her, but hare
given largdy to many to know what-flw wttUld haVfl-
^en: felvflyi i hove-pw^d. her as kve hath ptMlu'd
me, which hath been on the wing of all occafions, Bw
wHajcToevei- 1 have meritedt cAtKer^ my^iAiMy dr ht my
means, meed I am f»re I hsv# rece^^- neiM, uhkls. ex-
perience be a jewel; That I have purehas'dat as iaflnltc
race, inA chat harft tm^ meeo uy th^i
Love like afiadowflies^ nlienfiiifiatice Uve pta^/ites y
Purfmg that that Jlm» eiUfyngwimfii^Jm.
•*■ Fd.,
7%e Merry tf^es of Windfor. 243
Faf. Have you reccivM no promifc of latis&ftioh at her
Ford. Never.
Fd. Have you importun'd her to fuch a piapofe ?
Ford. Never.
Fal. Of what qualify was your love then?
Fsrd. T-Bti" a fair houfe built on another man's ground \
fb that I have loft my ediHce by millaking the place where
1 ercfted it
Fa!. To what purpoie have you xinfolded tfus to me?
Ford. Whenl nave told you that, I have told you ^,
Some lay, that tho'lhe appear honeft to me, yet in other
plarcs Ihe eidargeth her mirth lb lur, that there is fhrewd
conftriiQion rnaide of her. Now, Sir Jehn, here is tlic
heart of my putpofe: You are a gentleman of excellent
breediBg, admk^ie dtfcourlc, of great admittance, au-
rfienrick in your jiace and perfon, generally allow'd for
your many war-like, court-iikc, and learned preparations.
Fal. OSir!
Ford. Believe it, for you know it \ there is mony, Ipend
it, fpend k'v ^oid more, fpend all I Juve, only g^ve me
lb mudi of your time in exchange of it as to lay an ami-
dale fitse to the honefty of this Ford's vrifc ; ufe your ait
of woouig, win her to conlent to you ; if any man may,
yon may as foon as any; ' ,
Fal. Would it apply well to the vehemence of your
affedion, that I Ihould win what you would enjoy ? me-
diirfc you prefcribe to your fcTf very prepoftepoufly.
Fori. O, onderftand my drift ; flie dwells fo fecurely
on the excellency of her honour, that the fofly of my foul
dares not pFeli:iit it lelf ; Ihe is too bright to be look'd
againft. Now could I conle to her with any detection in
my hand, my delires had inllancc and argument to com-
mend chemfaves ; I could drive her then from the ward
of her purity, hsx reputation, her marriage-vow, and a
thouJand other defences, which now are too ihongly em-
botttlM a^ofA me. What &y you n't, Sir John?
Fat WUftcr Breokt I will firft make bold with your
R 2 monyjj
244 ^^ Merty Wrves of Windfor.
mony ; next, g^e me your hand ; and laft, as I am a '
gentleman, you fliall, if you wiD, enjoy Fcr^% wife.
Ford. O good Sir !
Fa'. I fay, you Ihall.
Ford. Want no mony. Sir Jobtij you (hall want none.
Fal. Want no miftrcfe f or*^, mafter Brook^ you (hall
want none ; I (hall be with her, I may tell you, by her
own appointment. Even as you came in to me, her aflU*-
tant, or go-between, parted from me -, I fay, I (hall be
with her between ten and eleven ; for at that time the
jealous rafcally knave, her husband, will be forth ; come
you to me at r^t, you (hall know how I (peed.
Ford. I am Weft in your aojuMitance : do you know
Fordy Sir?
Fal. Hang him, poql- cuckoldy knaVe, 1 know hjm liot :
yet I wrong him, to call him poorj they lay the jcaloua
wittolly knave hath mafles of mony, for tne which his
wife feems to me well-favoor'd. I will ufc her as the
key of the cuckold-rc^e's coffer j and there's my harveft-
Ford. I would you knew Ford, Sir, that you mi^ic
avoid him, if you Qw him.
Fal. Harig him, mechanical falt-buttcr rogue ; I will
ftarc him out of his wits ; I will awe him with my cudgel j
it (hall hang like i meteor o'er the cuckold's horns.
Mafter Brook, thou (halt know I will predominate over
die pcalant, and thou (halt lye with his wife : Come to
ine loon at nig^ -, Ford's a knave, and I will aggravate
his (tile: thou, ma&er Brook, Ihalt know him (cw knave
and cuckold i come to me foon at night. C-^^*
S C E K E - X.
Ford. What a damn'd Epicttrean ra(cal is this ! my heart
b ready to crack irith impatience. Who fays this is im-
provident jealoufie ? my wife hath (ent to him, the hour
Is fbcc, the match is made ; would any man have thought
this ? Jce the hell of having a Me woman^ my bed Ihall
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Tffe Merry Wtvet of Windlbr. 245
be abus'd, my coffers ran^k'd, my reputacion ^awn at;,
and I fliaii not only receive this villainous wrong, but
ftand under the adoption of abominable terms, jnd by him
that does pie the wrong ; terms! names ' Jmaimea foynds
well, iMcifar well, Barhafm well, yet they are devils ad-
diti(»is, tlu names of iiends : but (uckeld, wittci^ cuckold!
the deni himfelf hath not fuch a name. Page is an ats, a
fcoireafs, he mil truft his wife ; he will not be jealous: I
wUl rather truft % Fleming vah my butter, ^aiioa.Hugb
the fVekbman with my checfe, an Irijhman wdth my A^a~
wV.r bottle, or a thief to walk my amblir^ gelding, than
my wife with her felf : then flie plots, then Ihc ruminates,
thCTi ftie de«fes ; and what they think in their hearts riiey
may effcft, they will break their hearts but they will efieft.
Heav'n be pr^d for my iealoufic ! Eleven o'clock the
hour; I will prevent this, dctcftmymfc, bereveng'don
Faljlaff, and lai^ at Pagt: I will about it: better thtce
hours too ioon than a minuR too late. Fie, fie, Be ;
cuckold^ cuckold, cuckold ! [Exit.
g C E N E XI.
Enter Caius and Ru^t^.
eafUs.JAck Rt^irff
J Rjig. Sir,
Caius. Vatisdccbck, yaci?
Rug. 'Tis pafl: the hour. Sir, that ,Sir Hugh [HQmis'd
M meet.
Ciw. By gar, be has lave his &ul, dat he is no comcf
he ha^ pray his [»tde well, dat he is no come : by gu*,
fofk Rashf ^ is d^ ahvady, if lie be come.
Rt^. He is wife. Sir ^ he knew your worHup vouid
kill hitn, if he came.
Caiuj. By gar, de herring is not & dead v me^make
R J Wm..
246 The Merry }^rves of Windfor."
him. Take your rajaer, Jacky I ttII tell you how I iriB
kill him.
Rug. Alas, Sir, I cannot fence.
Caitts. Villariy, take your rapier.
Rug. Forbear; here's- company.
Enter Hoft, ^lellow, Sl«ider, and Page.
Hofi, 'Blefs thee, buUy-Doftor.
Sb^. 'Save you, Mr. Doctor Casus.,
■- Page. Now, good Mr. Do^hM*.
Sim. Give you good-morrow. Six.
Quui. Vat be all you, onr, two, tree, four, come for?
Hofi, To k& thee Bght, to fee thee foigne, to fee thee
traverfe, to fee thee here, to fee thee there, to fee diee
pafs;thy pundo, thy (tock, thy reverfe, thy diftance, thy
montant. Is lie dead, my Efbiopkm? Is be deed, my
Frmcifco? ha, bully? what Sa.y& my EJcuUt^us? my Gtf-
/m? my heart of elder? ha? is he dead, buUy-ftak ? is
he dead ? ■
Caius. By gar, he is dc coward 7ac*-prieft of de varld \
he is taot Ihow his face.
, Hofi. Thou art a • 'CardaUm '.^ khi^ Urinal, HeSsr <£
Greece^ my boy. ■
Caius. I pray you bear witncfs dat me have » 'ftay fioin
fix or feven,^ two tree hours for him, and he is no come.
Sbd. He is the wile/ man, Mr. Etodor ; he is a curer
of fouls, and you a curer of bodies : if you Jhould
fight, you -go againll the hair of yoiir profeflioDS : Is it
not true, maSi^ Paget
Page. Matter Sbailow, you have your ftlf been a great
fi^idDv tho* now aiDUof peace.
Shal. Body-kins, Mr. Page, dio* I now be old, and of
petoe, iflfieafwordout, my finger itches to make oac;
tJM/ we are Juftkes, and Doctore, and chuich-men, Mr.
Page, we ban fome ialt of «tir youth in us} we are the
Cnaof women, Mr. Pqfv. .
»,CfJla/itm, 9 iUj lix or fena,
c,q,z.<ib, Google
^e Metty Whes of ^^ind(b^. 247
Pagi. 'Tis true, Mr. SbaSew. .
Shed. It. will be fbuod ib, .Mr. Page. Mr. bpaor
. CshiSf laoicOiiietQ FeCf^yoKhome;. I am fwom bf the
peace j you have fliew'd your iclf a wife phyficiab, and
Sir High hath fhAvn iumfclf a wife and padenc dittrch-
man : you mull go with me, Mr. Doctor.
. H«fif Fardon, ggeft-'ittftke^. ' 'ah I monOeur^ mock-
• Caiiu. Mock-vater ? v^isdat?
' Hofi: Mock-water, in our Efigiip> tongue, is valour,
bi^JE- - X. ■ - ■ .
Gkius. -sy jgar, den I hi^ as- ranch mock^ater as de
Enghfiman^ fcurvy-jack-dog-pricft ; by gar, mc loU cut
his cars. ■' ■ ■ ■■ ■-' ■ '
Hoft. He ■mil dapper-claw thee tightly, bully.
Caius. Clappcr--de-ck#, vat' is dat ?
Hoft. That is, he will inal^e .thee amends,
C^. By gar, me do look helhall dapper-derclaw me \
fythf^^ (fte Till hflvft it.
Ji*Jt. Andl will'fnwrriceluhifo't, ot l|« him wa^.
dil»^ Metrak^-ferda^.
Ho^. And moreover, bully i but firft, Mr. Gueft, iati
iAt. Pa^ aiid t^ Cm^o SkMer, g& yoa thrdugh the
t6wn to FfvglMfi.
P^e. Sit fmb 'A tfafire, is he?
H^. He is there ; &e what humour he b lAt aid i
will bring^thedoftorabout the fields: «^te«l(i Wdl?
Sbat. WewifldoW. ■' . •
^. Adiia, good i^. Dbattf.
f^wvii/ Page, Sli<n«W «f/ Slender;
Caius. Bygarm^TiaiiiB dfepncAi fbrkel^tfaktea
j*ck-«ft-#K ft jUiie Page.
Heft. Let him dies * 'buciheadi^ ;hjf impatjence) throw
cold water on thy ca(^ i ffp about the fields with me
through Fre^aore'-i I uilf Sibg thee where aSSlat& Jme
P^e is, at a fkmi-iwufe a iciSbogi and thou ihalt woo
>cr, ' 'cock o* th* game j^ fiid I wcD?
1 a word, noafiev abut, firft, Oieadh 3 t^'dpnti
. f, Google
248 ^tf Merty Wrots of Windfor.
~Giuu. By gar, me tank you viirdat: by gar, I lore you;
and I IhaU procure 'a you de good gucft; de Earl, de
Kmght, de Lords, and de Genucmen, my patients.
Hofi. For the whidi I -mil be thy advcrfary toward
Jbae Page: liud Iweil?
Caius. By gar, 'tis good ; veil iUd<
Hoji. Lee us wag then.
Cmufi Come at my heeb,- Jack Ri^hj. {BxiMxt.
Fro^ore near Windfor.
Eater Evans and Simple.
I Pray you now, good maiter Slaider's foring-man, nd
friend Siti^ i^ your name, wluch way have you
look'd for maHer Caiut, that calls himfelf Doffar tf
Tbsfick? . .
Simfi. Marry, Sir, ^Pittj^warj^ ^Mpark^t^wdt ♦'old
Windfor way,^ and every way but the town way.
Eva. I molt fehememfy dcfifc you, you will 9^ \oc^
.that way.
Sai^. I '■ill, Sir.
£x>4. 'Fle& my foul, how full of dioHan I am, and
trempling of mind! I fhallbeglad ifltehavedecdv*dine;
how mdaochollies I am I I will knog his urinals about Iiis
kwve's coftard, when I have good qi^ximmities iar die
orkc : *Flels my foul ! [Singt, ieaig ^m4'
BfJhaBow rivers, to whofefiiBs
MelediottS birds fa^ madngaUi\
There vaB we make -our peds 0/ rojety
jhd a theufandvrap'iaftpefies.
4' every way, old Winif^ wnj.
b, Google
The Mtrry Wvoes of Windibr. 249
Byflia&m—^ 'Mercy 011 me, I have a great dilpofitiais
to cry. Melodious Urds ^g tKadhgaUs — wbm as I fat
inPahUmi — and^ tbonJfMd-or^^t fofies. — R/Jbd-
lew, &c.
Siiigr. Yonder he is c<Hnii^, this way. Sir Hugh.
Eva. He's ■welcome. By fialiaw rivers^ towbe^ fails —
Heav'n prolper the right ! what we^xms is he ?
Simp. No we^x>n. Sir ^ there cooks my mafter, Mr.
Sialltm, and another gentleman, from pT^morey over the
ftile, this way.
Eva. Pray you, g^ve me my gown, or elle ke^ \t ia
your arms,
SCENE 11 ■
EfUer Pa^, Shallow, W Slender.
Sbai. How now, mafter Pailbn? ggood-morrow, good
Sir Hugh. Keep a eamefter fhun the dice, and a good
ftudent from his bo(^, and it is wonderful.
8kn: Ah fwect Ame Page!
J'age. *SaTeyou, good Sir fl'j^i.
Eva. *V\c& you from his mercy-fike, all of you.
Sbal. What? the fword and the word? do you ftwfy
tliem both, Mr. PaHbn?
Page. And youthful ftill, in your:doublet and hofe, this
irxw-rneumatick day ?
Eva. There is reafins and caules fbrit.
' Pt^e. We are come to you, to-do a gottd (^kt,
Eva. Fenj well:, what is it?
Page. YcKider is a moft reveroid gentleman, who belike
hcni^ recerv'd . wrong 1^ (bme peifon, b at mdt: odds
.with his own gratitr.aad pacience, that «ver you-la#.
Shal. I have ltv*a fouricore yean, and upward ; I beVfr
-heard a man of his place, ^Tity and learning, Co wide of
his own rC^c^*
Eva. What is he?
'fll50 ^ Meny Hlnjes of Windlbr.
Pagt. I ttiink you fcnow himj Wc. Do&or Girsj, ^
renowned French phyfician.
Eva. Got*s wiH and his paffion of my heart! I^
Uef you Ihould tell me of a mds of porridge. - -
Page. Why ?
Bva. He has no more knowledge In Hibocrales and
Galen i and he is a knave bcfidcs, a cowardly knave as you
■Would defire to'bc aojuainted wtthal.
'- -P^e. I warrant- you, he's tfie man fliould light with
SkH. OfvKctMttPagt!
Enter Hoft, Cmus, and Ri^.
^hal. Itappears fo by his wc^xmh : keep them afimderj
J here comes, podtor Cai$u.
Page. Nay, giocKl Mr. Paribn, ke<^ in your Wci^cn.'
Sbal. So do.yofi, good Mr. Da<aor. - . .. ■
Hofi. Difarm them« and let them qucffirai ; let them
keep their limbs whole, aid hack our En^iilb. . ■ \
CatHh I pt^ you, let'a me fpeak a ¥onl vitfa ymr^ar:
^f*;<prc viU. yoO mci
Eva. Fray you, ufe your padenoe ki good tjkte, -.~:'.-.
.C^m^ 1^ 0U-, you an de coward, da Jatk Ao^
yoin ape. ' ■^*'.
Sva. Pray yop^ let us BOt beioif^g-ftticks to Ather
jOOt's humours.; I defire you. in :ftiaHlffaip^ and wiftone
way or other make you amends ; I will knog ysur unnl
about your knave's cogs-cond) &r mifiir^ your nettings
4tHi appointment^
...C^itu. BiahUi JaekRa«iyyrxas^hsAMy9ne»^Maic
Inwft^&rhiBnCe kiil&niMiive I not at dc plBfif 1
-.. .<£»' -A^ I am 4 dviftianVibulr nonr la^ yout dif u
the place appcHnfied} I'll be judgment by ant iKlft- of
die garter.
7ht_ Merj If^w/ts of Wmdfor. 2 5 j
Hrf, Peace, I iky, CaSia and »; '.TaiBw,^ Brtmb and
^^^, foMl-curer, and body-cqrcf.
Cdtu. Ay, dat is vary ^)od, e«cdlcitt.
^0)7. Peace, I &y ; here mine hoff of the guter. Am
I politick? am I fubde ? am I a MacUaoelf fliail I bJe
my DoAorf noj he g^ves me die potions and the mo-
rons. ShaU I lofe my pricft? my Sir Hi^? fo\^ he
«Tcs me the proverba and the nov&ts. Give mofthy
tmod, celeftial, fo. Boys of art, X have deceived yop
bodi: I h«re diicAed you to wm^ places} your hearts
are nugh^, your ddns are whotc, and let bmi'd &ck be
dw ifliie. Come, lay their fwords to pawn. FoUow me,
lad of peace, follow, ^ow, fallow.
Shal. Trufl me, a mad hoft. Follow, gentleipen,
•Sk*. O fweet>*»if ?<iffe.'
\Eicetmt Shal. Slcn. Page aU Hoft.-
Cmus. Ha! do I pomve dat? have you make-s de
lot of us, ha, ha?
^Vii. This is well, he has made us lus i^dng-ftock:
I defire you llia( we 171^7 be frimd&i and let us knog ofV
prains together to be revenge on thb Qune fi:ald-&uivy-
cogg^ companion, the hoft of the garter.
Gnhu. By g^, vich all my heart ; he prooufe to farit^
jnc Tcr is,.4iBV P^e \ by g^, he decdve me too. Well, I will finite his noddles \ pray you, fidbw.'
.'the Street. . ,
Enter MJirefj Page a/id Robin.
Mrs. Piigt. "S^ A Y, keep your w^, fittle gallant^ jan
i-^ vcxe woDC to be a ff^kmer, out now yon
are a leader. Whether had you rather lead mioe qnet. «r
eye your na&sx'^ heda ? . £f#.
S <!«^f
25a 3T^ MtfryWpvet tff "Windfor.
/5i*: I had rariieV fbffooth go bdWe you like 9 map,
than follow him like a dwakf. ' ' -
Mrs. i'tfj*. O, you are a flattering boy i now I fee
you'll be a courtier. •
Ettter Ford.. .
Ford. Well met, tniftrcfs Page-y whidier go jrau?
Mrs. Pd^e. Truly, &, to fee your mfc; is Ac at
Ferd. Ay, and as idle as fhe may hang together for
Wane of company ; I thmk if your husbands were dead,
■you two woiid marry.
Mrs. Page. Be fure of that, two other husbands.
. Poind. "Where had you this pretty weather-cock?
Mrs. Page. I cannot tell what the dickens his name is
my hust^nd had him of: what do you call your Knot's
name, finah?
- ■ Roh. Sir John Falftaff.
, Ford. Sir John Falfiaff?
■ Mrs. P^e. He, he j I can never hit on*s name ; there
is fudi a league between my good man and he, Is your
■wife at home indeed .-' ■
Ford. Indeed fhe is,
.' ■ ^n.Page. By your leave, Sir; lam fids 'rill I fee
Iier. [Exeunt Mrs. Page and RoImil
Ford. Has Page any brains? hath he any eyes? hath
he any thinking? fure diey deep; he hath no ule of them.
Why, this boy will carry 3 letter twenty mile as cafy as a
cannon will Ihoot point-blank twelve-{core ; he peces out
his wifi:''s inclination, he g^ves her folly motion and ad-
vantage, and now fhe's going to my wife, and Falfiaff*s
boy Wi^ her. A nian may hear thij Ihower fsig in the
wind: and Fa^aff'i boymth her! good plots; they are
Ittd^ a}id- our revolficd mres fhare dimtutim tc^ether.
Well, I mil take him, then tortive my wife, ^mat th«
The Merry Whes ef Windfor. 253
boiTowed vdl of modefty fiom the fo leaning miftrds
Pagtj divulgp P<7j/ himfelf for a fecure and wimil A^mf
and to thcfe ^ot^t proceedings all myneig^iirs lliaU
cr/ aim. The dock gives mc my cgc, and my aflirance
bids me learcht there I fliall &id Falftaff; I ihaH be
rainier praifed for this than mocked ; fot it is as poGore
as the earth is firm, that Fa^aff is there: I will go.
ffflinB^ JEitfrrPage, Shallow, Slender, Hoft, Evans ■,
' ani Caus.
^Id. Page^ Qc. Well met. Mr. Ford.
Ford. Truft me, a good knot: I have good cheer a»
home, and I pray you all go with me.
Sbd. I muft excuTe my felf, Mr, Ferd.^^
Skn. And fo muft I, Sir -, we have appnnted to dine
with Nfrs. Ame, and I would not break with her for mwe
mony than I'll fpcak oF.
Sbal. We have linger'd about a match between Anu.
Page and my coufm Slender ^ and this day wc fhall have,
our anfwer.
Sim. I hope I have your good will, &ther Pi^e.
Page, You have, Mr. Slender, I ftand wholly for you s.
but my wife, maAer Doctor, is for you ahogether.
Caks. Ay, by gar, and' de ntiud is love-a me: my
mirih-a ^ckif tell mc fo mulh.
Hqfl. What lay you to youi^ Mr. Fentm f he capos,
he dances, V 1^ eyes . cmT youth, he writes, verfes,' he
f^aUks holy-day, he fmells Afril and MiPf \ he will catiy'^'
he will carry't ; 'tis in his buttons, he vnll carry't.
P((j». Not by my confeoc, I promUe you : the gende-
man i> of no havii^ he kept company with the wild
Prince and Poinz.: he is of too hi(^ a re^CMi, he knows
tovmuch i no, he fliall not knit a knot in his fortunes
urith the fingei of my fubftance. If he cake her, let him
take her frnvf^y » the wealth I have waits on my content,
and my oonKnc goes not that way.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
^5+ Tffe Meriy Wpwt rfWrndOx.
i Ford. Ibdeechyouheaitilf, fbmec^fougohomewith
OK U>diDDer-, beudcs your dieer you IhaU lutve ilport; I
trill fliew you a monfter. Mr. Do^or, you fhall go ; fo
fiiaU you, Mr. Pi^e, and you. Sir Hugb.
Sbal. WeU, hoe you wcU : we Ihall have the freer woo-
JBigut Mr. Pag^s.
QoMt. Go home, John Rugiy^ I come ancm.
Hefi. Farewel, my hearts j I will to my honcft Knight
Fa^affy and drink canary with him.
Ferd. I think I fhall drink in Pipe-wine Bi& with lum,
I'll make him dance. Will you go, gentles ?
Jill. Have -with you to fee this moi^tter. {Exeuttt,
s c E N E va
FordV Heuji.
Muter I^s, Ford, Mrs. Pag:, and Servanli with m
Mi^. ^tfTiiL'IXTHat. Jobn! what, lUbtrtt
*▼ Mrs. Page. Quickly, quidOy: is the
Buck-basket —
Mrs. fori. IwinraM. What, 729i/», I fey. '
Mrs. Page. Come, comc^ come.
Mrs. Ford. Here ftt it down.
.' Mrs. Pi^, Giv« yoOr men the duige, we muft be
briet ' '
Mrs. iwrf. Marry, as I wid you before, 7tfi» and ficfe^/i
be ready hare hard l?y in the farew-hoiifc, and when I
faddcnly call you, come Swth, and without any'paufe oi
£biKfl;ent]| take ^basket on your fhoulden} that done,
tnid^ witb k in all hafte, and esry it among the wl^-
fters in Datehet-^moaidy and there tUfty" k ia the muddy
i^cdi dpte by the Thames fide.
Mrs. Ptige. You will do it?
Tit Mmy ff^w* «/ WiMfi*. 255
Mrs. FerJ. I hn' taU them overafdwrcir; tbffj la^ po
dircffion. Be gone, and come when you arc cajj'cj,
■ M(S> i'^ve- Hoe COOKS little £o^s..
jE»/er Rolan. ' ■ '
Nfaft. Rrd. How nsT, m^ eTas^tntafae^ what nnw
J%D^. My mafter. Sir 7'^ is cone io at ycair hadL-^aor,^
iniftids Ford, ami rrquefti your company.
Mrs. Pifv. You £ctk Jadc-aJent, }mm you been tnw
to us?
Me^. Ay, i^ be fwnni ; my nuOsr knows not of your
tm^ here, md hath threaEcn'a to pat mc mo crerl^.
ing liberty, if I tell you of itj for he fwcan he'll turn mc:
Mrs: P/^. TixHrtt a good boy; ebb fecncy of ddoe
fbaUba Atalortothee, Biidlhalimakc.thwaaewdoufaittt
tai hofit^ i'ltgik Ude mt. ,
. Mn. Ar4L I>d fikv go trQ Ay maftar Z am alone }
■i/in.Pt^ Inumxthcs; ifldonotaftit, hifiine.'
[£jar 2^3. Pagff.
Mn. JmuI: OocothQiv ir*!! tiTe tbb uawhoUbme Iw-
■cnidity, this grots watty pumpion, — we'll teach Utn a»'
IcMW.tuKtn ftois j;^.
SCENE, yni
£»/w Falftaff.
. FtL Havel c^u^t thoc, ny h^av'nJy-jcwk? wHy,
now let me die^ fori have liv'd loi^ eoou^; this- ia the.
^ftaad of iiiy amlntioD : O tbif ble(te<t \ima\
Mrs. FiTii. OfwcctSiryoAs/ , "
iW^ MrcFffr^ I cannot cc^ I'caniot prate, nuftidV
Iwn/; no\r Ihail I fin in my wUh. I would thy husbuid
«ev d«l,,rU fpsalf^ it be&uc tlie bsft k)cd» I wouU make
thoe my ^Af.
a^S Tie Merry Wives of Windfor.
<■ Hn. Fori, I yonr lady; Sit Jelm? alas, I fhould be a
pti&l lady.
Ftd. Let the court of ^rowflhew tne fuch another; I
fee bow thine eye would emulate the diamond r thou haft
tlu: Tight arched bent of the brow, that becomes the ihip-
OFC, the tire-valiaac ■, or any tire of VeHettoH additkn.
' ii/lxi.Ford, A plain kerchief, Sajobn: mybfowsbe*
comcnothing eUc, nor that well neither.
Fal. Thou art a tyrant to lay fo t thou would'lt make'
ao abiblutc courtier, and the firm fixure of thy foot would
g^ve an excellent motion to thy gate in a lemi-dided
fartlungale. I' fee what thou wen } if fortune thy foe
were not, natuc is thy feicod: come, thou catift ooc
hide it.
lAn. Ford. Believe me, there's no fuch thing in me.
Fal. What made me lore thee i let that perliiade thee
diere's fomething extratmlinary in thee. Come, J canooc
a%, and lay thou art this and . due, like many of cbeje
lifptng baw-thom buds, that come like women in men**
af^Mrel, and linell like Btukkrt-Berty in funpMfw-timc \
I cannot : but I lore thee, n<ne but thee \ and tnou dc-
ferret it..
- Mes. F^d. Do not betray me, Srt I fear you lovc
Afrs. Bi^.
Fal. Thou mi^t'ft as well fay, I krvc to walk by die'
G)»ff/^-gate, whuh is as hatefol to me as the reck of a
lime-kUn. .T'
Mrs. Ford. Wdl, hear*n knows how I loyc you, and
you Ihall one day find it. ' '
Fal. Keep in that mind ; I'll delerre it.
^frs. Ferd. Nay, I muft tdl you, fo you doj or d& I
could not^ in that mind.
Roh. imtbm:'] ^fift^dS Fordy miftrefi Ford^ here'a
nuftrefi P^ at the door, Iweatii^ and Uof^ig, and
Iboldng wiuly, and-woukl needs ipoik wA you pr^dy.
(t) 'TitfrtMlt MijkmlUt tife^nhnt «r vaikn^ MtJOti tt^
thii ami ibt ftiip-tire mr» mmms rivn H ^otwun'i htaj-dttgii tu tbt
VcnetUiH /Wa wiwM ibtfimt Imditi Urittftrt Imi titirfyfiitrnt, mt
ih* lac* tUm m*fi im tfitm w«i tht Point de Veufe. WarbtirtoB.
Li, : .lv,G00g[c ,
The Merry Whes of Windfor. 257
Pal. ShefluU-noc fee me ^ I will oiiconce me bdund
the arras.
. Mrs. Fotdi Pray you, do h; Ibe's a vay tatdu^ wo-
S C £ N E IX.
■ Enter Mfirtfi Page.
"What's the matter ? how now ?
Mrs Tagi. O miftxefe Ford^ what have you done ?
yOQ're Iham*d; ' y'are overthrovfrri, you are undone ftrf
ever. ' ■ - ■ J
Mts. FW. Whtt's tte niattef, good miftrefePaff?.
Mrs. Page. O welL-a-day, miftrefsjFwJ, having aft ho*
tieft man Eo ytfur husband, to ^ve htm luch cauft of fuliu->
don I
Mrs. iV(i Whatcaufeoffufticion?
" Mn. p4^f . What ^ufe of luipiCton? out«p6nyoti(
how am I miftook in you !
Mn.Fon/, Why, alai! what*sdlt matter?
Mrs. Po^: Tour husband's tommg hither, wcfthah^
«idi all the officer^ in JVlHdJbfy to feafdi for a ^deman
that he &ys is here now n uie houfe, by your confeiit, t<y
take an ill advantage of |us abf^jce.^ You are undttie,
Mrs. Ford. 'Tis not fo, I hope;
Mn. P^Ci Piay heav'n k be not lo that you hare (uch
a man here } btit *Qs ihofl cxrtaih your husbahd's cooui^
^rgkhHiSfyhdfit'K his heels, to feaich fer fuch a onc^ I
cocnie before td tell yoii : ^ you know your felf clear^
iriiy, I amgUd t^ It -, but tf you have a friend faere^ am->
vey, convey him out. Qcnot aiitt£'d,^aUyour&!nlcs
fta yWy dettnd yoiv reputation, or bid &tfWel to your
good afe for eva-.
Mfs. Ford. Whdt tbnU I dci? dwK b a gentlemam my
dear friend \ add I fear not mine own diame lb mudi aa
his peril. I hAl ratha- than a Aooiimd pound be were ouc
t^ the houfe. - '
Mn.J*^. F«r ihanKi n«ter(bnd>ii kad ra^rtry and
c,q,z.<ib, Google
a.58 Tfif Mtrry If^htes ^ Wilfdfet.
ytttJUad rather; your husband's hcFeacliandv'bcihitik-yiiu
of fome oHiveyance ; in the houle you cannot hide htm.
Oh, }m}W have you deceiv'd nw ! look,, hare' ii a basbfet,
if he be of any reafonable ftature, he may creep in hete^ '
and throw foul linnen upon him, as if it were going to
bucking: or it is whictHg time, fend him-by your two men
to Datcbet-OKad.
Mrs. For*/. He's too big to go in tHtrer whatfhall Ido?
Re-tfiier Falffaff. ■ ' ' '
pal. Let mc feet,; Tet me fec't, O letjnofce't*ijril.i%
I'D in ■, follow your fnoid's counlel ; Til'in'. ' ' ■
Mrs* P<^. What, Sii Jahi Fa^f? ara thefe your'
letters; Knight? , :
Fal. I love tHce, help me away ; let ms, creep in here :
rU- never—
[He gees into the baskets tbcfcffver himmtb ftul Uimtn. Help to coyer your mafter,. ixjy : call your
men, Mrs. Ferd. Too dificmbling KhigJitT
Mrs. Ford, What,- Jsitfj Revert, Jabn^'fp^ take up
thcfecloaths here, quickly. ■ Where's the -oowtftafF? look
Bow you drumble : carry, them tq the latidr^. in XU((^/-
meadi quiddy,'. come: ',.' , • ■
■ Enter Fo^d, P%p». Ca^js,. ^'JEViA*. "
A^ Fray y<n]» comQ ve^'^ if I-fu^wdwidnwcanfiiy
why,thenina«ciportat me> thoa-Jet me Jbc ypuc.jciife|(J
ddferveht. 1 H&wnow? whicbrr.bear youiiili.?
£enr. To the IandBei&*..f^<oodi.
Mrc. FdM. Why, what. have)¥)utfrdO'Whi£hw,diqr
bear it ? You were bell meddle with biickrwuQui^
Ferd. Buck? I wou}dI'<»Ail]0!tKfli'»r^felf.of:th^bMCk:
buck,, buck, Uidi,.w buck: LwatTKitt-yourbucki luA
ofthoieafisn.tooi, itm^maaa^. iEmi*t:Slrvt^iU vUh
the basket.'] Gentlemen, 1 have dream'dto-tugibt; I'll ^
yoa my drted): bekx^ faen^.hwe ba piy Jvjrs^ afbend
. my
b, Google
7&f Mtrty WHet of Windfor. 25^
my dumbeis, fearch, feck, find out. ril- warrant we'll
unkennel the fox. Lee me ftop this way^ firft; fo, now
f 'urtcouple.^
Page. Good mailer Ferd., be contented ; you wrong
your fdf too much.
¥»d. True, maftrr Page. Up, gentlemen, you fhall
fee IpMt anon i follow me, gentlemen.
£tM. This is ferry fantamcal huttiours and jealoufies.
Ceaus. By gar, 'tis no de fafhion of France ; it is noc
jealous in France —
Ps^t. Nay, follow him, gentlemen, fee the iOiie ofhis
ftarch. \E7teu7U.
MtmeHt mjtrefs Page and Mftrefs Ford.
Mrs. Page. Is there not a double excellency in this?
Mrs. Ford. I know not which pleafes me better, thac
my husband is deceiv'd, or Sir John.
Mrs. Page. What a taking was he in when your hus-
band ask'd who was in the basket!
Mrs'. Ford. I am half afraid he will have need of wafli-
it^; lb throwing him into the water will do him a benefit.
.Mrs. Page. Hang him, dilhoncfl rafcali 1 would all
of tte fame ftrain were in the fame diflrefs.
Mrs'. Ford. I think my husband hath fome fpecial fulpi-
dofl of Faljtaff's being here : I never law him fo grofs ia
his jealbufie '611 ndw.
Mrs. Pt^e. I will lay a |^ot to try that, and we will yet
have more cricks with Fdjlaff: his difTolute diJeale will
Icarce <Ax^ this medicine.
Ma. Ford. Shall we fend that fooliih canion miftrela
^Mckif to him, and excufe his throwing into the water,
and g7«% him another hope, to betray him to another pu-
nifhment ?
h&a.Page. We'll do it i let Wm be lenc fia- to-monow
by eight a ckx^, to have amends.
S 9 Si-enter
A mapc
c,q,z.<ib, Google
26o The Mmy Wyves of Windfor,
He-enter Ford, P^, i^c.
Tori. I cannot find him ; may be the knave bcagg'd erf
that he could not compals.
Mrs, Page. Heard you that ?
Mrs. Ford. You ufe me well, mafter Fordj 60 you ?
For/. Ay, ay, I do fo.
'^n.'Page. Hcav'nmake you better than yourthoi^Jits J
Ford. Amen.
Mrs. Page. You do your felf mighty wrong, Mr. Pord^
Ford. Ay, ay ;■, I muft bear it.
Eva. If there be any pody in the houfe, and in the
chambers, and in the coffers, and in the prefles, bcav'n
forgave my fins !
Cmus. By gar, nor I too -, dere is no bodies.
Page. Fie, fie, Mr. t'ord^ are you not afham'd ? what
fpirit, what devil fuggefts this imagination ? I would not
ha' yourdirtempcr in this kind for the wealth odf^ndfer
Ford. 'Tis my fauk, Mr. Page : I fuffer for it.
Eva. You fuffer for a pad confciencc; your wife is as
honeft a 'omans as I will defires among five thou&nd, and
five hundred too.
Caius. By gar, I fee 'tis an honeft woman.
Ford. "Well, I promis'd you a dinner; come, come,
walk in the park. I pray you, pardon me> I wUl here-
after make known to you why 1 have done this. Cork,
wife-, come, miftrefi Page-, 1 pray you, pardon me:
pray heartily pardon me.
Page. Let's go in, gentlemen ; but truft me, we'U
mode him. I do invite you to-morrow morning to my
houfe to breakiaft ; after, we'll a birding togethcrj I have
a fine hawk fiw the bulh. Shall k be fo ?
Ford. Any thing.
Eva. If uicrc i» one, I ihall make two in the com-
Caius. If dere be one or two, I (hall "> ''mabe-a de turd.^
7 makc-a the tari^
b, Google
Ihe Merry U^rves of Windfor. 261
Ferd. Pray you go, Mr. Page.
Eva. I pray you no*, remembrance to-morrow on the
\6vCv: knave mine hoft.
Caius. Dat is good, by gar, vith aJl my heart.
Eva. A loyrnekpavc, to havjeliis ^bes, and his mock-
eries. {Eixeunt.
Changes to Page'j Houfi.
. Enter Fenton and Mfirefs Anne Page.
Ftnt.'f See I cannot get thy father's lovej
-1 Therefore no more turn mc to lum, fweet Nan.
Anne. Alas ! how then ?
Pent, Why, thou muft be thy felf.
He doth objeifl; I am too great of birth.
And that my ftate being gaD'd irith my ei^ncf ,
I feek to heal it (Mily by his wealth.
Bcfides theft, other bars he lays before me.
My nojs paft, my wild focieties :
Arid tells me, *tis a thing impofiible
I fliould love thee, but 9^ a property.
Amie. May be he tells you true.
Ftnt. No, heav'nfo^xed meinmy timetocomc!
Albeit I will cqnfefs, thy father's we^th
Was the firft motive that I woo'd thee, Aane:
' Yet woOTig thee, I found thee of more vahic
Than ftamps in gold, orfumsin lealedbags;
And 'tis the very riches of thy fclf
That now I am at. , ,
j*>»f. Gentle Mr. Fentm^
Yet feek my father's love, ftill ieek k. Ski
If "importunity^ and humbleft fuit
CiWUiot afcain it, why then— hark you hither -^
S3 S?£N^
t flppsrtinity '. '. , §14 t£t. tkitl. mt^i.
262 The Merry Wi'vet of Windfor.
SCENE xin.
Enter ShaUow, Slender, and Mftrefs Qmckly.
Shd. Break thdr talk, niiftr^ ^ukkifi my kbfinan
ihall fpeak for himfelf.
Skn. I'll make a Ihaft or a bolt on't : *d'slid 'tis but
Sbal. Be not difin^.
Skn. No, fhe fhall not diiinay me : I care not for that,
but I am affeard. '
^ic. Hark ye; Mr. Slender would fpcak a word with
Amte. I come to him. my £^her*s clxnce.
O, what 3 world of vile ill-favour'd faults
Look handlome in three hundred pounds s year!
^ie. And how does good mafter Fenfon ? pray yc^, 9
word with you.
Sbal. She's coming j to her, coz. O boy, %jm hadft
a fether!
Skn. I had a father, ^^^s. jfytii\ my uncle can tdl
you good jefts of him. Fray you, uncl^ tell Mr;, ^bue
the jeft, Kow my fadier ftole two geefe but of a pq»,
good uncle.
Sbal. Miftrefs Anne, my t^ufin )oves you,
Slen. Ay, that I dp, ^ well as I love ajiy wcpnap a
Sbal. He ynH tnaintafa you like 9 gntlenoniaq.
SIiH. Ay, chat I will i oome cut andloog-t^ ufylor
the degree of a Squipe.
Shd. He will make you a buodred ^ad B&f pounds
Aau. Good mafter ShoBefp^ let I4in woo for lum&lf.
Sbal. Marry, I thank ^xi fqr jt t 1 thank you for tint.
Good c(«nfort i {he calb yo\}, pstt i I'll lea^ you.
Jane. ISa^, B^i&^ Slf>^. .
SifUr ^<^* 8^ miftrds .Sou,
4l^3VUt is your will?
&m, Afy »6B? >*t|fi*»^aDt-4ing5, tifmf » a pretty jeft
indeed, I ne'er made my wll yet, I thiuik heav'n ; I am
not fudi a ficldy creature, 1 gjvc heav'n praife.
Aau. , C -noean, ftife. Simder^ what <wotdd you widh me ?
5j!ni. Truly for my own part, 5 -would little ornothitg
with you4 •ycdir lather and my uncle have made motkms j
if It be my ludc, fo; if not, happy man be his dole!
they can tell you tow tlai^ go bettefthan I cap j you
irv/ffk'yoiir«uto} lufe he comes,
s c E N p xrv.
T^e. Nov, mafter Slender: loVe him, daughter ^mt,
^— Why, how nowi what docs mafter, Faiim here ?
' You wrong mr, Sir, thus ftillio haunt my houle:
1 tdl you, Sr, rny dav^hter is dilpos'd <3f.
fent. ffey, ■ mafter J*<iff, be not inpatient.
■ Mrs. Page. Good mafter Fentoh^ come notito my^hild,
Fagt' She fa DO match for you.
fent. STir, witt you hear me ?
Page. Vo-t good mafter Rnton.
C(«ne, mafter Sbalifiw;. come, fcgi^^Zaufer, «*'
Knowing my mind, you wrong me, mafter Fenton:
[Exemt Paff, SLaIIow. and Slender,
^MC. Speak to piiftrefs Pti^e.
Fent. Good mi{]f«A M^t Ttr^tat I hve your dau^oxx
In fuch a righteous falhion as I do.
Perforce, agaffift.ali.diidi«, icbi&etMdnunners,
I muft advance the ccJours of my lovie.
And not retire. Let me have yOur g^ wiU.
./im. Good mpthcr, do not piany me to joa SoelL
tAr^. Pan: I pican It not, I wk JOW A better hus-
Salf. tWs niy mafttr, mailer Doftor.
Jbiiej Ahsy I had rather be let qUicki*<b* CVth* ,
A$A bdwPd to death wiuh tumepB
«4 Mrt. .
L,,-z__iv,Go6g[c ,^
^64 ^1 Memy U^tvet o/" WindJbr.
Mrs. P^e. Come, trouble tat your ^ good maftcr
I will not be your fiiend nor enonyi
My daughter will I queftion how the \ovt» you, '
And as I. find her, ^ am I ^fTe&ed.
'Till then, farewcl, Slrj Ihe mud needs goin.
Her father will be angry. , [Exe. Mrs.Vs%;c and Anne.
Fent. Farewel, gentle miftrefs % farewel, Nm.
^ic. This is my doing payr. ^ay, Sai^ Is mil ytfi
ca& away your child on a fool, ^ 'or^ a phyfidah ? look on
tmfter /m^m ; this is my. doing.
Fetit. I thank thee; and I pray thee, Ofioe fo-n^t ■
Give my fwoet Nan tlus ring : that's for thy pans. [Exit,
^ic. Now hcav'n fend thee good fortune! A kind
hcarp he hath, a woman would run dirough fire and water
it>r fuch a kind bea^t. But yet, I would tny mafter had
tnifbre& jhtu^ or I would Mr. $}ender: had her^ or, in
footh, I \TOuId Mr, Fejiton had her. I mil do what I
can for t|iem all phree, for fo I have propiis'd, and J'tl
be as good as my wORi, bpt foedouQy for Mr. Fenton.
Well, I muft of another errand to Sir John Falfiaff from
piy fwo miftreiles i wbatubeaftamltofladtit! [Exit,
Slftr Garter-Im, *
£sbr Fatftaff mJ Bardolph,
FalTXJfrdtlpK 1%.
iJ Bard. Here, Sir,
Fttl. Go fetch me i quart of ilack, put a tqaft Wt.
[Ex. Bard.] Have I liv'd to be cany'd in a basket, like
a banow of butch^ ofial, and to be tfannm into the
Siamet? vtH, if I be fcrv'd fuch anodier trick, i'H have
my bniu ta'en out awl buttered, fad g^fe thcpa^a a dog
■'"■.■■ ^
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
Ihe Merry Whes tf/rWindior. 265
fiir a new-year's ^. The rogtKs t%hted me into Ae
ftftx with as li^ cemOTfe u they would have dnnm'd
» 'a Iritch's blind poppies,^ ffltcen i' th' litter j and you
may know by my fize that I have a kind of alacrity in
.finking : if the botaim were as deep as hdl, I flwidd
down. I had been drown'd, h\jt that the Ibore wag
ihelvy and fhallow ; a death that I dahor 1 for the water
fwells a man: and what a the^ Ihould I have been irtien
I had been fwell'd ! I Ihould have been a mountain of
mummy. {_Enter Bard.] — Now, is the iadc btew'd ?
Bard. Here's Mrs. ^uicify^ Sir, to fpeak with you.
paL Come, let me pour in fome feck to the Tiames-
water; for my belly's as coU as if I had fwallow*d fiiow-
balls for pills to cool the reins. Call her in.
£ard. Come in, woman.
S C 5 N E XVI.
Mttter Mftrtfs Quickly.
^V. By your iMte: I ay you mercy. <Sve your
wormip good-morrow,
FiU. Take away thefe dialBces: go loew me a pottle
' jC^ lack iinely^ -
Bard. With<«gs, St? .
Fal. Simple pfi; fclf : IT! no puUet-lperm in my brew-
age. *How now? ■
^uk. Marry, Sir, I come to yoUr worfl^ from mjiftrcfs
Fal. Miftrds Ford? 1 have had Ford enoiH^-, I was
tfuown ifltththo Ford ; I have my belly fiill trf Ford.
^uic. Ahs the' day ! good hsut, rfiat was not her
fault: fhc does fo take on with her men j diey miftodc
flictr ere£Hon.
Pai. SodidI mfaie, to build on afix^ihinmiGin'spro*
^c. Well, Hm laments, %, fcv i^ that it would
yem your heart to lee it. Ho* hodiand goes this man-
■ rag
f a blind lstiili> pnppe;, ,,. tU tJit. 7JM. imndj
' z__iv,Goog[c
inga.l»rdiBK*, &e Stints you onCeoHve to come tvlnr
Ijeicveqn eight »^ tanf. I jnuft Gny lur word epadif t
f4l. WcM, I .'Will viOc her; cell' iter £>, and bid iur
|JI^ what » man f^i'letiberoonlida- lbs fiaity, ai)d dnt
JmJgc x>f my meijt.
. ^c. Iwili.tfUto-. .
/«/. Ooio. POfwees WM and ten, ^Mtduu?
^V. Eigbt pwd nine. Sir.
Ffil. Wefi, bcgsmei; I wiU not noTs Jier.
^^. Peace be wtb yog, Sr. (fiiio/,
i^<i/. i marrel I ^^ar oot of mafber Mreok\ Ik lent mc
wm^ pi ftay wittan: I like his m«iy iviell. Oh, haa
he comes.
Enter FonJ.
Ferd. *Blefi you, Sk.
/W. Now, mafter ^«*, you ovne ft) fcnow ^JuultaA
pafs'd between mc and'FcTii's mf?.
..i^wv/. Thaiipdeed, Sjr 7f*». js.ray bufiocfi. '
i^s/l Maftcr £r00;t, I will not lie to you ; I ww tt- to*
houfe the hour Ihe appdnted tqe,
.^4- And 7QU fp^ Srf . , .,' ,
Fal. Very ifl-fevour'dly, mailer fir*4.
ffir^. Hov, Sirl fijd 1^ diwKt ^ dctcrnbitiQP ?
iW. No, mafter 5rob(t \ but tiie peaking comuto ^r
hushand,- T[\2&ei ^iro!>ky dw^llffif ^iscootiranl lamm of
jealo»i0e, coip^ j^ the>^l»« pf our encounter, after we
had embrac'd, Ip&U pipteftcd, wdaftitiraefMdwtbe
prplqgue of our comply i «}d at luthflek > nbUc of Jw
companions, thither prorok'd and inftigated, t^ Ms dif-
temper, ^ foiiJTpch IP. jittuch his bcn^fer bis itiJc'a
Eerl Whaii;Tf^ jpg wtn there ?
JFfl/^ WhilclwwtSire. . .
' i^ffra. And did he ieuch ftn* you, and oould xiot fied
you ? . f ^.
The Uerty fVivts of W'^^^f ^67
^td. You Aiall bear. A* goo^ \^ wwld h^ve p^
comes in one miftrds Page^ g?vcs iojteUigcoce of iViTs «>-
pvoBch, (tod i^ ;hef myentiop, yid ^^s Tnfc's ^ 'i-
n^iao,^ they convej'd ^ into 3 bo^-lj^kec.
fffn^. Abudt-lvaJccF^
JW. Yea, a buckrfaaskctt lamm*!! tne in iri(h £>|ifl
fhiits and linocks, focks, foul ftoclji^s, anij gre|i^ nap.
kins, that, tnafter ^imk^ dv^ yf^& d»e nm^^^ftcompQund
^or^. A«i liOiV Iwig lay you thae ?
IW. . Nay, yiou fljtf bfar, mafter firp^i, whw I iiasr
fuSer't}, to fcfvig tj^ jr(yi)afi to o^ for your gopd. Being
thus jCramiTi'd jn liie tjasket, a cpupje of fortTs Jtnsyx^,
|Bsl^*ds, ipere cqJ^'4 forth by rivar njiftrc^ to caify me
in ^ name of fQul doat^ Xp J^aifkttrlaft ^ ^yxaqij^ ufi
.on th^r fliQuldos, xm- ffae je9^ kp^v^ tl^ giailier ip
:the door, who ask'd the^i once or twif:^ wljac they had Jn
their tnsitet; J quakM for fear, Ipft thp juoifticlf )(n9Ve
would havE feareh'd it ; bgt fate^ prt^^ing he Hu^lil \^
.« cifckpld, luM hishand. Wicll, m weet He for a ^(^^
aai w*y went I for foul doatU -, but njarlc. fJfe jpi^ifcj,
mafter Srwki I fijflfcr'd the pangs. pf three ^mjchjs
deaths: f]ift> >n intolerable fright, tq ^ Fleu4e4 % ^
jetloiis rotten beU-ye«JiK; next m fee comi»J«'4 liJ^ a
ppo^ tnibo, in the ofcqmfetTDce fif » peck, hij): to pi^f,
teel to head i and then to be ftopt in, like 3, ^niDg diftij-
lation, with ftinkii^ cloaths that fretted in their own
greafe : think of that, a man of my kidney ; think of
uiat, that am as fubjeft: to heat as butter ; amanofcon-
tinua! diffiilutioo and thaw j it was a miracle to 'fcape
fuSbcation. Ajidin the height of this bath, when I was
more than half ftew'd in grQife like a Dutch difh, to be
thrown into the Themes^ and cool'd glowing hot in that
futge, like a ,horfe-lhoe ; think of that ; hilTing hot -,
tlrink of that, "mafter Brook,
Ford. In good iadnefs, Sr, I am £>rry that for my
s-^diftiaftUn, . . . tUtiit. Marh. tmni.
268 The Mfrry Wh>es ff/* Windfor,
feke you fuffer'd all this. My fuit is then defperate j you*tt
undertake her no more ?
Pal. Maftcr Brook, 1 will be thrown into Etna as I have
been into HamiSy ere I mil leave her thus. Her hus-
band is this monung gone a trirding j I have rcceiv'd fixjm
her anodier endialEe of meeting -, 'vmxt eight and nine is
the hour, mafter Brooi.
• Ford. *Tis paft right already, Sr.
Fal. Is it? I will dien addrds me to my ^ipcnntment.
Cotne to me at your convenient Idfiirc, and you fhall
know haw I fpeed ; and the cxniclurttm Ihall be crown'd
with your enjoying her j adieu, you (hall have her, mafter
Brook ; mafter Brook, you fhail cuckold Ford. (Exit.
Ford. Hum ! ha ! is dus a viflon ? is this a dream ? do
I deep? mafter Ferd^ awake i awake, mafter Fordi
there's a hole made in your beft cou, maOxr F^d; this
*ds to be married! this 'tis to have linnen and budt-
fcaskets! well, I will proclaim my felf what I amj I wit]
now take the Icacher ; he is at my houfc ; he cannot
•fc^ me ; 'ds impoIiaJe he (hould ; he cannot creep ii».
to a half-penny purfe, nor into a pej^icr-box. But Idtthe
devil that girides him fliould aid him, I will fe^ im-
poflible places ; tho' wh^ I am I cannot avcnd, yet to be
•vrhat I would not ihall not make me tame : if I hare
homs to make one mad, let the provqb go wkh me, I'll
hehom>mad. iExit,
Ibe Mtrry ff^et of Witidfor. 269.
P A o E*J Hoiife.
Enter Mifirefi Page. Mftrefs Quickly, and William-.
Mn. Pace.
IS he 4t Vb. For^% already, think'ft thou?
Sluick. Sure he is by this, or will be prefcntly j but
truly he is very courageous mad about his chrovnr^ into
riic water \ Mn. Fer/defires you to come luddenly.
Mis. P^e. I'll be with her by and hy, 1*11 but bring
my young man here to {chool. Look where his . maftes
comes ', 'ds a planng-day I fee. How now. Sir Hugbf
no i^ool to-day i
Bnttr Evans.
Eva. No I m^«.T Siaider'a 1^ the boys leave to play.
^c. Bleffing of his heart !
i3ix%. Page* S\s Hugh, my husband b.j% my fon profits
nothing in uie w(H-ld at his book i I pray ymi, ask him
fome queftions in his accidence.
Eva. Come hither," f^Iliam, hold up your head,
Mrs. Pttge. Come (hi. Sirrah, hold up your, head i an-
fwer your maftcr, be not afraid.
Eva. fniSam, how many numbers is in nouns ?
miL Two.
^V. Truly, I thought there had been one number inoie»
bccaufe they uy, odd s nowns.
Eva. Peace your tatUngs. What is Fdwr, IfiSiam?
ma.Pukbfr. _'.." ' .'.. ,.
270 • The Merty Wmts »f ^iaiSxt
Sju. Poukasf tlm ire Aim things dun poulcati,
Eva. You are « very fimpEdtv 'omanj I pray you.
^«. A ftonc. - . ,
Em. And what is a ftone, HWani ?
»7/?. A pebble.
Eva. No, it is Lapts: I pray you remember in your
ira. tapii.
Eva. Tliat is agocd.»5ffia».- what is he, meam.
that does lend articles ? *
Win. Articles, arc borrow'd of the pronoun, and be thus
decljn'd, Jingulariter nosmUttivOy bic, bac, boc.
Ev». Nambtativtty ir^, bag, bog; pray you, mark-
pmths, btijm: welli what is your acmfifivc cart !
mil. Accufaliix, bine. /
E'ja. I pray you, have your remembrance, child': «.
tvfalhe., bmtjy bang, bog.
^c. Hang hog is Latm for baCon, I Warrant you.
Eva. Leave your prabbles, 'oman. What is the /to
tlvt cafi, Wllitamf •'
mk O, vocattvOy O.
Eva. Remember, IPllllim, ficativi is' Orel.
^c. And that's a good root.
Sva. 'Oman, foitear. '
t/b3.P^. Peaile.
Eva. What is your genitive eafithtfOi, tVlBiaK?
ma. Genitive cafi!-
Eva. Ay.
n^. Genirioa, behmn bantm, bemm.
§uic. 'Venmance of Ginefi c^ej fc on herl tette
name her, diiid, if Ihe be a whore.
Eva. For flume, 'oman.
»*. Tou do ill to sach the child foch woKjj' he
taaxa Mm lohick and to hack, which theylL do m
enouglrof themklKav aid tocsffl horum; be upon you!
Eva. 'Oman, act thou lunacies I luft thou no undei^
The Merty ff^htr «f Wthdft>r. iyi
ft^iding^ for diy caib, aiid^ nundxn of tlW geMkfs ?
tym vt as foolUh chi^l^ dreatares as I Would defite.
Mrs. Page. Pr'ythee, hold thy peace.
Eva. Shew me now, H^Uiimt fome dedenfAiti of your
. mU. ForiboA, 1 haTB fbrgM.
Eva. It is ffw,' fK^, ^rfj if you' fergw your }«*,■
youF. j««Si, and your qmds, you mi^ be preedm : g^
yota: ways and fday, g».
. Mrs. Pt^. Ht aa better fcholor than I didughe he"
Eva. He 13 a good Iprag memory*- S^rtwtl, Mi& ^^A
tAa.Page. AdiBd,.goodr ^ M^^ . Get you Hoihe,
tWjr- Comev woftayooolong; - [Eiaiait.
:_'FOnJ-r Hoaje^ ["
/■fl^. TV^ Iftrcft f flr<^, your, forrow- hath-eawi- m^ my luf-
, .-l"* fcfahciif ;, I fee you are ofcleQuious in your love.
e you a
dtid F proftfs: requital to a h^Vs bfeadoi, riot onfy^ miffreli
Pbrdj ifl the fimple office of love,, hut in aU' the.accou-
fltement, compfettient, and'ctzemopyof it. Bat are you
fliif' of your husband'now ?
Mrs, i'flfi/.' Sfe's a larding, fweet^ ^ir John.
Mrs. Page. Ji^Ifiw.} What hoa,-goffip Ford! what
Mis. Ford. Step into th'- diaenbtt, Sa Jebn.
Enter Mfirefs Page.
Mn:P<^ "Haw nowi fmet Heafti w)io*4tt'h(»ne4}e-
MatytfOtUiff' '
■ MK:Bard* ^%y-, none but nnRe- t^rn p«eiile,
Mrs. Ptff ^. Indeed ?
ay a. Ihi Meny Wpoes of Windfor.
Mn< ^^^- 1^0 certaioly.^— ^Spedc louder.
Mrs. Fiige. Truly, -1 am fo £^ you have no bodjf"
MK.Fpr<i. Why?
Mrs, Page, Why, woman, your hudjand is m his old
lunes again ; he fo takes on yonder widi my hnsband, fo
rails ag^inft all married mankind, fb curies s^\.Et2t*%
dai^htcrs of what «;x)niplexion foever, and fo bufica Iob^
lelf on the fore-head, crying peer-out, pcer-xmt^ that -any
madnels I ever yet .beheld fcem'd but tamends^ dvility
and padence to this dtftemper he is in now; I am glad shs
&t Knight is not here.
Mts.Ford. Whyr doeshe talk of.hnn?. .- .
' Mrs. Pt^e. Of none but him, and fWearahe Was tairy*^
out, the laft time he fcarch'd for him, in a basket ; pro-
teftrto my husband he is now here, and hath drawn hini
and the rat of thcar company from thdr Iport, to make
another experiment of his fmpicion ; but I am glad the
Kn^c is not here ; now he mail ice his own foo&y.
Mn. Ford. How near is he, nuftrets P^t f
Mrs. Page; Hard by, at flzeefB end, he irill be here
Mrs Fhrd. I am undone, the Kiug^t is here,
Mrs. P<^e. Why then thou art utteriy Iham'd, and he's
but a dead man. What a woman ait you } away inth
him, away with him ? ' better Ihame than murther.
Mrs. Ford. Which way Should he go? how Ihould X
beftow him ? fhall I put him into the oasket i^gain ?
£nter FalftaE
Fai. No, rU come no more i* th' bosket : may I not
go out ere he OHne i
Mrs. P«r. Alas, alas, three of maftcr Ferd*s brazen
watch the door with fnflols, that none Ihoutd iffiie out,
otherwtfe you ai^ flip cic be came : but what nu^e
you ben !
b, Google
TU Merry Whies cf Windfor. 273
Fai. What IhaU I do ? I'll creep up into the chimney.
Mr. Ford. There they always u(e 10 difcharge thdr
txr^r^-^eccs ; creep into the kill-hole.
Fal. When; is it?
Mrs. Ford. He mil fcek there, wi my word : neither
pre&, coffer, chelV, trunk, well, inult, but lie hath an ab-
ftraft for die remembrance of fuch placci, and goes to
than by lus note ; there is no hiding you in the noufe.
Fil. I'll go out then.
Mrs. Ford. If you go out in your own fcmblance, you
die, Sr Jebity unlefs you go out dilguis'd. How nughc
wcdl%uile him?
Mra, Pi^e. Alas-the-day, I know not -, there is no
woman's gown tng enough for lum, otherwiie he might
put on a hat, a muftier, and a kerdiief, and fo efcapc.
Fal. Good heart, devife fomeching ; any extremity ra-
ther than mifchief.
Mrs. Ferd. My maid's aunt, the ht woman of Brain-
fordy has a gown above.
Mrs. Page. On my word, it will fcrve him i ihe's as
t»g as he is, and there's her'thrumb hat, and her mufBer
too. Run' up, Sa John,
Mrs. Fordi Go, go, fweec Sir John, miftrels P^ and
I will look Ibme linoen for your head.
Mrs. P(^*. Quick, quick, we'll come drcfi you ftraight;
put on the gown the while. [Exit FalftafT.
Mrs. Fa:d. I would my hudtand woukl meet him in
tlus flu^ i he cannot abide the old woman cX Brainford',
he fwears {he's a wiKh, forbad her my houTe, and bath
threaten'd to beat her.
Mrs. P^e. Heav'n guide him to thy husband's cudgel,
and the devil guide his cudgel afterwards !
Mrs. Ford. But is my husband coming ?
Mis. Page. Ay in good ladnels is he, and talks of the
basket too, however he hath had intelligence.
Mrs. Feri. We'll try that j for I'll appoint my men
to carry die basket ^ain, to meet him at the door mdi
it, as uiey did lad time.
Vol. I. T Mrs. '
c,q,z.<ib, Google
S74 ^ Merry TPhis if Windlor,
Mrs. Pt«e. Nay, but he^ll be here prefoufy i let's go
iic& him like the incch of Sraiirferd.
Mrs. Ferd. I'H firft diicd: my men what they fluU do
with the basket ■, gp up, FU bring linnen for Mm ftr^^
Mrs. Page. Hang mm, dilhoneft varkt, we cannot
mifufe htm enough-
'We'll leave a proof, by that which wc will do.
Wives may be merry, and ^et honeft too.
We do not aA, that often jeft and laug^ :
'Tis old but trae, ftiU fmne eat all the dm^.
Mrs. Ford. Go, Sin, take the basket ^ain on your
fhoulders ■, your mailer is hard at door ^ if he Ud you
let it down, obey him : qisckly, difpatdi.
[ExeiM Mrs. Page aiii Mrs. Fond,
EKter fervMts with tbt baskit.
1 Sert/. Come, come, take up.
2 Serv. Pray heav*n it be not full of the Knight q^
I Strv. I hope not. I had as hef bear fo much lead.
Enter Ford, Shallow, Page, Caius and Enn.
Ford. Ay, but if it prore trae, maftcr Page^ have you
any way then to unfool me a^an ? fet down the basket,
■nUain % fomebody call my w% : youth in a be^et ! oh,
you panderiy lafc^ ! there's a knot, a gang, a pack, a
eon^acy againft me; now fiudl the dewl be fham'd.
What, wife, I fay; come, come forth, behold nditt
boneft doaths you fend fordi to bleadiing.
,Page. Why, this paffcs ■, matter Fordi you are not to
go looTe any longer, you muft be pinni<xi*d.
Eva. Why, this is lunaticks { this is mad as a mad dog.
Shal. Indeed, maftcr Fbrdj this is not well, indeed.
Ffirrf. So lay I too. Sir.
Enter MSfirefi Ford.
Cone hidur, miftrda P^d^ (niftrefs Fard, the bauft
, (4 Smbt mlt, t- **^'
Tfx Merry Tf^es of Windsor. 275
vonuoi the moddt wife, tiie ^iituous creacart, that hath
thejcalous fool to her husband : I ru4)e£t without caufe,
miiuefs, do I f
Mrs. Ford. HeaT*n be tny witne& f ou do* if you fiif-
pcft me in any dUhoodty.
Ford. Well iaid, btazai face, bold it out : omiic forrii,
Sirah. IPuliJ tit cloatbi out of the badctt.
Page. This paffes. »
Mrs. Ford. Are you not afliain'd f let the doachs alone.
Ford. I fhall fina you anon.
Eva. *Tis unreafonable \ will you take up your wife'i
deaths ? come away.
Ford. Empty the basket, I lay,
Mn. Ford. Why, man* why — —
Ford. Maftcr Page, as I am a man, riierc was one oon-
ve/dout of my houfeyefterdayinthis basket j why may
not he be there again? in my bouie I am iiire he is ; my
intelligence is true, my jeatouGe is reaTcoable ; pluck me
out dQ the Bnnen.
Mrs. Ford. If you find a man there, he IhaU die a
ilea's death.
Pe^e. Here's no man.
Sbal. By my fideUty, this irnot well, mafler Ford; this
vroi^ you.
Eva, Mafter Ford, you mufl pray, and not follow the
imaanadons of your own heart ; thu b jcaloulies.
Ford. Well, he's not here I feek for.
Page. No, nor no where elfe but in your brain.
Ford. Help to fearch my houfe ttus otte time \ if I find
not what I uek, fhew do colour for my extremity ; let
me for ever be your table-fport ; let them lay of me, as
jealous as Fordy that fearchcd a hollow wall-nut for his
mfc's lenuui. Sausfie me once more, once more feardi
with me,
Mrs. Ford, What hoa, miAnfs Page ! come you and
the fJd womaa down 1 my husband will come into the
T 2 Ford.
(a) Sttftt naif, f- ">•
276 The Merry U^ives of Windibr.
Ford. Old woman! what old woman's that?
Mrs^ Fi>rd. Why, it is my mad's aunt of Brmnford,
Ford. A witch, a quean, an oM cozening quean ; have
1' not forbid her my houfc? ftie comes of errands, does
flic ? we arc fimple men, we do not know what's brou^t
to pafe under the profeffion of foitune-tcUing, She works
by channs, by fpells, by th' figure, and fuch dawbry as
tlus is, beyond our element ; we know nothing. Come
down, you witch, you hag you, come down I fay.
Mrs. Ford. Nay, good fweet husband i good gentlemen,
let him not ftrike the old woman,
Enter Falftaff in women cloatbs, and J\^s. Page.
Mrs. Page. Come, mother Pr«/, come, g^ve me jraiur
Ford. 1*11 Prat her. Out of my door, you witch,
[Beats him.] you hag, you baggage, you [xxilcat, you
runni<Hi ! out, out, out i I'll conjure you, I'll fiMtune-teQ
you. [Exit Fal.
Mrs. Page. Arc you not afliam'd? I think you have
Idll'd the poor woman.
Mrs. Forei. Nay, he will doit; 'tisagoodly credit for you.
Ford. Hang her, witch.
Eva. By yea and no I think the *oman is a witth in-
deed : I like not when a 'oman has a great peard ; I fyf
a great peard under her muffler.
Ford. Will you follow, gentlemen ? I bdeech you, fti-
low i fee but the iflue of my jealoufiej if I cry out dim
upon no trayle, never truft me when I open .again.
Pt^e. Let's obey his humour a litdc finSo- : come,
gendemen. [Exeiat.
Mrs. Page. Truft me, he beat him moft iritifoUy-
Mrs. Ford. Nay, by th' mafi that he dil not j he beat
him moft unpitifiilly, methought. ,
Mrs. i><^. m bare the cudgd h^Iow'd and hung o'er
the altar ; it hath done meritorious Jcrvks.
The Merry Wi'ves of Windlbr. 277
■ Mrs. FerJ. What think you ? may we, with the warrant
of WOTnan-hood, and the witnds of a good confdence,
purfue him with any further revenge ? ■
Mrs. Page. The ^rit of wantonnefs is fure jcar'd out
of him i if the devil have him not in fee-fimple, with fine
and recovery, he will never, I think, in the way of wafte,
attempt us again.
Mis. Ford. Shall we tell our husbands how we have
Mrs. P^e. Yes, by all means ; if it be but to fcrape
the figures out of your husband's brain. If they can find
in thar hearts the poor unvirtuous fat Knight fliall be any
fiirther affifted, wc two wiD flfll be die minifters.
Mrs. Ford. Ill warrant they'll have him publickly
iham'd ; and methinks there would be no right period to
the jcft, (hould he not be publickly fham'd.
Mrs. Page. Come, to the foi^ with it then, fhape it:
I would not have things cool. {^Exeunt.
S .C E N E VI.
Changes to the Garter-Inn.
Enter Hoft and Bardolph.
Bari. CIR, the German defires to have three of your
*-' horfcs 1 die Duke himfelf will be to-morrow at
court, and they aiuung to meet him.
Hofi. What I^flKiould that be comes fo fccretly ? I
hear not of him in the court ; let me fpeak with the gentle-
men ; they fpeak Englijb?
Bard. Sir, I'll call them to you.
Hoft. They fliall have my horfcs, but I'll make them
p«y, I'D lawee them. Th^ have had my houfe a week
at command ; I have tum'd away my other guefts ■, tbey
mxA I 'count off v^ I'll lawcc them, come. [Exeunt.
T 3 S C E N K
3 come off) ,. .§U tdit. Warh. tmind.
278 The Merry If^pves of Windfor.
Changes to Ford'i Hoafe.
Enter Page, Ford, Mp-e/s Page, Mfin/s Ford
and Erans.
£va.'~r^lS one of the beft difcrcdons of a 'oawn ai
A ever I did look upon.
Page. And did he lend you both theft: letters at an kv-
Mrs. Pt^e. Within a quarter of an hour.
Ford, Pardon me, wife. Henceforth do what thou wilt i
I rather will fulpeti the fun with cold.
Than thee with wanionneis ; thy hmour ftands.
In him dut was of late an hcretick>
As firm as faith.
Page. 'Tis well, 'tis well ; no more.
Be not as cxtream in fiibiniffioii
As in offence, but let our plot go ftu^ard :
* 'Let our wives once again, to make Us fpoft*^
Appoint a meeting with this (Jd fat fellow,
"Where we may take him, and difgracc him for it.
Ford. There is no better way thav chat they Cpoke of.
Page. How? to fend him word they'll mett him in
the jjark at midnight ? fie, fie, he'll never come.
Eva. You fay he hath been thrown into -riw river ; and
h^s been grievoufly peaten, as an dUftnian } methinks
there fhould be terrors in him, thatWmouId not come;
methbks his fiefh is punifh'd, he IhaH have no delircs.
Page. So think I too.
Mrs. Ford. Devife but how you'll ufc him when he
comes ;
^\nd let us two devile to bring him thither. [hunter,
Mrs. page. There is an old tale goes, that Heme the
4 Let our wirei
Yet once again 10 make us paUick Tport,
T$e Merry Jflves of Wmdfbr. 379
ScKnedme a keeper in our tVindfor foreft.
Doth all the winter-time at IKll of midnight
Walk round about an Oak, with ra^;ed horns,
And there he blalb the trees, and takes the cattle.
And makes milch-kine yield blood, and ^akes a chain
In a moft hideous and dreadful manner.
You've heard of fuch a fpirit, and well you know
The fuperftitious idle-headed Eld
Receiv*d, and did deliver to our age
This tale of Heme the hunter for a truth.
Pi^f. "Why, yet there want not many that do fear
In deep of ni^t to walk by this Heme's Oak %
But what of this ?
Mrs. Ford. Many, this is our device.
That FaS^tag at that oak fhall meet with us.
We'll fend him word to meet us in the field
Difguis'd like Retne with huge homa on his head.
Pa^e. Well, let it not be doubted but he'll come.
And n tfcis Ihape when you have brought him thither.
What fhall be done with him ? what it your plot?
Mrs. pj^^. That likewife we havethou^t upon, and
Jfan Page^ (my daughter) and my little fon, [thus:
And three or four more of thdr growth, we'll drcfi
like urchins, ouphes, and ^ries, green and white.
With rounds of waxen tapers on their heads*
And rattles in their hands -, upon a fudden,
As Falftafft fhe, and I, are newly met,
Let them from forth a Jaw-pt rufh at once
With fomc diffiifed ' long : upon their figjit^
We two in great amazednefs wifl fly i
Then let them all encircle him about.
And * 'like to i^ries^ pinch the unclean Knight j
And ask him why, that hour of fjury-revel.
In their fo facred paths he dares to tread
In fhape profane i
Mrs. Ford. ' And 'rill he tell the truth,
T 4 Let
(a> I>ifiv(kl hire ma»i, wild, iir^uUr, exinvapBt. Wmri.
; &iry like co
2 So The Mmj Wives of Wind£>r.
Let the fuppofed Juries jancb him round.
And bum mm with their tapers.
Mrs. Page. The truth bcuig known,
WeH all prefent our feivcs j dif-hom the {pintf
And mock him home to Windfor.
Ford. The children mull
Be praftis'd well to this, or they'll ne'er do*t.
Eva. I will teach the children their behaviours ; and I wifl
be like a jack-a-napcs alfo, to bum the Knight wixh my
Ford. This will be excellent. I'U go buy them vizards.
Mrs. Page. My Nan Ihall be the Queen of all the &ines %
Finely attired in a robe of white.
Page. That filk will I go buy, and in that * 'drc^
Shall Mr, Slender fted my Nan away, [j^fidt.
And marry her at Eaton. Go, fend to Faljiaff 9a^^t.
Ford. Nay, I'll to him again in the name of Brook ; he'll
tell me all his purpofe. Sure he'll come.
Mrs. Page. Fear not you thatj go get ua properties
and tricking for your fairies.
Eva. Let us about it, it is admirable pleafurcs, and
ferry honeft knaveries. [Exeunt Page, Ford atid Evans.
Mrs. Page. Go, Mrs. Ford^
Send Richly to Sir Jobay to know his mind.
{Exit Mrs.'BoTd.
I'll to the DoAor ; he hath my good mlJ,
And none but he, to many with Nan P^e.
That Slender^ tho* well landed, is an ideot ;
And ' 'him'' my husband bcft of all affedls:
The Doftor is well mony'd, and his friends
Potent at court j he, none but he fliall have her,
Tho' twenty thouCmd worthier came to crave her. [Exit.
d lime ■ > . *lit4it. thtti. tmtnd, j he
b, Google
Tie Merty Wives of Windibr. 281
^e Garter-InD.
Ef^er Hoft md Smple.
//^.lj(7Hac wouldft thoti hare, boor ? whit, dudc-
▼ V skin? Q>eak, bretche> difcuisi brief, Jhort,
qinck, fiiap.
Sim. Many, Sir, I come to Ipeak with Sr Jelm Fal-
Pb^ from Mr. SUnder.
■ Hefi. There's lus chamber, his houfe, his cafUe, his
ftanding-bed and trudde-bed ; 'tis painted about with the
ftoiy of the prodigal, fieih and new; go, knock and call ;
he'll fpcak Utte an anthropophag^nian unto dice : kqock, I
Siw^. There's an old wnnan, a fax. woman gone up
into his chamber i I'll be fo bold as ftay. Sir, 'ciU fhe
come down ; I come to fpeak with her indeed.
Hefi. Ha! a ^t woman ? the Knight may be rtdib'd :
I'll call. Bully-Knight! bully-Sr>to/ Ipeak from diy
lungsmiUtary: anmou cbete? it istluneht^, d^£^^
jKm * calls.
Sxter FaiOaff.
Fak How now, mme hoft?
H^. Here's a Sf/vawon-T'dr/dr tames the coming down
of thy &c woman: letlierdelcend, bully, let her dacend \
my chambers arc hMiourd)lc. Fie, jwivacy? fie!
Fal, There was, mine hoft, an old fat woman even
now with me, but fhe's gone.
Sin^. Pray you, Sr, wa^t not the Trile woman of
Fat. Ay mairy was't, muftle-Jhell, what would you
Sa^. My msUter, Sir, my mafto- Slender fent to her,
(k) JZr mtMi ttjiff, iUm* E^iefiioa.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
8*2 TheMeny Wvfffs of Wirtdfor.
iedng her go thro' the fireet, toknow, %, whedKrone
Nym, Sir, that beguil'd him of a chan, had the chan,
orno. . '
fal. 1 fpake with the old woman about it, .
Sir^. And what fcys flje, lpray,'Sfa-?
Fal. Many, Ihe fays, that the; very lame man that be-
guil'd mafter SkitSer rf his chain cozen'd him of it.
.; Simp. I would I could hrrc fpokcn with tHc WMnan
Mrfetf; I had other things bo ha*c ^ken with her too
from him.
Fd. What. are they ? lot as know.
Hoft. Ay, come', quick.
- Simp. I miy,ooc conceal them, £3r?
. Heji. ConoeiLthem, • 'and^ thou dy*ft.
Siiop. Wh]E; Sir, they woe nothit^ but aboiR miftrefi
^MK P^i?, iCd jceow tEitweremymaf&r'sfGbrtidiCKihaw
her or no.
:- iwA 'Tbi'iis'Hsfortuno. _ > • ■
...Sia^. .What, Sir?
FaL ToJwee her, or ju: gav Siy the woman toU
iotft. ■-■■.-■■
. Simp. "916x^.1 be fo bold tb % &, Sir?
. Hilt. Ay^ Si6[% iike wtho more hold.
Simp. I thank your worihip i I fliall make my m^r.
glad with thcfeddings, . [£w/ Simple.
Heft. Thou art darkly^ thou ait darkly. Sir J^z
was there a wife woman with thee ? ■
Fal. Ay, th^ theie was, mine hoft, me that fulh taught
me more wit than ewr I leani'd before in my Hjc •, and I
paid notlung fat it neither, but was pud ^ my Icanui^
Enter ^rdolph.
Sari. Oi*, alas, Sr, cozenage! mftr cozenage !
. /foAWhere.bemyhorfesf fp^wdlofthem.Tarlttto!
Sari. Run sw^ wth the cozenersj for fo foon as I
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Ihe Merty Whes tf Win6ibr. 283
came beyond Eatotiy thcf threw me ofFfrom behind one of
them in a llot^ of mire, and tqt (pant and away ; lilce
three German devils, three Dodor Fauftus'i.
H^. They are gooe but to meet tiK Duke; villan, do
noc Jay they be fled i.^DMiu are hooeft men.
Extir Evans.
Eva. Where Is npoe hoft ?
Hiffi. What is the matter, Sir ?
Eva. Have a care, of your entertainments \ there is a
fiicnd o! mine come to town tells me there is three cozeo-
jamans that has cozen'd all the hofls of Readaiey of Mai'
denbead, dCoUbreok, of bodes and money. I tell you
fat good will, look you ; you are wile, and fijll of ^xf
and rloudng-ttocks, and 'tis not convenient you iboutibc
CD^eocdi &re you weU. ' {Esat.
Enttr Qxm.
Cam, Ver is mine hoft de Jartert T
Heft. Here, mafter Doftor, in perplexity and doubifij
Caiui. I cannot tell vat is dat i biit it is tdl-a me, dat'yott
make a grand prroararion for a Duke de Jamatjy ; by my
trot, dere is no Duke, dat de court is know, to come : I
tell you for good mil j adieu. [£«/.
Heft. Hue and cry, villain, go ; afitft me. Knight, I
am undone ; By, run, hue and cry ! villain, I am undone.
FaL I would all the world mJ^t be cozen'd, fw J have
been cozened and beaten too. Iflt ihould come to the ear
of the court how I have been transfonned, and how my
transformation hath been waOi*d and cudgd'd, they woold
melt me tAit of my fat, drop by drop, and liquor filhcr-
mens boots with me. I warrant they would whip me
mth their iine wits, 'till I were as creft-faln as a dry'd
pear. I never profper'd fincel foriworc myfclf at Primero.
Well, if my wind were but long cnou^ to laymyprayers,
I wotdd repent. Now, whence come you?
284 T6^ Merry Wives of Windfor.
S C E N B X.
Enttr Miftrtfs Quckty.
^mc. From the two parties, forfooth,
Fj/. The devil take oqc party, and his dam the other,
and fo they ihdl be both beftow'd. I have fuffcr'd more
for their lakes,' more than the ^^ainous inconftancT' of
man's difpontion is able to bear.
^c. And have not they fufFcr*d? yes, I warrant, ^
ciouuy CMic of them i miftrefe Furi, good heart, is beaten
black and blue, that you cannot fee a white fpot about her.
f«iWhatteIl*ft thou meof black and blue? Iwas beaten
my felf into all the colours of the rm-bow ; and I was 13te
to be apprehended for thewitdi aS Brainford; but that my
admirable dexterity of wit, countcrfoting the aftion of * 'a
wode^ woman, dcliver'd me, the knave conftable had let
me i' th' ftocks, i' th* common ftocks, for a witch.
§^c. Sir, let mc fpeak with you in your chamber, you
Ihall hear how things go, and, I warrant, to ]rour con-
tent. Here is a letter will lay fomewhat. Good hearts,
what ado is here to bring you together! fure one of you
does not fcrve heav'n well, that you are fo crofc'd.
Fd, Come up into my chamber. [Exeunt.
Enter Fenton and Hoft.
Hojl. Mafter Faiteny talk not to me, my mind is heavy,
I will give over all.
Ftni. Yet hear me fpeak ; afSft me in my purpole.
And, as I am a gentleman, I'll ^ve tliee
A hundred pound in gold more than your lofs. '
Hafi. I will hear you, mafter Ftnten % and I will, at
the Icaft, keep your counfeL
Fent. From time to nme I have acquainted you
With the dear love I bear to fair Ame Pa^e,
9 an old . . . cldtJit. 1h**h. tmtnd.
I z__iv,Goog[c
Jitf Mmy Whes of Windfor. 285
Who, mutuaUy, Wh anfwer'd my afiefUcm,
(So iax forth as her {elf might be her diufer)
Ev'n to my wifli. I have a letter from her
Of Xudi contents, as you will wonder at «
The mirth whowf *s io larded with my matter.
That ndther fingly can be manifefted.
Without die Ihew «^ both. Fat Sir Jebn Fa^aff
H^ a great tiiene -, the image of the jdt
m ftiew you here at large. Hade, good nunc hoftj
To-raght at Heme's oak, juft 'tWBrt twelve and one,
Muft my fweet Nan prefent the f^ry (>jeen j
Thcpurpofe why, is here; in which d^uife.
While other jefts art fbmething rank on foot.
Her father hath commanded her to flip ■
Away with Slender^ and with him at Eaten
Immediately to marry i fhe hath confentcd. — Now, Sr,
Her libther, ever {fating againft that matdi,
And firm for Doftor Cmus, hath appointed
That he fhall likcwife Ihuffle her away.
While other fports are tasking of their minds,
And at the Deaniy, where a prieft attends,
Str^g^t marry her; To this her mother's plot
She, feemingly obedient, likewife hath
Made promife to the Doftor. — Now, thus it refts \
Her father means Ihe fhall be all in white.
And in that drefs when Slender Ices his cmc
To take her by the hand, and bid her go.
She fliall go with him. — Her mother hath intended.
The better to devote her to the Doftor,
(For they mult all be mask'd and rizarded)
That, quaint in green, Oie (hall be loofc enrob'd.
With ribbands-pendant, flaring 'bout her head ;
And when the Doiftor ^es his vantage ripe
To pinch her by the hand, ' 'upon that token^
The maid hath giv'n confent to go with him.
Hojt. Which means ftic to deceive ? father or mother?
. /^»f/. Both, my good hoit, to. go along ^ch met
I and on thit Uiken
l86 7$* Hetrj W'foes of Win<lfbf.
And here it reCh, that you'll procure tte vicar
To ftay for me at diurdi, 'tmxt twelve and one.
And in the lawful name of marrying.
To gjve our hearts united ceremony'.
Hofi. Well, huslmnd yoordencci 1*11 to the wear.
Bring you the m^d, you Ihall not lack a pricft
Fatt. So fhall I evennorc be bound to thee ;
Beiide, I'll make a prdent rccompence. \ExeuM.
Re-mter FdStaff and ASftrtfs Quiddy.
Fal. Fr'ythce, no more pratUna i go, I'll hold. Thii
is the tlurd time; I hope good lu^ lyes in odd numbers \
away, gOi they &y there is divimty in odd numbers, ei-
ther in natinty, chance, or death-, amy.
^mc. I'll provide you a chain, and I'll do what I can
to get you a pair of horns. [Exit Mrt. Quickly.
Fal. Away, I lay, time wears: hold up your head tnd
Enter Ford.
How now, mafter Brook? mafter Brook, die matter will
be known to-ragjit, or never. Be you in the park about
mid-mg^t at Heme's oak, and you fhall feewcmets.
Fori. Went you not to her yefterday. Sir, as you told
me you had appointed?
Fd/. 1 Went to her, mailer Breokf as you fee, like a poor
old man ; but I cane from her, mafter Brookj tike a 000*
old woman. That^fame knave, Ford her husband, nadi
the fineft mad devil of jealoufie in him, mafter Brook, that
ever govem'd frenzy. I will tell you, he beat me ^e-
voufly intheJhapeofawoman, forindieihape of a man,
mafter Brook, I fear not Geliah with a weaver 5 beam j be-
caufe I know aUb life is a fhuttle ; I am in hafte ; go
along with me, I'll tell you all, msRer Brook. SincKl
ptuckt geefe, play'd truant, and whipt top, I knew Aot
wtet 'twas tQ be beatcni 'till lately. Follow me, I'll tell
c,q,z.<ib, Google
The MttJ Wivea .pf Wioclfor. aft?
yon ftrai^ thuigl of chis Icnarc Ftord^ (Kwbatn tiM%hc
I will be rwfeng'd, and { will delicnT his. wife kitD-. four
hand. FoUowft QtiAg6 thingt k lund^ mtAeT.Bn^\
follpw. [£Mimt.
Windfor-Pftrk. ■ .
£«f«rF^eh Shallow W Slender.
COME, comci we'U touch i' th' calH&^ttlv 'till
we fee the lighcof our ^iiici. Remftnber, fitoSikr-
(/fr, my dauditer.
SitH. Ay HMfoom, I hare ^x^ nieh her, »dwef*ve
a iu;-woFd how to know one another. I come to her in
white and cry mum, ihe cries budget, and by that we
know one another.
Stal. That^ good too t but what needs either your
mum, or her budget ! the white wUl dedpba her wcU
eaoo^. It hath ftruck ten a-dodc.
Psgt. The lug^t is dark, light and f|xrits inll become
it weU ; heav'n profper our fport ! No * 'onc^ means enl
but the de^, and we Ihall luiow him by his horns. Let's
away; follow me. [Extunt*
S C E N. E II.
Mnier Mifirefs Page, Mfirefs Fon^ aai Caius.-
Msi.fagt. Mr. Doftor, my daughter is hi ff«ft*
when ywi fee yow tittje,'4afce her by Ae hand, iway Witfc
her t0 ^ Deatiry, »d dl^Btdi it qmcfcly ; go brffere Sft*
to the park i m two mt^ go together.
% min .... aU44it. /r»kt»tnJ. ■ ■ ■--
^88 ni Merry f^pves tf V/iaifoz.
: Cmu. I know vat I hsve to-do ; adieu. [Sxit.
Mrt. Ptff. Fare you well, Sir. My husband wffl noc
rgcioe &> much at ttw abde of Faifiaffy as he will diafe
AC the po^bx-'s matryin^ my dau^iter : but 'tis no mu-
ter ; bettet a litde chiding, than a great deal of heart-
Mrs. Ford. Where is Nan now, and her tioop of fe|.
lies, and the fTtkb devil ' 'Evatu?'^
Mrs. Pare. They are aU couch'd in a pt had by
Hertu's Oak, mth obfcur'd lights ; which at die very in.
flam of Fayiaff*saad our mectmg diey mil at onoc dif-
play to the ni^t.
Mrs. Ford. That cannot diufe but amaze him.
tAts. Page. If he be not amaz'd he mil be mockM i if
he be anuz'd he will be mock'd.
Mn. Ferd. We'll betray him finely.
Mn. Pt^t. Ag^ift fuch lewdfters, and thdr kachety,
Tbofe that betray them do no treachery.
Mrs. An^. The hour draws oot tocheOak, totheOak.
Enter Evans and Fatries.
EiM. Trib, tnb, fWies; come and remember your
parts : be pold, I ^ay you, follow me into the pit, and
^icn I rive the watdi-'t^ds do as I pid you: comrv
oomci tnb, trib. lEneiM,
J5 C E N E in.
Enter Falltaff, witb a Suck*s bead on.
Fai. The fTtndfir beU hadi ftruck twelve, die minute
draws on j now the hot-blooded gods affift me I Remem-
ber, yove, thou waft a bull for diy Europai love fct on
tl^ boaa. Oh powcrfol love! diat in fome.rc^ieas
wuu$ a beaft a man i in Ibme otha, a man a beaft. You
wereaUb, Jt^ter^ a fwaa, for the love of Lsda: oh
omnipotent love I how near the god drew to the com-
I Btrntr . . . tUtdi/, Oai. twmd.
Tit Mmy Wvues trf Windfor. 289
tJe^n of 3 goofe ! A &ult done firft in the form of a
beaft, O Jvae^ a beaftiy fault ; and then another &ult in
the femblance of a ft»wl ; think on't, Jew, a foul feuk.
"When gods have hc« backs, what lliall poor men do ?
for me, 1 am here a Wtndjor flag, and the fatteft, I
diink, i' th' foreft. Send me a cool rut-time, "Jvue^ or
who can blame me to pifs my tallow ? who cbmefi hete ?
ffiy doe ?
Enter MJirefs Ford and Mijlrefs Page.
Mrs. Ford, Sir Jobn? art thou there* my deer? my
Fai. My doe with the black fcut ? let the sky rain po-'
tatoes, let it thunder to the tune of GreethSkeveSt aaH
kifiu^-comfits, and iiiow etingoes ; let there come a tem-
pcft of provocation, I will fliekcr me here. . ■ ;
Mrs. Ferd. Miftreis Fi^e is come with- me, fwecc
FaL Divide me hke a * ''bribe-buck,'' each a haunch ;' I
inll keep my Cdes to my felf, my (houlders for the fel-
low of this walk, and my horns I bequeath your hus-
bands. Am I a WDOdmai, ha ? Speak I like f^erxe the
hunter? why, now is^Cupid a child of confcience, he
makes rdtitutitxi. As I am a true fpirlt, welcome.
[NoJfe wilbin*
Mrs. Page. Alas! what ndiSt ?
Mrs. Ferd. Heav'n for^ve our fins I
Fal. What Ihould this be ?
Mrs. Ferd. Mrs. Page. Away, away.
[The wmen run out:
Fal. I think th? devH will not have me damn'd, left
the oil that is in me fhould kt hell on fire ; he ' ''would
never'' elfe crols me thus.
A brib'd-budt, . . , MeJit. Tifoi. rataJ.
5 Dcvei would
ago The Meny f^rves ef Win(ifbr.
S p E N E IV.
■ Enter Sir Hugh dreft Uie a Satyr, Quickly and othen
tikt FairieSi With tapers.
. ^c. Fairies, black* gray, green, and whte.
You moon-fhine revellers, md fhades of night.
You " 'ouphen^-Jieirs of fixed deftiny.
Attend your office, and your quality.
Crier h(^^bUn, make die fiury o-yes.
£va. Elves, lift your names ) fUence, you airy tofs.
[To beJfokeH with a Wcldi dtcent.
Cricket, to Wind/or chimneys fli^ thou leap*
Where fires thou find'ft unrak'd, and hearths unfwept.
There pinch the maids as blew as bilbcry.
Our radiant Queen hates fluts and fluttery.
Fal. They're feiries, he that ipodts to them fliall die.
I*U wink and couch; no man their works mull eye.
[Lyes down upon ins Faa.
Eva. Where's Bedef go you, and where you find t
maid , [fFith a Wdch aeeent.
That ere the fleep huh thrice her prayers lakl>
* 'Rdn^ up the organs rf her fentafie.
Sleep fhe as found as carelefs infancy !
But thole that fleep and think not on thar fins.
Finch them, arms, 1^, backs, Ihoulders, fides and fhins.
^c. About, ^uti
Search fVtndfor caftle, elves, within and out.
Strew good ludc, ouphes, on every lacred room.
That it may ftand 'tifl the perpetual doom,
* In* Titc^ as wholfome, as in ftaie 'tis fit;
Worthy the owner, » 'as"^ the owner it.
The feveral chairs of Order look you Icour
With juice of balm and ev'ry precious flow'r j
Each &ir Jnftalment, coat ami fev'ral crelt,
~ 6 drpbni '. .'. tIdiMt. Warl.tmnJ.
7 Raife . . . tUidit. If'mrh. mind.
8 Que 9 and ■ ■ - •Utiit. Wta-l. tmni,
llVkh loyal blazon CTermore be bdeft I
And n^dy-meadov'&iries, look you fin^
Ijke to the Gitrf ^-compaJs, in a ring :
Th* ezprelTure that it bears^ gfeen let it tjr.
More fertile frefh thin all the field to fee j
And, Hony Sett ^i Mai-j-Penfe writcj
In cmrold-tuffs, flow'rs purple, blue and white,
Ijke laphire-pearl, and rich embroidery, \
Buckled below fair Knight-hood's bending knee ; »
Fairies ufe flow'rs for their charaftcry. j
Away, difperie } but 'till 'tis one a dock
Our dance of cuftom round about the Oak
Of Btnie the huitter kt us not foi]gct.
Eva. Lo(^ hand in hand, your fclves in order fet :
\mtb a Wediaccem^
And twenty gltiW^wOrtns ihall oUr lanthoms be
To guide our mea£jre round about the tree.
But ftay, I iineJl a man of nuddle earth.
Fal. Heav'ns defend me from that ff^ekb fiuryj left he
transform me to i piece of chccfe ! pMthv
£va. ' 'Vile^ wortn, thou waft q'er-iook'd even in tl^
^ick. 'With tryal-fire touch me his finger end ;
tf he be chafte, the fiame vnH back delcend
And cum lum K) no p^ -, but if he ftait^
It is die fltfh of » corrupted heart
Eva. A tryali opme.
{Tbq hat him ^mth their iaf&Si ixJ pitied hiMi
OxKf will this wood take fire?
iW. Ohj oh^ oh!
^gic. Comqx, comipc, ahd tainted Hi AtGn t
About turn, mies, fuig a fixmiful rhime.
And as you trip* ftill [wich hira 10 you: OEn&
thtf S O N G.
Pie mjimpk fhaiai^ :
Fit on kfi aidblxHryi
v» t^
i ViU
292 Tftff Merry PFi'ves of Windfor.
Lttfi is hut '■ '? th* Mood^ ajire.
Kindled with unchafte defire,
' •'Fed in the hearty"" whofe flames ajpire,
jis thoughts do blow them higher and higher.
Finch him^ fairies, mutualfy ;
Pinch him for his villainy ;
Pinch him, and bum him, and turn him about^
*TiU candles, andftar-Ught, and meon-Jbine be out.
{He offers to run out.
S C E N E V.
Enter Page, Ford, 6?f . "They Zay held on him.
Page. Nay, do not fly, I think I've watcht you now ;
VA'ill none but Herne the hunter ferve your turn ?
Mrs, Page. I pray you, come, hold up thcjeft no higher.
Now, good Sir John, how like you Windfor wives ?
See you thefe, husbands ? do not thefe ftir Oaks
[Pointing to the horns.
Become the foreft better than the town ?
Pord. Now, Sir, who's a cuckold now ? mafter Brook,
paljiaff'i A knave, a cuckoldy knave, here are his horns,
mafter Brook'; and, mafter Brook^ he hath enjoy'd no-
thing of Ford'i but his buck-basket, his cudgel, and
twenty pounds of tnony, wJiich muft be paid to mafter
Brook 1 his horfes are arrefted for it, mafter Brook.
Mrs. Pord Sir John, we have had ill luck ; we couM
flevcr meet. I wiU never take you for my love again, but
I will always count you my deer.
Fal: I do be^n to percerve that I am made an afs.
Ford. Ay, and an ox too : both the proofs are extant.
Pal. And thele are not fairies;' 1 was three or four times
in the thought they were not fairies, and yet the guiltinefi
of my mind, * 'with the fiidden furprize^ of my powers,
drove the groflhefs of the foppery into a receiv*d bclid;
in defpight of the teeth of all rhime and reafon, that rfiey
'Z abUtily 3 Feii in btarf,
4 tJu biiiea fiirprizc
b, Google
The Maty PFl'ves of Windfbr. 293
were &iries. See noif how wit itiay be made a jack-a-len^
when 'tis upon ill itnployment.
Eva. Sir John Falfiaff^ ferve Got, and kave your de-
Jires, and femes will not pinfe you.
Ford. Well I^d, fairy Hugh.
Eva. And leave you your jcaloufies too, I pray you.
Ford. I will nevcrmiftruft my wife again, 'tUJ thcru ait
able to woo her in good EngUJb.
Fal. Have \ laid my bran in the fun and dry'd it, that
it wants matter to prevent fo grofs o'cr-reaching as this ?
am I ridden with a ff^ekh goat too ? ihall I have a cox-
comb of frize ? 'tis time I were choak'd with a piece of
toafted cheefe.
Eva. Seefc is not good to g^ve putter ^ your pelly is all
hat. Sccfe and putter? have I liv'd to ftand in the,
taunt of one that makes fiitters oi EngUfi ? this is enough
to be the decay of luft and late-walking, through the realm.-
Mrs. Page. Why, Sir Jobrty do you think, though we
arould hare thruft virtue out of bur hearts by the head
and fboulders, and have g^ven our felves without fcruple
ta hell, that ever the devU could have made you our de-
Ford. What, a hodge-pudding ? a bag of fla;(?
Mts. Page. A puft man ?
: Page. Old, cold, wither'd, and of intolerable entrails?
, Ford. And one that is as flandcrous as S»tan f
Page. And as poor as Job ?
Ford. And as wicked as his wife ?
Eva. And gjven to fornications, and to taverns, ami
lacks and wines and metheglins, and tq drinkings, and
fwcarings, and ftarings, pribbies and pr;J)bles ?
Fal. Well, I am your theme i you have the ftart of
me, I am dejeded ; I ?m nof able to anfwcr the ffeUb
flaimel ; ignorance it fcif is a phimmet o'er me j ule mc
as you wul.
Ford. Marry, Sir, we'll bring you to Wmdfor to one
Mr, Breokt that you have cozen'd of mony, to whom
- ■ U 3 70U
t, . f, Google
894 ^' M-erry Wfves of Windfor.
vou fhould luve been 4 pander: ove* and above that jm
have fuficr'd, I think, to repay that tnofiy will be a Utn^
P<^f. Yet be cheerful, Knt^t, thou ihalt eat a poflct
p-night at my bouTe, where I wiU delire thee to laiv^ at
my wife, that now laug^ at thee. Tell her Mr- Sktider
hath marry'd her daughter.
Mrs. P{^. DoAors doubt that ; if Jntu P^f be |ny
daughRr, me iSf b^ ttis, DoAof Cam's wife.
Enter Slender.
Slat. What hoe! hoe! father Pa;e/
Paie. Son, how now? how now, fpn, have you ^
patch df
Slen. Dilpatch'dP Til make the beft in Gleucf/h-JUrt
kncrw on'c % would I were hai^'d la, cUc.
Page. Of what, fon ?
Slen. I came yonder at EaleK tp marry miltrcfi j^m*
P^ey and fhe'5 a great lubberly bc^. If it had not beeq
i'th* church, I would have fwing'd hiDi, or he fhould have
]mng*d me. If I did not (hink it had been j^tm Pt^e^
would I might never ftii, and 'tis a poft-maftcr*s boy^
Page. Upon my life, then you took the wrong.
SUtt. What need you tell me that? I think fo, when Z
took a boy for a girl : if I had been mairy'd to him, for
all he was in woman's apparel, I would not have had him.
Page. Why, this is your own folly. Did not I tell
you how you ffiould know my daughter hf her garments?
Slen. I went to her in white and ciy'd mum, and Ihe
07'd bpdget, as Atme and I had ^^xnnted, and yet it
was not j&w, but a poft-maftcr^s boy.
Mrs. P^e. Good Geerget be not angiy ^ I knew of
your purpole, tum'd my ^ughter inra green, and indeed
fhe is now with the Dodor at the Deaory, and thcfp
7t» Mtrfy WIkhi tf WintUdr. 495
Mater C^ug.
Ctfor. Ver H miftrds Page^ by gsr, I am cozm'd, I
ha* marry'd oqc garfoon, t boy t one pcfaM, by gar. A
boy-, it is not Jme P^t^ by gar> I am cozen-d.
Mn. P^e, "Why ? did you not take her in green ?
Cmu. Ay, by gar, uA 'cu a. boy ; by gar, Vil raifc
all ;^^n(/''r.
Ferd, TUs if ftraf^: who hath gat die rig^ jtoiff
Pag^, My bean nii^^vcs me \ here comes Mr. Jvs^^?.
£>/fr Fenton and Anne Pagp.
How now, Mr. Fenton ?
Anm. Pardon, good father ; good my mother, pardcm.
Page. Now, miftr^ how chance you went not with
■Mi. Slender?
Mrs. Page. Why went you not with Mr. Dodtor,
Pent. You do amaze her. Hear the truth of it.
You would have mairy'd her moft ihamefiilly.
Where there was no proportion held in love :
The truth is, ftte and I, long fincc contraded.
Are now fo fure that nothii^ can diffolvr us.
Th' oStvcc is holy that Ihe hath committed,
And this deceit lofes the name of craft,
Of di£>bcdience, or unduteous bde ;
Snce therein Ibe dcdi entate and IhuR
A thoufand irreligious curied hours
"Wluch forced marriage would liave brought upon her,
Ford. Stand not amaz'd, here is no remedy.
In love, the heav'ns themselves do guide the flate ;
Mony buys lands, and wives are fold by fate.
Fd. I am glad, tho* you have n'en a fpedal ftand to
ftrike at me, that your arrow hath glanc'd. joy I
Page. Well, what lenicdy? FentoB^ heav'n gprc tbec:
What cannot be efdiew'd, muft he epbtae'd.
U 4 Eva.
ag6 1^ Merry Whes of Windlbr.
E-oa. {70 Fcnton i^^ I will dance and eat plums at
ycoir wedding.
Fd. When night-dogs run, all forts of deer arc chac'd.
Mrs. PBge. Well, I mil mufe no further. Mr. FenfCKt
Hcav'n give you many, many merry days 1
Good husband, let us every one go home.
And laugh this fpon o'er 1^ a country fire,
Sir Jolm and all.
Ford, l^t it be i() 1 — Sir JebH^
To matter Brook you yet Ihall hold your word «
For hC} t<Hn^, &{ill iye widi miftrcls F»nl.
b, Google
VINCENTIO, D«*t «/Vioma.
Aiigelo, Ijff-d-depuQ in tht J)uk^j ahfence.
Elcalut^ ' M MttieMt Lordt Jehu Deputy vntb Angelo,
Ckudio, ayouttg Gtntlmaa.
Lucio, aFantafiui,
•Tivo Gentlmen,
Varriuj, o Gtntlman, Smml U lie Dale.
Piovoft. .' .
Thomas,^ , _ .
„ C two Frtars.
Peter, 5
Elbow, njm^k Omfaik.
Froth, afmlifii Gattkmm.
Cbwn, Scrwm « M"- OvO-lkm.
Abhorfon, ta ExeaUuKr.
^^niardine, a opiate Prifojur,
I&bdb, Sijtir to dbudio.
market, ittnlludwAr^S^
Juliet, bJmid of CUudio.
Ftandlo, " W""-
Mrs. Over-don, a Bmi.
Ciufil, (^tr't ftd dkf JUtaiMS,
m Sun II uiafim GaUo't Nmb. Vic. 8. Nov. 5.
' Pope.
Measure for Measure.
A c T I. 8 c E N E I.
fjiter Duke, E&alus, aid iM'/b.
Efial. My lord,
Z^f.OfGovcnuncnt the properties t*unfi^
I Would feem in me c* afie£t fpecch and difcptnfe I
* Since I am not to know, that your own Satnct.
Exceeds, in th^ the Gfts of 4II advice
Mr ftrengch can gjve you : then no more refnains,
» 'But that to your fumdency you joyn
A will to fcrve us as your worth is jujIc,
And let them work.'^ The nature of our pcopl^
Our city's inftitutions, and the terms
Of common juftice, y'aic as pregnant in.
As art and praftice hadi enricJicdany
That wc rcnember. There is oqr comnuflioft,
I Bat that to yoar fnfficiency joa tSd
Cdc diligency, u your vfonh ii sblej
Aad let them work.
3C0 Measure for Measure.
From wHch we would not have you warp. Call hither,
\To the Mtndatus.
I lay, bid come before us Jbtgtle:
What. figure of us think you he will bear?
For you muft know, we have with Ipecial foul
Elefted him our abfence to fupply ;
Lent Hm our terror, dreft Mm with our bve j
And g?v'n his deputation all the organs
Of our own power: fay, what thiolcyou of it?
EJcd. If any in Vienna be of worth
To undergo fuch ample grace and honour,
Itis lord Jjtgfk- . . ■
Enter Angelo.
Huke. Look whsre he comes.
Ang, Always obedient to your' Grace's will,
I come to know your pleafurc.
Duke. Angeh^
There is a kind of charafler in thy life.
That, to th' obferyer, doth thy hiftory , . ■
Fully unfold : thy felf and thy bclon^gs
Are not thine own fo proper, as to wafte ^
Thy felf upon thy virtues, * 'them^on thee:
Heav'n doth with us, as we.with torches do, ,
Not light them for themfclves : for if our virtues
Did not go forth of us, 'twere • 'all as if ^
We had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd,
But to fine ilTues ■, nature never lends
The fmaljeft fcruple of herexcellenoe.
But, likft a thrifty goddefs, flie determinca
Her fcif the glory of a creditor.
Both thanks, and ule. But I do txnd my fpeech
To one th^t can ♦ 'in my part me advertife \-
HoW therefore, AngtUt \Gmmimthis emmm^.
In oiir remove, be thou at fijU our felf.
2 ther 3 ililu u if 4 m; part in lun adveTtifei
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
MEASORfi for MeaSCRe. 301
Mortality and mercy in yienna
live in thy tongue and heart t old EJciths^
Thou^ firft in queftion, is thy fecondary,
Take thy commiflioni
jhiz- Now, good my lord,
Let there be fome more teft: made of my metal, :
fic^ fo noble and ib great a figure
Be ftampt upon it.
Duke. Come, no more evafion :
We have with a prepar'd and leaven'd choice
Proaeded to you ; therefore take your bonoura.
Our haftc ftom hence is of fo quick cpndifion.
That it prefers it felf, and leaves unqueftion'd
Matters of needful value. We Ihall * 'wiite,^
As time and our conoimings ftiall importune.
How it goes with us, and do look to know
What doth befal you here. So fere you wdl.
Toth' hopeful execution do I leave you ^
Of our commitEon.
Ai^. Yet give leave, my lord.
That we may bring you fomething on the way.
Duke. My hafte may not admit it ■,
Nor need you, on mine honour, have to do
With any fcruplc ; your fcope is as mine own.
So to inforce, or qualifie the law.
As to your foul feems good. Give me your handj
I'll privily away. 1 love the people,
But do not hkc to flsige me to thdr eyes :
Though it do well, I do not relifli well
Their loud applaufe, and Ave*s vehement :
Nor do 1 think the man of iafe difcretion
That does affeft it. Once more fare you well.
jing. The heav'ns ^e lafety to your purpofis !
Efcd. Lead forth and bring you back in luppncfi !
Duke. I thank you, fare you wdi. [Extti
Efial. I Ihall defire you. Sit, to give me leave '
' To have fr«c fpecch with you i and it concerns me . ,
b, Google
iO'i MtAfViM fir MpA«y».Bi
1*0 look into the bottom of my place:
A pow*r I havci but of wh^c fttioig^ and lunve
I am not yet inftnided.
jh^. 'Tis fo with me : let us withdraw togcthe^^
And we may fbon our fatis^dion have
Touching that poiat.
E/eti. rU wait upon your hmourv ' [£jcm»/.
The Street.
iniir Ludo, end tioo Ge«tUmen.
tMcieXP the Duke, with the other Dukes, come not t*
*■ compoGtion with the King o(Hut^ary, why then
Jill the Dukes &11 upon the King.
1 Gent, Heav'n grant u« its peace, but not thcKing dt
tlwigarfi r
iGent. Arfieftf
Liuio. Thou condud'ft like the Jani5Limonious pyrate,
thtt went to fca With the ten commandments, but Icrap'd
one out of the table.
2 Gent. Thou flialt not fteal ?
Ltuio. Ay, that he raz'd.
1 Gent, Why, 'twas a cwnmandmcnt to Command the
captain and all the teft from their functions \ they put forth
to fteal : there's not a foldier (^ us all, that in the thankl^
g^nng ' 'after^ meat ^ 'doth^ relilh the petiticvi well that
prays for Peace.
iGent. I nererheardanyibldierdillike it.
ZjiHo. I bcHeve theei fca- 1 think thou never waft where
grace wai£ud.
2 Gmt. No? a dozen times at leaft.
I Geia. What? in meeter ?
jUtcie. * 'Not in anyprofeQI<Mi,^ or in any language, * 1
think, or in any rdiig^.^
- 6 before 7 ^0
8 la any proponioa,
9 I GtMt. 1 think, flt in iBf viOffcm. ,
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McAstift.E fit Measvs.£. 303
- * '2 Gflf. And iHiy 00c? g^ace is g^aoe, ddpigfat of all
Xarte. As &r examixk,^ thou thy felf art 9 wicked
vUhin, de^xght of alJ grace.
* '2 Gmt. WeU ^^ there went but a pgor of ihoen t^'
Z«n«. I grant ; as there may between tbe Hfts and the,
vehrer. Tbou art the lift.
"aG«*. Aodthou the vejvct I tiwu art good velvet 1
thou'rt a three-pil'd [nece» Iwarrantthee: I had as tief be
a lift of an E^Ufi) keriey, as be pl^d, is tbou art pil'd,
for a French velvet. Do f fpeak i«libgly noiir ?
Im^. I think thou dofl: ; »«] mdecd with moft p^iful
jcdingofthy fpeech: I will, out of thine own coofefnon,
kam to bqpn thy heakh i but, whiillIliTe,i(M^ttodriak
after tbee.
* '1 Ge»t> I tUnk I have done my filf wrong, have t
I '1 Geia> Yes, that thou haft; whither tbwvt Dtinted^
'«• fiw.
Bawd, cimfiy ^ m Jijtmtt.
tucip. Behold, behdd, where Madatn MitiratieU tataeA,
I Cent. I have purdi^'d as many difeaiei tnder hef
rodifi as come to —
2t?CT/. Towhat, pray?
1 Gent. Judge.
X Gent. To uu«e thoufitnct dollars ■ a year.
I Gent, Ay, and more.
JjKRtf. A B^ttub cnnn nlore. >
t Gmt.
(a) jtfu'UU Imtndtd ittvittn doHan M^Motfn.
(b] jUmiimi H ibt wmtotal fimi nftm tht ht»d calPd K^antt
VcDcrit. TliMtakL
1 Lmcit. Ay, whynotF graceUgrice, dcfpigbiof all coocranrfie.
Ai for exam^, &c.
2 I Cm/. Well) $K. . ■
S 1 Ga/, 4 I Off. 5 3 Q*nt.
304 Measure fof.MiAsvwit'*
I Gent. Thou art alvxys figuring di&afe in mej but
thou art fail of error ; I am found.
Litcio. Nay, not, as one would fay, healthy i but
fo found, as diings that are hollow i thy bones are hoiknn
impety hadi made a feall of thee,
I GeKt. How now, which of your hips has the mt^
profound fdatica i {To tht Bawd.
Bawd. Well, well; there's <«ie yonder arreftcd, and
cany'd to prifim, was worth five thodanji **f 7°" *U'
1 GeM. Who's that» I p'ythce? ■
- Bawd. Marry, Sir, that's Clau^^ ^igoior Gaaditi
I Gent. Qottdio to prifon ? 'tis not fo.
Bauid. Nay, but I know 'tis fo ) I law him afrefted ;
few him cany'd away, and which is more, wiefaintfaefe
three days his head is to be chopt off.
Lucio. But, after all this fooBng, I would .not have it
{o : art thou fure of rfus ? ■ ■
Bawd. I am too fure of it } and it is for getting Madara
J^rfte with difld.
Ijicie. Believe me, this may be •, he promifed to mett
me two hour5 jince, and he was ever predfc in promife-
2. Gent. Befides, you know It draws fomohit^ near to
the fpeech we had to fuCh a purpofe.
I GfHt. But molt of all agreeing with the proclamation.
Lucio. Away, let's go learn the truth 'of it. lExeuat.
Bawd. Thus, what with the war, what with the fwcat,
what with the gallows, and what imth poverty, I am
cuftom-flmmk. How now ? what's the news srith you?
S C E N E V.
Enter CSown.
CSowti. Yonder man is carry'd to prifin.
Bawd. Well ; what has he dooe I
GewH. A woman.
Bawd. But what*s his offence?
Clmtm. Gtopio^ for tiouts in a peculiar rivo*.
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MRAivni for MtAstjKt^ 365
Bawd. What ? is there a maid with child by him ?
Qown. No-, but there's a woman with maid by him.
You have fiot heard of the prodaimtionj have you ?
Batod, What proclamation, man?
CUvm. All houfes id die luburbs of VitHna muft be
jiluck'd down.
Biawd. And whatfhall become ofthofein the city?
Gown. They ihall ftand for feed ; they had gone down
too, but that 8 wife burger put in for them.
Bawd. But Ihall our houfcs of refort in the fuburbsbe
pull'd down ?
dotm. To the grotind, riiiftrels.
Bated. Why, here's a change indeed in the common-'
wealth ; what (hall become of me ?
Oowtt. Come, fear not you ; good couirfellors laClc no
dknts; though you change your j^ace, you need not
change your trade : I'll Ix your tapfter ftill. Courage,
there will be pity taken on y6u ; you that have worn your
cjres almoft out in the fervice, you will be confidered*
Band, Whafs todohere, Thomas Tapfter? let's with-
QffUm. Here comes Sgnior Cleudie^ led by theProVoft
CO pri^ i and there's Madam Juliet.
[Extant Bawd atid Clown,
Enter ProVoft, Claodio, Juliet, and Oncers, Ludo
toid two Gottlemai.
Qaud, Fellow, why doft'thouiKowme thus toth'worid?
Beu- me to prilbn, where I am committed.
iVw. I do it not irt evil difpofitiori,
&]t from lord Atgelo by fpecial chatge.
Qaxd. Thus can the Demi-god Authority
Make ua pay down, for our offence, by wdghtj
* T th* words'- of heav'n, on whdm it will, it will i
On whom it will not, fo ; yet itill 'tis juft.
Vol. I. X Liuit,
4 Ths wonli ... »U tiit. ^arh. tmnd.
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3o6 MzAsvKt fir Measiuri.
Lacio. Why, how now, Claadio f whence comes this
Qaud. From too much liberty, my LuaOt liberty ;
As furfeit is the father of much feft,
So every fcope by the immod'ratc uie
Turns to reftraint : our natures do purfue
(Like rats that ravin down their proper bane,)
A tWrity evil, and when we drink, we die.
Lucie. If I could fpeak fo wifely under an arreft, I
would fend for certain of my creditors \ and yet, to fay the
truth, I had as hef have the foppery of freedom, as the
morality of imprifonment : what's thy offence, ClaitMof
Claiidio. AVhat.but to Ipcak of would cNSb^ again.
Lutia. Whatis't, munler?
Clatui. No.
Zduioi Letchery ?
Gaud. Call it fo.
Prev. Away, Sir, youmuftgo.
Claud. One word, good friend : ZjuiV, award with you;
Lucio. A hundred i if they'll do you any good :
Is letchery fo look'd after ?
Qaud. Thus ftands it with me i upon a true ooncraA
I got poflefficHi of 7k&//<i*s bed.
You know the lady, fhe is faft my wife.
Save that we do the deniindation lack
Of outward order. This we came not to, .
Only for propagation of adowre
Rcm^niog in the coffer of her Jriends, .
From whom we thoufl^t it meet to hide our love
'Till time had made mem for us. But it chances.
The ftealth of our "mutual'^ entertainment.
With charafter too grofi, is writ in yuUet,
Lucio. With child, perh^?
Claud. Unhappily, even io.
And the new Deputy now for the Duke,
(Whether it be the fault and glimpfe of nemids ;
Or whether that the body pu£dick be
7 moft matnal
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KfEAiURB; fot Measurb. 307
A horfe whereon the governor doth ride,
"Who newly in the feat, that it may know
He. can command, lets it ftrait feci the fpur ;
Whether the tyranny be in his place.
Or in his eminence that fills it up,
I fta^pr in ; but) this new governor
Awakes me all th' enrolled penalties
Which have like unfcour'd armour hung by th' wall
So l(H)g, that nineteen zodiacks have gone round.
And none of them been worn ; and for a name.
Now puts the drowQe and ne^cffbed aft
Freflily on me ; 'ris furely for a name,
iMcio. I Warrant, * 'fo it is j^ and thy head ftand*
So tickle on thy Ihoulders, that a milk-maid.
If (he » 'be but in love,'' may figh it off.
Send after the duke, and appeal to him.
Claud. I have done fo, but he*s not to be foimd.
I pr*ythee, Lucioj do me this kind fervice :
Tms day my fifter ihould the cloifter enter*
And there receive her approbation.
Acquaint hef with the danger of iHy ftate.
Implore her in my voice, that (he make friends
To the ftrift Deputy -, bid her felf aflay hhn,
I have great hope in that ; for in her youth
There is a prone and ft)ccchlefs dialeft.
Such as moves mtn : befide, flie hath profi)*rou» «
"When ihe will play with reafon and difcouric.
And well rfie can perfuade.
Ludo. I pray me mayj
As wcD for the encouragement of the like^
Which elfe would ftand ' 'on^ grievous impofioon i
" 'As for thy life, which I'd^ be fony fliould be
Thus fooliOily ioft at a game df tick-tadd
» 'I'll to her ftrait."*
Ckud. I thank yoii, good friend Liuio,
X 2 LuHoi
8 it ii} 9 be in love, l nndar
a As for the enjoying gf \hy liie,. who I would
3 I'll to W.
3o8 Measure^ Measuri,
Lucie. Within two hours.
Claud. Come, officer, sway. [ExeutU.
A Monastery.
Enter Duke and Friar Thomas.
DBi«."^TO ; holy father, throw away that thought,
xN Believe not that the dribbling dart of bvc
Can |ncrce a compleat breaft : why I defirc th^ -
To ^e me fecrct harbour, hath a purpofe
More grave and wrinkled than the aims and ends
Of burning youth.
Fri. May your Grace fpeak of it ?
T>uke. My holy Sir, none better knows than you
How I have ever lov'd the life jemov'd j
And held in idle price to haunt aflemblies.
Where youth, and coft, and widefs bravery keep.
I have delivcr'd to lord Jngelo
A man of fbi&irc and firm abftincnce)
Sly absolute pow'r and place here in Vienna^
And he fuppoies me travell'd to Poland;
For fb I've flrew'd it in the common car.
And fo it is recriv'd : now, pious Sir,
You will demand of me, why I do this ?
Fri. Gladly, my lord.
Duke. We have ftriit ftarutes and moft Iridng laws,
(The needful tats and curbs for head-fh^g ♦ 'fteeds)"'
Whkh for this ' 'nineteen^ years we have let ' 'fleep -^ ,
Even like an o*er-grown lion in a cave.
That goes not out to prey : now, as fond lathers
Hara^ bound up the thrcai'ning twigs of birch.
Only to ftick it in their children's fight.
4 Weed* . , . MtJtt. Thtab. tmiMJ.
ifoom " ...._..
e foarteea , . , tU liii. Tbnb tmni.
in -----
b, Google
For terror, not to ufe f in time the rod
Becomes more mock'd than fcar*d : fo our decrees.
Dead to infliition, to themfelves are dead.
And liberty plucks juftice by the nofc;
The baby beats the nurie, and quite athwart
Goes all decorum.
Fri. It retted in your Grace
T' unloofc this ty*d-up juftice, when you pleas'd :
And it in you more dreidfui would have Iccm'd
Than in lord Aigelo.
Duke. I fear, too dreadful.
Sith 'twas my feuk to give the people fc(^, '
'Twould be my tyranny to ftiike^nd gall them
For what I bid them do. For we bid this
"When evil deeds have their pcrmiffive pais.
And not the punifhment. Therefwe, my father,
I have on yingeh impos'd the office:
"Who may in th' ambuih of my name ftrilte borne.
And yet, my nature never in the fight
7 'To do it Qarxler: To'' behold his fway,
I will, as 'twere a tyother of your order,
Vifit both Prince and pet^k 1 therefore pr'ythee
Supply me with the hatut, and inftrutfl me
How I may fonnally my peribn bear
Like a true Friar. More reafons for this ai5tion
At your more leifure fhall I render you j
Only this one : lord /higelo is predfe.
Stand at a guard vnth envy, Icarce confofles
That his blood fiows, or that his appetite
Is more to bread than tttme: hence ftiall we lee.
If power change purpofe, what our feemers be. [Exeunt,
7 So do in^flandcr : And to
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
310 Measure^ Measuhe.
A Nunnery.
£»/»• Kabella and Franciica.
}f<A. A ND have you Nuns no farther pri^il^ej?
■**■ f^un. Arc not thefe lai^ enough ?
IJah. Yes truly j I fpcak not as defiring more*
But rather mfhing a more ftrid reftraint
Upon the After votarifts pf Saint dare.
Lucio within.
Imcio. Hoa! peace be in this fJacel
IJ^. Who's that which caJIs?
Nun. It is a man's voice : gentle IfabtUoj
Turn you the key, and know his bufinefs of him ;
You may ; I may not ; you are yet unfwom :
"When yoii have vow'd, you muft n« fpeak with mm
But in the prefence of the Priorefs j
Then if you fpeak, you muft nrt: fl«rw your dec.
Or if you (hew your face, you muft not fpeak.
He calls agEun i I pray you, anfwer him. [£m/Fruic.
Ifab. Peace and pro^jerity! who is't that calls?
Ettter Lucio.
Lucie. Hail, virgjn, if you be, as thofe cheek-r(^
Proclaim you are no lefs, can you fo ftraid me.
As bring me to the fight of JfabeUa,
A novice of this place, and the fair fitter
To her unhappy brother Ckudic ?
Ifab. Why her unhappy brother ? let me ask
The rather, for I now muft make you know
I am that IfabeUa^ and his fifter.
iMcio. Gentle and fair, your brother kindly greets you j
Not-to be weary with you» lie's in prifon.
Measure^ MbasureJ 311
Ifah. Wo mc, for what ?
Lucio. For thk, which, if my felf might be his judge.
He (hould receive his punifhment in thanks ;
He hath got his friend with child.
Ifab. Sii*, make me not your ftory.
. Lucio. 1 would not, tho' 'tis my familiar (in
With maids to fcem the lapwing ■, and to jelt.
Tongue far from heart, play with all virgins fo.
I hold you as a thing en-sky'd and fanted.
By your renouncement an immortal Iprit, '
And to be talk'd with in fincerity.
As vnth a faint,
Ifab. You do blafpheme the gtx)d, in mocking me.
Lsicio. Do not believe it. Fcwnefi and truth, 'tis thuSi
Your brother and his lover having embrac'd.
As thofe that feed grew fill], as bloflbming time
' 'Doth from the feednefs the bare fallow bring^
To teeming foyftm ■, fo her i^teous womb
EitprefTeth ' 'its'* fiill tilth and husbandry.
Ifah. Some one with chiW by him ? my Boufm Juliet f
Lucio. Is fhe your coufin ?
Ij4i. Adoptedly, as fchool-m^ds change their names,
By van, tho' apt, aflFeition.
Lucio. She it is.
I/ai. Let him then marry her.
Lucio. This is the point.
The Duke is very ftrangely gone from hence j
Bore many gentlemen, my felf bring one.
In hand and hope of a£tion ; but we learn.
By thofe that laiow the very nerves of ftate.
His g^vings out were of an infinite diftance
From his true-meant defign. Upon his place.
And with full line of his authority.
Governs lord Ah^cIo ; a man whofe blood
Is very fhow-broth, one who never feels
X 4 The
(a) Tit Lapviingi fy ivtih 'fuming fright mud anxitlj far fnm
iiiir nifii to Jrciivt tbsft into ftik thiir jn»g.
9 That finm the fcedneb the bare Mow brinp 9 ^
'312 M^Asv^t fir Measurb.
The wanton ftings and motions of the fenfe i
But dofh rebate ^ bhint his natural edge
\Vith profits of the piind, ftudy and fait.
He, to ^ve fear to ufe and Hieny,
Which have long time run by the hideous law
As mice Ijy lions -, hajh pickt out an aift.
Under whole heavy lenfe your brother's life
Falls into forfeit ; he airelts him on it.
And follows clofe the rigor of the ftatutc.
To make htm an example t all hope's gone,
Unlels yoy have the grace by your fair prayer
To foften ^ngelo -, and that's my pith
Of byfinefs betwixt you and your poqr brother.
Jfah. Doth he fo feck h^s life f
Lucio. H'as ccnfur'd him
Already, ' 'and, I hear,"* the provoft hatl^
A warrant for his execution.
Ifak. Alas ! wh^t poor ability's jn ipe
To do him good ?
Lucio. Aflay the power you have,
J/ap. My power alas! I doubt.
t^iuio. Our doubts are traitors.
And make us lofe the good we oft plight wfc.
By fearing to attempt. Go to lord Angek,
And let him team to know, when maidens fue
Men give like Gods -, but when they weep an4 kficel.
All their pelirions are as truly thdrs.
As they tnemfelves would owe them.
Ifab. I'll fee what I fan do.
IjuiB. Butlpeedily,
Ifah. I will about it ftraitj
ISo longer ftgying, but to give the mother
Nodo; of my affair. I humbly diank you \
Commend me to my brother : foon at night
I'll lend him certain word of my fucccls,
Ijicio. t take my leave of you.
ffd^. Good Sir, adieu. [Exeiatt..
I am], n I liear,
Measure ybr Measure. 313
A C T n. S C E N E I.
7be Palace.
^er Angelo, Eftalus, a JufiUty and Anaiaas.
Akge LO.
WE muii not make a fcare-crow of Ac law.
Setting it up to fear the birds of prey.
And let it keep one fhapc, 'till cuftom make it
Their perch, and not their tenor.
Efcd. Ay, but yet
Xxt us be keen, and rather cut a little.
Than tall, and bmife to death. Alas! this geutlenun.
Whom I would lave, had a mofl noble ^ther ;
Let but your honour know, whom I believe
Tq be moft ftrwt in wtue, * 'whether'*' in
The v&i)as% of your own affeftions.
Had time coher'd with place, or plwrc with wiflung.
Or that the refolute ading of your bkx>d
Could have attain'd th* effect of your own purpofe.
Whether yon had not foinetime in your life
Err'd in diis point ' 'you cenfure now in htm,^
And pull'd phe l^w upon you.
A^. 'Tis one thing to be tempted, EfcakUt
Another thing to ^. I jiot doiy
The jury palling on the priibner's life
May in the fwom twelve nave a thief or (wo.
Guilder than him they try } what's open made
Tojultice, *'that it feizcs on.^ What know
The laws that thieves do pais on thieves ? ' ''tis pregnant,^
Thp jewel ^hat we find, we ilxwp and take't,
2 tluc 3 which now 70a cnliue him,
^ ttuu jaftke Uatfn 911, j 'tit 707 pK^pmt,
314 MtASVKZ fir Measure.
Becauie we fee it ; but what wc do not fee.
We tread upon, and never think of it.
You may not fo extenuate his offence.
For I have had fuch faults ; but rather teH me
■When I, that ccnfure him, do fo offend,
XjCt mine own judgment pattern out my death.
And nothing come in partial. He mult die.
Enter Provoft.
Efial. Be't as your wifdom wiU.
uing. Where is the Provofi?
Prov. Here, if it like your hwiour.
jing. See that Claudia
Be executed by nine to-morrow morning.
Bring him his confeflbr, let him be i»epar*d.
For that's the utmoft of his pil^image. [£»/ Provirfl.
Efial. Well, heav*n foigive him ! and forgive us aU!
Some rife by fin, and- fome by virtue fall :
Some run through brakes of vice, and anfwer none j
And fom,e ccsidemned for ^ 'one^ fault alone.
Enter Elbow, Froth, Clown, and Offion.
Elh. Come, bring them away j if ihefe be good people
in a common-weal, that do nothing but ufe their abufci
in common houlcs, I know no law j bring them away.
Aug. How now. Sir, what's your name? and what's
the matter?
Elb. If it pleafe-your hwiour, I am the poor Duke'j
conftable, and my name is Elbow \ I do lean upon juftice,
^ir, and do bring in here before your good honour two
notorious benefador^.
Aug. Benefactors? wellj iK^t bcnefaAors are they?
arc they not malefadors ?
Elb. If it pleaft your honour, I know not well what
they are -y but prccilc vill^ns they are, that I am fure of,
Measvrb for Measure. 315
and void of all pro&natiQa in the world, that gcod
fhn^aaa ought to have.
Efed. tEs comes o6r well ; here's a infc officer.
A^. Go to : what quaUty are you of? EJhow is your
name ? Why daft thou not' fpeak, Hlbovi ?
CknoH. He cannot. Sir j he's out at elbow.
/iifg. What are you. Sir ? .
Elt. He, Sir? a tapfter, Sir; parcel-bawd; oae that
ierves a bad woman ; i^iole houie. Sir, was, as they lay,
pluckt down in the fuburbs ; and now Die profefles i^ hot-
houfe i which, I think, is a voy ill houie too.
S/cai. How knew you that ?
Eii. My wife. Sir, whom I iktdt before hew^o and
four honour.
£/cai. H0wl thy wife?
Eib. Ay, Sir i whom I thank heav*n b ao honeft
EfiaJ. Doft thou deleft her therofore ?
Eii. I fay, Sir, I will dcteft my feif aHb, as well as (he,
that tlus h<uiJc, if it be not a bawd's houie, it is pity of
ker li&, for it is a naughty houfe.
£fcal. How doft th^ know that, conftabh:?
Elt, Many, Sir, by my wife \ vriio, if (he had been a
woman cardinally ^en, raigbt have been accu&d in for?
nication,. adukery, and all undeanneis there.
. Efcel. By ' 'that^ woman's means ?
Eib. Ay, Su-, by miiVrds Over-rJoM'i means ; but as Ibe
^ in his face, fo (he defy'd him. .
down. Sir, if it pleafc your honour, this is not fo.
. Eli. Prove it before theic varkts here, thou honourable
Buui, prove it.
Efeal. Do you hear how he nvfptaoet ?-
Gown. Sir, (he came in great with cHld ; and iongil^
(Usving yow honour's revierence) &3t ftew'd prunes j we
had but two in the houfe, which at that very inftant limfl
flood, as it were, in a fruit-diih, a difh of Ibme three
pence ; (your honours have feen luch dilhcs, they srt not
Cbiaa diihes, Ixit voy good diflies.)
7 the £M
bGooglt' ^~~
3i6 Measure yjjr Measure.
Efial Go to, go to i no matter fi)r the dilh, Sr.
Qown. No indeed, Sir, not of a pin ; you are therein
in the right: but to the point-, as Ilay, tlus niillirls El~
hoWy being, as I lay, mth child, and being great belly'd,
and longing, as 1 iaid, for prunes ; and Juving no more
bi the difh, as I laid ; matter Fretb here, this very man.
hanng eat^ the reft, as I laid, and, as I iay, paying for
them very honefUy ; for, as you know, mafter Frtab, I
could not g^ve you three pence again.
Fntb. No indeed,
ClowK. Very well } you bong then, if you be remem-
bred, cracking the ftones of the forefeid prunes.
Fretb, Ay, lb I did indeed.
QowB. Why, very well j I telling you then, if you be
lemembFcd, that fuch a one, and fuch a one, were paft
cure of the thing you wot of, unlds they kq)t good diet,
as I told you.
Fretb. AH this is true.
Oovm. Why, very well then.
E/cai. Come, you are a tedious fool ; to the purpofe ;
what was done to Elbow's wifi?, that he hath caule to
complain of? OHne to what was done' to her.
Gown. Sir, your hcmour cannot come to that yet.
E/eal. No, SVy I mean it not.
Qmm. Sif , but you fhall come to it, by your honour's
leave : and I befecch you, look into m^er Frotb here.
Sir, a man of fourfcore pound a year i whofe fadicr dy'd
at HaUffwmas. Was't not at HaiUivmas, ma&a: Fretb?
Fretb. jiH-beUand eve.
Qfftm. Why, very well ( I hope here be truths. He,
Sir, fittingt as I lay, in a lower chair. Sir; 'twas in the '
bunch of grapes, where indeed you have a delight to lie,
have you not r
Frotb. I have fo, becaule it ii an open room, and good
far winter.
Qevm. Why, very well then ; I ha^ here be tiuchs.
Aug. Tlus willlalt out a night in Ruffia,
When nights arc longeft tficre. I'U take my leave.
L,,-: .lv,G00g[c
Measure fcr Measure, 317
And leave you to the hearing of the cauTc,
Hoping you'll find good caide to whip them all [Eidf,
S C E N ^ III.
EJcal. I think no Ids. Good-mtxiow to your lord-
.fhip. Now, Sir, come on : what was done to EIhtm*%
wife, once more ?
Omm. Once, Sir? thcic was noctnng done to her once.
Eih. I bcfeech you, Sir, ask him what this man did to
my wdfe.
Qtam, I beferch your honour, ask me.
Efial, Well, Sir, what Aid this gentleman to her?
Qown. I befecch you, Sir, look in this gentleman's
&CC1 goodmaftcr i^ro/i>, look upon his honour ; 'tis fcr
a good puipole ; doth your honour mark his &cc i
EJial. Ay, Sir, very well.
Qown. 'iisft I ber»:ch you, mark h weJL
Efad. Well. I do fo.
Gtwn. Doth your honour fee any barm in his face ?
Efia/. Why, no.
OfWH. I'll be luppos'd upon a book, lus face a the
worft thing about him : good then i if his face be the
, worft thing about him, how could maftcr Freti do the
conftable's wife any harm ? I would know that of your
E/cal. He's in the right -, cxtnftable, what lay ycni
to it?
Eii. Fuft,. an it like you, the bdule a a reipefted
houfe ; next, this is a rdpeded fellow » and his miftrcis
K a rcfpeAed woman.
Qown. By this hand. Sir, bis wife is a more reipe&ed
perfon than any of us all.
£i!&. Varlct, thou lidt ; diou fieft, widted varieti the
time is yet to come, that Ibe was ever refpeded vrith
man, woman, or child.
Q^xm. Sir, fhe was refpeded iritji him before he nur-
i/d with ha.
3i8 MeasuuCS for MEASURfe,
Efial. Whtch isthcwiftrherci Jitftiteoe Imqtdty? Is
this mie ?
Elh. O thou caitiiF! O thou varlet! O thou wicked
• Hanttibd! I rdpcded with her, before I was marry'd to
her? If ever I was refpefted with her, or (he with me, let
not your worfliip think me the poor Duke's officer i prove
tMs» diou bricked ■ Hamubdy or I'll have mine adion of
battery on thcc.
Efial. If he took you a box o' th' ou", you might have
•your adion of flander too.
Elb, Marry, I thank your good worihip for it : what
is't your woHup's pleafure I ihall do with tJiis wicked
Efcd. Truly, officer, bccaufc he hath fane (fences in
him, that thou wouldft difcover if thou couldft, let him
continue in lus courfes, 'dll thou know*ft what they are. ■
E&. Many, I thank your wcwftiip for it ; thou feeft,
thou wicked v»let now, what's come upon thee. Thou
art to continue now, thou varlet ; thou art to continue.
Efid. Where Were you bom, friend? {9» Froth.
Froth. Here in Vienna, Sr.
Efial. Are you of foinfcorc pounds a year?
Froth. Yes, an't [dcafe you, Sr.
EfiaL So. What trade are you of, Sr? [rfl/i»C3cnim;
Qown. A n^ifter, a poor mdow*s taplfcer<
Efid. Your miftrcfs's name?
OffOon. Mrs. Over-don. -
Efid. Hath (he had any more than one husband?
Clown. Nine, Sa: Overmen \sf ^ItSt.
Ejeal. Nine? Come hither to me, miSxFFhth: inaftb'
Frothy I would not have you acqcoineal vmh txpRxn ;
they w^ draw you, mafterFro/^, and you niO hang them.
Get you gone, and let me hear no more of you.
Froth. I thank your worfhip ; fbr mine own part, I
never cook! into any roomin at^houfe,butIanidrawnin,
Efial, Welti no more of it, maftcr Frtfhi fareweL
[£«r Froth.
{*) Ht mt*Mt tffaj klutuiX.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Measure for Miasure. 319
Come you hither' to 'mc, nfaftcr tapftcr; what's youf
haine, mailer tapftcr?
Clown. Pcmpey.
Efcal. "What elfc?
CUvtm. Bum, Sir.
Efiai. Troth, and your bum is the greateft thing about
you, fo that, in the bcaftlicft fenfe, you arc Pon^r/ the
OTcat. Pon^y yoii are partlyabawa, Pompefi howfo-
foever you colour it in being a tapfter } are you not? come,
tell me true, jt ihall be the better for you.
Clown. Truly, Sir, I am a poor fellow that would live.
EfcaL How would you live, Pompe^ ? by being a bawd?
what do you think of the trade, Poa^ey? is it a lawful
Clewn. ■ If the law wiH allow it, Sr.
Efcal. But the law will not allow it, Pop^ey^ and it fliall
not be allowed in Vienna.
ClewK, Does your worlhip mean to geld and Iplay all the
youth in the dry ?
EfcaL No, Pmpey.
Gown. Truly, Sir, b my poor opinion, they will to't
then. If your worlhip will take order for the drabi and
knaves, you need not to fear the bawds.
Efcal. There are pretty orders beginning, I can tell yoU!
it is but heading and hai^^g.
down. If you head and hang all that offend that way
but for ten years together,' you'Q be glad to mve out a
comnufTion for more heads : If this law hold vnVienna ten
years, I'll rent the fureft houle in it a&er three pence a
bay : if you live to fee this come to pals, lay Pof^ey told
you Jo.
Efcd. Thank you, good Pompty ; and in requital of
your prophecy, hark you, I advife you let me not fitvl
you before mc agun upon any complaint whatlbevo- \ no,
not fw dwelling where you do : if 1 do, Pompty^ I Ihali
b, Google
320 MuAsv KB for MtAsvtLi.
beat you to your tent, and prove a fhrewd Carjar to yMl r
in plain dealing, Pompey^ 1 Ihall have you whipt ; fo for
this time, Pompey, fere yon well. • ■
Cfctos. I thank your worfhip for your good counfel ; but
I Iball follow it, as the fieJh and fortune Ihall better deter-
Whipmefno, no ; let 'carman whip his jade ;
The valiam heart's not whipt out oflus trade, [Exit.
%fcdt. Come luther to me, mafter £ZJ«C; come hither,
tnafter conftable \ how long have you been in this jdace of
conftable ?
Elb. Seven year and a half. Sir.
Efcd. I thou^t, by your rcadinefi in die office, you
had condnued in it fbme time : you fay fcven years t(^0-
EU>. And a half. Sir.
Efcal. Alas! it hath been great pains to you •, they do
you wrong to put you fo oft upon't : arc there not men in
your ward fumdcnt to fcrvc it ?
EJb. 'Faith, Sir, few of any mt in fuch matters ; as rfiey
are chofcn they arc glad to chufe me for them. I do it
for fome raece of mony, and go through with all.
Efcal. Look you, bring me in the names of fcune fix or
feven, the moft fuffident of your parifb.
Elh. To your worfliip's houfe. Sir ?
Efid. To my houfe j fare you well. What's a dod:,
think you? [Exit IQbow.
Jttji. Eleven, Sir.
Efcal. I pray you, go home to dinner with mc.
Jufi. I humUy thank you.
Efcal, It grieves me for the death of Qm£o :
But there's no remedy.
Juji. Lord jhgeio is fevere,
Efial. It is but needful :
Mercy is not it felf, ^lac oft looks Sji
b, Google
Measure ftr Measure. 321
pardon is ftill the nurfe of ^ond woe:
But ya poor Qau^e ! there's no remedy.
Come, Sir. XExeitnt,
Enter Provoft, anJ a Servant.
Serv. He's hearit^ of a Caulbi he will come Ilnig^t:
I^ tellhitn of you.
Prcv. Pray you, do; I'lllaww
Hispkafure; may befae'llrdenti alaal
He hath biie as offended in a dream :
AU ie£ts, all i^;es foiack ' V th' vkc;^ and ho
Enter At^eto.
Aig. Now, what's the matter, Provojlf
Prev. Is it your 'mil ClauJio Ihall die to-morrow ?
Ji^. I^ not I tell thee yea f hadft thou not order j
' 'Why ask ag^ ?^
Prev. Left I might be too rafli.
Under your gpod corrcdion, I have frcn
When after execution judgment hath
Repented o'er his doom.
A)^. ' 'Let that be mincj^
Do you your office, or gjve up your pUa*
And you fliall well be fpar'd
Prov. I crave your pardon.
What Oiall be done, Sir, with die groanlE^ Juliet?
She's very near her hour.
■ ^g. Difpofe of her
To fome more fitting place, and that with fpeed. •
Serv. Here is thefifter of the man rondemn'd,.
Deiircs accefs to you.
A^. Hath he a filter?
Prov. Ay, my Kood lord, a very virtuous maid.
Vol. I. Y And
9 ofthkvice; 9 Why doft tboo utc agaio f
t Go toi kt that be amtt
32^ Measure^ Measure,
And to be Ihortly of a fifter-hood.
If not already.
Jug. Let her be admitted. , \_Exit Servmt.
See you the fomicatrefc be remov'd ;
Let her have needful, but not iavifli means i
There fliaU be order for it,
Enter Ludo and Xlabella.
Prov. 'Save your honout !
^^. Stay yet a while. Y'arewdoomeswhat'syowviU?
If^. I am a wofiil fuitor to your honour,
Pleafe but your honour hear me.
j^g. What's your fiat?
IfM. There is a vice that moft I do ^hor.
And moft dcfire ftiould meet the bkw of juffice.
For which I wouH not plead, but th^ I muft ;
' 'For which I muft plead, albeit I am^
At war 'twixt will, and will not.
j^g. Well} the matter?
I/ah. I have a brodwr k cMidemnM ' ^to-day j^
I do befcech you, let it be his feult.
And not my brother.
Prov. Heav'n give thee moving graces !
^g. Condemn the feirft, and not the aflw of it?
Why, every fault's condemn'd ere it be done j
Mine were the very dpher of a fwiition
To fine" the feults, wnofe fine ftands in rea»d.
And let go by the aftor.
i/fli. Ojuft, but fevere law !
I had a brother then ; — hcav'n keep your honour!
Ludo. Give*t not o*er fb : to him agasi, intreat hkn.
Kneel down before him, hang uptm his gown ;
Tou are too cold ; if you Ihould need a [wi.
You could not with a more tunc coogue dcfire it.
To him, I fay.
a For wliidi I moft not plead, but that I am j todiet
Mz'jlsvkh fir Measure.' 323
JJai. Muft he needs die?
At«. Maden» no remedy.
J/i^. Yesi I do think that you might pardon him.
And neither heav*ii,nor man grieve at the mercy.
jA/f^ i" wiU not do't.
Jf^. But can you if you would ?
^^. Look, whM I will not, that I cannot do. . •
j^. But might you do't, and do the world no wroofe
if io your heart were touch'd with that remoric
As mine is to him ?
Aiig. He's fentenc'd, 'tis too late.
ZMcio. You arc too cold.
IfaB. Too late? why, no i I that do Ipeak a word.
May call it back again : * 'and^ believe tlus.
No ceremony that to great ones belongs.
Not the King's crown,, nor the deputed fword.
The marlhal's truncheon, nor the )udge's robe.
Become them with one half fo good a grace
As mercy does : if he had been as you.
And you as he, you would have dipt like him ;
But Ke, like you, would not have been fo fiem.
■ jhg. Pray you, be gone.'
I/i^. I would to heav'n I had your potency.
And you were Ifaiel; fhould it then be thus?
Noi I would tell what 'twere to be a judge.
And what 9 piilbner.
Lucio. Ay, touch him ; there's tht van.
Aug. Your brother is a forfeit of the law.
And you but wafte your words.
IJii. Alas! alas!
Why, allthe fouls that were, were forWt once; .
And he that might the 'vantage beft have took.
Found out the remedy.' How would you be.
If he, whidi is the top of judgment, mould
. But iudgeyou-as ypu are? oh, think on that,
J^na mercy then will breathe within your lij».
Like man new made.
xz An.
4 weU
324 Measure ^0*" Mrasurb. |
Jng. Be you content, fair maid ;
It is tne taw, not I, condemns your brother.
Were he r^y kinfinan, brother, or my fon.
It fliould be thus with him ; he dies to-morrow.
i/(ii. To-morrow ? oh! that's fudden. Spare him^iiare lum.
He's not prepar'd for death : even for our kitchais
We kill the fowl of feafon ; ferve we heav'n
"With lefs rcfpeft than we do minifter
To our grofe felves ? good, good my lord, bethink you :
Who is it that hath dy'd for this offence f
There's many have committed it.
Lucie. Ay, well (aid.
^ng. I'he law hath not been dead, iho' it hath (lept :
Thofe many had not dar'd to do that evil.
If the iirft man that did th* edift infringe
Had anfwer'd for his deed. Now 'tis awake.
Takes note of what is done, and like a prophef ,
Looks in a glafs ' 'which Ihews that^ future evils
Or new, or by remilsnefs new conceiv'd.
And fo in progrefs to be hatch'd and boni>
Are now to have no fuccelTive degrees.
But * 'ere^ they live, to end.
I/ai/. Yet (hew fome pity.
^»?. I ihew it moll of all when I ihew juftice ;
■ For men I pity thofe I do not know.
Which a difmifs'd offence woiJd after gall ;
And do him right, that anfwering one foul wrong.
Lives not to aft another. Then be ia'tisfy*d ; '
Your brother dies to-morrow ; be content.
Ifak. So you muft be the 6rft that g^vcs tlus fcntcnce,
Aiid he th« fulFers : oh, 'tis excellent
To Have aejant's ftrength j ' ^but tyrannous^
To ufe it Uke a gjant.
Imcio. That's well faid.
jf/ai. Could great men thunder
At jfevt lumfelf does, Jove would ne'er be quiet ;
5 that fltan what ( hat
7 but it ii t/nuoooi
M EASUREyjjr Measur E. 32c
For every pelting, ' 'petty officer
Inceflantly would'* vfe his heav*n for thunder;
Nothing but thunder : ' 'xncrcifijl, fwcct heav'n !^
Thou rather with thy ftiarp and fulph'rous bolt
Split'ft the unwedgeable and gnarled oak.
Than the foft myitic : O, but man! proud man,
Dreft in a little brief authority,
(Moft ignorant of what he's moft aflur'd.
His glaffy eficnce) Uke an angry ape.
Plays fuch fantaflick tricks before high heav'n,
As makes the angels weep ; who with our (pleens
Would all themfelves laugh mortal.
Imcu. Oh, iohim,tohim, wench-, he will relent j ■
He's coming: I perceive't.
Prov. Pray heav'n flie win him.
I/a^. We cannot weigh our brother with * 'your felf:^
Great men may jell with faints ; 'tis wit in them.
But in the leis foul prophanation.
iMcic. Thou'rt right, girl j more 0' that.
I/ai. That in the captain's but a cholerick word,
Which in the foldier is flat blalphemy.
Imcu. * 'Art thou advis'd o' that? moreon't, yet morC.^
jfyg. Why do you put thefe fayings upon mc?
Ifaii. Bccaufe authority, tho' it err like others.
Ham yet a kind of medidne in it lelf.
That- skins the vice o' ih' top : go to your boibm.
Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know
That's like my brother's fault ; if it confefi
A natural guiltinefs, fuch as is his.
Let it not found a thought upon your tongue
Againft my brother's life.
j^g. She fpeaks, and 'tis
Suchfenfe, that my fenfc bleeds with't. Fare you well.
J/ai. Gentle my lord, turn back,
jSng. I will beuunk me : come again to-morrow.
Y 3 IM.
8 pett]> oSicer would 9 merciful hav'o!
I our fdf: .. . . tU tJil. Ifurt. tmenJ.
» Alt avu'd o' [liu f mors oo't.
226 Measure /(jtMeasu r*.
^(j^. Hark howril bribe you: good my lord, tumbadc-.
Jng. How? bribe me?
Ifai?. Ay, withfuch ^fts that heav'nlhallfliare with you.
iMciq. You had marr'd all elfe.
Ifab. Not Tsich fond flickles of the tefted gold.
Or ftoncs, whofe' rate * 'b^ other rich or poor
As fancy values them j but with true prayers.
That flull be up at heav'n, and enter there.
Ere fun rife : prayers from preferved fouls.
From fafting m^d^ whofe minds are delicate
_To nothing temporal
jing. Well ; come to-morrow.
Jf^. Heav'ij keep your honour iafe !
Ang. -^'Amen! Ifay:^ \.^^
For I am that way going to temptation,
^hcre prayers crofs, '
Ifai. At what hour to-morrow
Shall I attthd ' 'you ?^
jing. At any tkne 'fore noon,
Jfab. 'Save your h(»iour] [Exeunt Luoo and If^MI".
SCENE yni.
Attg. From thee; even from thy virtue !]
What's this? what's this? is this her fault or mine?
The tempter or the tempted, who fins moft ?
Not ihe i nor doth (he tempt i but it is I
■ That lying by the violet in the fun.
Do as the carrion does, not as the flower.
Corrupt with virtuous fealon. Can it be.
That modefty may more betray oiir fenfe.
Than woman's lightnefi? having wafte ground Oiough,
Shall wc defire to raife the lanEtuary,
And pitch our evils there ? oh, fie, fie, fie!
What doft thou ? or what art thou, ^agtlo ?
Doft tliou defirc her fijully, for thofe things
That make her good ? Oh, let her brother live :
3 IK 4AjncD[ 5 joarLordihipf
b, Google
Mra,suke for Measure. 327
Thieves fa- their robbery- have authority,
When judges ftcal themfelvcs. What ! do I love her.
That I defire to hear her fpeak ag^.
And feaft upon her eyes? what is't I "dream on?
O.cunning enemy, that to catch a iaint
With faints doft bait thy hook ! moft dangerous
■ Is that temptation that doth goad tis on
To fin in loving virtue i ne'er could the ftrumpct,.
■ With all her. double vigour, art and nature.
Once ftir my temper i . but this virtuous maid
Subdues me quite : 5^v.'n 'till this very Now,
Whenmcnwerefond, Ifmil'd, andwonder'dhow. [Exiti
S- C E N E IX.
>f P R I S O N.
Enter Duke habited Uii a Friar^ and Prevofii
iJwtr.LJAil toyou, Prowfl^? ib Ithinkyouare. [Fruo'f
■tl Prffo. i aim the Prov^, wh^'s your will, good
■ Duke. Bound by my charily, and my blcft order,
I come to vifit the afflidled Ipiiits
. Here in the prilbai do me the common right ^
To let me fee them, and to make me know
Tfae.nature of their crimes ; that J may minHler
To them accordingly.
Prav. I woidd do more than that, if more were needful.
Enter Juliet.
Look, here comes one ; a gentlewoman- of mine.
Who falling in the flaws of her own youth.
Hath blift^d her report : (he is with child,
And he that got it, fentenc'd : a young man
More fit to do another fuch ofience.
Than die for this.
Duke. When muft he-die?
Prov. As I do think, to-morrow.
Y 4 Ikire
jaS Measure y^v Measure.
I have provided for you ; ftay a while, {To Juliet.
And you IhaU be conducted.
Duke. Repent you, fair one, of the fin you carry ?
Juliet. I ao ; and bear the fliame moft patiently.
Duke. I'll teach you how you fliall airaign your conldcncc,
'And try your penitence if it be found.
Or hollowly put on.
Juliet. I'll gladly learn.
Duke, hove you the man that wrpng;*d you?
giUet. Yes, as I love the woman that wrot^d turn.
ake. So then it feenu your moft offimxfiil a£t
[Was mutually committed.
Juliet, Mutually.
Duke. Then was your fin of header kind than his. .
Juliet. I do confefi it and repent it, father.
Duke. 'Tismeetfo, daughter; but rroencyou no<^'^
'As that the fm hath brought you to diis mame ?
Which foTTow's always tow'rds our fclves, not heav^o.
Showing we'd not fcek heaven, as we love it.
Put as we (land in fcar,
Juliet. I do repent me as it is an evil.
And take the Ihamc with joy.
Duke. * "Tis well, there reft.^
Your partner, as I hear, muft die to-morrow.
And 1 am going with inftru^Bcm to him ;
So grace go witn you ; bettedidte! [Exit.
Juliet. Muft die to-morrow ! oh injurious ' law,^
That refpttes me a life, whole very comfort
Is ftill a dying honor !
Prev. 'Tis pity of him. [ExeiPit,
6 Tkere rdt. 7 love.
b, Google
Measure /v Measure. 329
Tbe pALAc e.
Enter Angelo.
Afg.XXTliE'S I would pray aod think, I think and
▼ » pray
To fev'ral fubjedts: heav'n hatji myempty words,
"Whilft my iDtcntion, hearing not my tongue.
Anchors on Ifabel: hckv'n's in my mouth.
As if I did but only chew its name.
And in my heart the flrong and fwelling evil
Of my conception : the ftate whereon I Ihidied
Is, fike a good thii^ bdi^ often read.
Grown fear'd and tedious } yea, my gravity.
Wherein (let no man hear me) I take pride.
Could I with boot change for an idle plume
Which the ar beats for vain. Oh place ! oh (onal
How often doft thou with thy cafe, thy habit,
Wrendi awe fiY>m fools, and tie the wuer Ibuls
To thy falie feeming ! blood, thou art but-Uood :
Let's write good angel on the devil's horn}
J 'la't^ not the denl s creft ? How now ? who's there ?
EHter Servata.
Serv. One j^atel a fifter asks accefi to you. [blood
Ji^. Teach her the way. Oh beav*ns ! why does my
Thus muftcr to my heart, making both that
Unable for it felf, and difpofleffing
' 'My other parts^ of necefliry fitnela ?
So pUy the foolilh throngs with one that fwouu;
Come all to help him, and lb ftop the air
By which he Ihould revive : and even lb
The een'ral fubjeds to a well-wilht Kii^
Qut thdr own part, and in obfequious fbndnels
8 'Til 9 AD mj other pirt*
3 3.0, M^ E A s^ B. B for M e a s u r su
Crowd to his prefence, where chdr untaught love
Miift nfnts apT^^'^^"^^ How-»o^ tiur-inaid-f-
Enter Ifibella.
.5(>^. I am come to Hnow yoMrjdealure. [me,
jlHg, That you might know \\y would much better plealc
"Fhan to ' 'declare^ what 'tis, * 'He cannot^ live.
Ifah. Ev'n fo ? - ^ ■ ' 'heay'n keep yoy !^ [Ga»^
^^.. Yet may- he live a while j ■
And it may be at long as you -or I ;
Yet he muft cUe.
Jfab. Un^er your.fcntencc?
Jng. Yea.
Jfab. When, I befeech you? that in his. reprieve, .
Longer or fliorter, he may be fo fitted.
That his foul fickcn not.
jMg. Ha ? fie, thefe filthy wes ! 'twere as good
To pardon him, that hath from nature ftorn
A man already made, as to remit
Their iawcy * 'lewdnefi^ that do coin heav'n's image
In ftamps that are fbrtrid : 'ds all as ' 'juft,^
Falfely to take' away a life true made,
Aa^ to put mettle in reftrained means.
To make a '&lfe one.
Ifai. 'Tis fet in heaven, but not in eardi.
AiE, And lay you ial theaX IhaU poze you quickly.
Wbif^ had you rather, tl^t the moAjuft law
Now took your brotha''s life } or» to redeem him*
Give up your body to fuch fweec uQcl^anp^,.
A» Ihe, that he hath ilain'd ?
Ifah. Sir, beUeve this,
I had rather mvc my body than niy Ibtil.
Jng. I talk noc of youribul; our compcli'd fins ..
Stand more &r number than accompE,
1 dauDd a Yoai brother canoot % kcav'B keep 70111 hoBOsr )
4 fiftctDcft 5 cafic*
Ifai. How iay you?
y%. Nay, ril not warrant tlmi for I can foeak
Againft the thing I fay. Anfwer to this:
I, DOW the voice of the rccOTded law,
Fronounce a fentcnce on your brother's Dfc :
'Might there not be a chanty in fin.
To iave this brother's life ?
Ifab. Pleafe you to do't,
I'll take it as a peril to my ibul.
It is no fift at all, but cliarity.
Jng. Pleas'd you to do't at peril of your foul,
• 'Were't^ equal poize of fin and charity?
Jfab. That I do beg his life, if it be fin,
Heav'n let me bear it ! you granting my fint.
If that be fin, I'll makc't my ' 'morning-pray't^
To have it added to the foults of mine.
And nothing of your anfwer.
Jng. Nay, but hear me :
Your fenle purines not mine; dther you're, jgnoranp.
Or fcem So craftily [ and that's not good.
Ifah. Let me be ignorant, and in nothing gpod>
But gradoufly to know I. am no better.
AHg. Thus mfdom wiflies to amcar moft bright,
V^hen tt doth tax it felf : as thefe Diack malques
Proclaim an en-ihield beauty ten times Ipiider
Than beauty could diJplay'd. ' 'But mark inc well :^
To be received plain I'Jl ipeak more grofij "
Your brother is to die.
Ifai. So.
jiHg. And his ofience is lb, as it qipean .
Accountant to the law upon tiiat paiiL
■ Jfah. True.
jing. Adipit no other way to lave his li&,
(As I fuhfcribc not that, nor any other,)
But (in the lofs of queftion) that you his fifi^t^
Fmdii^ your felf defir'd of fuch a pcrfon,
Whofe credit mth the Judge, or own greaC j)lace,
-■-- \ ' - ' - Could
6 Vftn 7 nMrn-pnyer 8 Bataaii n^,
c,q,z.<ib, Google
332 Measure fot Measure.
Could fetch your brother from the manacles
Of the aU-hoiding law -, and that there, were
Ko earthly mean to fave him, but that dthcr
You muft lay down the treallircs of your body
To this fuppoftd, or ' 'die let^ him fuffer;
What would you do ?
Iji^. As much for my poor brother as my felf ;
That is, were I under the terms of death,
Th' impreffion of keen whips I'd wear as rubies.
And ftrip my fetf to death as to a bed
That lon^ng I've been fick for, ere I'd yield
My body up to fliame.
Aitg. Then muft your brother die.
If^. And 'twere the cheaper way j
Better it were a brother dy'd at once.
Than that a fitter, by redeeming him.
Should die for ever,
Ang. Were not you then as cruel as the fentence
That you have (lander'd fo?
Ifab. An i^ominious ranfom, and free pardon.
Are of two houfes ; lawful mercy fure
Is nothing lun to foul redemption.
Mg. You feem'd of late to make the law a tyrant.
And rather prov'd tlie (liding of your brother
A merriment than a vice.
Ifah. Oh, pardon me,
My lord, ' 'it very oft'' falls out, to have
"What we would have, we Ibeak no: what we mean :
I fomething do excufe the thing I hate,
p'or his advantage that I dearly love.
jing. We are all frail.
If3'. Elfe let my brother die,
If not a feodary but only he
Owe and fucceed by weaknefs.
Ang. Nay, women are frail too,
Ifab. Ay, as the glafles where they view themfelves ;
Which are as eafy broke as they make foims.
Women I
felfitolet >i(oft
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Measure for Measure. 33*
Women ! Iwlp heav'n ; men thdr creation ma-
in [H-o6ling by them : nay, call us ten times frail j _^
For we are foft as our complexions are.
And credulous to falfe prints.
Atg. I think it well ;
And from this teftimony of your own fex,
(Since I fuppofe we're made to be no ftrcKiger
Than faults may fliake our frames) let me be bold j
I do arreft your words; be that you are.
That is, a woman ; if you're mcit, youVc none.
If you -be otc, as- you are well exprefi'd
By all external warrants, Ihew it now^
By putting on the dcftin'd livery.
Ifi^. I have no tongue but one; gende my lord.
Let me intreat you ^ak the former laiiguage.
Jng. Pliunly conceive I love Jou.
Ifeb. My brother did love Julut ;
And you tell me that he Ihall die for it.
jiHg, He ihall not, Ifabel., if you g^ me love,
IfM. I know your virtue hath a licen^ in't,
'Whkh feetns a httle fouler than it is.
To pluck on others.
Jng. Believe me on mine honour.
My words ezprefs my purpole.
Ifab. Hal uttle hcKiour to be much believ'd.
And moft pemidous purpofe ! {eeming, leeming!
I will proclaim thee, Augele ; look for't:
Sigh me a prefent pardon for my brother.
Or with an out^brctch'd throat I'll tell the world
Aloud what man thou art.
jlKg. Who will believe thee, Ifahel?
My udbil'd name, th' aufterenels of my life.
My vouch a^nft you, and my place i' th' ftate.
Will lb your accu&tion over-weigh.
That you fliall ftiflc in your own report.
And imell of calumny. I have b^;un.
And now I 0ve my fenfiial race the rein.
Fit thy confcnt to my fharp appetite,
334 "Mi'ASVJii. for Measure.
Lay by all nicety, and prolixious bluflics
That baiafh what thiej' liie for : fkvc tJiy brother
By jidding up thy body to my ■wUI.
Or die he muft not only die tlie.dcatli,
BuC thy unkindnels fhall his deadi draw out
■To ling'rirK^fiifferance. AnTwer me to-morrow.
Or by th' affoftion that now guides me moft,
1*11 prove a tyrant to him. As for you.
Say what you can, my ^e o'erwdghs your true.
Ifah. To whom fliould I complin? did I teB tfas.
Who would believe me ? O perifous mouths.
That bew in them one arid tne felf-fame toi^ue.
Either of condcmnition or approbf ; •
Bidding the law make cuitfie to their will.
Hookup both right and wroi^ to th* appetite.
To folbw as it draws. I'D to my bromer.
Tho' he hath feQ'n by promptiire of the blood.
Yet hath he m him fiioi a mind of honour,
That had he twenty heads to tender down
On twenty bloody blocks, he'd yidd them up.
Before his lifter fliould her body ftoop
To fudi aUiorr*d pblluiion.
Then, i)'<i3f/, live ui^le, and, brother, diet
More than' our brother is our dialtity.
rU tell him yet of Atgth'% requeft.
And fit his mind to death for his foul's reft. [E/mU
(>) ApptoiSl heft it H hi tdktn /« ihtfinfi *f Apptots^on.
Measure /«■ Mea'$\jre. 335
£«ftr £>uke, Otudio^ 0m/ Pro^oft.
QO, then you J«)^"'fer^^Mddnfit)nllortlj«ij^j*?
O Claud. The^itafer^e have no ether tn^i^dtfe
But only h(^: I'te hope to live, and sun
PrgAr'd to die.
Duke. Beabfelutefbrdeadi; ordfeathotli^
Shall thereby be tiie iweeter. ResUbn thus
"With life { If I do lafe thee, I do lofe '
A tlung that none but fools ifrould ketipj > 'A fatttach^
Servile to all the skiey inSuerices,
That ♦ 'do^ this habitatirai where thou Ueep'ft
Hourly afflk^ : me^ ly ihou » t death's fool i ■
For him thou labour'ft by thy fiigjit to fliun.
And yet runn'ft tow'rd Jum iWi. .Thou art not noble t
For ail th' acctinniedatiotis th« tliou bev'ft
Arc mm'd by b^ene& : tJisa'n by no oiettu TaUant)
For thou doft &ar the loft and tettkr folk
Ofapoorworm. Thy beft of refl: is fleep.
And that diou oft prow^'ft j yet aofly fee'A
Thy death, wWch is no more. Tho»*rt ftX thy feffj
For thou exifl'il on many athou&ndgfuis
That iffue out of dufl. Happy thou art net »
F«r wiat thou haft noTi (bU thou ftnv*ft » at.
(a) At lh*fiKfliei^ t/ttt gntiimt Jttvut mfcm mrjlt^t it tuat ttm*
m*M tt Bring i» tmiwfigurtr, tni rrfrtftnting a Fool, lit ttHir Dotth
«rFaK: Thi tnm and ctniriiMnt* tf tbt pitet viai tt makt ibt Fed
i^ manf firatagimi f avoid Dath Vibiibjtt irtugbt bim mire imma-
4timt*tf inn thi jmut »f it. WsrbaitMt
X of 3 t breath thoa art 4 ioft
; .iv,Goog[c
3-35 Mbasvkz for Measurb.
And what thou haft, foigett'ft. Thou art not certain ;
. For thy complenon Onks K) Itrange eficifb.
After the motm. ' 'Though^ thou art rich, thou'rt pcxrj
For like an afs, whofe back with ingots bows,
Thou beai'ft thy heavy riches bjta journey.
And death unloadeth thee. FrieAd haft thou nme :
For tlune own bowels which do call dice Sire,
The mcer cfFufion of thy proper l<Hns,
Do curfe the Gout^ SerpigOy and the RheiM,
For ending thee no fooner. Thou haft nor youth, nor age j
But as it were an after-dinner's fleep,
Dreainii^ <mi both -, for all thy bicffed y6vth ;
Becomes ** 'an indigent,'' and doth b^ the atm
Of palfied eld ; and when thou'rt old wid rich.
Thou haft neither heat, affeftion, limb, nor beauty
To make thy riches jdeaiant. What's in this
That bears the name of life? Yetinthislife
Lye hid ^ 'a^ thouTand deaths ; yet death we fear.
That makes thefe odds all even.
Claud. I humbly thank you.
To fue to lire, 1 find I leek to die.
And feekkig death, find life : let it come pn.
Enter Dabella.
Jfai. What,ho? peace here, grace and good ctMnpany!
Prao. Who's thcar ? come in : thewilh ddcrvea a welcome,
D«]u. Dear Sir, erC kmg I'll vifit you again.
Qaud. Moft holy Sir, I thank you.
IfiA. 'My buBne^ is a word or two rnth GmSo.
Prov. And very welcome. Sigiuor, here's your liAer.
Duke. Provoft, a word with you.
Prcv. As many as you pleafe.
2)uie. BrB% them to Ipeak where I may be conceal'd,
Ya hear them. [Exeunt Duke atid Frovoft.
(If 6 u aged,
' MsAsuKE y^r Measure. 337
CUttid. Now, good fifter, what's the comfort ?
J/ai. Why, as all comforts are ; moftgood in * 'foeedl^
Lord Afgelo haraig affairs to heav'n.
Intends you ftX' his fwift an^flador ;
' AVhcre you Ihall be an cycrlafling idget.
Therefore yojir bell appwntmaw qidce wtth ipeed.
To-morrow you fct out..
Qaud. Is there no remedy P
I/at. None, but iuch rernedy, as, to £tve a head,
9 'Muft^ cleave a heart m twain.
Claud. But is there any ?
I/ai. Yes, brother, you may live :
Then b a denlilh mercy in die judge,
J£ you'll implore it, that will free your life.
But fetter you 'till death.
Clatid. Perpetual durance?
^ak Ayj'jufti peipetual diBWce, areftraint,
Tho' all the world's raftidlty you had.
To a detertmn'd fcope.
Claid. But in' wh^ nature?
Ifat. In fuch a one, as, you conlenting to*t,
Would bark your honour from that trunk you bear.
And leave you naked.
Qaud. Let me know the point.
Ifat. Oh, I do fear thee, ClmtSoy and I quak^
. Left thau a iev'rous lUe Ihould'lt entertain^
And liz or &ven vrinters nuxc reTpcA
Than a popetual honour. Dar'ft thou die?.
The fenw of death is moft in ^iprehenfion,
Anddie poor beetle that we tread iqioa,
bcorp'ial fuff^rance finds a pang as great,
Asuraena mmtdies;
QoMd. Why g^ you me tlus flume?
Tlunk you ' '] want a reiblutton fetdt'd^
Vol. I. Z From
I deed: 9 To t 2 cu a tcfidotioB fctdi
z__i,', Google
53^ .MfEA^triRE j^ MB'AS'CRfe,
From flow'ty tendemefe? if I muft die,
I will encounter darknefe as a bride.
And hug it in mine arms.
Jfab. Thttft fpAc my brtthcr -, there xny'fiuiier's grrfve
'iDid titter fordi a vtrice. Tea, thou muft tte :
Thou art too noble Eb eenfefte-E fife
In bafe * 'appliance\ T^us ouhrard-faimfid D^iutjr,
"Whofe fettled vifagc Sifl d^b'mfc word
Nips youth 4' <fc' head, and'ioBies doth cirtrrtw
As felcon doth the fowl, is yet a de*il :
His filth within being caft fe would af^ar
Qaui. The ' 'prieftly^ Jft»^ffo?
If(di. Oh, *tis the cunning Bray -of hcB,
The damned'ft body to iriveft and oowr
In * 'prieftly^ guards. Doft thou tlunk, <UilS<f7
If I would yirfd him my ^Ai^aiOyy
Thou might'ft be freed.
Claud. Oh hcav'ns! it cannot be.
Jfab. Yes,he#ouId"*'fraitethiSe,^brth}8^.ftttk^«tece,
So to offend him ftffl. This t6ght*s tfieffiWe
That I ihould do what 1 abhor tonahic.
Or elfe thou dy'ft to-morrow.
Claud. Thou fhalt hot do't.
Ifah. ^^, -wercit^bttt trtyllfe,
I'd throw it down for your ddiverande
As frankly as a pin.
Claud. Thariks, dcartft JfaHil.
Ifab. Be iwdy, OSf«rft>, -fer yoor dftlthnlo-meftto*.
Claud. Yes. * 'Has he <hwi ^elftions'' in him.
That thus caninAehhnWfc tlie%wtnrdi*aefc»
When he wouJd fiirce it? *fifte'itij rioMt;
Or of the deadlyftrtn itis'ihe'leltt.
Ifab. Which fcrthe^ctff?
Gaud. If it were damnaWe, he bA^-fo **,
I appliaiicci, J pHncrfj - . ■ Mtdit. fTari. tmfnJ,
4 princely , . . »U tiit. Warh. tmtmd. .
5 givc'ft theej'fttortfcu 6 ftoi Iw l&akvn
Li, : .Iv.GoOgIC
M^Asvtut fir Measure. 339
"Why, would he for the momenbuy trick
Be pa^urably fin'd ? oh Ifaiel!
Ifab. What fays my brother?
Clmd. Death's a fearful thmg.
Jfab. And Ihamed life a hueful. ^
Gaud. Ay, but to die, and go we knownoc mhex :
To lye in cold obftruftion, and to rot;
Xhis fenfible waiin motion ro become
A kneaded clod ; and the ^ 'dilated^ fpirit
To bathe infieryfioods, ertorcfide
In ttuilUi^ region& ef tisackfiibbed iae -,
To be imprifon'd in the viewlds wjods.
And blown with reille& noknce rotiod abwC
The pendant world; wto-be-worfethaa wotft
Of tnofe — that lawlefs aad incertam thon^ — •
^nagiae bowling j — 'ds too hon&le I
The «rcaaeft and moft . loathed woddly life^
TluttlgB, ach, pcAury, impri&QUKQt
Con \xf sDottuic, is a mtawle
To wnttwfesr of dcaUi.
Ifai. Alasl ak»\
-Ckml. SvtttB&a, lotmelive;
"What: go.yfH) do to lave a brother*s.lijfe»,
KannediifWes with the deed fo fiu-»
That ic bficoines a virtue.
TjW. Oh, roubeafll
Oh faithleis coward ! oh diflumeiit wieo:^'.
Wilt thou -be jr»^ a man out of my vice-?
Is't DotaJdnd of inceil, £0 take life ^ . .
f Mom thine owa fifter's Ihame ? what fliould I thiok f
Heav'n grant my mother plad my father fair !
F(X' fuch a warped {lip<of wildemm
Me'er ifiu'd Btiin Ins bkxid. Take my defiance^
Die^ peiifli! sughijn^ooly bending domn
Kcpricve thsc'^oiii thy iue, it fboukl pcoceed.
i'J) pay a thouland prayers ^ thy desmi
No word to lane thee.
Z 2 C3^*
340 MtkSVkE fir Measure,
Claud. Hear me, I/aieL
Jfah. Oh He, fie, fie!
Thy fin's not accidental, but a trade i
Mercy to thee would prove it lelf a bawd i
•Tis beft that thou dy'ft quickly.
Claud. Oh hear me, Ijabelk.
To them. Enter Duke at^ Provoft.
Huke. Vouchiafe a word, young lifter, but one word.
Ifab. "What is your will ?
Thike. Might you difpenfe mth your IdTure, I would
by and by hare Jbme j^xech with you : the fiti^firfHon I
would require is likewife your own benefit.
Ifah. I have no fuperfiuous leiTure ; my ftay muft be
ftolen out of other a^iirs : but I will attoid you a while.
Duke. S(Hi, I have over-heard what hath paft becweca
you and your fifter. Angela had never the purpofe to oat-
n:pt her) only he hath madean eflay of her virtue, to
Eraftifc lus judgment with the difpofition of natures. She^
aving the truth of honour in her, hath made hbi that
gracious denial, which he is moft glad to recuve : 1 am
confeflbr to Angela, and I know tlus to be true; therefore
prepare your felf to death. Do-not * ''ialTifie^ your refolu-
. tion with hopes that are ^Uible ; to-monDw you muft die ;
go to your knees, and make ready.
Claud. Let me ask my fifter pardon t I am ib out of
love with life, that I will fue to be rid of it. \ExUC^iaA.
Duke. Hold you there ; farewcf, Pravfifi, a word with
Prov. What's your will, father?
Duke. That now you are come you will be gone I leave
me 8 while with the maid ; my mind promi& with my
habit no lofs ftiall touch ho* by my ocHnpany.
Prev. In good rime. [fiwfiVov.
Duke. The hand that hath made yv^ hir, hath nude
8 btufy ', . . §U t£t, Wnrh. imtai.
C,q,-Z.-dbvGOOg[C ■
MeasCRe/otMeasure.^ 341
you good ; the goodnefs that is cheap in beauty,
makes beauty » 'brief in fuch goodnels ;'^ but grace being
the foul of your compleftion, (hall keep the body of ic
ever fiur. The aflault that jngelo hath made ' 'on^ you,
fortune hath convey'd to my underftanding ; and but that
irailty hath examples for tus falling, I Ihould wonder at
ji»gelo : how will you do to ctmtent this Subftitutc, and
to &ve your brother ?
I/ai. I am now going to refolve him : I had rather my
brother die by the law, than my fon Ihould be unlaw^Jly
IxHii. But oh, how much is the good Duke dcceiv'd in
Angela! if ever he return, and I can fpeak to him, I %vill
open my lips in vain, or difcovcr his government.
Duke. That Ihall not be much Mnifs ; yet as the matter
nowflands, he will avoid your aocuiation 5 he made tryal'
of you only. Therefore fallen your car on my advifingsi'
to the love I have in doing good, a remedy prefents itfclf.
I do make my felf believe that you may rnoft uprightly do
a poor wronged lady a merited benefit ; redeem your bro-
ther from the angry law ) do no ftwn to your own gracious
pcrfon, and much pleafe the abfent Duke, if pcradventura
he fliall ever return to- have hearing of this bufineis.
I/ai. Let me hear you fpeak, father : I have fpirit to ■
do any thing that appears not foul in the truth of my
Duke, Virtue is bcdd, and goodnefs never fearful : have
you not heard fpeak of A4»-/«w, die fifter of Frederick
die great iokiier who mifcarricd at fca?
IJa^. I have heard of the lady, and good words went
with her name.
Duke. Her fhould this jingeU have marry'dj * 'he was
afHancd'' to her by oath, and the nuptial appointed:
bctweoi which rime of the contraift, and limit of the fb-
lemnity, her iMXithcr Frederick was wreck'd at fea, having
in thai pcrifh'd vefTel the dowry of his fitter. But marie
how heavily this befel to the poor genriewoman ; there Ihe
lofl 8 ncMe and renowned brother, in his love toward her
Z 3, ever
9 tuJcTingoodaefit 1 ta x vmnSma'i
_iv,Goog[c —
343 MBAsuRE^ar Mbasub.b.
ever moH kind and natural i ^ih him' the pGnasn and
finew of her fortune, her maniage-dcnny ; wim both^ ber
combinace-husband, cMs weU-feeming uAgtie,
Ifab. Can this be lb ? did Angida & leave her ?
huki. Left herin her tears, and dry'd not one of drnn-
i^th his comfort; fwalloVd his rows-whole, precendine
in her (^overies of difhonour: in few words, befiow'a
her on her own lamentation, which Ifae yet wears fbr his
fake \ and he, a maiUe no her teara, is walfaed with them,
but rdents not.
Jfab. What a merit were it in deadi to take dus poor
maid from the world ! what corruption in this life, that it
will let this man live ! but how out of this oan the avail?
ThAe. It is a rupture that you may eafily heai ; and the
cure of it not only iaves your brother, but keeps you from
difhonour in drang it.
If^. Shew me how, good father.
UtAt. This fbre-nam'd maid hath, yet in her t^ cotti'
nuanceof her lirft af&£ti(Hit his unji^ kindnefs, ^t in all
reafon Jhould have quenched her love, hath, like an impe-
diment in the currenr, made it more violent and unruly.
Go you to jbigebt anfwer his requinng with a pbnfible
obedience -, w;ree with his demands to the point -, onl/ refer
your &lf to mis advant^ : firft, that youc 0ay widi him
may not be lor^i that the time may liave all Ihadow and
fdence in it; ami the pkce uifiner to OMivcniaKe. This
bong granted, in counfe now follows all': we ifaaU. adv&
this wronged maid to Head up your ^pcnittmetit, gp in
your place -, if die encounter acknowledge it fidf hereaflEr,
it may compel him to her recompence j and iwre by this is
your brother faved, your honour untainted, the poor Ab-
riam advantaged, and the cotrupt Deputy fcalcd. The
maid will I frame, and make tic for iiis.anempc : if you
think well to carry this as you may, the doublenefi of
the benefit defends the deceit and reproof. What diink.
you of it?
IfiA, The im^ of it gives me content already, and I
(nift it will grow to 9 molt profjwrous pcrfcftion.
Dkh. It lyavnidiinyour holding up; ba&eyouHpei-
dtly to ^-^gelo ; if fcr this aiglit he iotseat you to his bed,
ffive him promife of fepsfiiflion. I will pitdently to St.
Luke'i i there ac the ntoatcd grang: refide^ chi& ddet^ed
Mariana ; at that place caU upoame, anddifpatcn vnth
Ar^ele^ that it may be quickly.
JJEait I thank you for this comfotX: bmyouwdl, good
fiuber. lExeKHtJivtra^.
2}£ Strtet.
Enter Dulce, Elbow, Cbwn and Offiats.
^j&.'^JAY, if there be n& remedy fop it, but thaf you
■A-^ wiH needs buy and fell men and women like
beafts, we fhall have all the world drink brown and white
Duke. Ohheav'ns! what ftufF is here?
Clown. 'Tiras never meny world fince of two * 'ufurers^
the oamvA was put de;w^ and ct^ worfer ^Uow'd, by or-
det of Uw, a fi^'d gown to keep him -vonn, and ftztr-d
with fox and lambs-ucins too, to figiufie, that qa& be^
richer than imiQcency ftonds for the Tackig.
Eib, Come your way, Sir: bkla yo^, good fadier
Duke, Asd yeu, good brodicr ^ther^ Whitt Oiffencs
bath this npsn made youj Strf
Elb. Mftrry, SiTi ha h^ oSended th« law ^ and. Sir,
we take lum to be a (hief too. Sir ; for we have found
upon h>a» Sir, a ft»sge pick-lock, which w« h«ve leac
to the deputy.
■Duke. Fk>. Sbroh^ ^ bawd^ a wkl^ed bavd !
The evil that thou caufeft to be done,
That is thy means to live. Do thou but ttunk
Z 4 Wbat .
) hTutw
344 MEASURiyiw Measure.
'What 'tis to cram a maw, or doath a back
From fuch a filthy vice : fey to thy felf.
From their abominable and beaftly touches
I drink, I eat, * 'array my felf,'' and live.
Canil thou believe thy living is a life.
So ftinkingly depending ? go mend, mend.
Ckvm. Indeed ic doth ftink in fonK fcMt, & ; but yet.
Sir, I would prove —
Duke. Nay, If the dewl have giv'n thee proofs for fin.
Thou wilt prove his. Take him toprilbn, ofiicer ;
Correftion and inftruition muft both work,
Ere this rude beaft will profit.
Elb. He muft before the Deputy, & ; he has ^ven
}um wamii^; the Deputy cannot ande awhore-maftef; if
he be a whore-monger, and comes before him, he were as
good go a mile on his errand.
Duke. That we were alt, as fome would feem ro be.
Free from all faults, as > 'booi faults^ lecming free !
Enter Luda
Eih. His nedc will come to your waftc, a cord, Sr.
Qvwn. I Ipy comfort} I cry bait : here's a gcndeman,
«nd a friend of mine.
Lucio. How now, noWe Pws^? what, atthewlieds
tXCafar! art thou led in oiumph ? what, is there none of
PygmaUoH*% images newly made woman to be had no*, for
putting the Hand in the pocket, and cxtrafting it dutch'd ?
whatrcplyf ha? wtiatfay'ft tiiou to this "tune, the matter,
and the method ?^ is't not drown'd i' th' laft rain ? ha ? what
fay'lt thou, trot? is the world as it was, man? wludi ii
the way? is k lad and few words? or how? the trick of it?
Duke. Srillthusand thusj fKUworie?
Lucio. How doth my dear moriel, thy nuftrels ? pro-
cures Iheflill? ha?
4 twajr my ffT, . . . aliidit. Bi//»ft tmtnj.
f ^nlti from 6 ci)iw, maiicr, ud method ?
Measure far Mbasu&£. 345
CUwn. Troth, ^, fhe hadi eaun up all the beef, and
jfae is hoM* in ^ tub.
Imoo. Why, *ris good -, it is the right of it ; it muft
be fo. Ever your frcih whore, and your powdcr'd bawd,
an uifliunn'd ccnfequence \ it muft be ib. Art going to
prifon, Pempcf?
Omm. Yes, 'feith. Sir,
Lttdo. Why, 'tis not amiis, Pompej: fiirewel: go, lay
I fent thee thither. For debt, Pompty? or how?
Elb. For bang a bawd, for being a bawd.
' Zjicio. Well, then imprifon him ; if impriicxunent be the
due c^ a bawd, why 'tis his rig^t. Bawd is he doubded,
and of antiquity too ■■, bawd bom. Farewel, good Pon^ ; .
commend me to the prifon, Pompey i you will turn good '
husband now, Perttpey i you will keep the houfc. ■
down. I hope, Sir, your good worihip will be my bail.
Lucio. No indeed wHl I not, Pemfty-y it is not the
wear ; I will pray, Po^ef^ to increafe your bondage : if
you take it not patiently, why, your mettle is the more:
adieu, trufty Pompey. 'Bids you, Friar,
Duke. And you.
Lttcia. BoesBrii^ei paint^, Pmpeyi ha?
Bib. Come your ways. Sir, onne.
Ch\t>n. You will not bail me then. Sir?
iMcio. Then, Pompey^ nor now. What news abroad,
Friar? what news?
Elb. Come your ways, Sr, come.
Lucio. Go to kennel, Pow^, go :
[Extuitt EUjow, Down, and Oncers.
What news, Frim-^ of the Duke?
D^ke. I know none: can you tell me of any ?
Lttdo. Some fay he is with the Emperor of Bji^ \
other Tome, he is in R^ne : but where is he, think you ?
Duke. I know not where } but whcrcfocrg*, I wiui turn
ijfcio. It was a m9d fantaftical tnck of him to fteal
c,q,z.<ib, Google
34& Mba^ure/w' Measurs.
from the ftatCr ai^ vStrp: dw b^gary he ww never b»rn
to. Lord .^«/e> ilukes it welt in tua abiem»^ ha pw&
Tpanfereflion Bo'c
JOiM, He does well iii't.
Ludo. A Bttle mpre leniB/ cq teaduaty would da na
harm in him j fomething too crabbed that way, iW«r.
Duke. It is too general avicc,. audfevflritymuftcure it.
turn. Yes in ^od £»och» ttie:vic«isof gnsatkim^nd}
it is well ally'd » ' 'and'' it is. impoflibk no ejmrpaiw in
quite, Fn'or,. 'till eating and diinkiog) be put dawn. Thej
%, tb»./4i^ was not made 1^ maik and womaa^er
tin downrigbtwa^ of creation^ is it true, thiidc yoa?
.Duie. How {1k>^ he be tnulethen?
Lucia. Some ECfDoct, a fea^ni^d ^amn'di him. Some*
tliat he was begot bctweea two ftock-fifliesv Bui it i»c»-.
tain, chat when he makes water, his urine is eongesl'd ioe %
that I know to be tcues and ''he has no metiQii g/xan-
avc {^ that's in&IBblc.
Duke. Yoit ace plea^t, Str, and ipcak ^cc.
Lucio. Why, what a ruthfcis thing is tlus in hinj^ fta
the rebellion of a cod-piece to take away the life of asan!
would the Duke that is ^ent have done tUi ? eie he
would have hang'd a man for the getting a hundred
baftards, he wou^ hare paid for the nurling a ckoufead.
He had Ibme feeling of the fpovt,. he knew i£c fcrvice, and
that inftruded him to mercy.
Duke. I never heard tha abfi^t Duke mtich detcdad for
wohien ; he was not tnelin'd that way.
Ijicie. Oh, Sir, youace deceiv*d,
Duke. 'Tis,Detpofljble.
Lueio. Who, not the Duke ? yes, your beggar of fifty ;
and Ms ufe was, to put a (kicket in her dack-<£ih } tbe
Duke had crotchets in him. He would be drunk n>o,that
let me inferm you.
Daki. Vou do him wrc»igfiirriy.
Ijitm SkjIwaaaA-mwardof mB:»*''Or^ieIlowwasthe
Duke ', and I believe I know the cauie of his withdrawing,
' - ■ ■ , '' Ditke.
7 but S heuainodoniugcaaatint 91117
c,q,z.<ib, Google
DiAe. Whttpr'ytlife-nu^bediecaHfe?
LutM. No; psidoD: '*tis a lecrtt nuiA: be lodct 'within
dbeceedi and. the lips; bat this I can let you undeiftand, '
the grea^ file of tnefiibjedhdddieDuke'tobe We..
XSiftfo. Wife? why no qpcflijn but he wasv
Ijieio. A very fupetfidat, ignbranf , unwdghing fellow.
Duie. Either this is envy m yout fillly* or miftaking:
lix Tcry ftreatn c£ Ms iiie, and the buGn^ he h^ helm-
ed, mt^ won a.warranted need ^e him a botaer procla-
m^OR. Let him be but teAtmcmied in his owe lxii^;iigs.
fmxh, and he fhall appear to the envious, a fcholar, a
(fcatefman, and a fbldier. Thorcfiatc you fpcak lai^cill-
liilly ; or if your knowledge be more,, ic is much darken'd
in your ipalice:.
Imcio. Sir, I kxiDW loot, tad I love htm.
Duie. Love talks with better knowkdg?, aad know^
Icdge with ' 'dearer love''.
Lucio. Come, Sir, I know what I know.
Duke. I can hardly believe that, fince you know not
what yoo Jiwdc. But if ever the Duke cetuni, as our
prayers are he may, let me defire you to make your an-
Iwet beftM« ham : if it be haneft you have fpoke, you have
• courage to maintain it v I am bound to call upon you,, and
1 1»^ yo% your Bame ?
Lum, Sh*, my name is Xodo, well known to the Duke.
Duie. He fliaU know you better, Sir, if I may Uve to
KpopE you.
Lucie. I fear you not.
i)«fe. O, you hope the Di^ will return SO; more J or
^u ima^c me too unhurtfiil an c^^iQJJtc ; but indeed I
cw * ''do you-a ^tle'' harm : you'll forfWear this-ag^?
Z«w. rU be haog'd fuft: thou art decdu*d io me.
Friar. But no-jnne of thia. Canft thou tell, if Oaadio
die to-mortwff, or as ?
Duke. Wh;; jQioukl lie dte> Sic ?
Xa(&. Why .^ for filing at botdc with a tua-dini -,. I
would the IXike-WC talk ^ w«re s^tNta'd agjun ; this
1 d«wt*f«- adv-jopliide.
348 Measure y^ Measure.
ungcnitur'd Agent will unpeople the prmTnce with cond-
nency. Sparrows muft not build in his hoQfe-earcsjbecaufc
they are leacherous. The Duke yet would have daifc
. dcedsdarklyanfwcredihewouldneTer bring them tolight;
would he were retum'd! Many, this G««Stf is condemn-
ed for untrufling. Farcwel» good Friar ; I pr'ythcc^
pray for me j the Duke, I fay to thee agmn, would eat
mutton on Fridays. ' 'He's not paft it yet; and, I fay
to thce,^ he would mouth with a b^gar» tho* fhe fmek
of brown iM^ad and gariick : iay that J Jay lb, ferewel.
Duke. No migjit nor greatnefs in mortality
Can cenfure 'fcape ; back-wounding calumny
The whiteft virtue {hikes. What King fo ftrong
Can tie the gall up in the ftand'rous tongue ?
But who comes here ?
S C E N E Vll.
Enter Efcalus, Provdt, Bawd, and Officers.
E/cal. Go, away with her to prilbn.
Batvd. Good my lord, be good to me; your honour a
accounted a merciful man : good my lord.
Efcai. Double and treble abomination, and ffill forfeit
in the fame kind ? this would make mercy » 'fwerve^ and
play the tyrant.
Prov. A bawd of eleven years coqtinuancc, may it
pleafe your honour.
Bawd. My lord, this is one Lucio's information aganft
me : miftrefs Kate Keep-doym was with chiU by him in
the Duke's time : he promis'd her marriage : his child is
a year and a quarter old, come PbiUp and Jacob : I have
kept it myiblf ; and fee how he goes about to abufc me.
Efcal. That fellow is a fellow of much" licence ; let him
be call'd before us. Away with her to raifc^ : go to ; no
more words. [Exeunt with the Bawd.] Provofi^ my
hrothrn At^ela will not be alter'dt Clatdio mult die to-
3 He'iMwpaftitt yet, and I ^M thee* 4 fw««r .
Measure for Mbasure. 349
moffow : let him be fumifli'd with divines, and have all
dunitable preparation. If my brother wrought by my
jHty, it ihould not be fo with him.
Prev. So pleafe you, this Fri<tr hadi been with him, and
advis'd him for the entertainment of death.
M.fcd. Good even, good father!
Duke. Bli& and goodnels on you!
Efcd. Of whence are you ?
DfAe. Not of ttus country, tbo' my diance is now
To ufe it for my time : I am a brother
Of gradous order, kte come from thq See,
In fpedal bulinefs from his Holineis.
Efcd. What news abroad i'th' world?
Duke. NcMie, but that there is fo great a fever on gpod-
nefe, that the diflblution of it muft cure it. Nov5ty is
only in rcqucft ; and it is as dangerous to be aged io any
kind of courfe, as it is virtuom te be conftant in any un-
dertaking. There is fcajce truth cnwigji alive to make
fodetics fccure} but fecurity enoi^ tom^e fellowlhbs
accurA. Much upon this riddle ruos the wifdopi of me
world} this news is old enough, yet it is every day's
news. I pray you, ^ir^ of what d^pofidcxi-was the
Efcal. Ont that above all other ftrifes ,
Contended fpeciallyto know hinifelf.
iHtke. What plcafure was he ^ven to ?
Efcal. Radier rejoicing to fee another merry, than
^nerry at any thing which (Mrofeft to make him rejoice. A
gentleman of all temperance. But leave him to his events,
with a prayer they may prove profperous ; and let me de-
fire to know how you foid Claitdio prepar'd ? I am made
to underftand, that you have lent him vifuation.
Duke. He profeffcs to have received no finifter mea-
liire from his judge, but moft willingly humbles. himliJf
to rfie determination of juftice : yet had he fram'd to
himfelf, by the inftniftion of his frailty, many deceiving
proouiea of life, whrch I by my good l^Uiire have difcre-
dited to him, and now is he rdblv'd to die.
"■ c,q,z.<ib, Google
350 Meiasgr^ fwf .Ms&sCRZ.
Efisl. You hax^ paid the hcavlns your iiinflian, and
ihe prifoBcr tke vety debt 'of yoir oUing. I have iAfaaurM
for the poor gendemm, to the extremeft ihore of ay
moddty, but n^ bracher-juflace tare I iooBd lb ievere,
that he hath forc'd nte to tell Imn, he is indeed Jrfflioc.
Z)»;(^ If his own life aoTwer the ftraime&'of iiis^pro-
ceeding, it fhall becnme tun well; whcrcki If be (ihaoce
to fail, he hath fcntenc'd himfelf.
'EJtd. I soigo^to-nGtilrfaifiiier-: brcyaawelL
Huh. Peace^bcwWi you!
-He irfw the ■fword <rf" hoiv'n -mH bear,
Should be asihtriy asfcvere:
JE^Uttm in Mrrdelf -to lutev,
-Grace » ftand, and virtue go :
More 'nor kfs -to othere paying.
Than i^y felf-offences srdghk^.
-Shnne to him, 'w^Hffe cruel Ibriking
KtUs fcH* -feults'of his own liking !
Twice treWe fliame -on /b^lo^ •
To weed my vice, and let his grow !
Oh, what may nwi within him hide,
Tho' angel on the ©utward fide !
♦ 'How may that likcnefs^ ' 'fliading"^ crimes.
Making prafl^e on the times,
' 'Draw'' with idle ftMders ftrings
Moft ponderous and fubftantial'things'!
Craft againft vice I muft epj^,
Widiv^fJ^ to-fught fhall ^
His old betrothed, but defpsM ;
So di%uUe IhaU by th' d^tm'd
J>ay with faifliood ^Ife exodting^
And perform an old contraftii^. [£Mtr.
S How-Biajr Ubwrit . . . tldtiit. Wmrh. mnd. imteJB
7 To draw . . . oA^ «dU. Wari, tmeni.
Measure fw Mga^uiiie. 351
A e RAN^ E.
Tjf KEj oh lake ihofe Ups away.
That fe Jweetfy were ferjiocm ;
And thcji eyes, the break of dsy, -
Lights that do wif-Uad the mom\
tBai Iffy hffeshrit^ ig^iih
Seals of love, hut fZ^d i» vi^
'Ewter Thdte.
Mo'i, Break off thy fong, and hafte thee quidL tcmf%
Here comes a man of amiiort, vhbfe advice
Hath often ftill'd my'brawling difcontenc.
I cry you mercy. Sir, and well could wifli
You had not foiuid me hese li> mufieal :
Let me excufe me, and believe me fo.
My mirth it much diJ^eas'd, but pleas'd my woe.
Duke. 'T\i good ; dio' muTick oft hath luch a chanii
To make bad good, and good^rovoke to har^.
I pray you, tell me, hath any body enqiurM kx me here
t<>dayf much .iipon this time have I |>romis*d here fQ
• 'meet one.^
Mm. You have not been enquirM after: I have lat
here ali day.
Enter KabcL
Buke. I conftantly believe you : the time is come, even
now. I Ihall crave your foilxraranoe a fitde ; may be
352 Measure.^ Measure.
I will caU upon you anon for fome adrantaRC to vour
felf. , ' i
■ Mart. I am always bound to you. [£*xr,
Duie. Very well met, and well come :
What is the news from this good Deputy ?
I/ai. He hath a garden drcummur d with brick,
"Whofe wcftem fide is with a vineyard badct ;
And to that vineyard is a plandied g^te.
That makes his opening with this bigger key ;
This other doth command a little door.
Which from the vineyard to the ganien leads j
There, on the heavy middle of the night,
Have I my promife made to call upon him.
Duke. But Ihall you on your knowledge 6nd this way ?
I/ai. I've ta*en a due and wary note upon'tj
With whi^'iing and oioft guiky diligence.
In addon all of. precept he did fliow me
The way twice o'er.
Duke. Arc there no other tokens
Between you 'greed, concerning her obfcrrana >
Ifab. No ; none but only a repair i' th' dark ;
And that I have poffeft him, my moft ftay
Can be but fcrief ; for 1 have made him know,
1 have a fervant comes with me alwig.
That 'ftavs upon me, whole periualion is
I i;ome about my brotho-.
' Duke. "Tis well bom up.
1 have not yet made known to MwAmw
A word of this. Whathoa! within! comefi>rtfit .
s c E N E nr.
Enter Mariana.
I pray you, be acquainted with this maid ;
She comes to do you good.
MfiM.uft^ f». Measure^ 353
Tfai. I do defire the like.
" Ihtie. Do you periuade your fclf that I rdpcft you ?
Mori. GooiFriar, I knowyon doj and-I have found it,
Diiie. Take'tticn this your companion t^ the hand,
Who hath a ftory ready for your ear:
1 Ihall ^tcnd your Idfure ; but make ha^ »
The vaporous nj^ .^proaches.
Mori. Will't pleafe you. waUc afide?
* '[Exfttnt Man. aiij/ Ifab.
Dxke. ph place and greatnefe ! millions of (aire eyes
Are ftuck uporfthee: vblumes of rejx)it
Run -mth • 'their"" ftllfe and mbft contrarious quefts
Upwi thy doings ; thoufand 'fcapes of wit .
Make thee the ftther of their idle dreams, ■ ' •
Aftd fade thee in thrir fancies!— —''Well! agreed ?^_ '
' He-enter Mariana, ^nd I&bel. '■ ■■'■-'■
ifa&. She'll take the cntcrprize upwi her, fethcri -
Jf TOuadvifek. . ^ .
biiie. 'Tis not my eon&jit.
But my intrea^ too.
J/ai. Litde have you to uy . .
'When you dcpvc^m him, bycibft aiid^ff4r»
•* RememSer now mj brother.
Mori. Fear me dm.
Duke, Nor, goitle daug^tQ^ fesix. you no; at iJl ;
He b your huAand on a ^ti-coht^ ;
'To brtflg ybii thus tc^ether, 'tis no fin,
Sith that the jufticc of your titk to lum
'Doth flourifh the deceit. Come .let ulgOi ' . .
Our corn's. to reap,' for yet our ■ 'tilth's'' to fow. ,
■ , r ' [Exeuiit,
■ 9 thera I Welcome ; hay/ ■greed t
Ve&.I. A a S C£K^
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
■ % c E :n fe t.
Enter Prowft ^mi Cknre.
JVpn^OME hitheii» liirrali: can 766 cut off a mib*!s
CJW». tf the man be a batchdbr, ^ir, 1 1^: {}utif he
be a many'd mae, he is Hi mfe^s head^ ^Bd t can never
cut off a woman's head.
Prifv. Qomcy Sir. Invo m^ your fitttdiev and yv^k
mc a direft ai^wer. , iTb-monxiw nomi^ are to dib
GauJio and Benutrdint: here b in our piiion a cCHnmoA
eKCiitioner, whbin his.offiee lacks4 h84>er; if you will
take k on you to aOift lUm^ It Oiall ftde^ you fittm your
gyres : if nOb, you Oiall hare yonrfiiU tuK of impiw»-
ment* aod your cle&verahce wiih. an unjucied wh^mgi
iiw yotrhav»been-a n6t4*tolis fia^fl.
Chnm. Say I have been an unlawful baWd. A«e«^ ^
inin^, but yet I will be content to 4^ a h^^ harigman :
I woukj be glad to receive feme inftnliCticm ft6m toy fei-
ftmr. Wliai!h6av-jft*ft'/«.' wftt*t''s' iOSrffjfeCth&t?
JEtiter AUior&iv
'MBer. Db you ail, JJrt
Prov. Sirrah, here^s'iftflb* witth^ fon'^tt^jaettiW
in your execution : if you think it meo, CorVipfiuna with
>iin by the year, and lift tilm ^»d« hat Whh yOti^ if hot,
ufc him kit the preli^t» ^~d difinifs \3m> Ht cunidf "ptoA
hk effiraatTdn wiA you ; he hath b&rt vbSaWd: ■ ■ -'
y^hef. A bawd^ Sir? fie upon hith,. he wH difaedk
our myftery.
Prro. Go to» Sir? ypu wa^.aqi4lly»^a^i^ther wtff
turn the icalc {Exit,
b, Google
MtAsURB /«* Measure^ 3155
ClowH. Vntf, Ski ^ yow {jnod fimnir t (for ftntly,
fir, a ^x>d favour 7011 have, but that you hare a hat^*
inglooki) doyoacaU, Sir^your oo:upatioiiajD]rflat7f
J&ha: Ay, Sir, a myftay.
Clomt. PainuAg, &r, I h^e heard fxf^ b a myftay »
and your whores,' Sir, beii^ members of^ my occupation,
uTing painting, do prtrrc my occupation a myflery: but
what myfloy thert iboidd U in faan^g, if I flfodd be
hai^d, i camxx itntE^.
'JUm-. • * • • • • • • • • • •
Cji^g^ «•,■,•,» • • ••,• • « • «
BTf it is a rnf&ayt
j^hor. Proof.
Clown. Every true tnaa's tpfanl&t% your tbitf ; if. k be
jNn Sttib Cm- your Aie^ ydur >tF&e nun tfaidis k t%eof)ugh.
Jf «e-be 100 1^ for your thief, your thidF thuucl it littk
cnou^t ie erayiriM Am*! apfaaalfiiB your -thief/
' Prw. Are you i^jceedJ : .
Ocmi. Stf, I wU ifitVe bim : ^ I do find -your hang-
flian is a more pcmtcnt tr^e than your bawd^' lie dodi
oftner ask forglvenels. •*'' ■ -
ProVi You* firr^, provide your block and your ai to-
inorrow, four a<lock.
Athor. Come«ia,bawdj.lTrillinftji*athrtiiimyo:?dc|
Sbflow. * .
Clami, I do dcfire to learn, Sirj apd 1 hope, if you
hcvejDCOirioti to iife me for your own turn, you ffiaU find
Um yiRfc 1 f(» mAf, Six, for your kicdnds I owe you a good
turn. i£'^-
A»2 Prov.
U th t,xt im. b ti»imij wuLifTud M»4J^J*Mt, ihi ^rii^
■toiiVi Abhorfoa fi<idd freai 0" Hai^a«', trait a mf/iiry art ^.
Bui fnm tohtit ftlUvii tht arrament may bl anjeautid n Mvt bten
thh, ^Ml fptn *^' tiffintfitKi tit fk»sm»H ! H -uAidt «« jMf
IMHfr Jfe CjoM MflUt. titi fi» tbt fam rmftm fkt >*« i^g
«£& ^ find t iht\hUfi tr^t. Ya, Sir, it 1) a iftyfterj. lit.
mdthh aimth tk* np tkatftlkmi, WirboTWa.
" C,q,-Z.-dbvGOOglC
356 Measure fir Mt. as vviV,
Pre^. Call hither Bamardau and QaaJiti.
Onehas my pity; not a jot the other, . .Z
Beit% a murui*rer> cbo* he woe my brothet.
S C E Itf E VI. /.
Enter Claudib.
jjcxM^hen's'ditirajnnnU (3ai£e, for thy deadi;,
*Tis now dead midnight, and by dg^ to-mcoTOW
Thou muft be made immortal. Where's Sanurdiiuf
Gaud: As fall lock'd'up in lleep, u guiltiefi labcmr
When it lyes ftarkly in the travelki's bpoes :
He'll not awake.
Prov, Who can dogood on him?
■Well, go, piepaie yonr felf. {Exit C3aiid.1 Bat haric^
■whatnoifc? . [kieek mti>m.
HeaVn give your fixnts comfoit!— — by and tqr»^— >
I hope it is fome pardon, or rewieve
For the moft gentle OauHe. ' IVdcome, &ther.
Enter Duke.
Duke. The bcft and wholfom'ft fpirits of die ni^t
'InwUop you, gpodProvoJi! who call'd hereof late?
Prev. None fince the curphcw rung.
* Duke. Not I/M?
Prev. No.
D»t?. They win then, cre't be long.
Prcv. What comfort is for OljSiio?. ■ *
Dttlu. There's fome in hope.
Prov. It is a bitter Deputy.
Duke. Not lb, not fo J his lift is par^lei'd" " " ■ *'
Ev'n with the ftroak and line of his great jufUce ; ' - ' *'
He doth with holy abftinencc flibduc
That in himfelf which he ipurs onhis pm^r ■
To qualifie in others. Were he meal d ■ ■
With that which he cone&, then were he tyrannous ; l
Butthisbeii^fo,he*5Juft. Now are they come. [£u»t<^dflr.
[Exit ftovoft.
c,q,z.<ib, Google
MEAsU"RE/or Measure.' 357
This is a gcnde Pr<^gfiy ftldom when
The fteded gooler is ^ friend of moi.
How now ? what noife ? that Ipirit's poiTeft with hafte
That wounds \ 'th* unrefting-'' poftcm with thefc ftrokcs.
[Provoft retttms.
Prev. There he muft ftay untU the officer
Arife to let luin in ; he is call'd up.
Duke. Have you no countermand for Qaudio yet.
But he mufi die to-morrow?
Prav. None* Sir, none.
Duke. As near the dawnii^, Provofiy as it is.
You Ihall hear more ere mormng.
Prffo. Hapjaly
You Ibmedung know ; yet I believe there comes
No countermand ; no iiich example have we : •
Befides, upon the very ficge of juftice.
Lord Jneek hath to the publick ear
Profcft uic contrary.
Enter a Mejfet^er.
- Duke. Thb is Im lordfhtp'a man.
- iVw. And here comes Ckudio'i pardon.'
Meff. My lord hath fent you this note, and by me this
further chai^, that you fwerve not from the fin^eft ar-
tide of it, DUther in time, matter, or other drcumftance.
Good-monow; for as I take k, it is almofl: day.
Prev. I Ihall obey him. [Exit Mefleh.
■ Diiit. ThisisliispatdcMi, purchas'd by fuch fin
For wludi the pardonn- himfeu* is in:
Hence hath o&ence his quick celerity.
When it is Ixmh in hi^ authority (
When vice makes mercy, mercy's £> ^tended, ..
That lor the fault's love, is th' oflRnder friended..
Now, Kr, what news?
Prfv. I t(^ you : lord A^t bc-fike thinking me
A a 3 remils
358 MtAsvKz far Measure,
remifi io mine oSke, awikens ni? ^ndi tins unwoaBed
putting on, methinkB Arangdy, iot be luitb noc usM it
pait. Ppay you, ht'i hear,
IWoft naif tie Uttef.
fVbtafofver. you m^ btar to tie contraryy let C3a«^ Sf
executed by four of the ckck, and in the afterHoai Bar^
nardine : for my belter fatisfaltion^ let me have Claiidio*/
beadfent me by fiut. Let this be dufy performed, with
a thought that more depends en it than we mif/i yet deU-
ver. Thus fail net to do your e^e^ as you wiB enfaxr
it at yoi{r peril.
WJiat fay you to this, Sr ?
Duke. What is (liat Bamdrdine, who i* » be evecutnl
in the afternoon?
Prov. A Bohemian bom, but here nuftt up and hnd.\
CBic that is a prifoncr nine years old.
Duke. How came it, that the ^fcnt Di^e had not! d-
fhsr deliver'd him to his liberty, or executed him ? I have
Jicard it was ever his manner to do fo.
Prov. His friends ftill wiftught rei»4ev«s for luoi 1 and
Indeed Hs fa£b, 'till new in tJie govemtlKfit of IokI ^ih '
pb, c^nu not to an undoubtful proof.
Duiu. leitnowroparcnt?
Prav. Moft manifcft, md not dtny'd by hknlMf. .
DuJce. Hath he bom himfdf penitendf n prifon? hsv
jbems he fo be touch'd ?
Prov. A mm that apprehqidi daach na maa ^od^
fiUy, butasadrunkenfleepi carck^ ndikfi, andftaiw
Je6 pf what's paft, jwfcnt, or to cotqe » in^iUe of
piortality, and ♦ 'mortaHy ^perafe.^
Duke. He wino advice,
^rw. He wiU hear nonet i»c M» wetmore h«d Che
liberty of the prifon : ^ him leave i» efiape henoe, he
would ncf; dfunk jn^njr ripJM 9 day*, if noc manjr d:^
4 ^poatel/ mottal. • '
c,q,z.<ib, Google
earn him,to evcvMMib ai^&cw'd bim.a loecDu^g wao:^
£» lit i it i^ JM oapv'd Uffi at aU.
i)ibi(. Mpce of him anoa Tfaore ia Tmcten ia yow
fapov, Prtfo^-,^ iNnd^ ^ coBftasqr^ if I rcwi tE not
truly, my andent skill b^uilcs me ; but in the bpidpc&
of my cunning, I will lay njy Iblf ia hacvd. Oofi^o,
vAoni htae- yott txTe w«n»t » aeocwe, i« nn gl^ter
feriorMiiho ivR t^ .^ln§tl<\ lAa iuth Jonteoc'd ^ji^v
Ta make mu wdcfftaad . ^ i« a wanikiiad c£^^ I
onaVntnUDdagn ie^vt«, fwtfafivrlvcfat y<«i vq ^ ^
me both a;[dc&ot and a.d^ngQeoui cointdGic.
- J'lTV!. Bnn Sir, iawI^S
i^. Jn ibn ddbyii^ doarii.
- Ardv. Aladcl hmr may ] do ic hani^ tiiQ bioiw ^
«Biud, and an esptcft cgoimaHl uador paul^ tQ ddiivf^
Us head m, the vic« tigjMMhf I may odeciDy oii^ ^
€laiiJiK% wcro&ihttiaUtt&ullcilt
Dvb. figr die vitw of luhe order, I mnwt yc^ t^^
n^ infauAioru m^ be your guide; kt this Banm^ be
4luB tBopiing executed, ud hjs hsad bom to ^i^«. . .
Prev. jfygelo hath leen them both, and will dilcover
the favour.
Duke. Oh, death's a great difguifer, and you may add
to it i fliave the head, aui tie. t^l beaid, and lay it Vas
^ deGre of d)e poutent to be ba|b'd befQ^C' |u} dwth i
yqu )(/fam tte.(»ivfc is tommotw If m. #»& ^ so
yqu u^ tfhv, mqi¥ tb»n thnlv VsA &m- forcuoe i' %
.tl^Smiptwhomlfffofe^* Iwmplc«4 4gw^ ic^titty
^«t pardflj^m^ft gwj Micfi it k agHnft nay ORth-
^^ y^v^ yw fwQW to tt* iMein w 59 the P^
frtv. Ta hiin, aii4 to ^ SqUlilitutt^
piikf. Yqu wU thii^ y<m h4V£ no^i^ >»> ofi'^pf^, \i
^ Pvke avoiwh tiw jufti^s; gf jrflHJ *ie*^ -^
P«ir. Noc a relcirijlana but a certainty. Vet fince I
A a 4 fee
360 Measure /ir MiAiUs.z.'
Ice you-fearful, that neither tny coat, int^tf, nor my
perfijafioji, can with cafe attempt you, I will- go fiirdicr
than I meant, to pluck all fears Out of jron. Look you^
Sir, here is the hand and feai of the Duke >, you know
the chx;aAer, I doi^t not/ and the R^itc a. not ftrmgp
to you.
Prov. 1 know them both.
Duke. The contents of this is the return of die Duke$
you ihall anon over-read ir at your [4eafuFe ; vtaere yoa
IhaU find within thefe two days he will be here. This is
a ttung whidi yhigtlo knows not ; for he this vety day rcr
iceives letters of ftrange tenor, perchance of the Duke's
death, perchapce of his ending into fome mooaftoT, but,
by chance, nMlung of * 'what is here writ.^ Look, die
untcddnig ftar calls up the Ihcpherd^ put not yourielf
into amazement how thefe things fhould be; all diffiouir
ties are bot eafie when they arc known; Call your exeoir
ooner, and off with BmtiarJine'i head : I will ffvc hina
apKftntlhrifr, and advife Mm for a bctoor place. Yet
you are amaz'd, but this fliall abfolutdy reii^ve yoa.
Come away, h is almoft dear dawn. [Exaatt.
SCENE yiii..
* Eattr Clown,
Bevm. I am as well acqumtcd here, as I was in our
houfe of profeflioni one would think it were miftrds
Ovfr-don's own houll^, for here be many of her (Al -cu-
fiomers. ' Firft here's young Mr. Ri^i he's ui for a
commodity of brpwn pepper and old ^pger, ninelcoK
and fcventecn pounds j pf which he made five marks
ready mony : marry 'dien, g?n^ was not much in re-
queft ; for the old wonun were all dead. Then b tbcie
here one Mr, Capfl-, at the foit of matter Tbru-Pile the
mercer, for fome four fuks of pcadi-oolour'd iattin,
vhkh now peaches him a bc^ar. Then have we here
young Dij^t and young Mr7D«p-ww», and Mr, Coffer'
^ waatuvrit.
Measure yir Measure. 361
JPWj and maftcr Starue-Lofief the rapier and da^cr-
nian, and young Drep-beire that kiif'd lufty PuMng,
■ad Mr. Fwtb-Hgbt the tiltcr, and hrave Mr. Sbooty thp
great traveller, aM wild Half-Came that-Ilabb'd Pets, araf
I think forty more » alt great d^ers in our trade, and arc
pow infor jdK Iwd's lake.
Enter Abhoribn.
Abb^i Sirrah, bri;^ Barnardini hither.
Gown. Maftcr Bdmardine^ ytou muft rife and b^
bang'd,- matter Baniardine.
^bvr. What hoa, Barnardinef
fitfnardioe vntbin.
Bamar. A pox o* your throats; who makes that qoife
there? what are you?
Clmm. Your friend. Sir, the hangman: you muft be
fo good, Sr, to rife, and be put to death.
■ Barnar. Away, you rogue, away ; \ am (lecpy,
^bor. Tell him he joidt jiwake, and that quiddy toO,
dawn. Fray, matter BantardifUj avake 'till you are
executed, and flecp afierwards.
Abbar. Go in to him, and fetch him out.
QBort. He ii coining, Sir, he is combgi I bear^the
J^ftr Bamardlne.
Abbor. Is the ^ upon ;hp block, firrah ?
Cbwi, Veryrrady, Sir.
Bamar. How now, jUiborfin ? what's the newi with
you ? ■
Abbot, Truly, ?ir, I would de&e you to dtp va^
yoi|r.praycn : for look you, the warrant's come.
Barnar. You rc^ue, I have beoi drinking all oighCj I
am not fitted foj'r.
C&Ktn. Oh, the better. Sir t f(»- he that drinks all night,
^ is hang'd bedmes in th? monung, may Q^ die
founder all top rtqn day.
," Zrttet
362 MiAStiKB foe Mbasurb.
Enter Di^e.
'j&bor. IjQik. yovi ^, here comas yo«r ghoft^ (4*
dier; dowejeftaov, think you?
Dibtr Sir, induced t>f my charity, and howing fao««9
luftily you are to dq)art, I am cogi^ to adrift yWi CQi^kr
fort you, and pray with you.
Barnar. Friar, noti: I have bem drinking hard all
nig^t, and will bare more ome to ycegam ne, or they
Ihalt beat out my braioa ^nch bUleu : I wU not con&at ix»
die this day, that's certain.
Duke. Oh, Sa^ ygn mufti wd thn^n I bcfecch
you look forward (»i the journey you fliall go.
Barnar. I fwear I mil not die tixlay ior any man's
Duie. But hear you.
Barnar. Notaword: if you have amr duK tala)' to
me, come to ray wardj for ihcnce will not I tixiay. ^
Eaier Provoft.
Bah. UofittQlivc wclie: ohgnaeiheift!
Prev. After Mm, fellows : bring him to tb« bfecl^ .
Now, Sir, how do you find thq phfbner ?
Duit. A creature unprepar'd, unmeet fi?r death i
'And to tranljwrt him in the mind he is.
Were damnable.
Prev. Here in the prifon, fiitha.
There dy'd tlus morning of a cruel fever
Ohe R^adtie, a moft nonnious pyrate,
/i. Qian of <2au^o^^ yean ; Ids heard and hfcad
-Tuft f^ Ms colour. Wiiat if we anue
Tl^s min^bate 'rilj he. were well indin'd,
•And &tiafy the Deputy with diei^l^
'<V A^ozutf, more fflte to ClatSt f
DiAt. O, 'tis an acddcot that heaven piondfii
IDifpatch it prefcntly ; the hour draws oa
Prefirtby^^f/«: foethisbedonc, :
And feni according to command j wlule 1
Fcrfuadc this rude wretch inlUng^ to die.
Prev. This ftiall be done, gppd fathcTi judcatly.
But Bamar^ine muft die tlus afternoon :
And how fhall we (jontijiue Clasdio^
To five me from the danger that might CQine,
If he were kiKWn alive ?
Buke. Letthisbedcaie;
put them in fecret holds, ' 'CSn^ff and AirfMrtfffr ;^
Ere twice the fun hath made hit journal greeting
' 'To th' under generation,'' you ihaU find ;
your Ia(ety ' 'namfcft.^
Prov, 1 am your free dependent.
Duh. * 'Qu^k, quigk,^ wd icpd the head to ^«k
Now will I write Icttcrt to Jf^tk^
The Prevofi he Ihall bear them, whc^e coptepiCV
Shall witnds to him I am near at ho(nc •» ■
And that by ^eac ii^undtions I am bout4
To enter pu^ckJy : him I'll ddir«
To meet me at the ccofTecraDed fou^
A league below the city \ wi from thence.
By cold gradation atid well-balUnc'd form^
^Wp fhali proceqi with ^%;i^.
Bnttr ProToft,
Prcv, Here is the headi I'll cany it myfidf,
IhAf. Cpiivenicfit fa it: make > Iwift return (.
fat I would commww wiUi you 9f fuch thingf
That want no ears but youn.
Prov, ru make all fpeed. [Sx^*
6 both B»rmar4int juid C!tmJi» : 7 To jtufixt MMntioB,
364 Measur.1! for Measure.
fiabel mthm.
Jf<^i Peaccj hoa, be here !
Duke. The tongue of Ifaiel She comes to know
If yet her brother's pardon be come hither :
But I will keep her igtt'rant of her good,
To make her heav'nly ' 'comfort^ of de^»ar,
•Whenitiskaft ^'
:av nly ' '1
Ifai, Byyowlcare/
J)ukt. Good momii^ to you, fair and gradous daug^txr.
Ift^. The better, grv^n me by fo holy a man :
path yet the Dqmty ftnt my terther's pardon ?
J)uit. He hath rucas'd hun, Ifaiel'^ fixjm the worlds
His lKad is dff, and fent to Axgd«,
Ifab. Nay, but it is not Jo.
Duke. It is no other.
Shew wifdom, daughter, in your dofeft patience.
Jfab. Oh, I unll to him, and pluck out his eyes.
Duke. You Ihall not be admitted to his li^t.
Jfab. Unhappy Qtauiio, wretdied Ifabet!
Iiyurious worlds moft damned yjy«^/
Duke. This hurts not htm, wx profits you a jot :
Forbear it therelbre, g?ve your caufe to heav'n :
Mark wh^t I Jay, which you (hall furcly find
By cv*ry fyll^le a faithfiil'verity.
The Duke comes home to-morrow j dry your eyes j
One of onr conv«it, and his confeflRM-
Gives me this news; already he hath cany*d
■.Vobtxta Efcabu 2i\A.j1ngeloi
Who do prepare to meet hiin at the gates.
There to give up thdr power. Pace your wifdom
In that good i»th that I would wilh' it go.
And you Hull have your bofbm on this wretch,
9 comfbrti
M E A S U R E /or M E A 5 U R fi, ^fij
,Grace of tbs Duke, Fcrtnges to yaac btart.
And gen'ral honour. '-:
. . J/mu I'm directed 1^ you.
Duke. This kttef tlwn to Biar Peter ^ve ( . >
*Tis that he fent mc of tEie Duke's tetam: '
.Say, by.tfaiTtoken, Idefirelusccanpaajr
At MartM^i houfe. Hq* cauic and jrouit
.rll perfiaA lum withal,. and heihaUi}iing;7oa
Before the Duke ; and to the head of Angelo
Accufehim home and home. Fo-mypoor&Iiv .
1 am oomt»iicd by a lacred vow.
And ihall be ahfenc.- Wend you mth this letter :
Command thcfe fretting waters from your eyes
With a l^t hcatt ; tnift not my holy order " '
If I pervert your courfc. Who's here ?
EHter Ludp.
Lutio. Good even j
Trior, where is the .PrtW^/ : :■ : ■ :'
Duke. Not within,- Sir,
Ijtch. Oh pretty IfabeUa^ I afn pale at mine h(^ tb
< Jec thine eyes ib-redt th6u mull bepaticKi I am ftin Co
dine and fup with watei^and t»an ; I darchot for my hewl
fill my belly : one fruiifij meal would frt mc to't. -But
■ they »y the Duke will be hat tt>-OTOtrow. By-my Both,
\ mii, I k)T*d thy brother ; if the old foiCafUcal Duke of
daikeomenhad beenashome, he-had Irved. ' i
Dike, SeCy the Duke is marveSous liCtle beholden to
. your reports i but the beft is, he lives not in them.* ■ ■ •
Lmo. Mar, chou knoweft not the Duke fo well as'I
dii>; he's a better woodman than thoti tak'ft him fix-.
- '■ Diikt. Wellj you'll anfi»er diis one day. Fare ye
well. ; ■ : :
iucie. Nay, tarry, PUgo along '^cb tAeO : I can ttU
^ee pretty tucs of the-Duke. .
I Duir.
366 MEASVREySr Mbasur^
Duke. You han taid me too many of Jum olnad^* £&|
if they be true ; if not, none were enoug^
Zjuie. Twas once before Inm fgr gectmg a vcndi widi
Duie. Did yott Aidli a duDg?
Lucip. Yesminydid 1} bitf IVas&ktaftrAtfear kf
they would dfii J«vrc3iiaii7*dinetotherotcentiwdlar.
2)k^. Sk| ynw coaqpany is Jaiicr dun iutaeft s reft
you well.
Ludo.. By n^ trocb, Til go wA dxe to the iiMfs
end : if bawdy calk offend yvu, wt^ll luve ray fietfe of
it s nay, iHr, I am » kind of bir, I ftall Akk. {Sxmmi
Ti&f Palace.
£«/«r Angelo and Efcalus.
E/cal, 17 Very letter he hatfa vat hatH >dirvaii(&*d ^tb^.
I-' Jf^. In moil 'utKVcn snd diftn^Ud nun-
.fier. I£sfli£tiom lllew tnuch like to iBsdnols: piw faanr'a
UtWdom bejMCtuMCdl a>dwhyifioocIbaiKtbc^l%
:«nI ddirer our «ith«iiaes<dKn?
£>t/. lenefenoc
j%. AndwliyaMuldwttfmtlalinitkaiihoirMbttf
.lui ealiiine, thrt if ai^ onre voMs «f iiyNftlc^ tfacy
fhould exhibit di^ iwtjtiou in die ib«tt ?
.. 4^^. Hcaicinflisj««fon(brlbll;.nb«R;»4iii»tdi
oF casnUam, «nd«» deUnr te ftom .deyicni mitm,
.iriMilh fluH cbn tiurc m pMw t» AMd i«i«ft m.
wi^. WcKi I.bcfeech ytiu» iat k U iiiii hwt'd fcetiWtea
:.■* A' >»»ni lit ibU noQ M TovJioufe: gjVie BBiltc to
liichment^ fort and hiit as are to meet bim.
: i^dT. lOid^ar^teiTWAVcll tj£m$.
J^. Goodi^t/ Tliii<dMl . ^
bvGoog[c :'
MEASU&t far MEAsunfe. 367
Unlha^nfctiuiK, iwIecs me ■ Alnpn^^aiit, i3xM\
T^ tU proceediiigs^ A dcflouicd xaaid.
And by an eminent body, that cnforc'd
The law agEunft it1 but tliat her tender fiume
Will not proclim againft her maiden lofe,
How mi^t flie tongue mel yet ircafon dares her : ' 'no^'
For my authority'" bears off all credence (
That no particular fcandtl once can toudi.
But it confound the breather. He fliould have Iiv*<^
Save that his riotous you^, ^rith dangerous feafc^ * ■
Might in the times to come, have ta^ea revenge
^ lb rccHTing> di(Honoiu-*d life.
With ranTom of fuch flume. Would yec he had Jiv^j
Alack, when once our -^"ace we have fot|;ot,
Nothi^ goes right i we would, and we would not. \£»ki.
SCENE . Xtll.
7*if PifiJt without tke Vanm.
Duke.'^Heie: letters at fit time deliver me.
X The Proveji knows oiir purpofe and OOr pfot':
The matter bang afoot, teep yoarlnftruct^
And hold you ever lo, our fpccial diift,
Tho' fometixnes you do Uench from this to that.
As caule doth minifter: ^^call^ at Flaviui' houie.
And tell him where I ftay j give the like notice
Unto Vakniius, RovDtnd, aiKl to'^ajfus.
And l»d them brkig the tntpiipeSs^'^ gate :
But Jend me Fhf^s^tei. ' . >
Peter. It flail beTpceded"welL [^w^-.
Enter Varrius.
Duke. I thaok thee, ^iirrwfi thou haft made good hafie:
8 qpregunt and dnlL
' S m ny aatkMity 4 {p, caU
368 MB&svm fir Measure.
Come, we will walk. There's other of our fiends
Will greet us here aiKKi, tay gentle yarriia4 [Exmi/4
Enter liabella and Mariana.-
I/ah. To fpeak fo indiretftly I am loth :
rd fjy the troth 1 but to accufe him fOf
That is your part ; yet I'm advis'd to do if ^ ■
He fays * 'to vxAfoT- pUrpofe.
Mot, Be nil'd by him.
^ai. Befides, he tells me, that if peradVcnttnt ■ '
He fpeak ^unft me on the adrcric fide, -
I fhould not think it ftrange ; for 'tis a phyfick
Tint's latter tofwcet endj
. Mart. I would Biar Peter' -^—
I/ah. Oh, peace } the Frim' is come.
Enter Peter.
Piter. Come, I h«7e found you out a ftartd motf fif^
■Where you may have fuch vantage on the Duke,
He fhaU not p^ you. Twice have the trumpets Ichinded^
The generous and gravcft citizens
Have hcnt the ^cs, and very near upon
The Duke is entring; therefore hence, away. ^Exeunt.
j tavtii fiill . . . fUtdit. fiuS, mtni.
b, Google
lAsAsaKE fpr Me AsvKn. 369
EiUer Duke, Vaniu^ LorJsy Angelo, Efcalus, Ludo,
mdCitizeus, at feverai ikors.
D D it B.
MY very vorthy cxMjfin, fairly met ;
Our old and faithful friend, we're glad* to fee you.
Aug. inAEfi. Happy retumbcto your royalGracel
Duke. Many and hearty thajiks be to you bou^:
We've made enquiry of you, and wc hear
Such gpodnefi of your juflu:^ that our foul
Caniiot but yield you forth to publick thanks,
Forenmning owe requital.
J}^. You inake my bonds IHIl greater.
Dmi. C^ your detertfjpeaks loud, andlfhouldwiongk
To lodt it in the wards of covert bcibm.
When it defcrvBS with chara^crs of brafs
A foited refideooe, 'gainft the tooth of time*
And razure t^ofcJivion. Give me your hand
And let the fut^eds fee, to make them know
That outward courtefies would ^n proclaim
Favours that kedp within. Come, Efcdus^
y<»] muft walk tr^ us on our other h>Qd ^
And good fi^jporters are you.
Enter Peter and Ifabella,
i*«f«r. Noyr is you r time : rpeak loud and koeel before lum.
Ifah. Jqflkice, Q. royal Duke I vul your teg^
Upon a wrong*d* I'd f»n have faid, am^:
^OL.1. Bb Oh
370 Measure yiff- Measure.
Oh worthy prince, dilhonour not your eye
By throwuig it on any other objeft,
'Till you have heard me in my true conrpl^t.
And gjve me juffice, juft^cc, juftice, jufficc.
Vuke. Rdate' your wrongs ; in what, by Whom ? be brief:
Here is lord.-^'B^*^ (hall give you juftice:
Reveal your fclf to him.
Ifak. Oh worthy Duke,
You bid me feck redemption of the'dewl : '
Hear me your felf ; for that which I muft ipeak
Muft dther puniih mc, not being believ'd.
Or wring redrefs ftom you : oh, hear me here!
Ang. My lord, her wits, I fear me, are not firm :
Sh* 'ath been a fuitor to me for her brother.
Cut off by courle of juftice.
Ifab. XTourfc of juitice !
Ang. And flic will fpeak moft bitterly, and ftrar^;c.
Ifab. Motl firange but yet moll truly 'trill I ^ak ;
That AttgeUiH forfwom : is it not ftrange ?
That Ar^ele's a murth'rer ; is't not ftrange ?
That Ajigtlo is an adult*rous thief, - ' '
An hypddriK, a vii^-violater :
It it not ftrange and ftrange ?
Vuie. Nay, ten times ftrange.
Ifai. It is not truer he YSAngtlo^
Than this is all as true aj it is ftrange ;
Nay, it is ten times true j for truth is truth
To th' end of reckoning.
Duke. Away with her : poor foul.
She fpcaks this in th* infirmity of fenfe.
Ifab. Oh, I conjure thee. Prince, as thou believ'ft
There is another comftui than this world.
That thou negleft me not, with that opinion
That I am touch'd with madnels. Make not iinpc^Ue
That whrch but feems unlike ; 'tis not impofljblc
But one, the widced'ft catifF wi the ground.
May feem as fhy, as grave, as juft, as abfolute
ifLs A^elo ; ev*n ib may AngtUy
'■'■ ' « ^ . ■ im
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Measure yor Measure. 371
In all his drd&igs carafts* titles, finros.
Be an arch-yillain: tnift me, royal Prince^
If he be lefi, he's nothing; but he's more.
Had I more name for badnefs.
DuJce. By mine "honour,^
IT ihe be mad, as I believe no other,
Her madnefi hath the oddeft frame of lenle*
Such ia dependency of thing on thing.
As e'er I heard in madnds.
J/ai. Gracious Duke,
Harp not cm that ; and do riot bahiJh icafbn
For inequafity -, but let your realbn
Serve to make truth appear where it fcems hidj
Not hide the falfe fecms true.
Date. Many ^ ''not mad^
Have fure more lack of realbd. "What would you lay ?
^ai. I am diB filler of one Qaa£o,
Condemo'd upm the aA of fismicatitxi.
To lole his head ;' condemn*d by jlngelot
I, in probation of a fifterhoqdi
Was fenc to by my brother | * 'txiR Lueto being^
As then the meflehgerj —
Lueio. That's I, an't Bke yOur Grace:
I came to her from QaudiOy and defir'd hef
To try her gradous fortune with lord jb^ela^
For her poor brother *S panlon.
Sfab. That's he indeed.
"Di^. You were not Ind to Ipeak. t^ Lucto.
Ijuio. No, my good lord, nor wilh'd tO hoTd my peace. ■
Duke, I wUh you now then ;
Pray you, take note of it: and when you have
A bufinefi fiJr your iclf^ pray hear'n ytsu then
iMeio. I warrant your boAour, Sr.
ZWrThe Warrant's for yDurfclfi»'be,fiiretakeheedtot.^,
jykh. This gqidcman toM fomethiog of my tale.
iMcio. Rim^.
Bb 3 Dnitl
4 howajr, 7 dutucoMBiad ttgnlmti* 9 ciki hml to'L
; .iv,Goog[c
3^2 Measure^ M«4»WRt.'
i)«ie. It may be ri^ bui yqM.wp in tlw Frong
To fpeak before your time. Proceed.
Iffib. I went ;
7*0 tlus penudous CMtifiF Deputy,
Duke. That's fomewhat madly fpolun,
Jfab. Pardon it :
The phrafc is to the matter.
Duk£. Mend again: "the matter than j proceed.^
^, Inbriefi CtofetthenecdiefciMOcefibjr,
How I perfuaded, how I jway'd and kncd'd.
How he repcU'd mc, and how I rejdy'di
For this was of much ienffih) the vik copdu&n
InoWbegjn with grief and (hame to utter.
Hevoi^ nor, but by gift of my chafte bo4y
To his concupifccnt intempVate Ijjft,
Rd£a& my brodier j afttr much dcbatepien^, ,
My fiftcrly remorfc confuta mkw honour.
And I did yield to him : next mom betimes,
jiis purpofe forfeiong, he fcnda a warrant
For my pots' brother's head.
Didu. This.isrnofthkdy!
i/&i. Oh that it were as like as itis true! [i^ipeak'fti
Dukt. By heav'nf fopd wretch, thou know'ft not v^iax
Or elib diDU art fubfxn'd againft his faooo^r
In hateful praftice. His int^rky
Stands witKout blemiih j it imports 119 re»fan.
That with fuch vehemence he fliouW puifue
F^yl^s proper to Mmfelf : if he had it
Offended, he would h^vp wdgh'd thy brother by
Himfelf, and not have cut him off, SoQie OW t
Hath fet ypu on, oofi&fs the truth, and iav
By whofe advice thou cagn'ft here to cp(0{iu({,,
Ifab. And is this all ?
Then oh you blefled minifters^yboye,
KeepmeiAP^ti^Qcci «id with ripFfj'ji iim<.
Untold, tbe e^ ^hicli is here -vffvgt. vp.
Jji countenance ! Hcav'n Ibield your Grace from woc» ^
. „. -4 1)^ natter (--.pfocflfti. ,
■Measure for Measure, ^ft
As I Aus wrong'd, hence tmbeliered go'
Duke. I know you'd fiun be mme. An officer \
To prifon with her. Shall we mus permit
A bwiffii^.and a Icandalous breath to fall
On him ro near us? thismuft bca prafticc.
Who knew of our inteot, and coming hithn-?
Ifgi, Odc that I would were here, Biar LoJowick.
Tiuke. A ^Ko^ &ther, belike : who knows thuLodotoick^
LMcio. My lord* I know him i 'ris a mcdfing FHar^
I do not like the man -, had he been Lay, my lord,
For cert^ words he Ipoke agnnft your Grace
in your retirement, I nad {tm^d him foundhr.
DKie. Words againft me f this is agood^x^bcGke,
And to fet oD this wretdied woman here
Againft our SUbftitute ! let this l^iar be found.
Luck. But ycftem^t, my lord, fhe and that Friary
I &w them at.the prifon : a lawcy Friar,
A very fcinry fellow.
Ptter. Blefe'd be * 'your Graa P
I have ftood by, my lord, and I have heard
Your royal ear abus'd. Flrft hath this womaA
Moft WFongfidly occusM yoUr.Siibftinite,
"Who is as free &om touch or foil with h«r.
As flie from one ungot, .
Duke. We did believe
Nolefi. Know you that Friar'-^ ^Lodewieif^
Peter. I know him for a iti:i!i ^vinc and hoty |
Not fcurvy, nor a temporary mcdlcr,
As he's reported by this gentleimn j
'iAmd, finmy truft, a tnan chacBevBryet
Kd, as hevouches^ miireport your Grace.
- Liuio, Mf ImU, moft ♦ 'wlburtoofly he did ; bclkve k.^
Peier. Welli be in time may come todear hbnielf »
'ftut atriui Mlanthe it idi, iwy kird,
Ofaftrangc fever. On his m«er requ^^
(Bong come to knowledge that ihete WiscoMpIatot
Bb 3 Intcn*
kyonrra^Gncer 3 . UWi'nl, .wiuch Oie fptab rf)
374 Measure far Measure.
Intoided 'gainfli lord jb^ek) came I Udier . - -^
To ^cak as from his mouth, what he doth knpw
Is true ' 'or falfe,^ an4 he vpon his oadi
Py all probacion will make up fiill clc^r^ ..
"Whenever he's conven'd, Firft, fqr this woRiip j
Tp juftifie this worthy nobleman.
So vu^arly and peifonally acqis*d,
Hcf Ihall you hear dilproved to hereye*,. »
'Till fhc her fclf confefe it, .
Buke. Good Friar^ let'? hear it.
Do you not fhiiJe at tlus, Igrd Jt^elo f
Ohcav'n! the yanicy of wretched foolsJ-^
Give us ibnie feats \ come, cpuCin jingeloy
la. this'* 1 will be partial -^ be you judge
Of your own caiifc; Is this the witncu, FrittT ?
[Ilabella it furritd a^^ guarAeS,
5 e E N E m.
Enttr Marians vtiV4-
firft let her fliew her face, and after Qieak.
M&ri. Pardoi), my lonl, I wSl not Ihew my fitcfi
Until my husband t^d ine.
"Duke, What, are you marry'd?
Mori. No, my lord.
jyukt. Arc you a m^d?
Mori, No, my \otA,
Duke. A widow then ?
Man. Ndther, ray lord.
Duke. Why, arc you nodung then i neither aukl, wi-
dow, nor wile.
IJieio. My lord, flie maybe a punk; for many of diem
w^ sdther maid, widow^ ncM- wife,
Dake. Slepce th^t fellow :' I uvuld.hc had fbme qiufe
to prattle for hipifelf.
Lueio. Well, my lQr4.
jM^*'. My lord, I do confeft I ne'er was marry*d,
S and blfe, 6 I'll be iinptrtnl ; . ^ • ^tJit. ^ti. put*^,
- And I confefs befidcs* I iunod inatdv ■ • ;:;'; .,-
I've known my hijsband, yec my husband koowsnot -
That ever he knew mo. -.. .
Lucio. He was drunk thetn my lord •, it can .be m better;
Buke. Fpr thebencfifof fiknccrWQuldihDaAaciivcoo.
Lucio. Well, my lord. i,-' ,* :
Duke. This is no witocfs for lord ^hgeb. '••''.' ■
JMariViiro'W^.I come.tQH.-.-my:kffd. - ■!■;■■
She that accu&rhim of foniicaiOon, ■ . /i r; ■ : . • ; ,
In fclf-fame maoher dwh weufcmy husband, r: ■-.?. n's ',
And'diai^es hiafc, myilord^.writfudiatimc, ■ ■..• -■
When I'll depofe I had hjm.inifflnc arms, .■
■Withallth'efFeaofteve. ■-■■■..:.:
Jjig. Charges flic ffiorc , ■-
Than me? -'■ ,
Mori. Not that I know.
I>uke. T'Youfay»^ yow hu^bsnd. ' [fm Mariana.
Mah-'yfhyi juft, Rtx-ktrd* gpd that i« y*ig:*^, ,
Who thinks hcknpws that l^e^'er knew iriy body v
But knows, bethinks, tJawM^'kocw': i/aW's^
Jng. Thisi3a.ftrai^abMfc::"Jrt*sfeethy.6ee.
Afari My huj^iand bida atws Jipw 1 will unmask.
. {Unveiiiai.
This is that face^ thou cmel Jngeh^ ■
Which once tllQU fwor'ft was •W)nh the kwkii^ on :
This is the hand, which, with-« vow'd cpntra^t, - ; :.- ,
Waifaft bdock'd in thine : this is rfic body , .
That took awiy the matcb fixun ,/l&^/,
And did fupply dice at thy garden-houli;
In her imafijn'd perlbn. ; ■' - '
J)uie. Know youtlus wwpan? - ■— : ,
Lucio, CarrjaHy, (he lays. ; . .
Duke. Sirrah, no more, ,
Lucio. .' 'Enough.^
Aig. My lord, I rtiuft ccmfds I knowthis womam
And five years fwce there was iome (beech of marriage .
Betwixt my (Wf and her j which was broke off, .
■ Bb4 Partly
7 Hoi j<n&j, .. 8 ko«wi 9 EnOTgbrii^.lotd. .
37$ Mbasusb/t Mbasuke.
Partly fix that her pronufed propoitidns
Came.ihort <^ cotnpoOdon ; but in chief.
For that her reputation was dif-vahi'd
In Jevity^; fince which time, of fire years
I nenr fpake * 'with» iaw, oi^ heud fnm her,
Upc»i my &th and hc»our.
Mori. NoUe Prince,
As there comes light fitimheiv*n, and words fixun brath.
As tbne is faife in truth, and truth in nrtue,
I am affianc'4 this man's wUe, as ftrong^
Ai wcn^s could make up tows : and, tar good kKd>
But ^uejdfff night laft gone, in's garden-houfe
He knew me as a wiie ; as this is true.
Let me in lafety r^ me ftom my knees }
Or dfe for ever be confixed here
A marble monument.
• Jng. I did but fmile 'till now.
Now, good my lord, giva me the icope of juftioe &
My pahnce here is touch'd i I do peroeive
Tneie poor * 'infomnng'' women are no atOK.
But inflrmnetits of (btne'inore m^ty member
That fets them on. Jjcc me have mif, tay lord*
To find ttus pradice out.
X)uke. Ay, with tfiy hcartj
And puni& them dnto your h^^t of pleaftn-e.
Thou foo&lh Fri»t »» thou pernicious woman,
Compaft ^th her thtt's gonfe } think'ft thou thy oaths,
Thotbnr would iwear oomi each putknilarSui^
Were teftimoroes 'gainft bis worth and acdic,
Th^s feaffl in approbation? You, lord Efiaks,
Sit with my oouim ', lend him your kind pains
To find out this abufe, whence 'tis denv*d.
There is another Friar that fet than on \
Let turn be fent for,
Peter. WouU he wne here, my k»d s fcr he indeed
Htth fet the women on to this con^^aint:
Your Prav^ knows the place where he «bidE3i -• ■
• vUllMr.tohcr, n«r a faftnaal ■
. , I z__iv,Goog[c
Measuub fw MEAStJft.E. 377
And fie may fcc<^ lum.
Hukt. Eto it inftantly.
And you, my noble aim wJl-warfented ooufin.
Whom it concerns to hear this matter forth.
Do with your injiiries as feems you bcft ■
In Miy chaftifemcnt \\ tbr a while
Will leave you j but ftir not you, "till you have
» 'Detemun'd well'- upon thcfc-flanderers. [£iaf.
£/cflt My ksd, we'll do 'it thnnidily. Sgnior Uteif^
did DO^you fay you knew tlut VHarlJBdffanck to be a dif-
honcft perfon. - ,
£«dft. QiaUlks nen Jacit mkoekum \ honeft in notlut^
but in ha doathi, and one that hath fpoke moft villainouk
fytecha of the Puke.
^^. We Ihall intrcat you to abide here 'till he come,
andinf^ce them agaudlfaimi we fhall find das i^tr s
DO^e fellow.
Ijtde. As any in FiamSf onaiy word.
' Efiai. Call thit lame i?<i*f/ liere (MKc ag^: I would
{pcA with her: pray you, my lord, give me kave t»
queftion i you ftall fee how I'U handle her.
Liuio. Not better than he by her own npott.
Mfial. Say you ? .
Ludo. Marry, Sir, I think if you faiftdled her private^
Ihe Ihould fooner confefi t perchance piMickly JbeM Mr
Mater Duke in the Friar's babtt^ Ofid Provoft ; £abel|»
ir brsugkt ifi.
Efcd. i wiHgo darkly to work with her.
Zjuio. That's the way % for women are light at miid*
Efcal. Come m, miftrefi : here's a gendewomaq Qti&a
«Q wal you have ^.
i Wdiactmik'*
378 Measure^ Measure.
Lucie. My lortl, here ojmcs the lafcal I fpofco ot h»
with the Provofi. r-* «»• iw<;
jE/ia/. In very good rime: fpcak not you whim •tUliR
call upon you.
Jjufo. Mum.
Efcfil. Come, Sir, did you fct tbefe women on to flaD'
der lord Mgelo? they have confcJs'd you did
Duke. 'Tb falfe.
Efial. How? know you where you are ?
Duke. Refpeft to your great place! and let the devil
Be fomctime iionour'd for his burning throne.
Where is the Duke ? 'tis he Jhould hear me ipeak..
Efiai. The Duke's in us j and we will hear you fivcak •
Look you fpeak juftjy. , ; ■ '
^ .Z>«i^. Boldly * 'at leaftril fpeak. But oh*^ poor, fouk
jComeyoutofeekthelambhereof thefox? -.;,...
Good-night to your redrefs : Is the duke gone? ■ ■
Then is your caufe gone too. The Duke's unjuft,
fX^W to retort your maaifffft appeal.
And put your tryal in the villain's mouth
■Which here you txnne to accufc
iMch. This is the rafcal ; this is he I fpoke of.
. Efial. Why thou unrev'rend and unhallow'd Friar,
Is't not enough thou haft fubom'd thqfe women
T* accufe this^.wottby man, but in fcul mouth.
And in the witnefs of his proper ear,
To call him villaini and then giance from him
-.-To th' Duke himf^, to tax him with injuflke ?
Take him hence i to the rack mth him: we'll' 'touaeWB
(EVn joint by joint)" but we will know « 'this" purpoie:
r mbat ? He unjuft ?^ ^ ^ ^
Duke. Be not fo hot 1 the Duka
Dare no more ftretch this Hngcr of mine, than he
Dare rack his own : his fubjca am I not.
Nor here provincial i my bufinefi in this ftate" "
o^iie me a looker-on ha« in A^mu i
4«le>ft. Botoh, 5 maze yooJMat by joint
<kit 7 What? Uujufl? .
b, Google
Measure for Measuks. jyg
Wha% I have ieen cfimiption boi} and bubble,
"Till it o'er-run rhe ftew : laws for aU faults,
'^ut i^uUs fo couiitenanc'd, that the ftrang ftatutes.. .
ISpand lite' the forfeits in a barbcr*s ihop, •
As inuch in mock as mark. '■ .'-', '^^
jE^fl/. Slander to th' ftata ! away widihim topriion,*'
jin^. What can you vouch agiunft him, figoiori«¥M?
Is this the man that you did tcU us of ? ' :-,
Jjicte. 'Tis he, my lord. Come hither, goodman'baltf-
■pate: Doyouknowmc?
Duke. I remember you. Sir, by the. found of your
voice : I met you ac the pnfon in the afafchce of the thike.
Jjicio, Oh, did you lo? and do you remember wliac
you laid <rf the Duke f ., , .-
Duke. Moftnaedly, Sir,
Lmo. Do ycm.Jb, Sir? and was the Duke a Bofi^
moi^;er, a fool, and a coward, a$ you then reporo^hifln
Tobe? ■ ■,■:■...,
Duif. You muft, Sr, dianee pcribns unth mp ere yoii
make chat my report: you indeed. ;^>Qke fb of him, and
much more, muchworfe.
Lutio. Oh ^u. damnable fdlpw ! did not X pluck tK^e
by the ziole for tliy fpecches?
J)uke. I protett, I love the Duke as I love my felf.
^g. Hark how the vill^ would (Jo^ now after lus
treafopable abufes,.
Mfial. Such a fellow is not to be talkM withal: away
.inth -him to pnfon: where is the Pr^e^ ? awaywithhim
' to prilbn ; lay bolts enough upon huu i let him fpeak i^
more -, away with thofe giglcts too, and wijh the odicr
confederate connanion. «
Luie. Stay, Sir, ftay a wlple.
^£. What ! refilb he? help him, Zsidt,
(») /f it d tufttl i" the,^s »/ all mtchanith t§ mail it afarfiitur*
for any firamwir U iff* »r tai* mf tbi Utb »f ihtir^ traih : /» « Barbir't
Surrirj, tktir iu^raMtxliiting efa niee kind and thiir fit^i gentral^
full ef idli ptcph, theriiuat bang ap a tabli&ruiing'tobalfartieulmr
Jftrftiffrt w0f rtf»iriif$r mttUbng initb fa(k infimm'^*- WfttbunoB,
3?6 Measure forMnAsunt.
Zjuio. Come, Sir, come, Sir, comci Sir-, fiA, Sr;
irliy, you bald-pated king rafcal ; you miift be hooded,
inuftyou? fliowyour knave's viiage, with a pox to you t
fliow your fheqi-biting &ce, and be faangM; an hour?
will't not ofFf -
[PkUs off the Fiiar*j bood^ end difiovers the Duke.
DiAe. Thou art the firft knave that e*cr mad'ft aDoke.
prft, Prtrooji, let me bail thde gentle three.
Stjeifc not tway, Sir ; for the Frtar and you [fjj Ludo.
Muft have a word anon: lay hold on him.
ijicio. This may prove worfe than hangp^.
■ Vuke. What you nave Ipcke, I pardon ; fit you down :
pa Efcalus,
"We'll bc»TOW place of him. Sir, by yotir leave: [7*Angelo.
Haft thou or word, or wit, or impudence.
That yet can do thce office ? if thou haifr,
Rdy upon it 'till my tale isc heard.
And hold no longer out.
Aug. Oh my aread'Iord,'
I ])iould be gtnlticr than my guildnefi,
To think I can be undifcernable,
\Vhen I petcrivc your Grace, Bice poVr dJvine,
Hatfi look'd upon my paffes : then, gotxl Prince, -
No longer fcffion hold ttjxjn my fliartie ;
■'But let tny tryal be mine own confeffion :
Immediate Tentence theo, and fequent death,
"lU^l the grace I beg. * .
puh. Come hither, Mariana: fiy'j ■^^wsft-tfiou^" ■ _
OSitrafted to this woman?
.^. I was, my lord.
I)2te. Go take her henoe, and iha^ry her idEbm^rl -
Do you the office, Friar\ whiA confumm«c,
ReOim him here again : go withhimi 'Prmofi.
[Exeunt Angck), Mariana, Peter, and Provoft.
MsASURsyar Mb&sure* 381
S C E N E f .
EJcd. My lord, I am more amazM at his dUfaonow,
Than at the ftrat^;enefi of it.
Bukt. Come hither, Ifabel;
Youri^rwr is now your Prince: as I was then
Advcrtifing, ' 'all holy,'^ to your bufindi.
Not changing heart with habit, I am flill
Attonued at your fcmce.
IJah. Oh, g^ve mepard<».
That I, your va&l, have employed and pain'd
Your unknown Sovereignty.
DiAt. You are pardon'd, IfaM:
And now, dear maid, be you as free U) us.
Your brodier's death, I know, fits at your heart :
Aixl you may marvel why I obfcur'd my fclf.
Labouring to fave his life ; and woijld not nuher
Make ra£ remonfhance of my hidden power,
Than^him be lb loft: O molt kind maid, .
It was the fwift celerity of his death,
(Which I did dunk with flower foot came on)
That brajn'd my purpole : *^t nowpeacc^be^ich tMmt
That life is better life, paft featine dctth.
Than that which lives to ftar: m^ ic your o
So happy a your brother.
JJab. I do, my kind.
vnke. For diis new-inany'd man, a
Whofe fait imagination yet hath V
Your weU^de^ided honour} you mid
Fu* Marima'^ lake : but as ^ 'a judge,^
9 and holxi > but pace
a pudwi 3 . he adjudg'd jro^ bnxlMr.
jS:? MEA'SUREyor Mea«Uiie.
* 'Bang doufciy criminal, in violation^
Of facred charaty, and * 'in^ prottiiic-breachi-
Thercwi dependant for your brother's life,
Tte- voy mercy ^of the law cries out
Moft audible, even from his proper tengue.
An Angela for Qaudio \ death for death.
Hafle itill pays hafte, and idfure anfwers Iciiurc}
Like doth' quit like, and Mtafure itill kit Mta^t.
Then, /b^th^ tby faiUts are * 'manifeftj^
Which, tho* thou would'ft "deny *em, deny thee"* vai
"We do condemn thee to the. very Hock
Where Clm^o ftoop'd to death ; and with like hafte.
Away with him.
Mart. Oh my moft gracious lord*
I hope you will not mock me with a husband.
Duke,, It is your husband mock'd you with a husbaivL
Confenting to the ikfeguard of your honour,
I thought your maniage htj elfe imputation.
For that he }ciiew you, might reproach your life.
And choak your good to come: Ibr his poflcffionif
Altho' by confifcation diey are ours.
We do enftate and widow you withal^
T-o buyyouia better husband.
Miri, Oh my dear lord,
I craTC lio-odier, nor (to better mao^
Dake. Never crave him \ we are dcfinidTe<
Mori. Gentle my Li«e, —
Duke. You d9 but kiw your -labour:
Away mth him to deadi. Now, Sir, to you.
Mart. OhmygoodlordI Swcxtlftbelt takemyput)
Lend me your knees, and all my life to come
m lend you, all my life to do you (ervkc.
Duke. A^unil all fenfe you do imptutuneher^
Should fhe kneel down, in mercy of^this fit^,
Hex btiocfaer*s ghoft his paved bed would break.
And take her neoce in horror.
4 Bciog ctimiiul, ia <laiibl« Tidadon { of
i rauufcOed i f denjr, deniei dve
MtAtvtii for Measure. 383
Mai. Ifahel,
Sweet Ifah^f do yet but kneel bjr me,
I4old op your hands, lay nothing ; I'll fyaik. aD.
They lay bcft men are moulded out of faoha ;
And for the molt, becoma much more the better
For bcing'a litde bad : io may my husband.
Oh Ifehell will you not lend a knee?
I>uke. He dies for Claudia's death.
Ifak. MoH bounteous ^, {KiueBi^:
Look, if it.ideafc you, on this man ootidenin'd.
As if my brother lir'd : I partly think .
A due fincerity govem'd his deeds,
*Till he did look on mc i fmcc it is fo,
Let him not die. My brother had but juftioe.
In ttwt he ^ the thing for irfaich he dy'd.
For Aiieht his ai5t did not o'ertakc
His bad intent, and miift be bury'd but
As an intent that perilh'd by the way :
Though are no fijbjefts i • 'intents meerly thoughtt.^
JVfer*. Meerly, my lord.
Duke. Your fiiit's unprofitable -, ftand up, I &y :
I hive bedioug^ me of another foult. .
Prevofi, how came it QaUMo was beheaded
At an unufual hour ?
Prev. •■''Twas fo commanded.^
DtJu. Had you a fpecial warrant for the deed ?
Prov. No, my gooiJ lord ; it was by private racffi^
Bukt. For wliich I do difcharge you of your office : '.
Give up your keys,
Prov. Pardon me, noUe lord.
I dipug^t it was a fiiult, but knew it not j
Yet did repent me, after more advice :
FcK* teftimony whereof, one in the prifbn,
Tlut Ihould by private order clfc liavc dy^dj
I have rdcrv'd alive.
Dukt. "Andfl*atishe?^
8 intnti, fan meerljr dioaghn. 9 It «
I Wlut't be I
384 MfiAtUILp'^ MB4SUKE*
Prov. His name is BanarJiiu.
Duke. I would thou had'ft done G> bf CtauMg:
Go fetdi him hidur^ i let me lode upon him. [£ttt Bnnr.
£^tf/. I'm brtj one lb kamed and ib «ile»
As you, lord Jj^eh^ have Itill i^pm'd.
Should flip To ^ofly both in heat of blood.
And lack of tempcr'd judgment ^cenraid.
jh«. I'm forry that fuch fwrow I procure i .
And u) deep ftiou it in my penitent heart.
That I crave d<^ more wiUmgly thm meicy :
*Tls my dcfcrvuig, aijd I do .intreac ic
Enttr Provoft, Bamardine, CUudk), mi Jidietta.
Duke. Which is that MamarUmi
Prev. This, " 'my good lord.^
Dukt- There was a Friar told me of diis man:
Sirrah, thou'rt faid to have a {hibbotn ioul
That apjirehends no lur^ier than thu w6rld.
And fiju^ft thy Ufe accordinoly : thou'rt cpn4easa*d.
But for thole eardily ^ults, I quit them all :
I pny diee, take this mercy to provide
For better times to come: Friar^ advile Hfru
I leave him ' 'to you.^ What muffled fellow's cbitf
Frcfo. This is another prilbncr that I &v*d.
Who ihould have dy*d when ClauMe Ipft Ms hod.
As Wte almoft to Qaudio as himfelf,' [l/wn«-i Vm,
Duke. If be be like your brother, for hi< lake [7>Ifiib^
* 'Hc's^ pardoiKd t and for your tovely l^il^
Gin me your hand, ' 'lay you'll be iijfpe,^ ao^ he*f
My brother too^ but fitter time for f^uf^,
'By tlus lord A^eio penrdves he's £ife)
Metlunks I fee a quicltning in bis eye.
Wdl, Ji^eb, your evil quits joa v^ 1
yny lord' $ to jau hand. 4 I> V
i tai&y, yw wQl be jsine,
Mba9uk£ /o>"";Measuiie. 385
Lodtth«t you love your wife; ' 'her worth works youtt.^
I find an apt remiflion in my tel^
And yet here's one in place I cuindt pardon.
You, Orrah, that knew me for a fool, a cowards
One ail of luxury, an afi, a m^d-man ;
Wherein hlite I defiared fo of you.
That- you extol me thus ?
Lucio. 'Faith, my lord, I fpoke it but accordii^ to the
tridc; if you will hang me for it you may, but I had ra-
ther it would pleafe you I might be whlpt. ■
Duie. Whipt firft, Sr, and hang'd after.
Froclum it, Proveft, round about the city ;
If any ' 'woman's^ wrong'd by this lewd fcUow,
(As I have heard him fwear himfelf there's one
whom he b^t with child) let her appear,
Atul he Ihall many her; tJie nupndl nnifh'd.
Let him be whipt and hai^d.
Lado. I bdcech your Highnels, do not marry me to a
whore: your Highnels faia even now, I made you a
Duke ; good my lord, do not recompence me in making
Ihiie. Upon mine honour, thou flul( many her. :
Thy flwders I fot^^, and therewidial
kcmit thy other fbrfuts j take him to prifon :
And fee our pleafure herein ' 'execute.^
Laeio. Matrying a punk, my lord, is prefling to death,
whipping and hanging.
Duie. Sland'ring a Prince deferves it
* 'Her,^ Claudiot dut you wrong'd, look you nftore.
Joy to you, Mariana! love her, Jngelo:
I have canfcfi'd her, and I know her virtue.
Thanks, good fiiend Efcalus, for thy much goodnds:
There's more behind that is more gratulate.
Thanks, Provofii for thy care ana lecrefie \
We fhall imploy thee in a worthier place :
Foi^ve him, jh^eloy that l»ought you home
Vol. I. Cc The
6 her wonb, worth jroon. 7 womia t cxecuKd, 9 Slt<,
386 Kf EASOK-E /dr MiAitriLk.
Hk hi^ of Rt^azhte for CImuUo^s ;
Th* offence pardons it ScS, Dot IJaM^
I hayc a motion much ia^rts your good,'
Whereto if yoo'Jl a wHliiig ear int&ie,
"What's mine is yours, and what is youn is mine:
So bring us to our palace, nrherc we'll Aow -
What'f yet behind that's meet you all fhoukl kno«r.
C O M E D y,
E R R O R &
lT z__t,,Goog[c
*ALiNUS, Z>Bt«VKpl«*B. -
iEgeon, a Merchant of Syracufe.
Antipholis ^/Ephcfus, (TwinBraibfrs, andSonj ttJEmon emd
Anripholis tf/Syracuft, \ -^nulJa. *«" utiinavm n> ucb atbtr.
Drooiio «/Ephcfus,??'ww^„^j, «»/ 5ii»wj /o the twt
Dromio */^racufe,^ Ahapholis's.
Balthazar, a Mercbata.
Angelo, a GoUfimth.
^. Pind^ kSebool^Ji/ier^ m^l s CB^tiri_j ^ J
jEtnilia, fPJ/e to ^eon, m /Shhtft at Epbdus.
Adriana, ff^fe to Anripholis of Ephefiis.
Ludana, Sijier to hdnaniii. ->
Luce, Servant to Adriana.
7«V, Ogieers, and ethw jittet^ants.
♦o .'^ i.) M. . !
SCENE £^>x.
tla Plot taken Jrm tit Mensedum of Plautus.
COMEDY o/:err6k^/
ACT I. S.CEN E- 'i .^ r
■ .■ .■.:..; |, : ■ -,■■■ -■. ■'/
Enter the Duke of Ei^icfus^ lEjgxayyaiicr^ miuHer'l
jlttgndoMti. - -„•■;■. .".I
■ , ■ ■ ■ ■"■ '■ '■■■■'^
. ■ • £ G E..O N. , r; -j .';::.■.
, SaHmUy to procure my fel],' ' ' " "-■ ■ *
^ the doom of death end woes and all: '
. Merchant ofSyfaOifa^ plead no'mofci
ot pMtial to infringe our laws :'
.imity and difcord which of late '
Sprung horn the ranc'rous outrage of your Duke,
To merchants, our well-dealing countrymen, ■ - '
(Who wanting gilders to redeem their lives,
Have fcal'd Ms ri^rous ftatures v^th thor bloody
Excludes all pity from our threaming looks.
For, fince the mortal and inteftine jars
•Twixt thy feditious countrymen and u*.
It hath in folemn fynods beoi decreed.
Both by the Syraatfans and our feives,
T' admit no traificfc to our adverfe towns.
Nay, more; if any bom at Ephejut
1St feen at Syraeujatt marts and f^rs.
Again, if any Synww/in bom -■
Cc 3 Come
390 Tht Ctmiidy tf Ekhok.
Come to dw baf of EftrejkSf he (£ei ;
His goodi conmcate to the Duke's 4^gak,
Uidels a thou£uid maiks be kried ''
To quit the penalty^ and ranlcnn Um.
Tlqr rut^sfice, ralu'd at the higbeft rale.
Cannot aiQount unto a hundred marks t
ThcrcfoTe l^ law thou art condon&'d to di& Z'^OBt,
MiioB. I et ' '*tis^ mf cotnftut, iriien yaas words ire
Mf voea end likemfe vith the ereran^ fun.
Dnke. WeU, Syraeu/im, % in faoeT the canfe,
Why- dum d^aned'ft from diT nuive hooc »
And for wfaac caufe thou cam*it: to Epbejus.
•-^giM. A~beaner~taat ootnd not have been m^posr^
Than I to^ieak my |pef unfeeakaUe:
Yet thaftthe mtrid m^ nitnds that tny ted
Wai «roug}it by nature *, not by vile ofiisice,
ru Ut^ inut my fontnr g^ me leave.
In Sjracufa vaa 1 b(Hn»-aiid wed
Unto a woman, happy but for me.
And by me too, had not oiv hap been bad :
With her I Hv*d in joy^ <>ur we«th increas'd
^jsn^xiDusToyages I often made
To E^iimMm^ ^tiU my £^ior*s dcaitlit
And he great ftore <^ goods at nndora Icfti^
Ckcw me from kind endiraoeitxnts of my I^XHw;
From whom my abTfttce-wta not fix montte old.
Before berfelf (alm^ at faio^ under
The plealii)g puiuihsttnc that women bMr)
Had made ^onfioa for her fbUowiog roe^
And fiMX) uidlafe arrrred wfaere I wa&.
There fhe had not been kng, but Ihe bcdime
A joyful mother of two gowity fimat
And, which was ftranf^ the one fb like tJw odMr»
As could not be diftuigwQi'd but t^ names.
That Tety hour, and in die ielf>Anie iflfii
A poor mean woman was delivtrcd
' Of
(■] ^Ut ii, V t aatHrd crait, by de cantfr «r fmnieaw
■ Ai)
c,q,z.<ib, Google
3ie CMud^ df Errors. 391
Of fuch a burthen, mak-twins both alike:
Thofc (for their parents were exceeding poor)
I bought, and brought u|} to attend my fons.
My wife, not meaidy j^ud cf two £ich boys,
fitude d»fy tnacibti^ for pur home return : '
Unwilling I agreedj ^, too loon! " ' '
We GUne abwird.
A le^ue from EfiAamuoH had we (ail'd.
Before the, always- wkid-tAeying deep
Gave any tra^ck inftance of bur h^rm ; ' . , .
But lot^jer did we not ret^ much hope:
. For what obfcurcd B^t the heav'ns did grant.
Did but convey unto our fearfol minds . - ■ .
A dbubtfiil warrant of immediate death \
Which tho* my felf would gladly have emb^'d.
Yet the inceffant weefang of my wife.
Weeping bcfwe for what (he faw muft come,
And pteoufl plunings of the pretty b^s
That moum'd for fefiiion, ignorapt what to fear,,
FtHr'd roe to feek delays for them and me :
And this it «^ ; (for (sher means were none.)
The feilors &i»ht for feftty by our boat.
And left the Jhip then fiiJcing-npe to us ;
My wife, njere carrful for the elder bom.
Had faAien'd Um imto a fmall Ipare maft.
Such M fea-faing men jMOvidc for ftorms ;
To him one of the other twins was bound,
Whilft I had been Jike heedftjl of the other.
The children thus difpos'd, my wife and I,
Fudi^ oar eyes on whom our 040: was Bvt,
Faftcn'd our fdves * 'at th' end Qf citlicr maft,^
And floating fe^ght, crfsedient to the Ih-eam,
Were cany*d towards Corinth, as we thought.
At length the fun gazing , upon the earth
Difperft thofc vapours tnat offended us ;
And by the benefit of his wifh'd light
The feas wax'd cftlm, and we difcovercd.
C c 4 Two
> at cither cn4 the nuA,
.392 Tie Comdf of Erroks.
Two ihips from far making amun to us>
Of Corinth that, of Epidaurus this »
But ere they came oh, Jet me ixj po vasKi
Gather the fequd by thai went befcr?.
Duke. Nay, .forward, old man, do doc break off £>%
For we may pity, the' not pardon ^icc.
jE^eoK. On, lud the Gods done lo, I had not now
WorSiily term'd them merdids to us j
For ere the Ihips could meet by twiM five kngutti
"We were cncountred by a mighty rock j
Which being violently bom upon.
Our helplels Qiip was. ipUtted in the midft :
So that iii this unjuil divorce of us
t'wtune had left to both of us alike
'What to del^ht in, what to foiTOW for.
Her part, poor foul ! feeming as burdoied
V/ith lelTer wqght, but not with Icfler wo^
Was carry'd with more Ipeed before the wind^
And in our fight tlv^y three were taken up
By fifhefmen of Coriftth, as we thought.
At length > ^the otber^ fiiip had ieiz'd on luj
And knowing whom it vfoi their hap to five.
Gave helpful welcome to their, fliipwreck'd guefts.
And would have 'reft the fiJhers of their jwey*
Had not their bark been very flow of iail j
And therefore homeward did they bend thrir courfe.
Thus have you heard mc fever'd irom my \£&t
♦ 'Thus^ by inisfortunes was my life proloog'dt
To tell lad ftorics of my own mifttaps. .
Duie. And for the l^es pf them thtui fomiir'A for.
Do me the &vour to dilate at iuU
What hath befall'n of them and thee *till now.
JEgeen. My youngeft boy, and yet my eldeit care.
At eighteen yean became inquifitive
After his brother, and importun'd me.
That his attendant, (for his caie was like,
*}lefc of his brother, but retain'd his name,)
3 nother 4 Tbat
The Comedy of Ehrors. 393
Mia^t bear him company in queft of him : .
Whom whilft I labour'd of a love to fee,
I hazarded the lofi of whom I lov'd.
Five fummers have I ipent in fartheft Greece,
Roammg clean through the boiuids of j^a.
And coalting homeward, came to Ephefui:
Hopelefs to find, yet ioth to le»ve unwt^
Or that, or any place that harbours men.
But here muft end the ftory of my hfe j *
And happy were I in my timely death.
Could all my travels warrant me they live.
Duke- Haplcfs jEgeon, whom the fates have matkt , "
jpTo bear th' extremity of dire milhap;
. * 'Now truft me, were it not aganft our laws,
"Which Princes, would they, may not difinmj,
Againft my crown, my oath, my d^ity,^
My foul fhould fue as advocate, for thee.
But tho' thou art adjudged to the death.
And pafled fcntencc may not be recall'd.
But to our honour's gjrcat difparagcment.
Yet will I fev6ur thee in what I can ; ' '. '
I therefore, merchant, limit thee this day
To feck thy life by beneficial help :
Try all the fiiends thou haft in Kpbefus,
Beg thou, or borrow to make up the fum.
And live j if not, then thou art doom'd to die:
* 'Jailor, now take him^ to thy cuftody.
yW. I will, my lord.
Mgeoii. Hopcleis and helplefi dodt MgtW wend.
But to procraftinate his livelcii end. [£«»»/.
5 Now trnft me, were it not agunft our bwt,
AtninA my crown, my oub, my dignity,
Wiich ptmcei would, they may sot dtbmU
t Jailor, take him
394 ^ CnsA^ of En.%0WLi.
S C E N E .11.
TStf S T R E E T.
Enter Anriphofo ^ ^w»Giifis» a Merehant^ and Dramio:
jtifiT.'T^Hcrefore ^ out, you are of S^itiamsm^
■*• 1^ that your goo^ too Ibqn « confij^atc.
Tius very day a SyracvfM mCTchant
Is ui(H'ehendcd for arrival here ;
And noc being jltAt to buy oiu his life*
According to the ftatute of the, town.
Dies crc tht wcay fun fct in the weft :
There b ybur mony that I had to keep,
jbtt. Go be* it tti the Centaur, where ire h<^
And ftay there» Drmio, 'tilt 1 come to i3kc j .
Witfun this hour it will be dinncr-rimc,
'Till that I'll view the manners of the town,^
Perufe the traders, gaze upon the buildings.
And diairetumuid lleep within mine ind}
For wth kmg travel I am ftiff and weary.
Get dieeaway.
Dro. Many a jjian would take you at your vord*
And go in(}eed,haiTDig fo ^pod a means. [Eat Dromia
Alt. A liufty villain. Sir, that very oft.
When I am dull with care and mcJancKot^,
lightens njy J)««fliour with hii merry lefts.
What, will you walk with me about the town.
And then go to the irin and dine with me ?
AHer. I am invited. Sir, to cortain merchants.
Of wh(Hn I hope to make miKh benefit:
I crave your rardw. Somi at fi« a eJodc,
Fleafc you, TR meet -with you upon die mart.
And afterward ' 'confbrt with you^ 'dll bed-time i
My prelent bulinds calls me from you now.
7 CMtfoit jroa
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Tht Comif of E itnoiLS. 395
jbU. Farewd *^ them I ifffi go lole 1117 J^
And vander up atid down to new die aty.
Jliff-. S^» I commend 70a to your own txxstat.
[£m^ Merduint.
j6a. He tliat conuncnds me to mjr own cantentf
Commends me to the thnu; I onnoc get.
I to the world jim £ke a orc^ <^ water,
Tbat in the ocean ledu anotner drra,
'Who felling there to find lut feUow tordi,
Unieen, inaufitive, coofbuhds himfelf :
So I, to fina a mother and a brother.
In <pe& of them, tinhappy, lole my &lf.
Eater Dromio of Ephcfus,
Hete o^nes the almanack of my true date. -.
'Wbat now? how chance thou an retum'd £> feon? ■
£. Vro. Renim'd ib fbon 1 rather appraachM (oo late;
The capon bums, the pig falls from the {■pa.
The dock has ftrucken twelve upon tlu bell ;
My miftieis made it one upon ray cheek i
Sbe is & hot becaule the meat is coldv
The meat is cold becade you c«ne not hornet
Ton oome not home becaufe you hare no ftooia^ 1
Tou bare 00 ftomadi having brdce your faft:
But we that know iriiat 'tis to &(t and pray.
Are penitent for your de&ult to^y.
JM. Stop in your wind. Sir t tdl me this, I er^,
Whoc you have left the mwiy that I rave your
- £. Brt. Ob, fix peace that I had AWedo^dty laft.
To pay the iadlcr for my nuftrcfi' crupper?
The fiidkr had it. Sir ^ I kept ic not.
Ant. I am not in a QxirtiTe humour now \
TeQ me and dally not, what is the mooy?
We bdng {bat^;ers hcr^ how dar'ft thou tsvA
So gtnt a cha^ from thine «wn cuftody ?
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
jg6 The Comedy of Ekkoks,
E. Drc. I pray you, jeft. Sir, ai yoa fit- at dinner :
I from my miftrefs come to you in poBCy
If I Tttum, I fhati be po& indeed ;
For (he will fcore your feulc upon my pate :
Methinks your maw, like mine, (hould be your dock.
And ftrike you home- without a meflengcr.
^. Come, Dremio, come, thefe jefts areout <tf'&afaai
Refcrve them -'till a merrier hoar tlian this :
Where is the gold I gave in cha:^ tp.thee?
E. Dro. To me, Sir? why, you gave no gold .to mc.
^. Come on,. Sir kriave, have" aonCyour fooUIhnefs^
And tell me how thou haft diJix»*d thy charge.
E. Dro. My charge was but to fetch you from the mait
Home to your houfe, the PhteniXy Sir, to dinncri
My miftrefs and her fifter ftay for. you,
Alt. Now as I am a^ chriftian anfwermc,
In what lafc place yon have bcftow'd mymony t
Or I Ihall break that merry fconce of yours.
That ftafiSs on tricks when I am undiljws'd :
Where arc the thouiand marks thou hadftof me?
E. Dro. I have fome maiks of yours upon niy patCi'.
Some of my 'miftrefs' marks upon my fhouldersj
But not a tnoiifand mrfrks between you both.
If I Ihould pay your worlhip thofe agan» ■ ' ' '' I
Perchance -you wffl hoi bear them patiently. ■
j^. Thy miftrds* marks ? what miftrefi, flave, haft thoui
£. Dro. Yourworfliip's wife, mymiftrdsatthc/^fcnwr j
She thM doih foft 'rill you^come home to duiner; '^
And prws.that you will hie you home to dinner. ■ ■ -'
j^si: Whafi wifc thou flout mc thus unto myiace, ^^
Bcii^ foitid ? there take you that. Sir knave.
E. Dro. What mean you. Sir? for <Jod^ fike fiJA
your hands-; ' ^ ' ".
Nay, an you will not. Sir, I'll take my heels.
(JEW* DronoiQ,
yfyt. Upon my He, by ibme deviceVw wicr,"
The villan is o'er-raught of all my mony.
They (af, this town b full of couzemgc -, • • -
■ ■ - - Ah
Li, : .lv,G00g[c
Tie <(hm^ of E Rit;oft.s. 397
As, nimble juglers, that- dccdre. the eye;
Daikyworkiiig forcerers, that chaise the mind ;
' ''Soul-f«Uing'' mtc^ics, that deform, the body }
Di^i^fed dieaters, prating mountebanks,
And many fudi like ' 'libertines^ of fip :
If it prove fo»I wll be g(me the fooner.
I'll to the Centaury to go feek this Oave ;
I greatly fear my mony is not lafe. {Etdt.
; The Houfe of AntiphoHs of Ephcfus.
Enttr Adriana and Ludana.
A D R I A N A.
NEITHER my husband, nor.tbeflaveretum'd.
That in fiich hafte I fent to feek his mafter 1
Sure, Luciana, it is two a dock.
Iju. Peitiaps fome merchant hath invited him.
And fix}m the mart he's'lbmewherc gone to dinner;
Good lifter, let us dine, and never orct,
A man is mailer of his lUierty :
Xnne is thdr mafter, and when they lee dme
TJi^ll go or come ^ if lb, be patient, lifter.
Mr. Why fhould their liberty than ours be more ?
Iju. Becaufe their bufinefs {till lyes out a-^oor.
jidr. Look,' when I ferve him io, he takes it ill.
''. Lste. CTi, know he is the bridle of your will.
Mr. There's none but afles wUl be bridled io.
Xmc. Why, head-ftrong liberty is lalht with wo-
There's nothing fituate under heav'n's eye.
But hath its bound in earth, in fea,- and iky:
8 Soal-killing 9 libcrticf
39S 3^ Gam^ tf EnRoits.
Thebeafts, tbefifhes» ttdtfae iringed finrii.
Are thdr male's fiilgeAs, and at tteir ooffnali :
* 'Mcn^ mott divine, the ■ 'auftcn''of ill tfade,
* 'Lords^ of the wide worid, and widewac'rf f^
Indu'd widi inteltedual Icnfe and foot,
Oi more |»YheRUDencc than filh and fewl.
Are mafters to dieir females, and their kwdi:
TIkr let your will attend on their accords.
Mr. This fervitude makes you to keep imwed.
Imc. Not this, but troddcs cf the maniage^ied.
Adt. But were yo« wedded, you would bear fomc lingr.
Imc, Ere I kam lore 1'U pra^ile Oi obey.
Air. Ho«r if ytnn: husband ftart fi>me ooier ivliete?
Iju. 'Till he come home agun I would foifoear.
Air. Faaaxx unmov'd, no marvri tfao* flie jvnfe y
They can be medt that have no other caufej
A wretch £)ul» bnas'd with advnfity,
'We Ud be qinet when wehearitayt
But were we faurden'd with like wwit of pab,
A3 much, or mere we Ihould our utves oxiuibiai
So Chou, dutt haft no nnfcaad mate to grieve Aec,
"With ui^is hd[M patienee woddV nJieve me;
But if thoulive to «^ like r^t-berdt,^
TMs fb(^d-bc«^d patience in thee wiH be left.
Zjr. Wdl, I wiB marry one day but to try;
Here comes your man, new is your fauabaod tiffu
S C E N E ir.
Efittr Dtranio Epii.
Air. Say, is your tanfy mafter noir at haod?
£. Dre. Nx^, he's at am hands Tnthme, aad diatii7
two ears can wttx£. mind?
.<i6-. Say, didft tkou ^leak with iam? JcnowHb chov hil
£. Dro. Ay, ay, he tokl his mind i^pga mioc^ eM^
BeOirew lus hand, I fcarce could imdcmand k.
I Mn a mStr % Lmd
4 fcelikeili^ beteft,
Jlx O/medy of EruOhs. 399
Luc. Spake he ia dotibcftiyy. thou cpuld'ft not feel Ms
£. ZVv. Niy, be finick fo pbiaiy, I cotdd txn wdlfeel
his blow^i and mthdl ib doiibtMly, tiuK i ooBld fiarce
underfiand them.
^. But lay, I iv'Tt^ee, isiie conrisgimite?-
It feems he lufab gmi care no pleafe ins me.
£. Dr0. Why, miSat&y ttxt my nuflcrv hom^mad.
Mr. Hom-mad, tltou mHtin?
£.i>«.InNaaootcai:koU'irad} but'^iixeibnrk^mad:
When I defir'd him to ootne dicoie so dbmer,
Hea^'d meiu'^iilm&adiiiaricsinfiGld^
*Tis dinner-tiine» qitodU' mygjold, qinchhe:
Your nKat doth, bum, quoth I ; my g^M, tfxsdk he ;
Will you oc»ne home, quotfa Jf my -gold, ^qooth be: -
Whereis the thoulaBdinaidGsJ.g;ive'tbee, vJJfadR? .
The pig, quoth I, is bsim'd} my ^;cdd, quodiiie.
My nuftrcM, Sir, quoth 2 » faaogupifaf aiAicfit
'^lliy ouflndsJ^EDOwwiti^ out oniliyinilbtit:
E, Dro. "Why, tfx/Ai^vafvuAai
1 know, quoth he, moiunile, -no vife, no'Rdftedb^
So that n^ errand, &ie latD-iuf^taasac,
I diank lum, IfaatcJMoie'upon inymoiddcrs:
For in condufion, the did beat nKthcare.
^^. Go back a^ui, thou flxve, and fttch hen honoe.
For God's lake fimd^iraie <lAmtrtaaSwBfga.
Air. Bsdc, fkra, orl wiUbrcaktlnr pate aCtofi.
£. JSro. Andfae will blc& flut cro&inihtKherbeatiDg :
Between you I (haUbBVeahofyifacad.
.4^. Hence, pratii^ peafimt, fssh diy ihafter hoiiR.
£.i)rv. Ami 16 round frith yoti ai you widi me.
That Uk a foot-ball you do ^nnn me thus ?
You fourn me hence, andbemOfpum meluther:
IflwbintlnsfervkcyoumuftcalemeHi leather. [£«/■
5 fiire, Wi ta£t 6 I know Qot At mlftnfit
400 7U Cemeif ef Erkors.
S C E N E ni,
Zm. Fie, how impatience lowreth in your lacel
Air, His oompany muft do his minioos gFKC,
WhiUt I at home ftarve for a marj look :
Hath bonxfy «ge th' aUuring beaity teok
From my poor check ? then he ham wal^ed k.
Are mydiicourfes duU? banen my wit?
If Tirfu&le md fharp dilcourie be matr*d,
UnkindDe& Uunts tl, more than maiUe hard.
X>o their gay Teftmeus his aflfeftiom bait?
That's not my &uh ; he's maflcr of my ftate. -
"What nuns are in me that can be found • ■ ■
By him not ruin'd? tiien is he the ground
Of my defeatures. My decayed rar
A funny k>ok of his woi^ foon rquir.
But, too untiily deer, he breaks the pale, ■
And feeds from h(Hne \ poor I am<but his ftafe.
Xsf. Self-harming. jealDufie } fie, beatichenoe:
AAr. Unfeeling fools can with fuchwroi^difpcnfe;
I know Ms ejre doth hcnnage other-wheie }
Or eUc what lets it but he would be here ?
Sifter, you know he ptonuafd me a chain.
Would that ' ^alcHie alasj^ he would <ieta^
So he would keep ^ quarter with lus bed.
I lee the jewel bnl enameled
Will lole his beauty I « ^and tho' goU bides itiU
That others touch, yet often toudiing will . .
Wear gold : and fo no man that hath a ndme.
But &lmood and cotruption doth it Ihame.^
Since that my beauty cannot pleafe his eye, 1
I'll weep what's left away, and wcejMi^ the. v
ijcf.How many fond fooU ferve mad jcaloufie ! \£xm$a. J
8 atoDC, slone,
9 —yet the gold bidet Aill
Tut othcn touch, and oTten toadung will :
Wbrae gold tiid do nun thit iuth ■ oame
By £illhood and conuptiM doth it flume
Oldtiii. tf'mrt. fwtoJ.
^' Omeiy ^EkttoKS. 401
• 3 C E N E IV.
■ - TJe S T R E r r .
£»/*r AnfipholiS of Syracufft
AntrX^ H E gold I gave to Dromo is Iwd up
X Safe at the Centaur, and the heedful ilave
Is Trander*d forth in care to fcdt mc out.
By computation, artd mine heft's report,
1 could not fpeak with Drmio, fihce aX. fiHl
I fcnt hbn from the mart. See here he comes.
Enter Dromio of Syracufe.
How now. Sir ? is your merry humour altcr'd ?
'As you love ftroaks, fo jeft \rith mc again.
You know no Centaur ? you rccdv'd no gold ?
Your mifteds fent to have me home K» dinnq-?
My houfe was at the Pbtmx? waft thou mad,
.That thus fo madly thou didft anfwcr me ?
S.Dri. Whdtanfwa-, Sir? whenlpake Ifucha word?
j^/. Even now, even here, not h^ an hour linee.
S. Dro. I did not fee you fince you fent me hence
Home to the Centaur, with the gold you gave me.
^t. Villain, thou didft deny the gold's receipt.
And told'ft me of a miftrefe and a. dinner ;
For which I hope thou felt's I was dilpleas'd.
S. Dra. Pm glad to lee you in this merry van :
"What means this Jeft, I pray you, mafter, tell me?
" jlnt. Yea, doit thou jeer and flout me in the teeth?
Thii^'ftliiouljeft? hold, take thou that, and that.
[Beats Dromio.^
S.Dre. Hold, Sr, for God's fake, now your jeft \% eameft >
Upon what ba^wn do you give it mc? _,
Jnt. Bccaufe that 1 nmiliarly fometimes
Do ufc you for my fool, and chat with you.
Your fawcinels will jeft upon my love.
Vol. I. D d And
403 The Comedy of Ehkoks.^
And make a ' 'comedy^ of my (crious hours.
When the fun ihines kt ^lifh gnats make Qxirt,
But creep in crannies when he hides his beams :
If you will jcft with me, know my afpeft.
And Bilhion your demeaaour to my tooks ;
Or I will beat this method in your Iconce.
Butfoft; who wafe us yonder?*
{») . wtfb us yonder?
S.Dro. ScMiw, call roa it ? fo yea mnld leave fauteriDg, I hid
ntdier hive its beiuli anyoaufetbdcfalowtloDrrlBuifigBtali
far my bead, and tnfcoiice i( top, or elfa I QuSk '
Ihoulders: bcE I pny. Sir, why am I beaten?
Ami. Doft than not know 1
S. Drt. Nwbing, Sir, but tbat I an beaten.
Mt. Shalt I teU you wby ?
S. Dr*. Ay, Sir, and wbctcforej for they lay> every why hitfc
a wherefiuc
Jut. Why, firft, fer fiogtinf me ; and thai wbaeibre, fiir npo^
it the fecord time t* me.
S.JJn. Was tkctc ever aoy man thus beaten out of fetfba.
When in the why and wkMcfcrebBBtber rUaeaviCifM^
Well, Sir. I tbankyoa.
jlui. Thaak me, Sli, for whatt
S.DrB. Mvry, Sir, for tliii fomethiug that yon pre me ftr a»-
M. I'll make you amead* next, to gne ym MtUag far fcne-
thing. But &y, Su, it it dinner-tiaw ?
S. Drt. No, Sir, I think the meat wants that I ban.
Am. In good time. Sir, wbat'i that?
S.Drt. BaAine.
Ant. WeU. Sir, then ■tmU be dry.
S. Dr*. Ifit be. Sir, I pray yon, eat not of it. '
Ant. Yonrreafon?
5. Dro. Left it mak« yw diderick, and pnrdhafe me iMdwr
dry Ufting.
Sir, learn to jcft in good time i thei^a atunefiirall
S.Drt. I durft have deny*d that, before yon were fo cbolerkk.
Am/. By what rule. Sir ?
S. Drt. Uarry. Sir, by a rnk at plain, u the phm biU mK of
&ther r/»« himfclf.
Ant. Let') hear it.
S. Drt. Theit'i ng time Tor a nan to reconr hit hair that growt
bald by nature
Tfe Omt^ tf Brrors. 403
S C E N E v.
Air. Ay, aji JntipbtBt, look ftnnge and fiowQ)
Some odicr msbdi hath fomc fweet afpcAs,
I am not jUriana^ pot thy wife.
The time was once, what thou unirg'd wooldft vow>
That never wraxls were mu&k co thine ear.
That liertr di^ plcafing in thine eye.
That nertr touch well welcome to thy hand.
That never meat fwoct-4arour'd in thy tafte,
Dd a Unlda
jfar. May he not do it b^ fine and noartxf.
S.Drt. Ytt, CO pk]' a fine for a peiukc, nd lecover de lofi hair
Jmt. Why, b V/iM Juk a a%gfai cf kair, banc, ai it ii, lb
fkaiiriil an excioneBl I
S. Dr: Becaure it ii a bteflnw that he beAowf on hu&t % and what
Ik hath fcanied dKtn in hair, he hath gnren them in wit.
Jmt. Whjr, bat thercTiaiaiir I MMK hath SMn hair than wit.
S.i>n. NotaBtaoFiirafebiithehathihcwic tolofehiihair,'
Mt. Wit/, thoa didfl cosclode hairy men plain dc^en wiUtoul
i.Dn. The plauer dealer, d* fawr lafti fet he laieth it in n
Jmt. For what reafon?
S.Dr: For two, and foaod ones tM.
Am*. NaV, not femd eoes, I prap yoO*
S.Drt. Sore con then.
Jbit. NMr,iH(Cai«ia«duagfidii«i
S.Dr*. Certain one* thm.
Jat. Name theoL .... _,_ t
S. Dn. The (»w to lave die waay dat he fpendt m tjrrioS) tha
•Aer. that ai dioaer th^ fcodd WH drop ID hu porridge.
At. YoawoddaUthHtiaBehanpivT'd, then U BO tine for all
S^Drt. Many, and did, Sri aamdr. w> tu>» W recoret hair
left br Batnre.
At. Bat fosrtcdoawu not fafaAastial, wh/ there >u tune ta
*Tft-. ThMlrnendit: 3V«# hianfidf ii heU* Bii
the world'i end will have bald foUowctt.
j/Mt. I knew 'twould be a btid '
8CHNE V. tfr.
404. Ihe Comedy cf. Errors.
Unlefs I fpake, or look'd,, or tpuch'd, or carv'd.
How comes it now^ ■ my nusband, oh/ how'comes it.
That thou art thus eftranged from thy felf ?
ThyfeiflcallJt, beihfelliMge-toinft '-
Thiit, undividable, incorpprare, -
Airt better iKani ihjr dear Tdf 's better part.
Ah, do not^ear away thy lelf from me ;
For know,, as eafic may'ft duiu iall
A drop ot" water in' the breaking gulph.
And take unniingled iHajce that drop again,.
Without addition or diminilKing,
As take from' me thy felf, and not me too.
How-,<learly would it toudi thee to the quick,
Should'ft thou but hear I were licentious ?
And thtf tliis body, confecrate to thee.
By ruffian luft fhould be contaminate ?
Would'ft thou not Qnt at me, and fpum at me.
And hurl, the n^e of husband in my face.
And tear the flain'd skin * 'off ^ my haript-brow.
And from my falfe hand cut the mdding-iing.
And break it with a deep-divorcii^ vow ?
I know thou ' 'would'ft ;*■ and therefore fee thou do it:
I am polTeis'd mth an adultoace Uttf \
My blood is mingled with the crime of luft :
For if we two be one and thou play felfe,
I do digeft the poifon "of thy flefli.
Being ftrumpetcd by 'thy contagion.
Keep then fair league and tnice with thy- true bed ;
I live und^'d, thou undifhontfurcd.
, ■ Ant. Plead you to rac, fkir dame? I know ybU not:
In JSpbefuj I am but two hours old.
As ftrange unto your town as to your talk. ■
Luc. Fie, brother, how the world is chang'd with you!
"When were you wont to ufe my filler thus ?
... She
(a) as to yoar talk. ,
Who, «vtr^ word by afl idj> wit being roum'di
Wants wil in all oac word to anderftaod.
Lue. Fie, brother, t^c.
2 of 3 can'lti
The Comedy of E'r r. o r s. 405
She lent for you by Dram home to dinner.
Ant. ^yDromio?, . - . . '..
S. Dro. .hymt^i -'-■■■■' ■.,..;.
j1^. &^.tittv andduiJidiottdjdftMtumfromhun,.
That he did bu^ttheri-a^d in 'hjj blows. ■- . ., ■
Deny'd my howfe forhii,.inlBe*ibrliswffi).:
j^t. Did you conyicrie, Sir,- with tins ^errtlewonian? ,
"What is the Qouric and drift of' ydifroDijipaft?. . .
S.Dro. 1, Sir? I never law bcr .'tiil tMs cime. ' ,
Ant. Villin, tbouiieft-, ftit cvep her very wwls- .
Didft thou deliver to me onthe mart.,'
S.Dro. Iifer?ferfpake ..
Ant. How can (he fh'os- tlien call us J^y oar tuutKs»
Unlefs it be by infpiratioa?
Adr. How ill agrees it wdi your gravity, , ,
To counterfeit thus ^fly wfitt yqnrilavei '. .
Abetting ium to thwart me in my. mood ! .
Be it my wrong, you are from me exempt.
But wrong not that wrong with a more contempt.
Come, I will fallen on this fieeve of thine •,
Thouartandm, my'.husband, lavine:
Whofe weakneis marry'd to thy ftrongcr ftate.
Makes me mth thy ftrength to commimicaEci
If ought poffels thee from me, it is drols,
Ufurping ivy, brier, or idfc mQfsi ■
* 'wWh^ all for want of pruning, with.intrufion,
Infcft thy fap, ■ and live on thy confiifion.
Ant. To mc flie fpeaks ; ihe moves mc for'hcrtheamj
What, was I many 'd to her in my dream ?
Or fleep I now, and think I hear.all diis?
What error drives our eyes and ears amifs ?
Until I know this fure uncertainty,
m entertain the favour'd fellacy.
Luc. DrotmOf go l»d'ihe fervants fpread for dinner. •
Dd 3 Adt.
(a) ftmntj fprcad for dinner.
S. Dro. Oh for my beidi ] I crors me far n flnncr.
Thii i* the Fairy land : oh fpigbt of Ipights !
We talk with ggblui!, owli, and elvim Iprighct i
4 Who K
4o6 Iffe Qmafy tf EKRORsr
Mt. Come, cune, no loigcr wS I be afecJ,
To put the finger in the eye and weep,
"WhSft man ana tnaftcr laugh my woes to fcotn.
Come, Sir, to dinner i Dnmt, keep^ gttet
Husband, I'll dine aborc vrith you to-day.
And Ihhve you of a tboo&nd idle pranks i
Srrah, if any ask you for your maftcr.
Say he dines ictfth, and let no creature enter:
Come, fiftcr ; Drmie, play the porter well.
Ant. Am I in earth, m heaven, or in hell?
Slcqang or waking, mad or weU adw'd?
Known unto thefc, and to my fclf di%ds'd ?
I'll fay aa they fay,, and pericver fo i
And in tlus nuft at all adventum go.
S. Dro. Mafter, fhall I be porter at the guef }
Jjr. Ay, let none enter, kot I break your pati. >
Jji£. Come, come, AHtifMis, we dine too late. ^
Ifweobejrtheomot, tUi will cnfoi,
71k7*11 fuck oar brattli, or pioch lu blade udUw.
Cme. Wby pru'ft thou to tby felf,
■Jinmia. thoa DreiU, Aail, thou flog, tkeaibtf
S,Dr»- Imtnntlonaei, imfler, amliiMt
Jmi. I think thoti in in mind, wd la am I.
S. Drt. Nft>t na&r, botb in Btaidud inmjr Ibi^
Mt- Tlioti kafi itune'owB fiav.
S.Dr*. Not lankfimi*.
lae. IfilAMi anehang'dWot^t.'dtWttafr.
£ Drt. *Tn vue, ftie rtdr' sm, ind I lo^fiirpaM.
*TH*fo.'Iamuiarii clfeitcoddneverbet
But I QiooU know her M wd M Im tamn »«.
^. CoBM, cone, ifc.
Tfe Cmedy of Errors. 407
ITBe Street before Antipholis'* Hbuje.
Mnter Antijdiolis of Ephefus, Dronuo ef Ephefus,
Aiigcio, and Balthazar.
E. Antipholis.
GOOD Sgnior Aimlo, you muft excuJe us ;
My wife is fhrewiOi wKen I keep not hours;
Say, that I Iijiger*d with you at your (hop
To fee the makimg of her carkanec.
And that te-morrow you will bring it home.
But here's a villain that would &ce me down
He met me on the mart, and that I beat him.
And diarg'd him with a tho\^d marks in gold ;
And that I did deny my wife and houle :
Thou dnuJcanl thou, what didft thou mean by tMs ? ■
1 tlunk tbou art an afi.
E. Dro. Many, * 'doth it fo^ appear
By the wroti^ I fu^, and the Uows I bear i
I Aiould kick being kkkt ^ and being at that pafs,
You would keep from my heels, and beware of an ais.
E. Jut. Y'are 6d, Sigiior Baithaxar. Pray God our
May anfwer my good will, and your good welcome. ^
(m) didft tbM maun by tkuf
£. Drt. Say what you will. Sir, but I Icnow what I know.
Tlitt yon beat me >t che mart, I bave yonr haul to (bow ;
If tbe ikin were parcbment, and the blowi you gave were ink.
Your hawl-writiu would tell you what I think.
B. Ami. I think, fSc
(b) sad yoai good wekone,
Bal. I bold your duntiet cbeao, Sir, asd yeur wckamc d*>r.
D d 4 E.lnt.
5 feitdon'c . .
4o8 7he Comdy of Eruqr^.
But foft i my door is lockt j go Wd them let us in."
E. Dro. Maud, Bridget^ Marian, Gcefy, GilManr
S. Dro. [WithittA Mome, mall-horfc, capon, coxcomb*
idjor, patch, ...
Either get thee from the door, or Tit down at the hatch :
Doll thou conjure for wenche^ that thou call'ft for fuch
^When one is one too many ? go get thee from the door. •
S. Ant. Ah Signior Satlhascar, eidur 2t flclh or filh,
^ table-full of welcome nHkei fcarce one dainty dilh.
Bal. Good meat, Sir, » common i that every churl aSoRlt.
£. Ant. And welcome more common j for chu'i iiot)}iiig but w<m4><
3al. Smalt cheer, and good welcome, makes a merry feaft.
£. Ant. Ay, to a niggardly hoft, and more fparing gael :
But tho' my fates tie mean, take them in good part ; .
Better cheer may you have, but Dot with Sfltar lkcar(.
But fofii my door (t lockt i l^c,
(a) — •— get thee from the door,
f. Drti. What patch is awde our porter ? myoaAcr fiayiia theftreet.
5, Dm. l*t him walk from whence he came, left he cauh cold on'*
£, Am. Who talks within there? hoa, open the door ' [feet,
S. Dr: Right, Sir, Til lell you when, an you'U ref], mi whereJbre.
E.Jnt. Wherefore? for my dinner: I have not dinM to^lay.
S. Dra. Nor to-day here you muil not : come ag»ii; when you majr,-
E. Ant. What art thou that keep' ft me out from (he hou& I owe *
S. Dre. The porter for this time. Sir, and my name is Drtmif.
E. Dro. O villain, thou haft ftol'n boih mine office ia^ my nunc,
Theonp ne'er got me credit, the other midde blame ;
If thou had'ft been Dramig to-dayin my place, [»fi.
Xhou would'ft have chang'd thy ilce for a name, or ihy name for an
iar<.[»*iVWB] Whatacotieisthere, Z>re*no? whoartthofeatthe
£. Dro. Let my mafter in, Luci. [wtt i
tutf. 'Ffcith, noj hEcoipeitoq late;
And fo tell your mafter,
E. Dra. O Lord, 1 muft laugh ;
flavc at you with a Previr^. shall I fct in my 9i»^\
luce. Have at you with another; that's when T gao you tell ?
S. Dro. If thy name be called Za«, Lute, ihou haft Mfwer'd him wcU
E. Jut. Do you hear, you minion, you'll let u9 in, t hopei
Luce. I thought to have atkt you.
S. Dra. And you faid, no.
$. Dra. So, come. help, well Anicki there wii Ufaw ibr UoW.
£. Ml, T^n bBg^gc, Jet me in.
•c,q,z.<ib, Google
The Cm^^ of Errors. 409
jl^. \JVkbiit.'\ Wboistlutt at the door that keeps all
this noife ? ruljr boy*.
S. Dre. By my troch, your town is troubled with m-
E. Jnt. there, wife? you Jn^t have come
Jdr. Your wife» Sir knave ! go get you ftom die gate. *
£. ^t. Go, get thee gone, fetch me an iron crow.
Bd. Have paticncci, Sir: oh, let it not be thui.
Herein you war agaifift your reputation.
And draw within tl^e compafc of fu^edl
Th' unviolated hont^ of your wife.
Once, thisi ,your,l(»^ wqiericnce of her wifilom.
Her fober virtue, years ,and modefty, , - ■
Plead on her part fome caufc to you unknown j
And dcubt not. Sir, but Ihe will well excuTe
' iMet. Can you tdl for whoTe bkef
E. Dra. Mafter, knock the door h^.
Zwrr. Let him knock 'cill it ake.
E. A'l- You'll cry for this, minion. If I heat the door down.
Inct. What needi all that, and 3 pair of flocks in the town i
Air. imtbin.] Who it that, (^e.
(b) — '■ go get you from the gate.
E. Dra. If you went in pain, mailer, thit fcnave woold go fore.
Jng. Here n neitbei chMr, Sir, soT' welcome } wewouMfain han
Eal. In debating which wai beft, we Diall part with nelclier.
E. Dm. They Sand at the door, matter, bid them welcome hillier.
E: jfkt. There'* ftmoJiing in the wind that we caenot get in.
E. Dro. You would fay fo, mafter, if your garments were thin.
Your cake here is warm within : jou Aand here in the cold.
It would make a man as mad as buck to be fo bought and fold.
B. Ant. Go fetch me fomething, I'll break ope the gate.
S. Dn. Sreak aay breakitig here, and 111 brak your knave's pate.
.£, Dra. A man may break a word with you, Sir, and words are but
Ay, and break it in your face, fo he break it not behind. [wind ;
S. Dra, It Teems thou wanteft breaking ; out upon ihce, ^nA.
E. Dre. Here's too much i out upon thee j I pray thee,' let me in.
S. Dm. Ay, when ibwls have no feathers, and filh have no £n.
E. Ant. Well, I'll break in i go borrow me a crow.
E. Dra. A crow without feather, maAcr, mean you fo?
For a filh without a fin, there's a fowl without a linther :
If a crow hdp as in, firrah, we'll pluck a crow togeUMr.
^. Jnt. Go, get thee gone, U!t.
4.10 Tffi Comedy of £]tS.ORS.
Why at tlua time du daaa are bttr'd aganft you.
Be iul*d by me, dn)art in padence.
And let us to tbc Tyger mtx> dinner.
And about evening come your lelf ^done^
To know the realbn of this ftrai^ reftrauit.
If by ftrong bind you offer co ^ak in
Nowintbe ftimi^paflageof theday,
A vulgar continent will be made of K',
And mat fijppofcd by die comaion rout,
Againft your yet m^dled eftimatitM,
That may with tbul intrulkm enter in.
And dwdl upon your g^-ave when you are dead :
For flander lives upon fucceflkm.
For ever hous'd wtiere it once gets poiIeflk».
£. Ant. You have prevail'd j I will depart b qokt.
And in dcfpight of " 'wrath^ mean to be merry.
I know a wench of excellent difixxnfe,
Pretty and witty, wild, and yet too, gcnde ;
There mil we dine : this woman that I mean.
My wife (but I proteft mthout defert)
Hath oftentimes u^raided me widial ;
To her will we to dinner. Get you home.
And fetch the chain; by this I know 'tis made;
Brii^ it, 1 pray you, to the Pwar^ne \
For there's the houfe : that chain I will beftow,
gc it fttt- nothii^ but to ^Mght my wife,)
pon mine hoftds there. Good Sh:, make hafte :
Since my own doon refiife to enttrtunmc^
I'll knock eMCTrfiere, to fee if they^ difdain me.
Jb^. I'll meet you at chat jdacc, fome hour, Sr, hence.'
£. ^. Do ibi diis jeft fliaU ooft me iooK c
C mirdi .,.MuUt. nut. $mtai.
b, Google
Xk Comedy ef E&ittfRS. 41X
S C E N E a
72» Bnifr •/ Attipbolis ^ l^hefus.
Enter Ludaoa, with An^dnltt efSyntxlSt.
Xju."" a N D may it be, that you have qukt foigot
I\ A hustand's office ? ftiall, j^tifieh, hate
Et*!! in the ^ning of love, thy love-brings rot ?
Shall love, Bi bmlding, grow So ruinate?^
If you (M wed my fitter for her wealth.
Then (or her wnl[h*s-&ke ufe her with more kindncft |
Or if you Uke cliewhere, do it by ftealth,
MufEe your blfe loVe with fome flicw orUin(lne& j -
Let not my fiftcr re*d it in your eye i
Be not thy twigoe thy own fhamc's MatOTj
Look fweet, fpeak fair i become difloyalty ;
Apparel vke like virtae's hattingcr j
Bear a fur prefence, tho* your heart be tuntcd i
Teach fin t^ catriage of a holy Saint i
Be fecret &lie: what need fhc be acquamtedP
What fimple thief brags of his own attaint ?
■Tis double wrong, to truant with your bed,
Avd let her re^ it in diy looks at board:
Shame hath a bafiard-fame, well managedi
. IH deeds are doubled with an evil word :
Alas poor women, make tii ' 'but^ believe
(Being compaft of credit) that you love us t
tha' otters have the arm, fliew us the Sleeve :
We in your motion turn, and you may nwve us.
Tbtn, gcnde brorfier, get you in ^ain ;
Coimon my fifter, chear her, caS her wife ;
•Pis holy (port, to be a litde vain.
When the fwcct tveath of Aattety conquoi Itrife.
H AdJ Biay it be, thmt yoa hvn quite ftrgdt
AahvHaBd^dlcef Qui), Jntlphlh.
Bf*Biaibehri^ori«*e, chy tovc-rprinnratf
Shall loTCii^Duilduigi grow To muucf... Miiit. 7iM6.tmiii4.
t net . . . UtUit. fini- imtnd.
4ia Tie Qomeif of Ek»aRi..
S.At. Sweet miftrelsi wlat jaar naoK is liSc I ]snmr-
Norby what wonder you do J)it of, mine- \riot
Left to your knowledge and your 'grace you ihow not '
Than our earth's wonder, more.than «atth diitoc.
Teach me, dear creature, how to think and fpeak • *
Lay open to rty earthly grofl conceit, ^^ '
Smother'd in errors, feeble, Ihallow, weak
TIk foulded meaning of your words deceit;
AgainA my foul's pure truth why labour you, *
To makeitwanderinan unknown field ?
Arc you a God ? would you create me new ?
Ttansform me then, arid to your pbw'r I'll vield
But if that I am I, then well I know
Your weeping lifter is no wife' of mhe.
Nor to her bed a homage dp I owe ■
Far more, fer moictoyoudo I 'decline;
Oh, tram me not, fweet mermaid, wild thy note.
To drown me in thy fifter's flood of teaui
Sing, SintL, for thy fclf, and I will dotej
Spread o'er the lilver waves thy ^c„ hain.
And as a bed I'll take thee, and there lye :
And in that glorious fuppofition think
He gams by death that hath fuch means to die-
Let love, being light, be drowned if Ihe fink.
Luc. What, are ydu mad, that you do reafon fo?
■ h. jlnt Not mad, but mated ; how, I do not know
Imc. It 13 a fault that fpringeth from your eye.
S jht. For gazing on your beams, fair fun, being by
Lui. Gaze where you fhould, and that will claTvom
light. '
r "*^i,'^^ ^1?'' '° ™''' ^"' 'w^. as look on nidr.
Luc Why call you me love? call my lifter fc, - '
S. Al. Thy fifter's lifter. .
Z«r. That's my fitter,
J.yfc/. Noi
It is thy fclf, mine own felf 's better part :
Mine eye's clear eye, my dear heart's dearer heart
My food, my fortune, and my fweet hope's aim.
My folt earth's hcavaj, and my heaven's claim. Liu.
The. Comedy > of E'rhoks. ^t^
Lm. !A11' tlus my.fiter is," or elfe flioold be.
S.Jnt. Call thy felf filler, fweet j fof I mean theet
Thee vdJl I love, anid-irith thee lead my life.
Tliou haft no husband ycc, nor I no wife;
Give n?e thy hBiid..'. . ' ' ^ "*
Luc. Oh, foft. Sir, hold you ftiH j
ru fetch my Mteci to get her good wiH [£«/L«dana.
£j(/£r praiuo ^/"Syracule.
S. Ant. Why, how now, Drvmo^ where runn'ft thoaib
' S. Dro. Do you know me, Sr ? am I Dromo? am I
your man ? am 1 my felf?
S. Ant. Thou art Dromo, thou art my man, thou art
thy felf.
S.Dro. I am an afs, I am a woman's man, andbeHdes
my felf- . r; . ■'
S.Ant. What woman's man ? and hofr befides thy ftlf ?
S. Dro. Many, Sr, befides my felf, I am due to a wo-
man ; one that claims me, (»ie that haunts me, one that
will have me.
S. Attt. What clum lays fhe to thee ?
S. Dro. Marry, Sir, fuch clum' as you would lay to
your horfe •, and fhe would have me as a beaft ; not that I
being a beaft Ihe would have me, but that flie being a
very beaftly creaturt, lays clidm to me.
S.Ant. Whatislhe?
5. Dro. A very reverent body j ay, fuch a one as a man
may not fpeak of, without he lay. Sir reverence : I have
but lean luck in the match ; and yet ts ihe a wond'rous ht
' ' S. Ant. How doft thou mean, a fat iharri^ ?
■ S. Dro. Marry, Sir, fhe's the kitchcn-wench, and all
greafe, and I know not what' ufe to put her to, but to
make a lamp of her, and run from her by her own light.
X warrant, her rags, and tjhe tallow in them, mil bum a
414 ^ Comedf of Errors. ,
p^aiid mneer: if fte livn 'dU doamfil^, ifaell bom a
■wok. kngrr. than the whole world.
S. Jfff. What cocnjde^oD is the of f . :
S. Dre. Swart, like tnjr (hoe, but bcr &ce noUiing l&g
fo dean kept; fw why? Ihefweats, a nun mifgoonr-
Ihoes in the floime of it.
5. ./Atf. That's a &ult dutt water will mend.
S.Zhv.'Sot Sir,*tisingruni Neab's&oodauMDotdok.
S.jht. Who's her name?
S. Dre. NeSt Sir ; ' 'but her name and three quanen,
diat is, an ell and diree quarters,^ will not meafuit her from
S. Jtft. Then flic bears fbrne tmadth?
S,Dr». Nolot^o'from headttlboc, thanfromfaipto
lup ; Ihe b fphetical, like a globe : 1 iXHild find out onbi-
S.Alt. In Mriiatpaitofherbodjrilands /rviiiAJ/
S. Dro. Many, Sir, iobcrbuttodui libwditoutbf
S. Ant. VHwre ScotiMHdr
S. Dro. 1 Sanai it by the bamnid4, haid in die palm
of her hand.
S. Aa. Where B^tmcef
S. Dro. In her fovhead, arm'd and terated, maldi^
war ngwoft her hur. ■
S.Ant. VfhenEi^Mdf
S. Drf. I kwk'd for the chaOcjr diS, but I could End
no whitcnel^ m them i but I gucfi, it ftood in ha dun, bf
the lalt rheum that ran between J^mee and it.
S.jM. y/batSprnnf
S. Drt. 'Faidi, I law tt not, but I ftlt k hoc in bet
S.jtKt. ythoK ^fyurieOf && Indies f
S. Drf. Oh, Sr, iqwn her nofe, «Q o'er erobdliOi'd
(ft) J jiti[lt imtniid bttviien thfuttrit Hair au/Hdrt VnmK»
htini tit* in mrm «£Mm^ tit Hat »f tit Crtvm Heuj i V. TitU.
9 bathniuuMuUueefBnten, thacii. an cU and three quMn,
. . . tU tiit. 'Thirl. emnJ.
b, Google
wiA rdiiet, caibundA, IM^res, dedirai^ thdr rich af.
pe^ to the hoc breath of Sfaifi, who foit whole armadoes
of caradcs to be ballaft at her nole,
S.jtit. Where fiood .Sm^ lh» Netherlands ?
&,Dn. C&»Sir, I did not look fo low. Tocondude,
this drudge, or diviner, laid claim to mc, calPd me Droi
HUB, iWore I was afliir*d to her, told mc what privy marks
I had about me, as the mariu of my Jhouldcr, the mole
in my nedc, the great wait on my left arm, that I amaz'd
ran from her aa a wicch. And I think, if my Iwcaft had
not been made of ■ 'flint,^ and my heart of ftcel, ihc had
tnuuftjrm'd me to a cur-tail dc^, and made me mm i' rii'
S. Jha. Go hie thee ppdently> poft to the roads
And if the wind biow any way fnm (hore,
I will not harbour in this town to-f^ht.
If any bark put forth, come to the marts
Where I wiU walk 'till thou return to me:
If every one knows us, and we know none,
*Tis time, I think, to trudge, pack and begone.
S. Dre. As from a bear a man would run for life.
So 6y I from her that would be my wife. {Exit^
S. Ant. There's none but mtches do inhabit hat j
And therefore 'tis Jugh time that I were hence:
She that doth call me husband, even my foul
Doth for a wife abhor. But her fair mier,
Poffeft with fuch a gentle foverdgn grace.
Of fuch inchanting prcfcnce andfflfcouile.
Hath almoft made me traitor to my lelf :
But left my &lf be guilty of felf-wrong,
m &op mine can againft the menn^'a long.
Enttr Angek> vith a ebmn.
j^. Ma&erAifiphclisf
S, j6$t. Ay, that's my name.
4i6 Tfv Comedy of E^RORi,
Jug. I know ic wdl. Sir; lo, ^^cie is theduiat
I thought t' have ta'cn you at the Pora^mei
The chain unfinilli'd made me flay thus long.
S. Ant. What is your will that I Ihall do with this? .
jb^. What pleafe your felf. Sir i I have made it fiM- you.
S.j^. forme, Sr! I befpoke it not.
Ang. Not once, nor twice, but twenty times you have :
Go home with it, and pleafe your wife withal j
And foon at fupper-iime I'll viTit you.
And then receive my mony for the ch^n.
S. Ant. I pray you, Sir, receive the mony now, .
For fear you ne'er fee chain nor mony more. -
Ang. You are a meny man. Sir i fare you well [Ett^,
. S. Ant. What I ihould think of this I cannot tcU :
But this I think, there's no man is fo vun
That would refufe fo fair an offer'd chain.
I fee a man here needs not live 1^ ihifb.
When in the flxeets he meets fuch golden gfts :
I'll to the mart, and there for Dromo flay %
If any fhip put out, then ftratt away. [jExU.
Enter a Merckantf Angelo, atidtm 0$eer.
YOU know fince Pentecofi the fum is due ;
And fince I have not much importun*d you t
Nor now I had not, but that I am bound
To Verfia^t and want Riders for my voyage:
Therefore make prefent latisfatftion \
Or I'll attach you by this officer.
Ang. Ev*n juft the fum that I do owe to you,
c,q,z.<ib, Google
7h Comedy ^Errors. 417
And in the ii^bmt that I met widi you.
He had of me a chain : at five a clock
I ihaU recdvc the tnony for the lame :
Fleafe you but walk mth me down to his houfe,
I will difchargc my txaid, and thank you coo.
Enter Antiph. Eph. at4 Drb* Ef^- asfrem the ConrttzMt't.
O^. That hbaar you may lave : fee where he comci.
£. jint. While I go to the goldfmith's houfe, go diou
And buy a rope's- aid -, that I Will beftow
Ammg my wife and her confederates,
For locking me out of my doors to-day.
Btrc foft ; I fee the goldfmith : get thee gcxie»
Buy chou a rope, and bring ic home to me.
jS.Dra. I buy a thoufknd pound a year ! I buy a rope!
[Exit Dromio.'
E. Ant: K maniswcD Holp up that trtifts to you:
I promiled your prefence, and the chain:
But ndther chain nor goldfrmth came to me:
Belike you thought our love would laft too long.
If itwctc^^chain'd tt^ethcTs therefore came not.
wf^. Saving your merry humour, here's the note, I
. .How much your chain weighs to the utmoft carat.
The finenels of the gold, the chargeful ^fliion.
Which dotb amount to three odd ducats more
Than I ftand debted to this gentleman;
I pray you, fee him prefcntly difchai^'d ;
Fw he is bound to fca, and Itays but for it.
E. Ant. I am not fumifh'd mth the prefent money;
Bcfides I have fomc bufincis in the town j
Good Signior, take the ftranger to my houfe.
And with you take the chun, and bid my wfc
Disburfe Ac fum on the receipt thereof;
Perchance I will be there as foon as you,
^g. Then you will bring the chain to her your felf.
E.Ant. No i bear it with you, left I comet 'rart in time.^
Vol. I. E e -^.
a oottUnecnoBih.
4i8 Thi €avt^~ of £k.i.oks.
jtng. WelliSir; I will: fiAc you the chain abouCyOD!
E.jbu. AniflhweaOt* Sir, I hope you have:
Or clfe you may return without your mony. i
.^. Nay, comr, I poay yptt. Sir* give me the chaiiw
Both wind and tide flay for the gendemaai
And I to blame have hdd-lum l^re too long.
£. jint. Good Lord, you uie this dalliance &> excufe
■YoiwtreiA- of pnnntfe tQ the Pennine :
I IhoiAd have chid you for not brining it -,
Big, ij^ a flirew, you firft b«jn to brawl.
Aler. The hour fleala on ; rpr ay you. Sir, di^atch.
jing. You hear how he impoituoes me-, the chain.
£.^r.Why,_g?veittomywifc, and fetch your mooy^
Ang. Comis, come, you know I mvc it you ev'u oat.
Or fend the chain, or fcnd me by feme token/
E. jilt, fie, now you run this humour out of bve^:
.Come, whertfs thccIiMn? I pray you, let me fee it.
Mfr, My bufuK& caoi^-brook this dalUaRce;
Good Sir, fey, if you'll anfwcr me, ornoi
If not, I'll leave Jum to fire pSicer. .
E.Atu. I anfwer youj' why Ihouldl ijnfw^'you?
jhtg. The piony mat you owtme for the chaia.
E. Am. I owe you none 'till I receive the ch»n^ .
Jbtg. You know I g»ve ix you half an hour iincc.
£. /^»^ You ^ve ine conp i you wrong mc much to lay fa.
Ang. You wrong me more, Sir, in denying it \
Confider how it flands upon tcn credit.
Mer. Wfll, officer, arreft him at my fuit.
0$. I do, ..
And diarge:you in the Duke's name to obey mc.
Ang. "niis touche8,me ip^rcputatiMi.
Eiiiier conlfju to pay the fum ror me.
Or I attach you by uiis oilicer.
E. Ant, Confent to pay for that I never h^d!
Arreft me, foolifh fellow, if thou dar'ft.'.
At^. Here is thy ice ; arreft him, ofHccTi
'I woddnot ^are my bother in this caie,
Jf he fhould icom me fo apparently.
, Offi. I do arreft you, fflr j you hear the fuit.
JE. j^. I do obey thee 'dll I ^vc thee bail.
But firrah* you IhaU buy this iport as dear
As all the metal in your Ihop will anTwer. -
j^. Sir, Sir, I ihall hare kW m EpbefuSi
To your notorious ihame, I doubt it not.
S C E N E ir.
Enter Dromio Syra. from the Bi^.
S. Dre. Mailer, there is a btak of SpidtmnMt
That ftays ^t 'till her- owner comeB ahoiud i
Then, Sir, fhc bears away. Our fiaug^^e, sk^
I have convey'd aboardj and I have bought
The Oyl, iheStlfamm, aniAfVihviu.
The fl^ is in. her trim i thetnerrywmd
Blows fair from Iwdi they ftay tot noiKht at alli
^t f|r their Awnpr, mafter. and your^^.
E.Ant. Hownow! arnadmanfwhf.thoupeevifhJHKp,
What fliip of Epidammm ftay* for me?
S.Dro. A flup yovlcDt me to, to hire waftage.
£. Aa, Thou orunkoi Aave, I ilcnc thee for a n^^
Apd tdd thee to wh« purpole, and what end.
S. Dro. \t3Nt fcot me for a rt^'s-end as ibon:
You fcnt me to "the bay. Sir, fcr a bark.
£. Ant. I will debate this matter at moR leifui^*
And teach ywir can: to lift me with more he«i
To ..^j&w**,. villab, hie thee ftrail,
Give her this key, and telllKr in the desk
That's awer'd o'er wkh Tmi^ tapeftry
There is a pmfc of ducaCs, let her fend it :
Tell her I am arrefted in the foeet,
And that ihaii- bail met i^tbee, Havet begcoe:
On, officer, to prUbn, 'till it come. [EMtmtt.
S. Dro. TcMivu! diat it whenwe dia'd,
Wh«re Dtwfihl did claim me fa- her husbaad^
She is too Kg,. I hope, for me to compaJs.
Thither I mvA, aJdio' againft my will.
For fcrrants muft their maftcrs minds fulfil. [Exit.
£ca ;&C£N£
420 The CmuSy of Errors.'
£. AntipholisV Saufe.
Enter Adiiana and LAidaiu.
Jir. A Hi iMcianoy did he tempt thee fb?
■**■ Might'ft tlwu percdve auftcrcly b bis eye
That he did plead in eameft, yea or no?
Look'd he or red or pale, or Gul or merriljr?
What oUervation mad*ft thou in this cafe.
Of Yas heart's meteors dttbg in his face?
Lmc. Firft he deny'd you had in him aright.
Adr. He meant, he did me ncme, the more my Ip^^.
Lue. Then (wxc he that he was a ftianger hoc.
Adr. And true he iwore, though yet fi»fwom be wot.
Zmc. Then pleaded I iw you.
Jir, And what iaid he ?
Jju, That love X b^g*d fiv you, he b^g*d oFme.
Air. With what perfuafion did he tcmptmy love?
Imc. With words that-in an honeft fuit mi^ move;
Firft he did pr^e my beauty, then my §)cech.
Air. Did'ft /peak him feir?
Lau. Have padence, I bdeech.
Air. I cannot nor I will not hold me ftill ;
My tongue, though not my heart, Ihall have its win.
He is deformed, crooked, old and fere,
Ill-fec*d, worfe-body'd, fliapcldS every ^rfiere ;
Vicious, ungentle, fb(^(h, ohmc, unlund,
Sdsnatical in making, worfe in mind.
Imc. Who would be jealous then of fuch « one ?
^o evil loll is w^'d, mien it is guie.
A^. Ah ! but I think him better thui I lay.
And yet would "he in^ others eyes were woifc!
Far &om her neft the lapwing cries away ;
My heart pra^ for him, tho* my coiigae do curie.
— - jhcnta
^' Th Omtdf of Errors.' 421
Enter S. Didhuo,
S. Dro. Here, go ; the desk, the purfc ; fweet now,
make halle.
Imc. How haft thou loft thy breath ?
S. Dro, By running faft.
Air. Where is thy matter, Dremo ? is he well ?
S. Dro. No ; he's in Tartar .Limbo, wotfe than hell ;
A devil in an ererlafting garmtnt hath him,
C^ whofe hard heart is ^tton'd up mth ftcci :
A fiend, ■•■ 'a ftiry^ (ntilcis and roupi,
A wolf, nay, worfc, a fellow all in buff -,
A back-friend, a Ihoulder-clapper, one tiiat commands
The paftages of allies, creeks, and narrow lands \
A hound that runs counter, and yet draws dry-foot well j
One thdt before the judgment carries poor fouls to hell.
Adr. Why, man, what is the matter ? [cafe.
S. Dro. I do not know the matter ; he is refted on the
Jdr. What, is he arretted ? tell me at whofe fuit ?
S. Dro. I know not at whofe fuit he is arretted ; but
he's in a fuit of buflF wluch refted him, that I can tell.
Will you fend him, mittreis, redemption, the mony in
his dak?
Adr. Gofetdiit, fitter. This I wonder at; [£«/Luc.
That he unknown to me fliould be in debt.
Tell me, was he arretted on a bond ?
S. Dra. Not cm a bond, but on a ftronger thing, .
A ch^, a chain ; do you not hear it ting i
Adf. What, the chain?
S. Dro. No, no; the bell-, 'tis time dut I were gcme. «
E e 3 Entet
(1) ~— — tint I were gone.
It wu two ere I left bim, and now the clock ftnkn one.
Jldr. The hoUri come back ! that I did never hear. [fear.
8. Drt. O jti, if any hoar meet a fmcant, it turn) back for very
Air. A> if Tim* were in ddK \ how UtaiXy doft thoa reafon I
4 a Fairy' . . . tU tdit. TU»i. tmtni,
S. Or*.
429 Tie Comedy of EkkokS^
Enter Ludaoa.
Adr. Go, Drome ; thcre*s the mony, bcjw it finut.
And bring thy mafter hotas immediately.
Qbijc, fifer, I am prcft (iown mth conceit i
Conceit," my tomfort and my injuryi [Extmit^
S C E N E V,
lif S T R « E T.
f s/fr Antiphdis $f Syramic.
S, Ai^. nPHefe's not a man I meet but dodi lalute nt,
■*■ As if I were their well-acquunted fiiend \
And every one doth c^ mc by my name.
Some tender mony to me^ feme aivitc mej
Some other give mc thanks for kindnefles ;
Some offer mc commodities to buy.
Ev'n now a t^lor call'd me in his ffiw.
And ihow'd me lilks that he had t)ou^t for me.
And therewithal totJc meafure of my body.
Sure thefe are but ima^nary wiks.
And Inland ibrcerers inhalat here.
. £«^ Dromio 0;^ S^t-a^Bl^^
S. Dro. Matter, hoe's the gpkl you ient mt fw; ^rittt.
have you ' 'got rid of the pfture^ of <M Jdam, new ^
parcl'd? ■
S.Dn. Tunrisaverrbankfoilt, Mdowa nwttlnB hAworik.
Nay. he's a chief too : have you not heard men ft^.
That Tin/ comes flealine on by night and day ?
If Time be in debt and tbeft, aod a ferjeani in the way.
Hath he not reafon to turn back an hour in a day t
Entir, &c.
(a) Mtdimg t» ttt CMt «/Skiu»»A/«r Ada* ^ff- th» FmU, W
0>f leathern C»at wtm if lit Ofi^tr wii maJt tit am/. Tlcofal^-
- % gpt the pi&ire ...»U ttlit. ^t*S. tmeiuL
c,q,z.<ib, Google
3&r CSmm^ of Ekkovls, 423
S. Alt. -Whu gold 19 thu? what jUm doft thou
tf . Dn. Nee thac ..^ii^ that kept the paradifc, but chat
j^iam that kens the prifon } he that goes in the calf es-
skin that was'ktt'd for the prodigal i he that catne be^
Innd you, Sir» like an evil ar^, and bid you foHUte
ydir Hbmy.
S. Alt. I :iindcrftHnd thee tioc. ■ ,
5. Dro: No I why, 'tic a plain caJe » he that went like
a faaib-TioI 01 • aile ef leather.} the man,; Sir, that when
gentlemen are tired g^ves them ^^ ''a bob,^ and * refis ttiont
he, ^f that takci pty on de(a7*d msa; aid ^vcs them
frnts of durance ; ht that lets up hts ■ n^ to do niMC ex-
{)lat& with his mace, dun a ^ ^MufftV/'pike.^ ^
■ S.jini. What! thou mean'ft an Officer?
5. Dro. Aj, Sir, the faieant of the band ; he that
briim any-maA to anfwef it that breaks ivn bond ; one ttuc
thinks a nun always goii^ to bed, and &ith, God give
you good reft I • . •
S. Alt. Well, Sir, there ceft in your fotdery.
Is there any fhip puts forth to-iught ? may we be gone ?
S. Dre. Why,' Sir, I brou^t you word an hour
finoe, that the bark Expe£limpi»& forth to-ni&^t, and
then were you hinder'd by the lerjeant, to tarry for the
hoy Dtkrfi hbre are the angels that you fcnt for, to de-
liver you.
S. Am. The fetbw is diftra£t, and fo am I,
And here we wmder in iflufions ; .,
Some bleflcd power deliver us tiom hence t
Enter a Courtezan.
Cour, Well met, well met, matter jhtipboHs.
Ee4 Ifee,
(t) In reft) urn/reft iitntinJtda jniii/t fir »ntk* ««/arr«lt.
(b) AihtilMg U the Pikemen i"» PriHCf Maurice'^ arMj labiih vtrt
t/kmtiu Mj tf Jttdiirt trt thai timi.
6 a fob, ' 7 MarrU-fiiu. .. ■ *^ ^iV, Ifir^- tmtni.
424 3^ Comedy ef Errors.
I fee, ^t you have found die goldfinith now:
Is tlut the chiun you promis'd me to-day?
S.AMt. Satan, avoid! I char^ dice tempt me not, •
CoHr. Give me the ling of mine you dinner.
Or ^ my diamond the auaa you pronus'd.
And I'll be gone, Sii, and not trouble you.
S. Dro. ^me devils ask but the parings of ontfs naU,
a ruQi, a hair, a drop of blood, a pin, a nut, a cherrjr-
ftcMK ; but Ihe more covetous would have a chain. Mafter,
be wife ; an if you give it her, the devil will fhake hct
cfamn, and fiig^ us with it.
Cour. 1 pn^ you, ^ir, my ring, or elie the chain ;
I h<^ you do not mean to dieat mc ib.
S. Ant. Avant, thou witch ! come, Dtmms, let us go. ^
Cour. Now out c^ doubt AntipbeUs i& mad,
EMc would he never fo demean himfelf. '
A ring he hath of mine wonh fcffty ducats.
(a) ^-— tempt me net.
S. Dr». Milter, ii tbii niftreft Satn ?
S. Jmi. It ii the devil.
S. Drf. Nay, flie it worfe, flie'i the dcvil*i dun; uid keic Die
comes in the habit of a light wench, and thereof comei that the
wencha &y, God dam me, that'i at much m to &/, God make me a
light wench. It u written, they appear to mpi like angdt of light!
light it an tfCe& of fire, and Gre will burn ; *rgti light wenchea will
bum i come not near her.
Cap". Yonr man and yon are marrellont merry, Sir.
Will yoa go with me, we'll mend our diimer here ?
S. Dn. Mafler, if yon do expefi fpoan-mat, befpeak a ku fpooi.
S.Jmt. Why. Dnmhr
S. Vrt. Marry, he maft have a long fpoon that mnft at mtk At
S. Ant, Avud, thon £end f what tdTft thou me of fiip^ng \
Ttiou art (at you are all) a forcercfi :
2. conjure thee to leave me and be gone.
Ciar. Give me, iit.
(b) — let ui go.
S. Drt. Fly pride. An the peacock j niftidV, that nm know. Ffww
b, Google
Tht Ccimd^ af ERnoRSi 425
.And for the Cone he pitHius'd me a dukit
JBod) one and other w deiucs me now.
The rcafon that I gather he b mad,
iBc6do3 dm present inftuMcof Us i^}
s a mad tak he told to-day at dinner.
Of his own doon bdi^ fliuc againft his cnQ^oce.
BeUcelusiriic acquainted with his fits
On puipole ihut me dows againft his way.
3S(ywayisnow tohiehometoliithoufe.
And tell ius wife that bong lunatick
He rulh'd into my houfe, and took peHbroe
My ring away. This courfe I ficttft chufe,
Vor foitf ducats is too mudi to lofe. [Enit.
SCENE vni.
The Street.
Enter Antipholis of £phefu« wtb a Jailer.
E. Ait.TfEax me not, man ; I mil not break away ;
■T I'll give thee, ere I leave riiec, So much mony.
To warrant thee, as I am 'refted for.
My wife is in a wayward mood to-day.
And will not lifj^itly truft the meflenger.
That I Ihould be attadiM in Epbefus^
I tell you 'twill found haHh^ in her ears.
Enter Dromio ef Ephefus with a rept^s-end.
Here comes my man, I think he brings the mony.
How now. Sir, have you that I foit you for ?
E. Dro, Here's that I warrant you will pay them aO.
E. Jint. Biit Where's the HKHiy?
E. Drt. Why, Sir, I give die mony for the rope.
E. jint. Five hundred ducats, villain, for a rope I
E. Dro. 1*11 jerve you. Sir, five hundred at the rate.
E.Jnt. To what end did I Ud thee hie thee home?
£. Dro. To a rope's-Qid,. Sx^ and to that end am I
426 3h» CoM^ if £>,ftORS.
£. jht. And CO that end, Sir, ! ^ welcome you.
C^. Good Sir, be partoit.
£. Dro. Nay, *tiB Ibf iM to be potknt, I am in ad-
Qffi. Good now, hrfd cby ttmgue.
E.Dro. Nay, rather pcrtiude him to hdld hs lunds,
E. /int. Thoo whndon, ftm&kfi villain !
E. Dro. I would I wtrc ienfek^ Sir, thslmig^net
feci your blows.
£. Ant. l%ou art lenfflile in sotUng bat faknm, and S»
isanafi. •
E. Dro. I am an aft indeed, yon aiXY proTc it by my
long ears. I have fcrv'd him from the' hour of my nad-
1^ to this inftant, and have nothing at his hands ror my
fervice but blows. When I am cold, he heats me with
beating-, when I am warns hecocds me with beating; I
am wak'd with it when I ^eep, ras'd wth it when I lie,
driven out of doors wWi it when I go from home, wci-
com'd home with it when I retimi ; nay, I bear it on my
flx>ulders» as a b^jgu* wont her bnit } md I thick when
he hath lam'd me, I ftiaU bc^ with it from door to door,
Enter Adriana, Ludana, Com-ttzat tai4. I^nch.
E. j^. Came, go algngj my irife is comii^ yonder.
E.JDre. Miftrfis, refpice finntt refpeft your end, or
rather prOpheftc hke the parrot «, beware die rope's-end.
E.J3>i. Wilt thou ffill talk? . [ Wf Dro.
Cour. How fay you now ? is not your husbaijd mad ?
Adr. His indnli^ confirms no Ids.
Good dodor Pincbf you are a conjurer.
EfiabUh him in his true £:nfe again,
Aad J will {rfcafe * 'you in wbat^ you wilt demand.
^ttBmfi mfn f*efit at ibtj fefftialng, • ropC, « tope I Warhw^HU.
' ' t J<n wlut
c,q,z.<ib, Google
The Om4y <»/ E R jL o R s. 4.27
Luc. Alas, how fiery and how fl»rp he looks!
Omr. Mark, how he trembles in liis ccttafie !
■ Pincb. Give me your hand, and let me feel your pulfe
E. Jnt. There is my hand, md kt it feel your ear.
f «B*.' I charge thee, Satan, hous'd within chis radn
To yield poffefllon to my holy prayers, *-
And K) thy fiate U darknels hie thee ftrait,
I conjure thee by ail the Sants in hcav'n.
E. Att. Eeace^ doating wizard, peace, I am net mad
^ :4dr. Oh that diou wert not, poor dillrcfled fouJ !
■ £. Ant. You Hunion yoo, are thde your cuftomers?
Did this companion with the lafirtm &ce
Revel and feaft it at my houie to^y,
Whilft upon me the g^Ity dows were ihut.
And I deny'd to enter in my haaki
Mr. Oh buAand, God doth know you din'd at home.
Where would yoo had remain'd uadl this time.
Free from thefc (landers and dus open (hame. [thou P
E. ^. Din'd I at h«ne? thou villain, wImi fay'ft
£. Dro. Sir, footh to lay, you did not ^ne at home.
E. Jnt. Were not my doors lock'd up, and I ihut out?
E. Dtq. pCTdie, your doors were lockM, and you fhut
.£. ^. And did not Ihe ha feif revite mechere? [out
E, Dro. Sans fable, flic her felf rml'd yoo diei«.
£.4^. £^ not her kitdien-m>td rail, taunt, and
. ^. X>n. Oritf She did, the kitchen-vcftal fcom'd you.
E. Ant. And did not I in rage depart from thoKC?
E. Dro. In verity vou did, my bones bear witnefi.
That fincehave felt the idgour of your rage.
Adr. Is't good to fixrth him in thefc contraries?
Pintb. It is no Ihame j the ieUow finds be vem.
And yielding to lum, humours well hh frenzy.
E. Ant. Thou haft fiibom'd the goldfmith to arreft: mc
Adr. Alas, I fent you mtmy k> redeem you.
By Dromio here, who came in hafte for it.
^.i>r«. Monybyme? heart and good-will you m^.
^28 Ihe Comdf of Errors.
But {brdy« mafter, not a rag of mony.
£. Ant. Went'ft not thou to her for a purie of ducats ?
A^. He came to me, and I deliver'd it.
Lttc. And I am witn^ with her that fhe did.
£. Dro. God and the rope-n\dcer do bear me mtnefiy
That I was fem for nothing but a rope.
Pinch. Miftrdj, both man and mafter are pofl^,
I know it by thetr pate and deadly looks {
Tbrf muft be bound and hud in fomc dvk room.
£. jtnt. Say, wherefore didft thou lock me forth to-day.
And nAy doit dwu deny the bag of gold?
Mr. I did not, gentle husband, lock thee forth.
E. Dro. And, gemlc mafter, I Temv*d no gold.
But I confcfe. Sir, that we were lock'd out.
ji^. DifTcmbling villain, diou fpeak'ft felfe in bodi.
. E. AkI. DiffembHng hariot, thou art falfc in all.
And art confederate with a damned pack.
To make a k>achfome a!:^eA Icom of me :
But with thefe n^s I'll pluck Out thofe faUe eyes,
That would behold in me dm fhamcfid fport.
Enter three vrfour^ md offer to imd him: befirives,
jUr, CAi, tttod faiaiy bind him, let him not otMne
near me.
Pimb. Motc company, dw fiend is fhtxig within faim.
Lue. Ay me, poor man, how pale and wan he looks t
£. Ant. What, will you murther me i thou jailo* duu,
I am thy prifoner, mlt thou fuffer them
To make a refcuc ?
Offi. Maflers} let htm go: '
^c is my prifoner, and you Ihall not have him.
Pintb. Go tmid this man, for he is frantick too.
Adr. What imk thou do, thou peevifh oflicer?
Haft thou delight to lee a wretched man
Do outr^ and difpleafure to himlelf?
Offi. He is my prifonerj if I let fum go.
The debt he owes will be remnr'd of mc.
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The Conu^ of Ekkoks. 429
Air. I wiQ difcha^e thee, ere I go from chee;
Bear me forthwkh-unto his creditor,
\^Thef bind Ana^. taidDmayo.'
And knomng how the debt grows I will pay it.
Good mafter doctor, ice him ^e cotivcT'd
Home to my houfe. Oh moft unhappy day I
E. Jint. Oh moft unhappy ftrumpet !
£. Dro. M^tcr, I'm here enter'd in bctfid itv you.
E. Jta. Out on thee, ^^Ilain I iriierefore doft thou
mad me f
E. Dro. Will you be bound* 'for nothing thus? be nod,^
Good matter, cry the devil.
Luc. God help, poor fouls, how idly do they uUc !
Jdr. Go bear lum haice ; fifler. Hay you \nth me.
Say now, wheie fiu is he arrcfted at ?
[£xflH»/ Finch, Ant.«»/Dra
Mantat Offictr, Adri. Lud. and Courteztm.
•' -OSi. One Jli^elo^ a goldlimth ; do you know him ?
^dr. I know the man^ what is the fum he owes?
. Offi. Two hundred ducus.
jUr. Say how grows it due ?
Q^. DiK for a chain your husband had of him.
Adr. He did befpeak ' 'z chain, but'^ had it nor.
Ceitr. When as your husband ^ in rage to-day
Came to tny houfe, and took away my ring,
(The rii^ I £iw upon his Snger now)
Strut after did I meet him with a chain.
Mr. It may be fo, but I did never fee it.
Come, jailor, bring me where the goldlmith is,
1 kvig to know the truth hereof at urge.
9 fer aothinf t be mad, i actudoforme, but
430 ^ Comedy of ErroRS.
- Entir Antiphofis Syrscn&n viitb his r^ier drawn-, and
Dromio Syrac.
Luc. God, for thy mercy ! they arc loofe agun.
Adr, And come with naked fwords j let's c^more help
To have them bound agwi,
O^. Away» they'll kill us. , fJiejr run out.
Maimt Ant. and Drp,
S, Jm. I lee thde witches are afraid of fwords.
B. Dre. She that would be your mfe now ran fhim 7011.
S. Ant. Come to the Cnf/mcr, fetch our fhiff from thence
1 lotig thtt we were fafe and founid tboard.
S. Pro. 'Faith, iby here this nght, thqr will furdy do
OS no harm ; you law they fpake us Mr, gave us gold ;
methinks they are fuch a gentle nation^ that but for die
mountain of mad fleih mat diums marriage of me, I
could find in my heart to fby here ftill, and cum witch.
S. Ant. I will not fby to-iu^t for all the town.
Therefore away, to get oar ftuff aboard. [Emmti
j1 Street t before a Prfory.
Enter the Merchant and Aog^Io.
I AM fbny. Sir. diat I have hinder*d you.
But i jMoteft he had the chain of me,
Thou^ moft diAxHieftly he did deny it-
Mer. How is the man eftcem'd here in rflC dty ?
Ang. Of very reverent reputation. Sir,
Of credit infinite, highly belov'd.
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The Cmt^ ^ £rr.oiis. 4jt
Sccwd to none that lives ben in the dty t
His vonl mi^ bear my wealth at any time. .
2^r. Speak fofUy i yonder, as I think, he walks.
Enter Antipholis and Dromio of Syracufe.
A^. 'Tis fo ; and that i^f chain about his neck,
Whjdi he fbrfwoFc molt monllroully to have.
Good Sir, draw near to mc, I'll ^eak Cohim.
^tiior jlnttpbeliSt I wonder moch
That you would put me to this Jliame and trouble.
And not without Ibme fcandal to your felf,
With drcumftance and oaths lb to deny
TMs chain, which now you wear lb openly ;
Belides the charge^ the Ihame, impiifonment,
You have. d«ie wrong to this my honelt fiietid.
Who but for flaying on our concroverlje
Had luufted £ul, and put to bz t(HJay ; ,
Ttui chain you had of me, can you deoy it i
S. jint. I think I had, I never did der^ it. .
Mer. Yes, that yoo <^, Sir, and forlwore it too.'
5. jint. Who heard mc to deny tc or forfwcar it f
Mcr. Thele ears (^nuiK thou ^'knoweft wcUi£d^ hear
Fie on thee, wretchi 'os mty that thou liv'l^ [the^ :
To walk where any hcmeft men relbrt.
S. Alt, Thou an a villaio to iiiq>each me thus.
I'll prove nuQ^ honour and my honefty
Againft thee prefently, if thou dar'ft land.
Af^. Idare, anddodefietheeforavUlain. [Tl&QPi^inf,
Etaer Adriana, laiaana. Courtezan and ethers.
Jiir. Hold, hurt Jum not for God's lake, heis mad>
. Some set within him, take his fw(}rd away :
Bind Dromie too, and bear them to my houle. .
S. Dro. Run, maltcr, run, for God*s ^ke taker!
t knowell, did
432 ^ Come^ if: Errors.
Tlus is Ibme Priotyi in> or we are ^I'd.
[Exaaa to th Pritry.
Enter Latfy Abbe&.
j&b. Be quiet, people, wherefore throng you hither?
jfdr. To fetdi my poor diftraOcd hustMnd hence ;
jLet us come in, th^ we may tnnd him faft»
And bear him honx fcM* his reoovery.
j^. I knew he was not in his perfcA mts.
il&r. I'm fony now that I did draw on him.
j&b. How long had] this poileilion held the man?
Air. This weuc he hath been heavy, fower, lad.
And much, much different from the man he was :
But 'till this afternoon his palHon
N^cr brake into extremity of rage.
/&t. Hath he not k^ much wealth by wreck at fia ?
Bury'd fome dear fiiend f hach not dfe his eye
Stray'd his afie£tion in unlawftri lore p
A fin prer^Gng much in youthful men,
'Who give their eyes the liberty of gazing.
Which of thefe forrows is he liiE^ed to?
jfdr. To none of thefe» except it be the laft:.
Namely, fome lore that drew him oft from home.
j&b. You Ihould fiH- that have reprdMuded him.
jidr. Why, fo I did.
jfkk. Ay, but not roug^ enough.
..^. As roughly as my mode^ would kt me.
j^. Haply in private.
AJr. And in auemblies too,
j&h. ' 'Ay, ay, but^ not enough.
Air. It was the copy ■ of our conference.
In bed he flepc not for my ut^ng it>
b) Sj eopr iir» i> h h vnitrfimi abDDdince, (nlndi, at d
mthtt i» Latin: aad in tiit /tafi Ba. JtAatoa m '
thf Timfri^wmlf ^fl it,
3 Aj, but
n mad ttbtr Aatrt tf
7f>f C^mcify of Evitiotii* 433
At board he fed not fi>r my iffgjng it>
Alone it was the fubjcd ex my theam i
In company I often glanc'd at itj
Soil did I tell i^ it was vile aDd bad.
j&i. And thereof came it that the maa vas mad.
The vcnom'd clamours of a jealous woman
Po3bn more deadly than a niad dog's tooth.
It ieems his fkeps were hipder'd by diy railing
And thereof comes it that his head is hght.
Thou fay'll his meat was fauc'd with thy upbt^4ings»
Unquiet meals make ill digestions.
Thereof the nang fire of fever lied ;
Aid what's a fever but a fit of madnefi?
Thou iay'ft his fyortt were hindered winb thy brtwk,
Sweet reaeauon bair'd, what doth enfue.
But * 'moody^ moping, and duU^ melancholy,
' ^A'kin^ to grin; and comfoFtlds delpur.
And at her heels a huge infe^ious troop
Of pale diftemperatures, and foes to life ?
In food, in fport, and life-prefcrving reft
To be difhittfd wcadd mad or man (X" beafl::
The cfxifequence is then, thy jealous fits
Have &ar'd thy hu^and from the ufe of wits.
Iau. She never reprehended him but nuldly,
"When he demean'd himfelf, rough, rude and wildly.
Why bear you thofe rebukes, and anfwtr not ?
Jdr. She did betray me to my own reproof.
Good pcwle, enter and lay hold on him.
j&i. ^fo, poc a creature entieis in my houfe.
j^. Then let your lervants bring my husband forth. .
jSik. Ndthcr; he took this {dace for lanftuary,
And^ ihall privil^e turn £com yout; hands,
'Till I have brought him to his ints ^ain,
Or lofe my labour in aOaying it.
jIA'. I will attend my hu^uid, be his Durfe,
DItC bis fKlcnefi, fc»- it is my office,
And will have no attonmr but my ielf,
Vot.I. Ff And
4 moody, and doll 5 Vtiabata
43'4- ^' Comedy of Errors
And therefore let me have him home with mc.
Jhh. Be patient, for 1 will nc* let him ftir,
*Till I have us'd th' approved means I have.
With ■wholfome fyrups, drugs, and holy prayers
To make of him a tormal man again ;
It is a branch and parcel of mine oath,'
A charitdDle duty of my order j ■
Therefore dqjart and leave him here with me.
jidr. I will not hence, and leave my husband here ;
And ill it doth befeem your holincii
To feparate the husband and the wife.
Abb. Be quiet and dq)art,' thou (halt not have him.
Imc. Cempfein unto the Duke of thii indi^ity.
Mr. ' Come go, I will fell proftrate at Ms fc«,
And never rife, unli! my tears and wayers
Have won his Grace to come in peribn hither,
And take perforce my husband from the AbbeB.
Enter Merchant and fm^Ao.
Mer. By this I think the dial pcunts-at five;
Anon I'm fure the Duke him£ilf in perfon
Comes this way to the melancholy vale.
The place of death and fon7 execution,
Bclund the ditches of the abbby here. ■
uhg. Upon what caufe ?
A/Ur. To iec a Fcverend Syracufan merdun^-
Who put unluckily into this bay '.
Againlt the laws and ilatutes w this town.
Beheaded publickly for his dFcnce. ' .
^g. See.where they tome, we -will' behold his deadi.
Iju. Kneel to the Duke before he pafi the aUwy. •
S C E N E III. .- ->
Enta- the Duity and JEgfion bat-beaded^ witbititl
Headfmoif, and other Officers. . / ^ ;r.
Ihtke. Yet once aga'in proclaim it publiddy. - ■ '• '
:• If
Tjf Comedy \fE A r or s. . 435
If any fiicnd will pa^ the fum for him
He inaU not die, fo much we tender him.
j4^. Jufticc, moft iacrcd, Duke, againft the Abbefi.
Duie. She is a virtuous aM a rfvcrend ladyi
It cannot be. thtf lheh«hdoDe thee- wnaig.
^dr. May jt ^cafe yoai Gnee, Jatipbo&s nn-hurtmd,
■Whom I iMdc lord of mc indtU.I hid
At your inqnrtaotktterst thtSiiD dqr
. A moft outr^eous fit o£ maJncfs took, him.
That ddpTawy he hurry'd throi^ the ftrcet»
With him his boDdman all as mad aa he.
Doing di^ileafute (o the dtizdu.
By nilhii^ io their houfcs 1 bedring thence
Rings, jewels, aoy thing his ttgo did like.
Gace did I get him boundj and ient him home;
Whilft to take ocder for the wcongs 1 went.
That here and ibcfe has fury hul committed:
Anon, I wot not by what ftfoM dcape,
He broke irom thofe th^ had. the gt^ of hini»
And with lus mad attendant .*/in^himf<^,\ . .
£ach coe vith ireful paflloii, with drawn fwords
Met us ^in, aiid madly bont.on us ' .
Chas'd us away % . 'oU raifu^ of- more aid
VTc came again to tnnd them j then they fied
InK> tlus at^eyi whii^tr #e pmft'd them»
And here the Abbefs fhuts the ^tts Oo us» .
And will noir.ibffcr ii to fetch jhUn iwn, ■
NocfiJDd him. forth that we mSty bfsr him henec.
Therefore, moft gradous Duke, with thy command,
I^t him be brgitj^t ibrth, ,ttid bom bencx for he^.
Dub. Long fmcc thy husband lerv*d me in my wars.
And I (0 diicc iiig»g*d a B^jceft irotdt -.'
y^puoi thcHi didft makc'lum^mafter of thy .bed,
Todofam-aH the" grace -and good I could.
Go fome'oF you. 'knock at the abbey-gate.
And tnd tke lady Abb^ come to a^,
I wll detomiiie this'be^ I ftir. • '.
m/. "" F?a' SCBEH
fiandkinfiK v '
i ' c,q,-z.-dbvGoogle
436 7U Comdjf pf ERRonr. '
Eatir a U^u^tr.
Meff. Oiniftre6» imfbcfi, ftift nd finr f our ftlf t
My onfterinul Ins nun are both imke loofi^
Beaten the maids t-roff, «id 'bound die dadoat,
WhoTe beard they bzR ft^d off wkh famids «f Ac 1
And ever as it Uaz*d, dtcf ducw on Um
Great pails of pudi&d mire bMnundi the huri
My mafteri^eacbespuiaiceTO mm, ^'chewt^^
His man with fdflan tudu faan like a fcol{
And fure, unlefi you iend Ibme pic&nc lieip.
Between them tfaey «iU 1^ ^ txvqurcr.
^d^. Peace, fool, chy nuifter and his man m hoe.
And that is ialie thou daSc report t6 us.
Meff. Milfae&, iiptm mf «fe I tell foa true*
I have not Ixeath'd almoft fince I did &e ic
He ays Sac you, and vows-if he can take yon.
To * ^JcoCch^ your -ftce, and Co diiSgBic yoo.
Hark, hark, I hear hbn, oniftrelst fly, be jgone.
D»^«. Come, Qand i^ me, finr notUng ; {piud irith
,^<^. Ay me, it ii my hudnnd^ intncfi you.
That he is bwn ^xnt itmfible.
£v'n now we hous'd itim in tbe abber bse*
And now he** (thae, ipxft thoi^ « IwaMn rtifcn
Enttr AntiphdisMf DronAi «f E^Uus^
£■ .^. jiiftiee, m6ft gnidous DdEe, tJ), granrnie jiAioe.
Even for the fetvice that long iinoe t didthtt.
When I beftrid thee in riw ^tn, sod toA '
Deep icars to iave diy ■fife, evtn fijr the Hood
Thatthenlk>ft for thee; aqv gnmt me jt^ee.'
- - JE^tm
jandUnwliil* % toank ::
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Mgtim, Unk&tbe^fcscQf dnRlidothnu!^ffianed(»s,
I fee my fon AnttpboUs ud I>rtma.
E.Jnt. Juftice>Aicet Prime; agunft that vonun^ora;
She whom thbu^v*ft to m?^ to be my in&j
That hath abuled and dUhooom'd nv:,
Ev^n it the firei^ and hdg^ .6f ii^ury :
Beyond ima^nadon is ttic wima
.That fhc thi^ day hub ihtmokA thrpwn on me.
Duke. EMfomr hfnr, aodthoti IJulf find me ji^ [m^t
£..<fitf. This day* gncM Duke,. Hie ffaue thedoQisupoa
^WluUt the mth harlota iiiil^ in my houfc.
Duke. A ffipiiiinf fml^ i iay^ >roroap, didft tfaoq fb ^
.<4ij^. No, ;ny good Lad; myfdf, iic and. my fiftcs-^
« Tfid dme^ te^o^ : fa bc&ll my fog].
As this is &ifr he bunhcos me wiuial 1
Luc. Ne'er m^ I look on day, lior fle^ on oi^it.
But 0» >i^ to yourl^ghnffa iin^ tnichi
..^..Opcijui'd^maiil tbiyare both ibrfiista.
In fhis the mad-nun. wBiy chai^icth liiem.
£. Att. NMiliege, I am advifid what I.£iy,
Neither difturb*d with the o&ft of «if|^
Nor heady-ntOt.{v6vcik*d vidt ra^ng ke,
JUbdt my-wnao migjit mike ok viicr mad.
This wQioan lodrd me out tfaiidiy finm dinner;
That g^dfiutb^bcrav vnt be noc packed mtb bcr>^
CpanwtHft it i fin- he was w^ me then,
'Whopartcdwickmeto gofecch a diab,
Prm^iDe to farii^ ic ID cbo i^tTTiffw
VHiere Baffhazar and I did dbc eogether, .
Our dinner done, and be not oomiag ttutberj
I went R> leek. h^} n theftmai mcthioip
And in tus compmy that gendemaa.
There ^d^iiiperpir'd gjcddflmd^ Andr me dowv
Tkat I db dnr ficm him itaoiv'd the chain,
•Vnudi,G«d<iiekn(nR,I^Bat;i for the iriuch
He dkl arreft tae with an i#ixT/
I did obey, and icnt my na&nc boi|ie
. y£| ■■:. FW
' 9 To d*7 ^ dlM
436 Tie Ccmii^ of- ^Knons^
F« ccrtab ducats % he with 'ncme recum'd. '
Then hurly I bdpokc theofficer
To op in fierfoa with me to tn3tho(irfe.
By m' way ,wc met my wfc, her fifter,' and :
A rabl^le more of vile confederates ; "...
They brought one Pisai, a htu^ty leon-fiK^d
A meer anatomy, a moijntebtnk,
A thread>baFe ]^3g^, and a fc«tune>«fl)ler,
A n^y, hoUow-cy'd,' Iharp-looking wtetch, ' i
JV living dead man. Ttakpemaofi Own'
ForTooth took on him as a cc^urcri
And gudng in my eyes, S;e£ng my pulfe,' : ' -
.^jid inth no &oe, as 'twere, ' oiU-fiiaDg Btie^ .
Cries out, I wa^pc^e^. Then aU tc^^er '-
They fell upon me, bound me, bore me'thcabe,
Aod in a daiic and dsnkifh Y^iit at home ' ' .
There kft me and my maij both bound tog^er i
'TiU.9awiDg.vid1 my teeth: my bond's afoqdet-,.
I gun'd my freedom, and immrrotely .'
Ran hith^ talyonr Grace, .nium I- befeedL .-'
To gjre me atnple liltis&dSon ', ■ „■..-::"
For thefe deep ibamcf' and^great ind^oitietj-
Aig. IV^ Laid, in trudi^nis ^ I witnefi'i^ -him J
That he din'd BotBtiune,' but was kick'H out;
Dtntc-Biit badhefiidiadianiQf thee, (H-tn'?
'^g. He had, myLoidt and when he nu ioheie^
Thefe people law the chab about his.acdc
Mr. Befides, I^wHI bciwom thele can of mibe
Heard you coofcfi you had die duun oS him, ' "
After you ftfi forfwofc it on the mart.
And thereupon I drew my fword oi jnout
And fhen you Scd mto mis abbey here,. :
From whence I think youVe come by numde.'
•E. Jut. 1 never came irichm tfaefe aUbef-mUt^
Nor ever didft thou draw cl^ Jword on me t ,
I never iaw the chain, 61 b/3.p- me hear*ii I '
And this i> faUe you burtkeq me wbbaL
Dffif, Why, what an jptnotf? i^^p^ ii this f
p>^ Qmuify of Errors, 439
I tbink ypu.all.hayejdrunk crf'Gr«'s cup:
If liere you Kous'd him, here he would have been.
If he were mad, he would not plead fo c»ldly :
You fay he din'd at home, the goldfnuth here
Denies that faying. Sirrah, what lay you ?
E. Dro. Sir, he din'd with her there, at the Porcupine.
Gear. He did, and from my finger fiiatch'd that.ring.
E. Ant. 'Tis true, my Liege, this ring I had of her.
Duke. Saw'ft thou him aitcr at the abbey here ?
Cimr. As ibre, my Liege, as 1 do fee your Grace.
Buke, Why, tMs is ftrange ( go call the Abbefi hihcT;
I think you ate all mated, or uark mad.[£y. otu to tbeAbbefs.
Mgeon. Moft nmghty Duke, vou'chfafe me ^ak a word :
Haply T fee a friend will fave my life.
And pay the fiim' that may deliver me.
■-..ZMf. Speak freely, SyracufffS^ what thou wilt.
* .Mgeon. Is nqt ygur name, Sit> c^^AAntipboUs?
And is not that your bondmap Drof^io?
E. Dro. Within this hoiir I was, his bond-man, Sr,
But he, I thank him, gnaw'd in two my cords.
Now am I Dromo, and his man unbound.
Mgton. I am furc both of you remember me.
JS. Dro. Our felves we do remember. Sir, by yoijj
For lately we were bound as you are now.
You are not P/Vw'i&'s'patienl, are you," Sir?
■Mgem. Whylook youflrangeonme? you know nieweU.
R. Ant. I never faw you in my lift: 'till now.
yfi«o». Oh ! grief hath chang'd me fince you faw me laft,
-And careful hours with time'i deformed hand
■Have written ftrai^e defeatures face ;
But tefl mc yet, doft thou not know my voice ?
E.-^t. Neither.
JEgtsn. Dromo, nor thou?
E.Dro. No, truft me, rea-I.
Mztm. 1 am lure thob doft.
. Ff 4 , E.Dro.
440 the Comedy of E R B. b it s^
E. Dro. ' 'But I am furc^ 1 do not ; and whatiber-er
A man denies, you arc now bound to believe hinr.
j^geon. Not know my voice ! oh time's txtfemicy f
Haft thou fo crack'd and fplitted my poor tongue
In feven ftiort years, that here my only fofi
Knows not my feeble key of untun'd cates?
Tho' now this grmned face of mine be hid ,
In fip-cOnfuming winter's drizled (now.
And all the conduits of my blOod froze upj
Yet hath my n^ht of life fome memory.
My wafting lamp ibrhe fadii^ glimmer leftj
My dull deaf cars a Utde ufc to hear:
All thefe old witneflesj I cannot err.
Tell me thou art" my ftin j^itipkaiis.
E. Ant. I never Jaw my father in my life.
^geon. But feven yeas Iincei in Syraci^a's hay.
Thou know'ft we parted 1 but perhaps, my fon.
Thou ftiam'ft f acknowlwlge me in miftry.
E. Ant. The Duke, and all that know me in the dtj.
Can wimefs with me that h is not fo: ■
I ne'er fsw Syracufa in my Hfe.
Deie. I tdl thee, Syratufattt twenty yiatS
Have I been patron to y/Kf^,&o^,
During which time he ne'er law Syraeuja :
I ^ iSy age and dangers make thee dote.
Enttr .the J^hefi^ witb Antiphofis SytacUfln md j
Dronnio Sjrracufin.
.i&k Moft imgh^ Duke» behold a man mxtcki vtaogd. '■
\_AUgaihv tofei tSm.
Air.- 1 fee two hutbaods, cs nans eyes <iecavc ok.
Ditkt. One of thefe men is Gemus to t^e, other |
And fo of thefe which is the natural jnan, -
And which the IfMrit? who dec^ihers than?
S, JPr«. I, Sir, am Drmiot wmnattd km away.'
£, DrK
% ISrtbgtlam^n ^ ■
L,;-i .lv,G00g[c
Tit Oimilf of £ r K o k s. 441
M. Dro- I» Sar, ato DrmiOt pray let me ftajr.
S.AMt. JExeen, art tjiou not? or eHe hb ghoft?
S.Drc. O, my oMmtfter! who Jiafli bound him het??
^^. WhoCTcrboond hjm, I will looie his bonds,
And Bun a hiisbind by his liberty.
SpeaKTold Mgim, ifthoa be'ft the man
That hadft a wife on« call'd MwiUa,
That bore thee at a burthen wo ftir fcm?
Oh, if thou be'tt the lime .«iim, ipealc i
And fpcak unto the lame ^Mi^.
Twa. Why, here be0nshismonA^ft(^ngla:.
Thefe two yti^lil's, "two lb like,^
Aad thofe two Dromt'!, one in fcmMance 1
» 'Both fides emel^ng from that wreck at fta i^
Thefc plainly are the parents to theft chjlditn.
Which acddentaMy are met together.
jBiam. If I dieam not, thou art MneMi
If thou art flie, tdl me where is that fiin
That floated \rith thee on the fatal nft. ,
Mb. By men of Efiiamm, he and I,
And die twin BrelKio, all were taktn up(
But by and by rude ahermen of Owft
By force took Dramt and my fon fitan them.
And me they left with dinfe of ^ii!M»».
■What then beame of them I cannot tell 1
I, to this fortune that you fee me in.
Dukt. Antiptolil, thou cam'ft fiom OriMi fitft;'
S. Ant. No, Sir, not I, I came ftom 'X^fi-
T)uki, Stay, ftaiid apart, I know not which is which.
E. M. I came from Ctrinti, my mott gcadoas lord.
£. Dr». And I wirii Trim.
E-Jba. Brought to this town by that moft&Bous warrior,
Duke Menaphon^ your moft renowned uncle.
Mr. Which ofyou two did diMwMi meto-day?
«.A». I, goitlemitefi.
Jlir. And are not you my hmb»i4r
«.A(. No, I&ynaylothM.
atbAtwo&Iiks^ 3 Bifideitev|inftf berwiaekatfttj
L, z__t,,Goog[c
44? 7*^ 9mt^, fff. £ RJtp R'S;
S. Ait. AikI fo do I, .Jit did Aic call me & :
And this fair gcntiewonian her fifter here
Did call me brother., ! "Wiut I told ycni then,
I hope I Ihall have leiTure to inafce'gaid, . ! '
If this be not a dreain 1 iec and hear.. ".
Mg. That is" the chain. Sir, whicKybiiliadof mc. '*
S.JtU. I diinlc it be. Sir, I deny it not., " ■
E.Jft- And you, 5ir, for this chain" arrcfted me. '^
Jng. I think Idid, Sir, I denyitiioL-
Air. I fent you moriy, Sir» tobeyourbal
ByZ>r«»j'ff,buC-I,thinltIie brought itnot. "~
E.'Dro. f^o, none by, me, ' ■ ■ .,
S.Jnt. Thispurfe.pfduqatslrecciv'd from you.
And i>«5io my man did bring them me : ''
I fee we ftiU didmctt eaiiji other's inan, !.; ■ - ■
And I was 'ta'en for him, and he fqr mc, f.
And thereupon thd^e errors aU arofeV
E. Ant. Thefe duals pawn libt'my father here.
Buke. It Ihall not Jieedl; tliyJSit^er.hath his life.
Cour. Sir, I mul!^'avettet diaiiioDd from you;
£.,^.Thei^ take jliarid much fhahlts^i-mygood cheer.
jtbh. Renowned 'Pulcr; voudjfafe to take the pains ■
To go with, us into the,abbcy here^' '"." . ■ ,
And hear it lai^e dilcoiirrcd all ourfortunes :
And all that ^ aflembled in this place, " "
That by this fympatKizpd one day's error:
HaveJufiiy'd wroflg;-.g6, ii-ep as'company.
And ye ihall hvfctim Sisfaaion, ' , '.;.
♦'Twenty five'' years "have Igone'in tr^Vel
Of you my foDS, nor^'iiJI this prtifwtliQyr
IWy heavy burthens are' delivered : " ' ,
.-The Duke, n^ husband, add my children bot/^
"And you the t^endajs, of their padv^ry,
Gotosgoffip'sfQattAQoEgowith.iTie; /
Afterfoionggrieffuch ('felidtyP -'' '
Z>«i/, With all a^ heart 1 11 gofllp at this fcaft. lExewit:
4 Thirty ihree . . . «Ut4it. Tifti. tMud; j natf^^''
■::■■'- .,.. . 5CEJJE
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7hg Comedy of £rros.s. 44.3
^idiataa the tvaa AntiphoUs's and two Dronuo's.
S.Dro. Mafter, fliall I fetch your ftuff from fliipboard?
E. Ant. Dnmotwhax ftuflfof mine haft thou imbark'df
' S. Dro, Your goods that lay at hoft. Sir, in the Centaur.
S. Ant. He {paks to me j I am your mafter, 23rmio,
Come go with us, we'll look to that anon j
Emfcfface thy brother there, rqoice "with him.
lExettnt the two Antl|^Iis*s.
S. Dro, There ia a ^ fiicnd at your mafter's houie.
That kitchen'd me for you to-day at dinner :
She now fhall be my fifter, not my wife.
£. Dro. Methtnluyou are myg^afi, andnot mybrodierj
I fee by you I am a Iwcct-fac'd youth.
"Will you walk in to fee their goffipi^ ?
S. Dro. Not I, Sr i you're my eWer.
E. Dro. That's a qudticHi :
How fhall I try it?
S. Dro. We'll draw cuts for the fcniwi
'Tdl then, lead thou firft.
E.Dt^, Nay, then thus — [Emhraw^.
Vfc came into the world like brother and broUier :
And now la's go hand in hand, ooc one before another.
b, Google
N a T H I N a
DON PEDRO, Prince o/Arragon.
Lecpiee« GMwnur^^Meffipa. - -: -• - -.— --■.
jD^-Jdim,- BaJlard-BmberteVogVsdt6.
Claudio, ayeuHg Lord ef Florence, Favourite to D«h Pedro.
Bcnedidc, a young Lord of Padua, favoured likewife hy Don
ISaaza^f $mn^/tfZtoiftdib. ["^ [J f "
Aboiuo, *BrdtbeF /ffXwmato. * ' • * '
Borachio, Confident to Don John. ■
Coniade, Friend to Borax^no, '"^:'
Hero, Daughter to Leonato.
BaOKc Nk«./o Lepnato.. ._
rJ5°"^> «w Gattimma atten&a an Hwo.
UrTuU, ^ ^
J* R-ijT, Mclaiier, H^alct, Toan-Otrk, Satm, mi
sfc a«7 yrw Arioao, ori. Fur. ;: J.
Much Ado about-NoTHiNc.
:' A Court btfore Lconato'j 'Houfe.
Enter Lconato, Hero and Beatrice, •wUh a Meffinger.
L £ O N A T o.
ILeun-in this letter, that Don Pedro oi Ara-
B gon comes this night to Meffina.
2 Meff. He is very near by this j he was not
a three leagues off when I Idt him.
■ Ijim. How many gendemen have you bit
in rius.aftion?
Mtff. But few of any fort, and none of name.
Leon. A wftoiy is twite it felf, when the atchiever
brings home full numbers ; I find here that Don Pedro
fakth bcftott'ed much honour on a yoor^ FJerentinej call'd
*;- M^. Much dejerved on his part, and equally rcmcmr
bred by Don Pedro :' he hath bom himfclf beyond the pro-
nifebr-his ^e, doing in the Bgure of a lamb the feats of
a lion : he hath ■ indeed better better'd expeftation, "than
youiMift ezped of me to tell you how.
; -Le^. He hatb^ an uhele hoe in MtJJma will' be rery
ipMitJi glad of it.
^ .M^'.l havQ, already delivered Jiim, letters, and there
.;if^}ears. much joy io him, even fo much, that joy could
448 Mueb Ado ahmtt Nothing. .
not Ihew itfelf modeft enougji, vicbouc a badge of bitter'
iLcM. Did be break out into tears?
Mejf. In great mcajurfc
L40H. A kind overflow (^kiDdne&; dure are no facd
truer than thofc that «re fo wafli'd ; how mudi better is it
to weep at joy, than to joy at weeping !
Btat. I pray you, i^ Signior Mtaumti ■ retum'd $wni
die wars or no }
Meff. I know none of that name. Lady % diere was
DWie Rich in the anny of any fort.
Lton. What is he that you ask fbr, nricc?
Hero. My couBn rcxszi&Svffadu Benedick of Pa^aa,
MeJf. O, he's retum'd, and as tikajant as ever he was.
Beat. He fet up his bills here ml^ffina^snd challo^d
Q^id at the flight u and i;^ uncle's^fool readiiu; the chal-
lenge, fubfcrib'd for Cu^d, and ohalleng'd mm at che
Kid-bolt. I pray you, how many hath he kill'd'and eattn
tn thcfe wars I* but how many hadi he kill'd? for iMeed 1
promifcd to eat all of his kilhng.
Ltm. 'Faith, neice, you tax Si^itor BaK£ck too moA }
but he'll be meet with you, I doubt it not.
^/bff. He hath done good ferroe, lady, in thcfe wars.
Beat. You had mufty victuals, and he h^th holp to ett
it i he*s a very valiaoc trcocher-man, be hadi m exc^pit
. M^ff, And a good Ibldier too. Lady.
Befit. Andagood Ibldiertpalady? but whatUliecv
. Miff. A lord to alord, »tiuo v> a mwi» Scok vidi aS
hotioLU'aUe virtuei.
Beat. It b fo iodeed, be is no 1^ dian a ftuft mmi
but icK the ftuffii^, w^ 1 we ftfe all ni^rtal.
Lem. You mutt nor. Sir* tiufiakc ny dogc \ tlKttir
Aj|(^«f qtei^ wv.^iecRwt ^iffim.BfmUdt xtA^i
<■) thi flvti Urn lhi$ ntmt ta rUlcKU in him it* tharaBtr if»
^^im {cUitr, Utviird KMtuM m* Cpcife >%^^'V. ■ fV*-
c,q,z.<ib, Google
Miteb Ado' a^auf Hothing.- 44^
^tj DcrefUKeCbik there's a skfrmUh of wit bnwwn
: Beat. AlaSj ht gdt h^^tig br thu. In pur lift con-'
fli£b, four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the
whole mm goVtm'd with one: So .that if he have wit
aiough to keep himfelf warm, let him bea- it for k dif*
foence between himfelf and hb horfe; for it is all the
wearth ' that he hafih left, to be known a reafonaWc crea-
ture/ Who is his companion now ? be hath every month
a new fwwn Imxher.
Mejf. Is it poOiHe?
Beat, Very tafiJ^ poffible i he wears his fath but as the
feflii(M) of his hat, it ever changes with the next block.
Mejf. I fee, Lady, the gen&man is not in your booksj
Beat. No i if he were 1 would buin my ftudy. But I
pray you, who is his companion?' is there no young fquartr
now, that mU make a voyige with him to the devilr
Me^.- He is moft in the company of the right noble
Beat. O Lordi he wiU hang i^xm hitn IBce a dtleafei
he is Iboner catig^c than the pe^ence^ and the tika runt
pitfoitly mad. God heb the nc^ CUofSo, iS he have
. caught the BeruJUky it wUl coft hkn A thodand pound er*
it be cur'd.
Mejf_. I mil hold iriehds with you, Lady<
Beat. Do, good ftittid,
Leon. You'Une*er run mad* iicide*
- BiM. No, not 'till a hot JamiaiJ,
Msff. 'Dm Pedro is a|:{)nMch'dj
8 G E N £ It,
Enter Don Pedro, Clauditf, Benedkk^ Baldiazdr and
Don John.
Pedro. CoodSgnior Leonato, you are come to meeC
your troutde: the fafhion of the world u to avoid coft, and
you encountdr it.
Vol. i. G g teon.
. (a) WeanK «/«■«// Bt^liihwf^ ft /jp^ ftewfttfr-WnriiW
450 Much 44o shift Hothmg*
Lift. Njpvcrt^mcAi^uble.tomyiwufi; JD t^mceadi
of your Grace j for troul^ being gone, comfort Ibould
retnaia> but when mx_ ^f^rt gpepoiCt: fcnov abides,
and happinels lakes his li^ve, ...
Pe^o. You emtx-ace your chai^ moft utilinfl^ .: I daak
this ia your daughter.
Jjien. Her mother hath many times cold me lb.
Btiu, Were you in doubc, that you askt her?
l^en. Signior Sfneditk^ no i for then were you a duld.
Pedro. You have it full. Benedick ; we may gudfi 1^ this
what you are, being a man : truly the lady fathers her felf j
be h^ipy, L^yt fof yo" ^^ ^^ an hqD0urat4« Richer.
Bnu. If Sig^ucH- JLtoMM be bn faiiia, fhe would not
have his head oo her Ihoulders for all iUf^BO, a> like him
as Iheis.
Beat. I wonder that you will Itill be odldng; Signior
Benedick i no body marks you.
Am. Whaf^iuy dearladyl^^! aFeyouyetfivit^?
Beat. Is it pofljble difdain Ihould die,wlule ihe hach fiich
meet food to feed it, a> S^ior Benedick? courtefie it felf
muft convert toi difdaiI^ if you come in her preleace.
BeiH. Then is couneCie a tiun-cotfi but it is ocrtaiD I
fin k>v*d cf all ladies, only you wcepodt aad I would I
could find in my heart that I had not a hard heait, for tru-
ly I love none.
Beat. Adearhappine&towoineD! they wotdddfehave
been troubled with a pcniidous fuitor. I diank God and
my cold Uood, I am of yotv humour for thgc ; I bad ra-
ther hear my dog bark at.^crow, than a mw (wear he knres
Bene. God keep your hdydilp fBU. in that mindl £>
fome gentletnan or pther fliaU *kafe a p^e^tinatc Ibratthc
Beat. Scratching could i^ot make it wqrle, if 'tweiefiidi
ji face as yours were.
' Bene^weTi^ yoU are a rare paitot-teacher.
Bfiat. A bird of my t(»ffiue is better than a beaft otytjoa.
Btnt. I>rouldinyhoiilhad the ^peed of jDiir tongue.
b, Google
Mitch Ado (^ottt Nothing* 45 1
and to good a continueri but keep youf wsf a God's
name, I have done.
Beati You always end vrith 3 jade's tridc j I know you
of old.
Pedro. This is the fuiii of aD : ' 'Doh ^ffAfl^^ Sgjuor
ClauJioy and Si^ior Benedick ^ my dear &iend iL^fln/fmath
invited you ^1 i I tell him We fliall flay here at the leaft a
month, and he heartily prays feme ocrafion may detain nt
longer; I dare ftrear he is no hypocrite, but prays Irom his
i«o«. If yoO iwear, my Lord, you (hall not be forfwom.
Let me bid you welcomCj my Lord j being reconciled to
the Prince your brother, I owe you all duty. [To /J.John.
yebn, I thank you ; I am not of many words, but I thank
Lion. Heafe it your Grace lead on ?
Pedro. Your hand, Leenaio \ we will go together.
[Exeunt all but Benedick and Claudio.
Gmd. ietuditij didft thou note the daughter of Signicv
Bene. I noted her not, but I look'd on hel-.
Qaud. Is (he not a modeft; young lady?
Bene. Do you queftion me, as an noncfl: man (hould do,
for my fimple true judgment? or Woiddyouhsvemefpr^
after my cuftom, as being a profciTed tyrant to their fcx ?
Qaud. No, I pry'thec fpeak in fobcr judgrftcnt.
Bene. Why, i'faith, methinks fhe is too low for an high
praiTe, too brown for a i^r prale, and ttw little for a great
praife ; only this commendation I can afford her, that were
fhe other than (he is, fiie were udiandfbmc % and being no
other but as (he h, I do not 13ce her. ■
Qaud. Thou tMnk'ft I am in fyorti I pray diee, tell
ine truly how thou Hk'ft her.
Bate, yfoad foxt buy her, that you enqimt after her ?
G g 3 Claud.
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4.52 ' Much jiJo- ahout Nothing.
Ckud, Can the world buy fijch a jewel ? , . .
hene. Yea, and a Cafe. to put 'it in tooj but ^ak you
this with a fad brow ?• or -do you play the flouting jack, to
tell us Cupid IS a good hare-lihdcr, mA' Vulcan a rare car-
penter? £ome, in what key Ihall a ;nan take y9U, to go in
the fong ? '
Gaud. In mine eye, flie bthe fweeteft Lady tiuit I ever
look'd on.
Bene. I can fee yet without Ipeftades, and I fie no liich
matter ; there's her coufin, if Ihc were not poflcft with
fucli a fury» exceeds her as much in beauty, as the firft of
Mff^ doth the laft of Becettiber : but I hope you have n^
intent to turn husband, have you?
Claud. I would fcarce truft my felf, tho' I had fwom
the contrary, ]S Hero would be my wife.
Bene. Is't come to this, in f^th ? hath not the worid
one man, but he will wear his cap with fuj^ndon ? Ihall 1
never fee a batchelor of threefcorc again? goto, i'feith, if
thou wilt needs thruft thy neck into a yoke, wear the print
of it, and figh away ^8«d!ffyj.' look, DoaPedro'a murnM
to fcek you.
Rt-enter ' 'Don Pedro. "^
Pti'o. What fecret hath held you here, d^t you fol-
low'd not to Leenaio'i houfe ?
Bene. I would your Grace would conftrain me to tell.
Fedro. I charge thee on thy alliance.
£ej:e. You hear. Count QauJio ; I can be fccrct as a
dumb man, I would have you think foj but on my alle-
giance, mark you this, on my allemancc : — he j? in love -,
with whom? now that is your Grace's part ; mark how
ihort his anfwcr isi with Hero, Leenato's {hon daughter.
Claud. If this were fo, fo were,it uttered.
Bene. like the old tale, my Lord, it is not fo, nor 'twai
not fo } but indeed, God forbid it Ihoujd be fo.
2 Don tidn ud Don y»i».
b, Google
Mvch AJo ahout Kdthmg. 4^^
CUad, If my paflion change not flibrtly, God forbid it
fliould be otherwife.
•Pwfrw. Amen, if you love Ker, for the Lady is very
weU worthy.
' Gtaid. Yoii^ipeak this tofetch me in, my Lord.
PiJra. By -my troth, I fpeak my thmigbt.
Gaud. And, infeith, myiord, Ifpokemine. ■
Btne. And by my two Kthe and m»hs, my 'LoM, 1
•Ipcakmiw., . . ■*
Claud. That I love her, I feel.
■ Pedro. That (he is worthy, I kn6w'.' : ■ . >.
Bene. That 1 neither feel how (he ftiould }x loved,
Hor knpw -how Ihc ihould be worthy, is the opinion
that fire cannot melt out of me ^ 1 will die in it at the
ftake. ■;
Ptdro. Thou waft ever an obftinate heretick in the dc-
ipi^t rf beauty.
'i Claud. And' never could majntairv his part, but in the
fitfce of his will.
Mate. That a woman conceived me, IdiankTier; tliat
ihe brought mc up, I likewife gh^ her mofl: humble
thanks :' mit Uiat 1 will have a recheate winded in my
forehead, or hang my bugle in an inyifibte baldrick, all
women Ihall pardon me; becaufe I will not do them the
•wrong to milmift any, I will do my firlf the right to trufl:
none \ and die fine is, fot- the which 1 may go the finer, I
-wHI live a batchelor.
Pedro. I IhaU fte thee, ere I die, look pale with love.
Bene. With ai^cr, with ficknefs, or with himgor, my
Lord, not with love: prove that ever I lofe more blood
with love, than I wiU get agMn with drinking, pick
out mine eyes with a ballad-maker's pen, and . hang
nie up at the door of a brothel-houfc for the fign of
blhid Qtpii.
Pedro. Wen,, if ever thou doft fid! from this fiuth,
thou mlt prove a notable argument.
Bent, if I d<^ bang me in a bottle like a cat, and Hioot
Gg3 at
454 Much -Ado aht/t Nithin^,
at me J and he that bits oie, let Mm be clapt 4fi Ae fiiOTiI*
~ der, and call'd jidam. *
Pedro. Well, » tiinf jSuU tiy i in time ,tb« i^nge buU
doth bear the yoke. '
Senr The lavage bul! may* but if ever the ieaGUe £e^
nedick bear it, pluck off the buJl's-homs, and fet them in
my ^diead, a/id let [ne be vilely painFed i and in ^ftidt
great letters as they mit^ Hirt is ge^d hprjg to Urt^ let
them fignifie under my lign, Here yeu mcrf fit Benedict
the manj'd man,
Claud. If (tus IHouk) ever hi^ipent ^im wpukL'ft be
Pedro. Nay, if Cupid hath not Ipent all bis quiver i«
Venice \ thou wilt (fiake for this Ihortljr-
Bene. I look for an earthquake too then.
Pedro. Well, you will tempprize with die homt in
the mean dnie, good Signkir Benedickf repak to Liaitat^a,
fommcpd me to him, and tell bim I ^ not ^ iUm at
fupper ; for indeed he hath made great picpaniCicKU
Sent. I have dmoft matter enough in qig for fiidk an
cmbafla^i and &> I commit you ■
CAwA To the tuitioo of Grod. From my hoȣe, if I
had it, >•
Pidrt. Tbe finb of >^, your bvms frieiid^ BmOfk
Bcu. Nay, mock not, mock not -, the body of your
difcoiBie is fometime guarded with fh^pmnta. and chc
guards are but flightty bailed on ndther : ere you float
old ends any fwthcr, exapiine your aw&kacci and ib
I leave you. [£r>.
(a) Jlluihig IB t«f Adun Ben « /«mwu mrchtr tf tU. Tlmbtli
(b) Bafidtithat Venice h at r*markaile far/riiAwu « am»rm»
intrlgufi ai C)T>nii w«j •/ sU, 'itr* may ht m fmrltir ttm»0mit ^
this txprij^n it hir* ^ftil Tit Italiau givt t» tmth tf Afirfrimtit
tqi cititi ajmrtitmlar Ji/i^ai^ini ttllt, «f. Rmm U b^C^ Nifril
la gentile, Genoua U fnperba, ije. andmrntng it* ti^ it is, Vowtia
la ricca, Venj'ce (he walthy : A farea/m thirtfm Jumt f it im
inrplitdthtfi menjgavtrMi Ltw. *" *
MachM» akeut Katlm^^ 455
OW. My Uege, your Jlighiids now may do me good.
^tAv. My lore is thintf to tefach, teach if buE how.
And thou flialt fee how apt jt is to l?am
Any hard leflbn that may do thee good.
C«ti/. .HadiZA>MtfB.anyibo, inyLoid?^
¥eiro. No child biit Bttv\- file's faU only Jidf:
-Poftthoaafikfthftr, OmiiQl
QauJ. O my Loud,
When you went onw^ on this ended aSibHi ■
I look'd tqjon her with a folifier's .eye.
That liki'd,. but had s router ttuk in hand
Than to drive Ucing co the^iuune of love ;
But now 1 an retwn'd, andtfaU'war-dMuiglHi
Have hft tfaor places vacanr ; in thdr KXMM
Come dmng^ fi^and ddkate defim,
AH faopMftJng me how fiiir young Hero '&,
Saying I jilcfa here eic i weac tb-wan.
Pt^: TbDu:«iite be like a lovn- pMfbidy;
And tine dlie heaitr vAih a bo«k of wodi:
If thou doft love ^ ff«r0, chetilh-it,
■And inibnffidi \ndi hef: wat'enot to tlus end;'
llut thou began.*ft ft ovlft IbQMaftery?'
C/M. How fwectfy do you nrioifter to love.
That know love's gtlef by hit-oomi^cftion !
But left my ^ing m^ too &dden feetn,
I mmld have fah'd it ^rtth a longn'trCa^. [flood?
Pe^,. What need the bri^ tnudi broader than the
The tteft ' 'plea^ is the neccQ&y -,
Locdc, what will ferve, is fit ; 'tis <mce, thou lovefti
And I will fit thee with the remedy.
I know we fhill have rerelling to-night ;
I will itfbme diy part in fome dilguiie,
And ttll {^ Here I am Qandie,
And in her bofbm Til undaib my heart,
G g 4 And
45^ Mttcb Mt Aoia Keh^
And take her hearing prifoner mth the force
And ftrong enpaunter of ihV amorous tak :
Then after to her father will I Ixtak,
^nd the conclufion is, ihe fhall be thine %
In pral^f let us put it prefently. , . \_Extimt,
Re-enter Lconato and Antonio.
Lten. How now, brother, where is my eoufin your
fofi? ha^he[»OTideddibmnfidci
Jnt. He is very bulie about it ; but, brother^ I can
f£ll you news that you yet dreatn*d not of. ''
Leon, An: they good?
jint. As the erait iJtaAips them, but -they have a good
cover i they ihow well outwaird. ThePrince and Count
QaudiOi walking in a ttudc. pleached alley in my ordiard,
VKK thus flver-heard by a man of mine : - the Prince :dit
covo-'d CO dtuidit that helpv'd my mk^yiAx-Aaaf^aer,
and meant to acknowledge it this, nig^t'in-^ dance; and
if he found hgr .accordant, meant to take the prcfent dmc
bythetop, anid inli^ndy;brcakmCh.)>fiibof it.
Leon. H^th the fellow any irit that! told you thb ?
jint. A good Dtaip feUow, I vSi lend f^ jum, and
queftion him your f^.
LeoH. No. no ; we will hold it us a dream, *t^ it ^
pear itfelf : but I mil acquaint tny dau^^ter with aU» thtlt
flie may be the better [wqiarDd for anfver, if peradventure
jtMs be true % go you and tell her of it : coufins, you
know what you have to do. [Some crofs tbt St^e^ O,
I ay you mercy, friend, go you mth me and I *mji^>ufe
your skill } good CQufio, hare a c^ this bufic tioie.
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^i^h Ad9 iihottt Kothing. ^^y
?j5^ St r e e t.
Enter Lm John and Ouirade.
Conr.XKTiUx. the goujeres, my Lord! why are you thui
■' out of meafure fad ?
JobH, There is no meafure in the oocafion diat breeds
■it, therefore the fadnefs is without limit.
Conr. You fhould hear reafi«.
yobn. And when I have heard it, what blefling
Cottr. If not a prefent remedy, yet a patient fuffirance.
-ycb». I wonder that thou (being, as thou ikfA thou
art, bom under Saturn) epe£t about to apply a mcM me-
- didnc- to a mortiiying mifdncf : I cannot hide what I am :
I mu{t be lad when I Juye cauie, and. Ihiile at no man*^
■jefts ; -cat when I have finmadi, and wait for no man'i
leifure i fleep when I am drowfii;] and tend on no man's
ijufine&i laug^ when I am merry, and daw no m^ in
;Ks humour.
■Cmr. Yea, butyou muft not make the ItiH ihow of
tiiis, 'l^ you may do it without controlement; you have
-«f late fiood out againfl jrour brother, and he hath ta*eti
you newly into his graee, where it is impoflUile you Hiould
takerobt,' but by the Mr weather that you make your
felf i it is necdfiil that you frame the feaion for your own
Jeim. I had rather be a canker in a hedge, than a rofe
in lus grace ; and it better fits my blood to be diiHain'd of
all, than to falhion a carri^ to rob love from any : in
tUs (thbu^ I cannot be laid to be a flatteriiw hturcft man)
ft muH not be deny'd but I am a plnn-de^ng rillain ; I
am tnifted with a muztle, and infranchiled with a dog,
thercfofc 1 have decroed not to Bag ia my cage : if Z h»l
bvGoog[c —
458 ^I'fb ^^ ^tiotif Nahm^
my mouth, I would tute i if I had my liberty, I irouJtf
domy likii^: inthemcan.timelccmebethati an, and
feek not to aker me.
Conr. Can you make no ufc of your difcontent ?
Joim. I will make all ufe of i, fiar I ufc it only. Who
comes here? whafnews, Bor'acbio? ^
-Enttr Bt»Bduo.
Sora. I came yonder from a great fiqiper ; iche iVince,
your brother, is royaDy entertun'd by LeeMatOj and J can
^ye VQu intelligence or an intended maniagf^
' John. Will it ferve for any model to build miicluef on?
what is he for a fool that betiuths himfelf to uaquiGtae& !
Bam, -Many, it is your brother's ri^ hand.
John, "who, thcmoftcxquifiteCi«M!(ff?
. Bar*. Even he.
; Jolm. A proper Sqwrej and who, and who ? wbkfa
ws^ looks he?
. BarA. Marry, oa HerOy die daughter and hdr of Z»
John. A^verj forward Mar^i duck! How come yoo
to this?
Bora. Being e^tertain'd for a-per&uner, ts I wis finut
ing a mufty room, comes me the Prince and ClaitMo hand
-jn mnd in &d conference : I wtupt behind the arras, and
there heanl it agreed imon that the Piince Ihoukl wM
Hera for himid^ and na^:^ obuunM her, g^ve iier n>
Couitf Qimdai
"John. Come, come, let us tluthei, this may prove
food to my dijpleafuic : that young Qart-up hath all die
glory of nw overthrow ; if I can crofi him any way, I
bids my felf every wajr^ you are- both fiir^ aod will
, Cettr. To the death, my lord.
Johu Ijet OS to the gre^ fu^KT \ ther dieer is die
greater that I am fi^u'di would the cook were of nf
mind! IhalL we go prove what's to be d(»ie?
. Bera. We'll. wai^ i^on your Ludflup. [Zmimt.
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Mnth Aid ahout Natbhg. 459
t-EOtI AT O'S Boufi.
Enter hetmatQ, Antonio^ Hero, Beatrice, Margjret
^ Urfiik.
L 1 O N A T O.
WAS DptCount yoktt. here at fiippw?
. ^. I im htm tiot.
Sift. How ordr that gentleman lookq I I ne-
wfT ew 1m him) but I am neart-burn'd ait hour after.
- Htro- He k of a ^vry mdanchoJjr df|>olition.
j^Mf. He mae an exccUene nnn ch«c wen mad^ juft in
t^ fflid-inqr between him and-Bentdidi the one is too
UbC ap iouge, and &ys nothing } and the other too filu
mf Udfs eUbft $mi cvcnaore tattling,
Lem. Xbcq luif Sigmor Btmdi«k'» tongjc in Count
>&i^s mouth, aod half Count Jolm't mdandun^ ia
Sig^ Bewifci'&fiioe— —
. Biat. Widi.agood hsg, tad a good foot* unde, «nd
mony enoi^ in his purfe, fuch a man would win an^ wor
tun in die worid, if he coukl get her good-will.
Lmi. ^ mj tro^ ncicct thou wit ne¥cr g/A ihee a
husband, A tbmi be fo flvcwd of thy tongue.
AU^ In fiutlu ihe'stoacurft.
jSm#, Too eurft b more than curft» * 'and I fliall^ ler->
foi God's fending that way ^ for k is iad, God fends «
cnhft CQv ftorc boms, but to a cow too cutft he ieads
tten. So by bong too curit, God will fend you no.booM.
Bit/, Juft, if he lend me no husband, for the wlach
Ueffing I am 9t hiss upon my knees every momiBg and
460 Mttch'Ah ahout Nothim.
evenii^: Lord! I could not endure a husband vith ■
beard on his Utx, I had' rather lye in woollen.
Leon, Yoti m^ Ught upon a husband that hath no
beard. .....,-
Bett. What fhould I do with him ? drcfi him in my
apparel, and make him my; waitii^-gentlcwoman ? he thac
hath a beard is more than a youth, and* he that hath no
beard is Ids than a man \ and he that b more than a
youth, is not for me \ and he that isIcJs than a man, I
am not for him : therefore I willeven take fix pence in
eameft of the bearherd, and lead his apes ' 'to hell.^
LeoH. Well then, go you into hell ?
Beat. No, but to Ae gate, and there will the devil meet
me like an old cuckold, with his horns (»i his head, and fay,
get you to hcav'n, Beatrice, get you to heav'n, here's noplace
tor you maids : fo deKver I up my apes, and awsy to
St. Peter^ for the heav'ns j he fhews me where the batche-
lors fit, and there live we as merry as the day is long.
Jnt. Well, ndce, I truft you will be rul'd by your
^tther. [TaHcro.
Beat. Yes, 'faith, it is my coufm's duty to mikt
curtfie, and fey, as it pUafe you j but yet for all diat,
coulin, let him be a hajidfome fellow, or elle make another
curtfie, and &y, father, as it fkafet me^
Leon. Well, ndce, I hope to fee you one day fitted
with a husband.
Beat. Not 'till God make men of iwat odier metal
dian earth i would it not grieve a woman to be over-
mafter'd with a i^ece of vaKant duft ? to mate account
of her hfe to a clod of wayward marie f no, unde, I'll
none ; Mam^^ fons are my l»tthren, and truly I hold it a
fti to match in my kindred.
Lien. Dau^ter, remember what I told; you \ if the
Prince do foUicit you in that kind, you know your
Beat. The fault will be in the mufick, coufin, if you be
□ot woo'd in good time ; if the Prince be too impcmur
S into hcll> .
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Much Ajo ahffut ' Nothing, 46